(2005/10) Oct 2005 MTB???

In NTUC childcare , wat activities do they have ?
ya, sengkang , but compassvale Bow is not convinient for me , i need to take LRT to sengkang then again change bus to reach there.
WE don own a car.......


I duno what activities NTUC has. Brennan not in NTUC one. I intend to send brennan to PAP kindy so trying to find out more about their Childcare as well.
hmmm i din ve plc in mind wor but will want to join lor if there's one cos so long le didnt meet up and nt yet see u all
god, my hb dun go into malaysia lehz.

i wish to get some simple books for clar. hmmm.....
if u gng let me know.. i see can tom bang u or nt?
carole: I am teacher leh.. English and Literature and Philosophy too. Heh.. but dun have Primary test papers. Why do u need them? There was a thread of teacher MTB and mummy teachers. Most of them are Primary School teachers. You can try asking them.
Hi Carole,

I am a primary teacher. Usually schools will not just give you the test or exam papers just like dat, it's copyrighted u see. HOWEVER, somehow you can find branded schools' exams papers being sold in bookshops or pasar malam..they come in a packet form. But be warned, some mayb 'imitation' or 'fake'.

depending on ur cycle... if ur cycle is 28 days, the start of menses is considered the first day, mid-mth is NOT safe i.e day 12-18 .. bout there... ur monitor urself, if u r ovulating, normally the discharge oso more...

the billingual class? so ex! hope zoe enjoys.
grace heard someone from class cried yesterday and also joined in! I tried to pacify her and the whole lesson, she is like a kuala bear...
sweetie: yep, i hope so too! the bilingual playclub..this week is her last lesson at gug, then gonna start jg in 2 weeks..
what class is grace attending?
fushiastar, when did JG call you? dunno if they tried calling me... still on waiting list...

sweetie, u signing up the next term with GUG?
someone told me must give advance notice if stopping the term...

jenifur, wanted to ask u abt the 'tui-na'... think u mentioned before that u brot Janelle... can give me the contact?

my girl is super cranky recently... and now she wants to roam around without any clothes or diaper... or she will scream and scream if she doesn't get her way... headache!
flo: whahahaa.. mine always before her shower, she will run ard naked.. she will purposely catwalk infront of me or her daddy.. whahaha.. then after she will run to the bathroom.. joker right?
Kaiser also same same. Climbs table, throws things, whines at every single thing whenever cant get his way.

Think he could be on the way to Terrible Two's phase. Scare manz
Hi fushiastar,

The JG billingual class is v. good. My girl enjoyed herself in the English segment. My girl was with them for almost a term before I withdrew her from the class as she would scream and cried whenever it's the Mandarin class. Think she's not expose to mandarin at home, so to her, the Mandarin lesson is like a foreign language.

She's the youngest in the class of 10. She was 18-19 mths old then, while the rest are alreadi 2-3 yrs old. In terms of skills, my girl is alreadi lacking behind the rest.

According to the teachers there, kids need time to adapt, and hence will more or less throw tantrums for a term. Parents must put their feet down and let them cry in class. To me, I can't bear to see my girl cry like that, hence, I withdraw her but will definitely join them again next year, when my girl is older, and can better communicate her thoughts and wants.


I think every child will go through the stage whereby they like to run round naked. My girl was once like dat...she likes to lift up her shirt and 'show off' her tummy. After bath, she will oso run parade in front of me and her daddy naked. But she has outgrown this stage alreadi..now after bath, she will guai guai stand outside the bathroom and wait for me to dry her and dress her.

I heard of 'terrible 2", "terrible 3"...I guess every child's notti stage is different ba. My girl, as she can vocalised her thoughts and wants better now, I find her more guai than last time. She dun feel so frustrated as I can more or less know what she wants us to do. Last time was reallly terrible..it's like "terribe every month" and will get frustrated easily.
flo, grace is in GUG now. But I realized she is withdrawing from the class and is getting worse. This sunday is the last day of the term and my hubby asked me if want to continue for next time. In a dilemma now. She refuse to get down and cling to me for 1.5hr. She even refuse to play with bubbles which she used to like it. Should I continue? I know I will lose the deposit of $100 if I did not give notice.

flo, whenever grace sees the tv advertisement on cocoa butter by palmers with the preg lady rubbing her stomach.... she will also lift up her shirt and rub her belly....

Fiona, grace is super sticky and cranky now. Maybe she is trying to connect words to get what she wants...
carole, yippee, fiona, thanks! hahaha.. at least i know rae is not the only one!
my mum is tearing her hair out cos of her behaviour...

sweetie, same here. rae will lift up her tee and rub her tummy.. hahaha.. guess they are all the same..

signs of terrible two are already appearing!
great to hear your feedback re JG. At least I know better of what it will be like for the weekend class wrt no. of students, age mix etc.

ya, same thing for my dad who is watching over kaiser - said it's quite difficult esp when he is cranky. oh no... they are not even 2 yet....
<font face="Book Antiqua"><font color="0000ff">Flo,

Here's e address for the TCM:-

Yu Guo Chinese Physician Acupuncture & Physiotherapy Pte Ltd
398 Changi Road
#01-08/10/11 Castle Court
Singapore 419845
Tel: 6447 4761

Monday Tuesday Thursday Friday
9.00am - 12.30pm
2.00pm - 5.00pm
6.30pm - 8.30pm

9.00am - 12.30pm
2.00pm - 5.00pm

9.00am - 12.30pm

Close on Wednesday.</font>

Bot over 2 x trial bilingual club class (30 Jun (Sat) 2-4pm and 6 July (Sat) 2-4pm) at JG, Evans Road from another Mummy. Hope Janelle will like it. Her church nursery teacher all tell me she's very happy in the class & is more than ready for school.

She's very helpful too, will try to take out wets for the teacher when they changing diapers for other students. She's the little monitress *faint*</font>
<font color="aa00aa">Jen</font>

u bot over from that lady who is leaving country one isit?
did u bargained wif her? coz i think she charged $45 per lesson rite?
<font face="Book Antiqua"> <font color="0000ff">Morr,

I never bargain leh cuz she said alot of ppl want so I faster grab lor. She said hv to pay more den $45 if arrange trial direct w JG</font></font>
<font color="0077aa">Jen</font>

erm.. apparently she oso said the same thing to me tat alot of ppl want but no one has made payment to confirm.. if im not wrong JG at times give out free trial oso and trial is oso abt tat pricing hence i ask u if u asked her to lower or not..
<font color="0077aa">Jen

erm i forgot the pricing liaoz coz i rem i ask abt it quite sometime back but abt the long wait is pretty true la but i tot since u grabbed 2 slots from her so she mite give u a better pricing like say slightly lesser lor.. paiseh i jus KPO onli..</font>
<font face="Book Antiqua"> <font color="0000ff">Morr,

I hopeless when comes to bargaining de
I gng to do my Gymboree shopping... wait for me hor</font></font>
<font color="0077aa">Jen

ha ha.. ya den u mus ask auntie like me!! wahahahha ok ok waiting for u la.. dun gan cheong.. san told me liaoz.. hee</font>

yippee, me just called JG. they have a slot for me starting 30 June... finally

my mum everyday face black black cos rae can really drive her mad :p

jenifur, thanks! must make appt first or not huh?
