(2005/02) Feb/Mar 2005 Babies

oh doll>>
swim tod? what is the tod? no lei, i still can swim many laps lei... nearly 10 i think... and active somemore, just tat in the nite still flipping here and there cant get into good sleep lor... BTW, just now, felt a tingling , Very very short sharp pain , real short one at the vaginal there... sudden thought on delivery... gee, then went to toilet, tot might see the mucus plug thingy(cos read from somewhere it will appear few weeks earlier before delivery) ... but nothing , phew...relieved and disappointed ,,, ha ha ha...mixed feelings

OH .... got Fireworks ah!! aiya, i just booked the Kung Fu Hustle tickets at Jurong Pt...should be inside the cinema liao at that time...:p

hi well,

opps tink was quite tired when i was typing :p it's actually "today"

wah 10 laps !! hehe i swim ard 4-5 laps , then paddle for 2 laps , n some aqua-robics..

yesterday only 2 laps n paddle for a while, then i was running out of breath heheh dunno is it becoz i m too tired,...

heheh disappointed !! stil early u know @ 31 weeks hehe unless u want a x'mas bb

hehe u also going to watch kungfu hustle !! mi tinking of watching also
+ "meet the fockers"
everbody busy clearing up for tonight's x'mas party already???? no one here!!

wow, u so early reached office liao ah??
hehe yah well, i have to reach office @ 7am coz my hubby drops me off as he have to reach camp by 7.30am...

heheheh bz arranging gift exchange in office !!
<font color="aa00aa">MERRY CHRISTMAS to all MTBs!</font>

Hi Java/doll/lbs,
I'm also using Palmer's Stretch Mark Cream. Bought it from my gynae so should be ok loh. I've been using for weeks and so far no rashes. Probably some pple not suitable cos they are allergic to cocoa butter?

Hi doll,
I oso visited my gynae on 23 Dec (my 30th week). My baby weighed btw 1.3 - 1.4kg. Gynae said the weight is ok though it's on the lower end of average weight for babies at this stage. He said he's quite happy with my progress and would be worried if my baby weighed around 1.5 - 1.6kg cos I'm considered small sized. But when I see your gynae visit results, mine like a lot smaller leh (since your EDD is later than mine). Nevertheless, since gynae has already reassured me that baby is doing fine, then should be ok lah. He just told me to eat more.

Yup, btw when did you have your last visit when your baby was 850g?

Hi jannie,
Don't worry too much abt ur baby's weight. Who knows the weight may pick up in the weeks to come? Do you like durian? I heard eating durians helps in increasing the weight of the baby. My cousin in law took durian too when her baby was underweight and she said it really helped.
hi well

heheh yup !! it was wonderful gift exchange !! hmm i recieved a tealight holder n perfume :p

for our lucky draw , i got 2nd prize !!
a enzer VCD player
hi stephie,

hm dunno about palmers, as for clarins, it was ok then recently had a few red spots so i stopped.

23rd wk, is going into between 29th-30th wk, y worry if bb is ard 1.5-1.6kg ? mi now 1.56m, 60kg dunno is medium or small :p

my last visit when bb was 850g was on 25th nov...
Hi doll, are you renting the function room from SAFRA? How much are you paying for the rental? Your guest list is abt 100 pax at the cost of the high tea at $20/pax, that will add up a total of $2K! Thats a lot!

I'm also thinking of getting a function room to hold BB's full month. Cos dun want hubby to be too tired, see.. he got to entertain the guests then do the cleaning up if we hold it at home. Very siong leh.
hi snowpooher,

hehehe no lah 2k is too much liao :p

rental is $260 - 4hrs (safra member)
have to use their in-house caterers, mi opting for halal so using d-fine catering.

going for $5 per head high tea.. 10 items {4 sweet, 6 savoury}, coffee,tea &amp; orange cordial.

hehe if go for $20, will go bankrupt :p coz tentative is 100, my mum &amp; MIL haven't tink about their guest list yet

yah loh, was tinking will b tired after cleaning, getting guest to come at stated times also hard. hehe we want to focus on "showing off" our bb :p
Hi doll, oic, I tot I saw $20/pax somewhere hahaha... do you know the price for buffet lunch/dinner? Most probably, I will opt for buffet lunch/dinner. However, thinking of getting Yishun SAFRA. Tampines one is too far for me. Is it a must to use the in house caterer?
hi snowpooher,

for tampines, the non-halal inhouse is Sakura. halal caterers r external, d'fine &amp; network something..

this is d'fine catering webby : www.dfine.com.sg

for yishun safra, it is imperial garden. went for ROM twice. have to call them for the buffet pricing.6852 8206

yah, it's a must for to use their tied -up. external caterers or inhouse. rental fee includes chairs n tables. but extra decor, u have to DIY

Merry X'mas &amp; Happy New Year to all MTBs &amp; babies in womb

Was just looking at the list of things to get (supplied by Wenn in Nov)...so much things to get..i better get to serious shopping soon!

Hi doll,
Wow! So lucky to win a prize!

So is ur baby 1st mth banquet fixed already?

We'r not sure if we'll hold a party..our home will be out--had a tiring time cleaning after housewarming previously..but seems a hassle to arrange it outside also, cos we won't know the date etc.
Maybe will just distribute cakes to close relatives &amp; friends
hi omigosh,

heheh yah loh, my colleague was saying i already have dvd players @ home. still so happy, told him tat dun care, as long got win something very happy liao :p

hmmm, more or less fixed i guess except the date. explained to the lady, she said it should b ok since mar &amp; apr is low period. so i will pay the rental 1st then when give birth will call to place a date.

tink i will b going for lunch liao if weekend, if dun have weekend then will choose dinner for weekday .hmm maybe will call d'fine to c if can work out a menu to fit my budget.

the idea of clearing the house really "freaks me out" coz a simple group of 10 pl, i will need like 1/2 day to clear the stuff. can't imagine 100ppl. heheh not hassle actually, doing the arrangements now so when i give birth i dun need to tink too much about full mth preparations.

hi gals !! hehe Eu Yang San has 20% discount for the bird nest for VIP members. bought 2 bottles @$111.
Hi ladies,

Read previously in this thread abt attending baby's 1st mth party..but forgot liao.

Anyway, can i attend my colleague's baby's 1st mth celebration? Actually not exactly the 1st mth..but visiting her &amp; baby (gave birth abt 1+ mth ago)..can? Can give present/angpow? Anything i shd or shouldn't do?
Thanks for any advice!
Hi doll,
Good for u that ur baby's "banquet" is fixed liao

So have u watched Meet the Fockers? I just watched KungFu Hustle today...haha! quite hilarious..but some gory scenes!
Hubby not keen to watch Meet the Fockers..maybe will get VCD &amp; watch comfortably at home!
Hi doll,
My gynae said if baby is btw 1.5-1.6kg, she might be too big when reach full term and hence difficult for me to delivery (and may have to opt for caeseran). Hee...not sure whether you small or medium size leh, maybe can ask ur gynae? Me about 1.6m, last weighed 51kg during gynae visit.

Good that you settle your bb's first month celebration thingy now. At least after birth, one thing less to worry. Think i better start planning too else when the time comes garang garbo.

Yalor, you very lucky hor, won 2nd prize in the lucky draw. My D&amp;D coming in Jan. Dunno got lucky draw or not (cos details not out yet). Hope my bb brings me luck too

Hi ohmig0sh,
I attended my fren's bb's 1st mth celebration too when I was in my 3rd month. Me gave her a present. If I recall correctly, some say we shouldn't attend (can't remember why); some say it's ok, just don't go into the bb's room (something like dat). Depends on the individual.
Hi all,
Need to ask u ladies something. Anyone of u experience tightening at the lower abdomen every few minutes? and the need to go toilet almost every hour? when go toilet, got this painful feelings like we hold urine too long. Dunno how to describe. Coz of this can't sleep at nite...
hi omigosh, heheh yah watched "meet the fockers" last night :p really alot of sexual humor as what they said. n the bb boy in the show was really very cute !!

hmm regarding the 1st mth, gd to check wif ur family leh.. for me i need to lay off "these events" for a 1yr. hhehehe finally next yr after CNY can attend weddings etc liao. should b ok i guess right, coz it's a gd thing ? some might not like coz "red clash wif red" ??

hi stephie, wah 51kg !! hehe mi 60kg. u muz b on the skinny side no wonder gynae said tat. tink our gynae knows best !!

yah loh coz when tummy gets bigger will b packing for bb's room &amp; delivery. then confinement, hehe have a feeling bb will b taking most of my time. so for arranging these kind of stuff, is usually done by me.

hheh, mi did not so far didn't win anything @D&amp;D :p hmm hopefully next yr can :p

hi kristen, i dunno about every few mins, but it's like maybe 2-3 times a day. the toilet thingy, i know it's our bb pressing down on our bladder..
hi ladies,
hope u had a nice christmasy weekend!!

<font color="aa00aa">doll</font>, read that you fixed your full month banquet liao. Good for you, u r so well-prepared...

wanna qing qiao you ladies on full month preparation... besides the full month banquet/buffet, is it still necessary to give out cakes &amp; red eggs to frens and relatives these days??

<font color="0000ff">kristen</font>, i do feel tightening at the lower abdomen but it's not as frequent as every few minutes.
Kristen, I have alot of tummy tightening. It is so much so that my tummy is perpetually hard always. I asked my sis who also had the same experience last time. She said as long as the "contraction" is not regular, then it is just BHC. Real contractions are really very punctual. When it is 10 mins apart, they are 10 mins apart, not a minute early or late. So maybe you can just use that as a guage if you are worried.But as soon as the tightening is regular, you have to go to the hosiptal and the doc will monitor you.
Hi doll &amp; keruri,
today not that bad, sat and sun worst..whole day felt the tightening..then could feel tummy became very hard..one part near my belly button when tighten is very round...think it's bb head hehehe
<font face="Peinaud"><blink><u><font size="+1">Congrats to all our Mommies to be in 2005!!</font></u>

<u><font face="Peinaud">Updated as at week 27th of Dec</font></u>

<font face="Peinaud"><table border=1><tr><td>UserName</TD><TD>EDD</TD><TD>Week</TD><TD>Deliver at</TD><TD>Gender </TD></TR><TR><TD>HappyBuns</TD><TD>31-Jan-05</TD><TD>35</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Steamboat</TD><TD>2-Feb-05</TD><TD>35</TD><TD>--</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Tiny</TD><TD>5-Feb-05</TD><TD>34</TD><TD>MEH</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Keruri</TD><TD>12-Feb-05</TD><TD>34</TD><TD>MAH</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Babygrace</TD><TD>14-Feb-05</TD><TD>33</TD><TD>MAH</TD><TD>Boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Winnie</TD><TD>14-Feb-05</TD><TD>33</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Litebreeze</TD><TD>15-Feb-05</TD><TD>32</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Vig</TD><TD>17-Feb-05</TD><TD>32</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Well</TD><TD>17-Feb-05</TD><TD>32</TD><TD>GEH</TD><TD>Boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Java</TD><TD>18-Feb-05</TD><TD>32</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jannie</TD><TD>24-Feb-05</TD><TD>32</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Qdee</TD><TD>24-Feb-05</TD><TD>32</TD><TD>GEH</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Babyvon</TD><TD>27-Feb-05</TD><TD>32</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Lyn_baby</TD><TD>27-Feb-05</TD><TD>32</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Joyce</TD><TD>1-Mar-05</TD><TD>31</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Stephie</TD><TD>1-Mar-05</TD><TD>31</TD><TD>MAH</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>lbs</TD><TD>2-Mar-05</TD><TD>31</TD><TD>ESH</TD><TD>Boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Snowpooher</TD><TD>7-Mar-05</TD><TD>31</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>*Skinnyma - MIA</TD><TD>6-Mar-05</TD><TD>30</TD><TD>--</TD><TD>-- </TD></TR><TR><TD>Doll</TD><TD>6-Mar-05</TD><TD>30</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Laugh</TD><TD>6-Mar-05</TD><TD>30</TD><TD>MAH</TD><TD>Boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Seiko</TD><TD>8-Mar-05</TD><TD>30</TD><TD>SGH</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Elle</TD><TD>8-Mar-05</TD><TD>30</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Wenn</TD><TD>8-Mar-05</TD><TD>30</TD><TD>SGH</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>*Lilac - MIA</TD><TD>9-Mar-05</TD><TD>30</TD><TD>--</TD><TD>-- </TD></TR><TR><TD>Bluebell</TD><TD>8-Mar-05</TD><TD>29</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>KC</TD><TD>14-Mar-05</TD><TD>29</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Scarydoggie</TD><TD>14-Mar-05</TD><TD>29</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cheese</TD><TD>15-Mar-05</TD><TD>29</TD><TD>MEH</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Elisa</TD><TD>17-Mar-05</TD><TD>29</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Folic</TD><TD>18-Mar-05</TD><TD>28</TD><TD>RH</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ribena</TD><TD>19-Mar-05</TD><TD>28</TD><TD>GEH</TD><TD>Boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ohmigosh</TD><TD>20-Mar-05</TD><TD>28</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Lee-Tung</TD><TD>23-Mar-05</TD><TD>28</TD><TD>MEH</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Butterscotch</TD><TD>25-Mar-05</TD><TD>27</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Bonnygal</TD><TD>27-Mar-05</TD><TD>27</TD><TD>GEH</TD><TD>Boy</td></tr></table></font>
hi keruri,

for those who r coming for the buffet, there isn't a need to give them cakes or eggs.

for very close relatives, we r giving cakes/eggs + invite for buffet. then the rest of the relatives, will b giving out cakes/eggs. MIL says stil have to give out cakes/eggs. coz we thought we give like stuff from choz, err that didn't go so well wif her

as for hubby &amp; my colleagues, those which we r not inviting, will giving some snacks(chicken pie, egg tart &amp; fruit tarts) for "yi shi"

kua zhang to invite all :p but dun give something also like no "li mao" coz the "whole world" seems to know u r preggie :p
hi kristen,

heheh tink it's bb, coz i have that feeling most of the time when bb is shifting :p when she does when i m walking, i will have to stop for a min.

bb is on right hand side, gynae showed me @ my vist tat her body n thigh is near my side :p
hi <font color="aa00aa">doll</font>,
thanks for sharing!!!
i just came back from ntuc. let me post the prices of the diapers here before i forget.

<font color="0000ff">Mamypoko $11.90 for 28 pcs
Pampers $15.90 for 36 pcs</font>

Both are for newborn. Is this the promo that u r talking abt? Pampers got a twin-pack promotion that's abt $16+ for 2 packs but it's not for newborn pampers leh.

hi <font color="119911">kristen</font>, glad it's not that bad for you today. do check with your doctor if it becomes more frequent like what jannie said. take care.
Hi! Doll,

If we are inviting relatives to BB'S 1st month's celebration, when shld we distribute cakes to them?

On the same day of celebration or b4 that?
wow doll>>
happy for u ... everything is settled and at least one thing off the "to-do" list... but after hearing from u abt holding the full-month at the SAFRA function room , i checked out the Mt Faber Safra function room , $350 for members... and i started to list my guests , at the most only 50persons... so dunno worth it or not... somemore, most of them not confirmed one...those "might come might not come" ones... so this time round, dunno whether just distribute cakes and red egss enuff already can or not... havent discuss wif HB regarding this issue... i am more excited abt tommorrow's gynae appt!!! Finally getting to see him(my bb) after such a LONG (1month only la) wait...
so many questions to ask him...bb weight, size, his position ...
will ask him again the EDD (though last time did ask him , and he replied a lamely tat EDD is estimated , not accurate blah blah.... i just hope to know a more "exact" since now is nearer to the past EDD already ma...) am i right...?

recently, always encountered the so-called BHC ... and sometimes sharp pain down there... dunno why?
Hi Mummies,

Please give ur suggestion of the following names:-
1. Arden (Latin) - Sincere
2. Asher (Hebrew) - Happy &amp; Fortunate
3. Keane (English) - Handsome &amp; Bold
4. Luke,Lucas - Light, Illumination
5. Hans, Hansel - Gift from God.

BTW i jus realised that times flies fast and Im going to due in a few mths.It's making me very scared coz I always have the phobia since watched the video on delivery during secondary days. Any1 share the same thoughts as mi?
Hi keruri/doll,
I'm also trying to decide whether to give cakes/red eggs to relatives/friends who come for the 1st mth's celebration. So far, I encountered a fren who gave cakes to all her guests at the 1st mth's celebration. My SIL also gave cakes to her frens during the 1st mth's celebration. Besides the above two ocassions, the rest of the 1st mth's celebration I attended don't give out cakes (some do provide eggs for you to eat on the spot). So, me also confused as to whether I should give out cakes to all (wow.. can burn a big hole in my pocket if I were to do so).

Think have to give cakes to relatives on top of the buffet. Just that it'll look a bit weird if we were to distribute cakes to relatives but not friends at the 1st mth's celebration. Can't possibly hide the cakes wor.. If not, then I give relatives voucher instead of physical cake. Then not obvious to friends mah...hehe

Hi kristen,
So far, I did not experience the tightening of lower abdomen. If I drink lots of water, will have tendency to go toilet more often. Didn't really timed but sometimes can be less than an hour.

Hi bonnygal,
Yup, I also realised suddenly time flies. The entire pregnancy journey seems to have just begun not long ago and now we are like reaching the final stage liao.

The names you shortlisted are quite unique. Keane looks good but how do you pronounce it? (Sorry, my ang moh not very good).
hey bonnygal, i also shortlisted "keane" as one of the names in my list. but then again, not alot of pple will know the pronounciation outrightly, like me. i have always hated it when my teachers or business associates dunno how to pronounce my name properly....

stephie, i pronounce it as "keen", bonnygal, pls correct me if i m wrong as the few pple i asked all dunno the exact pronounciation.

to those MTBs who are already planning for their babies full mth celebration.... my fren told me before something that i think is very true - do whatever you think you are comfortable with as it is your celebration. dun be restrained by all the "what-you-must-do" things and then end up not happy at all. just do what you are happy with and so what if your relatives gossip behind your back... they can do whatever they think is right when their time come...and so what if they had done something before that you did not plan to do... it is YOUR celebration.. not theirs
hi keruri, heh yah loh, i also went to NTUC juz now. yah loh, didn't know there was separate for newborns, tink i will go for Mamypoko coz of the space for the navel. hehe hopefully got promo on tat within these 2 mths :p

yah, i was talking about the paper cut out n the mamypoko special offer, thought buy in advance.. like 1 pk small size(3kg-6kg) n 1 medium size(6kg-?kg)...dunno kiasu or not :p

hi elle, we r distributing cakes/eggs to our relatives before the celebration even for those we r inviting juz in case they can't make it for the buffet.

hi well, i also checked out Safra Faber, hmm the cost pretty high although new. the attitude of the staff there hiaz turned mi off...

was wondering since u stay @ exec condo , why dun wan to do @ the multi-purpose hall.. maybe check wif ur hubby also , heeh coz u say ur guests mah, what about his ?

know what u mean, i also asked alot about bb when i was met my gynae. ur EDD 17th feb, hehe during CNY somemore. maybe not exact date bah,, but plus minus how many days/week b4 EDD

hi bonnygal, heheh i vote for lucas !!

hi stephie, yah loh , i also hear some who give cakes to frenz also during buffet. my colleague told me tat @ his frenz bb 1st mth buffet celebration, he actually gave out Choz to everyone n it was the $12.80 one !! wah, i told him ur fren will "wu lui"

yah what jannie said, dun bother too much about the rest. mi going for 1/2 lunch, 1/2 high tea items to fit into my budget. like what my fren said :p the highlight is ur bb not the food

mi giving the cakes b4 the celebration so won't get into that fix :p have to go door to door n deliver personally according to my MIL request.

mi went for royal scotts high tea juz now, hmm so-so nia the food n very very noisy ! hmmm find tat phoenix hotel food taste better :p
hi bonnygal,
i like the name "Arden" but think for a boy, "Keane" would sound more man. hope u dun mind my comment.

hi stephie,
i also got the same concerns as u. to give or not to give, who to give and when to give. quite confusing...

thanks for your sound advice, jannie! i will discuss with my hb on this.
Hi Stephie &amp; Doll,
Thanks for the advice! I think i'll just go, cos my mama gave the go ahead. Maybe just avoid the baby's room &amp; avoid carrying baby.

Hi Bonnygal,
I like Keane &amp; Asher.
Is Keane pronounced like Keanu (as in Keanu reeves), minus the "nu"???
Asher "looks" nice..but hopefully no-one pronounce it as "usher" lor.
No offence leh!

Hi Kristen,
I also had the frequent hardening once...after straining myself when i lifted someone...was very persistent &amp; present whenever i stand/walk for more than a minute. But went away after i rested for a few days (was given MC) &amp; took some medication to ease it. Now still have it on &amp; off.
Anyway wat triggered ur hardening?

If it gets very regular or if it's accompanied by menstrual-like pain/cramps, or if there's any blood-stained discharge, pls go to hospital immediately. Better to go check with ur obst if u still having it..&amp; have a good rest. Meanwhile, maybe shd refrain from sexual activities (nipple stimulation &amp; orgasms can trigger uterine contractions)...that's wat my drs (i went GP then to my obst) advised me that time!
&amp; dun hold ur bladder--bcos that may lead to urinary tract infection which may lead to uterine contractions.

Rest well!
Hmm.. think something wrong with SB forum this morning. Only managed to access this thread at around 11am after several tries this morning.

Hi Jannie,
I oso afraid of choosing names that are too 'unique' that pple can't pronounce correctly. In the end, our kids will be the one 'suffering' cos they have to bear with pple calling them differently. Hmm..so it's really a trade off between uniqueness and practicality. Think probably I'll just go for 'easy to pronounce' name

Thanks for the advice on the 1st mth's celebration thingy. You are right, it's our celebration so we should just do what we think is right/can afford.

Hi doll,
Wow the fren of your colleague really very "wu lui" leh.

Oh, I thot phoenix hotel's food so-so only. Went to their hi-tea once but find the variety very limited. Thot Royal Scotts should be better cos last time went there for hi-tea before. Maybe standard dropped liao.

Hi ohmig0sh,
You are welcome
hi stephie,

mi went for phoenix's lunch :p love teh roti prata n chicken rice n oats prawn heheheeh

hmm yesterday, the food lukewarm only, dunno is it too many ppl..
hi bonnygal>>>
I like Luke personally... Keane nice but some x different ppl pronunce differently and end up the child has "different" names...confusing... I pronunce it as "keen" ...

hi doll>>
when did i say i stay in EC la.... no la... I stayed HDB ah... tat's y i asked u all abt public indoor swimming pool ma... remember... ya lor, the SAFRA function hall abit X hor... talking abt my HB's guests lists?...ha ha ha... the 50 persons more or less incl. his guests liao ler...geez... small social circle hor...tat's y i seriously might not be holding a party lei, cos lots of upfront expenses have to be made beginning next yr...my 1st boy gog to school, changing a new maid, maybe getting another transport.... confinement, tonics.... aiyo...$$$

hi ladies>>
Finally saw my bb today liao!! sigh... aS USUAL less than 10mins... but i asked the gynae for a more accurate EDD , and he said 17feb lor, but is up to bb when he wants to come out... (in my heart, i say "fei hua") sigh... but i saw the screen there is a 9feb also lei... i think is different weeks of gestation isit...? Then I told my HB next HB i better ask gynae will he be around on the CNY days or eve of CNY!! , in case cannot get him and bb got to be delivered by the NURSE>!!??? gosh, i am being panicky liao...
bb's weight only 1.827kg lei now.... aiyer... i predicted 1.9kg or 2kg before appt... BTW, u ladies also same as me gog to gynae visit every 2 weeks already? and 2weeks' later, the nurse says i will be doing a 1/2hr CTG ... may i know what is tat for?
hi well, is CTG the thingy to measure the intensity your contractions (if any)? glad to know that your baby is doing and growing well. i wonder how will mine be like next week.

any "sure do" tips on not having the labour too early? other than the usual no strenuous activity, no sexual intercourse, no coconut juice? i do not want my baby to come out before CNY... but somehow, my instincts tell me that it might be the case since my EDD is only 2 weeks after CNY...
hi jannie>>
thanks! I forgot to ask my gynae abt the amniotic fluid level, does it matter? gee, u must be looking forward to see ur bb too rite!!.. BTW, so now u also gog for the gynae appt every 2weeks? and have u booked ur delivery room already?

"sure-do" tips... i think u have listed all that i know of... i try to search on it and update if there are somemore... i now hope for a 9 or 10feb bb lei!! not earlier than these dates lei~~...
Cardiotocograph (CTG)
A form of Doppler ultrasound, known as a cardiotocograph (CTG), can be used to monitor the baby's heartbeat to see that it beats at a normal rate and variability a healthy baby's heart rate varies from beat to beat and increases when the baby moves.
hi well, nope, my next week's appt is 4 weeks from my last appt. i think mine is considered normal, low risk pregnancy so gynae do not need to see me so often. i will ask abt my delivery package and ward booking next week. my frens are telling me that i should have booked long time ago (like abt 6th month).. but the nurses din ask me, so how would i know, right? not as if i have prior experience or something...
Hi all,

I oso dunno the correct pronouncation for "Keane". Actually i like "Asher" most coz it means Happy and Fortunate which i hope for my BB. But thk my hubby prefer Luke or Lucas, Hans or Hansel which is the Starwars characters' name. Crazy Daddy

Im seeing my gynae abt 5 weeks interval, now 27th week.Tot should be seeing much frequent eg 2 weeks as read in book. I have been eating chocolates and ice cream for these 2 weeks coz of the festive season Hehehe
Last nite my hubby commented that my face has become rounder ARRGGHH......

BTW dun 4get to tune in to Ch8 8.30pm for Zoe Tay's program( for those who are interested to watch)
Hi Bonnygal,
Keane sounds nice. There is this band called keane...should be pronounced as 'keen' i think.

Omigosh, last nite my tightening gone. So managed to sleep in peace except have to go to toilet. My client told me sometimes when bb stretch or shift position, we will feel stomach tightening. Hubby's boss also said that. Then last nite hubby went to talk to bb...told him be good boy, don't make mummy suffer...try to change position. Be good boy then daddy will buy x box for him to play. hahhaha..and surprisingly, the tightening really gone. Even the urge to go toilet more often. Guess he really shifted his position liao. Now can feel him wriggling away.
hi well>>
nay, my gynae package is once u reached 32weeks pregnancy, u will get to visit the gynae very 2weeks , and then dunno when will be every week's visit till the day of delivery lor...

actually there is this name my friend tot of too... "keagan" ... but also some ppl will mis-pronounce
hi well, opps
tink i going bonkers liao. maybe coz it is quite new i guess... the safra rm.

hehe 3rd jan, going to sch liao hor !! no wonder. hehe anyway i juz book fourseasons catering for my office team. they have mini gathering , minimum 18ppl @ $10 each. but no warmers. so if u wan something small, can look @ this.

hehe ur gynae more ke yan than mine :p

hi jannie, the nurses didn't book for u ? or they book liao but didn't inform u..

hi bonnygal, hehe thanks for the reminder. nearly forgot coz came bk to work today , keep tinking today's monday :p
hehe dun wori, mi also eat those fried stuff n lots of goodies. few days should b ok

hi gals, hehe can c next 2 mths, got alots of mummies going to give birth liao
, any ideas to keep the rest of us updated ? hehe i intend to ask my hubby to update for me !!
hi gals>>

my friend says there is a junior rewards program for citibank card holders ... there is some offer on the hospitalization charges ... can check it out... due to tat, i have asked my HB to apply a card liao... geez
