(2004/12) Year 2004 December Mummies

heehee good one, so either they too tired hearing my endless plee or just let the drinks in

eye sagging,
due to lack of sleep and stress i think i just surrender to poppy eyes....
since pregnant with cellin i gave up on all beauty regime, now looking for all in one product heeeheee...in indonesia i still can affort maid so i can have mask, pamper my self etc etc, now in singapore when the price of maid is equal to air ticket..say bye bye to pampering, say hello to all in one solution..

u...hu....where's everybody???

Has anyone here tried Sarawak laksa?? Had been hunting around. There used to hv a store @China Square.
Thanks Ethel, I FOUND IT!!!! I hunt BEDOK again this afternoon & OMG, I FOUND IT....I felt sooooo happy though the gravy's a bit dilute but SATISFIED!!!! I've got the info from STOMP but could not find the place initially.
Hi all
just wanna thanks the mummies who helped to get the serum, expecially Jen!

Ahyoh, how come all the babies so grown up so fast, have I been gone so long :p

Ps: if it's been very long, how come my Chloe's hair still the same hehehheheee :p
any mummies here keen to take over my thomas & friends laptop for yr toddler?? just removed fm box to check condition.. box still available.. bought last month, may 2007.. receipt should still be available.. retail $99.. letting go $70..

hi mommies,
just back from bkk :D heehee..
i love pratunam.... happy shopping...

toilet seat sanitizer,
when we'll meet? prefer weekend..but if want to collect at my place can also be adjust..

anyone ever went to genting with super coach bus?
any recommendation? want to take my mom and sil there
hi mummies,
i have some items to let go, in aid of R kiddyride fund. thanks to those who have already contributed to the fund:p
sms/email me to arrange for meet up on sat afternoon/evening.
(u noe where la)


$2. PRL dress 2T. worn 1-2x.


$2. worn 1x.cutting big


worn 1x at home. FOC. i find the cutting very low. :p


$2. hushhush skirt. never worn before.size 110.


$2. Old navy bubble skirt 2t. worn 1x


$2. gymboree 3T. washed not worn.cutting small


$2. worn few times. oshgosh 24m.the bottom can roll down. abit tight for R.but fit most tods her age.
hi mummies,
i have some items to let go, in aid of R kiddyride fund. thanks to those who have already contributed to the fund:p
sms/email me to arrange for meet up on sat afternoon/evening. (u know where)


$2. PRL dress 2T. worn 1-2x.


$2. worn 1x.cutting big


worn 1x at home. FOC. top+bottom. i find the cutting very low. :p


$2. hushhush skirt. never worn before.size 110.


$2. Old navy bubble skirt 2t. worn 1x


$2. gymboree 3T. washed not worn.cutting small


$2. worn few times. oshgosh 24m.the bottom can roll down. abit tight for R.but fit most tods her age.
lach, item 3, very hip... I like... seems like I only kan4 shang4 those items which are FOC?? hmm... I do find Oshkosh cutting small too... I'm willing to donate to Rae's kiddyride fund though I'm only looking at Item 3... hehehe... dun forget I still "owe" u $1 coins ang pow during CNY... hahaha...
so so pretty, sorry also on very tight budget, my mom and sil are here and they shoppppp a lottt sighhh....

ts sanitizer,
sorry havent check the cost, prob around 80cents, its not that heavy but i guess the bottle does a bit
so sorry, cellin just moved to new school and today cry again when i drop her, yesterday even cry until vomit..

hope she get by this transition fast
just went for the checkup. i have 7.5weeks to go and little girl is already 2.6kg. doc recommends to induce earlier as she will be bigger than julien. maybe i can opt for national day, free parade tickets for the rest of my life hee hee..
i knew someone who has 2 kids on national day.. she say medical bill on the hse!! i really dunno if u still can get it.. that was abt 20yrs ago.
try for 8th aug.. can celebrate with the nation.. lost of freebies haha.. u must be sooo excited..
joann, oh really?? if give birth on NDP got free parade tickets for life?? hehehe... but I think if u opt for induction, usually the gynae wun take public holidays right?
you are right, i doubt he will agree to work on national day. i was kidding on the tickets.

thats a good one, but i am sure not now anymore, esp with mount e.
Wow...can't wait for your little princess's arrival. have u thot of a name yet?

Brought Shermyn to watch "your" movie yesterday -SURF'S UP. =) Her 1ST! We love it!!
she is soo cute! did u hv to buy a tix for her?

hello pawprint

was the pic taken at yr june birthday bash? soo cute!
Claire's a nice and sweet name. =)

S just at the 90cm mark so didn't have to buy tix.
We found out that they have booster seats for kids at the cinemas...haha..this shows how long we have not been to one. So nice!

RX's dress looks familiar. ;D
She's soooooo sweeeeet!

Happy Feet's nice but I prefer Surf's Up personally for the story cos surfing's still on my wish list. ;D
seagal: huh? i'm abit lost there .... my movie??

joann: ooooh claire is a v v v nice name! if i have a girl, i will name her either claire or kate.

just got back from a short trip to Krabi.
Bleah ... darn boring place.
Luckily Dean and his cousins had each other for company, else we would have been bored to tears.

Plus the service there was totally un-Thai ... totally unlike the smiley helpful thai culture that the Kingdom is famous for.

Pics ... er, u know me lah ... i take forever to do them. Plus i still owe you gals the pics of dean at the dentist! :p
If and when hubby gets the deed poll done, RY will be Keith Lee and RX will be Kate Lee. I've decided to let him go ahead with the changes though I'm quite indifferent to it!
The lead actor's name in Surf's Up is Cody Maverick. ;)

Kate's a nice name for a girl!

Just curious, how much to do deed poll?
KC, adding names! Nice names! Why the sudden thought to add the names? But I'm so used to calling RY & RX leow...
got nice names never share with me huh?? hehehe.. but barbie already so used to calling RX RX.. kekekeke...

thanks for passing the stuffs to my cousin

booster seats for kids at the cinemas?? oops.. i didnt know that too.. hahahaha
KC, aiyoh I too late ah? I just emailed u. Am rushing outta hse soon, anything SMS me can? (machiam watching stock exchange wahaha)
Re Kate,

Both Kate and Keith are hubby's choices, I'm really indifferent to English names, but hubby feels that in this day and age, an easy to call and remember name is important... *rolls eyes*

Anyway, he proposes:

Lee Rui Ying Keith
Lee Rui Xin Kate

and I was asking if he is sure cos in future RX's gonna be called Raisin Cake by her classmates!

Hubby said Raisin Cake is sweet and nice and he likes it! Oh well....

If I'm not wrong, deed polls usually costs $150 (rather standard) but I read somewhere in the forum that some mummies get it done for $80. Hubby claims that he will draft the deed poll out and let a friend sign it for free... Hahaha! I'm not sure if this will work but hopefully hubby knows what he is doing...
LOL raisin cake!! i think your hubby's reply to that was funny too! hahahah

No lah, she won't be teased in school ... most times friend would just know her as Kate Lee.... same goes outside of school.
actually hor, dunno why that day as i was telling R abt RX meimei, it suddenly struck me as 'raisin' :p

i beg to differ.
Some School kids can be very very 'cruel', pri or sec, in teasing their classmates to the pt of verbal bullying.
so KC, much as kate is a lovely name but er raisin cake is erm.. yummy?
i know of a kid whose name is MangKit. His mum had to change his name legally as his frens were calling him monkey and it causes him alot of distress.

but all the keiths that i know are real charmers.
great that shermyn enjoy the movie.
how long is it?

welcome back!
can we get to see the photos before Dean turn 3? Please
LOL lachesiz!
that's a very tall order! from now till dean's 3rd bd means i have only 5 months!
i need to extend that deadline!!
too rush !! :p

really ah? kids are so mean these days??
I thot if u indicate "Kate Lee" it would be ok ...
It runs for 88 mins. S's attention span didn't really last as she fell asleep towards the last 15mins. haha. We were in fact pleasantly surprised that she can tong so long.
she's a goggle box addict, that's why!

did u check out the hot bods scaling the rockclimbing cliffs at Krabi? We have been talking about going there even before S was born. Tell me more about it!
i almost went to krabi :p luckily got a cheap ticket to bangkok...

about hotel i read their review in trip advisor really worthed.. our hotel is nice, clean and friendly..also cheap heehee..

mommies ordering TS sanitizer..
want meet up or posting?

i almost went to krabi :p luckily got a cheap ticket to bangkok...

about hotel i read their review in trip advisor really worthed.. our hotel is nice, clean and friendly..also cheap heehee..

mommies ordering TS sanitizer..
want meet up or posting?
