(2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

hi angel, so there is no more trial on 19/may right which the trial is brought fwd to 5/may. if this is confirm then guess i will have to pull out of the trial and next in line to join.

Growing Up Gifted trial lesson

Date: 5 May, Friday
Time: 4pm
Duration of trial: 1.5 hours
Cost: $39.90
Location: 101 Thomson Road, United Square,
#02-28 & 03-01, Singapore 307591
Tel: 65 6258 4722

1) angel
2) dressaholic
3) snoopy
4) seabreeze
5) ixwong
6) smallbell

Reserve list
7) coffeedrinker
8) cupcake
9) Kathy
hi JT

Yes, sorry we need to change the dates as they can't confirm the number of babies they are able to accept for the trial class.
update @ 5.50pm

<font color="0000ff">Growing Up Gifted trial lesson</font>

Date: 5 May, Friday
Time: 4pm
Duration of trial: 1.5 hours
Cost: $39.90
Location: 101 Thomson Road, United Square,
#02-28 &amp; 03-01, Singapore 307591
Tel: 65 6258 4722

1) angel
2) dressaholic
3) snoopy
4) seabreeze
5) smallbell
6) ixwong

So far, no. 1 to no. 5 has confirmed. Now, left only ixwong yet to confirm.

Reserve list
7) coffeedrinker
8) cupcake
9) Kathy

Mommies, please tt $39.90 to my POSB savings account number 029-31641-4. I hope to send out the cheque to them by tomorrow... just in case they tell me no more slots cos I didn't make payment when I come back from Phuket.

update on behalf of angel

Growing Up Gifted trial lesson

Date: 5 May, Friday
Time: 4pm
Duration of trial: 1.5 hours
Cost: $39.90
Location: 101 Thomson Road, United Square,
#02-28 &amp; 03-01, Singapore 307591
Tel: 65 6258 4722

1) angel
2) dressaholic
3) snoopy
4) seabreeze
5) smallbell
6) ixwong

All 6 slots are taken up. Pls TT the money to Angel asap cos she is flying off tom.
Sorry, too busy today to read the thread. Many thanks to Seabreeze who called me up.

have transferred $$ to you liao. Pls check.
hello ivy and seabreeze

received your $ already. thanks thanks

I will pass seabreeze the cheque tomorrow if i see her. If not, seabreeze can collect the cheque from my maid to pass it to GUG. I will be flying off to phuket tomorrow afternoon liao. Back to Singapore on Sunday.
hi angel, many thanks for arranging the GUG trial! have tted the $$ to your account through DBS internet banking reference 652640841.
angel, thnks. mummies who will be attending pls do update us after the trial and whether was it really that good as what the forum say abt GUG.
morning! thread's a bit slow these days... nothing much to update? hmm, zephan's beginning to get assertive these days. when he doesn't get what he wants, like his toys, he'll cry in protest. he's also wary of strange sounds, esp squeaky toys. last weekend my grandmother pressed a squeaky toy in front of him, and he cried after staring at it for a while.. :p

<font color="0000ff">A mother asked her small son what he would like for his birthday.

"I'd like a little brother," a boy said.

"Oh my, that's such a big wish," said the mother. Why do you want a little brother"?

"Well," said the boy, "there's only so much I can blame on my dog." </font>
hi tingting,
My gal too is now more and more expressive of what she wants and dislike. She's scare of dark rubbery squeaky toy.. So I put it at the shelf of stuff that I dun want she to touch.. then she'll stay away from that shelf hehe...
Hi tingting,

ya totally agree...same situation with my boi...everything he also wanna touch and grab liao..that day he even used his hanky to clean the sofa...took away the hanky and he protested..
and he is quite a timid bb..sometimes open the lid of containers too loud..he will jump and cry.found that he is very scared of the washing machine sound for some reason...hehe...
supposed baby at these month is about the same.
My gal is also very expressive.

she will scream when she can't reach for an item that she been trying hard to reach.

stare at vistor that come my house and cry.
and worse, she cry inmmediate when she saw her grandma and grandpa (hushand's side).. the grandparent get so upset and did not visited us already more than 3 month did not see her.my God..

enjoy watching car pass by.
Recall a funny incident abt my gal

She overnight at MIL house and a friend pop over at MIL house at night. At that time they already off the light and bb just finish her milk. She saw the visitor silhouette and thot it's me visiting so exciting bouncing up down and crawling very fast to her! Then my MIL on the light suddently she saw it's not me and burst into tears immediately!
So funny that my bb 'ren4 chuo4' mummy hehe..
haha.. guess girls tend to scream.. mine scream at very high pitch for alot of things.. eg. for attention, when she falls flat on her face and wants someone to pick her up, on her tummy (she hates to be on tummy) etc..

yeah! Elizabeth screams and shudder in fear when i squish the rubber duckie in her bath! haha. funny.
haha cakey, ur gal v cute arh!

coffeedrinker, my grandma also quite upset when sometimes my boy cries when she carries him. Like feeling rejected i guess..
I have transfer under UOB reference no. 100000434880020. Sorry for the delay.

Thanks for calling me up yesterday.
Hi mummies


is this a phase babies go through? my girl started shouting/screaming all the time, instead of crying. when she is happy, scream/shout, when angry, scream/shout, when upset, scream/shout before crying...wah piang, my ear drums! that day we brought her to the restaurant for dinner, she shouted at the baby at the next table until the baby woke up..then when at the clinic, she also shouted at another baby..goodness, behavinglike a boy more than a girl haha
Hi mummies,

Re- gender predictor

came across this in the Motherhood.com website.

under the gender predictor, you got to use the chinese lunar calendar to calculate your age (basically add 1to your present age), then the month which you conceive will determine whether it's an xy or xx..

Have you mummies tried this before? is it accurate for your baby? for me and a friend, accurate lei.. :eek:)
Hi i'm a mummy,

ya...tried when i was preggie lor..agree that its quite accurate lei...
a number of my friends also accurate...
Hi Shao Yen,

did you use the lunar month as well? or our normal calendar month? i know supposed to use lunar age, but they didn't say anything about the month lei haha
i'm a mummy: its not accurate for me.. hehe.. calculate ten over times.. but still diff gender.. believe in x/y chromosomes better ba..hehe
<font color="0000ff">Driving to a new restaurant, a woman took several wrong turns. When she finally found the right road, she asked her husband, "Why didn't you tell me I was lost?"

"I thought you knew where you were going," he replied. "You always know where you're going when I'm driving." </font>
hi seabreeze, didnt know there was such a huge storm on BP. Can understand how fed up you feel, cos organising a BP is a v tiring job. that guy's just trying to nitpick on your words. Don't let it get to you ok? *hugz*
Hi Seabreeze,
Maybe he is trying to make trouble or enjoy arguements so ignore him/her... The more postings, the more advertising effect to the parties involved.

Usually when a forum grows to a large size there'll be all kinds of pple.. including those that trying to stir up some trouble to a peaceful community. I've seen that in other forums too.
Hi seabreeze,

ya i agree, that Huh?? is too free and a nuisance. Just ignore him/her and don't reply to any more of his/her posting. the more you reply, the more reaction he gets from you, the happier he/she is and will type even ruder comments. This kind of people should just be shot and strung up by the b*lls hehe
oh man, did u gals c wat huh replied. m veri fed up. dun wan 2 reply 2 his stupid &amp; insenseless post!! argh!!
Hi mommies

Hope everyone has been fine and all babies active and eating well.

It's great to hear that some of you are going for the trial next week. I understand from GUG yesterday that they have reorganised their student list and have a couple of vacancies in their weekend class starting in June (eg Sunday 2.30pm (3 spots left) 4pm (2 spots left)). Annette has signed up for Sunday 4pm. We hope to see some of her old friends there :)

First time in a supermarket trolley but doesn't she look like a pro :p

Thanks for organising the BP. Don't take the Huh person's comments to heart. Some people are simply too free and insensitive.
anyboby interested to go Free Trial @ Playwork Programme, Buy one Youngparents @ $5
Youngparents have a Free Coupon, We can book same time and same day go together . (for 6 to 35 months)

anyone ??
Mommies, thanks for the compliments. But more hair means got to cut more often, more perspiration and more stinkie hair. However it's a happy problem.

Annette has been using Nepia since birth. It's very good. However as the size gets larger, each diaper costs more. Used Pet2 once before but thought the diapers become stinky very fast. We bought it again last week to try out. Confirmed our suspicion and will not use Pet2 again :-(

Playworkz Trial
I believe that babies got to be crawlers to go for Playworkz programme. Trials are free without vouchers too, so you don't need the magazine if you have not bought it :)

I'm sure Julia can sit in the trolley already, you can try. Somemore, with her thunderous thighs, you can be sure she won't slip through the holes. hehe...
Passing Guest , I have changed Grace to Sabrina already. she's now 7 mths+ ,currently attend BJG class at Bukit Gombat,because i stay sengkang a bit far for me to go there.

Sabrina now can crawl already. thinking of go there see see , look look liao, do you join the trial b4. is it good ?
hi passing guess,

abt the GUG class in June is this a trial class and do you mean we need to call to booked a place or we need to go down to register for the class. cos i will miss the 5/may one organise by angel...really hope to go for a trial trial before deciding to enrol my boy for it.

seabreeze, me as a dad really appreciate your effort for arranging BP which my family had really benefited and also mummies also organise trial class and BP..kow tow to you all. as for that guy (HUH?) guess you can ignore all his correspondence....cos there is similar kind of guys in those car forum whom are just there to irritate those geniune user ...cos most of them are just simiply lonely whom has no friend. hope this help.
