(2005/11) November 2005 MTBs

hi gals, could pls kindly help mi by uploading a pic of the pillow in my post?



venus.. no prob.. no i dun eat the brown rice.. mum will discard it after using it for 2-3times.. den she will use new batch of brown rice for the drink again..
have lei, apply liao butstil pain that y now i pump out loh...

aprilpinky, on both breast u get 120ml? how many hrs u pump out?
wow april pinky, 120 ml! any tips for getting such a good supply? i heard about the letdown effect, but have not experienced...
sexxy i also had sore and cracked nipple (one side only) during the first week, now dont have already.. but i still have 2 tubes of medela nipple cream.. bought one when i discharged and then bought another one later when i was readmitted for baby's jaundice (2 days of phototherapy)I think april pinky is right, its probably the positioning..
Sexxy, my each pumping session is abt 30-40 min. My supply is not the most here. Anyway, 2 more days and my confinem wld be over so cannot compare.

Shelle, I think soup helps..esp papaya fish soup. More pumping and latch on definitely helps as well.
Venus - my boy is also doing 2 hour interval nowadays..very tiring. I get the maid to relieve me of some of the feeds..already yest night, sprain my arm liao..he struggles quite hard sometimes. Brought him to PD on his one month which was last Fri - already 5.2kg. Guess he had a headstart cos he was borned heavy.

Aprilpinky..I also gave up using the nipple cream. Got a tube from Medela..but used only a few times. What a waste...

Cel - my mum uses normal rice grain (not brown rice)..to make the drinking water. Drank it a few times only..and when I was sick of the red dates drink.

I am getting dark eye circles liao..sigh.
<font color="ff0000">Sexxy,</font>
My girl has started latching on today... cos BM has kicked in. If it's impossible to latch on, keep pumping. I pump every 2-3 hours and each time the supply increases. Today managed 120ml at one pump, and 100ml at the 2nd pump.

I keep massaging my breasts (press and press!) when I pump, maybe that's why I have more? You should try doing that instead of letting the pump do the work.

<font color="aa00aa">Clarisse's Mum,</font>
Thanks! I'll keep observing my CL, hopefully she will improve.

<font color="119911">Chin,</font>
Your CL quite ultimate ah!

<font color="ff0000">Massage,</font>
I had 2 massages so far... and today, a HUGE lump of lochia came out! Eeks! Massage lady was right when she said "hmm, can feel the clot, let me try to push it out" She's quite good, anyone wants recommendation, let me know.
Cel &amp; Aprilpinky...me popping in ..to say hello!! Are you both around?? Just finished pumping milk, after feeding baby. Now he is sleeping, and I am having a hot Milo..then back to Zzzzz land for me.
dunno y msg suddenly disappear..got to retype a short one..

ChinLee, yup was feeding bb and subsequently pumpg milk. Just fed bb again and going back to zzz land also..
hi girls

i have 7 to 8 tins of nan ha 1 400g for sale. All brand new and unopened. Per tin $10. Expiry in 2007. Reason for selling: Changed to enfalac as bb doesn't like nan ha. Interested, please email me at [email protected]

Price not negotiable even if you take the whole lot. Self collect from Bishan Street 11

I have nan ha 2 too if you are interested.
hi sexxy.. sorry for the late reply.. the brown rice no nid to cook, juz fry it will do..

Chin, ur mum use normal rice grain ah.. did u find it effective? i duno if it helps, but i noe brown rice grains does..
din come in tis early morning coz last nite Orlando was making a big fuss n doesn't wan to get to slp even after giving him FM, he still wan to suckle... almost driving me crazy n i gave him a spank on his leg.. n he wailed ferociously.. aiyoz.. in d end i feel so guilty.. tink muz b the hot weather last nite..

Aprilpinky, ur son so cute leh.. and can c who he looks like liao leh.. more like u hor.. esp the eyes..
Thanks cel. Ya, before he opened his eyes , every1 already said he looks like me..hehe..then I console hubby said his nose looks like him lah...

i think orlando too used to suckling. If u go back to work then may hv problem. My boy fusses twice a day..something like 7 pm and 7 am..hehe..y'day evening I buay tahan and scolded him bad rooster! Then hubby said y scold him..he heart pain..
Aprilpinky, really ah.. till now, i still can't tell who Orlando looks like.. heh..

But i feed Orlando EBM tis days leh, n only latch him on in the morning.. My mum would only feed him after every 2hrs, so couldn't b due to too much suckling bah..
As for the rice thingy....
yeah... i did the same... But, toss fry white rice
to drnk with hot water (macham like tea like that....)

sexxy: I delivered on the 18th,
so that makes me 20days old.....
7 early 8 early remove stiches like.....
not intending to engage any massage lady....
intending to stay FAT FAT FAT....
needed all those weight....
was extremly underweight before pregnancy.....
ah Fat.. juz consulted my mum, she say use normal rice grain won't help in slimming down d tummy n getting rid of the wind.. brown rice grains den got d effect..
Cel, then maybe he just loves to suckle..sometimes one whole day didnt let my boy suckle the next day let him suckle he will suckle and suckle happily till fall asleep. I think bbs love to be latched on.

Ah fat, fast hor..end of confinem for u soon as well..mine is tomorrow. I'm really looking fwd! Asking hubby to buy me mini cornetto..I 10 mths never eat cold drinks/ice-cream liao..cannot wait anymore..

Ya, u need those weight. Just like Lina Ng. She also said she's glad to be fatter after her delivery.
Aprilpinky, ya.. i noe he loves to suckle dat's for sure.. heh.. but i couldn't give in to him if nt i future jialat leh.. hee... so last nite kena torture by him lor.. kekeke..
<font color="ff0000">PeiPei,</font>
My massage lady really good, my tummy's almost back to pre-preg size and I just delivered last Fri!
She's UK trained and has a diploma.
Here's her contact: Mdm Rokiah 92716091
She's abt 40, speaks good english and well-groomed.

<font color="0000ff">Aprilpinky, Ah Fat etc</font>
So good confinement almost over! My nightmare has just started!
My baby girl pees straightaway after I remove her diaper and before I put on a new one, so she's always making a mess and dirtying her clothes/changing table. Do your babies do that? how how?

Dili, your massage lady so good! I'm ending my massage soon and I still have a tummy, very sad. My masseau is darn lousy.

Aprilpinky, ur boy very tanned! sure will be handsome beach hunk eh? :p btw, how u find so much time to pump and latch on? After i latch my girl on, i'm so tired, don't wish to pump anymore.
aprilpinky: yep! boy boy is tanned! haha... next time.. he'll be hanging round the beach.. with lotsa babes eh? time to be worried then? hahhah...
haha.. mine's not going to poo...whenever he wants to poo... he will have a different expression so we kinda know tt he is going to poo.. think can start potty train le.. he is just playing with his lips.
naughty, my boy loves to play w his lips like ur boy also..hehe..wow ur boy looks like u..esp the eyes also..hhaha..

Meixue, the thing is I dont latch boy on unless I'm pumping and I fix my pumping timing so sure got time one..:pP I will take the EBM for him to drink 80% of the time. For peeing problem, u must straightaway put on the new diaper underneath (dont stick on) after u take away the old one then continue to apply nappy rash cream etc then if she pees quickly take cover w the new diaper.

I also think that he's tanned. takes after the dad ..hahah..MIL said he's fair?! *scratch head*..
my boy's eyes look like mine mah? i have got small eyes wor..
he's tanned leh from the picture.. maybe in real person he looks fairer? boys look tan tan its ok lah..
shelle, ya mine i think i latch him wrongly for last wk that y my nipples is sore...

Ah fat n Aprilpinky,
u gals so shiok!!!! confinment over soon......

Dili, will try ur way n hope to get more. thxs! btw, how much ur massage lady charge?

nik, remember to give me ur caterer no....

Anyone got good caterer to recommend?
Hello ladies! My computer died on me so have been MIA and missing the forum for the past few days...

Got a question: does pumping cause bm supply to go down? 'Cos when I tandem pump (breastfeed and pump at the same time), I seem to lose bm for the next few hours! And if bb gets hungry again -- usually in about an hour -- and I latch him on, he doesn't seem to have enough. He'll push out the nipple and cry pathetically and then reject it when I try to give it to him again. Very heart pain! We just spent almost two hours doing that and finally decided to give him some FM... it looks like he's starting to fall asleep...

Celtricia, thanks for the help!
I've started feeding FM once at night and now we're all sleeping much better!

Dili_mummy, congrats! Welcome to the 'other' side!
naughty..confirmed lah..ur boy's eyes like moulded fr ur eyes..he wont get lost definitely..hehehe..my boy is tanned in real person also. Hiaks hiaks..I'm ok w it.

Youpi, no. Pumpg will incr supply. My boy always managed to suck out milk leh..even after I thot I have pump dry my breasts.

A wet morning.. haiz..

youpi, no prob.. glad dat the method helps u n ur hb to slp better.. All the best.. Nid more advise n help, let us noe.. we'll help if we can.. N do note like wat Aprilpinky says, pumping increases supply, it doesn't stop.. my boy still haf sufficient to drink even after i pump.. so i dun tink it affects ur BM supply..

all the bb'b pictures so CUTE!!

Sexxy: yar loh...
confinement month going to to be over soon.... But hor actually hor....
I didn't really have confinement lah...
just makan confinement food only....
the bathing part, I gave up on day 17.....
HAD to SHOWER big time...

Bb puke milk big time ytd and today....
scare me.... then auntie say that stomach got wind that's why puke... apply oinment... now sleeping liao.....

Hubby went off to werk.... coming back only in 1 week time.... goanna be very very loney...
Now staying with my cousin... sigh...
Good morning!
Ah Fat,
Ya can c..wow..u even took the operation that time those photos..I took quite few of them cuz too fast! No time to take.

Err but ur son's name is Hiroshi or Isaac?
Hmm..Ah fat, ur son puked huh? Is he overfed? Did u warm ur milk properly?

Going for HAIRCUT tomorrow..hahaha..freedom day..freedom day..but MIL says will let me eat confinem food for 40 days..
Did he? I didnt catch that..must look at the pic again..mine was like hubby was outside w bb taking the weight and height and gynae do all the placenta thingy..
Ah fat.. not bad leh.. ur hubby managed to take so many details photos, ur gynae even let u take the placenta.. n even pose for for it..

Aprilpinky, did ur MIL say u still haf to bath wif rice wine for another 10 days even after ur confinement? My mum says better follow the confinement rules for another 10 days.. n even after confinement, can't go out too often in the nite if wan to haf to cover up myself totally.. heh.. like 'egyptian mummy' kekeke..
Cel, faint..didnt..today I want to wash my hair but mom said NO. So I wait till tomorrow let the hair salon wash for me. I think my hair gone case liao so will cut it short also.

MIL only said abt confinem food..hengggggggg ahhhhhhh..if still cannot bathe/wash hair for another 10 days I think I will die. I really didnt wash/bathe for a mth liao leh. U still bathe rt? So I think one mth for me enuff lah :pP
Hi ladies..so many of you are so kuai..following all the confinement rules...I tried, but sadly, I failed.

Anyway..where do I bring to get my baby's hair shaved off?
Aprilpinky, ya i did bath.. wif the herbs n lemongrass.. i bath every 3 days on the 3rd week.. hee.. not so bad lah.. if nt i feel like i've got fleas all over me leh.. kekeke.. mum says i can bathe of coz i more den happy.. another 10 days can bathe, but only haf to bathe wif warm water plus rice wine..

Hi all

I'm finally back.. so happy to have internet access again .. my pc was down during my confinement and finally repaired!

Share my birth story:

9 Nov
12am Admitted to induce, prostaglandin tablet inserted and asked to wait

2am Contractions started coming but still don't know how to time contractions

6am Contractions started getting stronger. Was asked by nurse to sleep {But how to sleep with strong contractions?! Meanwhile, hb was snoring away on the armchair

8am Gynae came to check on me and only diluted 2cm!!! He inserted second tablet and burst my waterbag

2pm Contractions started getting even stronger, cannot tahan so asked nurse for pethidine injection and gas

5pm Gynae returned to check on me and diluted only 3cm.. Sign...

6pm Pethidine started to wear off and starting to feel intense pain but still refused to take epidural despite nurse &amp; gynae's advise

7.30pm Cannot tahan anymore and asked for epi

Abt8.15pm Was drowsy fm inhaling the gas but remembered that i was finally administered epi! Miracle epi - no more pain!

9.30pm Cervix finally diluted to 8cm and nurse asked me to prepare to start pushing

10.30pm After countless attempts of pushing, my bb gal still refused to come out... Gynae advised to stop pushing and go for emergency c-sect as bb may not come out as my pelvic bone has not 'opened' yet

11.43pm Bb Lezann (changed name ;p) finally came out

Learnt my lesson, cannot act hero and don't take epi, all the suffering and pain for nearly 24hours for nothing!!!

But after seeing my gal, all the pain goes away..

Share her pic with you all
