(2004/12) Year 2004 December Mummies

Hi mommies....here's the ROSE among ALL MY THORNS!!!

Yu...she has very sensitive skin, everytime she gets a mosquito bite, it will get into a red patch and takes a few days to clear.
Pix was taken last Sat wen she still had fever but was in a better mood...
Seee... I knew I have bestowed the right person!
Thanks Lach and KC and other mummies!

I'm ok with any of the food u suggest, just by seeing u say it's yummy, I'm craving for it now!
Let's see how many person we can get by next week, ya.

I'll provide drinks and some toys if need be.
But I can't think of any other thing that can entertain the children or fathers haha...
Oh ya, If u guys wanna come earlier to swim also can... There's a knee high baby pool, mummies and daddies may not need to get wet to dip baby into the pool

I'll come back again, very late liao 1am... sleeepy

wah.. so happening.. got gathering..

r u all bringing yr kids to GP or PD for mmr jab? any idea how much it cost?
which part of japan did u go? was the jap inn ex? i tot of going japan but am warned of the high accomodation cost!
this is josh at 10mths
i was in tokyo.
well, the jap inn i stayed in was really basic.
no frills, but v clean and conveniently located.
cost me S$150 per night for 3 adults.
comes en-suite (ie attached toilet).
there are some rooms in that inn that uses the communal bathroom - those are cheaper.

apart from accommodation, japan is really quite affordable.
not as shocking as everyone claims it to be; just need to follow the japs and you're ok.
eg food - alot of them eat simply vs tourists who eat in sit-down restaurants.
most of my meals, with the exception of sashimi, cost approx S$10 per person.
Very appetizing & filling portions too!

wow josh is lucky to travel at 10months!
did u scout the whole of europe with him or just to Rome?

think i may have mentioned in earlier posts.
Dean had his approx 1 month ago at the PD.
Paid $280+ for a package.

he had his mmr and chicken pox jabs together with his pneumococcal jab.
the mmr and chicken pox jabs were done in tandem, and the pneumococcal 15mins later when dean calmed down from the crying and screaming.

quite traumatic to put a kid thru 3 injections in 1 day, for dean, for his momma and for his grandmomma.

surprisingly dean didn't get fever from the vaccines.
mmr is supposed to bring on a fever approx 1 week after the jab, but dean didn't get it.
<font color="ff0000">IMPORTANT</font>
A stock clerk was sent to clean up a storeroom in Maui, Hawaii.

When he got back, he was complaining that the storeroom was really filthy and that he had noticed dried mouse/rat droppings in some areas.
A couple of days later, he started to feel like he was coming down with a stomach flu, complained of sore joints and headaches, and began to vomit.

He went to bed and never really got up again. Within two days he ! was severely ill and weak. His blood sugar count was down to 66, and his face and eyeballs were yellow. He was rushed to the emergency at Pali-Momi, where he was diagnosed to be suffering from massive organ failure. He died shortly before midnight.
No one would have made the connection between his job and his death, had it not been for a doctor who specifically asked if he had been in a warehouse or exposed to dried rat/mouse droppings at any time. They said there is a virus (much like the Hanta virus) that lives in dried rat and mouse droppings.

Once dried, these droppings are like dust and can easily be breathed in or ingested if a person does not wear protective gear or fails to wash face and hands thoroughly.

An autopsy was performed on the clerk to verify the doctor's suspicions.

This is why it is extremely important to ALWAYS carefully rinse off the tops of canned sodas or foods, and to wipe off pasta packaging, cereal boxes, and so on.
Almost everything you buy in a supermarket was stored in a warehouse at one time or another, and stores themselves often have rodents.

Most of us remember to wash vegetables and fruits but never think of boxes and cans.
The ugly truth is, even the most modern, upper-class, super store has rats and mice. And their warehouse most assuredly does!

Whenever you buy any canned soft drink, please make sure that you wash the top with running water and soap or, if that is not available, drink with a straw.
The investigation of soda cans by the Center for Disease Control in Atlanta discovered that the tops of soda cans can be encrusted with dried rat's urine, which is so toxic it can be lethal. Canned drinks and other foodstuffs are stored in warehouses and containers that are usually infested with rodents, and then they get transported to retail outlets without being properly cleaned.

Please forward this message to the people you care about.
woohoo !!!
polling day has been declared a public holiday and i get 1 day off in lieu of the public holiday falling on a saturday.


anybody needs to vote?
i was hoping to cast my VERY FIRST vote in my life, but no chance leh - my constituency was a walkover. sigh.....

no exciting rally to attend
Hi tbl

ya lor......
like almost everyday, my darling slept at around 6.45pm today. she will most probably wake up at around 6.30am - 7am tomorrow. she will get me to wake up with all sorts of methods.
Her usual will be calling 'ma mee, ma mee, ma mee......' till i open my eyes. Once she even pass me my glasses!
When i tried to pretent to be sleeping, she will resort to sitting on top of me..... n then start moving forward to my face.
Once she waited too long n she just sat directly on my face. Can u imagine with her full loaded diaper!!! nearly 'died'!!!
anyway... the good thing is i get to rest early too..... which i dun cos surfing n BP 2 tempting.
kee....kee... :p

welcome angela!

Very happening here! got to catch up on postings.

btw just confirm yesterday that cant join u all on sat 6 may.....
not tat i go to celebrate mother's day....
but got to work that day n sunday.....
started working part time recently only....

next time then.
cos i dun need to work every sat.
Hi mngo

My darling girl fix her own sleep pattern since 4mths - sleep at 5/6pm+-. The only thing that changed was the number of naps. She used to wake up later at 8/9am when she was younger. These few months has always been around 6.30am+-. Good thing is that at least she gets to see daddy in the morning.

But not good for me n hubby cos got to go off from function, meetup n b at home so early. got bbq, dinner at night, also cant go..... very jia lar, not healthy 4 our social life n most of our friends either no children or still single so find it hard to understand 'how come she control our timing' .

envy!! at least can sleep till 9.30am.
Tats when my darling starts her morning nap.
What did u do that pushed the wake up time back huh?
share share lah...

Hey... I look 4ward to the next gathering arrangement. May have to leave early but at least let my darling make more friends.
there are really pros and cons of having our ds/dd to sleep either early or late. think in positive way... at least after you settle your gal to sleep, you have time for youself at night at home.

for us, my boy sleeps at 10pm... so we also cannot bring him out until late. he'll be tired, want to go home even though not yet sleeping time. furthermore we have to entertain my boy until 10pm. while you get time for yourself from 6pm onwards

i guess my son does not sleep a lot since birth too. he is like his dad.
Dear mummies
I'll have to leave at 5pm for another party at downtown east on 6th May. If the buffet starts at 6pm, then pls count us out :p
Bad news!
Hi mummies,
We cant join the gathering #3 cos Wilfred was down with running nose yesterday. This morning checked with my maid, she told me Wilfred now has a bit cough + blocked nose. Think tonight I need to bring him see doctor liao. Sian, look like we have to join you girls next time and his MMR jab has to postpone to another week.

So pai seh that yesterday I even brought him to the gathering organized by Jan threads mum, thought he was ok mah! Hopefully he wont infect others.

Venue : Savannah Condo
Date : 6th May 2006, Saturday
Time : 4pm
Food : Buffet

1) Agnes, Steffi &amp; Maid(confirm but will be late, coming after Stef's class)
2) Seagal &amp; Shermyn
3) Evelyn(leo) &amp; Natalie
4) KC &amp; RY &amp; HB &amp; New Maid
5) maple, Aaron &amp; HB (will be late too as Aaron just started his Sat class)
6) lachesiz &amp; potato (confirm but will be late)
7) Mngo, hb, Declan
8) Elmo, hb, Shannon
9) Feline, Ashley, Cayden + Maid
10) Jen, hb &amp; Jean (currently ok, unless something crops up)
11) Angela &amp; Heidi
12) Duffy, hb &amp; Chloe (Founder and Host!!!!!)
13) YYP, hb, maid &amp; Jin Jin
14) Yuru, hb &amp; Cindy (tentative)
i managed to wriggle out of the wedding dinner to attend our gathering!!!

HOORAY!!! i'm so happy now

Venue : Savannah Condo
Date : 6th May 2006, Saturday
Time : 4pm
Food : Buffet

1) Agnes, Steffi &amp; Maid(confirm but will be late, coming after Stef's class)
2) Seagal &amp; Shermyn
3) Evelyn(leo) &amp; Natalie
4) KC &amp; RY &amp; HB &amp; New Maid
5) maple, Aaron &amp; HB (will be late too as Aaron just started his Sat class)
6) lachesiz &amp; potato (confirm but will be late)
7) Mngo, hb, Declan
8) Elmo, hb, Shannon
9) Feline, Ashley, Cayden + Maid
10) Jen, hb &amp; Jean (currently ok, unless something crops up)
11) Angela &amp; Heidi
12) Duffy, hb &amp; Chloe (Founder and Host!!!!!)
13) YYP, hb, maid &amp; Jin Jin
14) Yuru, hb &amp; Cindy (tentative)
15) Cody, maid &amp; Dean
very very nice B/W shot!
i have a penchant for such shots.
NICE background n nicer bb

wilfred is so serious with the temp taking! :p

88cm!!!! arghhhhhhhhhhhh
(me still super duper green eye, i have a 'fetish' for long legs.. hehe)

i laugh out loud with the image of val n her full diaper on your face! wahahahahahah..
cant wait for our gals to play masak masak.
Hello Mummies
Sorry had to only come in at this wee hour of the morning

I have calculated the numbers of aldult, it's about 28 adults only...
Shall we order the 30pax buffet?
I'll order this Wednesday, so let's decide before that.

Here's the food I'm gonna order, thanks to Lach recommendation too

Normal Buffet -- Ok if ordering $10 per person for any 10 courses. Minimum 30 person:
1) Curry Chicken
2) Fried Pineapple Rice
3) Cuttle Fish w/Sambal
4) Braise Pork w/Bun
5) Prawn Sauce chicken
6) Spinach w/Mushroom
7) Sweet &amp; Sour Sliced Fish
8) Sea Cucumber w/Bean Curd
9) Yam Paste w/ Coconut milk
10) Deep Fried Xiao Long Pau
Plus Fruit Punch

If ordering Mini Buffet, $8 per person for any 7 courses. Minimum 20 person. Duffy will buy drinks.
1) Curry Chicken
2) Fried Pineapple Rice
3) Cuttle Fish w/Sambal
4) Spinach w/Mushroom
5) Deep Fried Ngo Hiang
6) Prawn Sauce chicken
7) Sweet &amp; Sour Sliced Fish


Hey by the way, can I change the time to 5pm instead? Cause the door of the room will only be open at 4pm. So need some set up. No use u guys come at 4pm yet nothing inside hahahaa..
5pm can?

Everyone who wants to come to swim are welcome, ok? u can swim than eat than swim and eat :p

Will come back tomorrow to see votes, ok?

I vote for normal buffet cos 1) comes with warmer so the late comers will be able to enjoy warm food, 2) comes with table and skirting so you dun need to provide them, 3) foc transportation, 4) comes with drinks and deserts and 5) more value for $$$. In addition you can get 1 free dish of your choice if you order through a particular person (I will sms you details).

Sorry ah..... Can the doors open at 4.30pm? YYP got to leave at 6pm+ so if doors open at 5pm then dunno if it will be too rushed for her or not? Also hor, Mngo got to leave at 5pm leh!

Lastly, if we order normal buffet, then I suggest mummies bring containers to ta bao back the remaining food.
count me OUT for buffet. Cos I have another party at 6pm. and i will leave anytime betwn 5-530pm
mngo mngo,
Do come by at 4pm if you can, I'll be there. The door does open at 4pm
I'll order the buffet early too.

Can cAn? Than I'll just change the timing to 4.30pm, and ask the buffet to come at 4pm sharp!

I agree, mummies MUST bring container haha, else cannot come in :p
I thot containers are provided by the caterer?

Duffy, I think I saw yr daughter before.. with grandpa &amp; daddy or something.. And this morning saw you swimming??? Is that you???? Haha...

This caterer dun provide containers leh! The last time we had to run to provision shop to buy. Or Lach, Yuru, Jen can correct me if I'm wrong.....
Heehee, cannot be me, cause I not so lucky to swim on weekdays morning haha, rushing like hell to the office :p

Think u sekali correctly lor, might not have alot of ppl there... let me check with the security again, to see if they open the door for us earlier one...

Angela, do u know if they open the door before 4pm? u tried before?
Think can ask them to open earlier if there's no function before us. They are quite friendly leh..

Usu. caterers should provide.. If not, let me know, I'll buy for everyone...
heehee, don't say like that lah, mngo, no trouble
I no experience in booking function room mah haha
Since alot of ppl have to leave early anyway,
I'll confirm the timing tonight, tomorrow u see if the timing is still ok for u, than u try and see if u can come, ok?
duffy: tks for going thru all the trouble to accomodate us!
i vote for whatever that's convenient to you.
dun worry abt the drinks, additional charges etc.
just bill it together with the catering and we'll split the cost!

did u read about the baby in the New Paper today?
3week old baby admitted to KKH for fever, and the nurses fed him the wrong amt of medicine!

luckily the baby is safe, no side effects.
just 3 weeks old, totally innocent.
such a cute &amp; handsome baby too!
thanks for being so accomodating n consultative admist your busy schedule.
I am sure the mummies here are fine with anything, whatever is convenient.
Hence, normal buffet would be better for all.
Just like as know the total cost,inclu booking fees for function room (if applicable).

I dont think they provide disposable containers.

thanks , you are most helpful.

soon.... you will be more tired... hahaha

but it will be 'happy tired'
ya lor, me too very tired. now just waiting for delivery only. another few wks to go!!!
no energy to do housework at all, heart pain to see my hubby got to do housework in wkend so today just signed up the wkly house cleaning service. at least both of us can relax on the wkend.
the last leg is always so tiring but exciting as edd draws nearer.
good that u have PT help. at least hb n u can relax.
hi mummies, sorry for the mia as i was busy with home and work issues over the last 2 weeks.

my pc at home also konked out on me so got to "snatch" my hubby's pc to log in.

duffy, KC &amp; other mummies who help coordinate,
can't thank you gals enough for making this gathering happen! pls make sure u share share with us all your costs including misc ones k.

and lach &amp; KC is right too, YLS doesn't provide disp containers.

sorry, no chance to read all the postings yet. will catch up with them later!

see you all at duffy's place Sat then!
hi mummies,

anyone interested to get this set of books?

Please refer to the bottom of the page.
I am keen on the English Sight words readers.

can get $2 off each set if purchase 10sets n above.
wonderbox books are normally 10-20% off retail price. though they only offer $2 discount off each set but their selling price is already very low.
its $34.95 for 25 books so its abt $1.40 per book. so quite worth it in that sense.

I have not personally seen the books but from the photos posted by that nice mummy, seems quite good.

anyone keen?
1) lachesiz (1set)
hi seagal,
to me, no comp=handicap.

can understand how u feel.
take it easy ok
see shermyn n u on sat!

hi duffy,
anything else we can bring?
hey all
Wat mattress did u all use for ur baby to sleep in arz? I mean those who let their baby sleep in playpen and cot. Anyone here use latex mattress or those normal form mattress??

that link so far the mummy not showing sign of organising one..
i dont want to post in mktplace cos too massive. and i have no sense of numbers.
so looking at not more than 20sets order. (which is manageble for me)
and we know each other, so feel better too.

then got excuse to meet up too.:p

i have check with wonderbox and thats the best she can give. I know her prices are really very good compare to kino/times/borders.

if you keen, can place your name n start the number rolling?
