(2005/12) Dec 05 mums-to-be

Hello, mummies!
Sorry for being MIA for so long!

Fybie just started school at Pat School Hse, so far she has been adapting well. She cried badly on the first day of school so I was with her during most of the class. The second day my hb sent her to school, he was hard hearted enough to leave her crying for 1 hr and then she stopped and managed to mingle with the rest of the kids.
The 3rd day, she cried for less than 30sec, yesterday and today she was alright when I left her after her breakfast! However, there was a indian girl in her class who just recovered from her cold, and I caught her sneezing into Fybie's face, and this morning, my poor princess ended up with runny nose! I must feed her more cod fish oil!!

Call me haolian, if you want, But I must tell all of you I am SO PROUD of my darling!! (^_^)


Sc, I will feel piesay for all items, in fact I already met with situations #1,3,5,7,9!! (Hmmm all the odd numbers lei!)

As for whether bb was open eyes or closed, I think Fybie's eyes were closed when she was born!

Me also C-Section in the evening and I was in labour for 16 hours liao then push to C-section so my eye practically cant open at all bo sleep the previous night before.
SC's Poll:-

When nurse carried my boy to me, immediately after he was popped, i think only 1 side of his eyes is opened.

Good to hear that Fybie is becoming independent.
Hello Mommies

SC's poll: -
I think his eyes are closed when I saw EnEn for the very 1st time.. cos I was C-sect with GA, did not get to see him until few hours later in the evening...

Glad to hear that Fybie settled well at Pat's.

You have every reasons to be a proud Mommy.. haha..

please update aidan's stats as at 21 months:
weight: 12.5kg
height: 85cm


Liewlian - glad to know Fybie is doing very well at Pat's. Our tods are growing up
nursery school,

my older boy started nursery school last week. the school didnt allow parents to stay from the 1st day. but his lazy teacher sent him home after 30mins on 1st and 2nd day. on 3rd day, his teacher said he is crying because he is the youngest at home
replied the teacher that he is the oldest at home and I got another boy at home. immediately the teacher no longer complain about his crying.

his class alot of crying kids. the other classes kids are already well-adjusted.

1st day - dash to door wanting to go out
2nd day - ask to go to mummy, cry now and then but not continuous, was peeping
3rd day - cry initially then stop and was v calm when I pick him up after 3hrs. only cry abit becos saw me at the sign-out area and teacher has not bring him to me.

tomorrow would be his 4th day at school. will have to see how his teachers "behave"

every thursday he has to bring a toy from home for show and tell. but his teacher did not return him his toy last week even though she sent him home early. so tomorrow we are sending him to school with a toy that can be lost
hi mommies

i haven't posted for a long while cos busy with no. 2 and working

which pat's school house are u going to? I signed my girl, tabby for next year's Jan class cos its already full house for now.. i hope its good...I'm worried cos my girl is super glue no. 1 to me since son was born...

can i ask u for some advice on France? i'm going to paris next week, is it very cold now? And is it ok if i breast feed in public and i'll be in Paris.. any advice on what's the best way to get around? And anything that i should go and visit.. my first trip there, will be brining ds who is 3 months cos i'm BF... on a business trip. Can i ask you what is the voltage in france is it the same as singapore or do i have to buy a special step down voltage adaptor.. sorry for the questions.. but just realise that u are the best person to ask...

voltage for france is the same as singapore. but the adaptor is different so u might want to get from hardware shop or sim lim. cost around $1.50-$2 per piece.

Metro might be the easiest way to get around. as traffic jams is common and protests are normal occurences
Thanks, DS, Sandy and Jenny!

Fybie is now attending school at Meyer Road, but today when she sees her daddy taking her backpack, she started kicking a fuss. When we took her to school, she clinged onto me and refused to get off... I hope she is not starting to dislike school...
i had registered regine for pre nursery class in renee's sch....but hw come that sch only allow regine to start sch next yr term 3...that was after the june sch holiday....iyo....isit cos she is yr end bb?

i find that yr end bb always abit lugi cos jan bb already learn alot of things then dec bb just start to learn something...

somemore my regine v small size, dono if when she goes sch, will kena bully by others anot
Rochella...perhaps the prob lies with the teacher that she lacks of classroom management. this is something that i witness too...i saw one class running around with no activities at all and the teacher just bo-chap sit there. I didn't sign up with that school at the end. Whiel the school that I signed him up, when i went there for unplanned visit, they were all sitting on the floor and listening to the story and the orher classroom was doing art and craft. So, I think it's best to go down unnoticed to the school during the activities hours as this is when you can see the real thing on how they run the class.

I lived at SouthWest of France not in Paris ;) But I will try to give you as much info as I can hor.

WEATHER: Perfect now in France. But early AM and late evenings can be quite chilly, so best to bring a light jacket. By noon, the temp averages around 23 to 25 degrees.

ELECTRICAL VOLTAGE in France is the same as in Spore 230V but you must get a Round pin plug and receptacle with male grounding pin (you can get the adaptor from any travel shop in SG just need to tell them its for use in Europe).

KIDS, BREASTFEEDING: The Europeans adores kids and they are quite ok with breastfeeding in public, so don't worry.

STROLLERS AND BB CARRIERS: Paris is not stroller friendly at all. So best if you bring a BB carrier. If you really need to have a stroller, best to get one that is sturdy but light-wt. And wear good walking shoes, cos you will have to walk alot. When at the metro just be aware of pickpockets.

PROTEST: they are usually quite mild, even the riots. It does not spread to the tourist areas usually its contained within their own districts.

PARKING: Are you driving, parking can be a hassle. Best to stick to the metro if possible

But if you want to go further, there is a factory outlet outside of Paris, near EuroDisney:
Local E-24 La Vallee Outlet Shoping Village Serris
3, Cours De La Garonne 77700 France

PLACES TO VISIT: The usual places the ppl go to are Lourve (The Da vincci code), Effiel Tower, Notre Dame, Champs-lyses, Arc de Tromp. But they can get very crowded. The sites are all within Paris district.

There is also a huge flea market in Paris, you can get to see and buy alot of nice 2nd hand stuff. But best if there is a local accompanying you cos' the area can be quite rough.

If press for time, you can go for the Paris City Sightseeing Tour and Seine River Cruise. The nearest metro station is called TUILERIES. But I cannot remember the timing and all (sorry).

SHOPPING for BASIC stuff: you can get anything from Monoprix or InterMache or Auchan.

FOR BB CLOTHES: The kids clothings here are very good buys. I am not sure if Summer Sale is still on, but if its on, than try to grab as much as you can, cos' its dirt CHEAP!

For any site visits in Europe, best to check the timings, cos they open via season timings
And certain shops don't open on Mondays and they have lunch hour close time between 12.30 - 2pm. Unless its a major shopping mall (if you see SANS INTERRUPTION means it stay opens even during lunch)

The French are relatively quite friendly (not all), but if you initiate by speaking abit of French (even if its broken), you usually can get your way around.

I hope my info helps and you will have an enjoyable stay in Paris. France is a beautiful place and the people are nice, if you bear with their atas attitudes

If you need anymore info, you can PM me
rochelle, straycats
thanks for your info re: paris...

Wow.. sounds so fun.. i hope i got time to go around cos will be stuck in a conference most days... luckily i know a little bit of french... but i know their attitude very atas... but i'm really looking forward to it.. my first real break since having 2 kids...

Liewlian soh
I've signed my girl up for the claymore one... hope she can cope man... i am damn scared of her reaction.. think i will get daddy to send her otherwise got 2 ppl crying.. me and her.. .haha
I've signed up RJ wt Talentplus playgroup (by RC). It's vy near my hse. He will be starting school nx week...I think he will be able to adapt well, as long as I'm not the one who send him to school..will get his papa or my maid to send him there.I wanted to enrol him in the 9.30am class but according to the person in charge it's better for RJ to join the 11.45am class cos mostly about his age...will see how and let you all know!

his school is very organised because they are a private school from preschool (nursery) to grade 8 (sec 2). they are run like the typical singapore mission schools. every month, they will learn 4 letters of the alphabet, 4 numbers and 4 shapes. after that they will learn addition and subtraction. every month, the teacher has to give the parent a circular with what is going to be taught for that month. e.g. for september the music composer is vivaldi and the artist is mantisse. so every month they will introduce the kids to a different composer and artist.

his two teachers are abit on the lazy side but they are not the irresponsible kind. so children's safety and education is not an issue. and they have a teacher just for music and another just for art. so his teachers are for english, maths and science.

my two boys are rather "monkey see monkey do" so I prefer lazy but strict teachers to those that let kids climb over their heads.

my older boy cling to me when sending him to school because he know its difficult for me to pry him away as I not that much strength. so my hubby sent him to school this week and he stop crying very fast. also the minute my hubby got him to the classroom and hand him over to the teacher, he just follow the teacher in.

my friends who had problems also all got their hubbies to help out and the kids "miraculously" stop crying.

but if your child is really insecure than dont force. my boys are the kind can cry without tears than peep to see if you paying attention. if not they will stop. crocodile tears experts run on both sides of the family :p

hmm... i think i will get my hubby.. cos now i managed to get her into the holiday class that starts in november... my girl is the sort that when she's feeling sticky, she won't let me go toilet and when she's outside, i must be the one carrying her, can't be daddy or anyone else, it doesn't help if i'm just behind her.. but i think she's just being jealous of didi cos i suddenly realised that its only when i am carrying the baby that she suddenly will become glue...
Err.. our thread is getting so quiet??!!

Ok let me pop a question!

Mummies, any plans on how to celebrate the 2nd b'day?
hi all
i juz came back from bkk.....shiok leh...don feel like coming back singapore....so relaxing over there... :p

so fast planning for 2nd bday? hee.....i not celebrating for regine....
Updated Aiden's stats.
<table border=1><tr><td> </TD></TR><TR><TD>NO.</TD><TD>PARENT</TD><TD>BABY</TD><TD>DOB</TD><TD>WT(kg)</TD><TD>HT(cm)</TD><TD>AS AT </TD></TR><TR><TD>1</TD><TD>Elaine</TD><TD>Javier</TD><TD>10-Nov</TD><TD>12</TD><TD>82</TD><TD>16mths 10days </TD></TR><TR><TD>2</TD><TD>Mujmuj</TD><TD>Summer</TD><TD>18-Nov</TD><TD>9.2</TD><TD>75</TD><TD>17mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>3</TD><TD>Weoseek</TD><TD>Jared</TD><TD>19-Nov</TD><TD>10.5</TD><TD>78</TD><TD>15.5mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>4</TD><TD>IF</TD><TD>Dawn</TD><TD>19-Nov</TD><TD>7.8</TD><TD>69</TD><TD>7mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>5</TD><TD>meixue</TD><TD>Shanice</TD><TD>25-Nov</TD><TD>10.6</TD><TD>82</TD><TD>20mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>6</TD><TD>LiewLian Soh</TD><TD>Fybie</TD><TD>29-Nov</TD><TD>10.3</TD><TD>83</TD><TD>20mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>7</TD><TD>Pinny</TD><TD>Luke</TD><TD>01-Dec</TD><TD>9.1</TD><TD>79</TD><TD>19mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>8</TD><TD>Ng Kiok Teck</TD><TD>Benjamin</TD><TD>01-Dec</TD><TD>13.1</TD><TD>89</TD><TD>18+mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>9</TD><TD>straycats</TD><TD>Megan</TD><TD>02-Dec</TD><TD>10.4</TD><TD>86</TD><TD>20mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>10</TD><TD>sunnyling</TD><TD>Ziv</TD><TD>02-Dec</TD><TD>9.1</TD><TD>74</TD><TD>15+mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>11</TD><TD>Jenny</TD><TD>Aiden</TD><TD>02-Dec</TD><TD>12.5</TD><TD>85</TD><TD>21mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>12</TD><TD>Berlin</TD><TD>Gezann</TD><TD>05-Dec</TD><TD>9.5</TD><TD>81</TD><TD>18+mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>13</TD><TD>Jeslyn</TD><TD>Regine</TD><TD>05-Dec</TD><TD>9.8</TD><TD>80</TD><TD>19mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>14</TD><TD>Rochelle</TD><TD>WK</TD><TD>05-Dec</TD><TD>11</TD><TD>86</TD><TD>18mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>15</TD><TD>joyfulhands</TD><TD>Cathleen</TD><TD>06-Dec</TD><TD>10</TD><TD>83</TD><TD>19mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>16</TD><TD>fluffsmurfie</TD><TD>Tricia</TD><TD>08-Dec</TD><TD>10.1</TD><TD>81</TD><TD>18+mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>17</TD><TD>Megan Lee</TD><TD>Ron Jun (RJ)</TD><TD>12-Dec</TD><TD>11</TD><TD>83</TD><TD>18+mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>18</TD><TD>Absolut</TD><TD>Nicholas</TD><TD>12-Dec</TD><TD>8.6</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>8mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>19</TD><TD>Sandy</TD><TD>Ernest (EnEn)</TD><TD>14-Dec</TD><TD>11.3</TD><TD>83.5</TD><TD>17mths 17days </TD></TR><TR><TD>20</TD><TD>DS</TD><TD>Jayden (XinYang)</TD><TD>15-Dec</TD><TD>11.5</TD><TD>81</TD><TD>18mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>21</TD><TD>prettycloud</TD><TD>Aron</TD><TD>15-Dec</TD><TD>9.4</TD><TD>77</TD><TD>16.5mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>22</TD><TD>Angelin Teo</TD><TD></TD><TD>16-Dec</TD><TD>7.75</TD><TD>68</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>23</TD><TD>2005</TD><TD>Hazel</TD><TD>19-Dec</TD><TD>9.2</TD><TD>78</TD><TD>18mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>24</TD><TD>Geryl</TD><TD>Ryan</TD><TD>19-Dec</TD><TD>10.7</TD><TD>77</TD><TD>13mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>25</TD><TD>Bao Bao</TD><TD>Jayden</TD><TD>20-Dec</TD><TD>10.7</TD><TD>82</TD><TD>18mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>26</TD><TD>tanlengleng</TD><TD>Besper</TD><TD>21-Dec</TD><TD>10.2</TD><TD>80</TD><TD>15mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>27</TD><TD>clhw30</TD><TD>Mirabel</TD><TD>21-Dec</TD><TD>14.8</TD><TD>85</TD><TD>16+mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>28</TD><TD>YL</TD><TD>Justin</TD><TD>22-Dec</TD><TD>11.7</TD><TD>82.5</TD><TD>15mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>29</TD><TD>sunnysun</TD><TD>Ryan</TD><TD>22-Dec</TD><TD>11</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>15+mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>30</TD><TD>Angela</TD><TD>Jerald (Yangyang)</TD><TD>24-Dec</TD><TD>8.5</TD><TD>76</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>31</TD><TD>fairymoss</TD><TD>Declan</TD><TD>26-Dec</TD><TD>10.6</TD><TD>83</TD><TD>19mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>32</TD><TD>HappyGal29</TD><TD>Rayden</TD><TD>26-Dec</TD><TD>14.9</TD><TD>89</TD><TD>18+mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>33</TD><TD>Kuikwan</TD><TD>Zach</TD><TD>26-Dec</TD><TD>10.7</TD><TD>86</TD><TD>20mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>34</TD><TD>taka</TD><TD>Megan</TD><TD>29-Dec</TD><TD>12</TD><TD>83</TD><TD>18mths 1week </TD></TR><TR><TD>35</TD><TD>Rena Chew</TD><TD>Elijah</TD><TD>29-Dec</TD><TD>10.5</TD><TD>77</TD><TD>13mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>36</TD><TD>pooh25</TD><TD>Xavier</TD><TD>29-Dec</TD><TD>11</TD><TD>73.2</TD><TD>19mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>37</TD><TD>tabbisus</TD><TD>Tabby</TD><TD>30-Dec</TD><TD>9.5</TD><TD>76</TD><TD>18+mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>38</TD><TD>krissie</TD><TD>Gerald</TD><TD>06-Jan</TD><TD>11.1</TD><TD>85</TD><TD>17mths 3weeks </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
Pls PM me if you wish to update/include/delete your tod's stats in the chart. (just in case I missed any of your postings)
Actually was thinking of inviting immediate family members and closed friends for buffet or at globetrotters but our elders said besides full mth and 1st birthday, small kids canot have big birthday celebration. Hence maybe only have meal with family and cut cake tats all.
hmm.... I was thinking what I should do, and my MIL hinted that she wanted to go Hokkaido end of the year, so most probably my hb and I will bring Fybie and ask her along to go for a trip to Tokyo and Hokkaido!
me no plans for RJ too...we dun really hv big celebration for bdays...just family gathering nia...i hope my company trip (if we have one) won't clash wt his bday, if not cannot celebrate wt him liao
bring RJ along if it really clashes with yr company's trip.. the more the merrier ma.. haha..

me still thinking for EnEn's 2nd bday... maybe have a small gathering with family n closed frens... still early to plan.. haha..
wah megan, your company so nice to sponsor employees on trips, i wish my company has that but not possible, hundreds of employees think my company would go broke.

Hey, can't remember who gave us the link to wokkingmum's blog. can someone help me out? i can't find the links to recipes leh. saw the delicious-looking pictures of food but want to see the receipe cannot find. time to steal some ideas from people to revamp my "cookbook"
something cross my mind. want to do a poll here, can?

Qn: Has your tod been toilet-trained already?

Mine still on diapers! in sch, wear mamy poko pants cuz only that seems to be able to hold his pee well, others can't. ex, so want to start train him but dunno how. got tips?
2nd birthday...probably had quite a bash coz we will be back in my hubby hometown. So will do a celebration for her there with the relatives.

potty train...my ger potty train about 80%. But she still put on nappy for afternoon nap & night time and when we go out(coz me too lazy hehe). sometime still got accident but when she could pull down her own pants and go to potty for pee and toilet seat for poo poo.
Liew Lian
I hv not planned Ger's party yet. still many mths away leh.. haha..

just to update that gynae told me yest that he wld like to induce me next Monday. So excited yet scared. haha.. maybe it's my hormones, i keep worrying abt whether Gerald will be ok when I'm in hosp, whether bb is too small when born, how am I going to cope, etc. aiyo... bb will only be 38 weeks plus on monday. Is it too young? Gerald was a full term bb at 40 weeks.
Jared not toilet train cos he refused to tell sometimes. But my mum let him go nappy less in the day, if lucky can success shhh him else got to wipe the floor loh.

Is Declan still at the old hdb edu-place? My mum went there and realized that the kids range fr 18mth to 4 yr and only ~10kids there, so she help me decide that its not suitable for us.

Re: Birthday Party
We just book chalet at downtown east to celebrate Jareds 2nd bdaycos I miss bbq leh. But involve only family members.

Wow so fast you gonna be able to bring meimei home?
All the best!
muj & mummies who has toilet training experience,
how do you handle a toilet-trained child who wants to do big biz when outside (eg at shopping mall)? Esp most shopping centres do not have kids toilet. The adult toilet bowl is too big for their butt, then how? I don't think I wanna bring the child toilet seat when going out..

Poll Qn: Has your tod been toilet-trained already?
> Cathleen only knows how to say poo-poo when she has the urge. Pee not yet.

Wow, very fast hor.. seems like not long ago you announce preggie, then next week you gonna deliver le.. 38+wks should be ok as long as your bb is healthy. Have a smooth delivery
ours is a small company...so still affordable

On toilet train, rj can show signs when he wants to poo...usually can catch it on time. as for pee still not yet..will start soon..
Krissie...enjoy your labour and baby girl! so excited..remind me when i was about to deliver my 2nd one.

JF, actually you could try the adult toilet..it's actually ok. summer also using adult toilet when she poo at home. You could get a stool/plastic chair for her to put her feet so she could balance herself. best to get those plastic chair with the backing..so she could hold on into that. my boy also bo-chap lhor..if outside want to do business..just bring him to toilet lhor...but this guy quite clean freak...if dirty one..he doesn't want..he will wait until he gets home. Some more he will know where got clean or dirty toilet. if go airport..sure he want to poo in the airport toilet...coz clean and nice smell.
Krissie...enjoy your labour and baby girl! so excited..remind me when i was about to deliver my 2nd one.

JF, actually you could try the adult toilet..it's actually ok. summer also using adult toilet when she poo at home. You could get a stool/plastic chair for her to put her feet so she could balance herself. best to get those plastic chair with the backing..so she could hold on into that. my boy also bo-chap lhor..if outside want to do business..just bring him to toilet lhor...but this guy quite clean freak...if dirty one..he doesn't want..he will wait until he gets home. Some more he will know where got clean or dirty toilet. if go airport..sure he want to poo in the airport toilet...coz clean and nice smell.
For those mummies that still cooking porridge for kid...when u all plan to stop feeding porridge and let our kid eat adult food?
I tried putting Cathleen on the adult toilet bowl, but too big for her small butt. I tried to hold her but she's not in a comfortable position to poo. And I don't feel like bringing the child toilet seat whenever going out leh..
Fybie is still not toilet-trained yet, the teachers in Pat Schoolhouse intend to start toilet training next week, I was thinking of buying the training pants from Jshoppers, any mommies tried the pants? I wonder they are good or not.

Regarding pooing outside, I normally always ask her to poo before she goes out. I haven't let her try to poo in a public toilet before. At home, Fybie will bring her potty when she has the urge to poo.


So excited for you too!!! What's the reasons for inducing the bb??

Fybie can eat porridge or rice with fish/egg/fried veg etc, and when we go outside for resturant food, she also eats with us. We normally eats in Japanese restaurants, so that she can eat chawanmushi, shishamo, rice, cutlets, she even takes edamame (Jap green peas) and chicken soft-bones!! Haha!~
hi mommies

ROchelle, straycats
Thanks for you advice on Paris/france... i just got back last week... still slightly jetlagged.. it was fun!
Liew Lian
Gynae wants to induce me when bb and I are well next week as sometimes there cld be complications to bb due to GD. So, he prefer to induce.
excited for u! relish the 2nd experience!

the last time u brot fybie to japan, how did u get ard wiv her? tokyo is not pram-friendly with lotsa stairs and bumpy roads, and carriers dont seem that good now that our girls are toddlers, any suggestion? what abt diaper-changing facilities in japan? pls advise! would appreciate other useful tips.thks!

My hb was the strong man to carry her when she is in the stroller, we nornally go to dept stores (toilets/bb room) to change her diapers, the facilities are so much better than what you can find in Spore! We dun allow her to walk on the streets as the pple walk in a very fast pace and too crowded but we let her roam in the park and some dept stores esp the toy dept!

Another way is to let her wear diaper pants which is easier to change.

You must bring enough milk powder cos they do not carry any of our brands!

Which month do you intend to go and which part of Japan?

the Meiji milk powder for babies is okay. I let my boy drank it on the JAL flight. if lazy to carry diapers, the Nepia brand is good to buy there.
thks for the tips. im planning a short trip to tokyo end of this mth. aldou im quite familiar wiv tokyo, dis the first time im going wiv a child in tow. what are the good places to go wiv a todd? past few trips i just hang ard shinjuku, shibuya and harajuku, now wiv baby cant be shopping so much, so any ideas?

hazel is on nepia since she newborn. shes now on pull-ups XL cos tape diaper she cant fit anymore. is it cheaper in japan? commonly available?

how do u keep ur babies occupied on the 7hr flight? no seat for hazel and shes gona be on my lap all the way. any advice?
