(2005/10) Oct 2005 MTB???

<font face="Book Antiqua"><font color="0000ff">Morr,

Paiseh, alot of ppl walk here & tere den my screen v big so cannot shop @ ease.</font>

<font color="aa00aa">Flo,

Wat time is your trial on 30 Jun? Hope Janelle can be in the same class as Rae.

Nope they don't accept appointment. Be prepared to wait lyk 1hrs plus if go on wkend. Wkday afternoon is e best</font></font>

9am on 30 June. that's only time when she will not be too cranky.. but then again, we missed GUG last sunday coz she woke at 4am and was super cranky... so din go class and slept from 10am... waste money....

how abt u?

hahaha.. actually i blur blur just tell them ok.. so i dun even noe if it's a trial class i'm attending.. or i've signed up for the term...:p
<font face="Book Antiqua"><font color="0000ff">Flo,

Janelle will be going for 2pm class.. tt's her naptime actually so I'll prob hv to wake her up @ 6:30am den let her take nap from 11am to 1pm. Hopefully she wun be cranky</font></font>
is it a trial or new term at Evans Rd? hehe if new term good manz... Not yet Kaiser's turn leh, I also nv request for trial though, so just on wait list for new term lor.
morraine, think JG faxed your form to me! coz i saw your name and ashley's name... think u gotta call them to ask them to re-fax.
i called them to ask them to fax to a different number... but they went to fax ur form to me instead...

sneaky, me on 9am class. so same as you? or is there a few class going on? coz at GUG, rae and grace are at the same time but different class...
sneaky - which studio is sam in ? cos' today I got a call from JG - they say got spot in 9am class so I moved Tammi there..
i have decided to stop grace lessons in gug after this sunday. Also received call from JG that grace has a time slot for the billingual class but will not take up because its too expensive. We will let grace wait for her cc next Jan'08. In the meantime, I will teach her loh...
hi gals
me too got a call from JG evans for 2pm class. But i turn it down cos still at kindermusik & Kaiser will be starting his weekday playgrp end of June. So still on waiting list.
<font color="0077aa">flo

ha ha.. no wonder i rec the fax onli like this morning when she said she will fax me yesterday. Thanks!

so meaning flo & pammie & sneaky u all same 9am class at Evans on Sat rito? Geesh.. onli me alone at 11.30am class arh</font>
Morraine, there are 4 classes going on at the same time at Evans at 9am.. so not sure if we'll all be in the same class tho'. I switched Tammi from 430pm to 9am but I do like her teachers at 430pm class. Unfortunately her eng teacher has changed and i'm not sure if the chinese one will be as good. Will try 9am one out n see how it goes. will be nice to meet flo n sneaky there too!
<font color="0077aa">pammie

haiz but den at least u all during the same timing la.. i cannot place ash at the 9am class coz tat young lady will not wake up so early..
fushiarstar/ sweetie / flo - which studio are u all in? 1 2 3 or 4! finally tammi's got company - it's soo nice! She was the youngest in Term 1.. but now i learn that the age group in her term 2 class is 1 yr 7 mth to 2 yr 4 mth so that puts her in the middle - tat's y i switched! originally i wanted to pull her out but i forgot to withdraw before the 22apr deadline n i dont want to forgo my deposit so sign her on again hah
morraine: CC here charges 1/2day at 440. FTWM subsidy 140. = $300.
Registration 100
uniform min. 2 sets $18/set

Trial class min. 3 days $30/day
<font color="0077aa">Yippee Ya Ya

orh.. dun worry will get the slot very fast


Thanks! will bear tat in mind but hubby did mention tat travelling there to pick her up daily will be a problem</font>
<font color="0077aa">carole

heh ya lor but den coz have to think of alot of factors oso like ie raining days n etc n transport</font>
<font color="0077aa">fushiastar

how u noe zoe's classroom no. arh?

btw.. i have faxed to them the payment slip but den no sound from them so how i noe wats the next step arh?</font>
morraine - u can call them to check which studio u are in. 1 - 4.

call them if u hear nothing.. there are 3 persons at the recep so your chances of getting a response is higher.
morr, i also faxed already. called them to confirm they receive my fax.. but forgot to ask them about the studio number
<font face="book Antiqua"> <font color="0000ff">Anyone has bot their kiddo to the dentist, can share contact if any? Read that it's advisable to start them young, best is to tie in with their 1st birthday.</font></font>
morraine: yep
i called to ask if they recieved my check as well as which class zoe's in..

jenifur: if you are looking for a paed dentist, i recommend dr betty mok at nuh.. she's v v good..
able to handle kids and at the end of it, the kids have a good experience w the dentist. i intend to bring zoe to see her next yr after she turns 2 and has less stranger anxiety..
was considering bringing her this yr but her stranger anxiety is v bad and no way i can sit in the chair with her on top of me at this stage.. plus she does met me brush her teeth daily.. so think next yr should be ok..
<font color="0077aa">fushiastar

wanted to send a cheque instead of doing the authorisation form for credit card coz hubby not very happy wif it as its like giving out confidential details of your card to others but JG said no cheques wor even though the form mentioned cheques allowed.. geesh.. anyway.. its settled la.. just grumbling *ignore me*</font>
Hey fushiastar

I am interested in bringing my son to the dentist too. He is 2 years 3mths now. Do you think i should? Can you give me more details on Dr Betty Mok at NUH. Do i have to make appt, how much does it cost and what is the waiting period.
Any mummies combining the use of spout bottles and straw bottles for your kid? Brennan just started on straw so I wonder should I let him drink from a straw bottle or continue using the spout one.
<font color="0077aa">SSL

erm ash has been using the straw bottles for very long already.. i think its high time they start on straw
i find it more hygienic den spout oso.. hee
morraine: they did?! hmmm.. i didn't go for the orientation..

mad: personally feel it's never too early to expose a child to a dentist just so they get used to the idea and to inculcate good hygiene
and someone who's good with kids is important cos a bad first experience will cause a fear that'll be difficult to remove.. yes you definitely have to make appontment.. i'm not sure about the cost and waiting time.. but i know someone who tried to get an appointment last year and it was a 3m wait.. but she is good.. able to handle fearful, difficult little ones.. skills wise too.. does nice work

ssl: i think just straw so he'll get the hang of it faster..
by the way, any child friendly eating places at JG evans road? i went down to have a quick look but doesn't seem to have any.. class ends at 11 and zoe takes her lunch at that time so i need to find a place nearby to feed her..
hi fushiastar,

evans is not far from home, why not feed her at home? don't forget that the school gives them snacks around mid point of class.. ie around 10am or so.. Zoe should not be hungry when class ends at 11, so it gives u enough time to go home.. Can catch a ride from me if u need.
just meet outside the school's library area.
SSL.. i dont know about hygiene factor but there's no harm in giving him straw. It's also easier - eg if u need to give him a drink when you're not at home, straws are easily available.. also can train to drink directly from the cup - as what they do in school.
Hi hi

SSL: you can buy the straw brush which cleans straw. I'm using the Pigeon one for its Mag Mag. Can use for water bottle straws as well, I think (must confirm with my maid though).

Kaiser just started playgroup yesterday. I will accompany him for the 1st week. Next week shall be the real test, that's when he will go thro class alone.
morraine: it's ok thanks

pammie:eek:h.. they do? i saw fr the handbook that snack time is at the end of the class so thought i'd leave early cos if she takes a 1045 snack, no way she will eat her lunch later..hmmm.. will see how then.. thanks for offering a lift..
will be driving too
wanted to be prepared cos dunno what time everything will end and zoe is super crabby if she's hungry and has to wait for her food so thought for the 1st lesson at least, i'd bring out her food in a thermos just in case it gets draggy and she is hungry..
