(2005/10) Oct 2005 MTB???

breastfeeding mummies, do u all experienced pain in ur breast sometimes? ixxit engorgement? but my breast still feel soft. the pain is only a little while and it will go off.

SSL: Mayb u want to try wrapping Brennan up?
My bbsitter wrapped my boy up so he won't keep on fussing and he can sleep well and not frightened easily.

Anyone wrapping their bb when sleeping?
I also put my bb in sarong... gave in after 1 month as she consistently needs to be carried all the time. I can still carry her while on leave but when put at my mum's place after I start to work, would make life terrible for my mum, so I decided to put her in sarong during the day. She also has no problem sleeping on bed at night.
mayday: i am still wrapping my girl when sleeping.. kekek.. but by morning her hands are out.

think only got one spring. better to have more. mine got 3.


my boy too active, by 5mins his hands will in the air. not like clarissemummy gerger, so kuai.

so when his hands flies at night when sleeping, i will hold it sleep together, my hands on top of his tummy holding his hands. heehee
SSL: not everytime so guai lor.. kekeke... sometimes u can see her giving signals to the traffic lights.. whahaha..
PM: i also experienced some pain in my breasts and will go off by itself...i don't think they are due to engorgement...

amari: i just did the installation and my little one is sleeping soundly in it now...i'm so happy!!! and yes, i bought the 7-springs one...now using only 3 and will add if baby gets heavier...

WTP: i think it all boils down to training from start. our babies shd get used to the routine we've set for them (hopefully)...just like mine...he knows that he will not get his milk if his diaper is not changed during the night feed...keke

ling: wah...can meh? mine will struggle big time if i wrap him up leh...
Information to Share...

The Let-Down Reflex (Milk Ejection Reflex)

What is the let-down reflex?

When you breast-feed, your baby's sucking stimulates nerves in your nipple. These nerves carry a message to your brain, and a hormone, called oxytocin, is released. Oxytocin flows through your bloodstream to your breasts, where it causes tiny muscle cells around your milk glands to squeeze milk out of the glands and into the milk ducts. This is known as the let-down reflex or the milk ejection reflex.

Once your let-down is working well (usually by 2 weeks after delivery), you may feel a pins-and-needles or tingling sensation in your breasts when you nurse or pump. Milk will usually drip from one breast while you are feeding on the other side. Sometimes your let-down will occur when you hear your baby cry or think about nursing your baby. A well-functioning let-down reflex helps ensure your breasts get emptied and your baby is easily getting milk.

Sometimes a woman's let-down reflex doesn't work as well as it should. This can cause breast-feeding problems. For example, you may have problems emptying milk from your breasts or your baby may not get enough milk.

What causes a poor let-down reflex?

Several situations may prevent the let-down reflex from working well.

* You may have severely sore nipples that cause you to tense up before each nursing.
* You may be stressed, anxious, or tense. For example, you may be trying to pump breast milk during a short break at work.
* You may be separated from your baby. For example, if you have to pump at home while your premature baby is still in the hospital.
* You may have had a previous breast surgery that has damaged the normal nerve pathways to the nipple, such as breast reduction or enlargement surgery. If you have altered sensation in your nipple after surgery (that is, your nipple is either somewhat numb or super-sensitive), it is possible that nerve damage from the procedure could interfere with your let-down reflex.

What can I do to improve my milk flow?

The following suggestions can help trigger the let-down reflex and improve milk flow:

* Try to nurse or pump in a place that is familiar, comfortable, and restful.
* Drink a beverage whenever you sit down to nurse or pump.
* Play soft music or do relaxation exercises before you nurse or pump.
* Gently massage your breasts before you nurse or pump.
* Have your partner give you a backrub before you nurse or pump.
* Put a warm washcloth or heating pad on your breasts, or take a warm shower before you nurse or pump.
* If you are pumping because you are separated from your baby, put a photograph of your baby by the pump.

Are there medical alternatives to improve my milk flow?

A synthetic (man-made) form of oxytocin was formerly marketed as a nasal spray known as Syntocinon. The drug was sometimes prescribed for mothers of premature infants who needed help conditioning their let-down reflex when using a breast pump. Syntocinon is no longer on the market. However, a compounding pharmacist can make the same drug with a prescription from your health care provider.
aiyoyo....while surfing, i heard sucking sound from the sarong...i saw my son SUCKING HIS FIST!@#$%!@#% this is the first time i see him doing this. i guess by putting a baby in the sarong, his hands are kept near his chest and mouth. sucking of thumb or fist will develope. however, when the baby is put in the cot to sleep, he or she is less likely to develope this bad habit...i must make sure my maid watches him and pull his hand away from his mouth...see...i'm hearing it as i type...i'll go rectify this problem now...
hi all mummies,

sorry to intrude on the thread but i would like to ask have any one tried the avent breast milk storage bag? presterilised ok? thks!
hi milo, i've tried them, why? i'll use them only once and discard after transfering them into the bottle for feeding...i'll warm the milk in the bottle instead of the bags...
hi sneaky, someone from yahoo has stock selling 100 pcs pre-sterilised for $17. i tot normally this type of storage bag has to be sterilise first thus not sure lor.

the medela is selling 20 pcs for 20+ so this sound like a good buy
milo, the avent one is definitely cheaper. they are all pre-sterilised and can be used straight from the box. you might wanna store the opened and unused ones in a ziploc bag to prevent contamination...that's what i'm doing now...

thks for ur help! certainly cleared my doubts liao. now into my 2nd trimester must start getting prepare else scare later too big, diff to move ard..keke
milo: dun worry.. kekkee.. we still gng out shopping when we are into our last trim and somemore can go outing and dinner.. kekkee
clarisse's mum,

hihi long time no see u liao.. wah, 3rd trimester and u gals still can actively walk ard...peifu..

think my bones getting old liao. yesterday robinson having sales so went to grab the pigeon steriliser. carried it for a short distance only and my back ache like mad today..terrible ah
SSL: My boy also v active but he willing to let bbsitter wrap but when I wrap him hor .. he start to fuss liao.

Clarisse Mum: me juz let the bbsitter wrap since ppl telling me by doing this they can sleep longer and less frighten.

thats y sleep w my hand on bb's belly - to grab his flying hands n to act as the "beansprout" pillow



went taka just now to check out their branded baby wear. nothing nice one. mostly for ger ger. any mummies know where else i can get branded baby wear?

Good morning gals.....


My bb also like to suck her finger but we put on mittien for her to correct her this problem. But end up, she still suckler her finger with her mitten on...so Boh Bian, we have to change her mitten 2-3 times a day...

I think if we give our bb pacificer, they will not suck on their finger. BB suckle their finger or pacificer let them feel s sense of security.

It remind me of my sis, my mom took 12 years to correct her this bad habit. Ha Ha Ha.....Now when my sis'bf come over to my mom place, we will always show him the photo of my sis sucking her thumb...
SSL: Me too .. will placed my hand on his hand at his chest.

Maybe you can try at those neighbourhood area some shop do sell rejected bb clothing at cheaper price.

Nuttnuts: How's the PetPet diapers? Yr gal can used?
hello ladies

Sorry for sneaking in here to read ur posts ;p I'm actually a MTB, nearing my 4th month now, but actually jumping the gun to read some of the oreadi-mothers posts. This Oct posting is especially active, it seems ;)

Asking for some help/feedback here actually.
Could anyone revert if any of you give birth at different hospitals other than the one your gynae is in? I'm with a gynae at Mt E right now. Still wondering if any difference if i decide to give birth at Mt A. Cos i read in some other threads that if the gynae is in the same hosp, will pop in and have a look now & then. But if different hosp, the "instructions" will be given over the phone, until "about to deliver", then the gynae will arrive? Any experience to share? Thanks!
nuttnuts: that's why i've started with pacifier too...i find it easier to correct this bad habit than hand, finger or thumb sucking leh...
hi, i would like to check with you all how long did u all keep ebm in the fridge & freezer?

I kept my ebm for a max of 3days in the fridge and max 2months in the freezer. However, today, my gal vomitted out my ebm which had been kept in the fridge for 3 days liao (today the last day of expiry). Not sure if it is due to my ebm or other reasons. She had drank ebm from fridge and from freezer before without any problems except today.

Any advice?
garfield: milk kept in fridge max only 48hours.. but milk won't go sour of course.. jus tt most of the antibodies.. ain't there le..
i read from the breastfeeding website that milk can be kept in the fridge for up to 8 days...and in some other websites, they recommend 5 days, so i on the safe side i keep not more than 3 days....

and my gal drank 3 days old ebm before and no problem so dun no wat is wrong this time round.

there are a no. of possible reasons and i think it might be due to gas in her stomach. i going to feed her refridgerated ebm again later this evening to see how. but of course before tat i will taste the milk first
........ i hope u did warm it up before giving her eh?

our breast milk wun go sour one.. tts what i read. good luck! maybe she's full le.. tts why vomit out!
Hi mums,

Does ypur baby make noise during sleep? My gal is never quiet in her sleep... experience the same thing?

Btw, the 6-in-1 jab is only offered in private and can be taken in 1.5 mths and poly clinic is only offering 5-in-1 at third month. But before that, have to take second dose of hep B at poly first then go for poly's 5-in-1.
brought my girl to poly clinic for her hep b jab just now..

can update for me.. at 1mth my girl's weight is 4.5kg.. the nurse at poly clinic no take her height
hi mums,
long time never do posting already. i will be going back to work on coming monday on half day basis until end on Jan 06. i hope tis arrangement can allow me to tbf my boy for 4 mths.


you can use measuring tape to measure your gal height. i did the same thing.

my bb suck her fingers/ fist. tried to 'block' her hand by putting my palm between her fist and face. So her hand always kena my palm then she become so bek chek, haha. me reluctant to use pacifier. U girls all started using pacifier?

she used to suck finger only when she's hungry but now as and when she will put her hand in her mouth.


ebm in fridge should be consumed in 48hr. Freezer 2mths. Have started letting bb stay overnite at mum's to get use to the environment aft I go back to work. Mum mixed thaw frozen milk with fresh ebm for bb to get used to it. so far so gd.


my girl also like acting in gong fu movie when sleeping, make so much noise at times wake me up. I call her 'ekk ekk' coz she always make this sound
whiteflora: wah...very hard to stop her in future leh...hand/fist is so convenient...anytime, anywhere...yes, i used pacifier since he was 5 days old...haha...but he didn't really liked it until lately, he can suck for 1 hour occassionally...

so its the same huh abt the baby... thought mine is hyperactive. But she loves to sleep when we cuddle her... guess feeling secured.

I also use pacifier. It works while waiting for me to heat up my Ebm.
me also started to use pacifier when my girl is 3weeks old.. cos she keep looking for milk even though we just fed her.. but then she dun really like it leh.. will suckle suckle a while then use her tongue to push it out.. so we have to use on hand to keep the pacifier in her mouth..
Hi, has any of you mummies been to the PD at Kidslink at Jurong East? Wondering if the PD is good (Dr Heng Joo Teck) as I'm staying somewhere in Jurong. Or if any of you has one to recommend in the West, pls let me know.
hi all,
is it alright to bring bb who is only abt 1mth plus out for shopping whole day?has been bringing bb out to the shopping malls and shop for at least 6-7hrs these two days. me feeling great but worried that it might be bad for bb cos of the extreme temperature - hot(out in the sun) and cold(aircon in shopping malls)
Wow, how did you all manage to do it? You all brought baby out alone? Did you bring EBM along or breastfed in the mall? Did you use a stroller or sling or just carry?
Syl: if i pump before i go out, i will bring the EBM, if not will be the FM, if the mall has nursing room with BF rm, i will BF instead.
i just did tt at Suntec level 3. hiak hiak.. and a man with his son walk in... thinking there is toilet, OMG. I carry my girl, cos usually i meet my friends alone, so difficult to take pram :p
wah..during confinement and with bb somemore!haha. very steady ah!

I also went out everyday with my hubby during my confinement but without bb lah..let my CL take care and we went out jalan jalan til late nite until CL said 'so late then come back?!wait kana wind ah!' hahaha

CM, am wondering...how do you carry baby and go out alone? eg. lock the door, shop for stuff, order food, pay for something, etc since both hands or one hand will always be carrying the baby?
