(2005/02) Feb/Mar 2005 Babies

Hi joyce,
wah our boys same weight! must update me on your checkup tml, ok? hehehe....

Hi KC,
yup yup yup! we have the same EDD... wow, baby engaged... my one noti still don't want... let me know on your progress too okie!!!

Hi Elle
Yalor, me also first time hear the 1 mth b4 and 1 mth after 'rule'. For my company, HR only states to apply 1 week prior to start of ML if possible.
Hi KC, sama.. sama.
But think back, since he had seen thousands of *black forest* liao... guess he have seasoned already.

Yeah scarydoggie... will update you tml, keke.
wow tiny>>
*Hooray* 3 cheers for U!! U sound v. right... but i still refrain abit... now just wiping myself clean using hot water, and using the powder shampoo for the hair...
but good tat ur parents not those traditional type.
then do u stay in air-con rooms? or using the fan to keep urself cool? and do u drink plain water or just dates water, tonic water and milo these stuff... (i was told cannot drink sky juice....aiyo....one of my fav)

hi jannie>>
get up and walk around, dun lie there... is true tat it will be more streneous... then time the contractions or call the clinic... they will advise u wat to do , or ask u to go to the clinic and doc will do a scan/ cervix check on u...
dun worry... everything will be fine!!
Hi! KC/Scarydoggie,

Got this from the MOM website on maternity leave..
Looks like most of us have been thinkg that company there are two methods of taking maternity but in fact.. if strictly according to labour law, all of us shld be resting at home now..
haha.. Anyway, bo chap lah.. as long as company agrees to the arrangment we r fine.

Length of benefit period.
76. (1) Subject to this section, every female employee shall be entitled to absent herself from work

(a) during

(i) the period of 4 weeks immediately before her confinement; and

(ii) the period of 8 weeks immediately after her confinement;

(b) during a period of 12 weeks, as agreed to by her and her employer, commencing

(i) not earlier than 28 days immediately preceding the day of her confinement; and

(ii) not later than the day of her confinement; or

(c) during

(i) a period of 8 weeks, as agreed to by her and her employer, commencing

(A) not earlier than 28 days immediately preceding the day of her confinement; and

(B) not later than the day of her confinement; and

(ii) one or more further periods, not exceeding 24 days in the aggregate, as agreed to by her and her employer, which shall be within the period of 6 months commencing on the day of her confinement.
I've just sms Qdee... she replied that her pc down and she haven't popped yet but she's already 2cm dilated since last fri. She told me if by this fri, bb still not out, she'll induce.
hi all ,
wah i really missed alot.... was at my in laws place since CNY. very tired from the mahjong n late nights

had a culture test on monday. it was very uncomfortable. gynae did it to play safe to make sure no bacteria. was so "traumatised" that i forgot to ask how big or heavy was bb.. hiaz waiting anxiously for next week's appt.. bb's head is still quite high so likely end feb

elle, u also need to submit a declaration form i tink called GML1 form. it's a CPF n MCYS logo. i had to submit my marriage cert n declare that that i do not have legally adopted children nor step children..

for my side, need to plan the extended maternity leave in advance if not have to take in a block.
hi gals

Just back from check up..here's some updates..

BB now weighs around 3kg (plus minus), gynae commented that I control bb's weighs well..hahaha...

Did another round of culture test..hopefully GBs is clear...but have asked gynae if still not, what will happen? She told me that in such cases, I will have to put on some antibiotics during delivery time & then they will 'extract' something (cant remember what she said)from bb to see if any infection passed on during delivery lor...am now crossing my fingers & toes that everything is all clear!!

CTG test showed I am having contractions already...didnt do the cervix check so dunno if dilated or not...

anyway, gynae asked me to start massaging my breasts to ease the milk flow. Also was advised to start applying some moisturiser/olive oil at the vaginal area so that when delivery time, it is more stretchable & can avoid bigger cut!!
Hi lbs, great to hear that your checkup went well.
Hmmm... how come didn't do cervix check leh?
Besides, when's your next checkup? 1 week later?
hi lbs, hope ur GBS also clear. i think they extract the mucus from baby's nose/lungs or something like dat.
so ur gynae actually recommended doing the perineum massage huh? wow...now got "professional" advice, i think i also will start trying!
Hi Joyce
yea lor, dunno why no cervix check ler..I also forgot to ask...yups, my next visit is a week later, if the little one still stay inside..

Hi friesbandit
Thks, me hope so too...
Oh, the breasts massage thingy is call perineum massage huhh? Hahaha...I thought gynae mentioned some terms but I was like 'huh?' then she said breasts massage...hehehe..also, she said after each massage, squeeze lightly to see if any milk flow...but if feel contractions, must stop cos this 'exercise' will somehow 'induce' labour bo...
friesbandit/lbs, I read in the book 'wat to expect when you are expecting' that for breast/nipple stimulation to induce labour, need to do for like at least 3 hours a day :D but I will still give it a try one week before my scheduled induced date, so that hopefully, I can go into labour naturally and not rely on inducing.

hi folic...wow 3 hrs?!?! i think my hand wld have become super suan by then! dun think even hubby can tahan dat long! hehehehheh

anyway, was cleaning my nipple of dried skin and stuff like i was told to do...then got a bit of colostrum come out! ok...v suaku but quite exciting. small little steps to baby's arrival!
Hi Joyce/lbs,
Me went to see gynae on Mon, 14 Feb but never done any cervix check or CTG leh. Going to see gynae again this Sat. Wonder if all these will be done, or maybe different gynaes have different practices?
hi well,

so concident! one of the malay massage my fren recommend is in the list that you stated i.e. Nisah.

Have you tried her service personally? Or any of your frens have tried her service?
Looks like the one that you r using i.e Nur is charging a more reasonable price in terms of the hour rate. I'm tempted to use her in future leh.. heehee..
hi friesbandit
hahahahaaa...ok...so perineum is vaginal massage neh..aiyo..me so suakuku...

And thks for the link

wow folic
no joke ler...3 hrs??!! I don't think neither hubby & i can tahan lor..maybe take turns..hahahaa

Hi Stephie
Not sure abt the cervix test cos havent done yet but CTG seem to be a test my gynae will sure do for her patients lor..
Hi Stephie, it's true that different gynae have different practices. Don't worry too much, maybe he will do it on this Sat.

And I dun think I'll have a CTG tml... but of cos will do a cervix check.
hi all,
first of all, congrats to all new mothers who have popped.

i'm feeling scare now as i read about all the delivery stories.. all kinda funny thinkings now i'm having.. :p

you gals who have not popped, do you intend to work until the date of delivery?
what if water bag burst in the office while you working? what is the feeling like? do we get signal like passing urine when the bag is about to burst??
Hi lbs
Hmm...then maybe I shall ask my gynae abt the CTG this sat. Our EDD is different by only 1 day. So excited, anytime we'll pop liao. My gynae estimated my delivery to be some time next week. Wonder how 'zhun' he is
hi elle>>
so wat's ur friend's comments on Nisah? i never tired her before...
but i did try sharifa...but still prefer Nur due to longer time, and really relaxed after the massage... like battery charged after tat...

hi gals>>
was some postings abt claiming of the maternity leave and certain other things...
may i know anyone of you knows what should be the procedure of claiming for self-employed mothers...
hi elisa
I am not really scared abt the delivery part but more towards getting really gan cheong when I will first having the 'I AM GOING INTO LABOUR LIAO' sign..

Dun worry too much, yea?
I am still working & will continue to do so till the day I get the signal...good thing is my job allows me to work from home & I have a very understanding boss.

Hi Stephie
yea lor...but I do have feeling shld be earlier than my EDD ler..aiya..my EDD also like keep changing & changing...thus didnt bother to get Joyce to update liao...hahaha..My gynae so funny..she said just take the range between 2-7Mar as my EDD..hahaha

Anyway,since she said anytime, I gotto to be on my standby mode liao lar
Hi lbs,
I share the same feeling as you, ie. more kan cheong when i'm going into labour than the actual delivery process. Scared don't know when I should go to hospital. My gynae said just go to hospital if there's any labour sign, don't need to worry about false alarm (better to be kiasu)...
Hi Well,

My fren commented that Nisah is very good and skillful.. and even extend her service.
But i feel that her price not so competitive..

Anyway wld give it a try and see how..

Do we need to submit the marriage cert? I just filled up the form and submit to my HR only. She didnt say anything leh.


thanks for assurance for my baby's position, i am more relax now
Hi ladies!

Aiyoo..so exciting, hearing mummies popping one by one!

When does colostrum normally start "leaking"? So far nothing for me yet leh...hope it won't signify problems with bf!

Hi Joyce:
Heheh! While waiting, U can entertain/distract urself with playing with ur elder son mah. Once his didi come out, then not so much time with him liao!

Is CTG routine? When is it normally scheduled? How come my Dr never say anything abt it???

Hi Well,
Thanks for ur comprehensive guide to urut ladies!
Hi, all mums and mum-to-be's!

It's been quite a well since I last logged in. So much has happened. A few have become mothers already!

I'm so busy with work that I'm not really into the baby. Just went for my check-up yesterday. Feel that it's becoming a chore 'cos it takes up time. Lost a little weight 'cos of toothache, but not too woriied as baby is growing.

I've submitted my maternity leave form to HR too. Intend to start on the day of delivery. Hope it'll be good and smooth so that I can be back at work within 2 months. Yes, I only applied for 2 months' leave. A colleague just left us, and work is crazy, so wanna be back soon to join the team.

In fact, I'm feeling very tense right now 'cos of a major presentation tomorrow. However, it'll be a quick day, since I'll be going to site in the morning, followed by 2 meetings back-to-back in the afternoon. So stressed...

OK, will write again when I can catch a bit of time. Hubby is waiting at lobby and chasing me already. Urgh... life is so fast-paced I could die of a heart attack... ;-P

You all take care and I'll keep in touch through postings again... :)
so sad..i signed up for Rose already
the massage ladies quoted here cheaper then Rose..did ur friend slim down a lot after the massage by Nisah? how many sessions she went all together. For Rose her package is 8 sessions for $525. Each session is for an hour

Are u opting for single bedded ward? Dr ang really know how to make us save moneyy..he said no point lar...go for 4 bedded first..even quote the price difference and he said the difference can use for cordlife.
Hi Ohmigosh, not very sure if CTG is routine in TPS. I've only done once in my 36th week. Cos when we need a CTG session, we need a *approval* from our gynae. (we've to reach there 1/2 hr advance and the test last for 1/2hr) So I dun think I'll be doing again tml. Maybe your gynae will do it for you when you reach your 38th week. Anyway, will update you again after my checkup.

Yah lor... now I'll try to spend more time for him... besides, now he's sick too. *Headache*
Hi All
I m back wil update my delivery story soon.
Wat I can say is John Tee the best *Thumb up* I wil definelty lk for him for my 2nd BB. will update my photo wif him n my family soon.
Hi Joyce
Rest assure John Tee wil do a gd job...
wow lyn_baby>>
u are the best !!! SO FAST here posting already ah!! All the best ... wow... AND CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so happy for u cos u sound soo fine... hope to hear of your story soon!!!
Hi Well
I m nt the best keke jz finiz feeding my princess... Later goin to bring her to polyclinic for check up...
I wanted to gif bb full BF bt seem like I dun hv milk. Wat at u?
I nt yet decide which massage lady to engage hmm so u hv try yrs actually wat she do for u,wwhole body massage wraping n di she use any oil?hw many session u will do?
Actually wan to engage rose bt she is full so I rather engage others...
hi gals

Hubby & I had a real fright this morning arnd 230am.

I wake up with a pain in my lower abdomen area (menstrual cramp type) & have the intense urged to go pooing..after going toilet...the pain subsided a bit but still persistent for another 15 mins or so..

Who knows after abt 15 mins, the pain came back..then i was thinking, dun tell me this is it??!! Quickly wake up hubby & tell him we better do the timing liao....overall, the pain on off for abt one & half hr....then both of us too tired & fall asleep !!! aiya...false alarm..hahaha
Good morning to all

Welcome back, lyn_baby! And thanks for your reassurance. I'll strongly believe that my choice is right.

Just now ard 6 am, I've a big fright. My baby was not moving actively, despite I tried to stroke my tummy to make him move, but he just dun want to kick/move. Then I quickly take some sweet drink and then rest on my sofa. Suddenly, he gave me a assurance kick and some hiccups. *Heng*
So let's say, if I'm already dilated, I'll ask (or rather *force*
) JT to induce me liao (I dun care what is the consequences) cos I dun want to wait any furthermore... Too stressful!
hi Joyce

yeap...absolutely agree is so stressful!!! argh...

but my gynae wont induce me unless necessary lor..I asked her liao..
Hi Joyce,

can understand your fear! Good luck today! Hope you get to be induced or at least labour will start naturally soon for you!!

Hi folic,

Thanks for your good luck! Besides, my bb quite active now. He has resumed to his normal activities liao, keke. Thank GOD.
Hmmm... can anyone advise me? How does like inducing goes like? My sister told me that the doctor will squeeze in a tablet in our vagina to dilate?
hi hi! looks like last nite was a nite of alarms!

can i ask how much water will leak from the water bag? i had something gush out last nite and leaked when i was walking to the toilet. but coz i was "airing" myself, didn't catch it on my underwear...so dunno whether was waterbag burst or just A LOT of discharge...and when i reached the toilet, i pee-ed and again couldn't tell if any more water/discharge gushed out. now i can't tell if my bag burst or not...
do we get contractions is the waterbag burst? is there a lot of water? does it just leak? how?

CONGRATS! Ur labour seems pretty relaxed too since u can come into the net so soon. Cool!
Must rest & eat well ya?

Hi Ibs & Joyce,

My bb has been reali cheeky too...gave me false contractions during CNY & i've been hvg very irregular contractions since.
Had a bit of staining (i tink it's wat u call "The Show") on & off yesterday...thot he's due. Went to see my gynae...Am 1.5cm dilated but bb's head's still not engaged. Gynae said it's reali hard to tell when the actual labour will start...May be 1-2days, may even be till EDD.

The wait's beginning to seem longer & longer even though EDD's just another 9days!
Gynae said shld i be 3 cm dilated, then i must go for an induce. But if not, i can either wait for the real labour or induce or c-section. Will be seeing my gynae again ltr.

Hv been talking to my bb & coaxing him for a natural labour...Hopefully it'll be soon!


Wat i heard abt induce is the same as ur version...Insertion of a tablet to induce the labour. Some goes into labour very fast but some may take a few hours or so.


If it's ur waterbag tt bursts, thr'll be a strong stench...It's a different smell from ur urine so u def will be able to distinguish. As for how much leakage, it's reali not easy to tell. (tt's wat i gathered from books & those experienced moms). Hope it helps!
Hi Joyce,
Dont worry too much! Yr BB still sleeping at 6am lah....I think JT may not want to induce if everything is fine.
I saw him yesterday and briefly asked him whether he delivered Lyn_Baby's gal and how are they? As I dont know the exact name of Lyn_Baby and besides maybe he delivered a few... he can't remember. I did told him abt our Feb/March forum & also our gd comments on him. Ha..ha..he very happy...

My BB gal also the same weight as you and Scarydoggie at 2.9kg(36weeks).

Update us on yr today's check-up, okie? Btw, u will be taking care of yr elder & yr newborn together yourself?

Hi BabyVon

Yeap, the wait seem to be getting very long...

btw, did you ask your gynae why if 3cm dilated he will induce you liao?
