(2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

temple ...

yar thats what she told me but i have never seen her in a car before ... or could it be someone just giving her a ride etc

anyway from this indicent ... i feel that there are just some sneaky ppl who prefer to hide behind and spread such 'news' around ... cant they just come out in the open and say it out loud ... wonder do they get a kick for doing this

anyway like i always say ... do things that we are comfy and happy with ... not happy then dun do lar ... no one is forcing us to give her anything oso right ....


i never seen the car myself as well... agree with u that there are sneaky people around especially i hate those who just pm people and tell tales. if it's true, they should just write it out openly. i feel so sad for Pris to have to go through all these things but i hope she could get over it soon and concentrate on taking care of Jadon
this incident reminds me of the blind basker along the orchard underground tunnel. Once i saw his wife holding a handphone. That was a few years ago, when hps are still not v common. I felt cheated cos why "beg" for money (even though he's performing) if u can afford a hp? After some time, I thought maybe a handphone to him is a necessity, cos it's inconvenient for him to go to a public phone.

Moral of story: What is seen as a luxury to some may actually be a necessity to others.
I find it funny too when I receive the PM. There was another thread where people were trying to help by gathering stuff that pris needs and then after I indicated my interest to pass her some stuff, I received the PM. can't remember the person's nickname though cos it was quite some weeks back liao. glad that temple and seabreeze has clarified.

Anyone know when is the taka bb fair ending cos I tot of going there this sat!
ting ting ...

okie have rec ... will deposit the money into her account tom

zaczac ...

guess that the thing abt been online ... anyone can just hide behind his/her nick and say whatever they want ... no guts hahahaha

unlike our angel and dressoholic =p
taka bb fair ends 19/3
but someone told me not worth going wor... can't remember who.

why angel & dressaholic very daring huh?
SIGH, just changed Cayden's diaper the 6th time since 7.30am. PD said he will take at least a week or so to recover. silly me lah, gave him a bot of EBM this morning....so dunno if it is making him feel worse.

FM really not cheap. only 2 days, the Enfalac Lactose Free (400g)is going to finish soon. but at least half was rejected by my son who finds the taste abit funny.

I am keen to find out more abt the schichda method. But sat's talk does not permit bbs. so guess i will give it a miss. Anyone signing up?
Hi aidanee,

ya my boi also just recovered from stomach upset...gave him Isomil lactose free..but my 400g lasts for 4 days leh...really its not cheap...and really stress also when baby fall sick....my boi saw gp for 2 times cos first time the silly doc say dun need to give medicine...just monitor....
i still use abit of EBM to mix wtih cereal leh...is it ok? doc said can give rice water which i will do so tonight.....the prob is Cayden doesnt like water, so i have to try all methods!!!! gave glucose water also....

it's been 2 weeks liao. i think i will go mad soon! his wt at 5mths n 6 mths are the same! meant he actually lost wt! so heartpain.
re Pris,
not being daring, i meant to defend angel in the first place. Afterall, i was the other mummy who agreed to sponsor her steriliser. Never meant to put her in a bad light but i guess i lost my cool with her mind blowing statement on having to sterilise "few hundred bottles" if she has no steriliser.

So i ended up playing the devil's advocate

I also represent the many mummies who didnt dare to air their views.
aidanee ...

how abt soy milk? my fren gave her bb that as he was lacto intolerant ... seem to help

think you can get them from the pharmacy

dressoholic ..

well at least both u and angel are open abt it and air your view openly ... cant stand those ppl who do it thr PM ...
nevermind lah, i thought if u r nearby, can get go collect fm u ... i work in kallang.

which pd u go ah? how come got cereal samples? mine only has fm samples, which i dun need. even the fm samples r not always available.

sigh ... this wkend really has lots of activities ah ... bb fair, bk fair, yp fair, bjg trial, shicida trial, blisscard carnival, etc ... dun noe which one to go ...
re: Pris

Have to applaud tingting on what she said. I quote her "both pris n jadon have suffered so much, it would be nice to give them some "sweeteners" in life, not just necessities".

I agree with seabreeze that we shld treat this as a 'gift' and not 'donation'. Pris has never asked anyone directly for something. She just takes whatever she is being offered. As for her 'wish list', guess being a 1st time mum, though she can't afford all those stuff, she still wants the best for her baby and after suffering so much, I feel that Jadon does deserve them
I have given her a cot organiser and baby monitor which I bought on impulse. Rather than sell those for those few dollars, I just thought why not give them to someone who wants them. That few dollars will not fetch me much anyway.

As for the car, I believe she mentioned once that the car belonged to her hubby's colleague. Cos that colleague was oversea, he asked her hubby to take care of the car for him. And since they already have a car of their own, Pris ended up driving the car for those few days. No big deal.

For anyone who is in doubt and doesn't feel comfortable in giving, then don't. Saying hurtful things or casting doubts on her at moment like this is like rubbing salt onto her wound.

Have a stressful day at work...
better go resst my mind now.
Re: BJG @ Bukit Batok (Free Trial)
Wah sei, 1 day din log in, attendence so pathertic liao...(I'm on leave today, went to Isetan Private sale with my mum & Keyon)
zaczac, I'll still go cos very near my house. but if u wish to withdraw too, it ok lah
no obligation, dear..

Re: Expo Baby Fair
Seabreeze, I'm going on Saturday.. see if we could bump into each other or not..

jH, congrats! u bb got shortlisted for the chubby cheek idol! Sure Support! :D

really ah, u go cruise on 11 Apr? Update Update okie..:p
re: breast milk request
i am just wondering.. isn't it dangerous to feed bm from 'strangers' to ur bb?? i know certain things can still be passed thru bm..... correct me if i am wrong...
Hi Anissa

It is big deal that one is driving and owns a car when he/she is stretching out their hands and ask for money/donations. Having a car in Singapore is a luxury and never a necessity. We have plentiful cab drivers who need businesses to feed their family.

I think it is ridiculous for you to dismiss some other mommies financial difficulty as it's no big deal. There are some mommies who read her postings.. heart ache at the pitiful pictures Pris posted and instead of spending the few hard earned dollars on their own baby.. they gave it to Pris in terms of cash donations or gifts. Is this fair to them? I think not. Therefore, you are too naive to say that it's no big deal. It may be no big deal to you but not so to some or many of the mommies in this forum whom contributed.

Anissa, read all the postings carefully and take ample time to digest it if you need to. Nobody said any hurtful things other than the posts made by Phunky cos she is too upset by her demands and 'unreasonable' behaviour. Please don't come in and fire at us for writing hurtful remarks.

We don't deny that Jadon is pitiful and he should receive help. The person who should offer the most help are his parents/immeidate and extended family members. From what I see, his parents are enjoying the luxury of not having to downgrade their lifestyle and yet stretch out their hands for donations.

Tell me honestly, is a PIS Advance really necessary? A manual ISIS doesn't do the job especially when one is blessed with good supply of breastmilk? If Pris spends $60 on a BRAND NEW set of manual ISIS or maybe a medela single pump which is a bit more extravagant. She will save at least $300 and that money can go towards Jadon's expenses/medical bills.

Is drivng a car really necessary when cab fares are cheap in Singapore and there are plentiful empty cabs around. If there aren't, it is also cheap to call for a cab. The cost of taking a cab compared to driving a car, having to pay instalment, road tax,insurance, petrol and maintenance adds up to a LOT every month. Similarly, Pris and husband can save a lot eveyr month if they sell off their car and there will be no need to ask mommies here to raise funds for her. Is she a registered charitable company?

Why don't you pity and donate (maybe you do, I don't know) 3rd world children who are sick, sleep on the streets with no medical care and food? Instead, I find that it is absurb that a lot of educated mommies fall into this pitiful facade.
hi all,
i sold something to Pris before and yeah, i can confirm that she was driving a black car. Met her at the Pet Hotel.. not sure why she was there though... anyway, didn't notice if the car was new or old.. And i didn't think much abt the car too since i thought most singaporeans had cars.

Somehow i find this whole Pris episode quite familiar... i remember the Huang Na case whereby many pple poured in their donations to her family and then a few days later turned around and demanded to know what the family did with the money. I guess when we choose to give to a stranger, gotta give them the benefit of the doubt. If really think that its dubious, then stop giving. I decided not to donate to Pris in the end cos i realise that sooooo many mummies are donating stuff to her. Just like I didn't donate to Courage Fund (SARS) cos everyone donated. I ended up donating to IRAQ war fund cos to me, i thot that fund need $ more than Courage Fund.
hi ineedmilk

most singaporean do not have cars.. only 30% do. :eek:) Most of them take trains/bus.. just that you don't take them that's y u dun see it.
Hi, on Pris's case and I do notice about her request for bumbo which also shocked me.
Neverless I just thought It just a mum's wants for her son..
maybe she is just not sensitive about other's people feeling or thought about giving.. and she should be more humble about asking for need and not wants.

Franky, I also want a bumbo, but dare not ask from one of my friend which she has kept in the store. becuase she has given me a no. of hand-down cloth, so not so nice to ask "premium stuff"

as for us, donator or giver, maybe it will be best for us not to doubt her when giving, if in doubt, then just don't give.
There is always someone who think differently from each other and some will help and don't mind her "premium" request, while some may think giving and receiving should be a sincere and humble act
Hi jh,

The PD i went to is Dr. Ong Eng Keow from Singapore Baby & Child Clinic at TMC. I was given some samples of nestle cereal from my pd's clinic. but i do know that sometimes the clinic might run out of samples and thus, they don't give out. try asking at your pd's clinic and see whether they have any to give you.

RE: Pris

Ladies, I think we should all give it to a stop about Pris. Some of us boiled at what we had read and knew about, some of us continue to feel that we should be giving her and Jadon. But whoever is right and/or wrong, let's not spoil the good relationship that we have build up over at this thread. I think we are in a thread that everyone are generally happy and comfortable with each other. Whatever has been done, let's just leave it there. We are just a group of mummies that come to know each other and for some, have build up good friendship. So, let's just keep it there as well.

I'm sure we wouldn't want to see another "mini argument" about Pris over at our very own thread. ladies, just not worth it. indeed, this is a very, very sensitive case and we are not wrong in some of our statements as well.

i hope i'm not offending anyone here if I am, please accept my most sincere apolgies.
Ya, I agree with temple.
I see everyone so nice and approachable.

ok lah.. so how about sat BJG, anyone want to change slot with me? me in 2.30pm.. I hope to be in 3.30pm ?
Good night.
Hope to see an reply when I log in tomorrow morning.
yeah ... agree with temple ... all of us have our stand and view on this issue ... and we should all respect each other on this

so shall we say that this whole thing has come to an end? no more posting on this liao ... no end to it one
hey all.. i also give some of the items to pris leh.. but she toke the mrt when i met her.. she told me she is catching a ride to novena station for the free suttle service to KKH...

Aiya.. all cool down!!! Give is better than Take!
my bb dun wan to eat cereal leh.. how? should i give my bb porridge instead? he is coming to 6 months liao

SeaBreeze, u feed ur bb porridge already?
i have attended before and found the video they showed quite unbelievable. But after doing much research and asking friends, i still decided to sign up, will start in April.

no problem, can bring your baby there to watch the preview.
re : petpet diapers
any babies here using the L size for petpet? just wondering if it's a lot bigger than M size. My son is currently using M size...quite fitting. but now NTUC is having an offer of 3 packs for 36.90. So wondering whether to get all M size.
I bought L Petpet sometime back but realised it was too big.. 10kg onwards. So reverted to M size (up to 11kg). If u want i can pass some over (to temple) for u to try?
Temple become our DHL =)

re: cereal samples fr PD
my PD also gave.. i din need to ask. Once my boy was 6 months, the asst gave me several packs. Kidslink Children's Clinic @ Sengkang.

re: Pris' diaper thread
wow, all the while this was going on & i din even know coz i din look in that thread. But i wish people would stop using all that punctuation like !!!!!!!! and ????????? and ?!?!?!?!?! It's not very nice to read.

fwah u signed up for Shichida class! Eh, u go learn & come teach us lah, we pay u small fee coz u're small bell *hee*
hi moulinmum
re: giving EBM
agree that some substances mums take can be passed on to the BM. But since these mums are also BF their own babies, i would assume they would take care in their diet so as not to affect the BM. So it should be quite safe for other babies too. so far, i've only given to those i know, not to strangers.

I wish i can contribute to the mummy as well, but my good supply days are over.. I do have some frozen packs though. Wendy, are u contributing? If so, i'll just add on to yours.

re: baby waking up
i'm so tired this week... zephan's been waking up for a feed at about 3-4am, and i really can't figure out why. his food n milk intake did not change during the day. Is it time to increase his food intake?

re: FM vs BM
Did anyone wonder if the calorie value of BM is less than FM (for babies 6mths n above)? I'm just wondering.. there's a differentiation between infant formula (1-6 mths) and follow-on formula (6mth - 1yr). That should mean their nutritional value is different, that's why 2 types of packaging right? But BM composition doesn't change... hmm...
isaac has been waking EVERY NIGHT 2-3 times.. i'm still surviving, so u should be ok lah =)
Hey, i just bought 3 packs of Pampers Premium from Giant last Sat! I'm not keen on the Petpet offer. Petpet wear for too long will hv lint on his little brother.. v hard to wipe off!
my supply also JIT... already gave some away last week.. next "donation" will be next month, maybe!
Small Bell,
My friend's son who will be 7 months old in April will start his shicihida class in April too. Who knows u may bump into her. I'm interested too but personally feels that it's too expensive leh. too much other financial commitment. Can share what is unbelievable?

me n zac not going for BJG Bbatok trial liao...he still has abit of cough and I'm coughing too. no good to pass the germs to others.
dunno why recently body so weak keep getting cough/fever etc.

lynette, i start giving my son porridge two weeks back when he was 6 months old, but I think he prefer to eat cereal. hahaha opposite from ur son.

ixwong, cakey, shao yen and coffeedrinker & smallbell...wah so we are quite near to each other leh, next time we can meet up for kopi sessions around woodlands/semb area

Shao Yen, which part of woodlands r u at? I'm near Vista Point/Park
haha....wendy me same boat as u, zac wakes up at least 2 x every night...sometimes he wakes up a t 4am to learn how to crawl and refuse to sleep until mayb about 6am, by then I gottta prepare to go work liao...very tired also.
u dunnid to rush around during the day leh.. me gotta rush him to my mum's place in the morning n rush home at night.. anyway, i'm used to sleeping thru already, so it's still tough for me.. hehe..

this morning i thot he may just be waking up due to habit, so wait n see whether he'll go to sleep on his own. but after 20min i gave up n he actually emptied both breasts! like a full feed... so i think maybe time to increase his food intake... but my mum scared he overeat then vomit...

re: diapers
hmm, the lint problem not too bad for me.. so u're converting to Pampers full time already? U bought the box packaging is it? aiyah, should have asked u to help me buy, cos i've already used 50% of my last pack of Pampers already, but hard for me to go Giant/Carrefour to buy...
zaczac, i couldnt help smiling when i read that zac wakes up at 4am to learn crawling! a bit like my good old student days when i wake up early in the morning to cram for exams.. haha...
hi applejuz,

how's the isetan fair? Just received my isetan card bill asking for annual fee leh.. tot of cancelling it but if the fair could save me more than the fee then can keep lar hehe.. Main reason for cancelling is there's no isetan nearby my place so hardly shop there.

Anyone watch the SuperNanny at ArtsCentral channel 6 last night 10pm? Tot it gives quite some good pointers for 1st time mums
Looking at those 'little monster' makes me abit wary that own kid may turn out like that cos now everyone dotes on her hehe...
no i bought the 3 packs for $50+, it's cheaper than the jumbo box if i calc per pc. I can spare u 1 pack. After i finish the Nepia he will use Pampers Prem for nights. There was 1 morning his Nepia was SOAKED THRU! So wet!!

for me, the most dreaded time is 5am.. his eyes big big, sucking his toes, talking... hard to get him back to sleep!!!! what time does your boy go to bed at night?

hmm, now no longer subscribe to newspaper also dun see the lobangs already... i still have 1 pack of nepia.. think i'll use that first.. see if got chance to go Giant soon..

if isaac's talking, then let him be lor.. i only go to him when he cries.
