(2005/11) November 2005 MTBs

Hi Ladies,

No lah..no similarity leh..maybe the smiley part same loh.

Attaching one more pic with just a slight smile then u all will c the difference..:p

Momoko, my boy almost finishing my frozen supplies of EBM liao. I tasted the milk before. No problem..even for 2 mths old milk. No sour taste for all my chilled or frozen milk. Just a v "raw" taste..sweet also.


I finally weaned after 20 over days..ha! My boy also has a birthmark on his right hand wrist area. V small..no strawberry thingy.

Susan, freeze ur supply lah..I can lend u 20 bottles w caps for freezing if we manage to hv an outing soon.
Aprilpinky, yah i think our boys smile a lot in photographs thats why look similar. chubby somemore hehe

the chilled milk taste fine but some frozen milk after thawed turned more sour. i also wonder why, maybe my freezer not cold enuff, or i left too long after thawing. my hubby fed joshua for a week with frozen ebm while i was on biz trip last month, a few packets had to be thrown bcos the taste just turn sour (and the smell too)
now i still have many packets in the freezer, dun really dare to feed leh. everyday just feed whatever i could express out. luckily still enuff.

so your son is now feeding on frozen ebm or FM already? when do you intend to feed him solids?
Hey All,
Brought cubbie to her PD today for her 3 month check and her vaccinations. Wow. Expensive man...since she did her 5-in-1, Rotarix and Pneumococcol. The funniest part was when she finished her jabs and whilst she was being carried and comforted after her jabs, she turned around and "scolded" the PD with her wierd baby language.

Really made me laugh.


Had to bring her to Causeway Point after that to distract her as she was jumping at the slightest noise after her jabs. Praying that she'll react well to her vaccinations
baby2005, i didnt bring my ger to see any specialist except her PD. my ger got very dry skin ard her neck and chest area and worse on the birthmark tat it started peeling. the PD gave me some cream to apply for her 3 times a wk and now she's better. its a moisturizer i think.
momo, I left abt 5 days supply of frozen BM only..started work since 1 Feb so supply finishing liao..nite time we have always been feeding him w FM so no diff and he's taking FM well also. Mum was telling me she will start him with some teaspoonfuls of brown rice first when he's 4 mths old (2-3 weeks later). The frozen breast milk really tasted just like chilled ones. I took the oldest to try cuz I also scared will turn sour. But no loh. Still sweet :p Normally we will thaw w cold water and put it back in the lower compartment for boy's feed v soon.
Momoko - I also give my boy some frozen BM at times. Smells and tastes ok leh. Could it be the temperature that u store them in? I store mine at freezer temp -20c. Thaw in lower compartment the night before(takes one whole night for gradual thawing). If urgent, then use room temperature water to thaw and give to my boy soon after. For me, I rotate my supply..meaning I take some older milk out for him to drink and freeze some new ones. So - oldest milk in the fridge is abt 1month.

Furry - yr ger is so cute!! Can "scold" some more..LOL.
Your gal is so adorable and it's really pity to shave her hair... So Cuteeeeee!!!

OMG!!! I feel like giving joshua a big tight hug! The feeling of hugging him must be so GOOD!! I want to hug hug him!! hehee
Aprilpinky and Chin,
Do you know how long can we keep the frozen EBM in the freezer (separate door type)? I read that it can be kept for 3-6 months, is that right?
Hip, I bot the b'feeding book written by Mrs Wong of TMC. It says 2 mths so i followed loh..I started to store abt 2 mths before starting work but I did read fr some articles that the milk can store for 3 mths or so if it's a 2-door fridge. Dunno leh.

chin, u shd let ur boy drink the chilled/freshly-expressed ones right? Cuz they contain more nutrients? Hehe..rem u posted an article on the type of containers to store BM b4? I read that and learnt that fresh BM has more nutrients than chilled ones. From then on, I wld leave my freshly expressed BM at room temp if it's going to be boy's feeding time soon so that he can get milk of better quality.
Aprilpinky - I give a mixture now actually..cos I am still at home these days - so I latch on for half the feeds. And then 1 feed of freshly expressed one, one chilled and one frozen..that's the usual routine I follow - so 3 bottle feeds of EBM in a day. Just worried that the older frozen milk will be wasted if there is a change in taste..so want to prolong the average life of my frozen supply. I did read in some other threads that after 1 month, some of the milk does taste a bit fishy.
April / Chin... u mean the frozen milk suppose to smell fishy?? but freshly expressed one dun smell that fishy leh, thats why i prefer to give joshua new ones. those stored in the fridge are for standby...in case i go for biz trips. hope they dun taste sour again...
also like what april says, fresh BM has more nutrients so i try to give before i chill them. of cos running the risk of frozen ones getting expired. by the way i heard can donate?? is it?? seem to be a better idea than use for bathing...haha
April, what FM are you feeding your boy with? i suppose its good that he is used to it. i havent tried on joshua yet, not sure he will like FM or not, but i heard Similac's taste is similar to BM so may try that later on when i'm stopping BF after 6 mths (now really struggling to persevere for another 3 mths!)

as for solids, PD (Dr ong at TMC) suggested to try after 5 or 6 mths to avoid allergy. so quite confused!!
Good morning ladies,

Momo, actually different ppl's BM supposed to taste differently (I think). Mine is sweet, a bit raw smelling and vv oily.

I'm seeing Dr Ong also but didnt ask him abt weaning. I think a few teaspoonfuls of brown rice wont harm..hehe.

Momo, used the excess for washing face lah..kekeekeke..but such a worse leh..u open ur fridge too frequently huh? Dont put them on the compartment on the other side of the fridge door leh cuz when u open and close the fridge door, the temp will be more affected.
Hi Michelle,
What soap/shower lotion did you use to bath your girl? My son's skin was also very dry and sensitive when he was a baby and the PD recommended Lactacyd.
Good morning,

My boy is also seeing Dr Ong - I asked abt weaning during my last visit. He said - try to wait until 6 months..cos worried baby gets allergies.

Actually, I tasted the BM..not fishy when fresh. It is either bland or sweet. Fishy means can not give liao??
My boy was on Enfalac earliier, I am going to start him on it again soon..hope he does not reject it. As for a FM that is close to BM in taste, I actually heard from friends that NAN is the one.
Momoko.. my son was only 3.410kg n 55cm when he was born.. n third mth, he's areadi 7.6kg and 65cm.. heh.. but ya.. he's d heaviest n Orlando is on 2nd place.. heh.. i dun mind.. kekeke..

Susan, ya lor.. Orlando 2nd in the top list.. but still TOP 3.. so still consider a fatso.. hahaha.. a small size mummy like me, hw come got a fatso son.. kekeke..

Aprilpinky.. u wean off liao ah.. so fast!? i still yet to.. heh..
April, i think so, cos the fridge belongs to my MIL and she stuff it with lots of frozen food. may have affected the milk since she has to open the freezer compartment to take food out for cooking... bo bian lor, may have to use for washing face, but a bit yucky leh, transfer the milk from breasts to face

initially i wanted to let my boy try solids after 4 mths (soon!!) but after what Dr Ong says, think will wait for one more month at least. we should start with brown rice huh? hmm... a whole lots of questions/worries once again once we begin with solids...
cel, your son does grow fast!! is his milk intake very high? can attach a pic of him?

u planning to wean off too? at first i was only aiming 3 mths, but now since milk flow established, dun wan to waste so just continue and aim for 6 mths. although it is quite siong to pump in office, got to sacrifice lunch time...
by the way ladies, are your babies flipping? my boy tries very hard to flip to one side, but only 90deg not yet 180deg. sometime he tries so hard that he just fall asleep sideways by himself. so funny!
hi mummies,

(1)my baby is going to her 4th mth on march 2nd. but recently, she has become very naughty. she will scream, yell & cry whenever she is in my room & whenever i get out of my room, she will keep quiet. so i start to bring her for a short walk, but still, she will continue this througout the day, wanting to go out. im really stress out by this. any advise?

(2)she is on total breastfeed. so she refuses bottle, and i got to feed her water using syringe, i feed her twice or once a day. but i dunno if she is getting enough water. i heard that breastfeeding baby dont need water, ixxit true?

(3)she is not using pacifier, and she likes to put her hand into her mouth, does it help by giving her those teething toy?

(4)she has those dry scalp on her head, what can i do to remove them?
Momoko, my cub can flip till say 170 degrees? last 10 degrees halted cos her arm gets stuck underneath...she'll keep on trying until she gets frustrated and grumble and scold.

Chin/Venus, yah, cubbie is very wierd one...she grumbles and scolds quite a lot when she's unhappy or cranky.

Precious Moments,
1) Is she still on her bed a lot? Try to bring her out more often as my cub similar is very fussy and cranky if she stays home too long. So nowadays I have to devise outings just to keep her entertained. Her outings are about 2-5 hours long.

2) Yes, TBF children need not take extra water since BM is 80% water. However, you can introduce some water (cooled boiled water) to your daughter esp. when the weather gets too hot. Try not to give her the bottle yourself, get someone else and leave the room or even the house for a few minutes. Many children will refuse bottles from their moms esp. if they get their milk directly from mom through latching on. Why get substitute when the original is just around the corner?

3) My cub is also exploring her hands nowadays. She doesn't like to grab her teething toy at the moment...I think another mom shared that she will hold the teething toy whilst her child gnaws on it

4) I think that's cradle cap that you are refering to. You may want to use some OTC cradle cap shampoo sold or you can use some cotton pads, soak them with Johnsons' Baby Oil, rub them on her scalp in a circular motion, leave for 5-10 minutes and use a comb to comb through her scalp, then give her a regular shower/shampoo. It worked for my child.
Cel, yup. Weaned off already. 20 over days is a long time. U want to b'feed of cuz wont dry up lah..kekeke..I purposely dont pump for long time and let it wean off.
furryfurry, so funny your cub will grumble and scold!!! last nite my boy manage to flip to this extent too, but after holding his head high for awhile he was tired and started to face down, and licking the bed instead. aiyo!
April, won't it be painful if you dun pump?? now i stretch my pumping session to 6 t- 6.5 hr interval becos of work, and it hurts like crazy!! can feel the lumps forming!!
Hi ladies

Last nite after 10.30pm feed. My boi wake up at 5 plus for his milk but instead of giving him milk, I give him pacifier and after sucking for a while, he fall asleep and only wake up 8am for his milk.

Hope tat this method will help him drop off his night feed then I can sleep thru the nite. Hahaha. Tonite shall try tat again.
hi Summer, how old is ur boy? my girl refuses pacifier, she rather eat her hand or suck her wrist. ixxit true that if she knws how to suck pacifier, she will knw how to use botttle?
Hi Summer & Precious Moments,
Both of you are so young. Me going to be 35 tis yr. Guess I've not intro myself. I'm a working mother with 2 kids, a boy (4+ yrs) and a girl (3mths).

My girl used to sleep thru' for 8hrs (after 10pm feed) since 1.5mths but for the past few days she starts to wake up at 4+ for milk, very headache, now have to try to train her again.
momoko.. ya.. my son grows quite fast hor.. he's taking abt 180ml for FM nw.. so my BM is not enuff for him at all.. i do not haf the lastest pic of him, as i've yet to upload into my wrk pc.. but here's 1 of him taken when he's abt 2mths plus


Aprilpinky.. i duno leh.. nw my BM so little.. tinking of weaning off liao.. coz i c not point in continuing since he's drinking FM for most of his feeds, except for weekends.. n he doesn't wake up for feed in the nite at all tis days liao.. heh..
baby2005, i use normal J&J on her cause her other areas are very normal leh. not dry at all. so the dry area (neck n chest) i just apply the moisturizer 3 times a day. the cream tat the PD gave me is "Physiogel"
Belin, baby2005, precious moments:

earnestmum: i doesn't really matter if your baby does not concentrate on the video.... they have got short attention life span.... Just let it play in the background while you are playing with him.... it trains the baby to listen apprently, read from some book.

Starting work tomorrow.... very very sad now..... Going to miss my Hiroshi big time!!
Date: 11 Mar 2006
Time: To Be Confirmed
Venue: Singapore Expo Hall 5

1) Ah Fat
2) Celest
3) Dili_mummy
4) Hippobab
5) Karen
6) Venus
7) Syl
8) Blurblur
9) earnestmum

Please remember to mark this event down on your organiser..... Those interested to join us out your name down arr.... dun be shy....
Halo to All Mummies,

Long time didnt come in for chat... has been busy after delivery and back to work! So how's everyone & your little ones???

Wanna share my Jayden's pix with all of ya =)


Btw Momoko, your bb boy has got the same shirt as my son, kee kee!!! Look at this pix u will know... =P


To Pris,
I really feel heart broken and sadden when I saw your little one suffering from needles everywhere of his body. He is really a very brave boy! I'm sure he will slowly recovery and battle his way thru. Meanwhile, be strong and stay by his side and we will pray for him and give our morale support and helps if you need.
Precious Moments
My Javier is 3.5 mths old. At first I dun wan to give him but his mouth keep on sucking for something and no choice but to give it to him. I noe some bb like ur refuse pacifier no matter how u push it into their mouth.
Summer, my boy also will wake up ard 6 or 7am after his last feed (usually between 10pm to 12am)but i will feed him lah, cos anyway got to wake up to go to work. wonder if it affects training him to sleep thru?? in fact i have friends who told me my last feed is quite late. they let their babies (3 mths old) sleep through after the evening feed!! so, is sleeping more impt or drinking milk more impt?
cel, your Orlando is so cute!! cheeks very pinchable!! haha 180ml! wow!
in fact joshua was drinking 170ml for a while then recently reduced, so have been drinking 150ml - 160ml instead. must slowly add again. asked PD about it as I was worried, he said its bcos once babies double their birth weight, intake may reduce....

Depend on BB, if tey wan milk, no matter how u try to coax them to sleep, tey won't sleep. I juz try my luck to see if Javier want to sleep or drink milk and surprisingly he sleep thru the morning.
Hey mummies

Happen to chance upon this website. They teach u wat u can play with ur baby and at wat age etc.

select "baby on the way" and scroll all the way down. u can select which mth ur baby fall.

Very useful for those SAHM so tat it not boring to stay at home. U can play those activities with ur baby.

momoko.. ya lor.. he's dad loves pinching his cheeks.. heh.. too much flesh there liao.. kekeke.. ur PD say bb will reduce their intake once they double their weight? hw come mine din leh? chiam lor..

with regards to slp or milk more impt.. my mum told me dat no matter deeply asleep our bbs r, we muz always give them their last feed btw (10-12) coz if they gonna slp till 5 to 6plus in the morning, its too long an interval liao, n its no gd..
