(2005/02) Feb/Mar 2005 Babies


Forgot to ask you.. hows your dinner at Paris? is it nice? Worth it?
How much per person har?

Elle, is not that I dun want to go Dr Ang there for the pap smear test... Is I afraid lah. Thats why feel like not going.

Pariss ah... I think it depends on individual lah. For those who loves seafood and raw food will love lor. I dun find myself eating much lah, though there is a lots of variety of food. Personally, I find it below average but my mum and cousins love it. Maybe becos I saw those uncles and aunties so KS, getting so much food in their plates and I dunno how to snatch food also :p Everytime I went to the cooked food, the plates always empty, if not left with miserable amt, so I a bit sian lah.

Weekday lunch/dinner and weekend lunch/dinner charges different. I paid a total of $378.61 for a total of 11 pax. $29.80+++ per pax for weekday lunch.
Hi Ohmigosh, some say resemble, some say not. I also not sure he looks like his gor gor anot... paisei..
Your gal a bit boyish look hor, my Jonas at times will be mistaken as gal gal leh... so shiok!
(As I always hoping for a gal but boh leh)

Btw, will bring my boy to salon for shaving. I heard <u>Fantastic sams</u> @ Forum Gallery (2nd level) give a free shaving and a cert.
hi kristen, yups we tried Similac. we think he's heaty coz he radiates a lot of heat suddenly, and seems to be sweating a lot. his poo also more sticky, like drier like dat. he's still on BM. we feed him FM just to test that he's ok with it. he doesn't sleep thru the nite lor. still drinks roughly at 11pm, 3am, 5am, 6am, 8am. we trained him to sleep by himself, so generally, bedtime is not too bad. sometimes he's more grouchy, then gotta carry and rock to sleep.

hi folic, hope u're feeling better soon too!

hi babygrace, congrats on making it to France without pulling ur hair out over Joshua fussing on the plane!
haha..me scared to bath him ler....:p anyway..last time confinement mar..so din bath lor..now weekends hubby ard he bath lor...i stand there and watch
never tried so dunno whether can manage or not.
ur wound also pinkish ar? hmm..so not only me lor...urs very fine? me ok lar...dunno consider fine or not...but hor..the part slightly above the line a bit pain and numb if i touch it ler...
How many times u went to see Dr Ang after ur delivery? the time went back to take out the dressing..then he said see him one mth later after first menses...so the blood we had after delivery finish we go or what ar? it's clearing up..i dunno whether is menses or what ler..how ar? i very blur one
how are u now? still got fever? must drink more water..lately the weather is quite hot..must take care..got bb must not fall sick ar

ya hor..very tiring to feed..last night still ok..the previous night..he woke up everyhour..sometimes in an hour twice ler..wah..my back going give way anytime soon..must go find rose for deep tissue massage..hehe..u know..yesterday me super pissed..to think my MIL has the guts to suggest giving him formula milk..please lar..how i want to feed my bb is my biz wat..just becoz upstairs auntie said her grandchild now half formula half BM she also want FM meh? the bb can sleep 3 hrs and a lot doesn't mean mine have to mar right? not every bb the same...
MIL always want to make bb sleep day time ler...night time dun sleep who is the jialat one? Me right? MIL asked me to express out since she saw bb dun want to drink at times.Explained to her nipple confusion also no use...she doesn't understand..said got such thing one meh? SHe scared bb hungry..please lar..me as the mother will be more worried if he hungry right? last time bb fed so regularly..she wondered whether drank enuff..if not enuff how on earth he managed to put on 2kg after he discharged from hospital?
Later she saw me fed bb and saw all the milk spilling and dripping then she kept quiet...coz bb was swallowing so much. Said wah..so m uch milk ar..then now she bo chup liao muahahahah....
Anyway, i am the one suffering and sacrificing my sleep..i also never complained. As long as i am still at home and nothing to do i will tbf until i give up

How ur bb in infant care? Ok? Ur mum or mil not taking care of bb? so good ar? ur boy can sleep by himself? I am finding ways to train him that way..if not i have to carry him to sleep ler..every jialat especially afternoon time..coz it's the only time i can catch up with my sleep.but if cayden doesn't sleep i can't too. At night is the initial part when he is going to bed that is a bit of headache..after that he can sleep better. How did u train him to sleep? mind sharing with me?

Babygrace, hehe..nice to hear joshua was well behaved. Enjoy ur trip there

So the food at Pariss not very nice? that time they showed on tv like got a lot of variety. Wanted to try but i think quite ex for dinner. Cost almost as much as Shangrila's buffet. One day should try but too bad i dun eat much sashimi and oysters..eat those very hua one..my hubby and bro ate so muh oysters an sashimi at the shang's buffet hahahaha
hi gals,

good to see this site up again.

friesbandit, how are you coping with the 2nd day of iggy being in childcare? I think he is probably adapting better than you?

babygrace, that's cool! You made the trip! I am thinking of going London to visit my brother with YX but my hubby not too keen...must share more of such success story with him!

Joyce, Jonas is a handsome boy!

Elle, hope you are feeling better now.

I am still sneezing like mad. It is a challenge to feed the baby, trying not to sneeze and then trying to blow my nose while balancing the bottle between YX and me... Hope this clear soon!
Oh, before I forget, I would like to share another tip which I tried.

I started giving YX a warm bath every nite, around 9+pm. Then I will have some time hugging and talking to her and then give her milk at 10/10+. She will then go to be around 11 and then waking up at about 3am. Maybe for those trying to make their baby sleep at nite, can try a warm bath.

Kristen, ya lor, unless you eat sashimi, oysters, mussels type of ppl, then is worth the price lor. I dun eat these stuff. Actually a lot of things to eat lah, just that the food dun suit me.
folic/omg, ashley and YX really look alike man! if u two ever meet up, better label ur babies, else mite bring the wrong one home! hee hee

leaving iggy at infant care today was better. the staff at the centre knows i cry, so the moment i arrive, they whisk iggy into the room...so the separation period is short...so i got no chance to cry. then they distract me with qns on feeding/changing instructions etc...haha they not only know how to deal with babies, they also know how to deal with mommies! =P

yesterday new environment, iggy only slept 2hrs the whole day! he was super tired when he came home. but thankfully, he still seems his chatty cheerful self. but seems slightly more insecure...as in suddenly getting startled and cry. dunno it's coz he's tired or some bad experience at the centre. will monitor.
the staff there say he's v well behaved. only chatter and cry when hungry. i have this fear they'll neglect him unintentionally coz other fretful babies take more of their attention away! silly yes?

kristen, i started training iggy on day/nite the moment we brought him home. i leave a small light on when we preparing him for bed, and we turn off the lights when we want to signal sleeping time. and i do all my nite feeding with the lights off. and i dun play/carry him after nite feeds. just burp and put him back to bed. also when he "complains" at nite, i try to pacify him by talking to him instead of immediately carrying. slowly he got used to the idea.
now i noticed why u said yx and asheley looks alike liao..ya a bit ler heheehheheehhe from that pic..
my hubby colleague also said she did that to her 2 sons..bath b4 bed time..maybe i should try that coz morning after he shower he will want to sleep too
Hmm...maybe iggy is trying to get use to the new environment and without mummy around lor...things shld get better. dun worry so much.

So ur room is in total darkness? I have a dim light on throughout...coz scared i can;'t see him at night...hmm...maybe i should make the room completely dark too...tonight will tell hubby all these ideas.
hey girls, long time neber post already.. nothing much to post.. just lotsa grouches abt MIL (we brought ah boy over to her for a week). but what to do... nothing can be done to rectify.... like he is drinking much lesser milk now than b4 cos she kept stuffing him with water, hungry also give water and dun give milk.... give milk also give 90ml instead of the 120ml that he is taking usually.... then caught her cough and cold.... then dilute my EBM with hot water cos not in time to warm it up... and the list goes on.

babygrace, i envy your courage. my hubby is working overseas and as much as i want to bring bb over to be with him, i dun have the courage cos i scared that i dunno what to do if anything happens to the bb.. like fever, etc. i feel more at ease here at least i will know where to go to should anything happen.

my boy still do not know how to sleep by himself at nite.. he will lay there quietly, but dunno how to fall asleep. but the moment u pick him up, his eyes will close liao. dun even need to pat. he is having blocked nose these few days... so i let him sleep on adult pillow as what i see some of you do here. just that he will fidget and slant to 1 side... must shift him back to position so that he does not drop too much to the side.

we do leave a nite light on... scared he got choked if he does regurgitate milk at nite cos he seldom wants to burp at night.

whow.. so many good comments on nepia diapers... after i finish my 2 packs of mamy poko, and 2 packs of pampers, i will go and try. i think no harm stocking up on M sized diapers as bbies can wear this size for quite long.... till abt 8-10 mths (depending on the size of your bb). do u girls know if pampers premium or mamy poko cutting is bigger? i haven't tried any of these yet.. currently using pampers comfort from m'sia given by my sister...

olivetree, if u are still following this thread - i give EBM seprately from FM. will definately give EBM first so that he will finish it off... if not, it will be so wasted.
Hi Joyce,
Yahlor..Ashley looking more &amp; more boyish..heheh! But dun thk Jonas looks like girl leh.

Hi Kristen,
I know the problems with MIL..that time during confinement, i was expressing after BF baby (bcos of engorgement), then she came in &amp; asked "so late liao, still dun wanna sleep?" Prob the breastpump woke her up. I was soo fed-up..i wake up how many times a night to feed ur granddg u also never ask me go to sleep...now i wake u up, so u want me to go to sleep. Felt like kicking her in the head

Hope we can carry on with BF!

Hi Friesbandit,
Hope u're feeling better..haha! The staff not bad leh..still know how to distract mummy!

Hi Jannie,
Seeing ur post abt wat MIL do..i'm afraid my nanny will do the same when i go to work..give water &amp; not milk, mixing EBM with hot water.

I dunno y the older generation has such an obsession over giving babies water, despite how much attempt at telling them that BM contains lots of water! &amp; the worst is they think warm water CURES hiccups..GOSH!

U can try putting a flat pillow under ur baby's cot mattress (at the head side) so that the whole mattress will be slightly inclined..like dat baby won't slump too much. But after a few hours, my baby will eventually be sleeping at the bottom of the slope 90degrees to the original position

Hi Kristen &amp; Jannie,
I also leave a night light on &amp; Ashley can manage to sleep on her own when i turn off the main light..actually if she wanna sleep, she'll sleep with or without bright lights

Sometimes she'll grumble &amp; kick &amp; fidget &amp; wave her 4 limbs abt, while HB &amp; me will just stand there watching in amusement
she'll still eventually fall asleep. But occasionally need to rock her a bit when she has difficulty falling asleep lor.

During night feeds, DO NOT talk or play with baby..like wat Friesbandit say--just feed &amp; burp. Try to let ur baby differentiate daytime feeds &amp; night feeds..so daytime feeds i'll talk or sing to her.

It'll be best that u attend to BB asap when they wanna drink at night (preferably b4 they start crying/wailing), so that they'll still be half-asleep. (Eg Ashley will breath more loudly &amp; make some noises with her mouth when hungry, then i'll wake up to go feed her) . Most times her eyes will still be closed..so the feeding &amp; burping is done when she's hardly awake.

Hi Snowpooher,
Heheh! Maybe i'll try out Pariss next time..i LOVE raw food..was soo deprived during pregnancy

BTW, BF can eat raw food right? Haha...dun care, i already ate
Hi Folic,
Haha! I guess YX &amp; Ashley look alike in certain angles..&amp; their hairstyle adds on to their similarity
omg, i did tell my MIL that BM consists of mostly water so dun need to give water.. she can actually rebuke that all the more must give water after BM cos our BM is very salty from the food we eat!!! i feel like asking her to taste my BM to see if it is salty or not!!!! also did tell her that too much water will wash away the salt content in bbies and may cause fits....think she got offended cos her daughter's son (who is under her care since birth) has occasional fits since bb. my mom also suspect that she overfed him water that's why got fits. anyway, after i said that, she will not feed too much water in my presence.. but sometimes she forgot and will tell me how many oz water she managed to feed, etc etc. she can feed as much as 300ml per day!!!!

anyway, those bbies on partial BM, how much water should we give? i usually give abt 120ml per day... is that enuff? or too much?
omg, yah.. they look alike at the side view and the hairstyle. Front view they don really look alike. I am jus tickled to see the similarity

For those with prob with older generation, I have a small suggestions. Whenever we disagree with the method of caring, for eg giving water, I will tell my mum firmly the reasons why and then stop them from doing it. Then, during the next doc visit, I will make sure that I ask her questions to the doctor and let the doctor tell her. It works for me
.. when the doc told my mum no need to give water cos BM is mainly water, she stopped fighting with me over that.

wow all the horror stories abt MILs! makes me scared that the infant care centre also like dat. yesterday, they fed iggy water even though he was on EBM. thank gdness i gave specific instructions NOT to feed him any more water! i didn't know they can go into fits!

kristen, the room will have ambient light from the street lamps outside lor. and my aircon (Sharp Plasmacluster) also got this blue strip of light...so it's more than enuf really.

omg, hee hee iggy also love to "protest" when we leave him to fall asleep by himself. initially he'll kick his blanket, wave his hands and rub his face. hubby &amp; i also stand by cotside and giggle. =)
u v gd leh, u're so attentive to ashley at nite dat can notice that her breathing become heavier? v light sleeper! i used to be when iggy was still small (<1mth)...can still wake up and tend to him when he stirs...but now so tired every day...he dun cry at nite i also dun get up!
Hi Ladies,

Wow! U gals sure chg topics super fast? All the babies are gett'g cuter &amp; cuter!

Seems like most of the babies hv so much hair but my Kaden's still qte botak leh!

Chk with u ladies...Any of u still on total breastfeed'g? My boy doesn't seem to want the bottle whenevr i express &amp; try to feed him. But when my mom feeds him, he'll take but my mom's work'g &amp; so not able to come often. He doesn't take the bottle too when my hubby feeds him. Am so worried tt he may reject the bottle totally.

Oso, anyone can advise? Kaden feeds at abt 9+pm &amp; smtimes just slp thru but then he'll be mkg lotsa noises w/o cry'g for milk in the nite &amp; i'll notice tt his mouth's moving, seek'g milk but his eyes are still closed. Wat's the maximum hours a bb can go w/o feed'g?
Can I check, when will our first AF come?
I am a little puzzled and worried, cos on Sunday, I had some Egg white type of discharge with blood and then I had some light spotting for a couple of days. Is that considered the first AF??

hi kristen/folic,

Thanks for your concern!
I'm still not ok
My throat really pain when i swallow.. i can feel is very swollen leh..Morning i cant even finish drinking a small cup of milk..Miserable feeling..And my fever keeps fluctuating betw 38.50 to 39.00

BB is now with my mum.. i miss him badly..i didnt sleep well last nite partly also bcos i miss him
My hubby also miss his son till he took his clothes to smell..heehee..
I got the urge to go my mum's place to visit him but with my condition like tat i can't.. otherwise he may kenna my virus. Last time b4 i had a baby, to fall sick doesnt matter to me so much at most rest for a few more days lor.. But now i wish to recover faster so that i can carry and hug my baby.. **sighh..sighh..*

Lately weather is very bad..my MIL &amp; sis in law also kenna fever and throat infection.. U gals must take care also hor..Drink more 'liang' water..like barley or liang teh..


Can understand your frustraton over your MIL. I tell you hor the elders wld never accept our explaination one.. to them no logic..even though u tell them is from the book.. Jus do watever u feel comfy and ignore her comments..Dun feel hurt of the things she said &amp; be confident with wat you're doing.
Actually i find that u r a very nice daughter in law liao..cos if for me i'll flare up and argue with her..
hi kristen,

Dr. Ang told me to visit him 1 week after my 1st menses leh.. how come yours is 1 mth?
Those discharge that we had after birth is call lochia..is not menses.
Lochia wld be cleared 6-8weeks after delivery..then after that menses wld come.. but i understand that for breastfeeding mothers usually 1st menses wld come later.. thats why they say breastfeeding is also a way of contraceptive..heehee..but not 100% hor..
hi jannie,

which country is your husband in? if medical facilities are good, it's ok for you to bring bb there. I've already checked out which PD / GP to go to should anything happens *touchwood*
It's much easier to travel with babies when they are so small especially those breast fed ones cos no need to worry about milk powder yet.
We couldn't find a bath tub here so we made do with a plastic box to bathe him instead and Joshua seems to like his new bath tub!
How do u all intro bottlefeeding to ur BB?
Now my BB is on BF,would like to him to drink EBM 1st then slowly to FM.But he dun seem to drink much,abt 20ml-30ml.Fearing that he's still hungry,i latch him on &amp; he drank abt 14mins.BTW as he rejected to drink from bottle and i need him to get used to it,i tot of starve him for a while so that he will drink.Pls share the ways of how to intro bottle to BB?
babygrace, the medical facilities there is not great. another expat's wife rather bear with the pain of appenticitis to wait for a plane back to spain for the ops than to have the ops there.

ask u mommies something - how to do let your bb sleep on the front? do u just let bb lie on a flat surface or u use a pillow to prop him in front? if use pillow, pillow should end where? till his waist or even lower? i find it quite a challenge to put bb down on the front when he is alseep.... dunno how to do it without waking him up.
those on partial BFing or stopped Bfing liao - is your menses here yet?

folic, i also have egg-white like discharge. at first it came abt 1.5 weeks ago for 1-2 days. then it is back again today. but no hint of blood like yours...
Hi bonnygal,
U can try to intro bottle to him when he's half-asleep or ask someone else to give bottle (eg HB). May not be a good idea to try intro bottle when he's crying away in anger/hunger..may make him even more pek-chek!

Hi Babygrace,
Joshua seems to enjoy his bath in the new tub! But seems u gotta find an alternative soon--he looks like he'll outgrow it very soon

Hi Babyvon,
Ashley also balding leh..must shave her

Dunno the max that baby can go without food..but since he didn't cry shd be ok?

Hi Friesbandit,
Heheh! I used to be a super deep sleeper..cannot even wake up with thunderstorm &amp; rain splashing into my room &amp; can sleep for 16hrs straight--until my mum tot i commited suicide
Now, even if Ashley doesn't wake me up, i'll also wake up to check.
U'r using the aircon that HB wanted to buy initially! Does the plasma cluster really work? Anyway we just bought the stand-alone plasma cluster air purifier thing..hope it purifies the polluted air!

Hi Jannie,
300ml is a lot of water! Didn't know too much water can cause fits! Only read abt "water intoxication"..but dunno wat that is!
All the more must control my nanny from giving water! I'm glad Ashley doesn't like water anyway

I'm not sure how much water is enough...i give Ashley ~50-100ml of FM per day, max amt of water i've given her is 40ml..most times just 10-20ml..sometimes none.

Hi Folic,
Yeah..sometimes i'm too lazy to explain i'll just say "Dr say ..."
Hi Jannie,
I seldom let baby sleep on tummy (she doesn't like it). If i do, i let her sleep that way on me (i'm lying on my back, she lies on top of me, tummy to tummy). After she's asleep on top of me, i'll transfer her to her playpen/cot..no pillow, just flat, maybe with just a folded nappy as "pillow"..but i'll monitor if using folded nappy, in case she sweeps it to cover her face.

BTW, where did u read abt excess water causing fits?
i read in one of the threads here.. also read it again in a guidebook called "your bb's first year- week by week". fits is minor problem.. can even cause bb to go into coma.
Hi jannie,


Q: What should I know about giving water with solid foods?
A: When you introduce solid foods, additional water may be needed. High-protein foods like strained meats make your baby's developing kidneys work harder, so providing a few ounces (but no more than 4 oz.) of water when you feed those foods can be useful. On the other hand, low-protein foods like fruits, juices, vegetables and desserts put little stress on the kidneys, so little or no water is required. (Remember, breast milk and formula are about 85% water.) To be on the safe side, always ask your doctor's advice.

Q: How much water can I give my baby without risking water intoxication?
A: To be on the safe side, always ask your doctor's advice. If your baby is eating some solid foods, or your doctor specifically recommends extra water, offer your baby 1 or 2 oz. of water at each meal (2-3 times per day). Four ounces of water provides about 10% of your baby's total daily fluid needs, so 2 oz. twice a day may be all your baby needs.

So i suppose minimum amt of water is needed until bb is introduced solids
hi jannie,

Just let BB lie flat on his tummy..U do not need pillow at all, which is actually dangerous.. Just put a folded nappy for his head to rest on it. While resting in this position he may spills some milk which is normal.

My boy can sleep very long hours while lying on this position.
hi gals,

Recently, I notice my boy started to hv tears rolling down while he cries..

But i heard people say for the 1st 3mths BB's tear ducts not yet develop leh..

Jus doing a poll, does your BB shed tears when crying?
yah, i realised that i should not have used a pillow (i tot more comfy mah). he slept for abt 1.5 hrs (first time sleeping like that), then turned his head flat down. thank goodness i can see him from where my computer is, so i quickly ran over to turn his head back to the side.
hehe..ya lor..old people like that one. They don't know much about breastfeeding. I find it rather funny that now people are more into breastfeeding. Always thought last time the older generation shld breastfeed more. hmm...one funny thing...my MIL once asked me why the BM some so watery some a bit yellowish..told her watery more water then the yellowish part will be more nutritious..and gues what she said..can dun keep the watery part or not! *Faint*
GP/PD got mentioned to my MIL no need to feed water and she ok wif it..but one fine day she came home and said must feed bb water..the auntie upstairs lor...kpo..said she fed bb water then the jaundice cleared so fast..so MIL wanted to feed bb water..i din argue wif her..just let her be..

I think it's mother's instinct to know when bb going to wake up etc...at night dunno why i would just know when bb will wake and want to drink lor...sometimes i would just watch him forcing himself to wake up to feed...his reaction very funny one..he will stretch and stretch and trying to hard to open his eyes..so cartoon..

I gave bottle to bb when he was quite young..think 2-3 weeks old then i stopped...he didn't have much problem drinking from bottle..then when i had prenatal massage 2 weeks back...he was on bottle 2-3 times a day...but guess what..after that he got nipple confusion. He didn't want my breasts at times...so sad to see he cried when trying to latch on...
Like wat OMG said, try getting other people to feed..

Elle, u let bb sleep on tummy..safe or not? hehe...gotta tahan my MIL lar..she is actually quite nice lar..just that not used to her..I think if i answer her back hell will break loose..so just keep quiet better..dun want to create trouble and put hubby in difficult position.

I think Dr Ang said come back one mth later from that day i went to take off the dressing ler...then the nurse outside said can be 6 weeks later...dunno ler..confused..
ya i heard that bf will delay menses...ehhe..so dunno when my menses will come :p I want go get Dr Ang to prescribe me with birth control pills ahah...dun want to take the risks:pP
so how? ur bb need to be cuddled to sleep already? slowly lar...i read somewhere cuddling bb is good..but i dunno whether if cuddle too much will make him addicted to it or not..have to find out soon..
my boy cried got tears liao ler..since i dunno when..think few weeks old hahaha...that's why see him cry so cham we sim tia and carry him lor...
hi jannie,

Since he's new to the sleeping position, is better that you keep an eye on him while he sleeps to prevent him from putting his head down directly. Your BB reaching 3mths? By now his head shld be quite stable liao right?

My boy used to sleep in this position till he can sometimes change side as and when he likes..he'll lift up his head, sometimes face left sometimes face right..

My mum breastfeed me till 1yr plus thats why very pro breastfeeding one..totally opposite from your MIL.. For me i can't stand my mum..everyday wld ask me "got breastfeed Darryl or not?" I told her no..then she'll start to say must pump lah..must let him suck lah..blah blah.. Anyway now no supply liao.. she also give up nagging on me..

Sleeping on tummy is safe as long as you keep an eye on your baby. In fact most babies love to be in this position and sleeps easily.

Oh yah.. jus to share with you wat i read from other internet website(forum)..They say babies less than 4mths love to be carried.They love the warmth and security. No need to worry there wld be addiction or not..cos they r still so young to "keng". As they grow they got no problem sleeping on their own liao..

In fact my hubby enjoys carrying him to sleep.. as i told you the 'koala bear hug tree position' right.. My hubby loves to carry BB this way..he say like that feel closer to the baby..Every night baby wld sleep on his chest.. These 2 nites BB not by his side, he feel something missing..

Ya lor.. jus 2weeks ago i notice got tears rolling down..makes me so heart pain .. quickly hug him..dun bear to see him cry..

See the tears really make our heart melt hor.. no wonder they say man cannot stand woman crying one..jus like the way mother cannot bear to see baby cries.. heehee..

I think babies develop tear ducts as early as 1mth old.. 3mth is abit too old liao..
hi Joyce
Abt the free haircut, got any strings attached? I mean are we required to take up any packages? Thinking to bring my boy for his first haircut liao. Nowadays, he sweat a lot..

btw gals,
Any of you started shampooing your baby? I am not sure when I can start shampooing &amp; applying baby soap on my boy ler. I still follow what the hospital taught lor, few drips of the baby bath into the water only but since Ray sweats a lot, I feel like not very clean ler.

hi doll
I might not be able to make it this SUn since is Mother's Day. Hubby is bringing us out for celebration..

oh, Ray has tears since he was few weeks old..
hi lbs,

ya i notice my boy has tears since he was abt 2-3weeks old but only from his right eye and not tat much tears (droplets only) as compared to now(rolling down). Mayb tat time still blockage &amp; now matured liao..all clear..heehee..

I start shampooing my boy after his full mth celebration. The way hosp teach us i believe is more for newborn babies whereby they dun sweat tat much. I find that method not applicable now cos my boy sweats alot.. (Their sweat glands have matured by now).

During his full mth party, my bro in law smell my boy's head and commented stinko leh.. Alamak, so malu..

After his 1mth, i start to bath him.. pour drips of shampoo and apply bath foam on him.. Now he smell nice nice liao
lbs, i started to use shampoo directly since birth. that time is minimal, now abit more. but since i use cetaphil on both his hair and body, there is no smell at all. i bathe him twice a day now cos the weather is simply too hot!!! cetaphil should be mild enuff and not wash off the body's natural oil since there is no soap content in it.

i remember seeing someone's posting on nose shit. i was fretting over how to get that huge bogey out after seeing it stuck that for a week. finally, i used the pigeon nose cleaner (the one that we need to use our mouth to suck) to try and it really did dislodge the bogey (although it is not really meant for that purpose)!!! was so happy that i am using it almost everyday liao. dunno why my boy got so much stuff up in the nose. anyway, just to share something good that i have just experienced...
hi doll

wah, u referring to the curvy lines ( psychodelic background )in my 1st and 2nd pic of my second posting? it's the design on my sofa lah.

hahah..so farni that u said jovan looks like eason chan, maybe it's the hairstyle. My MIL used a hair brush to comb his hair right after bath and the hair really looks neat and "gelled" after that. The brush is a baby hair brush available at Kiddy palace..works magic!

now dat u all mentioned it, I oso followed Mrs wong's method of bathing the baby in bath water only. Maybe shld start applying the wash liquid directly on him liao.

hi babyvon, my baby still wakes up either once or twice middle of the night for feeds. He is 7kg now liao and rather tall. When I bring him out shopping, I see babies smaller-sized than him but their heads are already stable. My jovan's neck not stable, maybe his head too heavy, hahah!!

last week , I brought him to IMM to shop and he started babbling to me while inside the stroller, ended up he poo-ed and I had to clean his shit on the wooden bench outside kidsmall. He now started to babble aloud, my brother says he getting very talkative!:p
wah !! heheh so much postings.. how come i couldn't access the forum since monday

shave during 1mth coz if not will b 1 yr . dun alyssa to b bald when we go n bai nian hehe
hehe they have babies changing room ? tat happening ah ? hmm need to go c c liao if i can :p
pap smear test not that bad.. wasn't as bad as i thought.. that time my wound below has recovered 90% so felt a little ache thatz all..

got long way to go hehe but i already intend to do "chun li" hairstyle for alyssa during CNY :p

u also have the problem having taking in smaller amounts but frequent feeds..? mine on FM..
recently for the past 3-4 days , she drinks 60-90ml then sometimes 2hrly or 2.5hr. b4 sleep she drinks only 90ml then sleep for 6hrs then drink 60ml then sleep anpther 2hrs , wake up drink another 60ml then 3hrs later than drink 100ml..
haven't weigh her yet... tinking of bringing her to PD on sat n check..
i bought the sharp plamascluster. it's pretty gd :p has this blue LED for cleaning air then can switch to green LED for moist air (they wrote similiar to waterfall environment)

sori ah, where is the bassinet placed ..? really peifu tat u manage to being the yaolan along too !! hehe muz show us some pix okee

anyway, need to be fully vaccinated b4 they leave sg ? my boss was scaring me tat cannot leave sg w/o proper vaccination??

hehe u also using the sharp plamascluster ? ask u ah, do u let ur bb to sleep a/c room ?
tink MIL or for my case "Mum" stories are inevitable, infant centres also.. my hubby cannot my mum.. somehow asking if we can send to infant centre.. i also dunno what to say.
somehow, he saw her watching tv with bb facing the tv @ night. the room light was not on.. he said the glare not gd for bb eyes. she rebutted with no one outside to look after.. wah liew tink he pengz coz i was bathing n he was clearing some stuff frm the room.

lite breeze,
hehe ur sofa ah !heheh hehe yup yje hairstyle makes the resemblance even more..
hmm my PD told me to apply the bathing liquid directly to alyssa's skin when she was 1mth,, anyway :p i pour over a soft cloth n rub on her hehe "soon bian" give scrub n massage :p

hehe wanted to sms u tat i might not be going also !! :p anywa did u inform the lady ? i haven't inform yet..

when alyssa's eye turn red b4 crying, mi n hubby wll console her.. sim tia.. to see her eyes red red... also

Hi Elle &amp; Jannie,
When u bath ur baby with shampoo &amp; bath foam, i suppose u'll rinse off? so u use water from shower head directly on baby is it?
