(2005/02) Feb/Mar 2005 Babies

hi babyvon
My boy has not poo for 3 days..if today still not poo yet, will be 4 days liao.

Checked with PD, she said if on BF (mostly) there will be a transition period where bb can have no poos up to 7 days!

Ray also farts a lot & is very smelly...never in my life did I ever think that one day I wish to see someone's poos so much!

Elle, rest assured. The wound won't be painful, can go ahead and do it, keke.
Hi Joyce

My baby oso got threads of dust in btw her fingers tho she has stopped wearing mittens since she's 1 month old. Don't know why like dat. :p

Hi Ohmigosh

The 5-in-1 at polyclinic cost about $294.70. My ex-colleague said can take 4-in-1 as the immunisation against one of the diseases (Poliomyelitis) can be taken orally and is FOC. She used 4-in-1 for her twins cos can save $. 4-in-1 cost $260 and the number of jabs required is the same as 5-in-1 (ie. 4 in total).

Hi mummies,

So envious of those whose babies can sleep thru the nite for 5 - 8 hrs. My bb is still waiting up for 2 feeds during the nite (hee... tho my mum is the one who does the feeding using EBM). I take over the nite feeds over weekends when my mum goes home. The most my gal can sleep thru is 4 hours.. Hope she'll learn to sleep longer thru'out the nite soon. Then won't be so siong for my mum.
Baby Calming Tips:

For reference, here's some of what we've learned, in the form of a checklist of what makes babies cry, and how to fix it:

Baby is wet -- change diaper.
Baby is hungry -- feed baby.
Baby is hungry, but is too upset to nurse.
Something else is wrong. Fix that first, then try nursing again.
Put your small index finger in the baby's mouth, palm side up. Make sure your nail is trimmed short. It helps to wet the finger first. Rub the tip of your finger in the hollow in the top of the baby's mouth and your finger against baby's upper and lower lip. Once baby is calm, transfer to a real nipple. This is also a great way to temporarily placate a baby when food isn't available.
While you are trying to get the baby to latch on, put the palm of your hand on the baby's cheek.
While you are trying to get the baby to latch on, blow gently on the baby's face. This works really well on Hal -- he gets upset and hot and red from crying, and the hot face seems to keep him upset. He cools down when you blow gently on his face, and calms down enough to latch.
Let the baby grip the fingers of one hand (one of your fingers per baby hand). Your hands can't be wet or cold or this won't work.
Baby is cold (or part of baby is cold) -- blanket, hold next to your skin.
Baby is hot - cool off room.
Baby's folds are itchy (red, irritated) -- wash them out.
Baby's clothes are itchy/uncomfortable -- change the clothes.
Baby is damp and clammy -- baby powder (Hal's big on this one).
Baby is tired -- hold next to skin, and rock, sing to sleep. Or nurse to sleep. Or hold baby so that her head is on your throat and hum softly. Going "hmmmmm" for a few seconds with every breath works best for us, but some people can count slowly (works better if your voice is deep) or do other rhythmic voice things.
One thing that works well for me is to lay on my back, put the baby face-down on my chest, and gently rock and sing.
Baby's clothes/diaper are too tight and/or chafe. -- loosen the clothes, or change them.
Baby has diaper rash -- put on diaper cream, and check the diaper more frequently so that it can't develop.
Baby has an earache. This is a bad one. It's generally viral ear infection, the baby gets congested, and there are pressure differences that make the ear ache. Baby Tylenol/painkiller helps, nursing helps, and setting the baby so that the ear can more easily drain helps.
Baby has gas, aka colic. I saved this for last, because it's difficult and there is a long list of things to try. If the baby has gas, you can hear and feel the gas in the tummy and going through the intestines. Sometimes the tummy will get very hard.
burp baby on your chest
burp baby over your shoulder
walk the baby around, gently bouncing and/or jiggling her.
lay down, and put baby chest-down on your chest, with the head turned to one side.
Baby judo. Drape the baby chest down along your arm, with your arm between baby's legs and arms, and baby's cheek nestled in your palm. Baby's head will be turned to one side (outward). Put your other arm under to help hold the baby up. Walk around rocking and/or jiggling the baby. This is amazingly effective.
Go through the positions again. The gas moves around.
Simethicone drops. They help, but don't completely fix.
Change the way you're nursing the baby, if baby is gulping air.
Change diet? (Works for some people).
Some babies calm down if you drive them around in the car.
Baby is startled -- Just comfort.
Baby startles self -- Usually happens when baby is going to sleep. Arms or legs drop, hit something, and baby wakes back up, crying. Swaddling is good for this.
Baby wants to be cosy -- swaddling the baby will fix this. It's amazing how often just swaddling the baby will end crying. It's especially effective if the baby is wearing an outfit which exposes arms/legs, and the baby wants to be covered. Or if the baby is cold.
Try darkening and quieting the room.
I found my baby's reset button! Whenever he is crying inconsolably I undress him and we climb into the tub. He stops sobbing immediately and is so happy. While this won't work with all babies - every baby has something that they like - a car ride, the hairdryer, the sound of running water, etc.
The Fathers of Breastfed Babies website suggested for baby entertainment you can download the MIDI Art program for your Windows computer from www.midiworks.com (it generates art from recorded MIDI music) and then using it to play free MIDI music that you can get from midiworld.com and www.midifarm.com. I've tried this, and it really does work -- it grabs my baby's attention and you can kind of dance with him and look at it together, even if he's feeling fussy. His favorite setting is "04 - Musical Grid".
Try some sort of white noise in the background. Currently my fish tank is a about an inch low in water so it is quite noisy, like a waterfall. I have noticed that my baby falls asleep faster if I am sitting by it. It is sort of soothing.
Put a heating pad in the crib to warm the mattress where you will be putting the baby down. Make sure to take it off right before laying down the baby so the mattress doesn't cool off. Then they kind of snuggle into the warmth.
Take off your shirt and put it in the bed under or with the baby - so baby is being put on something warm that smells of mummy.
Hi gals!
My girl has been using Nepia S size diapers for a few weeks already. We are using the 3rd pack now. S size is same as Petpet's M size. We bought extra during seiyu sale.

You can order Nepia diapers by cartons. Just need to order 1 carton for free delivery

a pk of pampers NB (36pcs) costs me $15.90 while a pk of nepia NB (60pcs) / size S (54pcs) costs $16 if order 1 carton*

1 carton = 4 packs of Nepia Newborn (60 pieces) or S size (54 pieces). Call 62262650 for samples.
Hi gals,
Wah so many things to postings here to read..havent been logging in much..too tired and lazy
Read that some of you tried making out? hmm..i haven't tried that..dun think have strength and the mood..poor hubby has been deprived for months haha...

Anyway, what kind of contraceptives you gals are thinking of taking? I think i will go get my gynae to give me Pills.

Qdee, I read abt Jasmine in some mag saying that it wun give side effects all that. Dunno how true it is..maybe should check with my gynae or GP

Omigosh, so Causeway point got nursing room? Where is it? Every floor? yesterday was wondering whether there is one coz wanted to bring bb out but scared later he hungry dunno how to feed him. Hehe..you not bad huh? Can bf in public..dunno whether i can do that or not. By the way, do you wear nursing top? or just normal t shirt.

I also not sure how to use the sling. Yesterday my hubby tried. A bit difficult to carry bb in and out. Watched the demo CD and the gal made it looks so easy...Hope to master the skills soon so i can go anywhere i want

Hi Jannie & Friesbandit,
Oh..gotta try out the contraceptive pills one ah? Haha! Didn;t know that..Thanks!

Jannie..looks like our hubbies need some education

Hi Stephie,
Thanks for the info!

Hi Tiny & Joyce,
Thanks for the websites! Really useful!

Hope i can find Ashley's 'reset button' soon!
Hi kristen,
There's nursing rm at causeway point at level 3. but only 2 BF cubicles. i wear nursing tops or button down shirt, then drape a towel to cover up.
u can check out the website posted by Tiny..very useful. it also has a list of nursing rm locations at diff places!
Hi gals,

had another sleepless nite last nite. That plus engorgement makes me one big major grouchy person!

I took YX to tuina again. Hopefully she will feel better tonite.

These few days, cos I never latch YX, my supply has dropped dramatically. I pumped after about 8 hours and only got about 120ml. At midnite, I was so engorged, I pumped again after 6 hours and got about 80ml only. And my right breast is very very painful and hardly anything came out despite massage etc. So I had no choice but go see a doc and asked for medicine to stop the milk flow liao. Felt a bit sad after taking the 1st tablet, cos that means I cannot give the milk to YX anymore. The medicine will stop the production almost immediately but the whole process will take about 3-5 days. I still need to gently express whatever milk I have that is stuck inside now, or will have infection risk.

For those who are weaning, try to reduce the number of pumping slowly. If you go too fast, you will also run the risk of engorgement and blocked ducts like me. I was doing ok but I guess went too fast in the last 2 days cos gave full FM to YX and no latching in the middle of the nite.

Hoping for a peaceful nite today!!
hi folic,

are you the one who posted the address of the tuina place previously? Can i have it again?
Joshua is still cranky in the evenings from 7pm onwards. I'm thinking of bringing him there. Thanks!
hi folic
u mean if pump too many times, ss will drop? Or if didnt latch bb, ss will drop??
For me, I only managed to pump out abt 100ml after abt 4hrs..few days back when Ray missed one of his feed & wake up abt 5hrs later, I was superly engorged & managed to pump arnd 150ml..not sure if this is the sign too? Though, I did latch him for some feeds...
doll, snowpooher, regarding child seat - what is 3 in 1 and 4 in 1? that alpha omega elite - is it bulky? i scared the boot got not enuff space if too bulky... other than first few years (in KKH right?), where else sell this brand? but i think a car seat till abt 5 yrs old is enuff, cos after that, all they need is a seat booster, correct?
Hi babygrace,

yes, I was the one who posted the address. The name of the clinic is Yu Guo. The address is 398 Changi Road #01-08 Castle Court.

lbs, I mean ss will drop if don latch. For my case, I think the engorgement, which lead to blocked ducts, also affected the ss. 150ml every 4-5 hours is good. Keep it up!

YX slept better last nite after the tuina. Although still cry, but at least did not keep me awake all nite.

This morning, she is happy girl and I managed to get these photos.. the first time I get her to open eyes big big and smile at the camera.

hi folic
i meant i dun get 150ml nowadays after 4-5 hrs..i think the most is abt 100ml.
hey your YX has the famous Beckham hair!

i may bring Ray for tuina again... he still hasnt poo...
lbs, actually I also get about 100-120 if I pump at 4 hours interval. Jus keep pumping
Yes, she has beckham hairstyle since birth. I called it gong ji tou.. so befitting a rooster baby!

Good to bring for tuina again. Try to go in the morning, less people. Yesterday, Dr Huang massaged her personally.

Hi Folic,
YiXuan so cute. I still haven't managed to get a pic of Ashley smiling with her eyes open.

Ashley also got gong ji tou sometimes

Now trying not to pump even when feeling engorged, but totally latch on still. So sometimes i feel a bit bian tai, wishing that she'll cry for milk soon to relieve me of the discomfort.
babygrace, it opens at 9-12, 2-5 and 6.30-8.30 on weekdays and on sat, no nite clinic and on sun, only open in the morning.

The least number of people is in the morning. Don't go at nite.. it is a nitemare with many children/babies/parents/grandparents.

Hi kristen,

Finally get to hear from you! Thought youve gone missing liao..heehee..

Hey you boy looks like you leh.. So cute and chubby.. his eyes like you round and big! Uve gone thru the full month celebration huh? How is it?

Lately my mum never come cos hubby prepare lunch so my mum no need to come .. So bored at home.. wanna bring BB out but one person very leh-chey lah.. at least gotta have hubby along easier..

Thks for the info...very useful!
Btw, seems like some of u ladies hv started mkg out agn...Isit safe to do it alrdy?

Isit ok for my boy to use pillow alrdy?

Hi Ibs,

Same hr...For once, i wished to see him poo & i din mind chg'g his diaper. I read in the internet tt it's ok for the bb to poo once in every 4-5 days, even on total bfd'g after bb's 1st mth. If bb's feeding & growing well, as well as passing urine, it's fine. But it din mention anyth'g abt passing wind leh!

2day will be the 4th day if my boy still dun poo. If u're see'g the PD, cld u kindly update me? Thks! I'll prob wait for at least a week b4 i brg him to the PD.

Btw, latch'g on is the best stimulation so dun need to wori, as long as there's dd, thr'll be ss.

Hi Kristen,

Ur boy has such big eyes! So cute!
Yep! The lady in the VCD reali made it seem so easy...I'll try to practice agn & hpfully, will be able to master using it soon.


I oso noticed tt dust started collect'g in b/w Kaden's fingers but yet i cun remove his mitten 'cos he likes to scratch his face at times so each time he's awk &i'm watch'g, i'll remove it but when he slps, i'll put it on agn. Perhaps u can try do'g tis?


Wat's tis tuina thingy?
hi folic
really? Dr Huang did it personally huh? I usually go arnd eve, thats when hubby is free...cos I dont dare to drive out alone with bb..hahaha..

hi Babyvon
Today is the 5th day if he still doesnt poo lor. I went to PD last Fri, which was his 1st day without poo. She told me is fine & can up to 7 days...so, i will prob wait also till 7th day (hopefully wont be so long)before going to PD again. Meanwhile, will go to baby Tui Na first & see how..

Btw, Baby Tui Na is baby massage...quite effective lar..at least for folic's & my bbs when they are colicky..they will massage bbs' palm/fingers,back & stomach....
My boy has been sleeping on pillow since two weeks back. I put him on adult pillow..only his buttock on the bed. So, it create a "Fu Du" similar to the cot used in hospital..err..not sure u know what I mean? This was advised by my PD cos Ray has blocked nose. It helps indeed.
Hi Ibs,

Oic, i feel so Blessed after realising tt my boy's very well-behaved. He doesn't reali cry much...will smile when he wakes up or he'll just lie quietly & just make some noise unless he wanted attn, then he'll cry.

Do update me if the massage helps ur boy poo okie? Thks!

Btw, how to tell if the bb's hvg blocked nose? I just find tt Kaden tends to breathe hvily at times as tho he has lotsa flam.
hi babyvon
Ray used to push away the bottels or unlatch even he is not full. Also he seem to open his mouth when he sleep.

So we brought him to PD & found out he has blocked nose.
lbs, I bought a special wedge pillow from the first few years in Paragon. It creates a slope and is more comfy for YX. And yah, Dr Huang did it personally yesterday. I saw another lady with a very young baby yesterday and was thinking if it was you

hi folic

aiya..not me lar..hahaha..maybe next time, we fix a day & go together??

The pillow is it the one in the pic?
jannie, I can't remember mine is 3 in 1 or 4 in 1, think is 4 in 1 cos mine is from 0 mths to 8 years old. I dun need to buy seat booster cos the one I have, once BB reaches certain age, I just take off the parts, then will become seat booster liao. You know got infact car seat, toddler car seat...... Kidsmall is selling this car seat (Cosco Alpha Omega BNG). Check this URL on this car seat for more details:

I start making out with hubby yesterday. It DOESN'T pain at all leh. We enjoy so much
Heng ah... Cos I got probia last week, rejected him 2 times liao :p
Hi lbs,
For Ray's blocked nose, R u doing anything else besides letting him sleep with his head/body elevated?

Ashley also having persistent chronic blocked nose but PD says its common????
I think it's also contributed by the bad air at my area--very dusty, can see black dust (like soot!!) when i sweep
Hi Mummies,

I am back - I missed all of you and the postings too! I came to the thread sometime back but found it has moved to a new motherhood website. When I went over that website,there seems to be something wrong and I thought it was my PC instead.

All the babies here are so adorable~! BTW, can someone tell me how to download the pics?

Joyce, the contraceptive method u mentioned, is it recommend by JT? I am worried on taking pills as I dont know whether any side effect later.
Hi babyvon,

Oh the dust in his fingers has been removed weeks ago liao.. heehee..

In fact after his full mth, I stop wearing mitten for him liao..
Is better to let BB exercise their fingers rather than keep enclosing them in the mitten.
Just cut short your BBs fingernails and rest assure he wont scratch himself..
i cut my bb's nails before removing his mittens... and the next min i know, there's a scratch on his face liao. i tot i have cut the furthest i can go liao and it still happens.. sigh.... now i only take out when i m beside him so that i can watch over him loh.... sigh....
hi mommies, for those with babies with blocked nose, how do u remove the "nose shit"? the nurses teach using cotton wool to dig into his nose...but like can't remove anything leh...but when i peep into his nose, i can see chunks in there!
lbs, no the pillow in the picture is like a donut, the center portion sinks in for the head to rest on. This is a way to make YX sleep on her back and not turn her head to one side.

The wedge pillow is almost as wide as the baby cot. It has a slight slope and I put it on top of the mattress and cover with the bedsheet. The bed then looks like those hospital bed, slanting donwards.

Hi Jannie,

The same thg happened to my boy...thot i cut his nails real short too but the next thg i know, thr's a scratch so i've to watch him too. Decided to cont' with the mitten when he slps at nite.


I bought the "Pigeon" cotton bud (the very thin type) & then i dip it in h2o till it's very soft. But u need to hold ur bb's head firmly, then gently put the cotton bud in to remove the nose shit. Can be qte a challenge!

Hello Babygrace,

Thks for sharing the website...will go take a look.
Hi Friesbandit,
i use nasal aspirator. Nowadays i'll drop some saline b4 using the aspirator..makes it slightly easier. Need to hold her head & arms & body down very firmly. Last time i can do it alone, but nowadays, i wait for HB to do it together. Meanwhile i drop 1-2drops of saline during the day..it helps a bit
thanks babyvon. my MIL wants to use the cotton bud also...but i scared poke bb's inner nose! we also bought the super thin ones...maybe i'll consider using them.

hi omg, u drop saline into Ray's nose? does it sting?...like when water gets into our nose it stings a bit (like in swimming pool!). do u do it with a dropper?
Hey Babygrace, thx for the link! Found it very useful.

Hello KC, no lah. Not JT recommend me one lah, but I intending to ask him on 25th and maybe will ask for a referral too. By the way, my elder sister was using this method also.

oh snowpooher, so you're one of the lucky ones that won't feel painful. For me, I won't start making out so early unless I've made all the necessary precautions.
So worried that will kena again...
Good morning gals!

I need to grumble...

Yesterday afternoon, I was home alone with YX and my dad. She started getting cranky and would cry very loudly the moment she is not being carried. She seems to be frightened of being left alone, cos she will hug very tightly to me when I carry her. After about an hour or so, my dad suggested that I put her on the bouncer and he would help me rock her. I told him no use, cos no matter where I put her, she will cry immediately. She did not seem better even after 3 hours of constant carrying and I needed the loo. So I no choice but put her on the bouncer. Then my dad walk over and say to YX " see, should put you here earlier, mummy donno your pattern lah". Then he started rocking her, to which i told him not to, cos I donwan that to become a habit. I was so angry that I jus stared at him. True enough, even b4 I get out of the loo, she already cry until donno like wat liao. I looked at him and say, see? also cry wat. Then he says ' she thot u scolding her lah' (when i was telling him not to bounce, my tone a bit stern) ARRRGHH!!!!! In the end, I carried her for almost 5 hours in a row before she sleeps.

Then at nite, my mum offered to look after her, cos I was quite shack after the whole afternoon. This morning, I asked her how's she and my mum told me she only woke up twice for feed and went right back to sleep. Then my dad commented to my mum loudly that she is good at handling her. I am sure that comment is made for my benefit! ARRRGHHH!!!!

Ok.. thanks for letting me let out my steam. I think YX is bullying me
Only throw tantrums when I am alone with her. Sigh! Hope things will be better soon.

Hi Folic,
Wow, 5 hrs of carrying yr BB. Your arms must be aching and tired. Did u try other method to soothe her crying besides carrying her? Babies are very smart... once they know they can always be carried, they will demand on it.

I must admit that the older generation can handle the baby quite well. Although some might not. My mum only takes 10-15mins to feed my gal(plus burping) but I have to take at least 30-40mins to do it. Also she can even make the pass motion sound (en..en) and make my gal poo poo. When I do it, nothing came out.
hi folic,

i can totally understand the part on YX bullying you

Joshua will start his inconsolable crying from 7pm till his daddy comes back at about 8pm. He will still cry when daddy carries him but not as bad. But when my parents are here in the evening, his crankiness is not that bad.
i always think he's out to bully me too
hi friesbandit,

if you are afraid of poking him with the cotton bud, try holding it close to the bud when cleaning his nostrils. That way even if he moves, you won't accidentally poke in too deep.

As for cleaning his ears, i use the fatter type of cotton bud so that it's too big to be accidentally poked in.
KC and Babygrace
Sometimes eager grandparents are too much for me to manage! KC, true, my mum can handle YX very well.. just that I also very headstrong, I donwan to believe I cannot manage this little bully! :D My arms are aching like mad. I tried rocking her, giving pacifier etc all no use. She only wants to cling on to me. Now she is ok again.

So, mummies who are poop watch, have your babies poop yet?

