(2004/12) Year 2004 December Mummies

great to hear that rach is alright.
i miss her smiles...

on 'independent' shermyn.

great that Nat loves the class...

agree with seagal, bug them enough.. they will slot you sooner
(the admin abit blur one.. and very mercenary)
my kiddo on weekday slots, 2hr, has snack time (provided by gug, strongly discourage to bring your own snacks) and mandarin segment (much needed for her)

Dont worry too much la.. nat will settle down very soon

Potato Diary:


My thrifty aka cheapskate mummy decided to cut my pampers budget to $0!!
(imagine i already on cloth at home, how ngeow can she get!)
cut long story short.... (cos i very tired from her overzealous training)
My deluded mother declares me 'diaperfree' since last week as i have gone 'diaperless'
even when we go gaigais in town, class for donkey hours.
but hor "technically" i not diaperfree cos i still wear cloth for my nite zzzz...
delusion and self-deception is a very dangerous thing..
wait till i 'rain' in town and on her..can't wait to do that.

but i love to feel the air around my butt

the collage is fantastic! can teach me? how to join pics together?
are yr kids in gifted baies or gifted toddlers?

i am going GUG tmrw (wed) 4pm any mummy in that class?
glad to hear that your natalie enjoy the class.
I'm not sure whether to continue nxt term, got to see how my nat re-act after few lessons. I dont want to stress her too much lei. If she really dont like it, then probably I will start her on other class may be gymboree.
hmm... am I "ci2 mu3 duo1 bai4 er2"?

later u send me the collection detail ok? thks.

i ordered the dvd fm amazon. ard $46 for 2 dvd. natalie loves the dvd, can recognise almost all letters and can pronounce the sound. highly recommended.

u very brave lei!! go gaigai also diaperless!!! then u must keep reminding yourself to bring her to toilet wor.
btw pls enlarge the pics lei! want to see diaperless-potato. she looks very happy in the pics.
morning ethel,
18m above is tods.
i use idiot-proof software: picasa

some kiddos are more at home with more 'PE' lessons

the sulking nat is so cute and can't wait to see nathan again...
have to start somewhere, so after i am quite sure she can 'tell and hold', i took the risk.
now, its more like 'nagging' at her to tell us when she needs to use the toilet when we are outside.
ooi.... cant stand it... we were both IT idiot earlier, but now u manage to post a collage?? alamak!!!

Ger: CONGRATS to rae-jie-jie going diaper-free.. yeah!!

will let u know the address closer to the date.. and hor, i want to carry nathan at the xmas party, can?
told you use idiot-proof software.
if i can, u can too..

Rae: Ger MEIMEI.. you already diaperfree months ago hor....

Ya, jan 2007. I ve ask them on this term wkend class but they told me its diff to get a place as wkend classes always very pack so I din put nat on waitlist.

Haha u ve very gd determination hor. within 3 wks n u get a place for shermyn. Saying abt this, I think their staffs oso din do their work. Actually I put nat on trial waitlist few mths back but they nvr call me for trial. So I call them last fri to ask abt it and the gal can tell me, we ve vacancy for today.. u wan to come urggh. i mean they r suppose to call me if there is vacancy.. Anyway, I suspect nat name was not on waitlist becos when the staff checking nat name, she go er er... ok nvrmind...


U swing Patato so high(4th pix or its due to angle?), she nt afraid? Nat had sat on it once, actually is on my lap and she like it so much but too bad the playground near my pl n my mums pl dun ve this type of swing.


Nat nvr attend class b4 so she may nd some times to get use. Dun worry I believe she will get use to it very soon. She just nd sometimes to warm up... remember how she play with my nat, rae-ann n cindy in mac.
Lac.....LOL....love ur storyline.....mayb hor need ur help to write me some too for Stef's album....how abt dat???

Rae mei mei....my mommy oso made me go diaper-less, well only during the day...my mommy not so adventurous....
Hi mummies!

I'm back! Thanks for all the well wishes!
Finally managed to resized the pictures for uploading, me really hopeless case lah...

Meimei says Hi to all aunties, jiejies, korkors and looks forward to meeting all at December Party!



RuiYing with my fren's daughter, hope that he will be as sweet to his meimei in future.....

TBL: thanks!!

Lach: old woman me cannot see the rae's smiles on the collage lah ... can enlarge?

KC: oh such pretty pictures!!! mei mei looks so good!
So sad to hear that incident. Poor Josh, hope he will recover soon.

Rae so daring!!! I dont think my chicken Wilfred will dare to play the swing alone.

Oh dear, Nat looks so upset! Sayang sayang! Hope she will get use to it soon. Btw, Nathan so bui bui leh! so cute looking!

Im always so envy those mummies who has bb girl esp 1 boy 1 girl, so perfect! Congrats to you!
congrats!! i love the 1st pic!! yr gal is soo soo sweet..

check with u, our kiddo go on cruise need pay $$ bo ah? kekeke.. sorry me cheapo mummy want go but not willing to pay for ger.. hahaha...

how any news on the kitchen set delivery??

hey, this yuru went on a spree recently... kekeke.... i so happy..
elmo: hahahahah you convinced yuru to spend ha?heeeee ;)

re the cruise, YES must pay, and quite expensive some more. but the good thing is that the bottled heinz food on board is free, can take as many as ger can eat also.

BUT some are step 1 bottled food (for 6mths babies).
think % not a good measure, cos the promotion for adults vary quite greatly.

recall i pay $250 for dean when he was 5mths old.
they provide heinz bottled food, and will also steam-sterilise your milk bottles for you.

another friend went, and they also offered to cook special porridge for her toddler!
they told her what ingredients they had on board so that she could choose what goes into the porridge!

apparently baby bath-tub is also available FOC.
baby cot is also available, but you must inform them at the time of your booking.


yuru, you tempted ah? heeee
another big hole in your pocket!
they are having an offer on the balcony class rooms now. $380 for a wed cruise...
taxes are $80 per person, but it includes a $100 dining voucher per cabin
(not nec, cos all meals are already included in the price!)
anyone saw the latest taka christmas catalogue?
there is a fisher price kitchen set going for $89.90!

comes with ironing board, washing machine, stove, tap etc... looks good!
yuru, dunno leh ... that's the fax i rec'd!
$600 voucher can mah! assuming just you and hubby, adult fare already $380*2=$760.

UNLESS your voucher says its not valid for promotional fares???
no promotion, the cabins are very expensive!!

that's why i say their promotion varies greatly.
That time when i went, i paid only $1200 for TWO balcony class cabins! some senior citizen offer...

You saw the kitchen set at taka? wahhhhh, eh you're not working? in Xmas mood already? heeee

i'm tempted, but i really dun look forward to housing such bulky toys in my little house!
mei mei is so sweet and pretty.

carry nathan? no problem!

fisher price kitchen set? got pic bo?

how abt publish the latest attendance list to remind those who are still considering to comfirm ASAP?
TBL: no pics with me now ... left the brochure at home! you tempted too??? :p

Here's the attendance list for the Xmas bash to date:
Event: Dec2004 Babies' Christmas Bash
Date: 17 Dec 2006 (Sunday)
Time: 4.30pm - 10pm
Venue: Bishan (Function Room)

- cody, hubby, maid + dean: 3+1
- yuru, hubby + Cindy: 2+1
- Eve leo + Nat : 1+1
- seagal + shermyn : 1+1 (hubby's attendance tbc)
- Mngo , hubby + Declan : 2+1
- Joann, Hubby + belly dancer julien : 2+1
- coco1074, hubby + Rachel : 2+1
- LL + Steffi + maid : 2+1
- elmobbger + ger + my mum (can bo?? keke.. she also will be keen to meet all the cuties) : 2 + 1
- TBL + hubby + nat&nat : 2+1+1
- Ethel + josh : 1+1 (hubby's attendance tbc)
- Potato Family: 2 + 1
- KC + hubby + RY + mei mei: 2 + 2
- Cindy + hubby + maid + Clarise: 3 + 1
- Maple + hubby + Aaron : 2+1
- Jen + hubby + Jean: 2+1
- Eve + Wesley + Wilfred + maid : 2 + 2 (hubbys attendance tbc)
- duffymummie+hubby+chloe+maid: 3+1

TOTAL: 36 Adults + 21 younglings
KC....wow...I wanna curdle ur ger..hope to see her during XMAS PARTY BASH...

Btw, any mommies here send their precious for dental check-up? Stef's PD has ask to send her for dental checkup - Kinder Dental Clinic @Paragon...guess my wallet will be X-again....


1. yam paste (recommended by cody)
2. curry chicken (recommended by yuru)
3. fried rice (recommended by LL)
oh yes! that's a good question!! I also wanna find a good & child friendly dentist to bring dean for his 2nd bd present!
hahaha so mean ...

no lah, i really want to start dean young at the dentist so that he doesn't develop a fear of them.
also, i'm not sure if i am cleaning his teeth sufficiently - so i wanna bring him in just to check.
ahhh yuru, indeed they are not stupid...

your cruise is more expensive than mine cos mine was only 3d2n, whereas yours is 4d3n right?

weekend cruise is also more expensive....

mine was a wednesday 3d2n cruise to malacca and kl only. and even tho we had balcony rooms, we were't priviledged with the Balcony Class experience.

The senior citizen offer is a promotion they have regularly, during the school term of course... just nice for us!
The promo was that for every paying passenger, one senior citizen sails for free!
yuru: how much was the kitchen set you bought for cindy?

dean has been displaying traits of enjoyment each time he goes to school / friends' house with a kitchen set. but i am really reluctant!!

the B&W collage is really nice. Potato looked so happy sitting on the swing. Very precious photos!

ur gal is so qing siew! she will be a mei nu next time. I love the first smiley pic.... very demure looking. =)

i want to see the kitchen set pic too... have been contemplating to get one for the longest time. when's taka sale starting ?

pls sayang Nat for me... tell her shermyn mei mei will give her sweets during next class. does she like jelly or chocs ?

aiyo.... i really want to hug and cuddle nathan. hope to see him soon.

has rachel gotten "all clear" for hfmd ?
your princess is so sweet.. da mei nu.

evelyn leo n au
we swing her quite high (according to tod standard). first time shes alone on such 'unprotected' swings. after a few gentle push, shes ok n can hang on, so we decided to push her harder..

lol.. :p u see me got up..

you got all excited.. i want to see a pic too.
will try to enlarge potato pics..

yuru is super excited n happy mood mah..
esp this week

I want to take Q no 1 to cuddle/hug ur nathan.. can i gum him too? :p

1. yam paste (recommended by cody)
2. curry chicken (recommended by yuru, second by lachesiz)
3. fried rice (recommended by LL)
4. kong ba bao (recommended by Lachesiz)
5. sambal cuttlefish (ditto)
LL, cody
can share why need to go for dental check up?
how much will a normal check up cost and what does it entail? are there dentist who specialise in tods/kids?

evelyn au,
where have you been? so long never 'see' you here.
a dental checkup for our tods now would be more for experential learning to let them know that it's normal to sit down in the funny looking chair wearing a goggle and to have your teeth cleaned by a total stranger.

my dentist suggests letting our tods come with us during our dental checkup to get them familiar with the "environment". can also try to have their teeth checked if our tods are willing too.

there probably will not be any actual check on their teeth during the first few visits.


1. yam paste (recommended by cody, seconded by seagal)
2. curry chicken (recommended by yuru, second by lachesiz)
3. fried rice (recommended by LL)
4. kong ba bao (recommended by Lachesiz, seconded by seagal)
5. sambal cuttlefish (ditto)

Event: Dec2004 Babies' Christmas Bash
Date: 17 Dec 2006 (Sunday)
Time: 4.30pm - 10pm
Venue: Bishan (Function Room)

Attendance Update:
- cody, hubby, maid + dean: 3+1
- yuru, hubby + Cindy: 2+1
- Eve leo + Nat : 1+1
- seagal + shermyn : 1+1
- Mngo , hubby + Declan : 2+1
- Joann, Hubby + belly dancer julien : 2+1
- coco1074, hubby + Rachel : 2+1
- LL + Steffi + maid : 2+1
- elmobbger + ger + my mum (can bo?? keke.. she also will be keen to meet all the cuties) : 2 + 1
- TBL + hubby + nat&nat : 2+1+1
- Ethel + josh : 1+1 (hubby's attendance tbc)
- Potato Family: 2 + 1
- KC + hubby + RY + mei mei: 2 + 2
- Cindy + hubby + maid + Clarise: 3 + 1
- Maple + hubby + Aaron : 2+1
- Jen + hubby + Jean: 2+1
- Eve + Wesley + Wilfred + maid : 2 + 2 (hubbys attendance tbc)
- duffymummie+hubby+chloe+maid: 3+1

TOTAL: 36 Adults + 21 younglings
whoa ...the PD think u really can spend hor ...hehe. Kinder Dental at Paragon is not cheap! No need to spend so much $$ for first visit lah.

save the $$ to buy more toys for Steffi.
cruise promotion? balcony? now the promo still on mah? email me more details tell me more abt it can bo? pls leh.. muack muack..

child's fare,
u paid $250 for dean ah? aiyo, if i need to pay that amt for ger, i think i will ask her to stay back at home alone..

can imagine how excited cindy will be..
take pics and show us how cindy cook ok?
no worries!
yes, i think kong ba bao = kou rou bao.

think taka sale is just over.
the fisher price kitchen set was from their christmas catalogue.
looked thru aprisin's website --they don't have it!
Re: catering
How many pax are we ordering for?
You gals sure we can stomach 11 dishes PLUS cake & cupcakes?
oops, i trashed the fax already.... maybe you can call them to check it out?

yah, i paid $250 for dean. really expensive in my opinion, esp when he was on total breastfeed that time! basically the cruise did NOTHING for him...
but what to do, i was "gian" to travel, so no choice but to pay lor.
sounds like we're going to have alot of leftovers!!

i know KC will volunteer to ta pao the cake + cupcakes!
haha ... i meant when's taka christmas sale leh. saw from their website that it starts tomorrow but not sure if it's the same one.

Wow.... u really She1 De2 to spend on cindy.

Nat to cindy : U r so Xin4 Fu2
My mum din even know i like to do cooking until my Gugu(papa sister) pass me the kitchen set that was from my cousin gorgor.
cody .. oic. do u know the model for the Little Tikes kitchen set ?

haha ... my shermyn also playing with the mini table top one at home. time to upgrade to a bigger set. i am just worried that they will not play it for long. how many years can it last them on average ?
think its called new kitchen?? something like that...

usual price is $129.90, now selling $89.90.

here's a pic i took using my hp:
Seagal n yuru,

My hb's nephew is still playing the kitchen set b4 his mum pass it to nat recently(If im nt wrong he is in pri 2 now=8 yrs old). He oso has iron board but refuse to pass it to nat as he is still playing with it.
cody, thanks for the pic. very nice but sturdy or not huh ? that's my main concern.

yuru, oh ... thanks for the correction.

actually, LL's steffi also has a nice kitchen set. saw it selling at toys r us for about $80 without discount. it's 360 degrees some more... right LL ?
seagal: i really have no idea, i have only seen the kitchen set from the catalogue.
guess if its FP - should be quite ok right?

jen: no hurry. next week also can.
<font color="0000ff">Hi mummies!</font>

Meimei says thank you to all!
But hor, we are getting a bit worried that she is turning into a stubborn and bad tempered baby.....

<font color="0000ff">Lach,</font>

Wow! Your collage looks good! Can post a bigger one with colour?
Share share how you train Rae to go diaperless leh! RY nowhere near there, now I need to buy both toddler and new born diapers, very xiong ah!

Heh! All the $$ you saved on Rae's diapers, you guys can go for a holiday liao!

<font color="0000ff">Cody, Yuru, Elmo,</font>

All these talk about cruise promotion, you got me all excited again! Anymore information on the $380 promo, like valid until when?

<font color="0000ff">Elmo,</font>

The last time I called them up, no special fare for kiddos, you have to pay the 3 pax to a room fare, very expensive imo! For 4 days 3 nights including taxes, tours etc is about $2k, I thought it's cheaper to go backpack in Australia (and leave kiddo at home)!

<font color="0000ff">Cody,</font>

Ha! I think not only do you need to get a kitchen set for Dean's birthday pressie, you need to get a drum set as well! Maybe there is hidden talent there!

<font color="0000ff">Yuru,</font>

How come you in super excited and happy mood this week? Cindy's birthday party ah?

<font color="0000ff">Seagal,</font>

I think kitchen set got a lot of mileage, plus your no. 2 can play with Shermyn also, assuming they play up till age 5, it's definitely worth it to get a good one now!

<font color="0000ff">TBL,</font>

Hope Nat will start to enjoy GUG soon, RY sayang sayang her.....


<font color="0000ff">Caesarian mummies,</font>

How long do we have to wait before we can carry the older kid? I was told 3 - 6 months but seems kinda long leh!
