(2004/12) Year 2004 December Mummies

Hi mummies,

Thanks for all ur concerns.

I am ok now but Shermyn's fever still roller-coasting. Was told by the KKH doctor that it will take about 4 days to go off. If her fever still persists tomorrow morning, gotta bring her back again.

Eve Au,
phew .... wishing wilfred a speedy recovery!

dear seagal,
u must be tired.. take care of your back.
hows shermyn now? viral fever takes abt 5days to subside completely. meanwhile, just ensure the temp doesnt climb too high. sponging, loose clothings does help n med of course. n lots of liquids.
potato was baked to 40+C few weeks back.
(i think maybe a fuse in her brain had burnt! Temper getting worse...)

Shermyn sure had fun at the resort. she look so cute in the swimsuit with skirt.
the 2nd last pic so demure. must be pure heaven: sitting on mummys lap by the beach.

bb weight n height.
grass always greener on the other side?

for me, my concern is that potato is on the road to obesity even before she attends school

shes about 11.9kg now.
its worst than carrying a sack of rice! now still have to sling her at times if i am doing serious shopping alone with her, else she will run amok.

evelyn au,
hows wilfred now? what happened?

elicia is another tall gal.. 88cm... drool....

haha.. i have also ordered the same set!
don't know what to do with three though.

Yuru, cant believe it, strike lottery also not so zun ah.. i just collected the same red pc fm 1 mummy last night.. i shared a pack with her, i took the red one, she taking the other 2 pcs.. size 90, just right for ger.. design meant to be half pants, but to ger, long pants.. can lar.. kekeke...

Lach, so funny.. ending up dec babies wearing the same pants/skirt.. kekeke..

Hey Lach, u ordered what size for the pants/skirts set? i dun mind taking one from u if you are willing to let go .... hee.

My mil is sick now, gotta bring Shermyn home and take care of her myself.

Gosh .... The virus is really getting around. My in laws family taking turns to fall sick.

All mummies here pls take care of urselves and ur todds.
yuru, yaya! same size! same colour! and ger/cindy wearing as long pants thou design meant to be half pants, kekeke... i also into jshoppers liao, me practically got all of their those cotton dresses.. hahaha.. u have anything want to get? me going to place order maybe later of the day, can still accomodate jpy1400.. let me know..

lach, i help u answer seagal.. kekeke..

seagal, lach size 95.. hahaha...

jen, join in leh... fun leh.. time passes faster...
hehe u caught the kids-clothing-bug *finally*? :p

I've been resisting buying for Athena... she's not growing fast enough leh. But my Ahboy definitely needs clothes!

Wah! Me so tempted after reading Yuru and your comments on Jshoppers clothes, just went in to look see look see, the clothes really very nich hor!!

Can you tell me how you order for yourself? Which credit card do you use (or any limitations)? How much to order to minimise shipping costs per item? I am tempted to order but need to slowly go through boy boy and girl girl clothes first.

Thanks in advance!
KC, i use UOB.. didnt check which bank has the best exchange rate.. UOB is 0.014.. the fastest and easiest is to place jpy 10,000 value and shipping cost is jpy 2400.. of cos if u can get jpy 20,000 value, then shipping cost is jpy 3,800 i think, the cost will be lower per item lor.. but means u buying more eh.. kekeke... u normally will receive yr items in less than 5 days after u place yr order.. very fast i like..
hey yu, u mean u dont understand japanese? easy lar.. go pick it up.. me and yuru pick it up recently only.. for the sake of spreeing, u have to pick up more languages.. hahahaha.... joking lar, u can click onto english at the top lar..

how to resist? especially when you have a princess and a prince to dress up!!! athena has very pretty clothes....

there is a option on top for languages.

your mummy is not no money go orchard buy.. its cos she is busy with online shopping.. thats why can only go downstairs, cos she need to monitor her 'stocks' :p
tell your mummy dont be lazy, dress you up in your gazillion pretty clothes and post a fashion spread here....

Homewear is only $3 per piece?! Wow!

Can you help me to find by giving me the product codes? I went into the website but very blur leh dunno how to start.

What are the smaller sizes suitable for 6months ah?

Hee! Thanks for the info on how to order from Jshoppers. Maybe I can order during my maternity leave end of the year. Heheh!
hah I have the same qn as KC! Athena needs homewear for sleeping- shortsleeve tees + long pants.


that's the $ problem, that's why HB was hoping #2 a gal. Oh well! :p

hehe, can fashion parade and take pics to post here of her downstairs, I dun mind. Eyecandy!
wow all that talk of home wear only $3 got me interested. What's the website?

talking abt shopping fr jap websites, anyone know what happened to vpost japan? it kinda closed down is it?

seagal: oh dear, do take care! hope shermyn gets well asap and your back recovers too!
Hi girls,
Thanks for your concerned on Wilfred. I think he is better than last Sunday; can walk super fast and running here and there although a bit unbalanced. :p
Ai yo yo, with bb girl really spend a lot hor! I see most of you non-stop buying girl girl stuffs leh!
I must kow tow to YURU, LACH, ELMOBBGER hehee! KC, soon u will be in the list!

Hubby too careless when looked after him, therefore he sprained his foot when climb down the stairs. He is better now, thanks! How abt u? Feline told me ure on MC too!
lach, u then dont be lazy lar.. nowadays i can hardly find rae's photos here.. pls post leh.. i miss her... esp in those nice clips.. making me envy..

yuru, paste the pics of those u bought leh.. i also keen to see... i worse than KC and Medusa hor.. they ask u for code, i ask u for pics.. hehehe... save us time fm searching mah.. thanks!

evelyn, u can dress wilfred up handsome handsome too leh...
cody & eve au,

yay! lemme knoe which one u wanna let go. =)

ur $3 per piece is homewear for cindy or urself ?
hehehe...was wondering why today this thread moves so fast!! so is the BP and clothing topics make eveyone excited huh!
wah... pics all so cute!!! seagal, how are u leow?

elmobbger, join in?!? err... no thanks... last time I went to Fox warehouse sale... got 10 tops (for Jean), now oni wear 2?!? hahaha... my mum say waste $$$...
the mention of shopping and here you are!

evelyn au,
KC has already gone over to the 'dark side'.. the land where the sun doesnt shine .. '
because the land is covered with endlesss sheltered shopping malls!
she wastes no time. she has already stocked up for her little princess.

one girl, one boy = HAO!
now can shop at BOTH departments..:p
post some of your darlings pics here. esp big eye athena.

ALL the pics very nice. going through them is like watching a reel... a very happy movie on
" A day in the life of a happy busy toddler"
shermyn really has alot of 'patterns'.
some of the antics remind me of potato. :p

you have been a most diligent disciple. at the progress you are making,
you will attain elmobbger "Supreme Master" level in no time.
Cindy's homewear is really pretty. and i agree that the material is good, soft and really value for money.

np. will let you know. most prob the blue one.
lach, i got pics of eve's darling #2... hehehe... v cute! but hor... no transfer wire so cannot upload lah...
she say she will upload SOON!
seagal, i like the pic in bed... so sweet..

jen, i love fox too.. now got 30% sale .. kekeke.. manage to find 2 dresses.. hehehe.. by the way, u want to sell me the preview tics and u go buy the actual ones mah?

yuru, really $3 a pc mah? what is the code ah?

lach, excuse me, dont say me hor..
.. anyway, me and ger have decided to spend our time in exercising rather than shopping liao.. i have proof.. dont believe?





you had everyone in excitement.

you have the pics? post!!
how is evelyn?

you dont try to provide a smoke screen..
i only see ger in her sporty clothes n bobux playing.. wheres her mummy? I bet she is shopping in the room...haha

evelyn au,
toddlers are so active and curious that things happen at lightning speed. but its good that wilfred has recovered so fast!!
lachesiz lachesiz
how we miss your postings!
LOL the dark side covered with endless shopping malls !!!

yuru: you're tempting me. quick quick give me the website!
elmobbger, cannot sell leh... cos i need to give up one goodie bag... hehehe...

ORH!!! U all no good!!! psycho KC to BP!!!
wah ... fox sale ..anyone knows if it includes Fox Baby or not ?

yuru, thanks for informing me. haha! will cheong down to see later.....

eh ... i also want the product code for the 5 piece tops...can't seem to find it leh.

love ur gal's cheerful pics! wah .... female soccer star in the making leh. don't play play!

btw, u ordered other items from jshoppers before e.g. ladies bags, household items ?

I'm back to work today. Thankfully, shermyn's fever has finally subsided after 4 days.
hi yuru, i saw the set liao.. all yr fault.. make me go into that website and now i eyeing this set, but i only like 2 pcs.. got any1 wanna share? kekeke.. i like the white base and stripe base one..
yaya.. she is just hitting 10kg only.. really really... my mum keep complaining say she no eat.. but i tell her my hands can barely tahan carrying her liao.. kekeke... me a fox fan too!! u and seagal also huh? hehehe.. jshopper dress? i love them! size 90 still got allowance for ger.. but i think better lar.. wear longer..


hi jen, no worries...

hi lach, come on leh.. mummy of cos busy taking the pics lar...

hi seagal, no lar.. household items and bags??
Jshoppers - Uh oh!!! Think I "zhong du tai shen"! Yesterday already joined Spree and buy liao!

Lac, LOL on the dark side!

Yuru, opps! You saw me at spree corner? You buying more to attain higher level of jedi skills ah?

Elmobbger, *bows* Master.....

Cody, come come, join us..... Spree is good!

Seagal, glad to know that Shermyn is fine today!

Expecially for you hor:

Fox Baby Gals:

30% for tops and bottom sets, tops, skirts, etc

20% for dresses

Fox Baby Boys:

30% for t shirts, shirts, tops and bottom sets

20% for pants

Buy 3 get another 10% on top of all these discounts!
