(2005/10) Oct 2005 MTB???

Thank you for all your concern sms since last night. I'm too lazy to reply to all the sms.

Jenn is resting now as she lost alot of blood yesterday.

Our little baby decided to leave after saying bye bye to us. Heartbeat was detected while we were at KKH yesterday morning. But Jenn started bleeding profusely upon reaching TMC. After attempts to stop the bleeding failed, Dr. Wong ordered an emergency D&C.

Jenn is now trying to cope with the loss & guilt. She thinks our angel left as Mummy had prayed to exchange her life with someone else. Our angel felt unwanted.

It would have been easier for Jenn to cope with the loss if there wasn't any heartbeat. Those heartbeat were like last farewell from our baby girl as Jenn had termed. By the way we presumed it must have been a princess as Janelle started to call "mei mei" these few days.

Let Jenn have some moments on her own & she will be back here to chat again. She's a very strong girl.

<font color="ff0000">thanks joel for the update
<font face="Comic Sans MS"> Joel:
Thanks for the update.. Very sorry to hear about it.. Take good care of Jen ok.. and YES Jen is a very strong and brave mummy..</font>
Jenn, take care...

sweetie, u attending the GUG class what time on sunday? babe or tod class?
me still haven't decided...
JG hasn't called me yet even tho we on waiting list.
Hello mummies,

I have not been in here for very very long, was also an Oct 2005 mummy.

I am sooo sorry to hear about patsy story was away almost whole of this month when come back sgd during weekend received some msgs and aware of it but was too late even to transfer contribution.

Carole, please help me send my regards to patsy. She is really a brave and strong mummy. Little Sabie will be in God's (good) hands I am sure she is a little adorable angle up in heaven.
Joel: Tks for updates. I am sure Jenn doesnt feel that she is unwanted, just because Jenifur wishes to exchange her life for someone else.

Take care of her well, i am sure God takes little Jenn along for a reason. i personally nagged at Jenifur but i guess its only Mother's nature that we feel for someone.
grace attending sunday class, parents & tots, 9.30a.m. one. told JG that i want to defer a term. personally if grace likes gug, i will continue after this term cos gug is easier to access via mrt, hubby needs car for work at times.

U got to take care. U are really a brave mummy too.


Do take care too.

Oh god, please do bless the ppl over here. They are all kind ppl.
Childcare Hunt:

I went AMK hub newly opened Little Skool House for a tour. As the place was just newly opened this mth, everything is neat and clean. Feels good abt the place. Placed Alden name on waiting list for 2008 childcare liao. Hopefully can get in.. but the price is quite exp.. by the time of 2008 7% GST. Gotta pay $800 liao..
gotta tighten our belts liao!

Gotta take train to AMK lor.. the HUB is opp the train station like Yishun MRT to Northpoint

I think just have to get to it
hi jenifur, been holding off posting cause i really don't know what to say. i feel so bad for you and know exactly how you feel. i feel so guilty too! if there is anything i can do to help, let me know. I will try to make some tonic soup for you and pass to someone cause i don't think i can visit you yet, ok?

sneaky: you take care too!!! don't scare me like that!

to all the Oct 2005 mums, thank you so so much for your prayers and support. I need some time to compose a better thank you thread for everyone in the forum but just wanted to thank everyone here first, specially carole, morraine, sneaky, jenifur, adel, and sharon.

hardworking mummy!
Alden mus be good boy and be good to u next time!!


enuff of the thank you(s) it was fate tat we all came to know each other here and we are all glad that we can be of any help to one another here

i haven't been exactly of any help to you! so.. save the thank you.. and i wish you all the best ok? I think you will be arranging with carole to go hi-tea next week right? mm.. i wanna go too.. er.. i'l be going to perth for a short trip.. Do you need me to get anything for you?
Fun, so fast ah...
my parents place also quite near AMK hub... also thinking if shld go there... mebbe will go and chk out.

sweetie, my fren wanted the timeslot u r in... but no space...

For half days in 2008 already got over 10 pax waiting liao.. full days so far onli 4 (including Alden). They will give piority to fullday children most likely. They will onli take in 16 i heard.. based on MCYS.
jenifur and sneaky: take care...

zoe is with GUG now and wait list for JG..also signed her up for JG holiday programme cos want her to try that first before deciding..
me very stress liao
Everyone busy looking up GUG,JG, learning class for our DS/DD..
ME jobless can't do anything yet..

Jenifur and sneaky
Do take care OK
hi sarah ... u take good care of yrself ok .. hope james is well too ... God is always with u ... he is here pray to him and he is listening to you ... sarah you and james must be strong in god ok and also with yr family

Will pay that you all will recover from this soon

when you registered with JG? I registered since dec last year. Decided to go for GUG since grace has a chance to attend their trial class and she is happy with it. I may not get a place for grace anymore since i have chosen to defer this term.
hey fun
I dont know if is you. My son also attended GUG. His name is jayden.
Are you the mummy whom i spoke to when you are standing outside the room.
hehe then is not him. my son teacher is teacher margaret. He is in saturday class. His class also got a kid name alden
sweetie, i registered with JG only last mth.. so must be a loooonggg wait...

I've changed to attend the GUG parents and tot class on sun 930 english class... u in that class? think i haven't met u before...

sharon, dun stress... i noe wat u mean... when everyone else is doing something, u will feel pressured to follow as well... guess as long as u spend quality time with ur kiddo...tat's more impt.
as a working mum... we lose out on what u may have... the benefit of more time...
Oops .. sorry to hear what happened to Jenifur after seeing Pasty's posting.

Jenifur, Pls take care and nurse back yr health soon.

All mummies, pls take care of yr health esp those carrying 2nd one. Recently alot of ppl fell sick. My son just recovered from viral infection with high fever 39.6! He have been sick since last Tues only now seems better.
Carole - any update on Sneaky? is she better?
Jenifur - take care ok?

Sharon - honestly i think it's really ok not to attend the schools at this age..It's not the school that makes the child a happier kid but it's the precious time spent with parents bonding.... I wish I was in your shoes, can stay at home and be with my angel. I would give up school for that! Anytime!. Btw, i always see ppl use DS and DD wat's that?

We decided to put Alden in Childcare is for many reasons.. at first we thought PIL will take care of him after 2 yrs old as AGREED. But now not possible and my mum doesnt want to be confined in Yishun liao.. she wana move back to her place.. if we need her help, Alden will have to move with her as well.. HB dun like the idea at all lor.. i always disagree for kids to go childcare at such a young age.. but no choice.. have to think on the bright side, like example, can learn more things and be more independent. At least we have found him a place which we feel tat its best for him, tats why i feel tat even tho $800 for CC is EXP, We dun mind if its realli better. Cos we have already put him 7-7pm in a place we and granny are not ard, its like a 'bu chang'.
Pammie: Sneaky will be discharge today.. i will later swing by again to see if she is there. She has Gall Bladder infection, so better stay in hosp to check it out.

Sarah: I have done nothing for you to thank at all. I am just doing wat i need to do as a friend/buddy. Being there to comfort you and lending you a shoulder to cry on is just what i could do at that time. Asking prayers and gathering all prayers when you needed most was a must to help all of us going. There is nothing great that we have done here. Though i can feel those pains and heartbreaks, but its nothing compare what you are going through at that point in time. Penny & me are only pillars when you needed it most. both penny & i hope that our presence do not cause any inconvenienced.
I send Clarisse 2x a wk to Kidsloft @ Cluny Court. I felt she has made some progress. I think putting them into short enrichment classes are fine, which helps them have more social skills.

Esp. Clarisse is always alone at home, she tends to be more selfish. Being her to a plc to learn, she will have to learn to share. Most imptly, she enjoys her time in class and the activities the teacher has lined up for her.

I dun think i will put Clarisse in Childcare till she is more readily for Nursery/Kindergarten.

But on second thoughts, I sseen kids who goes to childcare , their Social skills are good. very sociable and willing to share. They pick up things lots faster esp with those peers ard them.

Childcare or Maid or PIL/Parents to take care... consider them well and make your choice. If mummy can get the option to look after themselves, who doesnt want right?

Try to ask Clarisse to give u things tat she is holding. train her on giving up her things to others
Alden is willing to give up his things when we ask for it, But not very good in asking others to share their things.. he will just take cos when we are at home, watever toy he wants we will just give him. no need to share ma.. haha

Actually , "myself" believe in early learning childhood.. and also socialitize part.. sabrina don get a change to mix with other children, i afraid that she will not know how to "play" with other and i afraid she will be bullied..
I got intention to send my girl to half day childcare (when she 18m old) if i still working lo.
I feel bad i can't give my girl e better.. in life and education..

My MIL also e same "bu chang" she don even buy things or visit her..

DS = Dear Son
DD = Dear Daughter
if I not wrong

now i only can show Sabrina tis website.. and let her pratice..

and Sabrina started to learn "How to feed herself"
let watching....
Ya,, AS wat yr husband says "Clarrise learning power" improve very fast..
So jealous that yr all can send yr kids to GUG or JG or Zoophonics..

As "ME" my english is sososo.. very difficult tp teach Sabrina more things liao
sharon.. thanks! i finally know what's dS/dd.. i thought it was darling son / darling daughter.. .

i think sabrina's development is already very "jing ren". (amazing) But i understand how u feel if not contact with other children at all... that's the reason y i put tammi in JG also.. to give her a chance to interact. But i still feel ultimately whether kid learns to share or not it's really how the parent teach.. anyway.. if want company for sabrina, we can always arrange to come out.. i'm usually ok on sunday afternoon or sat morning..

I saw Sabrina at youtube, she is doing very well really. Holding pencils & scribbling on paper, she is feeding herself really well. Kaiser is still trying to feed himself, cant really hold his spoon very straight yet so that the food doesnt drop off.

I can understand your anxiety to send Sabrina to school so that she may learn even more. Pls dont feel bad about not able to do so. Going to school may also have their own set of problem like feeling sick easily & frequently, HMFD etc... Meanwhile just keep looking out for job opportunities, you will be able to get one sooner or later (dun feel stress abt it). Meanwhile enjoy the time you have now with your girl at home. You wont have this kind of privilege once you start working full time.

I stayed at home with Kaiser until he is 1 yo. I started working only 6 months back. Nowadays I actually hope I can take a few days AL straight in a row to be with him at home/bring him here & there.

sweetie, yeah! i'm gonna be there on sun morning 930 for the parents and tots... same class?
later i pm u my mobile number. u sms me back okie? coz i can't check my pm

sharon, dun worry too much.. just let sabrina have the chance to explore and have fun!

think i will also take a look aft class on sunday... join me?
