(2005/10) Oct 2005 MTB???

patsy: Like u said, every child will develop at their own pace lah.
They will all catch up with each other eventually. It's really just us parents who are finding things to worry abt! hahaa!

i know... told my mum on the phone yesterday i've become an expert in worrying and she said "you've not even touched the surface!!"

<font color="ff6000">jenifur ~</font>

orh.. haha my ash oso lor she dip her own head into the pool den come up cough cough coz drank the pool salty water.. haha

<font color="ff6000">elaine ~</font>

wah seh.. Pakistan leh.. den u have to do ur own cooking already lor?

<font color="ff6000">carole ~</font>

ya lor agree.. let them play in the water and u wil see them behaving in the most amazing ways

<font color="ff6000">Fun ~</font>

yeah i heard abt tat barber shop tat they can entertain kids well enuff to let them stay put so to enable to cut the hair properly.. can try
Hello Everyone.... has been some time since i chatted online although i've been keeping up with the latest info... haha

Intending to buy a lightweight stroller, does anyone has any stroller to sell or any brand to recommend? Budget should be about $100 and less... Many thanks!

Patsy : My boy seems to be like Grace except only have 5 teeth... still can't walk and talk... but blabbers alot... he's very active... like a worm... can't sit still... now can climb up from the high chair... so scary...

Does anyone knows how to choose avocado and how to cook them? I bought 3 the other day and when cut open, they are black in colour instead of the usual greenish yellow colour.

Gave my boy alot of adult stuff... always can't help but pinch some food we are eating for him as he is a very greedy boy... haha :D Sometimes let him lick ice-cream and he likes it... eat chocolate (abit), rice, but he doesn't like too sweet stuff and too soury stuff as his face will crumple together... so funny...

Sorry... too many things at one go... haha :D
Tomorrow is Friday - so happy though i'm a SAHM... but hubby can accompany on weekends... I'm so afraid of getting sick if not my boy very thing cos once i was so sick, i had to beg my husband to take 1 day leave...
Hi Patsy, i am a new member here. Can I join this conversation? So envious your Xaby can say mama. My Jayce can sit, crawl, stand but is very quiet, I am a bit worried. He don't babbles but says 'Ahhhhh' only. Does your Xaby babble a lot before he say mama?
Patsy: I am in Lahore-a city. It's quite safe here, don't have strikes as often. Of course, it's not as clean as Singapore. Finally, I understand why tourists are always so impressed with Sin cleaninless.

Yippee: Wow! Spain sounds exciting. Well, based on my 3 mths SAHM in overseas, I guess the difficult part is getting used to life without your family members and friends. Thou I can be quite lonely at times, I feel that it is still important for the whole family to stay together. We do try to go back Sin as often as we can whenever my hubby has course or meetings.

Morianne: Yah, usually I cook dinner during weekdays. Weekends, sometimes eatout or just one-dish meal.
Hi NSS, yep, Xaby would babble incoherently and yesterday wasthe first time she said something i could distinguish. Hehe... am envious of you too coz xaby can't crawl or stand yet!

Elaine: must br interesting/tiring/fun/overwhelming all at the same time!
jenifur: would like to get it but my mum got somehing almost the same with that one in the carters warehouse! Maybe I should ask her to buy loads so i can share it with you guys here!!
How is everybody here ? anythings to share ?

Welcome to all the new members !

Aiya, Sabrina nowaday very noti, keep cries in the night, refusal to sleep early.
nap also reduce to half and hour morning
and afternoon 1 hour.
she scream also very noise ..
<font color="ff6000">patsy ~</font>

shiok la!! noe how to call u.. haiz my ash hor.. dunno when den wil call me

<font color="ff6000">sharon ~</font>

could it be Sabrina is teething leh? so she is very moody?
sweetie: Hehe.. but that my not be a good thing woh... She's usually v excited, maybe cos development v fast, and at nite she wakes up many times, then she will feel v bek chek and climb onto my body and sleep ON ME! Last time she used to wake up in the middle of the nite and stand and clap hands!!! *pengz*
Are you the one who's meet me for the shoes ? Aiya
Sabrina 10mth+ still got no teeth! she now want attention more.. can not even wait for to make milk for her.
morriane: yeah, quite shoik, but i have to listen properly because sometimes the "mama" gets lost in the gibberish!

kris: aiyo poor you! I don't remember which book it was i was reading that warned me of this.. but they said to try to calm them down with a sip to drink, and minimize interaction half an hour before they sleep so not to stimulate them too much. Xaby is like that too.. will fall alseep then wake up after 1 hour wanting to play!

sharon: don't worry, Xaby's cardio/PD said the later their teeth grow the stronger the teeth will be
cherlin, avocado should be s brownish and firm but not hard or soft to touch.. eh, read that no need to cook..

kris: ember has so many teeth! how do you clean her teeth?

patsy: i'm gonna buy ingredients for the dough later.. hope i can find the cream of tartar
<font color="ff6000">sharon ~</font>

wahahhaa ya la im the one whom u have met twice liaoz lar.. wahhaha *faint*

<font color="ff6000">patsy ~ </font>

wah liew ah at least have the mama lor.. better den my ash is screaming nia arh!! *faint*
Oh ! Your Bb also almost same age group ha..
BTW , the shoes had give to me wrong size liao,I want size L liao. is not i have to wait for Sabrina get older...
<font color="ff6000">sharon ~ </font>

hee ya la.. hee.. aiyo not my fault hor .. i jus help poshies nia.. she ask me to pass to u den i pass nia lor hee.. alamak one pair of shoes change so many times.. *faint* den u ordered a quite boyish design oso leh.. hee
my ah boy also know how to call me liao...he will say ma ma ma mee...and this morning said pa paaaa...woohooooo!!

i bought a car seat recently and each time Samuel sits on it, he will fall asleep in a while...so cute...he seems to sit there with his arms on the arm rest (like tao kay) and relax till he falls asleep...

Ember so funny... she must be a happy baby...


What brand you bought? Ex? from Kiddy palace?


do you know if there is any small croc size for 1 yr old baby?
ya, what brand of car seat u bot huh? Im also thinking of getting a new one for Kaiser. Think he needs a more upright one compared to the infant kind.
fuschiarstar: ya lor! SO many teeth, but I'm used to it liow. My Kyra teethed at 1 month!!! and by her 1st year she had almost all her teeth! We use a cloth to clean Ember's teeth and as for Kyra she brushes her teeth now.
Hopefully they will inherit my good strong teeth! Haha! My dentist used to jibe at me and say 'for someone who's last visit was 8 yrs ago you've kept them v clean and well!'
sweetie &amp; yippee, i bought the Maxi Cosi XP Priori at $355 from Baby Hypermart (Kaki Bukit). it's quite nice leh...
Patsy : My baby boy is called Royce... Hello *WAVE*...

Thanks Fuschiarstar! Thought how come nobody helps me with my questions... haha :D
fushiastar: how did the dough making go??

cherlin: hi too!! How old is Royce??

morriane: i'm sure Ash will start taking soon!
My parents are now here for a visit and Xaby is calling everyone mammmmmmmmammmmmmmmmm, and growls now too, i think i did the animal sounds for her too well!!

which stroller is everyone using now? am thinking of getting a more compact one since she's much bigger and doesn't need all that support anymore. Looked at the Quinny Zapp and Buzz today but it doesn't recline for the to sleep so decided against it. The Silver Cross one in First Few Years in Paragon looks nice tho
cherlin: wahaha nice name... i happen to choose that name for my bb actually. Cos tt time dunno boy or girl yet. so thinking Royce for Boy, Clarisse for girl.

patsy.. haven't made.. making today..
but couldn't find cream of tartar.. can just use tartar sauce?

kris:i'm also using a cloth to clean zoe's gums but bought the pigeon t/brush set so i give zoe the baby toothbrush and have her put it in her mouth during abth time.. hoping to foster the habit of brushing..
fushiastar: cannot!!! you will find cream of tartar in the baking section of most supermarkets, BTW, it's a small bottle with powder inside!
patsy.. oh.. thanks
will go buy.. i actually just made the dough w tartar sauce instead leh.. :p still looks like dough.. heh heh.. silly me..
patsy.. just gave zoe some dough.. she squashed it.. gave me a disgusted look and crawled away!!! this little girl of mine.. sigh..
I saw Samuel's Maxi Cosi carseat at Mothercare website. Looks nice indeed. Im looking around to see which is the best buy. Also the last time I went to Baby Kingdom to buy the pram, they told me some carseat cannot fit into continental cars seat belt or something to that effect. Initially wanna go do some window shopping this weekend but both Kaiser &amp; maid are now down with flu &amp; fever, caught the flu bug from me actually
Think Kaiser has to wait a little longer for his new carseat.

Zoe is so funny, I tried to imagine how's her disgusted look to you
maybe she's new to the soft squashy feel. Kaiser has not tried it yet cos this week I, followed by Kaiser, then today the maid have all fallen sick. So din managed to get it from Patsy yet. Sorry Patsy, to hold up yor storage space!

Me too, quite excited over the 1st bday party thingy. Told my hb I wanna go buy goodie bags at Concourse soon, he said it's still early. So Im gonna wait till later when the guest nos are more or less confirmed.
Patsy : My Royce is born an Oct baby... so he's going 10 mths soon... i went to check out on strollers today too... can go John Little... i'm interested in Combi cos light weight. but can't recline.

Hi Carole : Haha... so coincident... so your next one (if a boy) will be called Royce right?
Yeah still thinking abt the 1 yr celebration. Just think but still no action... maybe keep it small... just with grandparents... cut cake... take photographs... very boring right... haha :D
Lazy with all the hassle too...
Hope my future son in law feels better ;) BTW, i have a lot of bags for the goodies left over from a party i did long time ago but not suitable for girls, you want them?

xaby played with it for a while and tried to eat it!

I really liked the silver Cross one, but HB thinks we wait a while. Also i have one umbrella type hand me down from my cousin but it also doesn't recline so not sure I want to keep it. I guess I can always sell it here!! have you tried the baby hypermart in kaki Bukit? Got a lot of stuff there when preparing for Xaby and thought they had good prices.

Re: 1st bday party: I went to Room for Dessert to see the cakes, may order from them, the Bananas over chocolate was quite yummy!! My mum will bring the decor etc but I've decided not to use the plates, etc, just banners and balloons. Yippee you were recomending some company before, can you give me the details again?
patsy: whahaah ya ya ya.. making all panic..kekeke.. well, its time to prepare for the 1!

Cherlin: next one? dunno.. keke who knows gng to be a girl again? kekeke

yippe: goodie bags!!! sounds great, but the only bb i am expecting is limited and i am very sure they are too young to play with anything from the bags.

Clarisse 1st birthday Plan...
Food: cater from Neo garden *20% discount for 1st yr celebration
Dessert: Chocolate Fountain
Cake: Secret Recipe
<font color="aa00aa">Carole:</font>
wow seems like u got everything well prepared liao.. keke.. just waiting for that "Big Day" to arrive... kekeke..
carole: hehe, actually I've also planned most of it already, but I only did so because i start a new (and probably very demanding job) on Tuesday!
yupz, if u dun need the goodie bags then I'll be happy to have them. I already have the goodies - mostly party stuff bot from US during my hb last biz trip. Thx in adv.

Kaiser's 1st birthday party plan is as follows:
Catering: Waitg for feedback for YLS Catering
Cake: Maybe a home baker
Helium balloons: www.twinkleballoons.com
Invites: Self print on cards

Wow, a choc fountain wd be nice but exp leh. Most likely I'll put up a jelly bean dispenser (must put in coins ones) for the children's sweets. So get to earn some $$ from the jelly beans
- no lah, just kidding. I'll provide $5 worth of 10c coins, then take out from dispenser &amp; recycle again.

Like Patsy, I also like to do my homework in advance so that I dun need to rush when approaching the day.
patsy: at least xaby plays w it

1st birthday..
venue: booking fn room on oct 1st at friend's condo
food: and getting a friend's dad to cater..
cake: a large one fr friend's bakery for adults to eat and a small homemade one that zoe can eat

goodie bag: decorating bears for ifc instead of goodie bag..1 bear for each baby..
san: yaz. finally have the time to think abt my little clarisse's birthday mah. 1st birthday will be a family affair.

chocolate fountain $200 for 30 pax. ex? ok lahz, thinking the hassle if we buy a fountain n all DIY and the cleaning will kill manz.. rather spend $ and be happy than to having to rush like mad.
<font face="calisto mt"><font color="0000ff">Carole</font>,

Wowo lau, U making me gan cheong leh. Janelle is e 3rd to celebrate her birthday in tis thread &amp; her lazy mummy oso haven do anything yet. Can you share your contact for the chocolate fountain, thanks ya</font>
fushiastar: hehe... maybe she likes it coz i made it red!

Cherlin: ended up buying the silver Cross umbrella stroller. wasn't that light but I liked it coz cab recline into different positions. If you need discount card in First few years i have one.
Thanks Patsy! I bought a Combi today at Baby's Kingdom... so happy cos no need to carry Royce anymore... haha :D but provided he wants to be tied down. My back has been suffering in misery for mths as i've been carrying him wherever we go...
cherlin: we haven't tried xaby in her new stroller yet too.... hopefully she won't mind it. She's used to her Graco tho so i think she'll be ok.

I was at Baby Kingdom &amp; Baby Hyperstore yesterday too! At ard 3-4pm. Din get anything yet, still looking ard. Kaiser has been using a Combi pram too, bot from Baby Kingdom.
