(2004/12) Year 2004 December Mummies

ur girl is so pretty & sweet-looking. one look, pp can tell she's a girl. she looks like u? wat's her name? have u decided yet?

(pai seh, i barged in here 2 c ur girl's pic)
i carry nat immediately after i went home lei. My gynea actually said ok but just need to be careful, eg squad down down to carry him up instead of bend down to carry him.

hee hee.... no need to give her sweets lah. later teacher say no eating in class then she will cry again! :p

thks for all your sayang sayang. actually natalie is ok to play with kids, sometime she even 'chio' them to play. just that she is not so comfortable with the "restriction", i think.

kitchen set
aiyo, now i thinking to buy one for nat after see all your discussion...
LOL! kitchen set + drum? no way!!
i just saw a remote control toy car, slightly larger than the one i have now.
only $7.50 but i refused to buy it cos it will go around damaging my furniture for sure!

the current one is already inflicting alot of damage, can't imagine having 2!
kitchen set,
cody posted is FP confirm!!! cos i just saw it at metro last sat.. was eyeing and drooling over it till the salesgirl came over and say is new model.. nice leh... !!

u cool leh.. i like this sentence u posted "I thought it's cheaper to go backpack in Australia (and leave kiddo at home)!" .. hehehe...

which tour agency u recall the fax fm?
KC KC Pretty girl!
Congrats to you ah!!
now got one boy one girl perfect liao!
add a few more lah hoor, make it a soccer team :p

Chloe say got another pretty mei mei she very happy... but hor why mei mei hair more than her hair hehehheheeee
Hei mommies....itz the same kitchen set I bought for Stef for last yr X'mas present and I bought it for $79.90..kekekeke....
sorry MIAed...
KC, ur princess is so pretty and RY so loving to ur fren's gal
tbl, hehe Nat's pouty lips and chubby Nathan!
Your gal gal so sweet, such pretty eyes.

Auntie coco sayang Nat hor.... this sat u will have Rachel jie jie to play with u ok?
I also want to carry nathan next time, so chubby!! can pinch or not

Kitchen set
I also very tempted to buy leh. When the taka promo ends? Me also cheapo mummy, bot a $15 set to let rachel try 1st.

Can sign up the star kids, then kids can go for free, but adults need to pay normal rates. That time i check, weekend criuse cost about $1k plus for 2 adults + kids free, but hor is the lowest deck. Quite ex hor....

We also celebrating Rachel's birthday this weekend, on sun. Buffet dinner with my hubby's family at downtown east. Very excited too.

U very brave hor, go out also let Rae go diaperless, pei fu!! Only dare let rachel diaper free at home, accidents happen almost every half hr.
Ger: Rachel jie-jie, cindy jie-jie, HAPPY BIRTHDAY.. take more pics and post her for me to see..
esp yr birthday CAKE.... have a nice party tis wkend..
<font color="0000ff">Kelly</font>,

Hallo! So nice to see you here!

Thanks! We still can't figure out who meimei looks like leh, think she has her own look?

Ha! We haven't decided on a name yet, always very last minute one, for RY we only did the birth cert 4 weeks after birth!

How are your boys? Have they recovered? I was very angry with their PD when I read about your experience....

You want no. 3 ah? If you want a girl can come and borrow a book from me, also can try this method (I share with you when we next meet) which works for me leh!
<font color="0000ff">Yuru,</font>

I highly recommend the bumper mat if you want to protect Cindy plus the floor!

Otherwise can consider Yoga mat, it has a firm grip on the floor plus you can also exercise on it!

Or just ignore the floor now and do a thorough fixing up when Cindy is older, this is what we intend to do!
<font color="0000ff">Daffy,</font>

Thanks! No more already, thinking of going through another caesarian is too scary!

Dun worry, Chloe's hair will grow lah!
<font color="0000ff">Medusa,</font>


Join us for the Christmas Party? Would love to meet Irvin and Athena again!
Missed all of you at the BG gathering...
Thanks for thinking about me
Have been extremely busy at work. Got time to read, no time to post

Huh? U got secret recipe huh? Can I borrow the book from you if I really want to plan for no.3? heheee!
i do read tis thread often cos i know a few mummies here...very happening thread leh.

pls pls pls do lend me e book. i DYING 2 have a girl. if i do get a girl for #3, i can REALLY close shop tis time round.

gabe's all ok but still has phlegm in his lungs (i can hear it at times). edward's almost recovered except for e runny nose which came back briefly yesterday but it's also now gone. i'm bringing both boys 2 c the new PD next mon 4 a review. i'll visit u sometime later, dun want 2 bring any virus over 2 ur plc.
re the cruise, i think the fax was from this company called TourWorld or something like that.

Don't think the offer is from this agent only; the other agents should have it too!

yuru &amp; coco: happy birthday to your sweeties!!
Evelyn, Kelly,

Sure can lend you the book plus I've got notes from gynae too! Kekeke! But need to look for the notes....
thanks for the advice/info on dental.

any nice kiddie dentist to rec?

kitchen set.
SO NICE.. me so tempted .... tsk tsk

:p rae went thru the phase of pee then say stage.
but the headache now is when we are in the car/on the expressway and she says she has to pee. it was actually very farni to see her hold via crossing her leg etc while we frantically search a latrine but not so farni to see her distress face.


you got everyone excited.. esp kelly :p
you can be consultant liao

if its more for protecting floor. why not linoleum. can cover whole area. 'cheap' n pretty.
Just saw this on Straits Times Interactive.

A two-year old girl had her big toe ripped off when her Croc shoe got stuck in an escalator in Woodlands on Saturday night

poor girl..
can feel for her n her family esp shes abt our kiddos'' age...

croc lovers beware.
my dentist is quite good with kids (he has a boy around 22 months too) but he is located at Heartland Mall in Kovan/Hougang. If you are still keen, I will give u his contacts.

I cringed when I read the news report. How did the girl get herself caught in the escalator ?
escalators are DARN dangerous - there are SO many accidents, and most of them are grave injuries involving permanet loss of use or amputation.

So PLS PLS PLS be v v v careful with your kids on the escalators!

my heart sank when i read that article.
so sad ....that little girl will never walk normally again, and she was not evening PLAYING on the escalator!!

Go off tangent from the above topics:
Anyone else has more recommendations for YLS catering's dishes?

I'm compiling before i hand it over to Joann to book.
cody thanks.

we now have about 5/6 confirmed dish. we can take up to 11 dishes. i will like slice fish with spring onion, anyone tried ??
WOW yuru! that was one LOOOOONG party you had!
Did cindy like her presents, esp the one that mommy/daddy bought?

Tks for the food recommendation!

Joann, no probs.
Yeah we still have numerous dishes to decide on.
Guess we can collate them all first, then decide on which to take eg fried bee hoon vs fried rice.

Croc Shoe

Actually my sil ever mentioned to me that she saw croc shoe incidents happen at escalator. Aft she told me, im more caution when nat is on escalator. I mean i still let her take escalator by herself, upon reaching if she din raise her foot i will lift her up. Now think back.... im with cold sweat... just imagine if im slow at lifting her and her foot kena stuck there.... yikes....

Btw the croc shoe incident, i think it's those rubber type, not the genuiue type....

Recall you mentioned that you bought Dean a Barney Balloon after his vaccination last time, where did you get the balloon, how big and how much is it?

Do you know where else can I buy nice helium balloons? I am thinking of getting 1 for RY's birthday pressie.

KC - i got the barney one from the KK gift shop.
I got some e-shops contacts, i email you separately?

Eve leo: honestly i think the material betw fake crocs and the real ones are really minimal, if any at all! comparing betweeh the 2, its exactly the same! crocs prob cost more cos of the R&amp;D and marketing...
YLS Catering

Hee! I can contribute what NOT to order:

1) Any deep fried prawn dishes - prawn small small flour thick thick

2) Any deep fried chicken dishes - chicken cold and hard

3) Mee Goreng - very oily!
very sad to hear the news. so poor thing. Let's pray and hope the girl will recover soon.
must be very careful when bring our toddlers/bbs on escalator.

my sis's bestfriend's cousin in malaysia, brought her 2 year-old girl in stroller to shopping ctr and somehow the girl with the stroller fell down the escalator and that poor little girl had to amputate 4 fingers from her left hand.

My hubby and myself want to say BIG BIG thank you to you!!!!!!!!!!!
according to my hubby natalie cried non-stop and very LOUD during the class. He took her out of the class and nat ran to took her shoe insisted to go home. Hubby called me and say he will bring her home. Just before he pack and you came!! gave nat a box of raisin and she immediately stop crying!!!! and she even willing to go into classroom without crying to attend the class. xie xie ni........
KC - actually if you're willing to spend - Centrepoint and Raffles City each have a shop that specialises in imported-from-US party ware.
Both shops have a generous selection of balloons to choose from.

Raffles city - i think its either the 2nd or 3rd floor, at within the shopping mall near to the hotel.

Centrepoint - alamak i can't remember the floor either, but its located near the lift lobby.

Holland village also has one - near Fosters English cafe (if its still there!).

Hope this helps...

Really! I din personally check out the croc shoe bt my BIL who work in shoe retail told me the genuiue crocs shoe material is 'stronger'

YSL catering

Sorry, cant help... nvr order their buffet b4.
escalator incident,
u all mean the escalator incident is because of wearing the croc shoes? or is just an accident with or without the crocs? poor girl.. feel so sad reading it.. ger's daddy always like to let ger stand on the escalator herself.. sigh..

hey, after reading abt the dentist last fri, i brought ger along with me to the dentist yesterday, ask my mum bring her inside together when it is my turn, and i ask the dentist to talk to her cos she always refuse to brush her teeth...

dentist: little girl, u must brush yr teeth everyday.. understand:
ger: outside, outside.. go outside!!!!

and off she went outside liao... her mummy still on dentist chair..
aiyo, I alr warned hubby do not take nat out of the room. but u know guys lah! i think he will really bring nat home lei....

btw sama sama here. I always hope my friends/ relatives to give nat presents instead of ang pow, so she can have many presents to open.
haha ... LOL when I read about ger's response at the dentist. give her some time and hopefully she'll like going there.

hey, no worries. glad I could "rescue" Nat back into the classroom in time. We could "save" ur hubby earlier if not for the PIE jam - late for 30 mins!

and u know what ? Nat did sth better than Shermyn! During the project work segment, the kids were asked to don an apron and do finger painting. I saw Nat happily putting her hand prints on the paper &amp; creating her own art piece, well done!
OTOH, Shermyn kept shaking her head and saying "don't want" when all the others were putting on their apron. She simply refuses to "dirty" her yu4 shou3 to do the artwork and mummy had to do it for her. pengz! She's not used to getting herself messy that's why. I didn't know it will be that bad until I saw her that day. haha.
Did ur hubby gave feedback on the class that day?

I love the action song and dance segment when Teacher Aida played the keyboard! She really brought up the atmosphere and I think the parents had lots of fun spinning and swirling the kids around. Shermyn likes Teacher Aida too. =)
escalator incident
hi mommies.... i scratch my head. duno how it happen! could it be due to the fact she stood too near yellow line or even stepped on it?
anyone enlighten?

Hee! RY loves Teacher Aida too!

My hubby told me that Shermyn was very participative in class on Saturday! Well done Shermyn!


Nat is happily doing finger painting? That's a very good start! I heard that all of RY's finger printings are done by daddy, so instead of nice small small hand prints which I can pin on the fridge, I have his daddy's hand prints instead! Dunno what to do with them!

Thanks for the information! I'm looking for something not more than $15, do you think the Centrepoint and Raffles City shops have something within the budget before I send my hubby running there?
Shermyn was participative ? Not really leh .... she only started warming up during the song and dance session cos that's her favourite : jumping and swinging around. hee.

haha ... RY and Shermyn can shake hands. But at least RY is not against wearing the apron.

after the class, we were trying to drill her to sit down properly the whole weekend.. kept going "criss cross applesauce" whenever she sat down on the playmat and it works. haha, very fun!

hey .. u give me a good idea to hang the painting on the fridge! I was thinking about how to display it. thanks!=)

why don't u try calling up the Raffles City or Centrepoint shops to find out more ?
KC: the barney balloon i got from KK was only abt $7. PLus cheapo mommy me keeps it after its been deflated. It costs only $1 to refill it.

I think the Raffles city and centrepoint outlets SHOULD have some foil balloons for <$15, but i'm not sure if they'll have the barney ones.

Maybe you can ask your hubby to pop by Raffles city just to check it out? Its convenient for him, just 1 mrt stop away.
(but i also know that guys are very reluctant to do such things...)


LOL ger was so funny!!! but i think its a good start lah, must get her used to it....

On the topic of brushing teeth:
What toothbrush are you using for your toddlers now?
I used to use the rubber finger cap that came with the First Teeth Toothpaste, but after being chomped on several times, i switched to Pigeon's Step 3 toothbrush.
But i find that the bristles are still too hard leh - dean had alittle bit of blood after brushing. Either that or i am brushing too hard ...

any comments?
KC, Seagal,
yes, my hubby said nat was very happy doing the hand painting.

But hubby didnt bring back the painint lei!!! aiyo! i think my hubby very stress to handle nat lah. he very heart pain to see her cry until so 'cham'.

toothbrush: natalie using Kodomo "0.5~2yr" type.

Shermyn using Oral B too. Can't rem Step 1 or 2 ... it's the softest in the market - tried and tested! Agree that Pigeon's bristles are too stiff and hard.

The paintings will only be given back to us next week so dun blame your hubby lah. He quite poor thing .... the moment i see him he told me that Nat doesn't want to go in and kept crying. Luckily I remembered must bring along sth for Nat before I leave home. U can tell Nat that she must go class then auntie will give her sweets next lesson. hee.
