(2005/02) Feb/Mar 2005 Babies

Good morning gals!!

CUPCAKE!!!!! I MISS U!!!! :D How's this public declaration of my luv for you? Keke!! Good to see you back again!

fries, I seen tt toothbrush at Taka last week. It is sold 3 in a pack- stage 1-2-3 and comes with that round plastic thing that prevents the bb from poking the whole thing into the mouth. Those sold separately do not have that/

OK.. let's compile a list of who's going this Sunday:

Venue: BG
Time: about 5.30 onwards till the sky turns dark

1. folic
2. Pax
3. Phantomz
4. fries
5. Jannie
6. bbgrace (tbc)
7. Qdee(tbc)

All the boys and YX solo again.... stephie, omg,COMING???


this thread's babies seem to have a shortage of oestrogen.

think we mite go earlier.

hey PAX! wanna ask u qn... u cook bfast, lunch and dinner all tog & pack to go out??? the porridge/macaroni can keep so long??? i dun dare incase the porridge turns bad.....?
all 3 meals go into my tiger lunch box.. so far so good. by the time i fed M his porridge at 5plus, it was still warm n nice..

i was right. i thot u might have taken day off to spend with Cayden..

i'm sure u miss Q too..

u let me know, then i go ask my god mother.
Pax hee! I think I can order the otaks and the nasi lemak ahead of time and collect, so that we don't run into the situation like last time, where it was sold out... everyone keen? But I might not be able to go and collect.. so do we have a volunteer? Can collect from any of their outlets- realty park, orchard road, hougang st 21, old airport rd, JE st 24 whampoa drive, queen st, ghim moh and w/lands ave 6.

stephie, don tbc lah.. come lah come lah! sleeping also bring along lah! :D

The alternative to otah is golden pillow curry chicken :D I can order for it to be delivered to my place and then I bring there.. VOTE!!

come come also. our gals are in demand..heehee

ok, pax, i jio'ing omg too

hi mummies
there's promotion on diaper and baby food at NTUC. Nepia (L Size) selling at $26.95 for 2 packs! Go check out today's straits times
hey gals,
i'll maintain the TBC status cos J's nose still a bit runny. Don't want to pass the nasty bug to the rest. Hopefully it'll be cleared by sunday.
i wanna see all the cute bbs and collect my loot from fries and pax. otherwise fries may want to start charging rental for putting it in her house :p
Wah! Ashley also wanna meet the handsome boys!
Unlikely that we can make it though.

Enjoy urselves!

Sadly we didn't make it for Sembawang beach last weekend also cos it rained! Seems like A will remain an urbanite for a while
gals!!! finally got time to really read the postings one by one.

First, update on N
PD said N is 90% on the road to recovery but if i want to really ensure that the bug doesnt return i'll hv to neb her 5 more days. So i decided to go ahead for another 5 days.
Luckily now she's not so phobia of the mask.
If i bring the mask close to her face she'll auto push her head forward to allow me to put the elastic band arnd her head.

bbgrace, i love J's t-shirts very funky and his eyes are so big now! So u are considering part time? hmmm but if time sensitive most probably u will need to spend most of your days doing the work. Hard decision huh?

Fries!! thanks for checking on the PJs

Iggy so cute, knows how to share his tu-tu with his beloved mummy hahah very funny!

There can never be an equal time spent on the 2 kids. Either more on N or more on Q. But now that N is slightly more mobile i'll just put the 2 kids together. But at this stage, N will be self occupied with exploring, means i'll be able to spend a bit more time to bond with Q.
The thing is sometimes need to explain to Q why I need to do certain things with N and not with her. So far so good. SHe knows she a big sister

Steph, thanks for the Nepia info. i just bought some yesterday ... hmm
Btw I just realised the new Nepia has an indicator!! but the design not as nice .. no cartoon just circles and dots.
Glad to hear that N is on the road to recovery!

Other than those okunishi sleepsuits and cheap rompers for home wear, J's clothes are usually from Fox or Zara. Boys' clothes very boring compared to gals lah.
Now that he lost his chubby cheeks, his eyes seems bigger and double eyelids are more obvious. Hopefully his entropian lids will also go away.
Part-time is attractive because it gives me some sanity and income. Also i feel obliged to help out in some ways since bosses have been very understanding regarding my decision to stay at home. However, after speaking to hubby and some pple in the office, most feel that i will spend most of the working, be it in the office or at home. I remembered Jannie ever mentioned that the downside of working from home is that there is no day no night.
i'm leaning towards having a clean break from work at the moment. Nevertheless, i promise the bosses that i'll think thru' this over the weekend.
i bought the pigeon step 1 toothbrush with the stopper at kiddy palace today. only $3.50.

i think a clean break would be a better choice, because sometimes it's hard to draw the line b/w PT and FT.

before i went on maternity leave, i requested to take extra 3 mths unpaid maternity leave. but in exchange my boss asked me to do some work from home througout my ML. i agreed. big mistake man! some ppl at work really not understanding one - they haven't the slightest idea how tiring and exhausting it was taking care of a newborn baby. they must think that i was sitting at home all day shaking legs, cause i received emails several times a day asking me to do this and to do that. and then they got the audacity to say "this is very urgent, so can you have it done by today"? on top of that, one of them actually sne tme an email saying that they want me to work on a major project (overhaul of the corporate website)! wah piang!! like i got time like that...luckily one of my colleagues saw waht was going on and she spoke to my boss personally to ask her to put a stop to all this. she said i am on ML and therefore they should not be bothering me with such things, esp since i agreed to help out to do some work from home for no pay!

and then when i went back to work after ML, i realised that my office not very pro-family leh...wanna take urgent child care leave also cannot, so that's why i decided to be a SAHM.
hye girls, think i might have to take a rain check on BG.... long story.... pax will be able to update u this sunday....
hallo gals

no postings today! sigh....guess i must have come in at a wrong day n time. btw is the BG outing still on? Can we join? Where do you gals meet?
Hi BBGrace & mummies using the Pigeon "toothbrush",
How do u apply the toothpaste?
this bad mummy only started using the toothpaste a couple of times
I find it difficult to apply the toothpaste on the toothbrush (most of it seem to end up on the groove)..& then once it gets into the mouth, i think A just eats it up
& she doesn't seem to like the taste of it.
Or am i supposed to "brush" her teeth (with toothpaste) with the other type (thimble-like) & use this pigeon one for her to "practise"?

like Josh, A loves using the toothbrush as a teether! Sometimes she turns it ard & "eat" the other end

Today A tried to eat (looks more like kissing though) a picture of a slice of watermelon on her boardbook..cracked both HB & me up early in the morning
Now she seems more selective abt wat to put in her mouth!
i did not use any toothpaste. M also uses the toothbrush as a teether and turns it the other end to chew too!
hi hi gals, hope the weather is good for your BG picnic today!!!

Today is the 9th day N is on nebuliser. 2 more days to go!

By now she's so used to having the mask around her face. She even knows it when the medicine is used up and she will take the mask off!!
Hi pax,
Haha! Same pattern huh! So do u use a wet handkerchief to clean for him besides letting him use the toothbrush? i've been doing that..wondering if her own "brushing" is sufficient?

Hi Qdee,
last time i saw a little boy who'll shriek his lungs out each time it's nebulizer time...he'll scream "Fire fire" when he sees the smoke & run away...very funny!
Hope N has fully recovered by now! *sayang* She's such a good girl & very brave!
J is like A and M also. always turning the toothbrush on the other side. I don't use toothpaste either.

What a letdown today. Was looking forward to meeting the babies and it had to rain in the afternoon. J was zzzing away till 6pm cos the weather is so nice for sleeping. Plus he was tired out from the morning's activities cos we went cycling at ECP. He enjoys it lots so we'll do it again soon
mm.. nope i jus let him use the toothbrush. i think at this point whatever brushing i'm letting M do is jus to get him used to the routine, so next time no need to "chase" after him. ;o)

glad u had fun at ecp this morning... M also enjoyed the ride when we went last week. we would definitely go again.

N so guai. good that she's recovering.

BG outing
ya lor, what a disappointment. i was also looking fwd to meeting babies n mommies. we actually went to BG anyway, bcos the weather kind of cleared up. it didn't rain at BG at all till a while later. M had some fun watching ducks, water hens, birds and feeding fish, before the passing showers. M refused his dinner today, no matter how we coaxed him. He knew Mama wasn't happy, he got that "guilty" look on his face. *sigh*
Morning gals!
I think this will be a quiet week at the forum cos most people are clearing leave. Except me

Realised i forgot to reply you regarding the accident.
Thank god, hub is ok and J and myself were not in the car.
Car will need to be in the workshop for 3 weeks cos they got to ship the parts in. So there goes our plan to go see xmas lights topless :p
But i'm not missing the car cos i'm driving my previous model which i like a lot. My mum is happy too cos there's lots of space in this car. haha!
Hi girls, pity that last week's BG outing was not successful.. but I m sure that there will be a next one soon!

Last week was super busy for me, and I think this coming few weeks as well.... now my headache is how to get CE interested in his food!!!! he is now shaking his head to porridge, milk, water, etc... and everybody is commenting that he is growing thinner and thinner everyday... sigh....

BBgrace, what is this previous car model u are talking abt?

qdee, good to hear that N is recovering... just in time for xmas!!!

OMG, i use the finger brush as well as cloth to clean the teeth. Finger brushing is more for practise....

NTUC Promo
NTUC is having Similac Excellence Follow On promotion till 28 Dec. $27.80 per tin. not ALOT of savings, but better than none, right? :p Anyway, alot of bb items are on sale.. like J&J wet wipes, alot of diaper brands (except Pampers
), bb detergent, etc.
Ashley is so destructive..nanny's 60-yr-old gold necklace broke after months of pulling by A! Must go get another one for nanny
These few days she's super friendly..waving her hands at passers-by! But she still doesn't wave bye-bye to context leh

Hi Jannie,
Oh dear! Hope CE eats more soon! Maybe he's growing taller so looks thinner? That's wat's happening to A! Also, if CE is very active, will expend a lot of calories so won't gain much weight! Dun worry too much!

Thanks for the NTUC promo update! Will go check it out!

Hi BBGrace,
Take heart! I'm also not clearing leave. So when's ur last day? Must be looking forward to it huh?
Hi gals! no business hor, this thread? :D

Sigh! It's a pity the weather was not good for the outing! We must have a contigency plan next time! In the end, we drove around aimlessly, to mount faber (managed to get out of car to snap a few photos, like tourist), to labrador park (quite nice leh!-too bad drizzling, so did not get out of car), went for dinner at ka soh, then drove to Pasir Ris park at about 645. YX enjoyed herself there, the breeze was good and most important of all, she enjoyed the touch of the sand! She was jumping up and down on the sand when I put her down! Then I ventured further and let her touch the sea water. She also loved it! Here's a pic of her at the beach! She wear nice nice to meet the boys.. but too bad!

Jannie, I think it is a phase! I was tearing my hair out on Sunday too! She REFUSED to eat the porridge that I cooked, only drank 100ml of milk each time..and this has gone on for about 1 week liao. She also learn to shake her head vigorously when she doesnt want her food and I think my aiming skills is getting better! :D But yesterday and today, my mum reported that she gobbled down all the porridge. Yesterday, she took one whole cup of yoghurt at 3pm, took porridge at 5pm, milk at 7 (100ml) and then milk again at 9 (180ml).. So I hope CE clears this stage soon!

omg, A's tricks always make me laugh! YX also donno how to wave bye bye to context!

and posting on behalf of fries.. here's handsome iggy b4 and after haircut!

Iggy the Pro Driver!


Iggy looking very smart and like he's ready to fly a plane!

folic.... YX was really dolled up!!! glad that she enjoyed the sand. CE dun like to be carried now.. he likes to be on his knees and crawl... hold him by the arm to walk also dun want... i really hope that his food refusal is a passing phase like what u have mentioned. i have now resorted to buying the si sen herbs to make soup for the porridge today.. hopefully it will work as it claims - to improve appetite.

iggy is so smart looking! fries, where did u bring him for hair cut? CE needs a cut too, but the last time, the barber used a shaver and he was scared out of his wits. now i dunno where i can bring him for a cut liao...

omg, CE is indeed growing taller, but his food intake need to increase more due to the fact that he is getting more and more active. from the moment he opens his eyes in the morning, he will move non-stop till his nap time. it is really tiring to bbsit him.. that's why now sometimes i'd rather help my maid do household chores and she'd follow him around the house...
pity didn't get to see YX all dolled up!
i also got pics of J at the beach.
J : Hmmm.... this feels funny under my feet

J : Whoooosh.... what's that?!!

my previous car was a Renault Scenic. The 2001 model that is round and cute and i'm now driving the lime green one that i like
This car is great. Safe (6 air bags), lots of storage space, easy to get in and out.
Hope CE is just undergoing a phase in food strike. You've already done your best in trying to give him different varieties. Take heart that he's quite big for his age. My J takes everything and is a milk-a-holic but he's not putting on weight at all.
Just like you, sometimes i get hub to bathe and play with him cos i would rather be doing housework. i can't keep up with him liao
bbgrace / jannie
same with me. i rather do housework than follow M around. but M's ok in the sense that he would follow me, instead of i follow him and sometimes he would entertain himself with his toys, balls and books! it has been 6days as SAHM mom! vv tiring but quite fun. to be truthful, i dun mind exchanging my job to be a SAHM mom. but too bad, need the money! *Sigh*

6 air bags!!! wah! super safe!

M has been giving less than usual for dinner and breakfast. i suspect that he might be cutting his first tooth FINALLY! felt some roughness on his lower gums.

YX was all dressed up, so sweet. but then hor, girls always have all the pretty pretty clothes, compared to boys.
Hi girls...
wa....did not read forum for a long time....busy especially year end....

I will only be taking 3 days from tmr till friday...so will accompany you next week...

Pax.....hey...we can meet up for BF or lunch something like that on friday..then...i am most prob going shopping after that......i can pass you the money and you the books.....

jannie....my C also refusing food....and milk too....me also abit worried....but hopefully, this will pass....

Update on C :
I brought C for his first haircut...and he was so bald....hahhaa.....and he looks so round...!!!

and he got two more teeth which cut thru...i only notice yesterday....so in total 4 on top and 2 below ....

and his nanny services stop today....so i will be looking after him for the next three days...and next week, my mum's....and next year onwards..infant care......
Hi Folic, Fries & BBgrace,
How much the kids have grown!!! Looks like i have to bring A to the beach SOON!

Hi Folic,
Yes, A's tricks also make me laugh! But not so funny when we need to go shop for a gold necklace leh

Hi Jannie,
Haha! i think BBs at this age is super active. A also moving non-stop. Will sneak everywhere when unattended..that day she crawled into my dirty bathroom while i was vacuuming the room..luckily i noticed her silence & got to her in time b4 she reached the bleach! PHEW! Sometimes can't be following her everywhere (if not dun need to do things liao!)...thinking of getting gates to block off certain areas in my place

Hi Phantom,
So C will start "school" soon! Have u brought him there (infantcare) b4? Hope he enjoys it!

C's teeth growing so quickly...A only has 4 now.

Be careful when BBs grow more teeth..
Today, A slipped & bit herself on her lips & bled
i'm taking my precious 2 days of leave next week because infantcare is closed.
So you gonna place him in that "branded" infantcare? Wow! :p
i'll give notice to the infantcare in jan 06 to pull J out.

able to repair the necklace instead of getting a brand new one? J also likes to pull necklaces. He does it to my mom and the teachers. Hope it won't be an expensive lesson cos mommy got no more money to buy a new one.

Are you all getting xmas present for your babies? I'm not cos i've bought quite a new toys for J this month. Plus the books from wonderbox, these will be his presents.
I need suggestions on what to buy for hb. He bought 2 presents for me and i've already opened one of them. I need to buy his. Help!
we bought sarah the bruin activity/interactive table (for 18-24mths) for x'mas, plus the 6 books from wonderbox. the activity table came highly recommended by many mums. orig price $49.95 but it was on sale at toys r us for $34.95 a few weeks back. i cannot tell you what i bought hubby leh in case he reads this posting then spoil the surprise for him only...kekeke! btw, i also "bought" him a gift "from" sarah leh...hehe!
Thanks for your suggestion, lani

J already got an activity table, the chicco one which quite a few mommies here bought at the last isetan sale.
Good idea that you "bought" sarah's present for him. Maybe i should do that too.... if i can find something to get for him.
aiya. never even realised i typed wrong word... M has been eating less than usual at breakfast and dinner.

phantom, i'm gg back to work tmr leh! btw where r u gg shopping? i still haven't bought my x'mas gifts.

lani, i was also eyeing the bruin table fr toys r us. i thot it's quite good too.

bbgrace, i was thinking of a DIY desktop calendar for my hubby, featuring M! but till now, i haven't got down to doing it.. i also found this photo shop at west mall that make key chains with a photo in a token. $6. maybe that can be M's present for Papa. Good idea fr Lani to get a present fr M for Papa.
good idea on the calendar but i cant find a decent colour laser printer to do it leh

J "gave" daddy a present for our wedding anniversary 1 mth before he was borned. It was a Coach key ring where u can insert a photo. So now i can't make that key chain at Westmall for him. Cham lah.... i'm running out of ideas already.

btw i heard that the coming isetan private sale will be on 28 dec 05. so mark your calendars!
Hi gals!

I was on leave yesterday afternoon. Went to 'repair' myself- facial and haircut! PLUS xmas shopping for my frens' kids whom I will be meeting on Sat.. buay tahan.. 13 presents to buy! Luckily got them all already! Ironically, I didnt get anything for YX. She has her toys and books etc already. So that's enuff!As for hubby, we are not into gifts, so nothing from me this year. Last year, I got him 2 boxes of golf balls. Then I took out one box (with 3 balls) and painted them - Ah gal (cos that time YX stil no name!) , mummy and daddy
So the 3 golf balls are now sitting on display in our room and he has yet to finish using the golf balls cos he couldnt find the time! haha!!

The other thing I did yesterday was to collect YX's photos. I am so happy with it! On top of the album, I also got 3 free 12R photos (didnt exepect them to be so big!!), and a whole bunch of small credit card size photos (which i will laminate and give as presents to grandpa/grandma etc) and 10-20 4Rs,some of some of the photos which I did not select.

Ok.. now back to clear work.. bbgrace, I also no leave till y/e.. only half day here and there.

hi hi gals!!

Been wanting to post but every time i typed something the phone rang.

Today on leave. Will be bringing the girls to science centre.

Hey phantom miss u loads!!! Oh so u hv decided to put C in infantcare? I hope he's happy there

Folic, u really doll up YX hahah ... too bad din manage to meet up with all her friends. But looked like she had a good time with mummy and daddy.

Talking abt haircut, i botched N's haircut again! haha. Thot of gg to forum for a cut but since she wasnt that well we were not keen to go town. Ended up I cut it for her and this girl cant keep still so her hair is slanted again! Oh well we'll just hv to wait for it to grow.
can go photoshop and print. better quality than colour laser printer. thanks on the tip for the isetan private sales.

i'm taking leave this Fri, bcos i jus realised that i need to clear another 2 days, if not forfeit. i was thinking of meeting for lunch. wat time is good for u?
hi jannie, we cut at Junior League at Plaza Singapura.

phantom, wah! 6 teeth! iggy only 2 teeth.

so many pple with plans for fri. we're bringing iggy for cycling at ecp in morning, followed by underwater world in the afternoon! coz he'll be cooped up at home all weekend for family gatherings.
Hi gals..will be disappearing for the rest of the week... mil jus passed away this morning...

Have fun with all the xmas celebrations!


hello mummies.

I'm a April MTB and am looking for a good confinement lady. Would appreciate if you can email me contacts of your confinement ladies with some basic info like price and your rating of her.

Thank you v v much.
[email protected]
