(2005/10) Oct 2005 MTB???


can meet at woodlands mrt? :D shld be bringing Alden for a walk there

<font color="119911">Kris: so "qiao" ah.. keke.. I go seek clearance from PD first.. leave a slot for me.. keke</font>
Fun: Then I bring the oil down in a syringe ah? Hehe.. it's a v small amt leh.. Or u can come my hse to let him eat then take a bus there? The bus stop is at my doorstep only. Heh..

keke u bring the oil down, i use my own syringe la hehee... paiseh... i dun think i got the power to move my hb to yr flat.. hahahaaa
aiyo.. ok loh. that means u going to causeway pt har?
wat time? day? tomorrow is best. Shall we meet at causeway pt then? I can park there.
Kris's Nordic natural Omega 3-6-9 oil, $52.72 after 20% disc with 1 dozen pruchase min.

1) Kris - 2 bottles
2) Fun - 4 bottles (2 for frds)
adel, yours MIM cotton sateen sling hor.
i let my friend know your selling price, see whats her reply la
Hi all,

long time din come in liao. How's ur bb's developement?

Any bb started walking alreadi? Mine can crawl very fast, but is not walking yet. Has been walking with support for a couple of mth though.
hey, the Nordic thingy sounds good...maybe i'll get a bottle for myself and check if my other friends are interested. will post my requirement later...

fiona, welcome back! Samuel &amp; Sabrina has started walking liao.
<font face="Calisto mt"><font color="0000ff">Fun</font>,

Kris was e one who helped me purchase e 1st bottle. Aiyo I tis mth super super burst budget liao leh. Just bought an air purifier worth S$2100 on Thurs, though by interest free installment but still can feel e pain lor. Lucky it's a gd buy, had asthma attack on Wed nite due to e stupid Haze &amp; now I'm perfectly alrite liao

<font color="0000ff">Mummies</font>,

Something I learned from e air purifier sales lady:-


So any mummy thinking of getting air purifier should get e HEPA air filter lyk my machine</font>
hi everyone...haven't been leaving msgs for a long time.
How is everyone? seems like everyone is planning to have 2nd bb yah?

How is your bday celebration for you bb?
Any ideas which cakes to order from that is nice, cute and good to eat?
Any comments on eCreative cakes and YSL Buffet Catering?

thanks &amp; regards!
jenifur:If v tight then no need to buy this round lah. One bottle can easily last almost 6 months if only one child is consuming it!
I know abt the HEPA air filters. I have a high-end vacuum cleaner/air filter at home too but that was bought several years ago and then the HEPA thing wasn't really known yet. Sigh.. Will have to wait out many more years for this machine to spoil and then MAYBE will convince myself to spend another sum to buy a new one! V heart pain right??
kris/fun: will give it a miss this time, coz it's not recommended for people who are taking blood thinners and with xaby's heart condition, i can't afford for her blood chemistry to be affected coz we don't know the repercussions. thanks!
<font face="calisto mt"><font color="0000ff">Kris</font>,

Ya felt heartpain immiedately after I purchased. Felt @ tt moment it was a impulsive purchase, although I was very much convinced after seeing e demo on how fast e purifier cleaned up e dirty air. But now tt it has proven useful to ease my asthma, feel less heartpain liao lor *hehe*. HB just consoled me, lucky we buy now or else w e haze @ 128, sure will affect Janelle.

Always tot air ionizer was better, but m wrong man. HEPA is even better but such not widely known nia</font>
HI sneaky,

Samuel started walking alreadi? That's fast! I am still waiting for the day when my ger can walk on her own lor...then I don't have to carry her liao!...she's now 11kg!Big rite?
<font size="+1">Thank you Daddies &amp; Mummies &amp; babies who attended Clarisse's 1st Birthday Party...

Please forgive us for not being a good host and pardon us if you do not get enough of the Food.</font>

Yew Kit, Carole &amp; Clarisse
I'm celebrating my boy's birthday in Dec. thinking of get some plastic-like helium ballons. Anyone knows where to get cheap n nice ballons?

Do you always lament when carrying your Alden?hehe..me always...my arm muscles are getting bigger...

But think fr another pt of view, 'FAT" means well fed..and she's growing healthily hehe...
morraine.. no problem.. kekeke.. i know urs is 28, wat time?? evening i can.. afternoon i might have to just try... cos i shifting on tt day.. i was like.. i have something on. but what.. then i recall.. when i was telling my buddies. whaha. stupid me.. haiz
morraine.. 5pm. i think should be ok.. kekke.. i will pop over with Clarisse &amp; my mum. i am nt sure if Hubby is in town tt time.
i will keep u updated on the cfm attendance
<font color="ff6000">carole


wah the cake looks nicer den the one u showed me in their website!! whahahahha more pastel leh!! tasty??</font>
i like the green green.. keke its actually coconut!!! guess wat... the baker is my FRIEND!!! whahahahahaha.. she came with the cake, and she saw me and told hb that she knows me! whahahaha.. and i went over, ya! she was my XUE JIE (Senior in Sec School)!
hi girls, can anyone recommend a good hair dresser? thinking of changing coz have been with mine for a few years now and i think he's running out of ideas to make my short hair look different all the time
sexxy!! kekekeke

patsy: i am with a stylist in Orchard cineleisure, but i think he is moving on to Novena in Nov!
Patsy: i have with him since 2001. Not bad.. but i guess its very individual. another person will be REDS hairdressing's Boss, Jeric See.. he is good with cuts. If nt will be Salon Le Orient Stylist, Jerry.
Morraine: ur Qiao is Vain or Coincidental? lol

San: Light n refreshing... cream not heavy, very light.. nice.. keke i love the topping of Coconut!

looks like angel??? looks more grumpy angel... hahahahah
Patsy: nice meeting you yesterday!

mm.. if u want, i can intro you to my sis.. at her salon. sometimes, cheap can be dangerous.. but ex salon doesn't mean tt the haircut and everything will turn out to be suitable as well. tts my opinion.. must get a haistylist of whom u are comfortable with and creative as well.. sometimes.

Patsy: Jeric with Bugis. he is the boss of Reds. like Adel mentioned.. Ex du mean good, and cheap dun mean professional either. More impt you are comfortable with the stylist. I dun change my stylist unless they leave the salon without informing. I have followed my stylist from MArket St. to Orchard Cineleisure... and he soon will be joining Adel's sister salon in Nov.
