(2006/01) Jan 2006 MTBs

you can find the bb santa hat at ground flr. the diameter is about 51cm. selling $1 for plain one.

re: birthday bash
i agree with mamapanda that cost should be kept as low as possible. i told my hb about the group celebration, but haven't let him know the cost... if it's quite costly to take part, i think he will be quite unwilling to join...
btw, i can be part time helper!!!

im looking at the circle cutter. the packaging yellowish nevermind, as long as the blade is not rusty can liao. btw, how does it works? from the pic like need to punch a hole in the centre to secure into position then can cut? where can i get the spare blade?
thanks for the contact. where can i find nice designs for cakes?

seems so exciting..planning for our little ones first big bash!

anyone plannign to go a gift registry?
It must have been stressful for you and during your growing up years. Sadly my mom refused to go counselling despite my gentle persuasion.

Actually, I cannot say I am not swayed by what my mom says. Some part of me wonder is it because I am really too good to hubby and he simply takes me for granted. Up to now, he has not made a single effort to make his relationship and my mom's better (despite me begging not too long ago). In fact I feel he will be delighted that my mom is not going to take care of Lucas for me anymore because of this.

I am really just taking one step at a time, and maybe some time apart for us is good. She says she'll never want to see me again.

Your story is scary, but I do believe more and more people are facing depression and other forms of mental illness too.
yes, more and more person are mentally ill. a part of this oso depend on their character. staying positive is the best medicine.

you did what you can to help your mum, dont blame yourself on doing nothing more. since your mum decided to shut herself up, no one can do anything. who is going to take care of Lucas?

don't be affected by what your mom said. If she could tell you to abort the baby becoz of her bad relationship with your hb and she will severe her ties with you etc, then I say that is emotional blackmail.

If I'm your hb, I will also feel that there's nothing that can be done to improve the relationship and of course will be happy that your mom is not taking care of Lucas anymore becoz of this.

Why? Coz she's illogical, willing to kill her grandchild, severe her ties with her daughter and even kill herself just becoz she doesn't like your hb.

My mom was also very depressed, she tried to kill our whole family but thank God she didn't succeed. Eventually she killed herself.

It's good that you'll not see her for a while. You won't know what she might do to Lucas in her anger. Anything could happen.

If she's not willing to help herself, there's nothing you can do. In the meantime, stay away from her and be vigilant.
sometimes my mum will tell me to be more assertive towards my hb but i give in at times cos i dun wan to quarrel. how's your r/s with MIL? is it better than your hb's and your mum?

actually bearing with each other's parents is part and parcel of marriage also. did your hb ever explain why he can't improve the r/s with your mum?

dun think too much. your mum still loves u i m sure and all these are just said out of anger.
RE: Maids

Dear Mummies,

Does anyone still plan to engage a maid? according to my mom's maid has a friend who has been working here for 10 years looking after a sick child since birth but unfortunately the child pass away recently . She is really good at looking after babies and children and she is from mynmar.let me know if you all are interested. As the owner has no other children therefore her services is no longer needed..

Hi Rena,

May i know the charge for a Mynmar domestic helper? kindly advise and also, is she attached to any employment agency?

Re. Birthday Bash
Date: 3rd February 2007, Saturday
Venue: The Committee (Chicken-Little, Rena, MamaChan, Sep03Bride, SSF) is now in the midst of shortlisting.

1) MamaChan - Either amount is ok for me.
2) Maywong
3) Sysac)
4) Chicken Little
5) SL 30 - 40 per pax but tentative
6) Rena 30-40 per pax
7) sleepingdeer 30 - 40 per pax
8) Mamapanda, 10-30 per pax
9) God's child
10) Cookie
11) sept03bride
12) SSF $30 - $40 PER PAX
13) Tracy $30-$40 per pax
14) chillies $30-$40 per pax
15) Sy - 30-40 per pax
16) sunny (Do not need to cater meals for me)-$30 - $40 PER PAX
17) Clare
18) wenyl
19) Valerie $30-$40 per pax
20) queen - $30 - $40 PER PAX
21) denmy
22) mongs
23) Flo
24) Linda
25) babylon
26) Wendyheng
27) wennykoh (30-40/pax)
28) Krissie
29) SH
30) Tabbiesus (30-40/pax)
31) cheng (30-40/pax)
32) Yuki (10-30/pax)

I thot it would be good for each parent to bring a gift of $x (propose $10) to do a gift exchange for our little ones.

A big thank you to all the organisers. And wow! Sponsorship somemore. Sound so impressive!
Hi Cindy
Glad to hear your decision to keep the baby. I guess it must be a trying period for you. Pls take good care of yourself. Do confide in your hh as you may feel "down" at times given the hormonal changes in you due to your pregnancy. And do remember that we are all here for you anytime you need a listening ear. Take care.
Oh poor Elijah, *pat pat* to both of you. Must be very draining for you for Elijah to fall sick 3 times within a month. Hopefully things will get better once your maid is in.
Re. Birthday Bash
Date: 3rd February 2007, Saturday
Venue: The Committee (Chicken-Little, Rena, MamaChan, Sep03Bride, SSF) is now in the midst of shortlisting.

1) MamaChan - Either amount is ok for me.
2) Maywong
3) Sysac)
4) Chicken Little
5) SL 30 - 40 per pax but tentative
6) Rena 30-40 per pax
7) sleepingdeer 30 - 40 per pax
8) Mamapanda, 10-30 per pax
9) God's child
10) Cookie
11) sept03bride
12) SSF $30 - $40 PER PAX
13) Tracy $30-$40 per pax
14) chillies $30-$40 per pax
15) Sy - 30-40 per pax
16) sunny (Do not need to cater meals for me)-$30 - $40 PER PAX
17) Clare
18) wenyl
19) Valerie $30-$40 per pax
20) queen - $30 - $40 PER PAX
21) denmy
22) mongs
23) Flo - $30 - $40 Per Pax
24) Linda
25) babylon
26) Wendyheng
27) wennykoh (30-40/pax)
28) Krissie
29) SH
30) Tabbiesus (30-40/pax)
31) cheng (30-40/pax)
32) Yuki (10-30/pax)

Will be very busy at work in Jan/Feb but I can also offer the "Labourious" help tho. Let me know lah.
the olfa cutter blades are still in good condition. This is a good brand that even after 10yrs, still good good. I'll let u know when i return on how to use the circle cutter ok? too busy today to dig the stuff from our warehouse. but i doubt must poke hole...so funny to have a hole in the middle..
Latest update. If thats the case should we have it in Jan? But which weekend given that most bb will be celebrating their major milestone?
1) SY - Still keen
2) Flo - Still keen
3) Cookie - Still keen
4) Denmy -Still Keen
5) Clare
6) Celine77- Still keen
7) Cheng - keen
8) Esh Mummy - very keen
9) sunny - keen
10) Annie - keen
11) Chicken Little
12) Cindy - anyone whose bb has never swam before?

Cindy, Ive not brought my gal for swim before too!

Re: Gymboree Free Trial posted by SY at Parkway Parade
1) Esh_mummy
2) Annie
3) Chicken Little
4) Cookie
5) SL
6) Flo
okie, you let me know when you are free and back fr your biz trip. =)
haha i find it funny too, but from the photo actually saw there is a hole at the center of the cut out =p

have a safe trip!
Re. Birthday Bash
Date: 3rd February 2007, Saturday
Venue: The Committee (Chicken-Little, Rena, MamaChan, Sep03Bride, SSF) is now in the midst of shortlisting.

1) MamaChan - Either amount is ok for me.
2) Maywong
3) Sysac)
4) Chicken Little
5) SL 30 - 40 per pax but tentative
6) Rena 30-40 per pax
7) sleepingdeer 30 - 40 per pax
8) Mamapanda, 10-30 per pax
9) God's child
10) Cookie $30 - $40 PER PAX
11) sept03bride
12) SSF $30 - $40 PER PAX
13) Tracy $30-$40 per pax
14) chillies $30-$40 per pax
15) Sy - 30-40 per pax
16) sunny (Do not need to cater meals for me)-$30 - $40 PER PAX
17) Clare
18) wenyl
19) Valerie $30-$40 per pax
20) queen - $30 - $40 PER PAX
21) denmy
22) mongs
23) Flo - $30 - $40 Per Pax
24) Linda
25) babylon
26) Wendyheng
27) wennykoh (30-40/pax)
28) Krissie
29) SH
30) Tabbiesus (30-40/pax)
31) cheng (30-40/pax)
32) Yuki (10-30/pax)
Hi MamaPanda/Sunny/Annie
Hmmm, we're just sounding out you mummies to see what's your comfortable budget and from there, we will narrow down the quotes to most suit the budget. As this is to celebrate our precious babies 1st year B-day together and our journey together as moms, from being pregnant to giving birth and watching each and every milestone of our babies, we hope to give it a more "grander" celebration. Of course we would try to keep the cost as low as possible.

MamaPanda, I remember your kind offer of your dad's place's function room. When you mentioned it's about a classroom size, it's somewhat small for (looking at the list now) 60 plus adults and 30 crawling/walking babies to mingle and interact and have games/activities/parading for baby contest. That is why we are looking at alternative venues with a bigger floorspace, if not, it might get quite overcrowded with pple and strollers.

We're now looking at both buffet lunch and high-tea menus. We hope to be able to provide good food, at least I know the daddies would leave the place much happier too. heh heh

But thanks for the feedback, we'll definitely keep it in mind and look for a cheapest place.

Mummies who have so graciously volunteer their "after celebration decors"
Your decors will be more than welcomed! It'll definitely keep the costs down.

The amount of money per pax is for adults ONLY. Babies no need to pay.
Thanks I will go check out again...
never check out the atrium...
DId you see the bear and sheep that will breathe and snore loudly...
So cute... very too exp 21.90.. so I never buy.

My God-sister also suffer from depression, She is taking medication but when work stress come along her situation can get worst.
When we have arguement, she also say things like severe ties with me when depress and stress, will also hide in a corner or MIA and send funny sms abt kill herself and saying good bye.

Depression is a illness... just like physical illness. A sick person can't help it, if they can help themselve enough they wun be sick. They CAN be illogical in our eyes... but to them may seems totally rite at that moment of time.

Whenever I speak calmly to my God-sister... usually it's work. Giving her attention and care. Things will be better.
Of course.. you still have to be extra alert since lucas is care by your mom.
While we can be worried for Lucas and all.. not forgetting your mum feeling. A metally ill or unstable person can be super sentivitve to words which to us are nothing to bother abt.

We need 2 hands to clap, I dunno what went wrong between your hb and mum... but also try to work on your HB.. and hope he can be the "bigger" person in this relationship and accomodate.
Sometimes we can be surpise how the situation can turn with just a little attitube change.

For you, Stay positive and take care.
Your mum's word can be hurting... dun dwell on it ok.. after a while she may forget what she said. Just like my god-sister...after a big quarrel, she will call me 1 week later and act as if nothing happen while I'm still hot inside.
sometimes I dunno to get angry or laugh abt it.
kaypoh here...got big hoo-ha on the MayMTB 06 thread. if u are free, go read starting from November 29 archives. so funny....:p
You can read thru past 2 days posting to find out who are in the committee and who inchrage of what. There are mummies who volunteer their time and service to form committee and we Thank Them for that.

The rest of us will help along the way when needed and necessary.

If you are interested to join, add your name to the list so the committee member can plan better.

Hope this help and please read the thread to know what is going on.
This thread is going very fast... so fast that I cannot catch up reading. But what I usually do is to scan thru and gte a rough idea.

I love pilot pens.

Pilot Pen Gift Set
1) Chicken Little

Circle cutter looks so interesting. Will like to get it because now I am diligently doing my scrapbook for Aden. Hee Hee just drafted 2 LO besides the one in class.

Ok, lets split the work and get everyone involved. Just put in your nick for the one u are interested.

F n B Committee (Venue & Cake)
(Chicken-Little, Rena, MamaChan, Sep03Bride, SSF, Sleepingdeer, Mamapanda) is now in the midst of shortlisting. I will try to create a yahoo group for easy discussion

Decor Committee
(Queen, Flo )

Games/Contest Committee & Lucky Draw (Sl and Chicken Little sourcing for sponsorship) Basically I just sent out email to check if any willing party, if yes great. Already ganna reject by 2 liao.

Mummies, we will definitely work out the best value (at as low budget as we can) will source at CC too. Objectives is to have FUN & MEMORY so dun like daddies say "aiyo all you care about now is your SMH activity"

Cake Avenue:
Who else is interested in this bakery ? I still waiting for their quote. This is the cake I requested and they say they can do it. I ask them for a "1" design too. keke oso asking if they can grant me a group discount. Will update you.
btw your cereal are still with me...
DO you want me to pass to someone nearer to you...where u stay ?
hee just remind you.. cos I believe you paid SSF already

I also love pilot pens. but cannot see clearly it consist of what ley. tracy if u have time can tell me... picture cnanot see clearly.

Have a safe trip!

Pilot Pen Gift Set
1) Chicken Little
What flavour cake is nice from cake avenue? Am thinking of trying them out since have so many good reviews. But I'll prob need to order by this weekend cos planning to have a little celebration next Sat at my ILs pl. Will get another one on Mel's actual birthday (15 Dec) for my mom's pl.
re: MayMTB 06 thread
wow... so scary and unhealthy. they are openly 'shooting' at one another. can 'see' arrow flying around in their thread =p

our thread is so good and healthy and full of helpful and loving mummies!!!
Re. Birthday Bash
Date: 3rd February 2007, Saturday
Venue: The Committee (Chicken-Little, Rena, MamaChan, Sep03Bride, SSF) is now in the midst of shortlisting.

1) MamaChan - Either amount is ok for me.
2) Maywong
3) Sysac)
4) Chicken Little
5) SL 30 - 40 per pax but tentative
6) Rena 30-40 per pax
7) sleepingdeer 30 - 40 per pax
8) Mamapanda, 10-30 per pax
9) God's child
10) Cookie $30 - $40 PER PAX
11) sept03bride
12) SSF $30 - $40 PER PAX
13) Tracy $30-$40 per pax
14) chillies $30-$40 per pax
15) Sy - 30-40 per pax
16) sunny (Do not need to cater meals for me)-$30 - $40 PER PAX
17) Clare
18) wenyl
19) Valerie $30-$40 per pax
20) queen - $30 - $40 PER PAX
21) denmy
22) mongs
23) Flo - $30 - $40 Per Pax
24) Linda
25) babylon
26) Wendyheng
27) wennykoh (30-40/pax)
28) Krissie
29) SH (30-40/pax)
30) Tabbiesus (30-40/pax)
31) cheng (30-40/pax)
32) Yuki (10-30/pax)
Re: Gymboree Free Trial posted by SY at Parkway Parade
1) Esh_mummy
2) Annie
3) Chicken Little
4) Cookie
5) SL
6) SH
6) Flo
7) SH
I dun need the whole set. Just wondering if i get the Pilot Twin Markers in bulk from you. Will I get a discounted price? I need 4 cols. TIA!!
Re: Gymboree Free Trial posted by SY at Parkway Parade
1) Esh_mummy
2) Annie
3) Chicken Little
4) Cookie
5) SL
6) SH
6) Flo
7) SH
8) Denmy

Re. Birthday Bash
Date: 3rd February 2007, Saturday
Venue: The Committee (Chicken-Little, Rena, MamaChan, Sep03Bride, SSF) is now in the midst of shortlisting.

1) MamaChan - Either amount is ok for me.
2) Maywong
3) Sysac)
4) Chicken Little
5) SL 30 - 40 per pax but tentative
6) Rena 30-40 per pax
7) sleepingdeer 30 - 40 per pax
8) Mamapanda, 10-30 per pax
9) God's child
10) Cookie $30 - $40 PER PAX
11) sept03bride
12) SSF $30 - $40 PER PAX
13) Tracy $30-$40 per pax
14) chillies $30-$40 per pax
15) Sy - 30-40 per pax
16) sunny (Do not need to cater meals for me)-$30 - $40 PER PAX
17) Clare
18) wenyl
19) Valerie $30-$40 per pax
20) queen - $30 - $40 PER PAX
21) denmy - go with majority

22) mongs
23) Flo - $30 - $40 Per Pax
24) Linda
25) babylon
26) Wendyheng
27) wennykoh (30-40/pax)
28) Krissie
29) SH (30-40/pax)
30) Tabbiesus (30-40/pax)
31) cheng (30-40/pax)
32) Yuki (10-30/pax)
If your mum decideds to stop looking after Lucas. It's actually a blessing in disguise. Cos her negativity might rub off onto him bit by bit. Just like what my mum did to Ethan. She will tell him about how she can 'make' ppl die if she wants to, talk about death, and how untrustable everyone is, when she goes into a drepression. Alreay as it is, Ethan talks like an adult, always talking about death and negative things. He even openly declares that he doesn't trust his papa and me...

So spending some time apart will be healthier for everyone. My mum hasn't been talking and helping me out for 2 months now. And during the 1st month it affected Ethan tremendously pyschologically. He became very grouchy and couldn't execute his work properly at school. So my hb thinks that our decision to move out of her place will do us all good. We cannot live in constant pressure of not knowing what 'pattern' she will do next.

Nonetheless, I'm very happy with your decision. Congrats to your pregnancy and take good care of yourself. Can always call or sms me if you need to talk.

Being a SAHM, I can understand how you feel, having to cope with houework, cooking, chores and baby...there are days where i just want to squat in a corner and bawl my eyes out. I tell myself, with a baby at home, i cannot expect chores to be done 150%. Which is why we got part-time cleaner to come twice a week, without her i confirm mati.

I see that you're getting a maid, meanwhile just hang in there and things will be better with her helping u out at home. You'll feel less isolated and can take breaks away from elijah when u need some 'me-time'.

BTW, i've bought your hat. Will email you a picture of it
Hope Elijah gets well soon.
Hi Tracy
RE: MayMTB 06 thread
Me kaypo went to take a quick glance, wow so drama. Ive came across a no of her postings before and find her a bit blunt lor. If I didnt misread her posting, she ever posted in the big hoo-ha thread about BP, insinuating that AK went out all the way to deliver the hair tonic cos she may be making profit out of the BP. Felt so bu zi for AK.
Am cleaning up the list cost SH appeared twice

Re: Gymboree Free Trial posted by SY at Parkway Parade
1) Esh_mummy
2) Annie
3) Chicken Little
4) Cookie
5) SL
6) Flo
7) SH
8) Denmy
I do agree with you that the mindset and outlook of the caregiver will have a big impact on kids. My ex boss' second daughter was taken care of by an Indo maid who's very grouchy. So unlike her elder sister who's happy and cheerful, she's a very reserved and grouchy baby. But the 2nd gal became more open and happy after the Indo maid went back and replaced by a new Phi maid who's more outspoken and cheerful.
Thanks for all the advice on Insurance Policy, I think I'll mostly likely get a life policy for Mel.

Me a big chocolate fan too
Wow so much to catch up... first things first:

Re: Gymboree Free Trial posted by SY at Parkway Parade
1) Esh_mummy
2) Annie
3) Chicken Little
4) Cookie
5) SL
6) SH
6) Flo
7) SH
8) Denmy
9) Clare

Re. Birthday Bash
Date: 3rd February 2007, Saturday
Venue: The Committee (Chicken-Little, Rena, MamaChan, Sep03Bride, SSF) is now in the midst of shortlisting.

1) MamaChan - Either amount is ok for me.
2) Maywong
3) Sysac)
4) Chicken Little
5) SL 30 - 40 per pax but tentative
6) Rena 30-40 per pax
7) sleepingdeer 30 - 40 per pax
8) Mamapanda, 10-30 per pax
9) God's child
10) Cookie $30 - $40 PER PAX
11) sept03bride
12) SSF $30 - $40 PER PAX
13) Tracy $30-$40 per pax
14) chillies $30-$40 per pax
15) Sy - 30-40 per pax
16) sunny (Do not need to cater meals for me)-$30 - $40 PER PAX
17) Clare - go with majority
18) wenyl
19) Valerie $30-$40 per pax
20) queen - $30 - $40 PER PAX
21) denmy - go with majority
22) mongs
23) Flo - $30 - $40 Per Pax
24) Linda
25) babylon
26) Wendyheng
27) wennykoh (30-40/pax)
28) Krissie
29) SH (30-40/pax)
30) Tabbiesus (30-40/pax)
31) cheng (30-40/pax)
32) Yuki (10-30/pax)

Pilot Pen Gift Set
1) Chicken Little
2) Clare

Am interested in the circle cutter too but only if there is no hole in the middle... hee hee...
I am keen on the gymboree trial too :>
Re: Gymboree Free Trial posted by SY at Parkway Parade
1) Esh_mummy
2) Annie
3) Chicken Little
4) Cookie
5) SL
6) SH
6) Flo
7) SH
8) Denmy
9) Clare
me too!

Junior Member
Username: el2004

Post Number: 236
Registered: 2-2004
Posted on Friday, December 01, 2006 - 9:25 pm:

I am keen on the gymboree trial too :>
Re: Gymboree Free Trial posted by SY at Parkway Parade
1) Esh_mummy
2) Annie
3) Chicken Little
4) Cookie
5) SL
6) SH
6) Flo
7) SH
8) Denmy
9) Clare
11) SSF
Have been so so busy since I'm back from HK and eventhough I am now on leave for the following week cos mum not ard I still dun think I have the time to catch up on the past week's posts there's simply too much... so pls update me again if I owe anyone anything/response/ or even $$... hee hee =P
chicken little
thats the same cake I have in mind to ask cake shop to custome make!

Are u saying you send them the pic.. and Cake Ave can do the same for you?
I'm thinking of trying Pine garden.
Btw hoe much Cake Ave charge for the customise cake?
if can get group discount.. I dun mind getting from there too.. but is cake ave in the far west or north?

I agree... after reading the thread...
I really feel mummies here so loving and helpful.

who u talking abt... A or S?
I din read abt the ak issue... thats too much to judge and comment abt others without knowing the truth. I'm sure AK is just being helpful...
Just saw the charges for Cake Ave...
Customised cake at $35-45/kg min 2 kg
Workman ship start fromn $35.00
That wun means... keeping to the minimum :
per customised will cost $35*2 + $35 = $105.00
Wow I'm so lost touch with cake liao...can be quiet expensive.
Somemore I dun need a 2kg cake.. too big sure cannot finish.

Re. Birthday Bash
Date: 3rd February 2007, Saturday
Venue: The Committee (Chicken-Little, Rena, MamaChan, Sep03Bride, SSF) is now in the midst of shortlisting.

1) MamaChan - Either amount is ok for me.
2) Maywong
3) Sysac - Fine with any amt

4) Chicken Little
5) SL 30 - 40 per pax but tentative
6) Rena 30-40 per pax
7) sleepingdeer 30 - 40 per pax
8) Mamapanda, 10-30 per pax
9) God's child
10) Cookie $30 - $40 PER PAX
11) sept03bride
12) SSF $30 - $40 PER PAX
13) Tracy $30-$40 per pax
14) chillies $30-$40 per pax
15) Sy - 30-40 per pax
16) sunny (Do not need to cater meals for me)-$30 - $40 PER PAX
17) Clare - go with majority
18) wenyl
19) Valerie $30-$40 per pax
20) queen - $30 - $40 PER PAX
21) denmy - go with majority
22) mongs
23) Flo - $30 - $40 Per Pax
24) Linda
25) babylon
26) Wendyheng
27) wennykoh (30-40/pax)
28) Krissie
29) SH (30-40/pax)
30) Tabbiesus (30-40/pax)
31) cheng (30-40/pax)
32) Yuki (10-30/pax)
