(2005/10) Oct 2005 MTB???

Hi Patsy
Though I may not have known you personally, but it is really heartwrenching to read what you and your hb and Sabie have to go through. I just know that Sabie is now in a better place, with the Lord, and in His kingdom, Sabie is whole, without any heart condition anymore, without pain and without tears. Our only hope is that we will see each other again when we meet in heaven. No, it's not a false hope, it's a living hope. I just pray that the Lord's peace and joy and His love will just fill your hearts and minds right now, to guard them. I know nothing else said right now can make things better, just know that the Lord is holding both you and your hb and carrying you both through. I just pray and hope that this journey will not be futile, that will harden your hearts, but you will come out stronger and most of all, know what the devil had stolen, our God will make sure he pays you back 7 times more, a 100-fold return, be it in quality or quantity (that's His promise to us). To trust Him again in the journey for a supernatural childbirth - healthy mummy and wholesome baby in future to come. *Hugz*

Our Little Princess!!!

i cant bear! its really hurting me badly... will keep away till evening.. will let anyone knows if any arrangements are made.
i'm just at a loss of words....

little sabie, we will miss you....

but at least you're not suffering anymore...

dear patsy & family, my hearfelt condolence to u.
pls be strong.

hi carole, anything we cld do for patsy & family now? really feel like doing something for them.
pls let me know ya? thks!
Though i dont know Sarah & James personally, but i am really sad about this.

My deepest condolences to Sarah and James.
May Sabie rest in peace in heaven.
To Sarah & James, be strong.
At least we know Sabie dont feel any pain now.
I am very sad by this news..
Would like to send my deepest condolences to Sarah and James.. Hope Sabie would find peace and comfort in heaven....
It's so sad to know that a happy smiling child is gone forever. To have held the child for a short period and given her love is better than not to have had the chance before. Sarah and James, please be strong and be content that your lovely gal is no longer suffering.
Although I'm under tis Oct thread Mummy, I'm not so active in the thread, I feel very very sad too...
Will like to send my deepest condolences to Sarah, James and family. Sabie will always be in my memories...
feel very sad by the news.

pls send my deepest condolence to Sarah & James and pls be strong.
at least now sabie is not suffering anymore.she is in good hand with GOD.
I will always remember this day becos of Sabie. Sarah & Family, Be Strong. She is safe with God now. She will look upon you from up there.
Dear Baby Samantha,
You have been a brave and courageous warrior. I was looking at your photographs last night and I know you have lived a beautiful and fulfilling life filled with love. All of us are saddened by this separation and I know it wasnt easy for you too. We are going to miss you, little Samantha.

Dear Sarah, James,
Please remain strong. Little Samantha has demonstrated so much strength and courage throughout this battle. Please let that strength and courage to live on.
tears are flowing down my cheeks right now. i'm deeply sadden by the departure of Sabie.

Sabie baby, may you find peace in heaven and all your sufferings will come to an end.

My deepest condolences to Sarah and family. I know no words can comfort you but i really hope you guys can stay strong and pull through together. Sabie will forever be missed.
Hi Sarah

My deepest condolences to you and James. I'm Carole's SIL and have been following closely on the updates ever since I knew it from Carole. Though I don't know you personally, nonetheless, I'm very sadden by this turn of event.

I know nothing we say can ease your pain but I hope that you will find the strength to move on and I believe that Sabie will find peace and comfort now in Heaven.

Be strong and take care ya.
Dear Sambie,

I'm looking through your yahoo photos, you are so cute and sweet. I know you are a good girl. U fight for a week for your mummy and daddy. We will miss you.

Dear Sarah and James,
pls be strong and take care. BB Sambie also dun wish to see you all so sad.
To James and Sarah,
In times like this, you have me and my husband's deepest condolences.
No matter where Sabie goes, will she remain in our hearts for being strong and brave warrior in her these precious 18 months.
I am from Sep06 thread but have been following tis thread very closely for the past few days since i knew abt Sabie's condition.

My heartful sympathy to Sabie's parents and families.

Also, thks Carole for the constant updates everyday on Sabie. You are really a great pal. Pls take care of yourself too.
Dear Sarah and James

My deepest condolence to u.
Though i may not know u, it saddens me to know about your situation. May God provide you and your family with strength and peace. Sabie is in heaven with the angels... no more pain and sickness... one day u will meet her again.
Dear Sarah & James,
Although i may not know you both personally but i feel for your lost and my eyes are filled with tears as i read that Sabie has departed.
I just know that Sabie is now in a better place with the lord and she will no longer feel any pain. Im sure one day we will meet each other again in heaven.
I pray that God will give you the peace to pull through this difficult period....hugz....
My condolences Sarah and James
Stay strong i believe sabie wouldnt want to see u both upset.
She will find peace with god. It's sad that such a thing gotta happen to such a sweet little young one.
She will remain in all our hearts and watching u in heaven.
Sarah & James,
My deepest condolences to both of you Take care & be strong Sabie had went off to a faraway place in peace she will always be remembered by all of us
Dear Sarah and James,

My deepest condolences to you. Please be strong and believe that Sabie is in a better place now with God in paradise, with no pain, no tears, no illnesses, no surgeries. Sabie is an angel. I am sure she is looking over you and will always be with you in spirit.

Take care.
Dear Sarah & James

My deepest condolence to both of you. I know its hard to bid farewell to your little darling who is such a lovely & adorable gal. She will rest in peace. Please take care.

Dear Sabie
Aunty is so sad to know that you have left us. But I know that you have done your best. We will miss you forever.
James and Sarah,
I am terribly shattered by this news, and I truely understand no other words could expressed, for both of u to say, to sink in with reality. Kindly be strong and lead on with live for baby Sabie's sake. She love both of u as much as u all love her, that's why she had chosen to come into your family then.. and it will be really upset for her to see both of u not strong enough to face what she had chosen now, today.

Dear Baby Sabie,
U r a brave warrior and a filiel child, at least u came to this world to bring your parents 18 months of happiness, please lead on a good & cheerful path from now on and continue to love and protect your parents in repayment of their kindness.
I don't know about tomorrow,

I just live from day to day;

I don't borrow from its sunshine,

For its sky may turn to gray;

I don't worry o'er the future

For I know what Jesus said,

And today I'll walk beside Him,

For He knows what is ahead.

Many things about tomorrow

I don't seem to understand;

But I know who holds tomorrow,

And I know who holds my hand.

Every step is getting brighter

As the golden stairs I climb;

Every burden's getting lighter,

Every cloud is silver lined.

There the sun is always shining,

There no tear will dim the eye;

At the ending of the rainbow,

Where the mountains touch the sky.

Many things about tomorrow

I don't seem to understand;

But I know who holds tomorrow,

And I know who holds my hand.

I don't know about tomorrow,

It may bring me poverty;

But the one who feeds the sparrow

Is the one who stands by me;

And the path that be my portion,

May be thru the flame or flood,

But His presence goes before me,

And I'm covered with His blood.

Many things about tomorrow

I don't seem to understand;

But I know who holds tomorrow,

And I know who holds my hand.
Dear Sarah & James,

Know it's a difficult period for you, do take care and may God's peace and love surround you through this time.
Dear Sarah and James,

My deepest condolence to both of you.
Pls be strong for yr little girl and be strong for each other.
Sabie is such a brave girl, she chose the path and am sure she once both of you to be happy as well.

Pls take good care.
Sarah and James,
Deepest condolences. Your child is in the good hands of the Lord and will always live in your hearts. May both of you stay strong in moments like this.
<font face="Kristen ITC"> Mummies,

We understand your concern for Patsy but we would like to urge you to stop calling or send her sms now. Think it will be best to give her some space. Carole will post any further updates here.

Sarah & James,

my deepest condolences to both of you, pls remain strong as Sabie has been a really fighter.


u will b badly missed by all. U will not lonely.
On behalf of October 07 MTBs, our deepest condolences to Sarah, James and immediate family.

Our thoughts and prayers are with you.. Please stay strong.

Dear Carole, you have been a great pal to Sarah too.. Thanks for all the updates.
Hi Sarah & James ... i did went over to KKh CHildren ICU ... but i dun no who is who so i just stand outside and pray for all of u ...
Am there abt 5.30pm

I am sorry so wat had happened ... please be strong and let god heal yr heart ... sabie is now living with only happiness and all goodness from god ... she is in save hands now ... let Jesus comfort you & yr family
Dear Sarah & James,

My deepest condolences to both of you. Really dunno what to say because my heart and eyes are tearing too. She's really really adorable looking in the picture above. Well, all i can say is that there is a reason for everything and God will take care of everything. Take time to grieve and may both of you find peace and comfort soon.
Dearest James and Sarah,

Though it's hard to accept the fact but one thing we can rest assured that Little Sabie is with our Lord Jesus now, in happiness and with joy
Dear James and Sarah,

deepest condolences. Sabie is in good hands now with our Lord. May you find peace and comfort in the Lord too.

Dear Sarah & James,

My deepest condolences to both of you. Please be strong, may God give you the strength, comfort and peace. Sabie is in heaven with God and He will take very good care of her.
