(2005/10) Oct 2005 MTB???

jenifur, if empty, it only reduces a little nia leh...like that, we will have prob stopping...i read somewhere that we shd only pump a little to relieve engorgement and leave the rest inside...i find it wasteful leh...

carole, aiyoyo...why like that? i also heartache leh...nowadays, i think i must walk out from backdoor also...this morning, Samuel wanted to follow and ran towards me in his walker when i said bye bye to him...he started crying when i closed the door...oh dear...heartache to walk away when baby is crying for me...

<font face="Calisto mt"><font color="0000ff">Sneaky</font>,

But then hor I find my BM really got reduce leh, from 450~500 to 350~400 per day. But now BM increase again after I latched Janelle almost 24/7 when I was home taking care of her. I think if really want to reduce gota stopped latching.

Dun think U shld sneak out from e backdoor. Try to tell Sam tt U've to go work &amp; will be back later. U'll b surprised they actually understand. Janelle used to cry whenever I dropped her off @ e centre so I'll tell her tt daily. Now she stopped crying oredi but sometimes still got e sad sad face lah. Then she knows roughly wat time I'll pick her up so whenever I'm late, she'll always b crying
aiyoyo...so heartwarming...you are so right, i should not escape...instead, should face it and explain to him...hope this phase will end soon...

but then hor, if our babies wake up at night to fuss, how? can't be making milk every now and then to pacify, right? how to cope ah?
This afternoon Kaiser wakes up from his afternoon nap (on the floor mattresses) without making any noise. We din know until he "calls for help" - not exactly lah, just make noise actually. The funny thing is when my dad &amp; I enter his room, he is nowhere to be seen! The we faster look under the cot, yeah he's there. He has apparently roll himself from his 2 mattresses (side by side) to underneath his cot. He loves to venture that part of the room, maybe he wants some privacy also...sometimes

Cant imagine when the babies learn to walk soon, think we must start to build up enuf stamina now in order to keep up wif them
I'm so happy today. When i went hm today, hubby open the door for me with Kayden in his arm. I called Kayden &amp; he smiled. Then when hubby carried him away, he cried and opened his arms towards me. 1st time he so eager to ask me to carry him. the rest of the time he just smile but never express his eagerness. Unlike today!

But of cos at nite will cry for me. cos i;m his " walking" pacificier. These few nites keep waking up for nite feeds. There he goes again. gonna go now,,
I can fully understand your position and the agony u r going thru wif your MIL. They r a real pain in the neck man. I was staying with her for 1.5yrs...really buay tahan..interfere with watever I do, like how I hang laundry, how I sleep, etc...with a baby, lagi worse...like ur MIL, mine will oso let my Gen anyhow eat this and dat...dat day she let my Gen eat those creamy CAKE!can u imagine? She likes to insist adding soy sauce to the porridge as well...and let her drink honey!OMG...

I cannot tahan her until I persuaded my hb to buy a resale flat and move out asap. Now staying on my own..I've so much freedom man..though my hb still go back home everyday to his Mum's place to have dinner, I refuse to follow as I really dread seeing my MIL.this kinda person..have as little dealings with them as possible.
thanks for the tips, ok. i'm glad i asked first before giving any to my baby.
he's 7 months plus now

now i give carrots only about once a week feed :p
Hello to all Oct Mummies

I have been reading your interesting discussion and would like to join in as well. May I?

My baby Charmaine stepped into this world on 21 Oct 06.
<font face="Calisto mt">

<font color="0000ff">Sneaky</font>,

I tried milk &amp; water yesterday. It does not WORK!! 1st time Janelle woke up, we gave her water, took 2 sip then turn away. We tot she went back to sleep but *haiz* next min she was crying liao. No choice then let her latch.

Woke up 2nd time, we decided to make her FM. Drank bout 50ml, she pushed away e bottle &amp; start crying again. Tried water &amp; pacifier oso no use so bo bian latch again.

I gave up so I latch her when she woke up e 3rd time

<font color="0000ff">Fiona</font>,

At least u r free now. I still got at least 10 more mths to go before I can shift back my own hse.
jenifur, aiyo...looks like it's really difficult to wean off hor? i didn't even try ah...the moment Samuel woke up, i'll offer him my breasts cos i also don't want engorgement. unfortunately, he's quite hard to please these days cos he will still fidget and fuss cos he can't find a good position to sleep...he will toss and turn and MANGJANG and cry...until i offer my breasts (2nd or 3rd time) again then he will fall asleep again...haiz...i'm going crazy also...last night i scolded him and he started crying sadly...daddy had to take over pacifying
<font face="Calisto mt"><font color="0000ff">Carole</font>,

10 mths cuz Janelle onli turns 1.5yo then mah. HB &amp; MIL went to 1 fortune teller &amp; was told tt our present hse fengshui nt so gd for Janelle then best to move back onli when's she older. Best to wait till she's 3yo but if cannot wait, min at least when she turns 1.5 lor

<font color="0000ff">Sneaky</font>,

U carried Sam to latch or let him sleep next to u then latch? I realised it's easier to pacify Janelle if she's next to me in bed then let her latch till doze off.</font>
jenifur, i usually latch him side by side. when he's had enough, he'll just unlatch and turn away then fall aslp...yes, if i carry him, he'll fuss...lying side by side is the best, as both mummy and bb can rest...
same here. mine keep fussing at nite. must latch. but read that we shld wean off nite feed after 5 mths. hubby grumbling too. I insist he's angry. hubby says more of a habit.Don noe wat to do also.
ok jenifur

my baby also fussing at night.. keeps waking up.. flipping around the mattress, will only fall asleep after a latch with a few cursory sucks..
i think mummies from this thread are very ON manz...many of us still breastfeeding too huh? that's why we're "suffering" now...haha
<font face="Calisto mt">Looks lyk most of our BB are fussing @ nite. Hope this phase will pass soon.

<font color="0000ff">Sneaky</font>,

Now tt u mention, I jus realised tt I've actually BF for 8 mths liao. Gosh really a bit bu she de</font>
jenifur, you are right ah...i also bu she de leh...that's why i'm hanging on till now and still EMPTYING my breasts each time i pump...hahahaha
wahaha.. ya.. time flies.. when we all started to get pregnant, then given birth... till now bf ... wah. already 7mths gng to 8! scary manz
<font face="Calisto mt">We've never had any "official" gathering before. If not for e trial of Kindermusik &amp; BJG class, we might not have even meet at all.</font>
lol.... all the mummies kinda scared of bringing bb out mah..

sigh.. me feel a bit depressing at work.. apparently.. my team has got 8 ppl...but one by one.. submitted resignation.. for sales side.. left me only now.. sigh.. maybe i should switch job too le.. job has been alright.. jus tt the bosses are a bit too stingy le.. so..

and my hb is still in reservist.. lonely night tonight..
adel, got Brent to accompany you mah...hey, don't resign for the sake of resigning leh...maybe because the rest have resigned, you might be given opportunities to climb?? all left except you? that means you'll be the pioneer if new colleagues join you...
when people hear i'm still bf-ing, i get incredulous looks.. the "huh, you are Still bf-ing?" like it's abnormal.. just ignore lor..

does anyone know how long a cut uncooked pumpkin can be kept in the fridge?
i can't feed zoe papaya that's cut and stored on the fridge for more than 3 days.. she'll get loose stools..
<font face="Calisto mt"> Just to share something Janelle's teacher told me.

Janelle has a schoolmate whose mummy believes giving her ger exculsive EBM for e 1st 6 mths which is good. But then she's so obessed with tis tt she refuse to give her ger FM despite her low BM supply. The poor get gota make do with 150ml x 3 from 7am to 8pm. She's always crying for milk cuz 150ml is not enough to last her for 4hrs.

So the teacher asked if it's possible for me to talk to her mum or mayb offer to share milk as they hv tried serveral times to talk to her. But then I feel is not appropriate for me to go talk to her even though I pity e baby. Bet the mum will not be very happy if I go up to her &amp; offer her my supply.</font>
I agree that it will not be very nice for you to talk to the mum. But if you are ok with giving some of your EBM, maybe the teacher can suggest to the mum.

What a strange mum....
<font face="Calisto mt"> <font color="0000ff">Adeline</font>,

I have not
you yet. Not strange lah, jus obessed I guess.

<font color="0000ff">Sneaky</font>,

Aiyo my BM supply seems to have increased instead of decrease leh. Yesterday got 560ml from 3 pumps then this morning got 200ml.</font>
hi all... mm.. dun get the wrong idea when they gave u the strange looks jus after you said tt u are still bf! they are probably jus wowing at you for being so persistent in bf! mm.. bf is good anyway.
<font face="Calisto mt">Mummies,

Hv u start brushing ur BB's teeth? Wondering if I shld go get toothpaste &amp; finger tooth brush for Janelle. Nowadays I only use water to clean her mouth before bedtime, duno whether gd enuf</font>
adel, you are right! Not everyone can bf just like all of you.

I stop bf when my girl was 5 months old cos my supply dropped tremendously after I went back to work.

jenifur/kris, thanks for your warm welcome....

jenifur, my girl has no teeth, so nothing to brush haha..... but I did read from articles that we shd start brushing our BB's teeth once they have it to keep the teeth and gum healthy.
to those mummies who r still breastfeeding, i salute u lor... i gave up after 3 mths coz low milk ss n very very stressed out. 1st thing ppl ask why i stopped??? lagi more stress...

even if they really give funny looks, just give them back a funny look lor as if they r ignorant ppl!

jenifur, think Janelle's schoolmate very poor thing... some ppl's mentality really quite strange...

carole, we all live at different parts of s'pore leh... like me at another far end which is punggol... like so difficult to find a plc to meet hor...
jenifur, wah seah, i salute that mummy ah. in the first place, does she know that her baby is deprived? maybe you shd hint her saying the baby seems to be crying for milk when you saw her. then you bedek ask her how much her baby is drinking loh...then just bring up the topic...

i started brushing Samuel's teeth a month ago. i bought the 1st years one. the toothpaste is very tasty leh...Samuel loves to brush his teeth...for your information, i just discovered Samuel having 6 teeth altogether!

Samuel's phlegm has not gone away. brought him back to the PD last evening and was given saline drops for his nose. his phlegm has dried up and is very thick and flowing back into his throat and lungs. i need to clear this fast manz...poor boy...every time he breathes, i can hear the phlegm...
oh jenifur, forgot to reply on the milk supply...hmmm...let me calculate mine...

i am getting 400ml expressed BM and the 2 latching sessions which could amount to ard 300ml...yes..mine did decrease leh...

yours increased maybe because you're latching often...i think mine will if i continue to offer Samuel my breasts when he fusses in the wee hours...i'm so pandafied liao...tired from his fusses in the night...
I envy moms who are still breastfeeding! keep it up.. btw, just wanted to find out if any of yr babies are losing their voice becos' they are screaming too much? I dont know if I shld take my bb to the doc cos' since sunday, her voice has been coarse.. I suspect due to her excessive screaming on sat but can't be v sure. She's not running fever and seems happy. I did see some red spots on her lower lips but they are better today... Hope someone can advise what I can do to bring her voice back. thanks!
feel like getting a pacifier for Samuel to tide him through this fussy moments...any recommendations? must consider that he already has 6 teeth, which stage must he use (e.g. 5+ for Pigeon)?
Hi Sneaky

I personally think pacifiers may not be a good idea. My fren regretted giving her children pacifiers since young. They are addicted to pacifiers, if not given then they will scream &amp; cry.

Then again, if you only give him when he fusses during nightime, then maybe it's fine, as long as not day &amp; night lor
<font face="Calisto mt"><font color="0000ff">Sneaky</font>,

Good Luck. Hope Sam will take pacifiers cuz Janelle refuse, onli want breast. I got e stage 3 pigeon pacifier (for weaning off &amp; teething)</font>
Tik i'm like the "addicted" mummy. Insist on NOT giving formuale. Don even mind latching every hr just to get supply gging on. hehe but luckily still hv sufficient for Kayden. &amp; also try hard not to use pacifier &amp; walker. (of cos using my myself s a human pacifier) Soemtimes I wonder if i making things difficult for myself ???
yipee, i was against it before but gave in to it for a while (a month). fortunately, Samuel didn't like it and had stopped since 3rd month. i'm also quite afraid that he'll be addicted. but i guess not lah...

jenifur, ok, i'll go take a look at the Pigeon one. Samuel used to suck on stage 1...
while thining tt my BM decrease, i thin k mine increase little back. maybe clar latch more often.

i today saw her little teeth coming out, maybe tts why she refused bottle totally. poor girl, must be painful when i stuff the damn teat inside

wish someone has a plc in central to make everyone sit n bring bb n meet up.

anyone already thinking of how to celebrate your bbs first birthday? very fast hor.


maybe to book a function room or place where got food to eat n bb friendly
