(2005/10) Oct 2005 MTB???

SSL: who stay in central wor? all staying at different plc. best those stay in central lor. me in west, i can book the function, but i doubt many will wanna come tt far lor.

hw to celebrate 1st birthday? i guess it gng to be a gamily affair, cos little bb still dunno how to enjoy, i guess when clar turns 2, i will give her a party.. keke gng to ask samuel and brent... and sabrina.. many other babies to come too...

Hi, my girl born on 05 Oct' 05. Can I check if her developement is on the right track? My mother & mil always comment that other babies at her age already know how to do this do that, but my girl still dunno. Quite sad when I heard those remarks

By the way, my girl is 7.5mths old. Can sit unsupported. Still cant crawl. When place in walker, she will lift up her legs. Till now, still dunno how to use the walker. Anyone can advise?
ndra: Dun worry. It's still normal. If you've been placing bb in the walker v early on like 5 months then bb should by now be able to move ard in the walker, otherwise it is a skill that takes time to develop. They will first walk backwards then eventually sideways or forwards. She is right on time in sitting unsupported. Just monitor your bb's developments. She sounds completely normal so far.
Every bb is different and develop at their own pace. Others usually like to comment on this and that, imagine my own mom says my little girl WILL BE autistic (cos she watched some TV show) simply because by now she doesn't say 'ma ma' or 'mum mum'. However she does say 'ga ga' and being in education I know that as long as they can put a consonant sound with a vowel they are fine, so I just ignore what my mom says. People are like one, esp the older ones. They like to think they always know best.
Dun worry k? if there's anything just come in here and vent your frustrations. We mommies here are v supportive one.

Ya, dun worry, my sil & mil oso commented my boy silly silly one, everything so slow when he was in 3mths... now my boy so naughty, always scream & make fuss when he is not happy...now my mil commented his pi qi so bad like me...

Different baby's development is different at stages. Dun worry so much.
Or else sign her up the BJG class, join us lah.

Wow, Samuel got 6 teeths liao, very fast har!

Rong Jin got oni 2 teeths so far, but he starts liking the solid foods liao... keep rejecting the milk liao... Haiz...
hahah.... carole: i also feel tt bb's first birthday should be a family affair.. coz.. somehow i feel tt.. bb will not be able to know how to enjoy..

got another problem.. do you all think bb will know how to walk by 16months? hehe.. feel like bringing Brent to japan with us.. coz there wun be anyone to take care of him.. in sing. mm..but again.. it'll be winter by then... really troubled by these issues..
Hi all mums,

does your baby like to produce sounds like dry cough? my grace has been doing that whenever we let her drink water... is it normal? we are so scared she is choked that we brought her to see gp. but she is active and happy.

any advise?
my girl will always get choke and cough when we feed her drink water.. thats because she dun like water so she does that in order to make us not to feed her.. very naughty girl..
ya hor.. little sherisse, rong jin n yong shan.... kayden... many many... 2nd bday will be a "baby affair"!

16mths? very likely can walk. cold leh....
Habourfront, got which cafe on weekends bo lang one? esp when bb now all crawling need a plc to let them Fight it out. haiz....find a house, i bring alpha-mats

sn: mine too. hates h2o

dont worry. brennan is turning 8mths next week and he also can sit unsupported, but when put in walker, either walk backwards or lift his legs up when we try to push the walker forward. heehee give them sometime to get used to walker.

my mil also like to compare. keep saying brennan still bo-ge (toothless), this and that. haiz..


what do they teach in BJG class? can share with me? where's the class?


brennan sometimes does that too. and i will scold him and he just smile at me. so i know its joking type. he just want us to sayang him or like what san says, cos they dont like water, so pretend to cough so we will stop feeding.
<font face="Calisto mt"><font color="0000ff">SSL</font>,

We hv not tot of how to celebrate Janelle's 1 yo BD but shld b throwing party cuz apparently to old folks 1 yo is dam important.

<font color="0000ff">Puea</font>,

Dun think she got post natal blues lah.. She jus wan e best for her ger lor.

<font color="0000ff">Sweetie</font>,

My noti ger do tt too cuz she dun lyk to drink H20. Scold her she smile @ me, then if force then she will cry.

<font color="0000ff">Mummies</font>,

I need some info about introducing FM to BB.

I printed some material about amt of milk 6 mo BB need yesterday &amp; get e teacher to pass to tt mummy. Apparently she have realised her "mistake". She has decided to give FM to her ger but hor e BB refused e FM when given today. So tt mummy asked teacher to check w me on how to mix EBM w FM *hee*.

Seems lyk e teachers tot tt I've been giving Janelle EBM mixed w FM as my EBM is rather thick in color unlike tt Mummy one, v watery.</font>

ya! i brought grace to see gp. she didnt cough. so in the end, i just paid $12 for consultation. no medicine needed.
carole, i wish i can offer my place..let me hint it to my MIL to test water. when is the best time? cater food? it is also quite inconvenient hor? so deep inside...no promises, but i'll try...i'm also very skeptical about holding Samuel's 1st bday with his cousin who's celebrating his 2nd. wonder how to split costs and plan the party...so "fan" whenever i think of that...MIL ever mentioned to hold the "mega party" at the hotel...no need to clean up the mess...so kuazhang! i hope SIL won't exaggerate nephew's 2nd bday. Samuel is supposed to be in the limelight cos it's his 1st bday! last year, nephew had his liao mah...hope they be fair to Samuel...

puea, yah loh....he can't wait to eat chicken wings ah! keke. Rong Jin rejecting milk? actually, i realised Samuel's milk intake had reduced; not only the number of times but the quantity each time he drinks. he's now drinking 150ml but can't finish at times...waste my EBM ah...so heartpain...

adel, wah...go Japan with Brent? so cold...can a kiddo take it? very leychey also...you need to bring lotsa things...how long do you intend to go? it's very expensive to buy daily neccessities in Japan wor...

jenifur, have you introduced FM to Janelle? is she okay with it? luckily i have been giving Samuel FM once a while. he's quite okay with it...that day i tasted Nan 2HA, which Samuel had not finished, it has a bitter after taste and not very pleasant...aiyo...wonder how babies drink manz...lucky that mummy realised her mistake...it's not too late but then she's going to face a new set of headache in introducing FM to her girl...haiz...
sneaky: ur plc? u sure ur MIL ok with tt? scare ur sil at home mahz. i dun mind gettng the function rm here, but its really depends howmany can make it.
It happens to my girl as well... Whenever she wants to stop us while feeding water or milk, she will cough. If not, she will just push the botttle away &amp; laugh... really buay ta hung

adel, bring Brent to Japan during winter may not be so advisable cos some BB may not be able to take the weather. My colleagues bought her BB (13mth old then) to Australia during winter &amp; she got very bad cold rash and fell sick after coming back to Spore cos weather diff.
Adel, I agree maybe should wait till Brent is older. My fren brought here her son ard 2yo to Korea during winter/rainy season, the boy had fever during the trip there &amp; end up nvr really enjoy themselves at all.

Ya lor, wasted hor.
I dunno why ley, some feeding time, he oni drinks not even 20ml, then he doesn't want anymore.
Dunno he is not hungry or wat... but it's abt 3-4hrs after his previous feed liao.

My mum commented tat maybe he will like me lor, stop drinking milk after 1yr.
Me last time oni drank milo &amp; other solid foods after 1 yr old. *blink blink*


Few of our mummies here join Baby Jumper Gym class @ Hometeam NS Clubhouse @ Bukit Gombak.
Very fun... at least for me lah... but I think my son must be very exhausted after class.
He sleeps immediately after class every time... Hahaha!
Kayden also. Everytiem i gv him 180 ml. he only finish 150 max. Just now he only took 100 ml. Just thinking of changing his meal to the following schedule not sure if its correct. Ladies any opinion?

7am: Latch on
10am: 7 teaspoon cereals mixed with 75 ml EBM
1pm: 7 teaspoon cereals /75 ml EBM
4 pm: 120ml EBM
6 pm: 7 teaspoon cereals/ 75ml EBM
9pm: Latch on
(nite feed on demand)

My concern: is milk intake enough?
<font face="Calisto mt">Oh, Janelle had Avocado milkshake yesterday night. I blended Avocado for her to go w cereal, then dun wan to waste those leftover in e blender so put EBM in to do milkshake. Wow she finish 200ml &amp; still cry for more

<font color="0000ff">Sneaky</font>,

Finally after much effort &amp; $$ wasted, Janelle can finish her FM w/o fuss. But hor tt day when she drank e whole bottle of FM, I cried leh. Felt guilty giving her FM, my HB said I "siao"

<font color="0000ff">June</font>,

For baby ard 6-8 mths shld hv ard 650ml of milk intake daily. But these are just guidelines, no point forcing our BB if they dun wan to drink

Here's Janelle's schedule:-

0530: Latch
0730: 180ml EBM
1130: Porridge
1500: 180ml EBM
1700: Dessert (usually puree fruits)
1900: 2 scoop of cereal w 2 balls of blended food/30ml EBM
2130: 180ml of EBM or FM
2200: Latch to sleep</font>
jenifur, really siao ah!! no need to cry lah...i'm more than happy to see Samuel finish the FM for i know that he's not rejecting it. Janelle can finish 180ml of milk per feed? my Samuel only 150ml!!

0630: Latch
0930: 150ml EBM
1230: Porridge
1500: 150ml EBM
1830: Porridge
1930: Fruits
2130: 150ml FM or latch
(lately, he's been waking up in the wee hours to fuss. so i stuff my breasts into his mouth each time he does that)
Jennifur: Thanx. I didnt noe got guideline. Searching high &amp; low for the guideline. Wow yr Janelle intake quite high lei. These days so hard to feed him .doesnt like to drink. Except for wee hours when i'm asleep he wanna latch.

Sneaky/ Jennifur: U gving 2 semi-solids a day rite? When u'll b starting on 3 meals? yr porridge is cook for 1 day's supply Then keep heating up or cook every meal?

Btw anyone started on 3 semi-solid meals a day liao?
<font face="Calisto mt"><font color="0000ff">Sneaky</font>,

Ya lor, tt's why my HB said I crazy meh, jus felt sad @ e moment lor. Ya she can finish 180ml but sometimes will fuss abit then take bout half hr to finish.

<font color="0000ff">June</font>,

U r welcome. I found e guideline for Janelle's schmate mummy mah so still fresh in my brain.

I onli give her porridge for 1 meal so cannot help u on tt. Think will start her on 3 meals when she turn 1 yo bah

I dumped e avocado into e blender to blend then add in EBM to blend again. But hor think next time must use spoon to stir cuz jus read online tt we r not supposed to shake EBM

Here's clarisse's schedule:-

0230: Latch
0530: Latch
0730: Latch
1030: 100ml EBM
1230: Porridge (nt daily)
1400: Latch
1700: Latch
1900: Porridge (nt Daily)
2000: BB biscuit
2330: 100ml EBM &amp; Latch to sleep
3rascals, i'm feeding Samuel 2 porridge meals a day. the porridge is cooked all in the morning and then heated again for dinner. actually, in the mornings, i'll give him a little bread or pau if i'm having that for breakfast...anyone gives that to their babies?
Thanks for the advise.. Glad to hear my girl's developement is right on track.. I keep feeling guilty for 'neglecting' my girl due to my current pregnancy &amp; studies.
I was about to bring her to those physiotherapy cuz the elders says bb learns how to crawl at abot 6-7mths.

I also gave my girl a little of what i eat. But my hb gets paranoid about it when he saw me feeding 'adult' food to my girl. Haha..
i was quite surprised when i 1st fed my girl bread. But she seems to be enjoying lei, so i continue to try out different food..hehe..
i remembered i fed her chicken or frog leg once, she kept opening her mouth. So i tot she could chew &amp; swallow it. After awhile, she started crying. It's only den i found out that she doesnt know how to swallow the meat. All stuck at the top of her mouth. i have to 'dig' it out for her.
3rascals, don't forget Samuel has got 6 teeth liao hor....he chew with his front teeth...anyway, these are very soft food...can melt away one...
mm.. i really have no idea.. hope to bring him along when we are away during the cny but dunno to where.. definitely not to the tropical countries.. coz both my hb and i are so sick of travelling to there. so maybe our first honeymoon will be with brent lor.. lolz..

as for daily necessities.. i think i will pack everything from sing. to bring there.. *i even thought of bringing my maid there* hehe.. but i think its kinda extravagant.. so that is out most likely..
mmm.. if the climate is really too cold.. i guess... the next more comfy place would be to italy.. le. *fingers crossed* hope tt his dad and mum are going with us.. hehe.. then they can help us to take care of Brent. HIak HIak..
there is one weekend we stayed at marriott.. though only 2 nites, it was like gng holiday for many days. clarisse bag is full of her stuff, bottles, clothes, pampers, handkerchiefs and her toiletries. aiyo... nt easy to go out with a baby manz.
Ya Carole, I can imagine. Recently I just brought Kaiser for his photography session, so we brought along quite a no. of clothes, caps, toys (all in a haversack) so that if we shd need it, we have it. Along with these are the usuual bottles &amp; milk power stuff in another almost gonna burst diaper bag. Then my maid used her sarong to carry Kaiser &amp; carried the diaper bag &amp; the haversack while I struggled with the pram &amp; keys. My dad said that we looked like the indonesian villagers who were trying to run away from volcano eruption, carrying all their barang barang along "tao nun". Hahaha
Sneaky: ya hor. almost forgot. hehe Kayden still "bo geh" (no teeth)

Carole: Clarrise also got many teeths aledi?

Adelyee: Hope u'll hv great fun! Brought Kayden to genting when he was 5 mths old. Still quite okie. he loves the cold weather. so slept a lot. in the MIM sling. Didnt bring pram along. No bottles too. Just 1/2 pt diaper &amp; a deflatable pool (s bath tub). Still quite fun lei..

Yippee: hehe u decribe till so funny. Can imagine "ta bao xiao bao" cos I look like that with pram &amp; sling &amp; all the bags when I go shopping.
Ladies: when u feed cereals outside. Do u bring heated milk out (in a warmer) OR cold milk in a cooler bag (heat when req)OR just added plain water?

me feeding brennan 2 semi solid feeds a day. i only cooked per meal each time cos my mum say if cook once then reheat again will create "wind" lor. which is not good for BB stomach.

so ask maid to cook at 9.30am for lunch and 3.30pm for dinner. duno when to start feeding 3 semi solid feeds a day. maybe when i have more ideas of what to feed him
Hi mummies, I got an sms from Michelle yday. She's run out of EBM for her bb, so if any of you have some to spare, please pass them to her.
