(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

i'm fine thanks, oredi 1/2 way thru' my radiotherapy. gathering on 10 Sept ah? will let you know at a later date can?

thanks for the name and address of the clinic. is the pd good? how is the charges like?

where is the tiong bahru pd? not as good as the hougang one?

I still gotta cook lunch 4 my hubby mah unless he can go to your hse.
wat u gonna put in the porridge?

Errr... @ least need to know wat r the brands of play set in the mkt. Hv u find out wat is play set?

Chen Chen's photo shoot wz on Sun. Dunno abt the $10 photo. We took photo then left liao. The photographer din say anything. I din even c the photo. Only took a peep of it on the monitor. My mum wanna go United sq n c Chen chen's photo. I m meeting my x colleagues on Fri @ United sq. Will go on Fri to c the photos.
Wat is play set?

Ruffy, Sanrio, Pigletz
It will b fun if mummies in tis thread participate in the focus gp

Wat do the weirdo do after viewing bb's photos?
thanks very much on the subconciously forget abt the diaper part. Maybe Chen Chen is already potty train leh? You never know.

Opppss...I too direct abt the porridge thing ah? ok ok...shook, please ignore that post too. hahahhaha
ok, at least now i know that you enjoy my nonsense. hahahaha

But try to come for the gathering okay? I wanna meet up with Alyosius leh.
I where got pai seh to ask. My precious son leh. I only give in to dowager juz not to kick up a fuss
Oh let Chen Chen pok luck cake n t for Pigletz & Gabriel har.

Pigletz, Brenda
Chen Chen semi potty train in passing motion. But dunno y since sat 9, he passed motion in his sleep muahahaha
Brenda,ya started 2 lessons already got homework to do also...dunno how to find time to do esp at nite have to attend to dana then too tired by then to do homework. If you really interested, next time have again, i let you know.
Hi everyone! This is me when I'm in a good mood, and not like now, when I'm throwing a big tantrum because mummy wouldn't let me have her fork...
Woah hoo! Pigletz,
We got audience leh!!! hahhaha, mebbe later can hv fan club!

wahahha Shook,
I like ur let Chen Chen pot luck cake n tea for Pig and Gab!! Bingo!!

Wah!! really onz... dun think i can do it..hahah
pigletz, Hougang really too far liao. Ya, can imagine both of them eating happily tog. Heeee

shook, couldn't be fm cos I didnt change for her recently. Think her throat really badly infected, can still hear that she got bit of sore throat. Where will the photos be shown? I'll go and see this Sun.

sanrio, I'll bring her to see Dr Ngiam if she still has fever tonite. Just called my mom and she said her fever has subsided since this morning.

styloBB, Vane's fever has gone since this morning, hopes it continue to be down lah. My op will be on 5th Sep. I got the same qns as shook abt what do the weidos do after they view bb's photos?

QSG, the course is organised by church one?
Giggler, how many days of MC you getting for your surgery?Ya, this one is by church. Think sometimes MCYS also have ads in the papers on various courses for families.
Hi mommies,
Only had time to come in now today... so many posts to catch up.

Ai yoh! I so paisay... miss out on deer, eeerrrr YH, Kieren, stylobb etc etc... so sorry lah. Better give up my idea on doing comparison like this... anyway, looks like we really have more boys than girls here.

pigletz, how? have you checked what flavour puffs you have?

re: puffs lose air
I usually keep the gerber puffs plus the containers in an airtight container once I open them... seems okay lah. But like all stuff... don't take too long to finish it... even tibits also will not taste good after a while.

Mom2Nat, ai yoh! I love Nat's white skirt... really sexy leh!
So serious ah. Still got homework. Wa man, how to do homework when u handle a tod w/o help

Do u want pot luck fm Chen Chen

Pigletz dun welcome me liao
She pong pong both of us

If Vane got fever agn, suggest u ask PD if need to do urine test or not.
I guess the photos r displayed @ Basement 1, not sure tho

My garber puff lao hong after 1 or 2 wks. I dun think v long. I only go home during wk n
QSG, I'll get 2 weeks of mc after the surgery. Just told my boss abt it, can sense he not really happy but no choice for him.

shook, think I'll change another PD if she still got fever.
ya, i think too far for you, that's why didn't recommend.

paiseh, miss out checking the favour. Promise you to look for it today.

If chen chen really so nice, i will accept it lor, make sure i don't change my bedsheet yet till the gathering is over. hahahah
hahaha, my mattress very cheapo .. bedsheet also...so don't worry..won't get you to buy, maybe you pay for the laundry?? hahaha
Wat is tis? U came to my hse, I let u tar bao food, u let me tar bao your bedsheet laundry bill pong pong pong

A u purposely skip my question on the content in the bb porridge is it. There u go agn. Ignore my question huh
ahahhaa, don't like that lah. hahah

Sorry, I didn't know you ask abt the content of the porridge. Paiseh.

Well, It can be fish porridge, meat porridge or even scallop porridge. There's of cos carrot in the porridge. I got request for scallop porridge. Is it okay with you?
If these food are avaliable he will sure finish all .hahah.. This boy will even take ur portion to eat when he finishes his own if he likes the food.
Ruffy, the Sep host hinted that she would like Lin Zhi Yuan bak kua for the gathering... if you can fulfill that, I'm sure Ryan's request can be easily fulfilled... though not v sure what is odo ball
Wey Pigletz,
u promise me scallops porridge leh. I cannot cheat Jerome one leh.

I also curious.. what's odo ball? the chawamushi is in it or separate stuff?
Y u thot I wz qsg?

Hey u filter my msg huh. Pong pong pong
Porridge ok as long no seasoning

U make mango pudding n Odo ball wif chawamushi for Ryan?
ya ya, won't forget ur scallops porridge.
i scare some don't take scallop, i can make other porridge also. But only for the kids hor. Adults not entertained! hahahaha
my porridge no seasoning one. If want, can add later, but original don't come with seasoning.

My eyes blue black from your pong pong pong liao.
The ball is something like bachang..but japanese rice with some meat in the centre. I will order that and mix with chawamushi for Ryan to eat.
Rice ball I dunno how to make but chawamushi(hubby knows) and Sushi I know how to make.
Ryan can finish 1 whole rice ball + 1 cup of chawmushi in 10 min.
I dunno how to make mango pudding.
U dun need to apply eye shadow liao

I want the original version for Chen Chen. dun 1 pirated 1
Aiyo, I better not talk so much, skarly Chen Chen not cooperative I can't go then I get free eye shadow fm u

Thot u made those food then u can bring for pot luck
hahaha, no prob!
If you not there, I deliver it to your place. hahaha, make sure you eat chen chen's share. hahahhaha
If you order kids meal ..may come with it..or else they also sell where you buy sushi in the supermarket. (Taka). I don't know if the real name is Odo ball..but something to that effect.
So sweet of u, tar bao food for me. Then I dun need to rush back n cook dinner after Chen Chen's class. Muak
. My hubby can definitely finish Chen Chen's share
As I mention, it will be a potluck session, so please indicate what you wanna bring if possible.

Updated list:
Mummies joining the gathering in sept:
1) pigletz - potato salad
2) brenda - mango pudding
3) priviledged
4) Val
5) Emily
6) Giggler (maybe)
7) Sanrio
8) Ruffybear - 1 kg of Lim CHEE Guan Bak Kua
9) Viv
10) Mom2nat
11) Mon Mon
12) Lyn
Ruffy, I think wat u meant is just rice balls with filling with steamed egg rite? Aiyoh... use such cheem terms, pple like us who seldom eat at japanese restaurants won't know mah.... Can make for all our babies to try?
Oh, sorry, not rice balls, but those in the shape of triangle, but not really 3D triangle like our bak chang rite? Then got tuna or meat filling inside..... ate that when I was in Japan, no money to eat anything else...
Oh mummies, esp JUL... there is this toy shop at Ngee Ann City, it is the same escalator as you would take to go to Kinokuniya. Think the name is some "Toy Shop with the better toys" or something like tat... it sells toys similar to TOTS n educational stuff.. may wanna check it out!
Ruffy, sorry I still not sure wat's odo balls leh.

hazey, you've been to Jpn before? I wish I can go there by this yr leh. But think quite difficult cos timing not rite.
Good afternoon mummies!

Wah....so many postings!

Giggler, Mom2nat
Glad ur gals are better.

Nat looks nice with her hair tied up. Now u can start shopping for hair accessories for her! How fun
Hahaa.....Alicia also plays with her potty:p Tried to train her but this gal just takes the potty to us, sit on it and makes the "mmmmph" sound and happily walk away after that. Haiyo! btw, have u tried the hair pdt frm SASA?

Wah....sounds like Jem really had fun in HK. WAiting for your pictures. $20 bucks for his plane ticket is really cheap.

RE:BB Sleeping thru the nite
Last few nites, Alicia slept thru without asking for milk. Thk God. Really can't pinpoint why they sometimes cry in the nite - bad dream/discomfort/teething..etc can only try my best to comfort her when it happens lor.

RE: Saying "NO"
Are your babies also doing this? Now, Alicia is in the phase where she simply enjoys shaking her head "NO" to everything we ask her. Ask her: You wanna go for walk? - NO. You wanna eat? -NO You wanna have milk(nan nan)? - NO. Then few seconds later, she takes the milk bottle and starts sucking.....how contradictory...heheh

RE: Stuffing food in mouth
Shook, Brenda, my gal also likes to stuff food in her mouth like hamster if she fancies them. Eg her favourite biscuits. Then it gets too full for her to gobble, she starts to spit some out. These babies do all the wierdest stuff!!

You can get Gerber puffs frm Compasspoint cold storage. They usually do stock up.

You are already having ms at 8 weeks....thats really fast. I can recall that feeling all over again and the constant bitter taste of the tongue. Does Jana ever see u puking and wonder wats happening? Are u taking any food to fight the nausea? Take care.

Sarah has got really toned legs!
She says "good" after the meal? Hahaa.....so cute!

Pigletz, count me in pls:
Updated list:
Mummies joining the gathering in sept:
1) pigletz - potato salad
2) brenda
3) priviledged
4) Val
5) Emily
6) Giggler (maybe)
7) Sanrio
8) Ruffybear - 1 kg of Lim CHEE Guan Bak Kua
9) Viv
10) Mom2nat
11) Mon Mon
12) Lyn
13) Pringles
Giggler, go next yr early Apr lah...to see the sakura....then Vane will prob be bigger n able to appreciate it! And best thing, she can still be covered under infant fare! When she can walk more, then dun have to always carry.....
Pringles, I am still waiting for my turn to be able to sleep through the nite! COngrats!!!

I noe u read the wat to expect book, i remember the book mentioning about this "NO" phase!
Marriot one quite okay, but my mum say that the egg yolk abit salty. Maybe it's the batch thing.

You are already in my personal list since you stay so near. hahah, can't escape liao.

We have taught Gareth Yes and No, then we ask him, you want biscuit? Yes? he will knock his head. hahaha, don't know if he knows what we are talking abt anot.
Hey...I dunno wat to bring. Any request fm mummies? BUT, I not so high class hor. Dun request something tat I dun even know. E.g Odo Ball.
you let me know later lah.
Odo Ball must ask Ruffy for advise.


Updated list:
Mummies joining the gathering in sept:
1) pigletz - potato salad
2) brenda - mango pudding
3) priviledged
4) Val
5) Emily
6) Giggler (maybe)
7) Sanrio
8) Ruffybear - 1 kg of Lim CHEE Guan Bak Kua
9) Viv
10) Mom2nat
11) Mon Mon
12) Lyn
13) Pringles
14) Hazey (maybe)
Sanrio, Giggler & Shook,
Think the photos are displayed at 1st level. Saw the stand there on Sunday. Will check it out tmr and let you know where it is exactly.

Shook, Brenda & Pigletz,
Your postings so funny...me laughing away reading them. Think I also in Shook's black list when it comes to food

I also don't really know if Aelwen smile...look like fake smile. Hope it looks OK.

Aelwen also stuff her fav food all into her mouth then chew chew and realised she can't swollow such big mouthful and will spit it out and throw on the floor. Sometimes drives me mad.

Yeah, I confirm going if Aelwen is OK after her jab on 15 Sept.

Updated list:
Mummies joining the gathering in sept:
1) pigletz - potato salad
2) brenda
3) priviledged
4) Val
5) Emily
6) Giggler (maybe)
7) Sanrio
8) Ruffybear - 1 kg of Lim CHEE Guan Bak Kua
9) Viv
10) Mom2nat
11) Mon Mon - Apple Cake/ chocolate chip cookies
12) Lyn
13) Pringles

oops....take too long to type msg

Updated list:
Mummies joining the gathering in sept:
1) pigletz - potato salad
2) brenda - mango pudding
3) priviledged
4) Val
5) Emily
6) Giggler (maybe)
7) Sanrio
8) Ruffybear - 1 kg of Lim CHEE Guan Bak Kua
9) Viv
10) Mom2nat
11) Mon Mon - Apple Cake/ chocolate chip cookies
12) Lyn
13) Pringles
14) Hazey (maybe)
