(2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

hi trinity,
What's rice cake? How you train Anton on chewing? Any tibs?
ABC is the brand or u mean pasta shape like ABC? And do you cook it soupy (like macoroni) or dry w source? Wat you add for taste? Cos can't use the pasta source for adult and not giving tomatoe yet... Sorry for so many questions..

Hi sweetpea,

I have checked out their website. If the programme is gd I don't mind forking out that amt every mth. Wonder how the teacher copes with 2/3 bbs at one time. When mine cries, I feel like crying myself *LOL*

Btw, you think I can visit the place and check them out myself? Do I need to fix an appoitment or something?
Hi Cakey
Rice cakes are like biscuits. They are dry and made of rice. I think basically I introduce him meat when he turn 7 mths and usually meat u have to chew a little. We must make sure that the pasta must be very soft so it is easier for them to chew.

Yeah ABC pasta are pasta with Alphabet shapes. I usually just cook and mix it with all the other vege and meat. I don't add any sauce so it is just the pasta, vege and meat ( vege and meat itself has its own juices to make the whole dish tasty)

I got the organic rice cakes from Marketplace in Paragon. It is convenient cos I do not need to cook it just pound alittle to make sure they are small enough for the baby to chew ( they will turn soft when u miss with the other vege and meat)
Hi Anissa,

So far I find the programme very good. And the nice teachers are most reassuring. hehe..guess they are all experienced and that is why they can cope all rite.

Yup, you would need to call for an appointment. Most of the times, it would be Christina who answers the call. She is a really nice lady.

Where do u stay? Is Babies Resort convenient? For us...we stay nearby so just drop Matthew off on the way to work.
Hi sweetpea,
I stay at Punggol but hubby's shop is at AMK. Bishan is ok I guess. Will contact them and see how things work out. Thnks again for the recommendation!
wow, so many postings these 2 days!

triniti, my boy doesn't seem to know the chewing motion during feedings. he can make the chewing motion when he wants to eat something, but i dont see him do it during mealtimes.. maybe it's time to make the porridge more coarse to encourage him to try.

passing guest, hey, this punggol neighbour didn't get a chance to appreciate your brownies! hehe.. envy that u get a chance to bake.. me having a headache with my part time helper already.. now still got to do my own housework while searching for a reliable one. abt the pasta, i just fed zephan marcoroni for the first time this afternoon. i cooked it together with his porridge, and mash it before feeding.

wendy, thanks for the marcoroni!

am thinking of giving zephan some dry dishes so that he can learn to self feed... any suggestion?
Hi all,

Remember I was 'complaining' that Clarence only knows how to call 'ba ba' but dunno how to call me? I just discovered today that he wasn't trying to call his dad! He was actually mimic the Super Band song 'babababa bababa ba.. baba... ba... bababa...'
passing guest
Anton has not teeth at all so it is not problem. I don't know exactly if it is considered a dry dish cos the vege and the meat itself has water content in them after cooking...so it is mashy after adding everything together.

yeah it is good to let ur babies to have coarser texture at this age so they can learn how to chew. Even without teeth, babies have hard gums to chew their food. If you are feeding porridge, I dun think u need to puree it anymore, just let him try the coarser texture.
Anton has finished his 3 jabs of the pnemococal vaccine and I think it is very good for the baby to take this vaccine as it helps to prevent several possible illnesses for the baby in future...
regarding the pasta, do you put pasta, vege and meat into a pot and cook with soup?

the pasta you use for your baby, is it meant for baby only? or can they eat the pasta we eat?
the answer is yes

ermm nope I cook it seperately and then mix them together so it will be in mash form

The pasta I use for baby is also for adult consumption just that is too small and adults might not like the texture. They can also eat adult pasta just that you have to make sure they are really chopped up into tiny pieces and really soft before u feed them

Is it the ABC macaroni? I went Giant to look for it and i could only find ABC macaroni there. Is macaroni the same as pasta?

Hee, just bought 1 pack. Will let bb Kai try tomolo. Thanks for the idea.
Sorry, haven't been logging in the past few days. My hubby went to buy me Da Chang Jin vcds and in the end he's the one that's 'chasing' the show... everyday bugging me to watch the vcd with him.. until 2-3am... i already become panda eyes liao! hahaa.. never see a man so K-drama fan one!

Hosanna, Anissa, Applejuz, i went to Penang (vone, u are rite!) to visit my hubby's relatives. Nope, not a resort, just Sunway Hotel in Georgetown. Must fly leh, although it's quite exp now cos of the fuel surcharge but no choice... I dun wanna be stuck in the coach for more than 10hrs with a cranky baby! I think the other passangers will throw us out at the highway too.. haha..

Re: eating
Recently, Julia has been on somewat of a food strike. The amount of milk and cereals she has been taking is greatly reduced. Dun know if it's due to teething (she still boh geh btw). But she is extremely interested in adult food.. If we are eating and offer her a taste, she will get upset if dun continue to feed her.. Wonder if she thinks milk and cereals are yucky now.. Hmmm...
Ok, next time I will count you in :)

Paiseh, I was supposed to loan the set to you right. I just got it back from my cousin. Look on the bright side, at least your hubby is a SNAG :p

Thanks, I'm gonna try pasta next week. Do post if you have more interesting recipes to share :)
Hi mummies..

Been a long long time since i last logged in.. Miss my nicholas and samuel badly.. Haven't seen them for the past 3 WEEKs! Wonder if nicholas has put on weight or not.. haha..

Today so angry leh.. Today just quarrel with my hb over the phone again! I've been in bangkok for bout 3 weeks liao and he's still not flying over to see me! aarrgggghhh.. Y are man like that?? *angry angry*
hi nicky's mom, my hb also missed zephan terribly even though he's only away for 1 week, can imagine how u feel. ur hb's busy? it might be good for one parent to be with the kids while u are away...

triniti, i usually just put the porridge in the slow cooker. i've tried giving larger chunks of fish meat that's soft, and the maroconi i gave is also larger pieces, but he seems to just swallow without chewing, and he doesn't have choking also. not sure if he gets to practice his chewing skills.

for the pneumococcal vaccine, there's a group of "high risk" babies who are strongly advised to take. i haven't decided yet cos he's not in that group.

eileen, macoroni is a type of pasta, so sama sama
i used the elbow type.

passing guest.. haha.. i quite envy people who can bake, cos i'm too passive to start learning.. :p maybe next time we can join u in ur baking session
hmm, thread slow today?

coffeedrinker, zephan is now using both J&J baby bath & top to toe, plus Anakku at my mum's place. We actually dont search for anything in particular, just what's from his hampers people gave him long time ago. just make sure it's mild n ph neutral
Check with you, anyone using Nestle brown rice for breakfast? Do you mix in other ingredients as well? Or anyone give other food (other than cereal) to babies for breakfast. Thought of giving fruit puree for breakfast because my baby keep having constipation...I feed medicine from my pd still not much improvement... suspected it might be the cereal... he passed motion until he bled... any advice?

Thanks alot!
hosanna, i use the nestle brown rice, and also its wheat n honey. u may want to buy cereal without iron-enriched component, cos iron contributes to constipation to a certain extent, esp if u're already feeding him FM which also has iron. Get those plain ones, e.g. organic ones usually. feed more water, and go easy on the fibre-rich food as well. i heard that doc will insert a tablet or something and baby will poo everything out?
if u mean bathtub, we're using a blue tub from Ikea. if u mean bath soap, we're using Avent.
No change since he was 1 month old. Started off with J&J (yellow bottle), but he kept getting rashes & dry flaky skin. Issue resolved with Avent. PD said J&J may be too commercial for baby's skin & recommended some more suitable brands, like Avent & Eucerin & Sebamed.

yeah Isaac sometimes takes the Nestle Brown Rice cereal for b'fast. Most times will also give him some fruit (separate) & vege (mixed in, easier to feed).
Wa, blood in poo, sounds painful. Poor baby.
Hi Coffeedrinker,
I'm using Mustela's body milk for my boy. It also acts as a moisturiser as it is a no-rinse cleanser.But i also moisturise again after the bath cos my boy's is prone to dry skin.
I have successfully (or so I think) weaned Annette off boobies several nights back. For the first 2 days, I expressed the BM and threw. Now I do not seem to have engorgement but will try to express. However I do not yield anymore BM when I do so. Does this mean that I'm "all done"? Do I need to do anything to ensure that there is no more leftover milk in the boobies. Would appreciate any advice as I'm too occupied with work to surf the net for answers :-(
passing guest ...

hmmm why dun u express and let her drink from the bottle ... so wasted right?

me think tat my milking days are coming to an end soon too ... YC gotta start his FM real soon

could only get 80ml after 5hr and i will only feel engorged after like 8hrs =p

i think no need to do anything liao
thanks wendyg, yes, I'm talking about the bathtub type soap.
The Avent is No rinse type ?
I'm looking for no rinse type to put in the bathtub water. I'm currently using LACTACYD LIQUID,want to change becos no nice smell..
if want to use the rinse type, how to manage the baby during bath?

sweetpea, I use the Mustela relaxing bath.. in the evening (she don't bath in the evening , only use wipe)
Passing guest
How did u wean baby off boobies? CIO method? I have been trying for ages but with in-laws around its difficult.

Does babies still need to drink milk? Is it sufficuent for me I to juz feed after her meals. She dun seems to drink much though, juz sucking for comfort at night. And my breasts no longer feels full.

Another thing is that my breasts are abit lope sided, cos I tend to feed more of one side. Will I be stuck with big-small breast?
anissa, if u can afford 2, y nt look after clarence urself? u oni get tis 1 chance 2 njoy his bbhood.

moulin, i tink it's coz julia prefers adult food after tasting urs. nw u hv 2 start making porridge 4 her liao.

coffeedrinker, i m using j&j milk bath 4 my boy.

hosanna, tink it's d brown rice tt giving ur boy constipation. i aso had 2 same prob. bt i dun give it 2 him 4 breakfast. it'e either lunch or dinner & i mixed it wif something else, eg. brocoli, sweet corn, cod fish, veggies, etc so tt it's like a whole meal by itself. in addition, i feed my boy wif lots of water. aiyo, ur boy is so poor thing, poo until he bled. tink u better hold d brown rice 4 d time being til his poo pattern is back 2 normal.
Re: weaning off
the idea is to gradually reduce the no of times n duration u pump to send the signal of reduced demand to your brain. if u're already down to 1 time per day and the amt is little, can try to stop altogether. Do not keep trying to see if there's any milk left, cos as long as u squeeze, milk will come out. just let it dry naturally. when the milk totally dries up (i.e. squeeze also get nothing) depends on individual...

cupcake, at their age they still need about 3 milk feeds.

re: bath lotion
the J&J baby bath is quite mild, and i notice that it doesn't generate as much bubbles as their top to toe.
Blood in poo sounds serious. Why dun u consider stopping brown rice cereal for a few days till the constipation is cured cos brown rice is actually quite heaty? Cos my ds oso get constipation if he takes brown rice. For breakfast, u can switch to oatmeal cereal from healthy times or earth best (can get from brown rice paradise at tanglin mall). My ds used to be severe constipation problem but no more since he started on oatmeal cereal. Now he poos smoothly everyday.

You can oso try feeding your bb papaya and diluted prune juice which are helpful in moving his bowels. Avoid applesauce, rice and banana.

Thought oatmeal also has alot of fibre which might lead to constipation?? Your ds's constipation condition improved after taking the oatmeal cereal? Meanwhile, what can i substitute the brown rice in the morning with cos got no time to go all the way to Tanglin Mall to buy the oatmeal cereal...

I gave him these almost everyday: papaya, pear, fruit juice, vege with porridge, barley water and even medicine prescribed by the pd... may bring back to see Dr Tan tomorrow if he still don't poo poo... not sure whether he has a phobia of pooing as he may have associated pooing with pain pain... :eek:( Now, my immediate question once i comes home from work is,"Did he poo poo today?"....
Try to let yr boy drink more water.. maybe around 120ml per day on top of his milk feeds. Also, make it part of his daily meals to drink fruit juice (around 60ml) each day.

My girl eats brown rice cereal every day but not much problem with constipation.. i give her fruit juice once a day and she poos daily.
i just had a part time cleaner come today and my hb said she's v thorough and good. U wanna try? I can give u her contact no.

re: weaning off
So tough to build up supply and now so tough to reduce it... been stretching hrs but its such a long and slow process.
Hmm, it is not soup base but u can make it soup base if u want. Mine is just mix with the vege and meat.

I am using california baby products for my son. For his bath wash, it is tea tree and lavender. Moisturizing cream is the calming botanical moisturizing cream.
If anyone of you want, I have got extra jars of the moisturizing cream selling at 13 dollars each from the purchase I got the other time, so if anyone wants can pm me.

passing guest
Haha, no much of a recipe person though I am going to try the recipes from the Gina Ford recipe book
object permanance
Anton finally understood the concept of object permanence after trying to 'educate' him. TOday he removed the pillow from the phone as I used it to cover the phone ( several times to make sure he really knows what he is looking for cos he never used to remove the pillow), which means he know that the object still exists even it is hidden from his sight hehe so fun..now can play peek-a-boo with his toys...mummies can try to play the game with ur baby too..
Yes yes! our babies this stage are learning fast! & that's very satisfying..

Keyon enjoys peek-a-boo too... i'll hide myself behind the curtains & peek :p Reward= Keyon's chuckle! haha...

grandpa also teaches Keyon to use his little finger to roll the wheels behind his toy car to create 'voom.. voom...'sound. He knows! Now other toys with sound, he'll sure turn it around to see any switch beneath or not... so amazing!
yeah so fun right...
I used to play peek-a-boo with anton but I think now he knows that I exist even though I hide so not so fun anymore...in the past, he though I 'disappeared' when I hide and when I 'reappear' again...he will get abit startled and then chuckle. Now when I hide, he will come and find me hahah...
hi triniti, applejuz,
yes, I notice our bb starts to learn and mimic quite obviously already.. I gave her a little brush to play and show her how I brush my hair. And she actually tried doing so! Of course she din do it in a lady-like manner but just held and placed the brush behind her head (instead of chewing it) hehe.. But that's amusing enuff and enuff to tell me that my bb is growing up!!
My ds' water intake is quite normal. The oatmeal cereal is v helpful in moving his bowels. If u got no time to buy the cereal, why dun you skip breakfast (just feed milk) and feed solids only for lunch & dinner for the time being? I do that on weekends cos too lazy to make breakfast...:p
I threw the EBM coz I have been drinking. So I guess it's best to discard. Dun want her to grow up and alcoholic :p

I used the CIO method. Yes, with ILs around, it is truly difficult to excercise this. Unless of coz you drug or tie your ILs in chains, something which I have been meaning to do even before I had a baby. Wahahahaha...evil DIL...

Perhaps you can try to get baby to suckle more on the smaller boobie and let the supply balance off, then wean. This happened to me too and the method seemed to work (later I go check in the mirror to confirm!! hehe..) I hear that the big/small boobies condition could be permanent.
yeah no rinse.. very mild but nice smell. Nowadays we make lots of bubbles coz it's fun =) Many times he eats the bubbles, but only a little, no harm done. Even gets into his eyes coz he likes to rub his hands all over his face. But doesn't get red or anything.

yours is 80ml after 5hr. Mine is 80ml after 12hr. haha.
fenugreek no use? by the way, eliz vomited again last nite during CIO. ALl over the cot.. and she was rubbing her head in the puke.. so smelly. Big time puke - entire 200ml of cereal dinner puked out. Then later, when i flipped over the mattress to the clean side, i tried to let her sleep but she cried non-stop and puked out her milk. So end up both sides of mattress got puke... *duh*
hi, anybody here have tried to give BB yoghurt already ? which brand ? did your BB like it ? give directly or have to mix with other things? it is too sour for BB ? and what time ? tea time or breakfast ?

well... i haven't been taking as religiously as b4... and my pumping & latch on sessions reduced.. so i guess all good things must come to an end =)
So in the end where did ELiz sleep? Wonder why she's throwing up so much.. try giving her an earlier dinner? But that would mean u gotto rush home from work everyday..

petite maim for baby, serve direct from cup, afternoon snack time. Not too sour la, Isaac likes it =)

wendgy ...

yar guess all good thing must come to an end ... told my mother last night tat i am going to reduce to pumping just once in the office liao ... cos every week my supply will drop like 20ml to 30ml ... sure not enough one and my frozen stock is like less than 500ml liao ... no point for me to be so stubborn

will still latch him on when he is with me lar ... but i guess already meet my initial target of TBM for 6mth ... now its already TBM for 8mth ++ liao ... he gotta start taking FM soon

sharon ...

same as wendgy ... the petite maim for baby ... YC like oso ... he will follow my spoon and not need to force him to eat heehee

HI, anyone heard of nature teaching method..like let BB interact to nature environment, is it good for BB development liao. anyone ?? like let them feel the tree and so on...

I also brought the petite maim for baby, but look like only my ger don't like it. when i feed her direct , she will act like want to vomit liao, i wondering can dilut it or not?
