(2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

Hi gals,
interesting hor. But the age of the mummy should be in Chinese calendar yrs.
Mine is also a baby gal from the chart.... hehe.. we shall see how true it is after our scan few months onwards.

Ya, dun have to break the news to ur colleagues. Sooner or later they can also tell right?.. how to hide?.... hehe...

Hi reenie,
hehe... cakey also say my bbis long. ixwong's also quite long at 10 weeks it's 2.74cm liao. I think the bb might inherit my genes lor.... hehe...

For fruits, don't take the del-monte banana kind. My MIL also say cannot take watermelon and papaya, coz they are too 'cooling'... best to play safe lor...

opps.. i just finish my papaya a mint ago! anyway already inside my stomach liao and i feel very happy eating that sweet papaya leh
(long time din have that cos coughing). nowadays the most common fruit i take are only graphs and apple lor...
maltbibi, chemistry,

me too was at TPS yesterday too!! so coincidental... but my appt was 6:50 ... I was late but not much people so left abt 7:25pm...

maltbibi did u see me ? haha .. me wearing black top and white pants...
i am quite short but my hubby is standing at 1.8, don't tell me my baby inherited mine? hahahah

I think papaya no problem, my gynae says rotate the fruits type intake, of course, don't take pineapple and those del-monte bananas. I took different type, like honey dew and anything sweet and juicy!
Hi Poohy,

I was at clinic D yesterday, not TPS. Next time will be seeing my gynae at TPS on Wed nite, dunno got chance to see u or not, cos u "transferring out" with Dr Yeong hor.

Hi Maltbibi,

Your gynae should be do the counselling on the day of maternal serum testing.

If u are comfortable with Dr Yeong, then should try to continue to see him lor. Did u check if he operates on weekends?

Hi hoshi,

based on the chart, i should be expecting a boy leh. Actually, last week, i dreamt that I delivered a bb boy too. But dunno why, everytime, the scan shows that the length of my bb shorter than average. SIL say gals are usually smaller, and that's why I got hte feeling mine is a gal. Anyway, to me, most impt bb is healthy and normal.
Today i had the queasy feel again...but no puking. Morning had fried bee hoon with 2 luncheon meat. In between, I had a red bean pancake and grapefruit. Lunch had prawn bee hoon with lotsa chilli and chee cheong fun. now still eating my grapefruit.

Tonite gg to 'interview' the CL. If me and hb satisfied with her, may wish to book her earlier. Wish me luck.
Hi Poohy,

Mine was 6.20pm. But I was slightly late for my appt. I think I may haf missed u.

Wud u be following Dr Yeong to pte?

Hi Chemistry,

He operates on sat am..Timing oso not suitable for my hubby. Hiaz! But he said he'll stay abit late on wed if I follow him.. Will discuss wif hubby and see wat he says.

Hi Hoshi,

Thanks for sharing the chart. I sud be expecting a gal based on the chart. But alot of pple said I may b expecting a boi.

Hi Ixwong,

My tummy oso quite obvious olreadi. I got one colleague which I didn't tell suspect tat I'm pregnant. She says my face looks different.

i shd still be seeing dr yeong at TPS till end march (if havent given birth by then). So we shd be able to bump into each other on one of the wednesday evenings... but i wanna change my next appt to a friday morning (hope can get the slot) cos I am going for growth scan...


ya me will be seeing dr yeong in his pte clinic when the time comes... but it wont be for long .. cos my bb due in 16april. May have pre-term labor if the medication he give me cant help my current frequent contractions. anyway he told me not to book a kkh delivery package liao... so I also take a step at a time... cos sometimes I worried if I din book, then bb arrive earlier.. dunno go where to deliver haha
Good luck, miso! Hope the CL is good.

I don't think I would be getting a CL, if all go well. Have been trying to convince my mum to do the confinement for me. If she does, it would be best cos still like her cooking best.
HI poohy,

If u don't have a delivery package with kkh, and then "touch wood" u delivery b4 end Mar, then how? Will kkh still accept u for delivery?
good for u ixwong!

poohy, u r experiencing Braxton Hicks now. Breathe in deeply whenever u feel the contractions. Dun worry, mother nature preparing ur body for labour.
wow miso, u so fast book the cl liao?? this afternoon had a very late lunch.. has juz taken rice with chicken curry+ketchup luncheon meat+1veg then follow by fruit platter (watermelon, papaya & honeydew).. and now i'm sipping my ribena!!

ix, me 2, now tummy very obvious liao!!!
btw ladies, anyone interested to go for yoga? i'm thinking of joining some yoga classes which supposingly able to enable you smoother delivery + gaining back of your figure
miso, gd luck in ur interview wif d cl!!

i still hv no idea whether i wanna hire a cl or not. tink we wld decide when d time is nearer. my mil had oledi said tat she dun wanna do mine coz she's been doing it 4 all my sils oledi, so she's tired of it oledi.
as 4 my mum, hvn't asked her yet, so we'll c how it goes.
Hi Lib,

When I was reading your post, I'm sipping my ribena n there I see you mentioning..Hahaha so qiao!

Hi Miso,

How to tell one is experiencing Braxton Hicks?

ya that's my worry lor. wait i dun book and deliver by end march... then dunno kkh allows or not. And by end march or early apr, dunno whether too late to book package with tmc. So I think I gotta discuss with dr yeong on this matter next appt... a bit worrying... cos most people book their package at this time.


ya hope the frequent contractions is a sign that the labour will be easier cos uterus preparing itself. Anyway I got so used to the contractions that I no longer really count them liao... but my gynae feels it may lead to pre-term labour cos ... not common to experience such frequent and regular contractions at wk 22 or earlier... thank God now I am in wk275d.. so at least more assured that even if its preterm... at least crossing a major milestone liao.
maltbibi and poohy,

r u both with KKH?
how do you get the evening slot?
is this dependent on gyane? (cos my slot is always in the afternoon and always have to take leave from work).

does any of you get little cramps on one side of your tummy? i sometimes get it and kinda worried. it's always on the right side. anyone of similar case?
hope everyone had a gd lunch. I ate a burger and shared some you tiao with my colleagues.

keke, vone,i haven't thot when to put on maternity clothing...maybe after cny lor.
ya, it will be so tempting for the salmon....sigh...must endure.

hoshi, we can't take watermelon? i rem someone was also telling me cannot take too much grapes bcos of the sugar content.

lib, where is the intended yoga class? Yoga for pregnant ladies seems to be very popular now.
i heard watermelon belongs to the "cool" category, just like the del monte banana. so kinda avoid too much of it. everything to be taken in moderation.

my fren was telling me too much ginger will also have jaundice effect on the BB. sigh. I usually need the ginger tea after my case of bloatedness after food. it seems to relieve my symptom.
remember zoe tay's show? she did recommend this yoga place call true yoga at pacific plaza, orchard..

think is quite good, cos they are one of the biggest yoga school in sin..

if u gals also interested we can go together mah. at least got companion.. but imagine, the trainer trains all preggies.. hehe
hahaha... I dunno who does ur baby take after. if this one take after u, then prob ur 2nd one will take after ur hubby?....

My mom says that when i was born, my hands and legs are very long, prob tat's why my bb also long... hehe..

that's what my MIL told me. One thing also very important which I heard a lot of elderly people say tat we must never let people pat our back or shoulder.. but dunno the reasoning behind.

Hi gals,
any idea how soon shld we book with the gynae, hospital package, etc?... like wat chemistry said, wat happens if we never take the package or the hospital full then how?...
erowen, ya lor, tat's 1 of my favs 2!! sigh... must endure. but i heard fr a colleague when she's preggy, she got cravings 4 raw salmon. so she went ahead 2 eat it leh. seems like nothing happened 2 her leh, her kid is now abt 5 oledi. so sometimes i wondered abt d logic abt not eating raw salmom. mayb i chk wif my gynae & c how. die... wat happens if i got craving 4 it??

oh yes, grapes got veri high sugar content. how i now is coz when my fil was hospitalized recently, he had 2 hv his sugar level measured on a daily basis. 1 day, my bil bought grapes 4 him 2 eat. after he had eaten some, his sugar level was measured & it was veri high. thus d nurse told him not 2 eat anymore grapes. hehe... in d end, my bil bought d rest of d grapes back hm.

i do agree wif hanny, eat everything in moderation...
hoshi, i aso hear abt nvr letting ppl pat our shoulders or back. tink d reasoning is tat our bb is b 'pat' out. dun noe how true is it.
Hi Poohy,

U must take care! Dun worry too much. Discuss wif Dr Yeong and see wat he says.

Hi Hanny,

I'm wif TPS at KKH. My gynae has a nite clinic in TPS on every wed. You can check wif the recept whether your gynae sees patient in the nite. Which gynae r u seeing now?

ya me with kkh currently. The reason why we got evening slots is becos our gynae have a time slot in the evening (on wednesday) in the TPS/private suite. It is dependent on your gynae's time slots... maybe u can call the nurse and ask what are the available evening time slots your gynae have (either in kkh tps or amk clinic).
Hi Lib, yoga only recommended for preggies in their 2nd tri. I also kinda interested. I saw this in I Want Milks webbie...but kinda far.

Yoga for Pregnancy

Prenatal Yoga Classes

Jacintha Pillay is a qualified yoga instructor and has been teaching Hatha yoga since January 2004. She is now into her early pregnancy and is planning to start prenatal yoga classes for pregnant mums in January 2005. Classes will be conducted in the comfort of our home studio (location: Clementi, Sunset Way).

Benefits of Yoga during pregnancy:-
* improve muscle tone
* maintain fitness
* improves circulation and balance
* promotes relaxation through proper
breathing techniques
* prepares body for the physical and
mental demands of labour and pregnancy.

Class duration: 1 1/2 hours per session
$80 for a block of 4 lessons or $22 per
drop-in session.

New course commencing on Friday 14 January 2005, 7pm to 8.30pm.

For more information, please email Jacintha at [email protected]. Limited places so please register early.

NB: Please consult with your doctor before commencing yoga classes during pregnancy. Recommended to start from second trimester onwards.

Hi vone, btr to at least book one first so when nearer ur due date, u wont panic and stressed if noone is doing confinement for u. Those good CLs must book early one u know. A lot of my friends cldn't book the CL they want now.

Hi maltbibi, Braxton Hicks is the contractions and tightening of ur tummy muscles. Sometimes can be very painful but for a few seconds only. Usually occurs in 3rd tri.

Hi poohy, it's a bit early to experience braxton hicks then, no wonder ur gynae is anxious for u.

And last of all, being first time mums, we normally will exercise cautions on what to eat or do etc...a lot of kind souls out there will be offering their advices...which sometimes, I think confused us even more. So, I always check with my gynae whenever those kind souls say..oh, cannot eat this, cannot eat that... lidat, I wont stress myself if i 'accidentally' eat those taboo stuffs...get what i mean? We must enjoy our pregnancy la.

For me, being a 2nd time mom liao...I eat almost everything..even pineapple though not everyday. I drink tea every morning too, ever since I realise my daily cuppa kopi will make me puke. I believe MODERATION is the key word.

what is this TPS you are mentioning?

my current gynae is Dr Chua. But she is going for overseas course next mth. so looking around for gynae. dunno whether to continue with KKH or not.

yah, my mum also say not to let pple pat the back, shoulder. cos it will scare the BB?! but one qn... like for my case, i also didn't mention to my colleagues.. so when they pat us.. how to tell them.. "hey, hands off"?
miso, tks 4 ur advice. tink i hv 2 discuss wif hb liao...
by d way, how much wld i expect 2 b paying 4 d cl?? dun wanna 2 b a carrot head.
vone, CL's fees ranges from $1.6k to $2.2k. From the day she comes to ur home, hv to give her an ang bao for 'heng heng'. Then on the day she's leaving, also need to. As for how much, up to u one. But usually, the first one, will be lesser..cos only for 'heng heng' then the latter one, if u very satisfied with her for taking care of u and bb for the 28 days, can give her more lor. Also need to chk whether you need to apply levy for her. Cos some will insist (our new law leh) and some says just send her bk to custom get it chopped on the 14th day.
r most of the CL from m'sia? (i heard from my mil tat they do advertise on papers).
wat are considered the good ones? N when do we start booking them?

does CL stay in our house day and night time too? what's their job basically? cook 4 us and wash up BB?
miso, wah seems ex leh. tink i really hv 2 discuss wif hb & c wat he says. seems like hving a bb is not cheap leh, got so much things 2 buy & prepare.
Yes, those good ones must start to book them early. Esp. if it's baby boom year..realise this year a lot of preggies arnd too. hehe..

CL stays with us for the 28 days. She will help u to boil water for u to wash up, prepare all meals for u, milk feed the bb, wash up etc and bb will normally sleep with CL so we will hv an undisturbed slp to rest more and recuperate. Other than this, she will mop and sweep the floor if you do not hv a maid and wash the laundry.

You can opt for a day time CL too but think only locals one. And their charges pretty high. I once enquired about one, charges $2.2K to work only from 7 am to 7 pm. Woh!
hmmm, vone, yr friend very modern leh...i think i don't really dare to take the risk lor...

oh yes, hoshi and vone, my mum also told me not to let anyone pat our shoulder or back. She's very serious when she warned me about that. Hmmm, but sometimes i also forget..and sometimes my other half and will hug me by the shoulders and lightly pat it.

yes! tomo is Haji PH, i can't wait for it! Must really rest and relax
hanny, hm...how to define? takes care of u n bb well lor...haha..best to get one thru recommendations by word of mouth. If the CL is in high demand..most prob she's good lor. Can?

erowen, what the folks meant is not those light tappings..got once, I got tapped by a colleague from behind and I got a fright leh..tt's the kind. What ur hb does one..is ok.
Juz curious will u gals be taking shower during confinement?? Heard tat we can only do it after 1 mth, true huh?? If tat's the case, very stinko lei??
ha ha.. thanks miso and sorri.

i tot i stump you 2.. to have a definition of a good CL. cos i myself also dunno how to define.

well, i guess when the time comes, i would know. cos dunno of anyone having a CL, so trying to gather more info.
erowen, ya i agree wif u. hopefully i can endure til then.
abt d patting of shoulders & back, i m not so particular. tink it's my hb who's more gan cheong. he's been telling me 2 b more careful these days.

cafe, i heard fr some old folks tat it's best tat we dun bathe during our confinement as it wld cause probs 4 us when we r older. so hopefully i can endure it.
no prob hanny.

hm..I din bathe for the first 12 days. Thereafter start bathing and washing hair using the herbs.

from my experience, and for those who cannot wash their hair during confinement period, pls do not use the powder for hair..it's terrible. My sil got a hair spray for me at a salon and the smell is so much nicer..just spray on hair and towel dry.
Oh my gosh! One month cannot bathe har?... how to stand it?.. especially when we will be having our menses for dunno how many days!!....

But wat if we need to BF?.. then how can the CL feed the bb?... I heard tat bb will need to be fed every 2 hours throughout the night... kind of scary... coz we won't have time to sleep already..
Hi Poohy,

Think KKH will not reject u if u really due before Dr Yeong leaves. At most, no priority in ward booking/selection loh.

Hi Hanny,

TPS is another clinc next to 7-11 at level 1. It's a 1-stop clinic where routine test, scans are done. They also have their own pharmacy so save u the waiting time at the main pharmacy.

Hi hoshi,

In KKH, we are allowed to sign up the antenatal package at week 16. As for delivery package, think it's around end of 2nd trimester or start of 3rd trimester.
Hi hoshi, dun think the worst la! hahaha...so cute. I can imagine the scenario u put in leh. Tell u har..no bathing, but can clean urself with a wet cloth..not too bad. If u intend to bf totally, either ur bb slps with u, or try to express the milk out for ur CL to feed the bb for the night feeding. If not, maybe u can also opt for bf during day time, then night time feed formula milk.
hi miso, tks....think so far my colleagues still ok. except for those long time no see, they will happily slap my back lor. I also don't know what to say to them. Cos i know it's not intentional.

vone, like yrs, i feel my hubby more gan cheong than me. This and that cannot do and eat.

ya i also heard abt the no bathing, and also no touching of tap water, let alone drinking it. Must drink water that has been boiled with red dates? but i dun wanna worry so soon...pass my first and 2nd tri then i will start thinking abt confinement. Now what can i think of is only my baby's well-being.
Talking about patting of shoulders, sometimes can't really dun believe loh. During my early pregnancy at about 5 weeks, my friend came to see me and during our conversation, she just pat me on the shoulders. That time I really not pantang lah, but guess what, that afternoon onwards, i got terrible cramps on my buttocks and thighs till my face turned pale. When i reach home, I was bleeding and was then warded 2 days for observation. Luckily, bb is fine. From then onwards, i really listen to what the old folks dos and don'ts.

Nowadays, some of my colleagues who dunno I'm pregnant do pat me on my shoulders/back when they talk to me. But immediately after the conversation, I tell my bb not to mind about the tapping and that my colleagues are merely being friendly. So far "touch wood" nothing happened to me since that incident.
