(2005/02) Feb/Mar 2005 Babies

hi Qdee
though i read about when can intro yolk/white to babies, i still have not tried yet. hearing your experience, I'll think thrice about introducing. maybe different babies react differently. not sure if any mummies introduced to their babies already?

hi folic
thanks for your encouragement. yalor, yday i told my mum could be that Cherylin ate too much papaya liao. So my mum say she'll stop buying so frequently and feed her other fruits instead. this girl of mine eats very little too for that one meal. sometimes can't even finish half a bowl but keep wanting to eat what we eat.
hello mommies,

whao.. so many bbies reaching another milestone already... mine is still stuck at where he was 1 mth ago... although now he has learnt how to swipe my hands away when i want to pat him to sleep (cos he dun want to sleep), or swipe the blanket away (dunno why he doesn't like the blanket on).

stephie, wolfberries supposed to be quite good leh.. i add abit to CE's porridge everyday, just for the taste lah.. dun dare to let him try to swallow it yet. agree with folic - try to go slow on the papaya...

i have tried CE with egg yolk some months back... but only a teeny bit, like maybe 1/4 or 1/5 of the yolk... is it enuff to see if he has passed the allergy test????
stephie, maybe she wants variety and is sick of papayas
Slowly ok? Don't use Iggy as guage

so farnie! M can keep the leaf in his mouth for sooo long. hahaha babies are so cute!

papaya almost everyday? i think dat's most likely the cause of C's yellowness. according to my mom, who also thinks iggy is a teensy bit yellow, stop for a wk or so, then re-introduce only 2x a wk.

wah...ahem. iggy ain't so bad. he hasn't even started on 3meals a day! *wink*
is start on yolk first. actually, some pple advocate not starting as a sole food at all, but rather if it's a component of other foods. coz it's high in cholesterol. and the nutrients can be replaced by feeding other foods high in same nutrional value.

i added ginger to iggy's porridge while it was cooking on sat & sun, just to get rid of fishy-ness. haha he kept farting last nite and this morning.
hi jannie,
i oso use wolfberries to steam fish and add in cherylin's porridge. think it adds a little sweetness to the fish. will stop papaya for the moment as fries has advised. banana ok or not?

hi folic,
hehe.. really cannot benchmark against wat iggy eats. last time i told my mum iggy can eat i big bowl of porridge and she's so surprised (cos compare to her granddaughter mah. :p)

hi fries,
Iggy is eating well.

how come i never thot that shouldn't feed papaya so often. cos i also a bit yellowish so I thot Cherylin inherited her yellowness from me. haiya, this blur mummy.

i added lemon juice to the fish before i steam it. helps to get rid of fishyness too. cherylin quite like eat cos she finished the porridge.
fries, my mom say,why don't u cook fish with ginger then add inside the porridge?

if not buy from other stall... maybe tt stall selling the fish not fresh?!
fries - hehe good ah no need to go for tuina!
Maybe that's the caused of N's fartyness hmmm hahha

Was at a wedding yesterday - the moment she smelled the food, she made a beeline for the table, grabbing the spoon and plate :p
banana is ok.
actually carrots also will cause yellowness. most orangey yellowey foods will so feed on alternate days.

hahaha u describe N so cute! macham like can eat like adult like dat. u also add ginger to the porridge har? gives it a nice smell hor? i quite liked it. mite continue to do it.

the fish is fresh. my MIL buy from wet market fresh everyday. i myself DON'T eat fish at all...hence i'm particularly sensitive to the fishy smell. hence the ginger. no harm coz i put v little only. and i prefer to cook the fish in the porridge coz then the nutrients from the fish will be IN the porridge instead of thrown away with the water used to cook the fish.
hi fries
how do you ensure there's no bone in the fish when you cook with the porridge. i cook ngor hee and everytime will find some tiny bones after i steamed the fish and mashed it up.
Stephie/Fries, jus realised that Iggy and Cherilyn are usually in the same blk in the day right? Then mebbe can put the 2 together and make them compare and eat :D They might like the challenge and company!

Here's some photos of YX from the park.. not very smiley cos near naptime


This place looks interesting


This feels funny....


Aunty Fries, I prefer this to the swing that Iggy sat the last time... did he try this?

Went to the pd yesterday and the doctor told me my gal also a bit 'yellow'. He advise against too much carrots, pumkins etc things that are in orange and yellow color. Dont take it everyday. I think u better stop the papaya for the time being on the safe side
fries, i added alot of things in the porridge just so to make it taste good - celery leaves, spring onion, a bit of ginger.
I love fish esp ngor her and groupa.

stephie, try to choose the part with less bones - maybe the tail end. HB normally will inspect the fish b4 throwing in the porridge, anyway he knows which part has bones. I dun.

Folic - YX sit really steady on that 'rider'
hi folic
hehe..good idea. but hoh difficult for their meal times to be the same ah

hi KC
Thanks for sharing the advice. Yup, my mum stopped feeding Cherylin papaya alr. No more orange and yellow stuff for the time being till she's 'redder'.

hi Qdee,
Okie, will get the tail end of the fish. Your hubby good leh, know how to inspect fish. My hubby only know how to eat fish...hahaha.
Hi Phantom & Cayden,
Welcome back!

Hi Fries,
i've converted A's walker to rocker (see the last pic that i posted)..so it's stationary like exersaucer (well..the cheapo version). Anyway now she can crawl ard so dun thk i would use the walker anymore..just put her in (rocker) when i need her to stay still eg when i shower or wash dishes. Dun bend down to hold Iggy...so bac-breaking...i go on my knees. If not, just get him to cruise on furniture or push a chair?

Hi Qdee,
Dunno abt itchy gums. I just thought it's their phase of development..now going thru a "getting to know things thru mouth phase"?!
N very good life..porridge has soo much ingredients! This bad mummy here better do some homework

Actually A also screamed to get out of the basket after a while..for a start, she was quite curious cos never been in it

Hi Folic,
hahaha! YX makes such funny faces!
Ribena didn't see A recently, cos A was asleep when we met (at my voiddeck). But Kristen saw A recently & i asked her the same qn--whether A & YX looks alike...she says a bit

Showed HB YX's pics (hairstyle)..he said really same hairstylist..but YX's hair thicker & blacker!

Hi Stephie,
Dun get too worried abt those ppl's remarks! But like wat others suggest..cut down on carotene-rich foods for Cherylin? I think A also getting a bit yellow!

Hi Jannie/Stephie/Folic,
I've given egg yolk to A a couple of times (abt 1/2 - 3/4 of yolk)..1st time just hard boiled & mash with warm water. 2nd time added it to her mashed potato+cheese. She likes leh!
why must wait till u stop bfg before going on holiday? do u intend to bring C along? i find it easiest to bf J when we travelled cos no need to bring barang barang.
agree with the rest. papaya and carrots have betacarotene that causes the yellowness. my niece used to have carrot in her porridge everyday till she turned yellow too.
Don't be too disheartened about the amount that cherilyn eats. Can't use the boys here as a benchmark cos generally boys tend to have bigger appetites.
i've yet to intro egg yolk to J yet cos he has been having cough for the entire month and i don't want to intro anything new in case it triggers. Re the ngor hee, buy the part that is not too near the stomach so that no bones in it. Just like u, i usually steam it and mash to check if there are bones and then mix it into his porridge. J also likes to eat it this way.

aiyo, M actually kept the leaf for so long. leaves also fly into my place sometimes, i better watch out and not let J eat it. hey, M slept quite early last night is it? we were downstairs with J at about 9pm and we saw u and hubby at the study. i told J that M so guai, so early sleep liao so he better quickly sleep when we go upstairs. haha!

qdee / folic,
J also likes to gai gai. Walk along corridor also good. Whenever i bring him near the gate, he'll try to open it.

As i drove out at office at 7.45pm this evening, i asked myself if i could bear spending so little time with J. Or seeing him catch nasty bugs at the infantcare. Throughout the journey home, i was thinking if i want to be a Grade A employee or Grade A mommy. i guess i know the answer.
Hi Happybuns,
Haha! M so cute..eating leaves! Now must be careful..they'll stuff everything & ANYTHING into their mouths!

Hi Qdee,
N so cute at the wedding...tomorrow my turn to attend wedding. I hope A behaves & dun bang the table or make a din at quiet times!
thanks for the tip.

that's great that he is startting to skip the 5am milk feed! try to keep it up (ie don't digress). wow! your day starts sooo early!! 5.30am i am still deep, deep in dreamland! i wake up at 8am whenever i hear sarah on the baby monitor waking up!! haha!! hey, about your dilemma - my advice to you is, take the plunge. it's DEFINITELY worth it! if you find that it's hard for you to balance work and spending enough time with your baby, then it's very obvious which choice you have to make. take it from somebody who took the plunge too almost 2mths ago! i have NO regrets whatsoever. since i quit, i have NOT ONCE thought of work while i was home all day taking care of sarah. but while i was at work, i thought about her EVERY MINUTE. it's pretty obvious which one is more important right? now they are at an age where they are SOOO much fun and bring sooo much joy to our lives. it'll be such a waste to not be around for most of it. they grow up so fast - before you know it they are big already and don't want to spend ANY time with you anymore...

i have The Contented Little Baby Book by Gina Ford too. Was recommended to me by my GF, so I read it while I was pregnant. FOund the book very good and useful. Now I have 4 of her other books already!

the only thing sarah rejected was porridge!! so sad!! she rejected it about 3x already, and quite angrily some more! everythnng else she will eat with gusto. she is quite a greedy girl lah...she very chubby you know...

i buy the Healthy Times Oatmeal Cereal from Brown Rice Paradise at Tanglin Mall. i've also fed her Heinz multigrain cereal for b'fast before - she quite likes it too.

welcome back! thanks for emailing with all the tips on flight to Aust. perhaps you can update me on the flight back to s'pore and how you got C to get over the jet lag once back in s'pore. thanks!

can only feed egg yolk for now (fully boiled). after age one then can give egg white.
hi omg/bbgrace
thanks for your advice on Cherylin.

Yup, wanna bring Cherylin along if I travel. Wanna bring my mum along too as she has not travelled since Cherylin is born. She used to travel 1 or 2 times a year with her friends. If cherylin is latching on, it would be ok to travel while bfing. Since she's not latching, means will have to bring barang barang to express milk. super leh chey. that's why gotta wait til I stop lor.

I took leave during the deepavali/hari raya holiday period and spent 1 week with Cherylin. Totally enjoyed every minute with her. I wish i could be a SAHM. But I know it's only a dream (unless hubby strikes toto - also a dream, haha). Financially wise not feasible. Not that we splurge on things but hubby's salary alone cannot sustain the family. My fren always tease me when we meet cos I'm still using my 4 years plus old Nokia 8250. So, I totally envy SAHMs (Lani, Ribena, Happybuns, etc....) Now I can leave office on the dot most of the time, no need stay late unless got to rush things. At least one comfort for me loh..
lani & stephie,
thanks for sharing your experiences

when i stayed at home for the 1st 6 mths, i did not miss my work either! but i missed the social interaction with co-workers and of course the paycheck! haha! i guess i've been too independent for too long. Some sacrifices would have to be made if i chose to stop work. it's still a struggle for me to make up my mind. i've spoken to my boss on alternative work arrangements and came to no conclusion because she really wanted me to stay. i guess i have up to Jan06 to make up my mind cos i wouldn't want to miss out on the year end bonus.
Stephie, at least you can leave work on the dot. As much as i try to, i've failed
hi babygrace....
I want to be a Grade A mummy...and a Grade A- employee.....sigh......greedy hor...i can't bear to leave C at home for the recent business trip....so i bring him along.....
...but glad i did...
What happened if you leave the office on the dot ? can you work from home ?

C has not got over the JETLAG yet...hahha....yesterday, we let him sleep at 8:30pm (normal sleeping time)...and wake him up to play for a hour...and let him sleep again....but he still wakes up at 3 am for milk.....!!!! i give up...

I am proud of my HB.......it just dawn on me that he actually took care of C (like a nanny) for the whole of the weekdays......and beside that bump...i say he did a great job !!!! and he is going to be a great papa !!!!
bbgrace, ya he slept early last night! Nowadays i let him have 1 long nap in the day then he can sleep early at night. Aiyo paiseh leh u can see us in the study ah, thats one of the cons for living so low hehe! Ya man if u'r gona throw the letter at ur boss' face must wait for the BIG BONUS keke dont let ur company tang tio leh!

stephie, my mil also fed m lots of papaya cos m constipate. My sis said m's nose looks yellow but i was thinking y on the nose leh well i cant tell lor?!

Egg Yoke

I've been feeding m 1 yoke for every alternate days dunno if that is too much!
Good morning gals!

bbgrace, *HUGS*!! It's never easy to do that balance. I think it's a good idea to quit, but if you treasure the indenpendence, perhaps look for something where hours are more regular or even part time.

phantomz, yah! I think your hubby did great too!
Now, he might want to compete with you on who should be the stay at home parent

happybuns, papaya causes constipation ah??

qdee/bbgrace, I am glad that YX is not the only one who keeps wanting to go out. I can't remember if I shared this before. There was once, my hubby carried her to the corridors to look at the flowers. I stood inside the house, at the gate and stretched out my hands to carry her. She turned away and look elsewhere. I then stood outside the house while hubby carried her in. I stretched out my hands again and she willingly come over...where do they learn this from? And if I stand at the gate, she will hang on to the lock and keep banging it.

Thanks for all your advice on eggs. YX's meal for this morning shall be potato mashed with egg yolk and milk.

folic, not that papaya causes constipation but cos m constipate so my mil likes to give him papaya to ease that!

your YX so cute still can bang on the lock!!

is any mummy keen 2 buy petpet (M,L,XL) at $12/pack and S-sized petpet at $42.60 for 6packs? collection is at pasir ris.

if i not wrong, for M,L,XL sized petpet, NTUC & Carrefour sells for $12.90, Kiddy Palace & Prime sells for $13.90 while Cold Storage sells for $14.90. not sure abt Giant.

u c, i hv lobang 2 buy petpet at the above price but need 2 c if there's gd response then i organise. i'm not profiteering from tis bulk purchase. will show mummies the receipt when u come by my plc 2 collect.
phantom, the colours on this pix look great and agree with folic that you've had great weather in sydney!

folic, CE will WAIL if someone goes out of the door without him... even if it is only to throw rubbish....

bbgrace, i understand how u feel abt being a grade A employee or grade A mommy.. i also talked to my hubby abt me resigning and being a full time mom... sigh.. he jokingly say that he is feeling stressed already
. i talked a few pple abt it and all chided me
it never creases to amaze me how some pple are soooooooooo thick up there.......

say say say .......also cannot understand.....URGHHHH!!!!!

Dun understand.......

dun mind me....i just need to release off my chest.
i bring work home to do also (those late postings at night are done when i'm working from home) but some work can only be done in the office cos i deal with confidential data which can't be taken out of the office. Wait till enterprise portal is up, can do more at home. dunno if that's a good thing or not. actually my time in office is taken up by meetings after meetings.
Just like today, i've been running in and out of back-to-back meetings. In between meetings, i was smsing Fries

i'm still in office now, pumping milk as i type.
sigh! pai tan lah.

you're lucky to have be able to work from home.
although hb has given me the blessings to stop work, another reason why i'm hesitating is that i don't want to give him the pressure of being the sole breadwinner.

haha, can't see you properly from downstairs lah. that's the problem with 2nd level unit, must make sure you're properly dressed all the time :p
> Someone will always be prettier. They will always be smarter. Their
> house will be bigger. They will drive a better car. Their children
> will do better in school. Their husband will fix more things around
> the house.
> So, let it go, and love you and your circumstances. Think about it.
> The prettiest woman in the world can have hell in her heart. The
> most highly favoured woman at work may be unable to have children.
> The richest woman you know -- who has the car, the house, the
> clothes -- might be lonely.
> So, love you. Love who you are right now. Tell yourself "I am too
> blessed to be stressed."
<font color="0000ff">Their husband will fix more things around the house.</font> Heheh! Really needed this from a friend..cos HB was getting on my NERVES. Feel better already..
BTW, thanks for the tip on "no". Actually i seldom use it harshly unless it's dangerous--eg A go touch the cables at socket-dun thk she's afraid, cos she didn't cry, just gave a shocked look. Should i tone down my "NO"?
Other not-so-serious things like if she bangs table or pulls on my/HB drawstrings/hair/specs...it'll be a milder "no-no" &amp; distract her.
Shd there b different levels of "no" or shd all be gentle? Anyway...where did u get the info from? Maybe i can read up too (think u might have posted the source but i couldn't find)

But i think the harsh NO works..maybe by intimidation?

Hi Phantom,
Heheh! Ur HB good leh...my one needs training lah! (refer to my previous post)
hubbies nowadays are great aren't they?? i am also very proud of my hubby - when baby was 1mth old he could already be left alone at home to take care of her for a few hrs while i go cut/colour my hair and do some errands. and he did her 9pm feedings everyday and would put her to bed after that.

btw, how did you settle C's meals while in Sydney? Did you bring your own food (eg boxed cereals, etc) or did you buy food there and cook/prepare? What did you feed C everyday for b'fast/lunch/dinner?
Hi Mommies

Lani, i agreed that it's a good book. i followed the book wholesale on the napping and feeding times, until 6mths, when M decided to mess up everything. Had to adjust, but now it's ok. would definitely recommend to other new mothers.

Not wanting porridge may not be a bad thing. at least sarah has tried a lot of other food... as long as she is healthy, eating well.. can post a photo of her? here's my little boy at Sakae Sushi on Sat...


Sarah sleeps separately fr u? won't u be worried? i wanted to put M in his own room before 1 yr, but my hubby refused.

Phantom, u must have had lots of fun. I MISS SYDNEY! hubby n i love that place. we went there 2x, want to go another time. This time must bring M along!

bbgrace, so late, still in office. at least u had ur hubby's blessings. my hubby asked me just now on the way home, what my next job would be. i told him i want to be a SAHM mom n take care of our kids. he gave me a "sure or not" look n said better not. he dun wan a huang nian po. like Stephie, financially, we r not there yet. still need dual income. really envy SAHM like Lani, ribena... luckily for me too, can leave on the dot.
i also followed the book, but tweaked the timings a little bit cause i find going to bed by 7pm and waking up before 7am too early lah!! so i pushed everything back by about 1 hr. by the time sarah was 2.5mths old she was already sleeping thru the night everyday, so mummy and daddy and granny all sleep very well every night!

yah, sarah sleeps in the cot in her own room since we brought her back from the hospital. no lah, we are not worried. every night before we go to bed hubby will check on her. we also have a baby monitor to listen out for her. also, the 1st 3 mths my mum slept in the room with her (my mum on a mattress on the floor) so it was quite ok.

sarah is now very comfortable in her room on her own. sometimes when she wakes up she will play quietly in the room by herself. we have no idea that she woke up already until we go in to check on her and find her sitting in her cot playing with her bear.

it was not feasible to let her sleep in the room with us cause our tv and PC are in there and hubby and i normally stay up till quite late either watching tv or using the PC.

can't post any pics here now cause my PC sort of crahsed yesterday and the hard disk where i stored all the resized pics of sarah got destroyed! i have posted some pics on the thread "a place to share your babies photos..." before so maybe you can go check it out there...
hi babygrace,
it's never easy being a working mom. I've been struggling for more than 3 yrs!
Even tho i know hubby could support me and kids, it's still a difficult decision to quit. Mainly coz I am supporting both my aged parents and I dun think I am thick skinned enough to ask HB to give so much $$ to my parents - tho i know he wont mind supporting.

It would be great if u can come to an agreement with your boss. Anyway, whatever decision u hv made, i hope you wont regret it. Take your time as your decision affect not just your life but those of your loved ones as well.

I know of someone who went into depression after she quit to be a SAHM, she was on no pay leave for 9 mths before deciding to be a sahm. And my SAHM neighbour screams and shouts at her boys every morning without failed.

I wish u all the best!
hi stephie
hmm my MIL tells me to buy the fish at the tail part. no bones. the mommies here already advised that! =)

hi folic, YX
no leh iggy never try the rocking thing. too many kids that time occupying it.
YX seems to be getting chubbier hor?

hi omg
sigh we succumbed to buying the sit walker. coz it's really heart breaking to see my MIL bend over supporting iggy. the problem with iggy is, he ALWAYS wants to be on his feet, and he doesn't walk, he RUNS. so his feet goes before his head, then always slanted instead of standing up straight coz my MIL can't keep up.
the gd news is, since iggy learnt how to "walk" before being put in the walker, he still "stands" and walks instead of sitting in the walker and pushing himself with his feet. in fact, he holds the "handle bars" on the walker, pretends to "lift" it up (like we wld lift a skirt) and walk. hahahaha
now he's really ALL OVER THE PLACE! (and ouch for our toes!)

for the stuff on child psychology, i learnt it from my course textbooks. mainly on child psychologists like Margaret Mahler, Eric Erikson. erm, u can try searching for them on the web i guess?
i also not sure if shouting at babies will help. i know it will intimidate them, and they'll probably not do it in future due to fear... i guess i'm more of trying to get them not to do it coz they know we disapprove and in future when they can understand logic, get them to understand why we say not to do it. BUT i guess if it's something really dangerous and really NO NO, fear shld be ok for now? as long as they are secure, loved, and well adjusted babies, this should not be a problem, because they will be better equiped to deal with a wider range of emotions that they feel. it's the insecure babies that cannot/dunno how to handle strange/new/foreign emotions that end up mentally scarred.

hi babygrace
hahaha at least u only dilemma on Grade A Employee or Grade A Mommy. i think i'm an over achiever. i want to be a GRADE A EVERYTHING (wife, mom, employee, friend, daughter, daughter-in-law, sibling, you name it u got it). hahahaha BUT u're right. it's tough when so many different factors are pulling u in so many directions. it's especially tough when u can't bring work out of the office. for me, i leave earlier, but work after ignatius is alseep. *pat pat* u're in my prayers. =)

hi phantom
lucky woman! now u got potential house husband. all u need is a helmet for C. My hubby has been looking for one. the closest thing we found so far is an oversized Jimmy Neutron foam wig that we found at Toys R Us during Halloween dat came down to below iggy's eyes. hmmm will let u know if we find one.
Lani, M was also sleeping thru the night fr 5wks, till he was 5mths old when he was down with a vv bad sore throat. since then, he has been waking up at least 2x a night. recently better, only 1x. M also sleeps 10+hrs only, which is actually jus nice for us. he would go to bed by 8:30pm and wakes up abt 6:30am. We would all wake up n get ready to go my mom's house. However since monday morning, he has been waking up at 5:30am, which is vv tough for hubby n i. dunno what happened..
wah fries, if every woman is like u, think pyschiatrist/pyschologist will earn? hehe
My standard is darn low i guess, I just want a CLEAN house! OMG house looks soo clean *envy*

hey Pax, did u find out what M is allergic to?
Is it panadol or just some food items?
hi there....
any mommies using avent milk bottles ?
i tried avent milk bottle on C yesterday night, teat size 4. he kept spitting out....dunno whether he think it is too fast...but teat size 4 is for 6 mths and above.... !!!!

I am pretty tired of NUK.....cos always got to make sure the air hole is facing upward.....so thinking of trying avent......i very lazy hor...hahhahaa
phantom, i think u can still continue to use NUK bottle, but change the teat to normal teats. CE uses NUK bottles with pigeon teats...

i also envy you that u have such a nice husband.... mine dun even want to make milk!!!! when CE regurgitated milk.. i asked him to change CE while i clean up the mess... he just took off his t-shirt and put bb along side with him on the sofa to watch TV!!!!
Qdee, dun think it's panadol. I've also ruled out cheese, bcos i gave M some toast with cheese on Sunday. no reaction. Haven't tried yogurt. I strongly believed it's ginseng. too heaty n "potent", i guess.

Phantom, i used Avent bottle (with a no 2 teat) for M to drink water at night. no problem leh. for my no. 2 (dunno when it will happen), will switch to Avent. Feel that it's better. Easier to clean too. Presently using NUK for M's daytime feeds.

Abt Child of our Time - i didn't know that it was showing on Hallmark... dunno whether will rerun or not.. i'll ask my sis in UK to get the book for me.
hi phantom
me using avent bottle too. same as pax, using a no. 2 teat. thinking of changing to no. 4 one but cherylin seems to have no problem with the current one so hasn't changed yet. like what jannie say, can use pigeon teat on your nuk bottle. for pigeon, i'm using the L size one.

yes, yes. your hubby did a very good work! there was once when cherylin was 4 mths + and my hubby gotta take care of her for half a day cos my mum working. he got stressed out by her. haha. I doubt he can take care of cherylin like wat your hubby did for cayden.
