(2005/10) Oct 2005 MTB???

Clarisse's Mom

if clarisse sleeps at 1230am - 730am, then do u mean she's awake from 730pm - 1230am? or sleeping?

Tammi sleeps around 730pm sometimes she fusses till 8pm or even 830pm but most nights she sleeps at 730pm, she wakes up around 130-2am or sometimes 3-4am for abt 20min to drink (i usu give her only water n 30ml of FM) then she sleeps till morning. So if I make her sleep around midnite then it'll be v hard cos' her sleeping hr is so early.. and it's v hard for me to bring her out anywhere cos' once it's around 7pm she'll need to be rocked to bed and when we're outside it's noisy and she becomes really hard to manage. any solution for me?


did they use a special shaver for BB? still thinking should i call them or go salon...


think brennan is sensitive to J&J Top to Toe. Cos i use on him these few days and realised he got rashes after bath. Any one of u using any other type of shower gel for BB? Last time me using Lactacid for him but tot since he is bigger, should use normal shower gel lor.
SSL : Me using Gerber body & hair shampoo for my boy.. smells very nice and only needs to use a little bit coz very foamy. So far no skin irritation after use.

did u rinse off after bath? or just add to the water and bath bb in it? i didnt rinse off for J&J cos i dont put alot in it
Hi All, juz changed my nick from June to 3rascals...

In the day when i shower Kayden, I'll use Lactacyd..(put 1 capful into the bathtub)(hehe but don hv the lingering fragrance after bath) In the evening, use a drop of kodomo in a small basin to wipe his body & wash his bum. Find Komodo smells real nice ... so far a wk liao, no rash. I suppose its okie... When Lactacyd finishes, will change to kodomo.
hello everyone...

let's talk abt shower gel. before i delivered, i bought 2 big bottles of Lactacyd for use on baby. i asked the massage lady on the 1st day she's bathing Samuel if she prefers to use Lactacyd or J&J. she said Lactacyd is too strong for newborn and adviced me to use J&J instead. her method is to pump a little to wash hair, then another small pump to add into the water. no rinsing is required...so far i've been practicing this and bb smells so good, especially his hair....

so do u intend to rinse off if u wash BB with kodomo? did u rinse off when using lactacyd during the day?


u rinse off, that means u got two tubs of water. one to rinse BB, and one to wash BB in it?

I got pigeon one, yet to try. Now using lactacyd in the evening cos still got balance.


Its stated in the instruction for lactacyd that its suitable for infant leh. i only put 6-8drops per tub of water. heehee

I dunno whether tat is special shaver or not. It's something like my husband's shaver. Hahaha!
And it doesn't seems so pain when shaving my bb's head. In fact my boy seemed very enjoy it. :p
I oso used Kodomo for my bb during 1st, no rashes ley. Now switching to J&J, so far so good too.
I didn't rinse it too.
maybe i put too much?? but if put one drop into tub wont smell nice ma..


wash and rinse same tub? wont the water be soapy?
pammie: she oso sleeping at times from 7.30-12.30am.
her last feed usually abt 111.30pm or 12am. When we are outside, she is amazing a good girl, only fuss little just to tell us she wanna sleep, and if she in sarong, she will auto knock out. When in cab, she oso auto zzz
showered my girl, and combed her hair.. whahaha. .so funny, i combed till she looks like "AH FOOK" and kena scolding from my mum who is at my plc. she told me tt my girl looks so stupid.. i say.. good.. looks are suppose to be deceiving.. whahahahahha

Your girl seems to sleep a lot and seems very easy to manage leh compared to most. Mine doesn't like the sarong and will fuss a lot before bed time!!!
my girl also fuss alot before bedtime.. especially when she was awake for a few hrs liao then very tired want to sleep but cannot get to sleep then will fuss super big time.. cry n cry.. sigh...
Brennan lately also fuss when we put him into the sarong to sleep. i think their habits tend to change after sometime...
SSL: I don rinse off with either brand. for kodomo i only put 1 drop only. testing 1st.. will increase gradually. For Lactacyd, i put a lot (8-10 drops) cos no smell.. But so far okie. no rash

lactacyd is ok so far, even with many drops.

prob try pigeon first since i have one bottle at home,then kodomo.. are there different types for kodomo??
my girl today practically no take nap since she woke up at 8am plus.. even if falls asleep only for like 15min to 30min.. keep crying.. just now cry n cry then concuss now sleeping liao.. hope she will at least sleep for a few hrs.. really scared that she not enough sleep..
Hi mummies,
what do u do wth your babies when they are awake?
Trying to figure out wat games to play or wat to do to stimulate development.
sometimes though try to put him to sleep, so i hv some time to do my own things or rest.
Honey Bee:

My boy entertain himself by sucking his thumb, fingers and even fist! When he loses interest in sucking his thumb, I'll draw his attention to the hanging mobile on his cot. I got the battery-operated hanging mobile from fisher price, and when its switched on, will play music and the hanging toys will move. My boy likes it very much!

Babies at this age are very drawn to sounds like rattling toys/ keys as well as moving objects. So you want baby to play by him/herself, you can put on wrist rattles, play CD, or invest in a hanging mobile or other toys.
SSL: If all the body wash dun seem to work you can try Esemtan. My older gal is using it now as recommended by doc cos her skin is sensitive. It can be used for babies too. It's anti-bacterial and has so far proven v good for my older gal. My little one has used it before as well. Smells nice and clean.
You can get it from Guardian Pharmacy. Some clinics would carry it as well.



u girls always bring bb out to shopping ctrs. do they always doze off outside? i brought brennan out today for the first time to taka. maybe he doesnt have enough sleep, he refuse to sleep even thou he super tired n start to fuss. he prob used to sleeping in sarong to sleep. any solutions as to make him be able to sleep outdside? i was carrying him in those baby carrier that looks like haversack. wonder if pram or sling will make him sleep faster.
my boy fusses and cries a lot b4 the nite zz..it can be as long as 1.5hrs.. any tips to share to prevent this
SSL: tik there 2 types for Kodomo Bath,one is Mild the other moisturising. I tried the moisturising one.

My boy loves the sling. he can sleep thruout while i shop. can be hours until miss his milk time.. haha but got to be on the move. he loves to b rocked i guess... : ) On contrary, he cant stay long on the pram. cried to b carried.
inc, try this.. at ntie before the last feed, try to wash him up. and tell him, after wash up its time for milk then zzz... during the day, make sure he gets his bath followed by feed and zzz.. this is to set his routine, so he knows its time to zzz.

i got the sample for the moisturing one (purple bottle) n tried it for 2 days already when i wipe him in the evening. only put one drop. smell not alot leh, very tempted to put more :p

for the bath, i put lesser J&J top to toe n seems the rash gone or not so bad. prob i put too much?? anyway, i got pigeon one that contains jojoba. issit ok to use har?
SSL, my boy also loves the sling. the last time we went shopping in his pram, he did not really want to sleep and cried to be carried too. once in the sling, he fell aslp. made me bring push the prm without baby inside...haha
SSL: I used the moisturing sample too. (got fr TMC) hehe 1 drop at a time la... : )

Tik pigeon one shld b okie. many bb using also but don put too many drop lor. But I suggest u don try 1st. U're trying kodomo & J&J aledi..later if hv rash u wldnt noe which one is causing the rash..

I;m still using Lactaycd for bathing Kayden. Got a brand new bottle of J&J, but resist the temptation to use it now.. My hubby says my nose "stuck" liao, always smelling shower stuff & detergents.. haha love bb to smell nice mah..

Sneaky: ya lor. so malu, pple keep looking at me carrying bb & pushing a pram with handbag.. Thats y i don bring pram out these days. Really envy those whose bb enjoys sitting in the pram? any tips? don wanna waste the pram lei

u can put your shopping in the pram mah
thats what alot of people do. heehee

what material is your sling? from MIM? heard so much about it but not sure to buy new one or 2nd hand cos if buy new one, wait brennan dont like, wasted. how old can we use the sling? btw, how heavy is samuel?


yaya mine also from tmc
u delivered there?

my boy if got rash, immediately after bath u will see one... me using J&J chamomile & lavender lotion on him, smells very nice. keke... i got so many bottles of J&J top2toe. i bought one, n TMC got give free ones...

got one big bottle for pigeon one. bought when pregnant.. but think that one can wait till he older n needs rinse off. but bought pigeon sample pack inside got the bath gel lor...
Hi clarisse
we do bathe him bt in the evening so too early for nite zz..
tks for advice.. u mean set a routine rite..
hm.. for day zzz he is easier
Brennan nowadays will cry and cry when we put him into the sarong. we had to really rock him for quite sometime before he will quiet down and sleep. any idea why?
SSL: yap delivered at TMC on the 28th Oct. Mine's a MIM Cotton Sateen. U can go down to MIM to try on the sling. If like then buy if not no point.. Furthermore got free demo
hahhaa.. SSL..

Bbs keep changing everyday de ma.. alotof times... he cannot speak so can onli cry lor.. maybe he crying to sleep if he realli doze off in the sarong ba.. u are his mummy.. of cos u should know best..
U should learn to listen to his cries.. got different de..
Hi Oct Mummies,
I am from NovMTB but my bb was born in Oct
Need some advice here. May I know how long it takes for the bb to start have fever after the 5in1 or 6in1 jab? :p
all mummies,

Ya, like Manuka, I oso curious to know which jab of 5-in-1 will get fever? My bbsitter said the 3rd jab of 5-in-1 will get fever. Really?
My boy is going to have 1st jab of 5-in-1 this Fri nite. Worried he will get fever after that.
hi mummies,

very long nvr come in here liao how are everyone??

re:milk consumption

may i know how much yr bb drinking now? my boy coming to 13th week but only drink 600plus perday i am really worried he is not drinking enuf but he seems alert when awake and tends to sleep very often.

re: fever after jab

my son also going for 1st jab of 5 in 1 this week..will get fever one ar? how to avoid??

i encounter the same prob as you two my bb used to drink more but now dunno why dun drink much makes me real worry...isit alright/normal??

ya but have to find time with hubby to go with me lor. will ask him. gotta try the pram first. kekeke.


i know. he will cry till tired then sleep. very kelian....


PD told me that any fever after 2 days (including jab day) is not related to the jab. So i guess u have to monitor the day or jab and the next day.

Brennan had his jab and his temp was up and down on that day but still within the 38degrees (for ear thermometer).

ya but have to find time with hubby to go with me lor. will ask him. gotta try the pram first. kekeke.


i know. he will cry till tired then sleep. very kelian....


PD told me that any fever after 2 days (including jab day) is not related to the jab. So i guess u have to monitor the day or jab and the next day.

Brennan had his jab and his temp was up and down on that day but still within the 38degrees (for ear thermometer).
3rascals, well, i guess the best way is to get our babies used to the pram by putting them inside it and push around; be it in the house or just outside.

ssl, i've ever commented other people's pram filled with purchases instead of babies...it is such a waste to spend hundreds of dollars buying such a comfortable shopping cart? my sling is BabyBjorn, cotton one...i think the satin one is easier to use...can use until quite old ah...at least 2 yrs, if the kid is not too heavy...samuel is close to 7kg, quite streneous on the back liao...actually it doesn't really matter new or old...like or don't like is a matter of training and proper posture...try lah, it's really useful leh...

pd said its normal for bbs of 12 weeks to tend to drink lesser at times

for me, i let brennan drink yang sheng water 2days before the jab. heard that it can help to prevent fever..

u remember how much is your sling? where did u get it? the pram i have is given to me by a friend so its a recycled one..

for me, my concern is that the sling cant touch my wound area. the baby carrier i use, brennan's weight happens to rest on my wound area which i feel uncomfortable.

will try n see how... n like what 3rascals say, can go try the sling before i buy

lots of possible answers de lor.. like stomachaching, Colic, too warm, too cold, dun like to position u carry him, want to drink etc..
hi breakbeats,
tks. we only recently stopped putting mittens on boy, only when he goes to sleep. coz he tends to rub his face when he wakes up hungry and scratches his poor face. but yeah, he's starting to explore his hands and sucks his fingers loudly!
he also likes his musical mobile. but i think he gets bored after awhile... or maybe its me that gets bored! hiak hiak.

ssl - we got our sling from MIM. my boy likes it. he tends to fall asleep in it when we are out wt him. sleeps for longer too, compared to normal days at home. the only concern is overheating. we usually sling him in shopping centres/ church, ie places that are cold, so will keep him warm, and not overheat him.
also started to use pram. at first bb is curious abt new surroundings, but tend to fall asleep when pram is moving. guess its the same concept that bb sleep in moving cars...

but pram like v bulky. was q hard to maneuver it around in tight spaces in food court.

so tempted to get the ergo carrier when bb is bigger... looks like its more 'airy' - so bb wont get overheated. but i think u can carry bb in more positions wt a sling, compared to the ergo carrier.

dear all
recently i noticed my bb got a rash on his body, neck and armpit also. did anyone have that ?
what should i do ?
