(2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs


i used to do this "battle" thing only on weekends. I start on Fri night.. let her CIO... I tried CIO even for the middle of the night wakings and it does work... but nowadays my girl is more persistent in the screaming.. can scream or cry for 1 hr or more at 4am...

As for seasoning, i also did think abt doing that cos Eliz is just like Justen. Dun want to eat more than 1/2 a bowl. But I didn't give seasoning cos thought if she starts to take salt so early, she will want salty food all the time! Plus, my girl hates to drink water so even more I will try to delay seasoning...

next time i change my nick to "i love FM".

1 is enough?? Aiyo, quite lonely for Kai leh. I thinking of having 3.

ineedmilk, thought u wanted 4?

wendy, best is still put mattress on floor. makes me miss my old bed so much... back then, my dad made me a bed! it's a single size bed but with railings that can be lowered. so i was using that for like 1st 10 years of my life.
we tried before to only hv the mattress on the floor, but it's quite tricky for the caregivers (ie my dad) coz he gotto manouveur himself from standing to sit on the matteress on the floor while carrying isaac who's asleep.. he feedback that he almost lost his balance. That's why we put isaac back in the cot.
Unless we train isaac to fall asleep while we're patting his backside. I did that successfully before, but my dad can't bear to have him cry, so will pick him up again.
Have to keep trying...
Sarah's mom,
that's very very high standard! hahaha, i ever asked Hilton too. and the prices were sky high too. We are not "ready" to use their services yet. hahaha..
feedin bowl
any mummies here bought the bowl that comes with something to stick to the table to prevent sliding? Thinking of getting one so that Ryan can start feeding himself. Now he keeps lifting the bowl and the food all drop to the floor. Any recommended brands other than Pigeon?
I share the same sentiment. Dun think will engage them. Hey, let me know if you've decided on any. Now, my hb is contemplating of having international buffet lunch in a restaurant or hotel. Not really keen with this idea as I will not be able to do any decoration. I've even asked the nearby florist to wait for my order. Still couldn't make up our mind on what's best. We did not have an elaborate celebration for full month. Hence, wanted to do a good one this time.

Re: Adding Soy Sauce to porridge
There could be other reasons for bb to reject food, other than taste.

But if its due to taste, soy sauce may not neccessary be the answer. My suggestion is to try different ingredients/vege combination for each meals. Sometimes, when I give salmon, with potatoes and spinach, my baby would reject by eating very little. But when I gave mixed beans with butternut pumpkins+potatoes, she could finish everything. Or cod fish+spinach+potatoes+butternut pumpkin+ABC Spaggedies, and etc. Continue to give varieties and observe yr bb's intake. If this doesn't work in the afternoon, then give another combination for the dinner.

Or like vone mentioned, give cereals for a short-term fix (if possible, add veg+fish). Soy sauce should be the last resort in my opinion coz of the level of salt content.

Re: Night Wake
For bb Sarah, she gets cranky too when air-con is off. So, we would make sure that the room is well ventilated by having two fans (one for us and the other for her). True enough, she recovered faster without it. Also, usually when she falls sick, she wouldn't be able to sleep well and through. Think its pretty normal. Hopefully its the case for Justen.

Yah, can't wait for bb to be able to eat the same food as us...
Sarah's infant care recommended one from Ikea. Simple, easy to clean with suction. Haven't get one though. Dun think I want the night mare to come this early.
vone, he can only crawl on his tummy and he will do like that when he's happy.... still cant crawl properly..

sarah's mom, my boy doesnt laugh like that anymore.. think he got sick of laughing too much liao.. haha
phoebe, nvm k, dif bb develop differently. njoy it while u can k. when daryll noes hw 2 crawl, u'll b v busy liao.
anissa, sorry hor.. my gal is ALSO like a monkey! haha!

i'm a mummy, julia also screaming her head off nowadays.. bathing also scream, watching tv also scream, playing toy also scream.. and kanna scolded scream even louder..
think she trying to see how loud her voice can go.. sometimes she scream until throat very dry then start to cough cough ... duhz!

emmie, kiddy palace got a few brands.. u can try toys r us, under the babies section. Their own house brand has one with suction at the bottom, quite big bowl and comes with bowl cover so can use for travelling too. I bought it but can't remember the price.. it's quite cheap though.
Can't help myself smiling when I see Daryll doing some dry swimming. He's soo cute.

1 is not enuff. Must give your boy a partner to play with.
kiddy palace have ah? but no kiddy palace here... unless got picture, otherwise very hard to get someone to buy it on my behalf and bring it over.

i have tried giving him a spoon and fork with the bowl... he always lift up the bowl... he seems very fascinated with what's under the bowl.
hi emmie, u're in shanghai right? my husband is actually going there for work next week. may be able to bring it for you. but he's there for the 1st time n not in shanghai city itself. a bit outskirt i think. still, if u're keen, we can explore how to meet up.
re: screaming
haha...my zac also screams alot, according to my bbsitter, the way zac screams, she can hear him from ground floor even though zac is on the 11th floor.... a bit kua zhang right. But then he does enjoy screaming at the top of his voice. For fun for attention...

re: bb's food
I've told my bbsitter not to put salt or soy sauce into zac's porridge...she follows my instruction but she also gave him fried fish with soy sauce -adult food which I accidentally saw when I went a bit early to pick up my son. She even gave zac braised tofu and those carton peel fresh orange juice...I wanna faintz liao!

re: night wakings
It seems that a lot of bbs are waking up again in the middle of the night hor...this zac also, last time give him water then he'll fall back asleep, now he keeps crying until he gets to drink milk.

Nowadays, he latches on at 9pm, then after 10-15min, drain my breast liao, I still gotta go make 150ml FM for him and he can still wake up 2-3x a night. Sianz ah!

Will try CIO from tonight till sunday, hope can change his bad habit of waking up for milk so many times.

re: little tikes walker
the walker has traction control leh but zac still fell. i think it's the way he's standing cos he's leaning backwards tat's y fall lor.

last night let him try again, he refuse to hold on to hold on to the walker and walk, keep sitting down.
did u put any food in the bowl or u just letting him get used to the bowl/spoon/fork

hey if your boy dowan to use it, lend me a few days let my boy try? kekeke
haha wendy, u beat me to it! i let zephan try the tomy walker the other day at my church's kiddy corner, and he likes it a lot. so am thinking of getting a 2nd hand set for him. let me know if u have good lobang!

re: self feeding
i tried letting zephan self-feed once when he refused to eat. tried guiding his hand to put the spoon in the mouth, but find that he's still not ready for it. hands still a bit stiff n has tendency to hold spoon upright instead of horizontal.
thanks I'm a mummy! at least munchkin ones have covers... shall attempt looking for them here.

tingting, yup, I'm in shanghai... thanks for the offer... but it's ok as my folks are coming in august... if i can't find a suitable one here, will get them to buy. that's why need picture and the description.

wendyg, sometimes it's just to get him used to the utensils. But i do put some dry food like bread and biscuits into the bowl which ends up all over the table and floor. Actually i want him to feed using his own hands first... so that when we go out for dinner... i can just put the bowl on the table and he can entertain himself while we eat... he's very mischievous now...cannot sit in the highchair while we are outside.
zac, then u hv 2 tell ur bbsitter liao. coz i feel tt d older generation dun really bother abt wat they feed our bb. 2 them, since we can eat it, bb can also eat it. *faint* i noe tt my fil feeds my boy chocolates, sweets, pizza, his cooking (which is salty like hell), bt as i dun c it wif my eyes, i can't say anything. so i told my maid 2 make sure tt my boy is nt around when my fil is eating.

emmie, mine is tis 1:
re: screaming
Just watched Child of our Time on TV last night and they said that after 6 mths, our babies start to show their real personalities! Elizabeth was very docile n guai in her early months.. not much crying BUT now she's 1 big screamer! So I guess she is showing me her TRUE colours now.
ineedmilk, thanks for the consolation.. i'm pretty happy with zephan's behaviour for the past few months.. hehe... although i wish he were more interactive. sigh, does this mean i have to start on #2 soon?

re: screaming
maybe supernanny can teach a few tricks to handle that..
Hi mummies
Was out of office for a few days cos on course. hee hee. Managed to steal time out to shop in town on my own which is a luxury nowadays!

Ikea got the suction bowl in 'froggy' style. V cheap at only $3 for 1 bowl, 1 sippy cup, 1 plastic bib, 1 pair of utensils.......
Yah nowadays going out with friend or shopping without BB is really a luxury... I just told my colleauge I am going out with friend for dinner to nite, but my collic give me the what so great look. But to me is really a rare event which I am looking forwards to... Luckily my HB is capable to handle Justen alone.
yup, they got a stranger to wear a mask n then carry the baby. Here's the findings:

1. If baby stares at stranger n proceeds to explore stranger but when stranger growls at baby to scare her, baby cries --> Normal.
2. If baby cries immediately upon carried by stranger --> Shy baby
3. If baby not scared of stranger's growls and still continues to explore the stranger's face etc --> Bold baby.

Aiyah, pple who don't have kids seldom understd... last time i also like dat..
vone, true loh.. now i already cant tahan him liao.. always cant sit still..

cat, now i cant get him to laugh like that anymore liao..

night wakings:
seems like most of our baby are going thru certain 'phase'.. mine woke up at 4+ am last night and only slept again at almost 6am.. faint!

i got milk, mine is a BOLD baby loh.. anyone also can carry.. haha
that stranger in the show was wearing a scary mask n he growls. Even i would b afraid.

i got milk
do u think the experiment will work on our babies now that they're approaching 12m? Later can come over, i'm not going to my MIL place liao, she not well. But may be bringing isaac to compasspoint after he wakes fr him pm nap... to order cake for next week! Let me know what time u coming hor.
didnt watch the show.. always forget wan leh. my boy sometimes will want a total stranger to carry him.. last time went shopping, he actually bend forward with open arms and want the sales guy to carry him..
wendy, dunno why zephan didn't want to let deric carry him leh.. just looked at him n cry. he was ok with his meet-twice-only aunt later in the afternoon.hmm...

today got metro members sale, 20% off storewide. if u want to go at last hour ask me along hor.. in half a mind whether to go or not...
I'm not metro member...
i was at compasspoint just now, ordering cake from BS. Couldn't walk around - isaac not co-operative.
hello, any mommies uses the automated oscillator for sarong ? Would appreciate any comments on its pro and cons.

I'm hestitaing to purchase it as its quite expensive at about S$ 160-170 at kiddy palace.
thanks in advance !
hi ray ray

i used that when my gal was younger.. cos she couldn't sleep long on the cot or bed.. the most half an hr will wake up liao.. at that time i was desperate cos i was looking after baby alone and can't afford to sit there the whole time just to rock the sarong. My hubby went to get the auto oscillator for me. I will set it to rock up and down abit hard at first to put her to sleep (will put her in when i see that she is sleepy), after she falls asleep, i will reduce the rocking to very gentle. After using it, my gal can sleep 2-3hrs in the sarong, but then again, must take into account that she was very young then.

However, when baby is bigger it could be quite dangerous.. When my gal learnt to flip liao, she will immediately flip when she wakes up.. but the sarong is still rocking so will swing quite dangerously.. must quickly attend to her whenever i heard any noises from the sarong (indication that she has woke up). I guess now our babies are so old (can sit up, can stand etc), it will be even worse!

Luckily my gal automatically wanted to sleep on the bed when she was ard 8mths old.. she rejected sleeping in the sarong.. so i solved my headache of trying to wean her off it. hehe.

Oh, one con abt the auto oscillator, when baby gets used to it, if u stop the rocking when baby is asleep, usually they will wake up or not sleep for long...

Does ur baby nap for long now since almost 1yr old liao?? If not, dun have to buy cos abit waste money.
Ray Ray,
I used the auto oscillstor too.

I will set it rock for about 20 min.. (i suppose she in sleeping deeply into dream)..I switch it off. I don't rock it all way , like what Moulinmum said.. they may get use to it and rocking is a must afterthat.

Luckily, at 9 month, she reject sarong.. so now she is on bed.
Hi mummies,

Any babies here birth month is in Chinese calendar August ?

If you know, this year there are 2 chinese July , so the August fall after that, which means that I will celebarate the English (Sept) first , then the Chinese August (is in English Oct) or do you use the 2nd July as August?

The wearing of Shoe, tasting of drumstick and choosing those calculator... should be done on the Chinese Bithday.. but is after English Birthday.. does it matter ?
hi rayray
i use the auto oscillator as well. Quite a godsend as my boy will be awake the moment the rocking stops. Now at 11 months, he's still in the sarong with the auto-rocker for naps. Can nap for about 3 hours. At night he will sleep in his cot.
hi rayray, i use the auto rocker too.. n must say that it's the greatest invention in recent years! i started without, but baby wakes up once rocking stops. so we added the rocker. when zephan was about 9m plus he also had the habit of flipping in the sarong n fell a few times, but after that he didn't fall anymore. just relax n lie there or cry for us to pick him up. i usually start the rocker at a slightly faster speed, and when he's asleep tone it down to a v gently rock. my mum doesn't have 1 at her place, where zephan is during weekdays daytime, and i can see that he sleeps for longer periods at my place. during weekends he only needs 2 naps, one in the morning n one in the afternoon, but at my mum's place he needs 3 naps cos he wakes up more easily. At night, he also sleeps in cot (at my place).
the other time u mentioned u freeze the soup stock that u cooked. How long can we keep such stock in the freezer?

re: Recipes
Anyone has yummy recipes to share for baby food? I tried macaroni n cheese this wkend for Elizabeth and she loves it. She hates to eat porridge, cereal etc. But surprisingly ate up the macaroni n cheese with no complaints. So was wondering how to cook other types of food for baby... everyday porridge or cereal is apparently too boring for her. Fussy eater.
I also used the auto rocker for my ds when he's younger. Bought 2nd hand so it's much cheaper.
Agreed with ting that it's one great invention and definitely worth investing. My ds can nap v well in the sarong cos it's much cooler. Luckily for me he started to prefer cot once he knew how to flip. He's till napping in the sarong at my nanny's although he nap in cot at home nowadays. At nights, he always sleeps in cot.
i got milk
What kind of cheese do you use for the marcaroni?

re: sarong
zac naps in a sarong during weekdays. yah when the rocking stops, he will wake up too, We don't use the auto rocker it's all manual, luckily my nanny has 3 young daughters who take turns to rock zac. hahaha
U lucky mummies out there who own a auto rocker!!!

heard from wendy u also wanna buy pampers all night. Do u still want it. I can get it for u during my next trip to JB which is either this weekend or next week. Come Aug i may not go to JB so often liao cos got the entrance fee of RM20 to pay.
hi, can i check...

anyone BB still wake up for night feed ?
anyone 10 mth old bb can speak already ? like can call mom... da..caar ?

hi zaczac,
Thanks for yr help. Really admire you for visiting yr MIL so often, taking the trouble to travel till JB

hi igotmilk,
Ya, I'm interested to know yr recipe and type of cheese use? May I know the steps to cook that? I tried before using carrot and vege and turn out tasteless.. my poor gal got to eat that tasteless stuff i cooked up...
