(2005/02) Feb/Mar 2005 Babies

u can try shenton clinics. i also cannot tahan polyclinics.. so went to shenton. 5 in 1 jab is $89 each dose then 6- 1 is $110 each dose. initial time 1st jab, have to pay consultation. subsequent dun need to pay
alyssa did her 2nd Hep B jab 3 weeks ago. total $25. then next one is 5 in 1 next sat. which will b $89.

yah loh.. i thought lift head frm the ground is nothing much,, read urs liao. then realise m wrong.. yah loh. alyssa got try a little bit only cannot say 1min also & wah liew her legs n hands nua nua one.. how many weeks is ur gal ? mine is 2.5 mths..
Doll, the moment I saw scarlet on the newspaper, my first impression was "wow, so nice, must go must go" hee hee hee... Actually HB wants to book Regent or Goodwood Park but I find them too commerical, nothing great abt. So ended, we choose scarlet yesterday night and immediately booked via internet. Hey, heard Ritz very nice leh. Will try next round, perhaps... Oriental the room hor, very big, can have 2 king size bed ah. My uncle has the VIP membership with them, so always stay there for free. That time I went, I got the seaview, wow very beautiful. My sis got the Suntec View kekeke.
No.2 no no... not for now. Wait till my gal get older first before considering No. 2 :p Not afraid of the pregnancy period and labour pain but am afraid of confinement ah. Sounds stupid right?? But I really fear confinement lah.

My gal's chinese name is Kexin. "Ke Ai" that "Ke" and "Xin Xin Xiang Rong" that "Xin". No particular reason, I just want a chinese name with little "pin hua", so that she won't have a hard time to write kekeke... I also love the chinese word "Xuan". At first, I chose 2 names, "Kexin" and "Yuxuan". Ended up, choosen Kexin. Shall leave Yuxuan (for gal) and Yuheng (for boy) for No.2 (if there is).
hi qdee, my boy's chinese name is kai3 jie2. kai is same as babygrace's, jie2 is the min3 jie2 (as in fast/smooth). also picked with the help of a book. nayli is really chubby and cute! and gdluck on the fever...seems like every1's falling sick with the hot/cold/hot weather. hee hee maybe the Plasma Cluster aircon is really helpful after all!

hi lbs/jannie, u can make appt with mrs wong regardless of where u give birth. my colleage gave birth at gleneagles also went to mrs wong. after all, u pay consultation...got money to take i'm sure she'll see u. u can call her at 62514090 =P
mrs wong actually used a syringe to unblock the nipple ducts. i dunno how she knows where they are...but she does. i think we're supposed to have 20 over ducts on each nipple, but usually only 6-15 are really opened. then she MILKED my nipple. literally. if u watched Amazing Race 7, the way they milked the goats...well, it's abt like dat! haha now dat i typed it out, it sounds really gross. then she mangled/massaged my breasts to clear the blocked ducts. she tells every1 who goes how some of her ex-patients go every mth to "springclean". we're supposed to clear the nipple ducts every other day at home she says.
Anyone of you heard that we can cut the voucher from Nepia Packaging to change for NTUC voucher? How to go about it, anyone knows?
Hi Steamboat,

No leh! In fact i seldom put Kaden on his tummy. He doesn't like to slp on his tummy, perhaps it's 'cos i din train him. Hwevr, when we turn him to try tt day, he actually lifted his head so we quickly took pics.
Now, i'll turn him over for awhile everyday, tinks it helps to strengthen his neck muscle too. Haha!

Hi Doll,

Oh! I can imagine the embarrassed look on tt angmoh's face. Haha!

Thks! But where's this Shenton Clinic? Isit done by GP or PD? Do u knw how much is the 1st consultation?


Hmmm...dinno tt we'll hv blocked ducts so did it help after she did tt for u? No wonder these days i noticed tt milk seems to be flowing from lesser ducts. How much did Mrs Wong charge u for the consultation? I saw her the last time after i delivered as my breasts were lumpy & cldn't produce milk at all, cun recall how much i paid liao.
friesbandit, just call her to make appt ah? and say what? make appt to "springclean"? how much is her consultation? how long did your "springcleaning" take?

babyvon, if u make appt at the polyclinic, u do not have to queue. only pple without appts have to queue.
Hi Babyvon,
WOW! Kaden's head control very good leh..can lift very high! how many weeks old is he?

Hi Doll,
Heheh! Ashley also..wear pink hat, pink rompers & ppl ask 'boy ah?' But when i dress her in unisex clothes..they'll ask whether boy or girl..strange!

Do ur babies like being on tummy? Ashley hates it on mattress on her tummy..she'll kick kick kick, lift head sideways, try to turn, get very frustrated.

But when she fall asleep on my chest, on her tummy, she'll be quite happy..can lift up her head to adjust left or right & go to sleep.
Just to check, anyone tried EQ, Prokids, Sealer or Softlove diapers before? Can feedback on the quality and the cost, size, pcs? Thanks.
Hi Steamboat,

My boys head not yet stabilize but then can lift up liao..

Why din you let your gal sleep on her tummy?
I ever get worried and scolded my mum for doing tat leh.. but then har.. after seeing the results I know my mums yong xin liang ku..
At 1.5mth my boy started to lift up his head and turn left or right himself when hes lying on his tummy. He jus reach 2mths yesterday. And I notice lately when I carry him over my shoulder he wld tend to ke-kiang (hokkien) and lift up his head to look at things above his eye level.

Practise makes perfect, Im sure your gal can make it.

Hi doll,

Oh ya..my parents when cooking hainanese chicken wld also wait till all guest arrived then they start steaming one.. Now I know why Phoenix hotels steam chicken so tender.. But the dessert at night they never refill one leh.. its only 8plus they stop liao..

The 1k to phuket is per person? Hey me also thinking of change village hotel..my fren went for the opening ceremony she said the hotel renovated till very nice.. I may choose tat at least away from the buzz city..

Wow you and snowpooher so young started go kai-fang liao ah.. heehee..kidding.. anyway now hubby lah har.. For me, perhaps my mum is very strict and also parents rather conservative. Ive never thought abt go hotel as get away I wld feel like jian bu de ren.. heehee..
My mum cld check on me one leh.. I recall tat time when I go park tor with my ex and I bluff her and said I went out with my gf.. she really call up my gf .. and chuan bang liao.. she knows I bluff her.. However, after ROM my mum loosen her rules abit but still dun allow me to go hubby house stay.. only when after married she totally bo chap me liao..

Why did you wanna bring your baby along to hotel? Dun mind me asking is it bcos you or hubby dun trust your mum? For me, if I want a romantic get away I wld choose to go with hubby alone..else it makes no diff for me to stay in hotel leh..

Hi snowpooher,

Wah your expectation on Italy food so high ah? Go hire a Italian chef to cook for you lah.. heehee.. Serious, why not learn to cook your own italy food since u love it so much?
Hubby and me love to eat pasta so once a while we wld cook our own and can add whatever spices or ingredients we want.

I been to Rasa Sentosa hotel to stay during co. function. With the company games and events I didnt really hv time to go explore around so didnt leave me a deep impression. But I love their sea view.. By the way, how much per nite ha?

Oh so you plan for a BB right after your customery ah? For me I waited 2yrs..
heng ah, had my wedding @ gdwd pk, took the brunei suite, very nice but err.. no romantic mood :p my mum took their room , itz quite crampy loh. if wanna take gdwd, only their poolside room/suite is very big n nice + got balinese style pool which is only shared wif 8 rooms.
hehe oriental sounds leh !!
stay for free, shiok leh !! hehe
scared of confinement ?? actually to tink back, yah loh confinement is quite tedious to get thru hor.. i have tried sealer b4, not bad quite cottony but somehow my gal dun agree. develop nappy rash apply diaper cream doesn't really go away... got vouchers to cut out frm nepia mah ..? i ready threw away 2 packs of nepia liao leh..

i went to SHENTON FAMILY MEDICAL CLINIC (SERANGOON) coz they have 6 in 1 & 5 in 1. check out the Family Clinics under this link http://www.parkwayshenton.com/ourclinics.html Itz done by GP but family deals alot wif kids i tink. coz somehow the GP was very familiar with the whole process. actually he was very nice n gentle. tink even gentler than my PD.. hmm consultation, ard $5-10 i tink.. call the clinic 1st b4 u go down coz not every family clinic has the 6 in 1.

ah yoh.. dun say liao hiaz.. ke sim when i hear "boy ah".. hhe went to bugis juz now :p bought 2 sets of clothes for alyssa 20% off winnie & baby disney

alyssa dun really kick kick, she just lie there n rub her face against the mat/cloth.. but on my chest she falls asleep or do her climbing..
Hi Sweets,
Joshua was a few days short of 3 months old when we flew. That's quite a good age to fly cos they drink and sleep most of the them, all the more easier if you breastfeed cos no need to make milk onboard. But it'll be good to bring bb to a PD for a check first. Just make sure you pack sufficient things to bring up on board, extra clothes, diapers, medicine. A nice warm blanket would be good cos the airline blanket is a bit scratchy (not to mention dirty). Some nappy cloth to line the bassinet and partially cover the bassinet if the lights are too bright. Don't worry too much cos the flight attendants are usually quite helpful.
The air onboard is dry so it'll be good to place a hot towel near bb's nose once in a while.
wah 8 plus+ stop liao.. !! hmm no leh, for lunch they only stop @ 1.45pm like tat..

1k+ to phuket is 2 person ah !! hehe cheap hor , somemore banyan tree. drooling liao.. :p yah loh , the room is done up very nicely , u should go 7th flr to the pool. only 1.2m deep but the view is very nice !!

mi also waited 2yrs hehe to enjoy some married couple time :p hmmm.. tink after 6mths of dating, things took a turn coz we both , jia lat. one bz working n earning money (me) , the other one doing his own stuff.. meet once a week.. dunno lah complicated. then i stayed over @ his granny place where he stayed. stayed there for 2yrs.. when he's on duty or ICT then i go back home.. my mum "ren ding" liao i guess. as long i dun throw her "water face" , by shotgun can liao.. if we go short vacation or hotel, :p have to lie abit. say i go back home n he has to go for duty. my mum likes my HB so it wasn't an issue. wah , with my 1st 2 bf. it was a NO NO..

actually, both of us... for me i know she cannot tahan stay @ home. so she will surely bring bb out alone.. i dun fang xin her bring her out alone loh. then my HB cannot tahan her grumbling n her way of doing things..
if we dun bring bb together.. especially weekends. weekdays , bring alyssa out she will grumble.. weekends if bring her out she won't coz she also wanna go out. so quite hard.. my mum dun cook one.. so if i dun pack, she will juz eat bread n maggi mee.. c liao sim tia leh.. recently, very stressed coz i can't rush back in time to cook. da pao also when reach home, already 8pm. then she will b grumbling tat she is "fainting from hungry"..
hi Qdee

my boy's middle name same as friesbandit also the same kai(3). His chinese name is kai(3) jun(4).
Jun(4) is not the handsome jun, but the "jun ma ye" de jun.

i notice many people like to use xuan .. i got frens/relative who's kids got the same name from you long zi.. mostly with the word xuan one.
hi keruri,

Gwyneth has grown so much already! Looks different from how i remembered here, other than the headful of thick hair. haha
hi doll,
u've got mail.

hi babygrace,
i think all the babies in this forum have grown too. they are all so gorgeous. joshua's really photogenic. were u the photographer or ur hb?
hi keruri,
i'm the photographer. To-date i've not manage to have a nice picture taken together with Joshua whereas he and his daddy has quite a few nice pics together, thanks to me
Not fair.
How do you purchase the Fenugreek tea from MIM? How much does it cost & how abt delivery?
Now i know y my boy rejected the bottle.He had hard time sucking the Avent teat (no offence to Avent).It's okie when i changed to another,slightly better n he took shorter time to finish the milk.
May i know wat's "growth spurt" as i see the word mentioned a couple of times here.
hahaha... Elle, you said until doll and I went "kai fang" with our hubby. Aiya, nothing wrong lah, we din do anything wrong wat.

No lah, I dun really like italian food lah. The sauce for the pasta, do you get the ready to use bottle kind from supermarket or you make your own sauce? You know, most local restaurant use the bottle one, but in Italy, the chef dun use that. They make their own sauce from fresh tomato. Now no time to do cooking. Before preggie, I will cook, now, got time better rest ah.

Rasa ah, depends on which room and view you choose. Hill view starts from $190+++, pool view is $240+++ (?? can't remember), sea view is $280+++. Check the price from their website.

No, Elle, I din plan for BB right after customary, cos I want to go Europe to tour first. Anyway, I conceived my gal during my Europe trip lah :p

doll, somehow, I dun really like to stay at Goodwood Park leh. So the room there small lah.

Ya lor, confinement really cannot make it. I already not following a lot of stupid rules liao leh, still can't accept it. Somehow pregnancy and labour pain not that bad lah.

Dunno leh, I read from other thread and heard from ppl one, but think is only for certain period lor. Wau, you so fast used up 2 packs of nepia liao ah.
hi babyvon, yes mrs wong helped. my boy doesn't scream in frustration at the slow flow now. in fact, he chokes when the milk let down happens. heh heh. *grin* i paid $42 for consultation.

hi jannie, yes just call to make appt. she'll ask u wat's the problem...then u tell her lor. like milk flow low/slow etc. then she'll tell u to come down and let them have a look so they can give u advice. how long it takes depends on how long she takes to clear everything. mine took abt half hour.

hi KC, i ordered it online. http://www.momsinmind.com.sg/milktea.html
it cost $15 and postage cost $1
hi snowpooher,

U sure u didnt do anything inside the 'fang'..kekeke... anyway now hubby liao..of course nothing wrong lah..

We usually buy the already made sauce and add some spices we like into the sauce. Same here, since preg seldom cook liao.. so now my hubby is the main chef at home. He 'hao-lian' liao cos his skills has improved alot during the past 9 mths when i was preg. And for me now become a habit tat he cook, i wash ..

Oh u went Europe for honeymoon ah? hey your gals came the right time i.e after Europe tour .. When did you have your customery 2004? Time flies i had mine in yr 2002..now already 3rd anniversary liao..

Same here, think of the confinement month i'll hv bad dreams.. but i don't think i wld stick to the rule so strictly if i hv the chance to go thru tat again..

Hey the pet pet diapers really small cutting hor.. the side gathers r so tight for my boy tat leaves red mark by the side.. Jialat still hv half a pack to go.. Absorbant wise is good but then cutting wise drypers is bigger, so i quickly use pet pet 1st.. Hows Nepia cutting? U gal start using liao?
hi Babyvon
U met my niece?? When was it? Jovan is now 66cm and 7kg now. yup, he really resembles my HB alot! I have yet to bring him for his 3rd mth jab. Thinking of bringin him to the Gek Poh GP clinics to do it. Probly next week. My HB says their charges almost same as polyclinic if opt for 5-in-1 jabs.

Kaden 's neck's strong!! Mine still very unstable. Jovan likes to coo a lot too, esp after his bath. I will be goin back to work next week liao, prob will express @ office where possible, but since I am on partial, still ok

hi babygrace, friesbandit and elle

my boy is called Kai3 Zhe2. 'Kai' means Happiness whereas 'Zhe' means Intelligence. ( as in Taiwanese Singer Zhang XinZhe). Zoe Tay's boy called Wen Zhe ( as in Tao Zhe). Actually, the "Zhe " in both names is the same, one is simplified chinese ( Jeff Chang), the other is "FAN TI".

hi snowpooher, I have tried EQ, it's not bad. I juz bought Prokids from GIANT cos it's on offer , at $11.99 and the sample felt rather soft. So, prob will try it after finishing my existing stock of Drypers and Pet Pet. Also using NEPIA now for nite use. BTW, GIANT now also havin sale on Pampers Premium Fit n DRy $18.16 per pack.
ur boy is called kai jun? mine is jun kai..i think should be jun4 kai3..my hubby asked yee long zi for the name.
Petpet cutting small? was thinking of buying petpet for day use coz cheaper...then at nite use nepia..i quite like nepia..quite good.should have stocked up on it...but too bad no more

Hmm..seems like a lot of babies here got the Kai word in chinese name ar...

how do u know whether u have blocked duct or something? dunnon why whenever my boy latch on my left breasts he seems to have difficulties...his head will slowly move downwards until he got unlatched...then he will fuss already...my left nipple like smaller ler..maybe thats why..i think i should go find Mrs Wong for springcleaning too
Today my boy actually latched for an hour while bf him lying down..*faint*
Time really flies... I went back to the archive folder and browse through the postings when we first posted. So fast... from a tiny peanuts to a real, chubby baby.

Hi Kristen, can call up 6226 2650 for Nepia diapers delivery. Order from them 1 carton, they will deliver for free.

1 carton =
- 4 pkts (S size - 54 pcs)
- 4 pkts (M size - 51 pcs)
Think the costs of one pack is ard $16 ($16x4pkts)
hi bonnygal,
maybe u need to upgrade ur avent teat size?

hi joyce,
yup..so fast..from the time when they were <1cm big..&amp; then talk abt preg discomforts..then fear of delivery..then delivery stories..then horror confinements..then now some babies already 7kg! soon they'll be crawling &amp; learning how to walk!
Elle, didn't do anything inside the "fang" lah. Same goes when we stay together before customary hor.

Oh, my customary is end Dec, so went Koh Samui for a short holiday first cos Jan is not a good season to tour Europe. We went in Apr. ROM in 2002, we celebrated ROM date, not customary date.

The Pet Pet diapers, are you referring to S size? Yes, the S size is small. But hor, the M size is big leh. I find my gal use Pet Pet M size still a bit big, but Huggies M size, just nice. Quickly use up the Pet Pet lor, and upgrade to the bigger size. Nepia cutting is big. Good to use. I use only when going out cos so flat, that I can't feel the diapers.

Lite Breeze, I got feedback that EQ is lousy. So decided not to try. Wow, Prokids is cheap ah. How many pcs? Let me know your feedback on Prokids, ok?

Kristen, I stock up Nepia L size during the NTUC promo. Now my cupboard full of Nepia hee hee hee...

Joyce, Nepia office works slow leh. Called them for samples, never send to me that time. I risk risk go buy one packet and try, heng ah, good to use. From my understanding, they dun allow mixed size. That means 1 carton either all S size or M size, no mixture of size.
hi snowpooher, me returning to work tomorrow liao sob sob
.. some more i just had fever on Sat luckily i recovered quickly, otherwise if i mc tomorrow boss will think i 'keng'.

Hi Kristen/Elle, yeah noticed alot of Kai and Xuan. My colleague just gave birth and the son is also called Kai. But she only use one character which is just that lor Kai and nothing else. That time for my eldest daughter we also went to 'you long zi' and we almost chose Yi Xuan but MIL prefers Zhi Yi coz she said the Yi that he gave for Yi Xuan is a hard Yi - forgot which character.

Hi Joyce, your Jonas have very good complexion leh. Very shiny face - good skin. What did u do har?

Hi Doll, did u go to Kiddy palace at Compass pt today? Coz i saw one bb who look like Alyssa leh .. with very pretty eyes like hers.
hi hi again, did u ladies manage to catch channelnewsasia Family show? Yesterday the newscaster was talking abt her daughter Nadine who refuse to drink during the time mummy's at work - din drink for 8 hours!
I think my Nayli will be like too - coz when i went out shopping she wont be taking bottles from my mom - jia lat lah .. dunno how my mom's gonna cope tomorrow.

Those who are still breastfeeding and have gone back to work - pls share your experience. Thanks.

By the way HAPPY Mother's Day to all of u
happy belated mother's day!

hi Qdee,
my Ashley also..will drink lesser when i'm not ard. sat i went out to attend friend's wedding...she couldn't get to sleep until she nursed when i came home. then yday suddenly reject bottles--she rather starve than take the bottle!
now expressing..hope she'll behave better today! luckily i'm only working 1/2 days when i return to work.

maybe i'll check out the peristaltic teats..

hi doll,
u using huggies right? is the cutting small? i just tried M size for Ashley yday...the waist part like soo small leh..barely can tape it properly..or am i supposed to stretch out the elastic band at the back 1st?
Hi Snowpooher/Qdee,
U all started work this week ar? so fast...i think i will miss my boy very much when i get back to work...still have a mth but might extend another mth as unpaid leave.

i wanted to stock..but hubby working late that week lor...then i went out by myself and bought a pack..so heavy!! hehe...if i din haf to buy newspaper for my MIL at the provision shop, i would buy 2-3 packs and take a cab home

but nevermind..no more then use huggies or others ;)

I also want to know how those mommies started working pump and store their milk while working...

Qdee, did u buy special bag to store ur pump and milk?
hi all

I will starting work tmrw too.
Have bought sealing caps for my avent bottles to store milk when expressing at office.

hi snowpooher, the Prokids I bought was L57 pcs. I think M is 63 or 61 pcs. All at $11.99. GIANT always have good diaper offers. look out for advert on Fri's papers.

I used EQ S size for my newborn last time. not bad, except that the sticker veri sticky, if want to restick, have to pull out hard. other than that, it's pretty good
no leaking.
oh Qdee, my colleague's friend's BB was like tat lor. Reject milk bottle, rather to be hungry and wait for the mother to go home, then drink directly from breast. Poor BB. That's one of the reasons that I dun latch on my gal. Anyway, my gal on total FM since full mth.

ohmig0sh, me also using huggies M size. You got to stretch out the elastic band at the back. When taping, just pull it and stick. The cutting is high, but absorbant is good, though the sides like not secure enough hahaha...

Kristen, I sure miss my gal, especially she will be staying at my mum place throughout the weekdays. I will bring her home only on Fri evening and bring her back to my mum place on Sun evening. Actually, do you find that Nepia 1 packet not that heavy?? Compared to other brand diapers, I find it not that heavy leh. Like 2 packets of Nepia = 1 packet of Huggies.
btw, any baby here who cry "fiercely"?? my boy can cry until his face very red and he looks choked and his crying went high-pitched until no sound from his lungs!!

very scary, every time he does this, my MIL will put JING FENG SHAN in his mouth. My mum is scared that he will choke himself crying like that. She dun dare to go and bathe &amp; leave baby unattended when she's alone with the baby.

Also, he drools a lot!! He kept "wiping" himself or sucked with his fist and becos his mitten is very wet with saliva, he practically "wiped" his own face with his soaked mitten stuck with dropped hair strands. I tink he might have swallowed his hair liao.

does any baby here enjoying sucking their own upper arms ??
Thanks, Lite Breeze, maybe will buy one pack of Prokids to try, but got to wait till I finish my Pet Pet (got 3 packets of M size) and 1 pack of Huggies. Prokids sound cheap huh? Can try for daytime use.
Hi, something to share. I think hor, can view all BB products there... kekeke... aiyo gan cheong leh, 1st time attending such exhibition.

Motherhood Exhibition 2005
Date : 1-5 June 2005
Time : 12 noon - 10 pm
Venue : Singapore Expo Hall 5A

Exhibits >
- mothercare products
- maternity / nursing wear
- baby products
- educational &amp; learning aids
- toys
- many more...

Contest >
- baby of the year
- look-a-like
- most gorgeous mum
- many more
So ur gal will be wif ur mum on weekdays? where ur mum staying? near sembawang? Last time my MIL suggested that..weekdays bb wif her..weekends bring back..but i din want lor...so she moves in with us
So even if i dun like another person in the house..i haf to tahan ..if bring bb home everyday very siong ler...

quite true...got one pack of huggies..it's very heavy ler...din know diapers also can be so heavy...nepia is softer than huggies. maybe that's why not so heavy..

Hmm...must find diaper for day time use..day time he uses so much..especially MIL seems to be changing him so often...u really stocked up on a lot of diapers hor..
Petpet size M a bit big? I bought pampers cotton dry..hate it..if poo..it will stain his clothes coz the back got little holes..now trying hard to finish up

Hehe..will sure go to the motherhood exhibition..but wun bring bb there..hubby dun like crowded places and think the place will be very packed..he sure will leave bb at home wif MIL..
hi Lite breeze,

U also got a Kai(3) ah? Yours is name it yourself or get fengshui master? Wow Total including kristen will have 5 kai here..

Oh yes, my boy cries loudly till eyes red red, and sound changes one.. He screams instead of cry.. He goes like "Ahhh!!!" I hear my neighbour's baby girl cry so gentle one but my boy cries till like someone beat him like tat.. buay tahan..

Hi kristen,

Your BB is jun kai? Which jun and kai? sekali the same as mine.. I got another feng shui master Chen Jun Rong to get this name who also does an analysis of his "Sheng cheng ba zhi".

Yes, dun buy pet pet S wld be too small for your boy now.. tat time i want to get M leh..but the cutting of M very big.. who knows their S very small

hi joyce,

Me too .. last 2 nites not able to sleep i went to read the past threads where we jus preg tat time.. now read back really interesting.. so fast all babies are already few mths old liao.. I'm thinking if we r able to follow this thread till our BB grows up tat'll b more interesting hor..

Hi snowpooher,

Sure or not? Very hard for people to believe leh.. heehee..
Anyway, talking abt pet pet again.. i find their cutting very extreme leh..Actually all along i wanted to get M but i see M cutting big, so i get S .. who knows is too small.. Yah i quickly use liao now left half pack.. I still hv another pack of mummy poko S unopen, hope is not too small leh..
Besides Nepia, actually pampers also quite thin leh.. after wearing the buttock very small one..
I notice Nepia dun come S size hor?

Yes, will leave my gal with my mum on weekdays. My mum stays at west side, near my office (10 car ride). Far from us, so dun want to bring back everyday cos will be very siong. I dun want to be panda to work every day.

I'm using Huggies and Pet Pet for daytime use leh. Daytime tend to change a lot, I dun care whether the diaper is very wet or not wet, I will change every 3 to 4 hrs. At night, just one pc thr out the night with Huggies. Nepia, I use when going out, sometimes night also. Cos I want to use up the huggies first, still got 1 pack of M size to go. Then I will concentrate on using Nepia for both outing and night use. Day use, will continue with Pet Pet. Maybe will try Prokids after finish up the Pet Pet. Day time got to use cheaper one cos keep on changing.

Yes, Pet Pet M is quite big. Din try pampers cotton dry, cos I only use Pampers Premium Cotton.

I also intend to go to the exhibition leh. Think won't bring my gal there too, must be a lot of ppl hor? Heard can get free samples of the diapers there. Good lor, can feel and test before deciding which diapers to buy.

Tomorrow starting work. Later afternoon going for manicure and pedicure. The last time I did was 1 week before giving birth. My poor fingers and toes... din really give much time to take care of them. Now is time to let them "relax".
Elle, sure lah. I know a lot of ppl dun believe, but I dun care one lah. My own family members dun doubt me, thats the most impt! I dun care abt other ppl comments one lah, where got so eng to please everyone lah. I live for myself happy, not for other people.

Ya lor, Pet Pet S size so small and M size so big hor. No wonder I can't find S size in NTUC. That time I got it from Giant. Did you realise Sun Plaza NTUC dun carry a lot of S size diapers like Huggies, Pet Pet. From my understanding from the Huggies Promoter hor, those too small size, NTUC dun carry leh.

Your friend, got anyone going to give birth soon or in the few mths time? If yes, then dun open the S size mummy poko lor, can give them as gift. I believe they will apprecipate much! Cos diapers very expensive. For my case, I told my colleagues and friends wat to buy, like $$$, NTUC voucher, diapers (tell them the size and brand), and other stuff that I need. Therefore, I dun receive gifts that I dun need leh.

Actually I find Nepia thinner than Pampers leh. Nepia got S size. But must buy from Japanese Supermarket or Seiyu. Seiyu has all the sizes from NB, S, M, L, XL. Also has the pull up pants for L and XL. Selling all sizes at $19.90. NTUC only carry M and L size.
Hi Friesbandit,
*HUGZ* Dun worry too much..Iggy will be fine!

Hi Litebreeze,
Ur baby drooling? Maybe he's teething??? Heard that's one of the symptoms of teething!

Hi Litebreeze &amp; Elle,
My girl yday also cried very fiercely when she was rejecting the bottle...as if i'm trying to feed her poison
I guess she must be feeling confused..why is mummy denying me of nursing.

Hi Qdee,
Just got the pigeon peristaltic bottle &amp; teat..so far ok *cross fingers*
Anyway bought the Nuk latex teats as well..she was also ok *touchwood*

Hi Snowpooher,
Ok..so gotta stretch the Huggies diaper 1st lah..but i scared too tight ard the tummy leh.
Is it very absorbent? I find it so-so...cos can feel the surface quite wet when i changed her after 4 hrs. But definitely better than drypers.
Which Huggies do u use--mine is the red packaging (Dry comfort)..wondering which is better?

BTW i have a small pack (12pcs) of Softlove..let u know after i try next time (L size).
Hi gals,

so many postings.. tough to catch up!
Hope everyone had a good time celebrating Mother's Day yesterday. It is strange for me.. i went out with my parents, hubby,YX and sister and to me, it was more like celebrating for my mother and not that I am the one being honoured as well.

The last few days quite siong for me. Donno what happened to YX, she will cry until her face all red all of a sudden.. even during feeding, she will cry halfway through the bottle. At nite, she wants to be hugged to sleep and wails the moment she touches the bed. Sigh.. I think it is colic again but my mum and hubby doesnt think so. Say the crying different.. maybe later will bring to see doc.

Qdee, so cute.. your eldest daughter almost got named Yi Xuan as well? The Yi I chose is Yi4- artistic and the Xuan is the one with the 'grass top'. This Xuan is actually an olden name for the plant called wang4you1cao3 in modern days. I want my gal to be a happy gal, that's why I chose this word

friesbandit, hope Iggy is fine!


yah lor, dun bother wat others say..the truth you know it yourself will do..

I'm the last to give birth leh.. lately never hear of anyone giving birth else i wld keep it.
I bought this mummy poko S from NTUC when he just born.. not yet full month. Who knows when full month party arrives, my frens start to give diapers to me.. They never ask how can i specify wat i want right?.. If i were to know earlier i wont buy diapers loh..
But luckily i got many shopping vouchers as gift .. so i'll use it to buy his stuffs..
I jus used a kiddy palace voucher to buy him the music mobile.. But he dun seem to like it leh..

hey friesbandit, hope that iggy will be fine too.

folic, could YX be having a blocked nose? my boy also sometimes like that when he has a blocked nose.. feed halfway will pull out from the bottle, at night want to be carried even when alseep.... i bought the snuffle babe (baby version of vicks), applied on tissue and leave it near him at night so that he can inhale the vapour to clear his nose... works sometimes when the blockage is not serious.

can i check with you girls how much milk is your bb taking now? at how long interval? mine is now stagnant at 120ml every 3 hrs. my boy is 11 weeks old. is that considered little?
