(2005/02) Feb/Mar 2005 Babies

Hi BBGRace,
At least ur HB's ok & the most important--Josh was not in the car! Phew! But yes, ur poor car! Hope ur weekend gets better!

Hi Lani,
WAH! Dun scare me
But i agree..taxi drivers r reckless...time to consider buying a car...

omg and gals who msn me today,
thanks for your concern. i'm so so thankful that no one was hurt in the accident. Both guys were cool about it, got all the insurance paperwork done and we now got a replacement car cos the car is gonna be at the workshop for a while. And thankfully it's an auto one cos i can't drive manual. And it's the same model as my previous car and my fave colour
So that's one consolation.
We're going car seat shopping tomorrow. Cos the clip securing the seat belt broke upon impact when the seat belt tightened. Now i understand why some advise not to use a 2nd hand car seat cos you don't know if it has been involved in an accident before.

too bad, can't write off the car and take the money to buy another one :p
Hi Qdee,
*SAYANG Nayli*
Poor girl...but she's so guai, sit there for the nebulizer. When A had to do it ~1 mth ago, she was trying to escape the whole time!
& A has a similar shirt with the duckie but hers is yellow long-sleeve
Hope N gets well very very soon!
Poor Nayli! Sayang her.
Agree with omg that she can guai guai sit there. Hope she gets well soon!

What a tiring weekend. Chasing after J all the time, trying to keep him out of mischief.

J : I need tissue to blow my nose

J : Oooh, this is fun

J : What will mommy say if she sees this?

And hb asked me after seeing this, "So you still wanna stay at home with him?" :p
Good morning gals! A start to another week!

Qdee, POOR NAYLI!! Is she better now?? Hope she gets well soon.

bbgrace, I think your new lifestyle will be quite glam.. picking up snowy white tissues that are being flung out by your darling.. so romantic! Keke! :D Or you might like to watch sad soapy Korean dramas and J will be there, right next to you, passing you a kleenex as required!

YX's new game over the weekend is to do the hokey pokey with Ernie. :D Hope to post some photos on my blog soon.. once I have the time to download.

Try to have fun working ok? :D

qdee, nayli so poor thing.. but she is such a good girl to sit there quietly.. CE would have ripped the mask off and scurried away!!

bbgrace, at least J takes out tissue by tissue.. CE loves to tear the tissue into tiny pieces.. and needless to say.. i have snowflakes at home...and hope that u've had a good deal on your new car seat.. i was recommending my fren the alpha omega elite (kidsmall have sale), she got it for only $279!!!!

ok, i finally got around to bringing CE for his 9th mth assessment (although it's more like 10 mths assessment). glad to hear from the nurse that he is ok. he is 9kg only (less than 1kg increase since 7 mths), and 75.5cm.
hhehehe gals gals gals ...
U gals either, underestimated N or hv too much respect for her!
U think she'll just sit there and wait for 30 mins to complete the neb ah? hahahah

I wrestled with her the first time we did it and she's a strong and determined baby. So first session was such a failure.
2nd session rope in the help of daddy who locked her arms and legs and she cried and cried and cried. Jie-jie see also heart pain, she looked so sad seeing her mei mei like that.

Then 3rd one we try to approach it in a fun way. Let her near the machine, play with the mask etc. Initially she looked suspiciously at it. Then we put the mask on and started to laugh and she began enjoying it. But that lasted for abt 10 mins b4 she pulled and banged at the machine.
She scratched her face in the process.

Also we hv to entertain her .. kept singing like mad woman for at least 20-30 mins to keep her happy. Now my throat is sore. I'll hv to keep doing this for the next 3 days! sian man. Mentally and physically tired.

SO glad to have u gals to share this with me

Bbgrace, Jannie, N will also make it into tiny pces of snowflakes! Plus put some in her mouth .. nua snowflakes!
J is so cute. What happened after the last photo? so did u get ur carseat? the alpha omega elite recommended by jannie is quite good. i got maxi cosi priori sps. Kids mall's a good place to buy carseat. i noticed that they always have "unadvertised" sales.

hope Nayli is better today. u also poor thing lah, u better take care too. i didn't know that neubiliser need 30min!? i don't think i would even get a chance to put it on M. it already took us a while to get him used to his headband. But now he learned to touch his ears and his head, if he feels the headband he will yank it off!

CE is tall!! M is only 72cm, but weighs 9.5kg. now i cannot go out without my sarong carrier. he's getting too heavy to carry with my arms.

have a good week ahead.. ;o)
pax.. yup.. the nurse also said CE is on the tall side for his age (abt 99th percentile)... and all these time my mum said that he is very "katek".... i just called her to say "nah nah neh bu bu" and ask her to stop calling her grandson a shortie.
wait till YX pulls the same trick, you wouldn't think it's romantic lah

qdee, jannie,
J also tears them into snowflakes after he has pulled them out of the box. i guess the kids are all the same, so is this a developmental milestone? haha!

what happened after the last photo? hmm.... mommy whipped out a cane.....
No lah, i told him sternly, "No, you cannot do this" (i sound like a parrot these days, keep repeating this line to him). He looked at me and shook his head and then started making snowflakes with whatever tissue in his hand. *faint*

Jannie , Pax
I bought a Chicco carseat from Robinsons for $299 after discount. Originally wanted to get the Maxi cosi from Mothercare but there was no stock and we didn't have time to go shopping around and we needed the seat urgently. There's no way we want to let J be in the car without the car seat. So we got the chicco one lor. i should have gone to kidsmall instead.

These days J shakes his head whenever i tell him "No". Have been trying to teach him to nod but he still can't do it. And he answers my every question with shaking his head. Yesterday, my conversation with him went like this
Mommy : J, is mommy fat?
J : *shakes head*
Mommy : Are you a naughty boy?
J: *shakes head*
Mommy : Are you a good boy?
J: *shakes head*
Mommy : *slaps forehead*
bbgrace, she ALREADY does that.. and guess who taught her? GRANDMA! She read in the book that bbs of donno how many mths can do that and she placed a tissue box in front of YX who promptly showed grandma that she is on target in developing that skill.

Jannie, donno if you got my msg this morning. sorry i forgot to msg u y/day. the w/end was so busy! CE is a tall and handsome boy! I showed his photo to my mum y/day and she commented that CE looks very h/some :D

Qdee, all the same, I think N is good gal! Hope she gets well enuff to join us this Sunday!

shaking head - J is so cute!!! so funny. My M dunno how to shake head, i think bcos we seldom shake our head at him.. haha..
M also dunno how put out the tissue paper from the box. or at least i think he doesn't know. maybe i should try putting one box in front of him..

yup, really hope N get well for Sunday!! ;o)
hey folic.. got your msg this morn. din reply cos i was driving.... dun worry abt it.

pax.. i m sure M knows how to shred the tissue paper.. it's like a sure know-how amongst bbies!

anyway...dragged my hubby to tanglin mall last saturday cos poor CE needs a change in his food. bought this darn expensive apple and banana muesli from brown rice paradise.. as well as some jar food from there. well... at least he likes the darn expensive muesli...

want to ask mommies here who give jar food .. do u give them straight from the bottle? or u do mix with some porridge or rice cereal?

bbgrace, is J gentle when shaking his head? CE has very exaggerated moves when he shakes his head... after a few times, he will be giddy
hi jannie,
yes, CE v tall leh. who says he's a shortie. you so cute, the way you describe how you tell you mum. Brght C to see PD last weekend cos her BCG mark is swollen. So took her ht and wt. It's 71cm and 7.9kg. PD didn't do any assessment for her cos he said C has already done so during her 6 mth.

I gave jar food straight without adding any stuff. Fed C strawberry & rice yoghurt mousse from Heinz. She likes it very much.

hi qdee
hope nayli gets well soon

J so cute, shake head whenever he 'replies' you. C still dunno how to shake head. Probably cos I seldom/never shake head to her. When I say 'cannot' I just use my finger to do the 'no' gesture.
hello mommies

aiyo qdee my heart goes out to nayli. hang in there ok? now when i see babies hv to suffer like dat... *heart pain*

glad J is better already. haha u let him make snowflakes huh? the moment iggy gets his hands on tissue i'll snatch it away!
anyway, iggy is finally over the shake head phase. over last wk, he finally can "nod" head...although is just the downward nod. the upward nod not v successful yet. and he accompanies it with "yeth".

wow CE is very very tall! iggy is abt 72cm, and weighs 9.3kg at his 9th mth assessment.
i normally just feed jar food out of the jar.
anyway, iggy is starting to be difficult to feed. no longer desperate for the next spoonful. always distracted. now must entertain him then he'll eat. sigh.

ignatius repertoire of words has increased to such an extent, even the PD is impressed. he can say "ow-wer" (when he sees flowers), "ar-ney" (when he sees ernie), "al-mo" (when he sees elmo), "biir" (when he sees birds), "overr" (when he sees grover), "bu-ao" (meaning bu4 yao4 don't want), "ooor-len" (when he sees orange). he recognises cows, clocks, apples, though haven't tried to pronounce them yet. we're so proud of him!

anyway, i've MIA for so long coz hb & i came down with food poisoning AND a severe case of stomach flu on saturday nite/sunday morning. i just manage to crawl out of bed without puking/diarrhoeing.

Hi mummies,
it must be a common hobby amongst our BBs to pull tissue & tear them apart & eat the snow flakes! Thank god i'm not alone in this! Besides that, A also likes to pull out the diapers from the package or tries to tear apart the grocery plastic bag. Tried to teach her to put her toys in a small pail...but she just keeps emptying it

Hahaha! So romantic indeed!

Josh is so cute..must be busy playing with tissue & shaking head the whole weekend! Ask him more questions like "Is mummy fat/flabby?"...sure makes my day if A shakes her head vigorously to that question
Too bad A can't shake her head yet. Now her fav activity is to scream/squeal/laugh & clap or wave her hands in the air when she's happy...esp when she's speeding in her stroller (i run while pushing it)
I'm sure u'll enjoy spending more time with Josh!

Hi Jannie,
i tried to feed jar food straight (i warm it up using warming EBM method) BUT her royal manja highness doesn't like it. I think cos most of the savoury Heinz jar food is a bit sourish (contains herbs & vege?). The fruit puree also cannot. But she takes the pear puree mixed with Frisocrem wheat. I guess depends on individual BBs. If CE has been used to nice-tasting food, maybe he won't like food straight from jar

Hi Stephie,
Oh! U got the yoghurt mousse? It sounds nice, but i thought it doesn't look too appealing..did u taste it? Is it sourish? Thinking of trying the chocolate mousse..but looks quite gross
Maybe will just give A some of my cadbury choc instead...
Hi Fries,
GOSH! Iggy is so advanced in his language/speech skills! A is nowhere near that!
His pronunciantion for Ernie is soo cute...ar-ney..heheh! means "brother" in forgot-wat-language (hindi/tamil/bangla)
Hope u'r better now!
haha! so pulling tissue from box IS a developmental milestone.

pax and stephie,
i think M and C are very guai that's why you got no chance to tell him "No". This word has become my frequently used word liao.

J used to shake his head very vigourously also. but these days he shakes it gently. damn funny to watch.

i usually mix jar food into cereal. So far J likes the Healthy Times ones best esp the apple and sweet potato. i used stocked them up yesterday at Forum. i think BRP is slightly more expensive. Their HT jar food is $2.50 if i remember correctly but they got a lot more variety there.

wah, iggy is so advanced! He reminds me of the kid in the milk powder ad that goes "hu2 ji1 hua1" (orchid).

I think J is the most kechil amongst the rest. He has not crossed the 9kg mark. His weight gain has definitely slowed down since i started work. i think it's also partly because he's very active. I guess so long as his appetite is good, i should not worry too much hor? After all he was a low birth weight bb to begin with.
Anyway, i wanna fatten him up when i'm home with him. I've told the boss today
hi fries
Hope you and hubby are better liao. know what you ate caused the food poisoning and stomach flu?

really impressed with Iggy's advancement. Cherylin only knows how to say "mum mum", "ma ma" (don't know calling me or wanna eat, think it's the latter. sigh). Scream when she's happy (sometimes quite loud, hee, not sure if your in-laws can hear

hi omg
yup, i tried the yoghurt (wanna find out how it taste since C likes it so much). It's a bit sourish but not as sour as the normal yoghurt. My mum fed C the chocolate mousse before. Think she likes it too cos my mum bought twice. yah, looks a bit gross. cadbury choco definitely sounds better.

hi bbgrace
don't worry about J's weight. Like what you said, he's so active, hence burn off more calories.
wah fries u finally crawl out of the hole to post .. hope u & hb get well soon too!

Fries, i am not surprised that Iggy can 'speak/talk' early coz most kids whose parents are proactive in reading/talking/singing to them, develop speech early. With Q she 'talked' quite early too. She can string 2-3 words together at 18 mths. Doctors always asked whether I am a SAHM.

Even N is not as fast as her.

At 9 mths, Q can indicate where she wants to go, can recognize a lot of objects too. That why i said i m laggin behind with N. Just too busy.

Update on N
She is SUPER cranky. Hv been up carrying her to sleep. Yesterday I banished her out of the room coz she cried nonstop and i was really tired out.
My parents rescued her and she happily sleep between them and din wake up until 6.30 this morning. Bully mommy!
I have 2 more days of nebbing her. Tmrw is the review. Her cough seems much better. I just want her to be well!!!!

Update on Q.
Got the bug from N. Last nite fever and horror of horror, she has infected eyes as well! arg!
When is this gg to be over?/ *sigh*
btw, whole of yesterday afternoon I was nauseous and had giddy spells. On the cab i kept wanting to puke *think out loud* third one on they way??
WAH!! this thread needs some cleansing!! Everyone is falling sick!! Hope everyone gets well for the holiday season!

fries, poor thing! better today? So impressed with Iggy.

bbgrace, does it make you feel better now that u know that tissue pulling IS a developmental milestone? :D

Qdee, Hope all the sickness leave your house soon!! Poor gal! So did you do any tests??? :p

Today, I will go to the Polyclinic for YX's 9 mths assessment.
Give me reason to leave work early. AND the big news yesterday is that we can finally feel her lower teeth. Still can't see it but the gums definitely feels more sharp. Bo Geh days are gonna be over soon!!

qdee! if third one...pray for boy for u! glad u got some rest last nite while N slept with parents.
poor Q! *sayang*
dun berate urself on N's devt. i'm sure she is doing just fine. i guess we tend to forget that the younger sibling picks up a lot from the older sibling as well, so i'm sure that N gets double the verbal influence, from parents as well as Q.

stephie, erm we suspect is the wedding favours (pineapple tarts) from the wedding dinner we went to on saturday. then the stomach flu struck as well.

thanks babygrace, omg, folic on compliments on iggy's speech!
u poor thing, we were wondering what happened to you? u still at home resting? *sayang* how's iggy's spots? clearing? iggy is so smart... so many words.. M still at bear, pa, ber.

u also better take care of urself too. all the giddy spells n puking, u might just be tired out.
Hi gals!

Went for the 9 mth assessment jus now. Ms YX is now 8.5kg (50%), 71.5cm (60%). She has dropped in terms of percentile for her weight quite a bit, perhaps due to the lack of appetite these few days. But she still weighs a ton to me! The funniest of all the test results? She maintained her BIG HEAD status with a circumference of 46cm (90+%)!! HAHA!!

I was a bit disappointed at the 'non scientific' hearing test used at the clinic. My fren was telling me that she went to the one near her house and they used device to emit high pitch/low pitch sound thru a speaker etc. The nurse only use some shakers and shake to produce sound for YX to turn back. She did both sides with no probs, which is a relief for me. She CRIED when they make her lie down to take the height and for physical examination. SIGH!!

hi folic
Which polyclinic (or clinic?) did you fren went to? Did you make an appt for YX's DA? Need to wait very long? That day when i brought Cherylin to PD and make her lie down. She just stay still and looked very 'stone'. Haha, my hubby was saying "she looks very tense hoh".
Stephie, she went to a polyclinic.. I donno which one but she said near her house, so I am assuming it is Bkt Batok. I made appt for 3.30.. nobody except her. Haha At least Cherilyn never cry.. This YX cry until my parents can hear her from outside. So from the exam table, the nurse make her stand and hold the chair. She jus stand there sobbing.. like so poor thing yet so funny. :D And jus before that, she was so so cheerful, clapping and laughing each time the queue number board changed a number and make the ding dong sound. The nurse asked if she can recognise family members. I say yes and also recognise strangers and cry!!

Haha, folic, the way you describe YX crying so cute leh. Don't know why, everytime bring cherylin to the doctor, she'll lie stiff stiff on the bed. but when she's home and we wanna change her diaper, she'll cry.
hey folic, CE also.. cried when put him to measure his height.. also cried when standing with support from the chair...

i just realised that our jin tong yu nu aka iggy and YX cut their first tooth together!!!!
jannie, hee hee actually iggy cut tooth some time ago. but i've been v slow in updating. he's got 2 teeth now! *grin* n i've also been slow to take a pic of that!

babygrace, so cute! J knows how to hold his own toothbrush! iggy is still using the kind i slot onto my finger like a thimble.

qdee!!! any updates??

where is phantom???

pax, iggy's is all well. i'm ok too, but my MIL is down with the strange bug. sigh. so i had to take urgent leave today to look after iggy. i'm a SAHM today! feels gd.
M is so rosy! he looks so cute! i can't wait for iggy and M to meet and take pic tog. =)

iggy & i were tumbling in the bed...and watching him roll around, i must have dozed off (ok dun punish me!). coz i was suddenly jolted awake by...
iggy! he had crawled over to where i lay, with my eyes closed, and took his pacifier and tried to put it in my mouth like wat he likes when he's asleep! my heart just melted and i wondered if i cld ever do wat babygrace did!
J is using the step 1 pigeon toothbrush. There's a stopper so that he can't poke it deeper to his throat. It has rubbery nodes just like the thimble one. He uses it like a teether, chewing and massaging his gums.

That's so sweet of iggy. It's moments like these that makes you wanna drop everything else and be with him. i just woke up from my "nap" while putting J to sleep. He refused to sleep by himself in the cot, so i took him to sleep on the bed. He rolled around, snuggled close to me, pulled my shirt to smell and fell asleep.

My boss asked me to consider working part-time. Sounds tempting cos at least i still have some income. However, this doesn't solve the problem cos J still needs a caregiver while i'm at work.

hope everything is going fine with you!
i also can't wait for iggy n M to meet. btw they r almost same size. M is 72cm n 9.5kg at his 9mth assessment. btw when was iggy borned? i still dunno leh... so sweet of iggy. M would rather kiss his teddy bears than to kiss me. i'll be SAHM for the next few days. on leave till next tue, bcos my mom need to do springcleaning.. i'm sure i'm going to enjoy it. ;o)

mm.. no news of phantom. maybe took a day off to spend it with Cayden? so sad.. 10 days apart.

my godmother stays near where u work. she used to be a nanny. not sure whether she's keen to take care part time. u wan me to check with her? btw can ur job allow u to work fr home? but got lots of meeting to attend, right?

how's N? Q? what abt u?
thanks for offering to find out. one reason i'm hesitating about getting a nanny for J is that he has started to recognise his caregivers. it may take him a while to settle in. let me decide if i want to take on part-time first ok?
my boss will hive off some work if i do it part-time. there are some work that i can do from home. problem is that the work that i do is time-sensitive so that's the inflexible part. Also, knowing me, i may not be able to let go and will still end doing full-time work but taking part-time pay. that'll be a bad deal.
my original plan was to take half year off, get a maid, train her, shift closer to either sis or mum and then go back to work knowing that J will be in good hands.
anyway, i'm supposed to see the big boss tomorrow. not sure if he has other plans in store for me.
hi bbgrace
your boss v 'qi4 zhong4' you. You must be his/her 'de2 li4 zu4 shou3' dats why thinking of one way or another to make you continue working

I also have a feeling that if you work part-time, will end up spending full-time in office. hee.

hi pax
phantom is back hah. hmm... must have missed cayden a lot.

hi qdee,
how's N?
haha... that's what my hubby says too. He knows that i won't be able to walk away from work should there be any problem. So it may be better to have a clean break away, though i must say the thought of having a paycheck is very tempting :p
And i also feel bad to my boss as she has been good to me.
sorry gals, busy at work busy at home. no time to update.

N is still coughing *thank you sweet aunties for asking abt her* Loads of phlegm. Today no more gassing. WIll be gg to PD in afternoon.

Last few days we hv been camping at my mom's place. Yesterday HB took my elder gal home coz he doesnt want her to miss too many days of school. Both me and N still at gramma's place.
At midnite this is what Q did. Verbatim from hb's sms ..

"She said she sad and sit at the corner of your wardrobe. Then to and fro to open toilet door. Asked her, she said she want mama"
folic, nope din take any tests. But i think i need to go to doctor's coz i feel an extreme pain ard the back of the right breast, at the top of the ribcage. This morning i wasn't able to lift up my right hand. I think the giddiness and nausea has got to do with that pain that i had.
Just hope it's not another one of those terrible lumps.
hi guys....i am back to work...did you guys miss me ? heehee....

i took two days off to spend time with C.....brought him to vist my grandma yesterday....he din see her for a long time...and yesterday, he gave my grandma lots of big big smiles...really made her so happy......

Qdee....Q so sad......see....she loves you equally too......so dun say she only loves daddy.....

pax : how much is my damage on the books ?

fries : wowee.....iggy is a fast talker !!! heeheee......valentino in training.......

folic : miss me ? i feel like having muffins as breakfast ......hmm....that doesn't sounds too right.....

babygrace : hey...you/your HB/J oki...? i glanced thru the post.......saw the accident thingy.....lunckily J is strapped in......gees....i better make sure C is strapped in the car seat everytime now.......

hey...this weekend BG still on ?
hi babygrace...haven't seen the pigeon toothbrush around. will go hunt for it! looks gd. wld like iggy to brush his own teeth rather than i poke my finger in his mouth!
i think u workaholic...if work from home, pls dun take part time pay. really lugi for you!

hi pax, iggy was born on 6 mar. yeah they same size, iggy just slightly lighter.

qdee!!!! Q sounds so so so sad. i really feel for her. i often wonder how to split our attention between more than 1 baby. *sayang Q*
glad to her N is off the neb. guess the phlegm will take time to go away. hope she's back to her charming self soon.
hang in there yourself ok? hope u dun fall sick! and hope the pain goes away.
