(2004/12) Year 2004 December Mummies


1) sleeps himself
2) on bottle still. i think goat milk should smell if consume by cup. anyway, its soothing to sleep too.
3) nanny feeds him but he will have a small portion himself to self feed. when outside, choose food that he will feed himself, eg omelette and fries. easy way out


i had written to you quite some time ago prefering by mail and i also emailed you my address. thanks !!
Hi Lach
1) need to be 'pat' to sleep?
-> Sometimes lor. but he needs company with songs.

2) on bottle?
-> yes. if he is drinking formula milk.

3) need to be fed for lunch and dinner?
-> not at all unless we are rushing for time and we force the food into his mouth.


1) need to be 'pat' to sleep?
No need, but need company, need to chit chat and sing songs, need lots of hugs and kisses before he is willing to doze off by himself
2) on bottle?
Yup! In fact I think it is good cos he drinks more and faster and no mess!

3) need to be fed for lunch and dinner?
Yup! I am fine with that vs major cleaning up of whole house since he walks around during meals carrying his plate!
1) Yes, dean still needs to be patted to bed. Only managed to succeed ONCE two days ago ... i sang the same song over and over for almost 10-15mins before he dozed off. History does not want to repeat itself.

2) Yes, Little Emperor Dean says milk = bottle. Like KC, i also dun mind the bottle cos its mess-free and easy. No concerns abt the teeth at the moment.

3) Yes, Royal Highness asks to be fed esp when hungry. Makes huge mess self-feeding, but he CAN do it.
Depending on the food, he can eat relatively fast & finish the food too. Eg last sat we gave him wanton noodles + 1 cup yogurt - finished all in 10mins with occasional spoon-feeding from daddy.


1) sleep by themself for both boys but I have to be in room with them

2) from cup if fresh milk but bottle if formula. before sleep is formula becos too sleepy to drink from cup

3) self-feed using hands/fork/spoon for both boys depending on what is easier. for yogurt still have to spoon fed. dont know how to use chopsticks yet
wah joann, u sure?!??
after u hear me sing, you WON'T want to go to sleep! i sing very well ... i sound like ... like ... a bull frog croaking!

Rochelle ... *jaw drop* the use of chopsticks hasn't even crossed my mind yet! I have training chopsticks, but still in its original packaging! :p

From Jul 12-15, storewide 20% discount!
At all MPH oulets, no min expenditure, no coupon, no memberbship required.

Lachesiz, your wait is almost over. i finally downloaded my pics! No need to wait till next christmas.... :p

Dean's first visit to the dentist (may 19, 2007)

ju visited gpa too but cry after 4 teeth is cleaned. after i ask him if its ok to go back to see the dentist next time, he says ok but must ask the dentist not to be too fast, must be slower.
Cody...wiii...wiii....whoz datz sexy figure????
Dean is so brave & he wears a hat!!! Itz so difficult to make Steffi wears a hat...&*^**(

Carnellin....anything for me as long as convenient for both of us.
Where do you stay?

Lac...answering ur queries...

1) need to be 'pat' to sleep?
No need BUT need to scratch her back & most of the time, she will wakes me up in the middle of my sleep (4am) to scratch her back....
2) on bottle?
Yup, still on bottle for milk. Other drinks with cup.
3) need to be fed for lunch and dinner?
50/50...during weekends, she wld feed herself 'cos most of the time she's on diet on Sat & Sun!!!!
got ur pm. thanks.

sing 'lullaby'? i gave up long ago.
I think it freak her out.
I rem when I tried to sing to my baby nephew few years ago, he immediately woke up, Eyes big big and stare at me real hard, in shock. the greatest insult! :p

Dean finish wanton noodles and yoghurt! all by himself! wah.... thats great! so he is now willing to try "chewables"?

its of "consolation'' to me that R frens are still on bottle and need mummy n daddy to feed:p
thanks ladies.
I am less concern of the mess.. its the duration that frustrates me.
chopsticks: the training ones she has, never use for proper dining cos she dunno how. now only for her masak masak play to poke things.

MPH 20% off.
I chanced upon it but most kiddy bks are wrapped.
(maybe i too use to kino n borders)
but all R wanted to buy was a bucket of chalk,which she already has!
Had to convince her for long time to put in back.
Anyone has read thousand splendid sun? Me waiting for the small pb.
THANKS for the photos.
Dean is so brave and sensible!

cody, joann
is it tiring for your boys to open their mouth for a long time?
Ju so cute!

the place looks lovely.. NICE.
did dean wear his sand shoes? :p
the hat is a great idea.

arm floats/floating device
anybrand to rec? or anything to look for when I purchase one?
I bot one cheapo cutesy armfloat for R, but it seems too small and appears more of a burden than an aid. now use for pretend swimming at home.
Floats. got a cheapo one for her. fits her waist BUT doesn't maintain buoyancy.
Is it R too...HEAVY? *gasp*
or can I blame the cheapo float, lousy.
Lucky woman!
Budget not an issue, You must ask MNGO!
Shes the high-end boutique expert/regular here.
But I can tag along and carry your bags for u :p

but there are some 'regular' ones like Oi Oi, Fleurville, Skip Hop that are so pretty.
now i get the $3.90 floaties when i went to sentosa rasa, works well. before that, i was using the high end speedo one, more than $10 but also "lao hong" after sometime.

in fact my mil and hubby are sick of asking what i want as a gift, i have everything, i think. so when i told my friend about my good prob, she says your mil is french of cos buy LV. my gf is carrying a $2K+ LV as a diaper bag. so when my hubby ask again, i told her LV diaper bag. dont know whether he acts blur or not, he taught it will prob cost $200 but i told him thats the px of a key chain, he nearly fainted. then we work out, $2K over 4yrs marriage is $500/yr quite ok. then again how can ask mil to buy LV ? so i thought a cheap one is better, "put long string catch big fish" ha ha

so far i have my eye on allerhand messenger bag but it seems that i cant order online. any idea how to get them?

calling mngo, any good rec for diaper bag.
allerhand is available at robinsons. if you go down this weekend, its an extra 20+10% off.

yeah there are tonnes of diaper bags from branded boutiques but i notice the likes of LV and Gucci doesn't sell them here.

Off tangent abit, i find allerhand bags a tad too heavy. Just the bag alone is 1kg plus.
I "invested" in a le Sportsac for just $17 at bencoolen street lastnight. Partially water proof and super light weight! PERRRRRFECT !!!

Re the dentist ... no, not tiring. In fact for adults and kids is the same ... open mouth at ease, no need to use muscles so not tiring at all.

LL / Lach:
the beach wasn't all that nice lah ... cos the undercurrents are stronger in monsoon season, hence stirring up the sand making the water cloudy.

LL, sexy momma? dun have lah ... your eyes crossed is it? U didn't notice how i resized that pic to that tiny proportion??? So that even with perfect eyesight, one can't see how FAT i am!! :p

Re Hats
Dean loves his caps!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE. he can wear his baseball cap all day at home, even when he sleeps!

he's very fixated ...once he likes something (usually from home eg cap, car key, camera etc) he will hold on to it the whole day. even when he's asleep, he will sometimes wake up in the middle of his sleep groping for it. If he can't find it, he will scream.
Eg last couple of days he was fixated to my old car key, kept holding onto it. at 3.45am, he must have had a dream that he didn't have his key to start his bike, and insisted that i go look for it ! *(#$@)_%(*^*)@&#&)_ now macam zombie. Double *(#$)#$^)(* cos by the time i hunted for the car key to no avail and went back to bed, dean had fallen asleep again! #()_$*&(#(*&@)*^$&&*(#$#+%R
MPH Sale

Lach, the MPH in town wrap their books.
The outlet at Robinsons road doesnt, so its great for browsing before i buy.
Come come !! Esp on weekends, this outlet is a ghost town. (in fact, robinson road outlet has storewide 20% discount regularly on almost every sat to attract some shoppers!)

In case you're really heading this way, they just replenished their shelves with new stock of kiddie books!

I am a BIG fan of ZOGGS.
Quality counts when it comes to floatation devices, cos its your child's life you're talking about here.

I tried those cheapo ones before, bleah .... LOUSY. So Lachesiz, its not the price but the brand. Its not Rae's weight either!

Its got to do with the design of the air chamber.
"Lao Hong" is mainly because of the valve, so if that's faulty ... just bring it back for a one-for-one exchange.

Devices that are too big or too small will endanger your kids' life more than saving them.
The best way to test if its the right size, is to inflate and strap it onto your kid, and completely let go of your kid in the pool.
Make sure the pool is deep enough so that your kid's feet can't touch the ground, and that you're within easy reach to rescue the kid if anything happens.

If you child floats, good!
But there's still one more factor ... the higher the head is above water, the better.
See whether your child is straining his neck to keep his head above water, or whether its a natural head-up position.

The general rule of thumb is that the shoulder bone and above ie the head should be floating NATURALLY at an upright position.

Some floatation devices could cause the child's head to face down towards the ground, but because of his kicks, he could actually stay afloat.

This is dangerous because in an accident, children dun have the stamina to keep kicking their arms and legs / straining to keep their heads upright for a long time.
The sentosa toddler drowning incident was a classic case, just 4 mins!!!

come to think of it, ZOGGS isn't all that expensive. Speedo costs more!

U can get ZOGGS at this shop called Ocean Paradise, located at Paragon and Tanglin Mall.
But they are HUGELY popular, the smaller sizes are often sold out.

Sorry i'm long winded, just want to share and make sure my forum buddies children are protected the right way!
hello mommies,
is there any of you have fs?
i try to post a photo here but all of them is too big.. langkawi, bangkok, and sentosa pics so i posted them there :p

btw about floater.. i have for cellin from my sis, the one that cellin can just sit in them.. i forgot the name, the color is yellow.. can see in any store.. so far so good.. safe and she can kick kick .. like a duck in the pond.. ..

its from wet set.. baby floater..
Actually, LV is nice. But which design are you look at for LV? i realised that the bag can be really heavy. I've seen many people carrying a Gucci as Diaper bag. Coach has too, and coach is not too heavy.

Else... get a Hermes! heeee.

I got a Loewe, thinking that it's to put declan's stuffs in there. But then i ended up bring to office. cos it is too sayang to put declan's items.
no matter how u downsize the pic,
erm,, i can still wolf whistle ok! SEXY MOMMA!

Thanks for ur explanation of a good flotation device. Hb insists that she can dun learn her 3Rs but must learn to FLOAT!
But, in the store, i cant inflate and test rite?
so what do i look out for?
heard rave reviews abt zoggs. I bot the zoggs goggles for her but she refuse to wear.. dunno why i buy also. dunno how to float, need goggles for what! duh!
Go shopping with me leh.

i am a kino convert. :p
but i hate to go there on weekends. but weekend Border children section is worse! I am appalled at how the Parents treat the books and the place!
no social responsibility.

lol on the car key..but poor u...
but R is like tat too!
but she has a weird habit of holding things in hand since bbhood.

dun get bag, get BAGSSSSS
agree that allerhand is heavy.
my carry-on weighs quite abit after all the barang barang.

yeah to lesport sac. i am a convert!

fs? photoshop?
i use Paint to resize.
Sexy momma your head lah! fats everywhere spilleth over!

did u say shopping??? arghs, my hands are tied now. just blasted $200 on books at mph just because of some 20% storewide sale!!!

yeah i want to buy zoggs goggles next!! :p
prob going tomorrow ... brisk walk to tanglin mall when dean is at forum attending gym.

shhhhhh dun tell my hubby...

yeah, kino and borders really crowded on weekends. same, some kids and adults really mistreat the books! i wonder how much losses these shops incur from leaving their books unwrapped!

whoa! Loewe bag for declan's things?!?! *jaw drop*
yeah i was once in love with the Coach diaper bag, but i'm glad i didn't buy it.
Buy coach diaper bag and my maid ends up carrying it. No way! :p
re floatation device, no choice ... got to buy first and test in water. if it doesnt' fit, go back to buy the correct size.
yah i know alot of $$ involved, but what to do...

agree with your hubby that all kids must learn to float.

i never gave dean those rings with the seats (no offence to carnellin & other mommies...).
we started off with ZERO floats.
once he was somewhat confident, we gave arm bands.
He's still on arm bands now, but only semi-inflated.
he got moods, sometimes he will attempt to swim without the arm bands, sometimes he insists on wearing them even at home!

If u buy ZOGGS, just buy according to rae's weight.
it's indicated on the packaging.
as to WHICH floatation device to buy, i advocate arm bands or back floats for starters.

arm bands are ard $10 each, back float is $25.
how to ensure declan know how to float?
we hv not been to pools for a long time.
the last round was 7 mths back when he was only interested in splashing water
Diaper Bay,

Skip Hop is very popular here. I cant afford it even thought I like it very much also. Thats one bad thing about being SAHM


Flotation Device,

I fan of Zoggs too because their device got state the weight and age that it is used for. So have to buy the correct one. I am using the Stearns one for my older boy


Potty Training,

This time was the 3rd time I tried potty training. My 1st was went he was 2. Now can successfully go potty everytime for urine but still poo in his underwear. last week when I started, he could not hold his bladder long enough to uring in potty but this week he could. so maybe next week he can go to potty in time for poo.

Now he does not ask for his $1 a day for using the potty but I promise him a LEGO Percy set using his potty money to pay for it. ;)

We borrowed a Potty Training DVD for kids from the library and he liked watching it. Its call "Its Time to Go"
Cody...tks for info on the float. Me oso got a cheapo one but find it rather "NOT TOO SAFE" - dare not leave Stef alone for too long, seems like cannot take the weight. Where did u get from? I'm going Orchard later 4meeting later so can divert & get one...

Joann...diaper bags, I get them from sport stores with lots of compartments, light weight, not too ex....so wen I get tired of it, just shop for another one....kekekeke....

Carnellin....great, my sis stayed jus opp - Blk 125. Will get in touch wif u next week.....probably can meet up for kopi...
Hi ladies,

Hows everyone? Hope you guys stay happy always!
Recently I cant decide whether should buy a round or square childrens table for my kids, can anyone recommend a good table for children?

Do feel free to revert with comments.
I bought my 2nd cheong le sportsac diaper bag within 18hours of each purchase!!!

.... terok ....
U can buy zoggs from Paragon, at this shop called Ocean Paradise on the 5th floor.

inflate the device that u bought, strap it onto declan and completely let go of him in the pool. see how he reacts.

refer to my post at 10.31am ... more details in that post.
nice pics.. wow dean is so brave.. told ger abt dean going dentist, she tell me "barbie no want go" without me asking if she wanna go!

20% MPH sale? errh... monday just spent $50+ at kino.. so heartpain now hearing MPH sale.. any idea MPH Robinsons road closes what time? ger is now into dora books... did u see a lot of dora books at MPH Robinsons?

agree with u.. weekend Border children section is worse.. been there once on sunday.. terrible!

yr 3 questions, make me feel such a "failure" posting my answer

1) need to be 'pat' to sleep? yes.. my mum has to sleep beside her every nite to pat ger and sometimes has to carry in the arms to sleep..

2) on bottle? yes.. and we have to hold the bottle for ger else she dont drink

3) need to be fed for lunch and dinner? no need as ger only drinks milk.. ger is not keen in food..

The Stearns life jacket u have is V V V Good !!!
I tried in vain to buy one such life jacket in S'pore to no avail.

The strap that goes between the legs is what the professionals advice!

I hunted almost the whole of Singapore for such a jacket before my boat trips from Krabi.
Sigh ... wish i was in the states!
they have everything!

mngo, dean uses the arm bands only.
my nephew, who used to be v v v scared of water, uses the back float.

the problem with the back float, is that when the child goes out of the water, the float will sometimes slip from mid-chest level (the correct position) to the waist.

Tightening the strap in an option, but it may be TOO tight for comfort.
