(2005/11) November 2005 MTBs

My mum stay in Serangoon North Ave 1, her blk is nearer to serangoon garden way. U got a 2nd hand flat there? We were considering your area when we were looking for a flat (think 8yrs ago) but noticed it were not very convenient then. But now a bit regret cos was thinking of enrolling my son at Rosyth as it is nearer to my mum's place + his cousin is studying there.

I'll try to make it there to support you gals.

For all mommies taking part in BB contest this Sat:
Jia You Jia You ......

momoko.. i should be able to join, count me in.. if last minute i can't i will let u noe

hee.. thanks hor.. any particular details u nid frm me?
Good morning!

Mummies whose babies are taking part in the contest at Compasspt this Sat: are you all going at the same time? If so, shall we all meet up sometime in the afternoon and cheer for the babies?

I have just discovered how to get to Compasspt -- very sua koo lah, previously never been to any place on the Northeast line -- so can bring baby to meet everyone there.
I just realise that I've got the letter to the baby competition for this sat.... It's wired thought... I did not put Hiroshi in that cat. Youpi: keen to meet up.... But got to be in the afternoon about 2ish 3 will be good. coz i got something important to do in the morning...
Mabbe they see didi got a smart look, so they shortlisted him even tho you nv sign him up for the cat lor. Hehehe... See, gor gor has a dumb dumb look, so no shortlist lor. Hehehe... I know someone is going to call me mean again. LOL!!
Hi april,
Yes, I have not been actively post in here. Do read when I am free.

So how is things going on for you? Are you a SAHM too?

Okie, here is a photo of Rebeca.

Hi Hiroshima, so your boy and my girl were borned on same day too. Actually I met you and Ju once in compass point feeding room. I know is you and Ju cos heard you calling your son.

Paiseh for not introducing myself there

Hope to see all the mommies in compass point this coming Sat.

Were you the mummy who needed to use the nursing room then?? Coz I remember there was one mommy who asked if we were from the forum. I was like Huh?? PPle can recognise us?? Cham... cannot do bad things in the public liao. LOL!!!

Rebecca is so cute!! We have another Becky here - furryfurry's cubbie. She is also my future DIL. Psst!! Yvonne, ;p!!!
Unfair Ju!!! U beri bad hor! Xian Zhan Hou Zhou leh...! hahaha... Why don't we let our Becky meimei choose?

Oops another competitor Javier is coming along... LOL!

Thanks for the link and advice! Will tell his aunty to let me do the planning, scared she comes out with her menu and other plans!!

Mummies for the BB contest,

All the best, me got to bbsit Fybie alone tom so can't go down to support you!

But still,
HI Calbee - At the moment still a SAHM though coming out to work soon. My daughter has so much energy that I find myself having a workout session everyday. The other night, she stayed up till 1am refusing to sleep and kept looking at me and calling out for attention so manja right? =)
BTW, what's yr daughter's measurements? My daughter is a little on the petite side weighing in at a mere 7kg at 8 mths. How abt rebecca?
Hi April,

rebeca weight 9.4kg at 8 mths. Each baby is different. As long as they are happy and healthy.

She is not a ideal baby leh. Have not sleep thru night. When she doze off after last night feed, i will leave the room..but will find her crawl out of room to play again.

Have you found a job? who is going to bbsit your girl then?

Wow mommies, so fast looking out for DIL to chop hee

Don't think my girl will get proposal... toes sucking and hair pulling girl not very wen rou leh. She is a angel when it comes to feeding time only.

elaine- your son also ba ba hor.

BTW, do mommies know where to get those full fat yogurt?
hi mommies,I went for the genius baby contest juz now,full of babies.I reach there at 5pm,but 8pm then my turn.anyone recieve the pretty baby letter?
Malc hasn't received any letter on the pretty baby. Guess no chance liao. Hehehe...

So did ur boy qualify??? How did they determine who qualify?? I wonder...
Hi ju,I oso never recieve the letter for the pretty baby,I only recieve the chubby baby de.Juz now the contest,they have 2 blocks,they wan the baby to put the block into the container.the faster the better.My son keep playing with the container instead of the blocks,but lucky in the end he got put in,but use 11.7seconds.some babies very fast.then i think must wait for letter again.
Ju: didi did not get in.... They presure him to put the blocks into the bucket.... Then I tell didi nvm if you can't do it.... we are only here to have fun.... didi ended up biting happily on the blocks!! rahahahahaha.... So, I Q and waiting for 2 hours just to see my didi bite on blocks (",)
Good morning ladies,

Wow the contest tough leh. If they r trained prior to that then ok. If not, babies are usually curious to either bite the blocks or grab the container. Not necessary that they dunno how to put the blocks into the container. Shuyan, good for ur boy!

Oh went to watch fireworks yday. V nice. but v crowded..walked v far..
hi mommies

Just to drop an update on clarisse performance at breastfed bb competition... she only managed to get consolation prize hee hee... as usual... she was not very cooperative during evaluation. the judging panel told her to pick up some block toys... but she simply refuses and push all the toys away wahahaha what an attitute!!!

anyway, like what hiroshi-ma said... we were only there for fun... the consolation prize only not too bad... got a BIG NEMO riding toy and piano from Toys-R-us, as well as a johnson & johnson hamper wahahaha...
Congrats hippobab n clarisse.
thanks aprilpinky,but I think my boi wun get in,cos some babies do so fast,i think less than 3sec,my boi take so long to put in.
Hiroshi,so u got let ur son join the other cat de contest?
Morning ladies..

Wah so much updates ah..
Shuyan n Hiroshima, I'm sure ur boys enjoy the fun during the contest.. doesn't matter if they din win.. at least they got in for the selection mah.. heh..

Ju.. i also din receive any letter for the pretty and chubby baby one.. Tink Orlando no chance liao bah.. heh..

Congrats to Hippobab & Clarisse.. Well done!!
Good day ladies
Wow seems like the baby contest is no small feat but what's more impt is that the mums and babies had fun =)

Also signed up for the pretty baby cat but till today no sound from them... hmm... hopefully will all receive a call or letter from the organisers within these two days. =O

BTW, there are so many ins policies for children nowadays, any mothers bought any education policies yet? Am still thinking.
Good morning ladies.....
I went down Compasspoint last Sat but can't see any of you gals leh! Maybe I'm a late, I reached there around 3:30pm. But very very crowded hor?! managed to take a peep at the contest, the bbs are so cute. Noticed the "pick up the block" task a bit difficult for bb too.

Hippobab & Clarisse,
It's not easy to make it all the way and Clarisse made it!!!! Wow, consolation also got so many prizes, not bad leh!
Hippobab: Congratulations! It's really great that Clarisse can get at least a consolation prize. :)

For all who took part in contests: Well done for the time and effort you put in for your baby :)

Littleabby: thanks for your abc pasta recipe. Alden likes it. He prefers it to his porridge. Yummy! At least he can finish 3/4 bowl of it compared to his porridge which he finishes only 1/4 only.

Hiroshima: In the end, I use Kraft cheesestick on the abc pasta recipe. First round, I put too much cheese so too cheesy but 2nd round, no problem. Guess I have to finish the remaining cheese sticks since use only a little for his cooking!!

Happy National Day to all.
Hi mummies, been a while since i came into this thread. Quite a number of you stay in the West yeah, m staying in Bishan, anybody nearby

Any of you brought or intending to bring your baby to travel? We're planning a trip to Italy in Oct, but my boy's so active that I realised even bringing him out shopping is very 'xiong' & furthermore, he doesn't seem to wanna sit in his stroller
...Hmmm....am having second thoughts now....
aprilpinky,Yup lose win nevermind,treat it as go compass point shopping,I never been there b4.
celtricia,I think they ll call b4 9th of aug if orlando get into the contest.
Hi Amber,

I am not planning to bring my boy for travel in the near future. For travel now, it would just me and hubby. I am staying in Kovan.

Have a joyful trip in Oct :)
Hello anyone

Me juz got back from JB. Went to Compasspoint last sat but when i see the Q for genius bb, OMG! And after seeing the task for bb to do, i give up liao. So did not take up Q cos I noe my boi sure will take the block to bite instead of putting into the bucket and somemore, going JB and by the time my turn, sure will traffic jam @ causeway. Really Paifu mummies who Q up, I so scare of Q.


I got buy one policy from prudential, it a 3 in 1 plan. If u wan, i can recommend my agent to u. Feel tat the plan quite gd cos got investment so can learn $, if hospitalise (touch wood) still can claim $100 per day and also saving for future use.

Congrats Hippobab and Clarisse. As long as can get 'something', it very good already.


So far I only bot my kid to JB to spent overnight hehehe. Are u going free & easy or group tour?? If on group tour, adviseable not to bring boi along unless, he's very well-behave cos I came across some parent who bring their kid along and the boi dun noe y keep crying etc so can be quite disturbing especially when other ppl want to rest and sleep. Somemore the food might not be suitable for the kid to eat so end up the boi eating biscuit and cheese only. If free and easy, it different case liao. Well, it my personal thought, hope u dun mind. Of cos if it is me who going to travel, I would love to bring my son wif me but my ah lao sure will nag one.
hi mummies..just one more day to rest day..hei hei..tired.

April, yup. Bot one education policy and one hospitalisation policy. Both r impt I think. The education one is to pay for 10 yrs (accelerated paym) then let it grow till boy is 18 then can take out for U education.

Wow..boy recently has slept from 10 pm to 5 am..hahahaha..without waking up at 12 midnite or so for milk. Dunno y he suddenly decides to sleep thru but it's definitely good news for us
Amber: we have been travelling with hiroshi on car on many occasions, to JB, KL, Ipoh and Hatyai... So far so good....
But when you talk about air travel...
It's abit different leh...
coz to Italy will take about 12-13hours....
Which airline? Got transit?
By Oct, your kid should be 11 months liao....
Should be easier...
as he can eat chunkier food liao....
If he is impatient then take a walk ard the cabin loh... Provided no turbulance.... Bring Lotsa new toys.... dun open them.... let them play with the old ones 1st.... once they get tired and bored and start screaming, present some new toys.... you can also visit you PD to get medication ease his jet lag (and other medication JUST IN CASE).... can bring books also if it interest him.... Portable dvd player and his fav. dvd, (Hiroshi can sit and watch dvd all day if i allow him to)snacks and crackers, also remember to bring sterilizing tablets, mini cookpot/boiler to cook hot water, take off and landing ease earache by drinking water.... also oct in Italy quite breezy leh... remember to bring some warm clothes.... Try to bring super light stroller.... and lastly, depends on yorself liao loh, see if you and hubby confident to handle or not..... good luck, hope it helps....
If it is for me, I sure bring Hiroshi along.... No choice mah!! I dun take care, nobody will liao!! We plan a tokyo-LA trip in sep, but was canclled due to hubby's work sechdule.... I am hoping to plan another trip Fra-JFK maybe in oct or nov....
