(2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

hi ixwong,
is it compulsory to do this test?.. very scary leh...

hi angieooi,
i went to the gynae tat is recommended by my GP. So far quite good and he delivers at either Gleneagles or Mt A. he told us Mt A is better in terms of the A&E dept and also more convenient.

really har?... then i better dun drink so much...luckily on just tried tis milo... ok, will stick back to milk then...

hi miso

I read somewhere that we should avoid drinking anything with caffeine? Coke, coke lite, coffee, tea & green tea.

My hubby refused to let me drink all the above and scold me all the time when I take cold drinks. He wants me to drink milk all the time now. I tried anmum1 for 3 days and I got constipated so stopped drinking it liao
yes hoshi, cos of the cocoa content will cos heatiness.. tats y even for anmum & enfamama chocolate flavour will oso cos heatiness..

miso, i oni drink 2 of your list, 1 coffee and chinese tea a day. coffee is for me to perk-up for the day and chinese tea is for me to digest what i have eaten for the whole of the day..

really recommend not to drink so much of cokes, is too much in sugar & caffeine..

angel, think is ok to drink cold drinks but juz watch out on your intake.. i still do drink canned drinks & fruit juices, but juz dont overdo it..

ladies, i'm not too sure if this is in market, heard from a friend through a nurse that HL milk do have fresh milk for preggies, not sure if u have seen it in the market.
tks ladies for ur concern. sometimes i really wonder...cos whenever i feel weak and break out in cold sweats, drinking coke etc will make me feel btr! I dun drink it everyday la..but tea, yep..these few mornings..been drinking.

however, i would not advise drinking chinese tea..cos it's cooling.

wah..today i had prawn mee hoon soup and fruits rojak.. yum yum...

how about u all?
i had chicken ramen.. not too bad.. (was actually thinking of chicken briyani but changed my mind).

i managed to cut all tea consumption (i dun drink coffee at all).. bravo for me!
I had half portion of yellow noodles + veggies + egg for breakfast and tiny bowl of cereal with milk for lunch

later at 3ish will take 2 slices of honeydew and half apple for tea break
can i find out more info from you.
regarding ur gynae, does he have 2 clinics that he's running concurrently, ie. in TMC and Sun Plaza?
[just wondering abt these gynae outside of the TMC, do they also have a place in TMC?]

cos thinking shd i find one outside the hospital or issit better in-house.
hope my qn makes some sense.
hi gals!

i had roast duck noodles for lunch..yum yum!

ixwong, if i'm not wrong not everyone needs to do down syndrome test. gynae should first do a detailed scan that can measure the thickness of the bb's neck skin. if it's thicker than normal, then will recommend the down syndrome test, which i think is called aminocentesis.
Hi hanny,
Not sure about whether Dr Ang has another clinic in TMC. Don't think so cos he's always there at Sun Plaza. But you may wish to call up to check (67535228).

I heard about the neck thickness test. Apparently, this is one routine thing that my doctor will do. There will also be another routine blood test around 20 wks which can also tell the bb's health.

Seem like the only difference is that this fetal assessment test (which is also a measurement of neck + blood test) can take place in 1st trimester, earlier in case an adverse decision needs to be made.

Found some info on kkh website.

hi ixwong, are you referring to the triple test? If the ratio is too high for DS, then may hv to go for the amniocentesis (sp?).

I think ting ting is right...tt's called the nuchal scan.
hi miso

i can't eat too oily food or else i'll feel nauseous. Now, each time I want to eat something, I must think 'what is nutritious for my bb today' so troublesome leh. Wanted to eat prata this morning but control. Maybe tomorrow hehe

Thank goodness my weight went down to 50.1kg from 50.9kg yesterday morning. I didn't exercise or walk a lot. Maybe it's water retention.
There is a detailed scan at 5mths.. u will see the cute little heart pumping, the kidneys, etc.. the person will do measurements of the limbs, diameter of head etc.. very amazing
yes...got once, the gynae captured my ds sucking his thumb leh! I still got the print! haha...

hi angel, whatever cravings u hv just go ahead and eat. I think I must learn from you...I nvr got once think what I should eat tt is nutritious for my bb leh...haiz..
hi everyone,

need a little advice here. last friday, i used cleablu to test as my period is one day late. it was a +ve results. i went to see a GP straight to test and the result was positive too.

this morning, i went to see a gynae. however, after doing a ultrasound and v-scan, he can't find anything. i had another urine test and the result was +ve. my gynae told me that it might be a late conception. i was asked to see him again on 15th Feb.

according to my LMP, i'm about 4 weeks plus pregnant. some of the ladies could see the sac by then. could mine be a false alarm?

feeling a bit stress as my hubby had been spreading the news as he was really excited abit it. what if i'm not pregnant? sigh.... hate to disappoint him.
hi psmissyou, first of all. welcome to our thread.

There are 2 possibilities: -

1. Late conception that's y too early to detect sac
2. etopic pregnancy

I dun wanna scare u with the latter but since you are only abt 4 weeks preggie, maybe too early to detect? However, if HPT showed +ve..then you are preggie. There is no false positive. Only false negative. Some gynaes actually did a vaginal scan according to some ladies here if an ultrasound scan failed to detect it. U may wish to check with ur gynae. And what did gynae say?

By the 15th, think you should be 6 - 7 weeks gestation..so hopefully by that time, ur gynae is able to detect sac and heartbeat. Meantime, just rest well and dun worry too much.
hi miso,

thanks for the advice. hearing that there is no false positive settle my heart abit. the gynae did the vaginal scan too after the ultrasound scan failed. still nothing. so when the urine test was +ve again, he said that it might be a late conception therefore unable to see anything.

i guess these coming 4 weeks will be a love and hate time for me. i will be probably be so uptight that will faint on the 15th Feb before the gynae can do any scanning!!

i guess that my hb and i are a bit too kan cheong. my hb is still very optimistic about my pregnancy as all 3 urine tests are positive. hopefully it turns out well on 15th Feb. can hardly wait.

thanks for settling me down abit.
if not, i might freak out real soon!
hi psmissyou, no prob. we are here to help each other, if possible.


Yes..I would think you really are preggie now. And even if you doubt it, meantime, do things like you are preggie ok. Dun do strenous exercise, eat well, drink well, sleep well. Be happy!

Any symptoms so far?
hi psmissyou,

i also went to a gynae when i was 4 weeks + preggy.. can only see sac and no embryo. went back about 2 weeks later, and can see embryo plus heart beat...hehe... u may want to schedule an earlier appt if u're anxious... meantime, can ask ur hubby to contain his excitment a bit..
hi psmissyou, welcome aboard to this thread.. congratulations!!

yes i do agree with miso, meantime do things like you are preggie. better to be safe..

you have to believe clearblue though is oni 99% accuracy!! and wat's more you have tested 3 times. i'm not too sure about the rest i'm also using clearblue to test.
dun worry so much lah!... try to think positive and stay happy so tat ur bb will also be a happy child!!....
I also used clearblue to test abt 3 days' after i was late. The result showed a '|' instead of a normal '+' or '-'.... results not conclusive at all. Then one week later went to see GP, results also not conclusive. waited till i was abt 2 weeks late, then managed to get firm indication.
So dun worry so much. Yes, the waiting is not easy, but relax and carry on ur normal activities!

Hi angel,
do monitor ur weight and make sure tat it does not continue to drop ok?...
my weight kept increasing... from 48.5 to 50.1kg liao....
hi ladies,

i'm back, wow after a couple of days not following, almost lost track..

Yesterday went 4 a course, had a tough time trying to keep awake! i find it quite hard to concentrate during tis period, in mtgs etc, hope to get thro this lethargic period fast fast.. the other day climbed 3 flights of stairs (in tortise pace), after that muscle ache like anything. when i walk i even walk v slowly..any of u started exercising?

psmissyou, welcome
dun worrie, hope 4 the best ok!

Thanks, bbmom, sounds like a good idea to get playpen and bb mattress, will consider doing that.
hi psmissyou,

congrats. my situation is similar to u & ting ting. during my 1st visit to the gynae on 14 Jan, i could only see the sac but cant see the embryo.... i was juz as worried as u. Coz this mayb etopic pregancy. My gynae also did both the ultra sound + v-scan for me. I will be seeing the gyane again in another 2 weeks time & hope by then can see the bb + hear the heartbeat.

Letz pray & hope both our bb are fine & healthy. We juz hv to stay positive at this moment
May I check with you ladies what kind of milk do you drink? is it those milk powder kind (hot) or those like HL (cold) one? I've been drink about 200ml /day those HL kind cos i get hungary now and then. But I want to try those powder one cos I prefer hot drink.. any recommendation besides anmum and enfamama? Sometimes I even make hot milk out of condense milk cos really like hot milk
hi cakey,

try not to take too much condensed milk cos high sugar content. not v nutritious also... i'm on anmum, but i add milo n ceral
quite difficult to find other brands...
hi tingting/cakey,
i drink Nesvita (not sure spelling correct, by Nestle). it's not stated that it's for pregnant women, but saw that the folic and calcium also quite high, and it's non-fat, so gave it a try. i mixed with some milo at times. tried drinking fresh milk, but find it too cold in the morning. i take one cup each morning to sustain me till i come work for breakfast, otherwise will feel quite pukey.
hi psmissyou,
do you feel any change in your physical self?
sometimes, you might feel some changes to your body, it's some indication as well.

my case similar. tested at KKH but results show neg. but few weeks later, i tested with clear blue and showed preggie. but scan also can't really see.
so dun worri, sometimes BB might be too small/early to see using normal scan. try asking gynae about vaginal scan like wat miso said.

i am mixing Dumex with my oats.
not for preggie mummie, but instead for growing children. ha ha..
but i just drink it for calcium purpose.
i guess as long as it's milk, it should be fine.
Hi All
Thread too fast for me liao. Cannot catch up.

Welcome all newcomers

Can u update me as 9 weeks? thks

Angie, Michelle, Erowen
The shop that i went in jb is at Sentosa. It is at 2nd level outside the Store (2 rolls fo shops) I find their price quite reasonable too as compared to what i get in SIN.

For milk, i have been drinking anmum since tested +ve and till now have taken the second can liao

Miso, same as you i too crave for coke. Everytime will request to drink coke when having dinner and hubby will let me take a few sips. Know it's unhealthy but cannot control. btw notice yr menu everyday very attractive ya

psmissyou, don worry, maybe it's too early to detect the sac yet. But yr gynae scheduled 15/feb a bit too late. I tot cases like this they will see you in 2 wks?
hi timie, me too taking Nesvita by Nestle ever since i cfm my pregnancy. Ya it contains of folic acid & high calcium. I've never mix the milk powder wif milo.... will try tomorrow
I am also like you drink in the morning before going to work
one more qn: do u gals still hv sore breast now? i feel my breast still tender & does it mean that this sore breast will follow throughout our pregnancy???
ehh, regarding food, i'm not too picky - my standards very low. According to ting2, nothing very yummy... maybe except for the Tiong Bahru Chwee Kuey?

yeah, i've been burping & farting everyday for the past 1+ months, very loud & very smelly...
my poor hubby, u can imagine =P
Dat's why he say "must be boy", coz only boys are so uncouth to burp & fart so much.. haha.

1 cup coffee daily is ok.. those "coffee addicts" who drink 4-5 cups daily will need to reduce intake.
Tell your hubby don't restrict u so much, o'wise if u dun enjoy the pregnancy, u'll only bear him 1 child.
And I also heard an old wives' tale: preggie mummy should be allowed to eat whatever she likes, o'wise will give birth to salivating/ greedy baby. I thought that's great advise!! Since my hubby heard that, he gave in & let me have my way with Coke, coffee etc. But i limit myself to 1 serving per day.
It's terrific that u can get by with a fruit snack, but now that my appetite is back (with a vengeance), fruits are just not satisfying enuf.. so i'll have a small $0.30 curry puff or a museli bar.
If you're craving for fruits & stuff, by all means, eat lah! But if u crave for prata, then also eat lah! 1 prata a month isn't going to hurt anyone, i think. Aiyo u're eating fruits everyday, scared of what...?
I think pregnancy isn't a time to diet, dun need to be watching weight daily.. anyway to lose weight also shouldn't weigh daily (results shld be long term). U're already eating healthily & can control so much, I'm sure u won't gain too much during your pregnancy. And since u're naturally thin, i'm also sure u can regain your pre-pregnancy figure within 6 months of giving birth.
So just relax & enjoy the experience instd of fretting about what to eat/ what not to eat...

Taking carbo is ok lah. It's the base of the food pyramid. We need balanced diet for healthy baby.

yeah, i also easily get muscle ache at calves. Shopping only abt 1-2 hrs & next few days will have terrible pain. I used to be able to walk the whole Orchard for more than 6 hrs, no aches whatsoever.
Going swimming tommorrow... i'm so excited!! Skali next day WHOLE BODY ache.. then i'll be very sian liaooooo

I've never drank hot milk after i'm weaned from the bottle. I enjoy my half-cup of HL Chocolate Milk as part of my bedtime routine. That's why i'm so reluctant to buy Anmum or any other powdered milk that requires me to drink it hot. Maybe my other preggie frens will buy & i can sample before i commit to a tin myself.

u very farnie to drink Dumex... yeah that's the spirit, as long as it's milk, shld be ok... haha.

by now, my breasts not as sore as 1+ month ago.
my edd 9 Aug & yours 1 Sept, so u should be getting the sore breasts about now lor..

Bought 5 pieces of maternity wear (4 tops, 1 skirt) at Robinsons' Expo Warehouse Sale... $10 each... haha.
Nothing compared to Perfect Mum's designs lah, but chin chye lah, whatever's comfortable & cheap. So cheap! Daringly bought all that i tried on. Paraded for my hubby & he's also quite impressed that the clothes only costs $10 each.
And some super huge panties for my expanding tummy... 6 pcs for $16.
We were quite pleased with ourselves, found some good bargains, & the place wasn't crowded at all coz it was a weeknight.
Hubby bought office shoes for $29, working pants for $10.
Sale ending this Sunday.

did u gals catch Zoe Tay's show yesterday? i was quite shocked at the huge panties... do we really have to wear that??

cafe, timie, think we shld not totally avoid milk that contains fat, bcos we need to build up fats for bf next time... in fact, 1st tri weight gain is contributing mostly to that...

wendy, din know that the chwee kuey is from tiong bahru... no wonder so many pple buying them! tried nasi lemak yesterday... not v nice cos rice was quite sticky, n the fried stuff quite limited. do u know if the chwee kuey is avail 24 hrs? if so then can be good supper option...
morning ladies, wow this thread is really moving real fast..

tingting not oni u can try the chwee kuey they oso have nice chay kway teoh.. and porridge.. after watching a few episode of zoe tay's show, find that her show is very very brief, compared to wong li ling's.

hey wendyg, i like tat old wive's tale!!! next time i noe wat to tell those pple who stops me from eating. hehe. but 1 prata a month seems abit too far for me cos this 2 weeks i oredi had 4 pratas.
i do agree with you, wat you feel like eating juz eat lor.. anyway juz limit yourself oni...

cafe, as for sore breast, i find it more sore when i first discovered pregnant.. sometime it is so painful that i dun even dare to bath that area.. but now it has got better.. no more soring. tink is juz parts & parcel of the 1st tri.

now see that most of the mom2b have been talking about craving & wat to eat wat not to eat, suppose you are all moving on to your 2nd tri.. GREAT!!! soon we will all be enjoying ourselves..
morning ladies.

chwee kuey is a no no for me now...can't stand the smell...We passed by ytd on the way home but we din get down the car...very bright-lit place and not crowded. Din know abt the chwee kuey till now..heng ah. btw, Anmum can be drank cold leh..not necessarily as a hot beverage.

U really cute leh..drink Dumex?

Can pls update me too? am 9 weeks. Thanks.

Yes, me till now still having sore breasts and the nipple is painful when touched too. I need to buy those heavy padded bra I guess cos whenever I carry ds, very pain leh..and sleeping time too cos sometimes he will slp on my chest.

U dun hv to wear those big panties if you dun wan. I wear normal midi types and when tummy gets bigger, I prefer to wear it just above the pelvic. I dun like those which covers the whole tummy.

My menu attractive ah? haha...this morning I had fried bee hoon with 2 luncheon meat. Now drinking green apple with carrot juice. Sometimes, really dunno what to eat leh..smell liao feel like wanna puke, but when I start to eat..wah...it taste so delicious..anyone like me?
morning ladies!

kekeke, like lib, i also like wendy's old wives'tales! I have been taking sips of sprit and coke everyday! It makes me feel so good. Right now i'm taking my first sip of Kopi O for this week. I had fried noodles with egg, yes, i got to have frieds egg in my breakfast everyday. Don't know why.

cafe and lib, my breast were also very sore before i discovered i'm pregnant, esp the nipple part, it gets itchy and harden very easily and it makes me feel very uncomfortable. Now i feel better.

Ha, glad to know i'm not the only one letting out gas.

yes lib i can't wait for 2nd tri to come...i hope our nausea will slowly fade away.
morning mummies2B,

talk abt zoe tay's show...
do we need those metallic-sewn in clothes to prevent radiation from computer, mobile phone etc?
or is it just another gimmick?
they even have metallic-apron like dress to prevent radiation.
morning ladies, i m back after 2 days of mc. was pretty sick for d past few days, been puking & hving migrane as i hvn't been sleeping well.

welcome 2 all d new mummies 2 b.
psmissyou....welcome. Don't dwell on it too much and relax....if your 3 urine test are positive, chances of conception is very high indeed.
But what i don't understand is why have to wait for another 4 weeks for the scan? I think after 2 weeks should be okie for the scan again....cos by then you will be in yr 6th week...

vone, take good care ya. Hope you are feeling better today
i have been craving for mac breakfast since last thurs when my hb keeps telling me about mac.. till this morning i finally have my sausage macmuffin from McDonalds!! yumyum.. I'm also drinking my kopi still every morning..

ero, try not to take too much eggs hor.. i oso like to takes eggs, now refraining from eating too much, high cholestrol!!

no leh miso, for me if want to eat, will eat lor. those tat really makes me feel like puke is those that put into mouth after-feeling
erowen, tks, but i still feel like shit 2day.
hopefully it'll b better during my 2nd tri.

jill, wat happened?? u okie??
oh dear, vone got to take care..

hi jill, wat happen?? dun worry you will be fine.. we all will be by your side, sharing with you our baby luck
oh dear, really ah lib? i have been eating eggs everyday leh. Somemore i had chawanmushi and tamago sushi for dinner last night. Jia Lak.
hmmm.....i have the misconception that preggie can eat eggs everyday. Hmmm...okie...i better refrain.

dear jill, what happened? Is it bcos of spotting/bleeding? Did you see a gynae?
i had a little bit of brown spotting last friday
went to see gynae straight away
he did a v-scan, saw the baby sac, then gave me duphaston to take
immediately after that i started bleeding as tho i'm having period
but gynae said takes about 2 days for bleeding to clear
i've been bleeding 5 days now
and afraid to see gynae, coz i think the v-scan might injure the baby more
jill...you must let your gynae know abt the bleeding for these 5 days.
Did your gynae give you a jab? Are you taking those white little hormone pills?

how's the bleeding quantity? is it alot?
pls quickly call yr gynae now and go today for another scan. The V scan will not hurt yr baby.

I had bleeding a few weeks ago and it was very tramatising, i can underst yr feelings....after my jab , i still had on and off brown spotting. Till now i'm on the hormone pills.

Pls don't give up on yr baby...call yr gynae now pls!
hi jill

i had mild brown spotting 2 weekends ago too. doc gave me a jab + duphaston and said spotting should stop in 3 days. He said must quickly see him if I feel cramp in the middle of the tummy (not the sides) + bleeding. My spotting stop on the spot after jab.

take care.. and think you make appt with your gynae asap.

oh dear jill pls u have to go to a doc.. though u might afraid v-scan might injure the baby. come & tink of it sometimes delaying will cause injury to your little one too..

if u dun feel comfortable with your current gynae can always go for another one.
