(2005/02) Feb/Mar 2005 Babies


do take care... try to relax. Those household chore u can do slowly...

hi joyce,
Try to get your emotions in control. When you feel like you are starting to feel sad or pity yourself, think of something that will make u feel happier. Like what KC said, if doing the household chores make u tired, then get someone to help you. Don't worry too much abt your hubby's minor op, he will be fine and I hope he will have a speedy recovery. Why don't you buy some nice smelling liquid soap and pamper yourself by having a nice smelling bath! I always like to buy those shower creme from Marks & Spencer. I find that having a nice bath really perks me up! BIG HUGS to you!
delivery date is usu earlier than EDD,i tink if due on my bday the date too early liao(abt16 days) for my hb (abt 10 days) higher %.keke our bday present.nxt time can celebrate whole family bday together.As u mentioned e spring n 9mois which shoppin centre hv the outlet?will gt it tomol as i like those baby doll tops for preggie.
Hang in there,take yr time to do those housechores try to rest more.
Welcome here...
Hi Ocean,

Guess u've missed my posting to you this morning

Do u learnt of the current changes in KKH scheme whereby subsi patient can book for pte antenatal package?.. My concern is once converted cld we retain our subsi status for future visits.

By the way, u got any idea hows their delivery service for subsi patient? And how much cheaper it cost as compared to pte delivery package?

Oh u mean the u/s machine they use at ADC is the same as AMC ah.. ? I thought the machine at ADC able to see the gender so shld be much clearer.. oops my assumption is wrong.
Hi! Wenn,

Yah lor funni ruling by KKH.. i thought once u r a subsi patient they will treat all cases as subsi in future cases.

Thanks for sharing with me what u've heard.
Ok i shall check with KKH in my next visit.
Thanks everyone.

Still feeling down a bit. Java was right about my feelings, I felt quite pitiful
when nobody could help me with the stress.

I'll try to relax... thanks for the concern again.
Hi Joyce,
"Gan Ba Teh" Be happy & dun worry
(Though it's always said than done)

Hi Every1,
I had found a 3mths temp admin job which will start work next Mon.They dun mind abt my pregnancy so I gladly accepted this job

Maybe u want to go through recruitment agency,might have better luck.I can give u mine if u r interested.

*Hugs,hugs* Welcome,Kristen!
lyn baby, my cousin is selling maternity clothes. she's got some really nice spaghetti strap tops, will be displaying them at Tanglin mall this evening at one of the stalls. (from 6.30 onwards) i think it's the flea market stalls. u may want to take a look.
oh joyce,
what happened to you? You're always so cheerful...don't be stressed, if u can't cope, just don't do the housework for a while, dirty a little bit nevermind one. Pick urself up first ok? here's a funny face to make u laugh.
hi bonnygal,
Wow u also manage to find a job even if its temp. Maybe all the govt talk abt building pro-family working env is influencing the workplaces!

hi joyce,
Hope u feel better today!

hi Tiny,
Hey I got a similar pencil face image
Hi gals,

Ya Java and Tiny, feeling better today. Yesterday I also don't know what's got into me...
Maybe I'm worried about my BB...

Thanks for the cute cartoon... Tiny
Hi Ladies,

Wow! I missed out so much for the past 2 weeks!

I had to resign from my previous job last week & had found a 3mths temp call centre job thru an agency...started work 2days ago...Guess i wun hv the luxury of time coming in to surf now.


Glad to hear u're feeling better now. Dun stress urself...Just do wat u can...if u can't, then leave it.
It's really not good to stress urself. Do hope u'll cheerup okie?

Hi Lyn_baby,

So, we're supposingly due on the same day...Which hospital are u delivering?


Pao Shen shld be a certain type of ginseng...but it's not the heaty type. U may like to chk with the medical hall when u're getting it.


Btw, any recommendation for maternity bra? Of late, my bras are getting kinda tight so i guess i better get a maternity bra soon.
Wondering if you gals have read this before or not?

This is a story of a miracle as told by Lisa Hamilton, an American living in Batam. Lisa has 3 children.

<font color="0077aa">In my third month of pregnancy with my forth child, our baby was diagnosed with foetal hydrops, a mostly fatal condition. My doctor told me the baby would probably die before it was born and if it did survive it would be severely deformed and most likely have chromosome abnormalities.

I was devastated and broke down in tears at the doctors office. I then asked my doctor if there was any way that our child could overcome this and be healthy. She said no, that she had never seen a normal child with this condition.

I went home and grieved, wondering if this was God's will that I go through this experience and suffer the loss of my child. My friend, Barbara, called to encourage me and then I found the strength to seek help. I remembered all of God's promises and knew that it was not God's will for me to lose this child.

I heard of a church in Singapore with a healing service where many people had been touched by God. I asked my husband if I could go to Singapore and attend this service and then go to another doctor for a second opinion. I am very grateful that he encouraged me to go.

I went to The Lighthouse Evangelism Miracle Service and several people came to me and prayed over me. They told me that my child would be just fine and we all prayed that God would completely heal the baby. They also asked that I would have complete peace during the pregnancy. I lifted up my hands to God knowing without a doubt that He could heal our child and believed that He answered our prayers. My tears flowed as I felt the power of God go through my body. I left the meeting with hope and peace of mind.

Two days later I went to see a new OB/Gyn and told her of the diagnosis. She started the ultra sound and after a few minutes she said there is no sign of foetal hydrops. I looked at the screen and it was gone! She then asked me what I had done and I told her that I went to church for prayer. She said that she does not see many miracles in her line of work but this was definitely a miracle!

I called my husband and told him what God did for us and our baby! He was amazed and so happy to hear the wonderful news.

Even though the doctor had a few concerns, we decided not to have the recommended amniocentesis and I had continued peace of mind through-out the entire pregnancy.

Our beautiful son, Michael Christopher Hamilton, was born on April 7,
2004. He is completely healthy and his doctor said there was no need for further testing.

I am reminded that in the Bible, over and over, God tells us that if we have faith that nothing is impossible! Michael will grow up knowing that he is our gift from God and our Miracle! I look at Michael each day and thank God for all He has done for us!</font>
Hi Joyce,

Thks for sharing! Yes! Indeed God's really the Almighty!
It's very impt to hv faith in Him &amp; He'll answer our prayers!

Hw r u feeling 2day? Hope u're much better? Hw's ur hubby? Hope he's recovering well from hs op. Hv a gd Sunday! Cheers &amp; God Bless!

My post yesterday gone missing.

Hi Joyce: Glad u r better! Hope ur hubby recovers quickly!

Hi BabyVon: Thanks! So when to start taking paoshen?

Hi jannie: Yeah! Maybe my baby's lazy like me..likes to sleep

Hi keruri: Yes papaya also contains Vit A. Think reddish/orange coloured fruits/vege will contain Vit A, eg oranges, carrots. According to my obst, moderate amts r ok..just dun eat a lot. A certain amt is necessary for proper baby growth.

Dun take too much internal organs (liver, intestines etc), cos that's where animals' toxins r stored.

BTW, did u all get new panties? My waist has expanded by ~4-5inches
Went to c yesterday but most big size ones r the grandma's variety. GOSH!!

Have a good sunday!
Hi hi,

Im starting work 2moro.Took out my work clothes &amp; realzied Im unable to fit into most of them esp the pants
Any recommendation for big size clothes and maternity clothes,esp babydoll dress?Thank you
hi gals..had a leg cramp in the middle of the night last wed. guess been walking too much and been carrying heavy stuff. and finally, someone offered to give up seat for me on the bus! haha..hubby was grinning when he saw that, cos I finally looked pregnant ! haha.. my MS is clearing and I m now taking concentrated birdsnest from Lao Hang Jia on weekends. still drinking lots of ribena and sweet drinks cos feel like throwing up if take too much plain water.

have anyone started shopping for stuff like breast pumps or cot? got any recommendations?
ladies.. good luck to all the 2 expectant mothers who found jobs.... all the best in your new job.

bonnygal, my beautician recommended me to buy at Island shop for nice not so "maternity" bigger dresses.. but i find their price abit steep....

joyce, hope you are feeling better already. be like me, if feel very pitiful, just leave the chores and rest. i know that when the mood comes, you will be picking up all the chores together and feeling great after that!!

ohmigosh, my sis bought me maternity panties from mothercare. they are not the auntie kind that stretches up to your waist.. they are normal cotton plain coloured panties that should just nice rest under your expanded tummy. i have not worn them so far cos all my old panties can still fit. if not, you should just go and buy those robinsons/JL cotton panties in larger sizes... i bought quite alot during the last JL expo sale. they are like 5 pcs for $5 only!! i like them.. they do not go out of shape easily even those i thorw them in the washing machine

babyvon, my fren recommended me this place called moms-in-mind or something like that at Thomson. i haven't found out the exact location yet but their nursing bra is supposedly quite cheap (abt $18 if you buy 3).i think we can start to buy nursing bra now since the only diff with a maternity bra is that it has a flap to make BFing more convenient.
ohmig0sh, jannie,
the mothercare ones (cotton) specially for pregnancy are very comfortable and like jannie says, rest nicely below ur tummy. i find that those normal ones i bought in larger sizes don't sit nicely tho..
babyvon for bras i just bought bigger sizes...
I goin to deliver at KKH.

Hey Gals
I ate lots of papaya lately,oh no strt to worry I had ate lots of papaya alry,izzit true tt reddish/oranggish fruits bad for bb as it contain vit A.I remembered my ate lots of tomato when she is preggie and her bb skin is so radiant and rosy cheeck.

Do u gals hv any ideal wat fruits we shld eat as sme fruits is too cooling for pregger eg.watermelon,honeydew n pineapple.

Hi gals
I also had leg cramp in the middle of the nite last 2 days,I tink walk too much lately also hving backaches shld b the position tt I slp.
still need to wait for 3 wks to go for my checkup.v worry dunno hw the development of bb n the movement.
Good morning

I attended 2 baby full month gathering last sat. So far, quite ok. The only things i avoid doing are
1) eating the red eggs
2) sitting on the mother's bed
3) carrying the babies as I'm afraid I would drop them :p
Hi Joyce,
I like the article that you posted. It reminded me of what I'm going through and to perservere in my prayers and have a deeper faith in God.
hi all,
Last Sat I attended a church fren's baby baptism. There was a Praise &amp; Worship session followed by a sharing by my church fren. She gave the testimony of how she went through a gruelling time after knowing the results of her triple test during the 3rd month, even until the time she delivered there was much complications. But she prayed very hard and God helped her through the pregnancy complications and blessed her with a perfectly healthy baby boy. I felt my spirits lifted up during the P&amp;W session and that God has touched me during that time. I will continue to perservere in my prayers. This fren of mine knew abt my situation and gave me a prayer card which she prayed everyday during her pregnancy journey. Its called the "Prayer for Expectant Mothers", I have started reciting the prayers since Sat night and have felt much reassurance from God. Those interested in this prayer can always PM me.

is there anyone like me, 1st trimester almost over soon but still lost of appetite? Weight doesnt gain at all!! I am always hungry but after few sip just dont feel like eating anymore.

Can anyone teach me how to overcome this problem? thanks.
hi Bluebell,
Be patient. Although your hormone rages have sort of settled, it takes your body time to adjust to start taking in more food. So give it the time it needs.
bluebell, dun despair. most of the old folks say that appetite will come after the 4th month. i m in my 15th week and still not much appetite.

Lyn_baby, i think pple say not to eat too much papaya cos it is very rich in vit A, scared baby get vit A poisoning. not too sure abt the vit A content in tomatoes though.. i'd only know that my mom asked me to eat more tomatoes so that my baby will have rosy cheeks.

do any of you here know if detailed scanning in week 18 is too early? mine is scheduled in my week 20 but i hope to bring it fwd cos my hubby will be ard that week... i wonder if the doc will allow or not...
hi all

been away too long... my colleague juz came back from his overseas training hehe so now i can hop in to the forum now n then

so much to catch up on

joyce , a smiling angel to cheer u up
hi bluebell,

m in 14th week, still facing the same prob

- even water is an issue as ended becoming too dehydrated n weak to work.
my GP who was with me for 8 yrs told me to sip on cold water, cold fruit juices. have 6-10 meals a day.
sometimes the hormones creates havoc heheh thatz what he said.

he told me take light n simple basically tasteless food. i sort of changed my diet alot. at home i take cold water which i know is not gd
but hiaz.. if not i can't get anything down my throat .
noticed that i can't eat much during dinner so munch on salad.
taking perrier.. the gas n slight bitter feels much comfortable. try not to take oily stuff.

my MIL told me that she puked all the way thru out the 9 mths. when she was 6mths , her tummy looked like 3mths.
hehe my husband n BIL are fine , so dun wori too much okee

you can try freezing fruit juices those without sugar or cut small pieces of fruits n freeze then in the fruit juices.
heheh then suck on them.
hi jannie,
At first my detailed scan is Wk 18, but my gynae pushed it to 1 wk later at Wk 19, coz at that time can see more details in the bb, esp if you want to check for any defects, etc.

hi doll,
Welcome back!

Regarding the appetite thingee, I'm in Wk 16 and can feel my appeite coming back. Yesterday at my MIL's place, I ate one big plate of rice, but suffered from indigestion after that, my tummy so uncomfy. So I advise not to get too excited like me and start eating too much, esp carbohydrates, coz although appetite comes back, indigestion is still around.
hehe hi java

i ate frog legs , not much though. hehehe i was telling my hubby that i should eat more so that he/she will have powerful legs , then can become next singapore olympic medal runner
Hi jannie, my detailed scan is on my 20-21wks. Since it should be done between 18-22wks, i think scan at wk 18 should be ok right, its within the range! Maybe u ask around and see the statistics of ppl who scan at which wk lor...
good morning gals!

hi <font color="0000ff">Lyn_Baby</font>,
u nvr know when ur bb will wanna arrive. i think any day near is possible.

9Mois is in Plaza SIng oni, i got the privilege card #9M0431, see if they can give u a discount if u tell em the privilege card no. if they need the card itself, i can meet u to pass it to u or go with u. the discount is 15% so it's quite alot lor. Spring is in Suntec Family link (level 3) oni, i think.

hi <font color="ff6000">joyce,</font> glad u found solace in God's words and is feeling better now.
i'm sure He'll lead u thru.

hi <font color="aa00aa">ohmig0sh,</font> thanks for all the tips. watermelon is cooling but my doc says it's ok as long as we eat in moderation. i'm not sure abt honeydew tho. i'm still eating them. hee..

Another question, hehe.. Do anyone of you cater dinner at home? I refer to those catering service? Do you have any recommendation? I face with another problem, i.e. after cooking a meal, I dont like eating anymore...
and dont feel like da bao all the time too.

java, jannie, doll,

thanks for the asurance and now I believe that I am absolute normal, haha
hopefully I will back to normal very soon.


I also suffer from indigestion, too. gastric just dont feel alright almost after every dinner. Seems taht we are tong2 bing4 xiang1 lian2.

Java and doll,

regarding frog legs...hm, my dad ever told me try not to take even for non-expected ppl coz they contain a lot of germ even well-cooked or cleaned. Just a reference to you
Tt very kind of u I will try to use yr member no. 1st,izzit ex for the clothing as I dun 1 to spend so much on the maternity wear.Btw u bought yr maternity clothes alry?I will also like to buy maternity panties.if u wan to shop/buy anyting nxt time we can go together.Currently r u wrking?
Wow u still managed to cook for dinner,smetime when my mum cookin I cant even stand the smell.
I also eat tomatoes bt I eat those baby tomatoes.I tink shld go buy sme more.I tink I shall nt eat papaya for the time bein.
Hi all,
Bonnygal, you are so lucky to find a job now. Recently, my recruitment agency told me of a position available in a bank and I told her i am 2 mths pregnant. She said she would get back to me but till now no news from her.

Anyway, I was quite lucky becoz my ex boss asked me to join them for quite sometimes already...Quite touched with all that they have done..The only thing is that I have been contemplating whether I want to go back or not becoz dun want to make the wrong move. Thinking of joining them in Oct but since my EDD should be 25 March i definitely will not be entitled the 3 mths paid maternity leave. So my ex boss asked me to join them asap. Really think it is not fair that maternity leave will not be prorated. Someone wrote in to the Straits Times today to complain..

Anyway, have you guys source for maternity clothes? Most of my working clothes are getting tighter but it is still early to wear maternity clothes.

Have u started wearing maternity dress liao?

Me still able to fit into my normal office clothes leh.. my colleague say how come i can hide it so well..
I didnt hide leh.. just that tummy not that big to the extent i cld wear maternity dress.
Hi <font color="119911">Elle</font>, sorry for not answering you earlier. But think i cant answer u too cos my last visit, i forgot to chk with the nurse.

By the way, once converted to pte patient, very difficult to cannot convert back to sub patient. There was once when the nurse wanted to convert me. So i asked if i wld like to convert back to sub, can? The answer is can, but we need to answer a series of qn on our financial status to see if we qualify. Something like that!!

For the delivery package, i am not too sure. But i think i will have to ask them on my next visit. i was thinking of having a delivery package as i am quite afraid of having the MO to deliver for me. Think having midwife is better than MO as midwife are more experience!!

Yes, the scan at AMC and ADC are the same machine. Even the detailed scan machine is the same too. But KK put the machine in the delivery suite, maybe cos it takes a longer time to do detailed scan!
By the way, KK machine is only a 2-D machine, black &amp; white one for detailed scan!
hi bluebell,
I've been eating Tingkat food since I got married, coz wanted to eat some semblance of home cooked food. Recently I cancelled my tingkat order, coz the longer we eat, the more yucky is the food. I tried YLS (Ye Lai Siang), nice but rice sucks and the vege not fresh. I tried Jessie Catering, food quite plain, certain food cooked strangely, for example kangkong cook with brinjal. Taste lousy, usually kangkong is cooked with sambal chilli, if not then stir-fried plain. But Jessie is quite cheap, comes with disposable boxes, no MSG, 2 ppl $160.

kkh postphoned my appointment twice. first time without any reason. second time, the gynae was on MC. how are you feeling this days ?
Hi everyone..

I'm a mother of 2 girls.. and now preggie with my 3rd child, EDD on 26 Mar.

Bluebelle asked for suggestion on the dinner delivery, Tingkat. I'm currently using Select Catering. I have been ordering from them for 2 years, their food is quite good and so far no complains. I find it a hassle to cook, as u need to prepare, cook, then wash and clean up. Too much work.. so i juz ordered. The prices are reasonable too.. check out their website : www.select.com.sg.
Of cos, i'll still cook for my children, as i dun put seasoning in their food..
Hi <font color="aa00aa">BaByVoN</font>, I'm much much better now, thanks.

<font color="1aaa5c">Ohmigosh</font>, you blur queen, I saw your postings at April Babies.

Hi <font color="0077aa">Jannie</font>, yeah. I tried to relax myself these few days.

Hi <font color="ff6000">Java</font>, glad you like the story.

Hi <font color="119911">Doll</font>, long time din see your postings liao, anyway welcome you back.

Yesterday noon, I was at home idling, everything was fine and peaceful until 4 something. I was lying on my bed watching TV, my son sat between my legs (V shape). After a while, he suddenly just relax and rest his head on my tummy. Wow, That's a strong knock.

I burst into tears immediately, although there's no pain or bleeding, but I'm worried my BB inside! So I quickly asked my hubby accompany me to 24 hour Women Clinic at KKH.

The doctor there also very jialat, took a long time to detect my BB's heartbeat, scroll here and there, finally he put the doppler on the upper part of my abdomen, at last at last I heard my BB's precious heartbeat.

oh ic..
me feeling great except for my leg pain. I think its probably sciatic pain. Will tell my gynae abt it when i see him this wed. u leh ? ms over ?


thats good that can detect bb heartbeat.. shows everything is ok I guess
Do u find the kkh 24 clinic takes a long time to attend to u when u were there ? or quite fast ?
Hi <font color="0000ff">poohy</font>, I think maybe it's Sunday, only a few kittens nia... Throughout the whole process, I only waited about approx. 1/2 hour then go home.
Hi gals, just to keep you informed. OG is having 20% off now, hence the maternity clothes there can be q cheap. I just bought some from there last weekend, after discount, the dress cost me only $47.90 and blouse costs me $27.90.
java, snowlake,

Thanks so much for the feedback and info. they are so useful
Select is very famous, they have some stalls in food court too. Java, woule you like to consider??

Actually, I just learnt cooking after getting married last year. So far, I enjoy it only that after pregnant feel tire easily and cant stand the oily smell. recently getting better already, can stand the oily smell but realised that lost appetite after finished cooking. so actually you are so lucky that your mom cook for you
hi gals,
juz wanna check if you gals having headaches? me recently started having headaches especially at this hour, leaving no mood at all. is there a way to prevent?
<font face="EraserDust"><blink><u><font size="+2"><font color="aa00aa">Congrats to all our Newly Expectant Mommies!!

<table border=1><tr><td><font size="+2"><u><font color="ff6000"> February Babies
</font></u></font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>
</TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="ff6000">Steamboat -- EDD 02/02/05 -
</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="119911">Tiny -- EDD 05/02/05 - Gleneagles</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="ff6000">happybuns -- EDD 06/02/05</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="119911">keruri -- EDD 12/02/05</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="ff6000">babygrace -- EDD 14/02/05</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="119911">Lite Breeze -- EDD 15/02/05 - TMC</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="ff6000">Java -- EDD 18/02/05 - TMC -
</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="119911">Vig -- EDD 20/02/05 - TMC</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="ff6000">Jannie -- EDD 24/02/05</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="119911">Qdee -- EDD 24/02/05</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="ff6000">BaByVoN -- EDD 27/02/05 - TMC</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="119911">Lyn_Baby -- EDD 27/02/05</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD> <font size="+2"><u><font color="119911">March Babies
</font></u></font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>
</TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="ff6000">Joyce -- EDD 01/03/05 - KKH</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="119911">skinnyma -- EDD 06/03/05</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="ff6000">Doll -- EDD 06/03/05 - TMC</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="119911">Laugh -- EDD 07/03/05 - Mount. A</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="ff6000">snowpooher -- EDD 07/03/05 - TMC</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="119911">lbs -- EDD 07/03/05 - East Shore</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="ff6000">Seiko -- EDD 08/03/05 - SGH</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="119911">wenn -- EDD 08/03/05</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="ff6000">Bluebell -- EDD 08/03/05 - TMC</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="119911">Elle -- EDD 08/03/05</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="ff6000">Lilac -- EDD 09/03/05</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="119911">Scarydoggie -- EDD 10/03/05</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="ff6000">KC -- EDD 14/03/05</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="119911">Elisa -- EDD 17/03/05 - TMC</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="ff6000">ohmig0sh -- EDD 17/03/05 - KKH</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="119911">Folic -- EDD 18/03/05 - Raffles Hospital</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="ff6000">Ribena -- EDD 19/03/05</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="119911">Lee-Tung -- EDD 23/03/05</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="ff6000">bonnygal -- EDD 27/03/05</font></td></tr></table>

<u><font face="EraserDust"><font size="+1"><font color="aa00aa">Gestation weeks for the period from 6th of Sep to 17th of Sep</font></font></font> </u>

<font face="EraserDust"><table border=1><tr><td><font color="ff6000">Username</font></TD><TD><font color="119911">6-Sep</font></TD><TD><font color="119911">7-Sep</font></TD><TD><font color="119911">8-Sep</font></TD><TD><font color="119911">9-Sep</font></TD><TD><font color="119911">10-Sep</font></TD><TD><font color="119911">11-Sep</font></TD><TD><font color="119911">12-Sep</font></TD><TD><font color="119911">13-Sep</font></TD><TD><font color="119911">14-Sep</font></TD><TD><font color="119911">15-Sep</font></TD><TD><font color="119911">16-Sep</font></TD><TD><font color="119911">17-Sep</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Steamboat</TD><TD>18.5</TD><TD>18.6</TD><TD>19</TD><TD>19.1</TD><TD>19.2</TD><TD>19.3</TD><TD>19.4</TD><TD>19.5</TD><TD>19.6</TD><TD>20</TD><TD>20.1</TD><TD>20.2 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Tiny</TD><TD>18.2</TD><TD>18.3</TD><TD>18.4</TD><TD>18.5</TD><TD>18.6</TD><TD>19</TD><TD>19.1</TD><TD>19.2</TD><TD>19.3</TD><TD>19.4</TD><TD>19.5</TD><TD>19.6 </TD></TR><TR><TD>happybuns</TD><TD>18.2</TD><TD>18.3</TD><TD>18.4</TD><TD>18.5</TD><TD>18.6</TD><TD>19</TD><TD>19.1</TD><TD>19.2</TD><TD>19.3</TD><TD>19.4</TD><TD>19.5</TD><TD>19.6 </TD></TR><TR><TD>keruri</TD><TD>17.5</TD><TD>17.6</TD><TD>18</TD><TD>18.1</TD><TD>18.2</TD><TD>18.3</TD><TD>18.4</TD><TD>18.5</TD><TD>18.6</TD><TD>19</TD><TD>19.1</TD><TD>19.2 </TD></TR><TR><TD>BabyGrace</TD><TD>17.2</TD><TD>17.3</TD><TD>17.4</TD><TD>17.5</TD><TD>17.6</TD><TD>18</TD><TD>18.1</TD><TD>18.2</TD><TD>18.3</TD><TD>18.4</TD><TD>18.5</TD><TD>18.6 </TD></TR><TR><TD>LiteBreeze</TD><TD>16.3</TD><TD>16.4</TD><TD>16.5</TD><TD>16.6</TD><TD>17</TD><TD>17.1</TD><TD>17.2</TD><TD>17.3</TD><TD>17.4</TD><TD>17.5</TD><TD>17.6</TD><TD>18 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Vig</TD><TD>16</TD><TD>16.1</TD><TD>16.2</TD><TD>16.3</TD><TD>16.4</TD><TD>16.5</TD><TD>16.6</TD><TD>17</TD><TD>17.1</TD><TD>17.2</TD><TD>17.3</TD><TD>17.4 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Java</TD><TD>16</TD><TD>16.1</TD><TD>16.2</TD><TD>16.3</TD><TD>16.4</TD><TD>16.5</TD><TD>16.6</TD><TD>17</TD><TD>17.1</TD><TD>17.2</TD><TD>17.3</TD><TD>17.4 </TD></TR><TR><TD>BaByVoN</TD><TD>15.4</TD><TD>15.5</TD><TD>15.6</TD><TD>16</TD><TD>16.1</TD><TD>16.2</TD><TD>16.3</TD><TD>16.4</TD><TD>16.5</TD><TD>16.6</TD><TD>17</TD><TD>17.1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jannie</TD><TD>15.4</TD><TD>15.5</TD><TD>15.6</TD><TD>16</TD><TD>16.1</TD><TD>16.2</TD><TD>16.3</TD><TD>16.4</TD><TD>16.5</TD><TD>16.6</TD><TD>17</TD><TD>17.1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Qdee</TD><TD>15.4</TD><TD>15.5</TD><TD>15.6</TD><TD>16</TD><TD>16.1</TD><TD>16.2</TD><TD>16.3</TD><TD>16.4</TD><TD>16.5</TD><TD>16.6</TD><TD>17</TD><TD>17.1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Joyce</TD><TD>15.1</TD><TD>15.2</TD><TD>15.3</TD><TD>15.4</TD><TD>15.5</TD><TD>15.6</TD><TD>16</TD><TD>16.1</TD><TD>16.2</TD><TD>16.3</TD><TD>16.4</TD><TD>16.5 </TD></TR><TR><TD>snowpooher</TD><TD>15.1</TD><TD>15.2</TD><TD>15.3</TD><TD>15.4</TD><TD>15.5</TD><TD>15.6</TD><TD>16</TD><TD>16.1</TD><TD>16.2</TD><TD>16.3</TD><TD>16.4</TD><TD>16.5 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Laugh</TD><TD>14.3</TD><TD>14.4</TD><TD>14.5</TD><TD>14.6</TD><TD>15</TD><TD>15.1</TD><TD>15.2</TD><TD>15.3</TD><TD>15.4</TD><TD>15.5</TD><TD>15.6</TD><TD>16 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Seiko</TD><TD>14</TD><TD>14.1</TD><TD>14.2</TD><TD>14.3</TD><TD>14.4</TD><TD>14.5</TD><TD>14.6</TD><TD>15</TD><TD>15.1</TD><TD>15.2</TD><TD>15.3</TD><TD>15.4 </TD></TR><TR><TD>lbs</TD><TD>14</TD><TD>14.1</TD><TD>14.2</TD><TD>14.3</TD><TD>14.4</TD><TD>14.5</TD><TD>14.6</TD><TD>15</TD><TD>15.1</TD><TD>15.2</TD><TD>15.3</TD><TD>15.4 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Skinnyma</TD><TD>13.6</TD><TD>14</TD><TD>14.1</TD><TD>14.2</TD><TD>14.3</TD><TD>14.4</TD><TD>14.5</TD><TD>14.6</TD><TD>15</TD><TD>15.1</TD><TD>15.2</TD><TD>15.3 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Doll</TD><TD>13.6</TD><TD>14</TD><TD>14.1</TD><TD>14.2</TD><TD>14.3</TD><TD>14.4</TD><TD>14.5</TD><TD>14.6</TD><TD>15</TD><TD>15.1</TD><TD>15.2</TD><TD>15.3 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Elle</TD><TD>13.6</TD><TD>14</TD><TD>14.1</TD><TD>14.2</TD><TD>14.3</TD><TD>14.4</TD><TD>14.5</TD><TD>14.6</TD><TD>15</TD><TD>15.1</TD><TD>15.2</TD><TD>15.3 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Lilac</TD><TD>13.5</TD><TD>13.6</TD><TD>14</TD><TD>14.1</TD><TD>14.2</TD><TD>14.3</TD><TD>14.4</TD><TD>14.5</TD><TD>14.6</TD><TD>15</TD><TD>15.1</TD><TD>15.2 </TD></TR><TR><TD>KC</TD><TD>13.4</TD><TD>13.5</TD><TD>13.6</TD><TD>14</TD><TD>14.1</TD><TD>14.2</TD><TD>14.3</TD><TD>14.4</TD><TD>14.5</TD><TD>14.6</TD><TD>15</TD><TD>15.1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Wenn</TD><TD>13.4</TD><TD>13.5</TD><TD>13.6</TD><TD>14</TD><TD>14.1</TD><TD>14.2</TD><TD>14.3</TD><TD>14.4</TD><TD>14.5</TD><TD>14.6</TD><TD>15</TD><TD>15.1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Bluebell</TD><TD>13.3</TD><TD>13.4</TD><TD>13.5</TD><TD>13.6</TD><TD>14</TD><TD>14.1</TD><TD>14.2</TD><TD>14.3</TD><TD>14.4</TD><TD>14.5</TD><TD>14.6</TD><TD>15 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Elisa</TD><TD>12.4</TD><TD>12.5</TD><TD>12.6</TD><TD>13</TD><TD>13.1</TD><TD>13.2</TD><TD>13.3</TD><TD>13.4</TD><TD>13.5</TD><TD>13.6</TD><TD>14</TD><TD>14.1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Scarydoggie</TD><TD>12.3</TD><TD>12.4</TD><TD>12.5</TD><TD>12.6</TD><TD>13</TD><TD>13.1</TD><TD>13.2</TD><TD>13.3</TD><TD>13.4</TD><TD>13.5</TD><TD>13.6</TD><TD>14 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ribena</TD><TD>12.2</TD><TD>12.3</TD><TD>12.4</TD><TD>12.5</TD><TD>12.6</TD><TD>13</TD><TD>13.1</TD><TD>13.2</TD><TD>13.3</TD><TD>13.4</TD><TD>13.5</TD><TD>13.6 </TD></TR><TR><TD>ohmig0sh</TD><TD>12.2</TD><TD>12.3</TD><TD>12.4</TD><TD>12.5</TD><TD>12.6</TD><TD>13</TD><TD>13.1</TD><TD>13.2</TD><TD>13.3</TD><TD>13.4</TD><TD>13.5</TD><TD>13.6 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Folic</TD><TD>11.6</TD><TD>12</TD><TD>12.1</TD><TD>12.2</TD><TD>12.3</TD><TD>12.4</TD><TD>12.5</TD><TD>12.6</TD><TD>13</TD><TD>13.1</TD><TD>13.2</TD><TD>13.3 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Lee-Tung</TD><TD>11.5</TD><TD>11.6</TD><TD>12</TD><TD>12.1</TD><TD>12.2</TD><TD>12.3</TD><TD>12.4</TD><TD>12.5</TD><TD>12.6</TD><TD>13</TD><TD>13.1</TD><TD>13.2 </TD></TR><TR><TD>bonnygal</TD><TD>11</TD><TD>11.1</TD><TD>11.2</TD><TD>11.3</TD><TD>11.4</TD><TD>11.5</TD><TD>11.6</TD><TD>12</TD><TD>12.1</TD><TD>12.2</TD><TD>12.3</TD><TD>12.4 </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table></font>

<font color="1aaa5c"><font size="+2"><font face="EraserDust">A Wondrous Journey.....</font></font></font>
