(2005/10) Oct 2005 MTB???

syl: i just went last nite to passed her many bags.


Wow! You gave her meat directly??
No lah, better not lah... must oni give baby (at this stage) soft soft things to eat... unless it's the baby biscuit, which can immediately be soften in their mouth.

My hb oso paranoid even I gave soft soft things to Rong Jin to eat... Haiz...
<font face="Calisto mt"><font color="0000ff">June</font>,

I very lazy one. Go out jus latch onli so dun hv to bring hotwater, milk bottles etc

<font color="0000ff">Syl</font>

Ya I got an sms from Michelle too. Was abit upset with her as I had told her in Mar-06 to approach BMSG for help. I've spoken to a BMSG counseller &amp; she said she's able to help appeal among their mummies as what hv been done before for others. But Michelle will have to approach them, I cannot do on behalf. So gave her e number &amp; email but till today she still hv not called.
She cannot jus depend on a few of us here.

<font color="0000ff">Carole</font>,

Didn't tell me u going to her plc, I want to tompang EBM leh. Next time going tell me hor then I can meet u @ either Lot 1 or Causeway Point, can??</font>
I've got the sms too.

Jennifur: Michelle can actually meet u instead of u gging down to her place. the last time she came tiong bahru MRT to meet me cos not conv for me to carry Kayden to her place. U can let her noe where conv for u. Tis sat she coming to meet me again. But i've only got a few pkts for her. not much supply extra now cos storing for myself.

So far go out, i latch on also. but thiking of feeding cereals when out also. cos during wkends, we be out the whole day. not gd to skip semi-solids for 2 days. hmm but like very troublesome.
hi, Sabrina has down with fever tis few days, don't know is it teething liao. last night fever has up to 38.7 but i never bring her to see doc. just wondering teething normally fever will least how many days liao and the tooth when will pop out ?

I'm had been on leave tis few days.

Do you know sabrina Know Poon and tiger, Fan ,dog,dad , mommy, autie., car. when we says where is poon and tiger. she will try to find them and then look at the things.

Anyone will contineul to sign with BJG? because i don intends to sign /
flo, thanks for the link...that means my Samuel is right on track...he's drinking 150ml per feed for abt 5 feeds.

when is the next Crawler's class gonna start?
thanks, carole...but i wanna join you all leh...you all still in the class? when is it ending? i wait for you to start next class loh
care to share what they teach in the class? brennan has never attended such class before. duno if he can cope. someone duno how to crawl leh
<font face="Calisto mt"><font color="0000ff">Sabrina</font>,

My PD said fever has to subside by e fourth day. Sponge her w lukewarm water constantly especially e neck &amp; armpit. Dun hv to worry if she's still active. But if appear to be v tired then even if fever onli 37.5 oso mus immediately go hospital hor

<font color="0000ff">SSL/San/Nutts</font>,

Just rec'd an email from VS saying our order has been shipped on 05/24/2006 via UPS Ground to my VPOST USA address.

<font color="0000ff">Flo</font>,

Thanks for e link. Aiyo Janelle's intake on e max side
sneaky: i think we are gng to finish in another 3 weeks. i am nt sure yk gng to let clarisse continues. but i think she is getting more sociable after getting into class.

SSL: flash cards (english &amp; chinese), music &amp; play. right &amp; left mind stimulation &amp; play gym
hmmm, I oso considering whether to sign the next class not. Cos Rong Jin oso seems more alert after getting into class.

Carole, do you know how much they charge for next level class?
Puea: i think same price. u chl next lesson. Hb says nt gng to sign clar up for next semester. maybe I will do at hme with clar. if u all wan, we can do it at home or function rm. lesson plan we can do ourselves.
we just split the rm n material cost, wat u girls think?
sneaky, 3rascals, jenifur... no prob... glad the links were useful...
I've been surfing the net on feeding solids &amp; even went to buy books - Gina Ford, Anabel Karmel &amp; one local book by Times...
just concerned if my girl is drinking enuff milk, eating enuff solids

now she's on 3 semi-solids per day.
morning I'll feed her cereal with fruit puree.. so far tried apple &amp; pear. she didn't like banana. she made this vomiting face &amp; really puke everything out when my baby sitter fed her.. hahaha...
today i let her try oatmeal cereal for breakfast

lunch &amp; dinner - porridge with vegetables.
will only start meat, fish, etc when 8mths... that's what the PD recommended...

she also no teeth yet leh... just started to crawl abit... move backwards on the walker
For mummies feeding your BB 3 semi-solid meals a day, what type of food do u feed BB? and how do u give milk?

Brennan is currently taking 2 semi-solid meals.

9am - 180ml FM
12noon - porridge with vegetable and fish + fruit
3pm - 120ml FM
6pm - porridge with vegetable and fish + fruit
840pm - 180ml FM
Adeline, forgot to reply u... i didn't know there was a baby competition at Punggol Plaza

Did you send Charmaine?

anyway, think i'd better not send her to these competitions... coz whenever i whip out the camera, she just freeze &amp; stare.
SSL, here's what Raelyn drank &amp; ate today:

7am - 240ml FM + 1 tbsp oatmeal cereal + 1 tbsp pear puree
10.30am - 160ml FM
1pm - porridge + vege
2pm - 140ml FM
5pm - porridge + vege + 160ml FM
9pm - 160ml FM

hopefully this will last till tomorrow morning 7am...

there were 2 nights i didn't feed her at 8pm or 9pm coz she drank at 6pm/7pm... didn't think she was hungry.. and then she woke at 2am for milk. *bengz*

sometimes my bb sitter dun dare let her drink alot of FM after her porridge, scared over-feed. so she sometimes feed her only 120ml FM. but i think like not enuff for her...

some books i'm reading now recommend feeding half the milk first then solids, then the remaining milk...

guess it also depends on the amt of solids Brennan is taking...
flo - nup, i didn't send Charmaine for the competition cos she is not the chubby &amp; big eyes type.

same same.. my girl normally bo chap the camera and rarely smile in front of the camera. sian.....
Mummies &amp; Friends,

I am nt sure if i have mentioned that we are suppose to start a cafe with Clarisse's God Parents... Well, we are heading back into the biz and please support us in any ways you can.

Our Official Opening on 2nd June!!!
Here's the Address...
<font color="ff0000">RedLine Cafe, Lounge &amp; Gallery
<font color="0000ff">200 Upper Thomson Road #01-04 Thomson Imperial Court</font></font>
<font face="Calisto mt"><font color="0000ff">carole</font>,

So I was right.... We pass by Thomson on Sat then I saw e cafe next to e Hyundai/Nissan Showroom... Told my HB tt cld b ur new cafe. Love e chairs

<font color="0000ff">Sneaky</font>,


For your birthday, I hope you get just what you want. May all your wishes come true! Happy Birthday! </font>

<font size="-1"><font face="Courier New"> <font color="ff6000">as @ 29 May 06
Mummies <font color="ffffff">......</font> <font color="ffffff">..</font>Pop On<font color="ffffff">.</font> BB's name <font color="ffffff">.</font> Birth<font color="ffffff"></font> <font color="ffffff">..</font>4 mth<font color="ffffff"></font> <font color="ffffff">..</font>5 mth<font color="ffffff"></font> <font color="ffffff">..</font>6 mth<font color="ffffff"></font> <font color="ffffff">..</font>7 mth<font color="ffffff"></font>
Fun .......... 11-Sep-05 Alden<font color="ffffff">.....</font> <font color="0000ff">3.06/49</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="aa00aa">8.45/66</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="119911">9.30/70</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="#660066">10.0/72</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
Jenifur ...... 18-Sep-05 Janelle<font color="ffffff">...</font> <font color="0000ff">2.81/46</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="aa00aa">6.70/66</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="119911">6.90/69</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="#660066">7.05/??</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="ff0000">6.98/??</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
Gracemum ..... 20-Sep-05 Sabrina<font color="ffffff">...</font> <font color="0000ff">2.53/48</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="aa00aa">6.08/64</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="119911">6.65/66</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="#660066">7.33/68</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
Pammie ....... 24-Sep-05 Tammie<font color="ffffff">....</font> <font color="0000ff">3.20/50</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="aa00aa">6.10/62</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="119911">6.40/64</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="ffffff">5.90/61</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="ff0000">7.15/66</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
MrsTan ....... 25-Sep-05 Kenshin<font color="ffffff">...</font> <font color="0000ff">2.49/48</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="aa00aa">7.14/64</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="ffffff">5.90/61</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="#660066">7.50/67</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
Fiona ........ 28-Sep-05 Genevieve<font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="0000ff">3.21/49</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="aa00aa">7.50/63</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="119911">8.50/69</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
Mybabydream .. 29-Sep-05 J.<font color="ffffff">........</font> <font color="0000ff">2.70/47</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="aa00aa">6.10/??</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="119911">7.20/??</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="#660066">7.60/66</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
SSL .......... 29-Sep-05 Brennan<font color="ffffff">...</font> <font color="0000ff">3.15/51</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="aa00aa">7.30/61</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="119911">8.11/65</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="#660066">8.77/69</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
Sneaky ....... 30-Sep-05 Samuel<font color="ffffff">....</font> <font color="0000ff">2.80/48</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="ffffff">5.90/61</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="119911">7.75/66</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="#660066">8.00/64</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="ff0000">8.35/65</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
Fushiastar ... 04-Oct-05 Zoe<font color="ffffff">.......</font> <font color="0000ff">2.38/??</font><font color="ffffff">....</font>
Mdl .......... 04-Oct-05 Tricia<font color="ffffff">....</font> <font color="0000ff">3.25/49</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="ffffff">5.90/61</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="119911">7.20/61</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
Snow ......... 04-Oct-05 Yong Shan<font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="0000ff">2.92/46</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="aa00aa">6.40/64</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="ffffff">5.90/61</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="#660066">6.60/66</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
whitefloral .. 05-Oct-05 Charlize<font color="ffffff">..</font> <font color="0000ff">3.50/52</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
Bearie ....... 10-Oct-05 Tyler<font color="ffffff">.....</font> <font color="0000ff">3.20/52</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="aa00aa">7.62/68</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
Ling ......... 12-Oct-05 Clarisse<font color="ffffff">..</font> <font color="0000ff">2.77/50</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="ffffff">5.90/61</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="ffffff">5.90/61</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="#660066">6.57/63</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
Amari ........ 13-Oct-05 Darren<font color="ffffff">....</font> <font color="0000ff">3.76/51</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="aa00aa">7.70/64</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="ffffff">5.90/61</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="#660066">8.50/70</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
breakbeats ... 13-Oct-05 Ethan<font color="ffffff">.....</font> <font color="0000ff">3.55/51</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="aa00aa">7.63/65</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
Garfield ..... 14-Oct-05 Girl<font color="ffffff">......</font> <font color="0000ff">2.47/45</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="aa00aa">5.70/</font><font color="ffffff">...</font> <font color="119911">6.00/62</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="#660066">6.30/62</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
Puea ......... 15-Oct-05 Rong Jin<font color="ffffff">..</font> <font color="0000ff">3.12/50</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="aa00aa">7.48/68</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="119911">7.96/68</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="#660066">8.24/68</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
Wlml2402 ..... 15-Oct-05 Bryson<font color="ffffff">....</font> <font color="0000ff">3.09/50</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="ffffff">6.27/62</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="119911">7.42/66</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="#660066">8.00/67</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
Adel ......... 19-Oct-05 Brent<font color="ffffff">.....</font> <font color="0000ff">2.40/49</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="aa00aa">6.20/60</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="119911">6.50/64</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
Kris ......... 21-Oct-05 Ember<font color="ffffff">.....</font> <font color="0000ff">3.35/49</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="ffffff">5.90/61</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="ffffff">5.90/61</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="ffffff">5.90/61</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="ff0000">7.88/66</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
Nuttnuts ..... 21-Oct-05 Ying En<font color="ffffff">...</font> <font color="0000ff">3.68/50</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="aa00aa">7.20/65</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
Tao_baby ..... 24-Oct-05 Girl<font color="ffffff">......</font> <font color="0000ff">3.03/51</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="ffffff">5.90/61</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="119911">8.30/69</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
Yippee ....... 24-Oct-05 Kaiser<font color="ffffff">....</font> <font color="0000ff">2.64/48</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="ffffff">5.90/61</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="119911">7.55/68</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
Flotan ....... 25-Oct-05 Raelyn<font color="ffffff">....</font> <font color="0000ff">2.86/47</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="ffffff">6.00/??</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="119911">6.37/??</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
Fresia ....... 25-Oct-05 Amos<font color="ffffff">......</font> <font color="0000ff">3.46/49</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="aa00aa">7.90/??</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="119911">8.50/65</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
Sweetie ...... 25-Oct-05 Grace<font color="ffffff">.....</font> <font color="0000ff">3.21/50</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="ffffff">5.90/61</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="119911">7.90/65</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="#660066">8.50/??</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
3rascals ..... 28-Oct-05 Kayden<font color="ffffff">....</font> <font color="0000ff">3.44/51</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="aa00aa">7.50/63</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="119911">8.50/68</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="#660066">8.90/70</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
Morraine ..... 28-Oct-05 Ashley<font color="ffffff">....</font> <font color="0000ff">2.55/49</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="ffffff">7.50/63</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="119911">6.60/68</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
Karin ........ 30-Oct-06 Nicole<font color="ffffff">....</font> <font color="0000ff">3.23/48</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="aa00aa">6.50/??</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="119911">6.80/??</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="#660066">7.30/69</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
Kuririn ...... 31-Oct-05 Sherisse<font color="ffffff">..</font> <font color="0000ff">3.20/50</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="aa00aa">5.66/??</font><font color="ffffff"></font> <font color="119911">6.40/61</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="#660066">6.55/64</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
Dolly ........ 01-Nov-05 Christine<font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="0000ff">3.61/50</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="aa00aa">5.60/59</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="119911">5.80/62</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="#660066">6.20/62</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> </font></font></font>

<font face="Calisto mt"> If you would like me to update your Baby's weight &amp; length or if I have missed your update, please kindly PM me! </font>

Happy Birthday!!! May you wishes come true!

WOW! Very excited rite. May i know your operation time . Thank you.
Anyone of your BB take Mamil Gold? There is a promotion at Punggol Plaza NTUC where 2 tins of Mamil Gold 2 and 1 tin of Mamil Nite only selling at around $51.90

sneaky is so touched!!! thanks for remembering my bday and all the well wishes...haha...1 yr older again
carole: congrats on your opening of the shop! may your business prosper!!! hehe.. i'll definitely go down and makan one.. hehe.. dun worry.. so near to my in laws place.
carole, hiring of maid's expenses to the best of my knowledge is as follow: -

Levy: S$200 (if registered undered your name cos of a kiddo)
Salary: S$280 - S$300 (i think)
Loan upfront: S$2000 (get back in 6mths)
Agent fee: S$180 - S$600 (depends on agency)

not sure if i'm correct in my figures...
carole, congrats on your new shop opening!

sneaky, happy birthday!

btw, what's the procedure like to include bb's name in mother's passport? must go immigration personally with bb's birth cert?
Now immigration issue a individual passport to infant, no more attach to mother's passport already.

Cost for mine filipina maid

1) Levy $200
2) Salary $320 no day off
3) Agency fee $350
4) Loan $1900 ( 3 mths cash and 3 mth posted chq)
5) other expenses est $200/per mth (meal,stamp, phone call)
flo, re: bb's passport, u can apply online and submit the photo in jpg format. Immigration will send you a notice when it's ready for collection. That's when you need to go down personally with your baby to collect and bring along birth cert.
<font face="Calisto mt"> <font color="0000ff">Carole</font>,

Intro u my relatives' fav maid agent. Most of our relatives' maid are from her &amp; they are of all praise of her "aftersale" service. U can said Joni from Apple intro u one

Sinar Mas Employment Agency
Ms. Sindy Sin
HP: 9857 7284
O : 6355 9026</font>
Is this a passing phase or have you been waking up every nite? I'm still coping without any maid, so hopefully will remain this way as I wanna try to make do without one.

flo, I forgot to add..the passport jpg photo must have a white background. The first one I submitted wasn't white enough and was rejected..haha
lol i am getting maid cos to cope with my work, i am getting used to waking up for feeds, just tt work tied me up till 3am
hi mummies,
i was watching the show over the weekend on Z-generation.

It showed a very talented little gal.
she's learning to ice-skate, piano, badminton, violin, ballet, modern dance, on top of it, schoolwork..etc.

i was wondering, is it too much for the little gal? does she have her childhood? i wonder does she get enuff rest that her little body needs?

however, she seems happy doing all these though on TV.

what's your view on this?
will you let your child go thru these?

we are the new generation of parents today, will we be pressured and blindly be lead by social pressure?

i'm quite interested in this coz we are a new generation of mummies....what's your views?
