(2004/12) Year 2004 December Mummies

usually babies get kinda fussy and lose their appetite.. they will drool more than usual and might be very clingy, wan to be carried all the time.... teething toys and cooling teethers help ;)... usually for a few days at a time

poor rae fell onto the floor...

Hi, mummies, thanks for the well wishings
Chloe fever came back to 38degrees again today, doc says if tomorrow still persist have to go down for blood test.

Got to cancel the Gymboree thingy too, ahyah, this mummy so look forward to it

Anyway, as long as Chloe tmr no fever, I wanna go bai Guan yin liao
oh dear...poor chloe...hopes she recovers soon...
dun worry too much ok duffy..

gymboree is always there...no worries...and i am sure chloe can take part once she recovers...
pray hard for chloe ok

remember more fluids for chloe....
<font color="0000ff">evelyn</font>
<font color="0000ff">bloomberg and bloomingdale is company name lor. cos your company got so good pantry for u to enjoy, i tot ... must be one of the big company</font>

Declan's Health
<font color="0000ff">Declan is not well actually. Wednesday nite got fever. Gave panadol but wrong dosage - cos dosage too little</font>

<font color="0000ff">Thursday Nite bring him see doctor. Gave him panadol on thursday nite, friday morning. </font>

<font color="0000ff">Stop giving on friday noon. Fever comes back at 6pm at night. Followed by cough , runny nose. Gave him runnynose medicine before see doctor. Brought him see doctor just now at7pm. Doc gave Cough and runny nose medicine. Poor baby
cranky, cos cannot really breathe due to block nose and the discomfort. Now, he is sleeping... i guess the medicine make him sleep.</font>

<font color="aa00aa">Doctor say is viral fever. Now everyone got this flu thingy. Thank God, there is no infection at the ear, throat and the lungs are ok. Therefore no nid anti biotics.</font>
<font color="ff0000"><font size="+1">woof/duffy</font></font>
well wishes to Chloe. Dun worry, she's gonna be okay
<font color="aa00aa">Lach, mngo</font>
Huh? No no no, Im not working in that FAMOUS company although my company name also start with B.I where got so lucky can get in there?

<font color="119911">Mngo, Joleena</font>
OIC. Btw, where is bloomberg and bloomingdale huh? Dunno anymore vacancy for me? Kekekekeeee

<font color="0000ff">Joleena,</font>
Did Javier enjoy his session today?

<font color="ff6000">Yu,</font>
Wahhhh, you and hubby wanted to train Elicia as Super Star in ALL CAN EAT from young huh? Peifu, peifu!

<font color="ff0000">Yuru,</font>
Dont need to envy me lah, although my company is provides almost FOUR meals (included tea break) to staffs, but most of us local staffs still like to ta bao! Cant stand everyday eat bread!!! And we really peifu those ang moh, they can have bread almost everyday and dun feel sick at all! Must kow tow to them!

<font color="0000ff">YYP, Feline</font>
Hope both of you is doing fine. Do come in and read the posts here when you are free. We all miss you.

Wilfred never fall on to the floor so far.(touch wood!)
But my 3 years elder son first time for him fell off the bed last 2 weeks. (blame me!!!)
That day was Sat evening. I asked him sleep with me coz wanted to chat with him. Chatted half way both of us fell asleep! Suddenly I heard BOMB!!! thought Im in the dreamwho knows.!
My elder son felt so shocked and cried so loudly coz the pain! OMG, Im didnt expect Im the one who cause him suffer the pain! Im kept saying sorry to him and blamed myself! Im felt so heart pain! Why not me?
So, Im totally understand you girls feeling when your small bb fell off the bed. Anyway, as long as there are not vomiting/head pain/diarrhea/other symptoms within 24hrs is fine.

<font color="0077aa">Mngo,</font>
Oh no, DI fewer again? Poor boy, really hope his fever has subsided.

Hope all sick bb recover soon.
<font color="aa00aa">Jen</font>,
CONGRATS to Jean!!! Always love her smiles!!

Oh dear, so many bbies are sick ... do take care ok, mummies, I know how tough it is when our little darlings are not well. Most of us will get 'panda eyes' for a few days ... take care ....

<font color="aa00aa">Cody</font>,
Hope you &amp; Dean are both feeling alrite now and are happily preparing for your Penang trip.

<font color="aa00aa">Duffy</font>,
Wish Chloe is well too. Wah ... smart girl know how to get off bed already! Arron still always try to use the head first method, luckily so far, I've stop him in time.

<font color="aa00aa">LL</font>,
Glad to know that Stef is feeling alrite liao! In your 2nd post(1st photo), Stef looks like she's having a conversation wif sum1 ... like a 'xiao da ren'(little adult) ... cute leh ...

<font color="aa00aa">Mngo</font>,
Hope DI is o.k. liao also. At times if its viral infection, its better to take antibiotics, else it'll take a longer time to recover. But this is very individual lah, perhaps u juz dun1 to anyhow let DI take antibiotics.

<font color="aa00aa">Evelyn</font>,
U'r welcome!! So better cum &amp; meet us nice gals @ the gathering/Stef's party, o.k.?

Wah ... ur lunch really makes me drool (oooops .. need to go mop floor again liao ... )

<font color="aa00aa">Lach</font>,
Wah .. this Dr Terence Tan really very 'hot'!!! Will give him a try but hv concern that I might be put off by the long, long Q.

Tks for info. on the fertility charm, will let my fren know.

Y mention 'eng' u so angry?

Timbaktu school - Potatoe hv ur guidance already win a horse's nose liao! Furthermore, mayb u got affiliation, better chance?

Flash of White - Congrats to Rae-Ann!!!

Fell off Bed - Auntie Maple sayang, sayang ... hug, hug ...

Feline - Wah ... really not easy to get a good maid these days. Hopefully, this current 1 will be the ONE! Feline, take care &amp; c u soon!

<font color="aa00aa">Yu</font>,
Congrats to Elicia too on her 1st tooth!!! Otah??!! Wah, Elicia very advance, eating spicy food liao!

<font color="aa00aa">Chantelle</font>,
I will continue with his current FM(Enfaro A+) for a while.

<font color="aa00aa">Yuru</font>,
Tks for your compliment on Aaron. My mil just cut his hair and if you were to look carefully, they're not very even cause he keep moving when mil tries to cut ... a bit funny .... LOL

Aaron to Yuru auntie<font color="0000ff"> "Thank you for saying me cool! I remember Cindy mei-mei got nice hair wif a nice clip also!"</font>

<font color="ff0000">Good News : Aaron sucks from his Pigeon Straw cup today!!! Yippee!!! Yippeee!! Me a happy mama today!!!</font> but he still refuses to use it for his FM leh ... haiz ...
Sorry for intruding.Cody,how's little Dean?Is he better?All gear up for the upcoming trip?Cherish's condition got worst,she was having a running nose on Thur,developed a slight cough on Fri ans the next thing u know,there were phelgm.Gosh,she's always coughing and her sleep was very much disturbed.Very cranky and even refuse water.Gosh,all these happened before our trip too.

<font color="ff0000"><font size="+1">Joleena &amp; Ger's mum</font></font>
Welcome, welcome...
Joleena, how was Javier's BJG trial class?
Ger's mum *pat on the back*... guess the other mummy was just being a little "protective". You managed to sell your stroller?


<font color="ff0000"><font size="+1">Evelyn</font></font>
Wilfred is so clever, can walk already. I am still waiting for Cay to take his 1st step.
Saw one of your post that you went Causeway Point? Next time go there must "chio" me, okie? I am just a stone's throw away.


<font color="ff0000"><font size="+1">TBL</font></font>
Congratulations!!!!!!! I am soooo excited for you....ooh.. another baby with electrifying eyes. Keep us posted on your progress, okie?


<font color="ff0000"><font size="+1">LL</font></font>
I will definitely be @ NSRCC on 4 Dec. Anyway, there got stage or not, I would like to perform my version of "THE MAID"...


<font color="ff0000"><font size="+1">Cody</font></font>
How are Dean &amp; Mummy both feeling? Hope both of you are fine &amp; dandy. BIG HUG for both of you....


<font color="ff0000"><font size="+1">YuRu</font></font>
Cindy bit through the straw?? OMIGOSH!! You managed to find a replacement cup? Must get one with "metal" straw then.


<font color="ff0000"><font size="+1">Leo</font></font>
Thanxs for the encouragement.BTW, I took some pics that day, will email you soon.


<font color="ff0000"><font size="+1">Duffy</font></font>
How's Chloe? Saw from LL's message that she has urine infection. Pls keep us posted on her condition..Gosh, wish I could be there to give her a big hug. Aunty Feline sends lots of hugs &amp; kisses..


<font color="ff0000"><font size="+1">Yu</font></font>
hahahaha, Cayden had a taste of otah last week too and like Elicia, he wanted more &amp; did not ask for water. Next time I have an otah feast, I will buzz you.


<font color="ff0000"><font size="+1">Mngo</font></font>
How is Declan feeling now? I think the flu thingy is spreading around again. You gotto take good care of your own health too, k?


<font color="ff0000"><font size="+1">Maple</font></font>
Hee hee, I nearly bought that "monster" top for Cay. Maybe I should go buy and Aaron &amp; Cay can wear Xiong1 Di4 Zhuang1.


<font color="ff0000"><font size="+1">KC</font></font>
Thanxs for "dropping" by last few days.. anyway, how are the Shoos shoos?


<font color="ff0000"><font size="+1">Lach</font></font>
THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU.. can't thank you enough.
Thanxs for bringing Cay to GUG that day, he was really a handful, wasn't he?
<font color="ff0000">feline</font>
welcome back!! We all miss your posting.
in fact myself, my hubby, and soon enough all of us will be down by flu. declan is active as usual, though he still has running nose and slight cough.

<font color="ff0000">maple</font>
declan is quite ok now. but still got a bit of the flu thing. is viral fever same as viral infection? cos he dun have infections.
oh ya doc terence tan is very "hot" . haha
if can help it, i try not to bring declan to see him for any slight flu or watever that is possible

<font color="ff0000">woof</font>
how is chloe now?

<font color="ff0000">declan</font>
due to cold, flu, he developed a bit of rashes. my il tot is german measles. then my FIL even more funny, told me declan got diarrhea. then kena shot by my hb tat diarrhea is very watery. tat kind of poo is normal for bb.

haizz those old folks.
lach, feline
Very happy... i already done my own test this morning. IS POSTIVE!! Going to see PD next week... So great to be pregg again. I dun need the fengshui thing...

Yup.. can go eat otah together...

yup.. now young must eat more diff food then grow up will not be fussy eater

my boy got exactly the same high chair.
these few days down with flu so very sian. my FIL kept wanting to buy winter clothes for my 2nd boy but its much cheaper here and we bought plenty during the sale here. so I told my hubby to ask my MIL and FIL to bring baby milk powder as their check-in luggage which is more useful than redundant baby clothes. ordered 24 cans of milk powder for them to bring over. chinese herbs cannot cross customs if get caught but milk powder is okay as long as is unopened tins.
<font color="0000ff"><font size="+1">Yu</font></font>

I pei fu every one who has no 2 or going to have no 2. really big sacrifice. now that declan has been so sick for many days, i just have to think hard.

<font color="ff0000"><font size="+1">Yu</font></font>
Woo wow... DOUBLE happiness in this thread!! Keep us posted on the outcome after your visit to the gynae next week.
If you need company to the gynae next week, buzz me, okie? I will be your appointed "bodyguard"

Does this mean your # 2 will arrive at the same time as TBL?

Gosh, I am soooooo excited for both of you, can hardly contain my excitement.

After further "discussion" with my hubby, my project #3 will KIV till further notice

<font color="ff0000"><font size="+1">THE MAID</font></font>
<font color="0000ff">Maid # 1</font> - <u>14 Oct,Fri</u>: New maid from Philippines. Upon arrival, medical report shows she is anemic. Spoke to Doc &amp; certify she has to be on long term medication. Had to send her back.

Did not have time to wait for a new maid. Had to settle for transfer ones.

<font color="0000ff">Maid # 2</font> - <u>15 Oct, Sat</u>: Before I can pick her up from the agency, they called &amp; said the maid has run to the Philippines Embassy &amp; says she wants to go back home. I hv not even met nor spoke to her before!

<font color="0000ff">Maid # 3</font> - <u>17 Oct, Mon</u>: Pick up # 3 but the very next day, told me she cannot handle the workload &amp; would like to go back.

<font color="0000ff">Maid # 4</font> - <u>19 Oct, Wed</u>: Came the day before &amp; just 5mins before I was about to leave the house for Ashley &amp; Cayden's GUG classes, she says cannot handle workload &amp; wants to go back to agency!! Thank goodness I pre-empt this &amp; had "activated" <font color="ff0000">Lach</font> in the morning. <font color="ff0000">Lach</font> was so sweet &amp; brought Cay to his class while I stayed with Ashley in her class.

<font color="0000ff">Maid # 5</font> - <u>20 Oct, Thu</u>: So far she has not quitted on me. She can't cook nor do much housework but I am relieved she has stayed till now. Can't ask for much, will take 1 step at a time.

When maid # 4 quit &amp; with less than 12 hours of sleep in 1 week, I almost broke down. I only managed to take 2 days off work &amp; was doubling as a SAHM + FTWM.
What have I done wrong? All I ask for is someone who truly loves &amp; would take care of the kids. Were the quiters all too young (between 22-24)?

Nonetheless, a hug + kiss from my 2 darlings &amp; all the encouragement from the Mummies in the Forum made me pull it through.


<font color="0000ff"><font size="+2">THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, MUMMIES</font></font>
<font color="119911"><font size="+2">For being there with all the support &amp; lending a "listening" eye</font></font>
<font color="aa00aa"><font size="+2">Poor Feline</font></font>
Sayang Sayang ok.
I think now probably u just need yr maid to concentrate taking care of yr kids.
BTW r all yr maids new or ex-sin?
Anyway take care of yrself ok!
<font color="aa00aa"><font size="+1">Bear</font></font>
Maid # 1 was ex-hongkong.
The subsequent maids are new and has no working exddperience out of Philippines.
But I had no choice as they were transfer maids and I cannot afford to wait for another month for an experience one to come.
Let's hope this maid'll work out. If not, u may want to consider Indo ex-sin(preferably 2 yrs), I think Indo maids do not need so long (1 mth) to be reach S'pore.
Hi all,
Thanks for yr concern! It appear that Chloe have broke into a Measles, the GP says it's real measles. (Some says it's fake one) oh well
Chloe is reaaaally ugly these 2 days, her fever went down on the third day, just as the doc guessed, he even told me in advanced that it might broke into rashes :p

Her rashes is really ugly, all red spots and patches spread from the head to the leg. This morning it's slightly better.
HOpe next week can go to Gymboree finally! hhaaha

<font color="ff0000">Feline</font>
u poor thing, it's gonna be better from here I hope. Best wishes!

<font color="ff0000">mngo</font>
How's Declan now huh? Hope he's better!
Old folks very funny one lah, When Chloe broke into rashes, my MIL say must go see doc, ok lor. Than she says cannot bath cannot eat chicken cannot blow fan, cannot go out blah blah ...waah, I was preparing her porridge at that time, everything gana reject.
Anyway, the funnie thing is that when she and my hubby brought Chloe to see doc, the doc see her immediately say "Auntie, no need to wrap bb like this, too hot for her" hahah
Than before my MIL wants to ask abt the food she cannot eat, the doc also immediately say, "u old thinking liao lah, everything also can eat, eat as per normal" heeheeee, *evil me* that doc is my new idol :p

<font color="ff0000">Yu</font>
COnGRATULATIONS! waah, very fast wor u all, it's so good that yr children are close in age gap. heehee, update us on yr joyful pregnancy, k.
Hi feline,

Did not hv time to go thru the thread; so did not realised that u hv problem with maid.
Can understand your feeling but you are in the terrible position to hv the changes so much and so fast.
No, u have not done any wrong. Just that the quality of the maids have deterioriated and they are not willing to work hard.
I don't think age is the reason for quitters as I hv tried the young twenties; late twenties; young thirties; late thirities; single and married.

It is the commitment of the maid who willing to work and need the $ for family support &amp; not distract by other factors (friend's influence/comparison, homesick, boyfriend/husband/children) then they can work long for us. So far, only my 7mths Phil maid has come to love my family; for the rest, they just work with no emotional ties.

To make u feel better, I also hv lots of maids come and go since the birth of my daughter in 2001 till now. I hv gone thru

a) 6 Indon maids within 3yrs
- 3 left 'cos of homesick;
- fire 1 'cos she mishandle my girl;
- 1 arrive and decide to go home on 2nd day;
- only 1 stay and work for me for >1.5yr but quit 'cos she is scared of more responsibility when bb arrive.

b) 6 Phil maids within 9mths
- 2 quit 'cos of homesick after 1-2weeks;
- 1 change her mind and did not come after getting her work permit;
- 1 fire me after 4days 'cos I told her off for reading newspaper while taking care of baby;
- 1 work for 7mths till just went back for study; the latest one is working for 1mth and cross my fingers and toes that she will stay as we find her attitudes not bad though also not able to cook, nor do housework.

Sorry for the lengthy msg.
sick babies...
hope all babies get well soon.

dun worry abt the measles, last time nat had it when she was ~4mth old. chloe will back to her pretty face in ~4 to 5days.

poor thing... hope this maid can really stay and is a good helper.

so happy for you!!! your wish has comes true!!! you see gynae alr? I went for check up on sat, but gynae said still early can only see the sac now, so got to wait for another 2wks lor. anyway I just take 1 step at a time. u must take care too.

how are you now? your 2nd one will arrive in less than 2mths right? hope you are coping well.

the gathering when must comfirm attendance har? I cant comfirm yet lei. but hope to join you all.
hi everyone
afternoon....sori was busy in the morning so couldnt post

hi feline
how is the maid saga thingy? hopefully everything works out fine for you eventually
sigh..it is really difficult to find a good maid lately i guess

Hi YuRU,
i have attended the trial at BJG at OCC last sat..and decided to sign Javier up for the class. He is more responsive to the teacher. Ha..maybe this teacher more cheerful?
And hubby and i felt that the environment is better and cleaner..(personal opinion)
so when are you going for the trial at pasir ris?
say cindy in the today's parent and she is one of the winners, congrats!!!

nat is in oso, but she didnt win. tat photos took when she was 3mth-old. :p
hey all
just update for ur infox... Feeling very bad. aiyo, this no 2 worst then Elicia. NOw feeling extremly sick. NOt even eaten anything since this morning. Wed then going to see PD.
Hello everyone

Wow, this thread is moving faster and faster!!!
I'm better now, thanks everyone!!!
Dean is also recovering, but the latest victim to fall prey to this terrible virus is my hubby!

anyway, wanna share with you 1 good decognestant for blocked nose. Called KARVOL. $5+ for a box of 10 capsules. Sold in all Guardian Pharmcies, and some 7-elevens. Suitable for use on babies >3months.

Just break open 1 capsule, apply the contents onto a hankerchief and place next to the pillow. The smell (similar to chinese medicated oil) helps clear the stuffed nose.

Initially i thot it won't work, but surprisingly dean slept better with it; and my maid &amp; I both find it effective!

So now its KARVOL for me; out with Illadin.
Even Vicks doesn't work as well!

So glad to have u back! Getting a decent maid depends on one's luck, esp when we dun have the luxury of time!

WOW CONGRATS!!! So happy for you ... so now your wish has been granted. Oh dear, u poor thing .... hopefully you can take small amounts. Maybe drink some soup at least? Take care.

congrats on rae's teeth, and sayang sayang on her fall. But she didn't seem to fuss too much eh? considering she fell asleep soon after....

on rae's teething .... dean doesn't like the teething ring, gel etc. His fav? Pigeon training toothbrush. He's using that as his teether now!
It's the ONE item i dun leave home without!
<font color="ff0000">chiart</font>
Whts BJG huh? OCC?
haha, can tell me more? I would like to bring CHloe to try try

<font color="ff0000">Yu</font>
ahyoh, so fast there's reaction, u ahng on there! Just try to imagine the little one inside
hi duffy
BJG is baby jumper gym at orchid country club. they will have "lessons" or playtime for our babies. They will sing songs, flash cards, gym lesson which will teach them fine motor skills etc..more like fun time to me...
can have a trial for chloe to try...

hi YuRu
enjoy the trial..
dun despair! there are many shops in s'pore selling such factory over runs now. Just depends on your luck!

I see quite a lot of gymboree clothes, but not all meet your requirements (according to your pics).

Better yet, they're alot cheaper than the real stuff!
hey all
any mother here using baby sling? I thinking of getting one coz the baby carrier I have after using it for abt an hour, my back will start to ache and pain. Any recommand? Or anyone know where can get cheaper?? Or u wanna to give? hahaha
Yu, i use a sling too.
but it IS getting abit tiring on my back as well, cos my son is getting heavy (9kg+).
however it was VERY useful when he was lighter.

the one i have is fr Moms in Mind. You got to make sure you use a sling correctly; position it wrongly and you will get the same backaches.

Oh my, elicia is such a big girl already!!
so pretty too!
i still can't get over her otah craze ... i am totally shocked!!!
<font color="ff0000">YU</font>,
CONGRATS ON YOUR WISH COME TRUE!! You must take care ok. Have more rest and try to eat well.
elicia so pretty!! i love her hair, can clip so nicely already.

<font color="119911">maple_leaf</font>,
thanks for your well wishes on my new job. =)

<font color="ff0000">lach</font>,
my new job is pretty ok. better time management allowed here as I don't have to work late. i can also plan my exercise classes. =D

CONGRATS on potato's first spud!!

<font color="0000ff">duffy</font>,
aiyo ... i love chloe's tu tu zui!!

<font color="ff6000">cody</font>,
the cheese is like fromage frais ? i don't know what the latter means actually but gather that it means yoghurt now. haha ... no wonder the pasta turned out so yucky. this mummy quite sotong sxs. =P

<font color="ff0000">feline</font>,
good to hear that things are getting better now and you have pulled it through. well done and welcome back!

Hope all the unwell babies and mummies recover soon.

CONGRATS TBL AND YURU on your baby pics appearing in TP.

Will see if I can post some pics of shermyn tonite. Tata.
<font color="ff0000">yu</font>,
i just bought the ergo new generation carrier.

it's really good to use as the weight is distributed on the hip via the belt so no problems with backache or aching arms.
LOL! no no no fromage frais is NOT yoghurt. Its a kind of cheese eaten as dessert.
yoghurt is yoghurt - these 2 are totally different.

wow, soon seagal is going to be supermodel slim!

oooh so the ergo carrier is really good huh?
is it v bulky to bring out?
<font color="0000ff">cody</font>,
huh ? i never knew that the petit miam contains cheese! they certainly don't taste like cheese.

supermodel slim ?
u can wait long long. i just manage to start going for ONE trial fundamental pilates class after 3 weeks so don't know how long i'll last. hee.

anyone keen to join me at amore ? they are having a promo now $20 for 4 lessons.

u will be surprised that the ergo carrier is packed into a bag slightly longer than A4 size so it's super compact. the only downside is baby has to be carried either piggy back or in front belly to belly so can't face out.

i also like it as baby actually sits in the carrier instead of hanging at the crotch.
hello mommies...did not come in jus over the weekend, the thread oredi archive...super fast...

First...must congratulate YU....CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!

Feline....welcome back....x fingers, me too - my present one talks too much cos she ex-singapore &amp; ex-HK, thinks she know a lot, jus buttered her on Friday...pray hard she kwai kwai from now up to Feb 2006, if she's still k-kian, dat wld b off she goes....
U wanna perform on stage...can...dat can be arranged.......

TBL and all mommies...RSVP by 15 Nov, need head counts to order food....
Next Gathering
Venue: NSRCC (Changi Close Road)
Date : 04 Dec 2005, Sunday starts from 3pm

1)Maple_Leaf + hb + Aaron
2)cody + hb + Dean
3)YuRu + hb + Cindy
4)lachesiz + hb + Potato
5)Mngo + hb + Declan
6)Feline - count u as 4 heads rite?

Cody...another lesson from u, I bought the small pak of fromage since it comes in such ideal size.....don't tell me I'm wrong again!!!!...must go home &amp; check.....

Lac...the clothes fit perfectly...my SIL said Rae has such smooth &amp; tender skin (like flawless.....)
<font color="ff0000">LL</font>,
too bad we can't be at the gathering but I'm sure you'll all have a great time!

Some latest pics of the little mischevious lady

hehe .... my first party hat

i like to bite my straw too, like my friend cindy

hey .... do i look coy ?

i like to crawl nowadays, there's no way mummy and daddy can confine me...

hahaa ... what's up my sleeve next ?

hurray ... my favourite round things are no longer round plastic balls but big balloons!!
<font size="+1"><font color="ff0000">YU

i am soooo happy for you...


really excited for you. so fast morning sickness?
<font color="ff0000">FELINE</font>
welcome back.. the mummies miss you...

cayden is such sweet n good natured bb...
i would want to do it again!!!
<font color="ff0000">joleena,</font>
u sign ur bb up at occ? which day??? whose ur teacher?maybe potato n ur darling might meet!!!

<font color="ff0000">duffy</font>
chloe will be meimei again in no time...
gymboree selection in states very very very nice... cant find those in sing, even online.. i was once so tempted to buy but $$... so just PC shop lor.. bo heer hei ma ho.

<font color="ff0000">Yu</font>
elicia is a xiao gong zhu3... little princess in that dress!!! like cody, cant imagine a bb eating otah n loving it!

karvol right? I am going to buy! Haa... just now i bought some nose drops. my MIL against it, she say how can drop water into nose. but my HB dun care, just drop la.. is medicated oinment anyway.

ya lor. those old folks got a lot of funny thing say. damn sianzzz...... how is chloe?
