(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

haha, timing can be set by all of you. If you all think that it's good to have it during lunch time. I'm okay with. During teatime also okay. As long as it's not early morning can liao.

mebbe cos i've been on less salt diet since young so find it salty, tho hb agrees its salty too.. u check w Ruffybear, she eats there more often.

Hahha.. u dun need to pack bags, cos urs on the way to pack n go liao... I mean the mommies can plan to travel soon lah.

Hahha QSG,
i din go into details on the instalments etc, that one hb handles.. he just give the figures for the expenses i think will be spent on the car. I'm not into car leh so wun understands either.

On the contrary, we checked w several pica users and found that the FC's pretty good. I very strict one, make hb did a lot of homework before 'approving' the car. There's quite a lot of picas in our area leh.
i m sure she will b fine soon
her body will fight agst d virus. give her a bit of tx 2 recover n regain her appetite. yup i was v sim tia too. af tat 1 wk, ashrel's face slim down so so much. but now he eats well so a bit chubby agn. u mus take care too
Oh... I left out

Where are u? going for the gathering???

Up to it?? who's gonna sms her har?

Lyn mei mei,
will go one lah... this one dun need to ask.

How?? how?
Brenda, we did some research also but found the FC not good lei...strange findings we have. Will you be driving?I never really see any pica near our place saw one orange mazda 2 quite nice. Btw, i finally know where is your blk realised i need to walk pass your blk if i wanna go pioneer mall. Btw, eureka's car is vios lah mine then is jazz
When did you order your car? so fast can collect already.
dear mummies,
i nvr like 2 eat mooncakes. but d 'champange w choc truffle snowskin mooncake' fr raffles d plaza, v nice wen eaten cold. now citibank has 20% disct. tink raffles hotel has exactly d same 'name' mooncake, wonder whether it's d same as raffles d plaza??
sanrio, the citibank discount is for raffles hotel or raffles d plaza? Same place right?I got the raffles hotel order form, it has mini snow skin mooncake with champagn truffle & ganache, was told this is nice.
U so cute leh... hahhahah. U ignore my posts that's not address to u har? We getting a Picanto.

aiyoh.. Sanrio,
Ash already sayang tigger so much liao, get it now?? hehehhe
How much u pd the ticket for youself? Jem $20 one way?

Chen Chen watches Hi-5 on channel 5 every wk day

My advice is to avoid disappointment take pic n apply asap if u wanna apply thru internet. My hubby did a lot of adjustments to get the right photo measurement.

I dun mean choking eating wif satay stick. Scare tod will poke the stick on his gum or tongue or any part in the mouth. I let Chen Chen self feed wif bb fork. The n r not sharp

Singapore regulation dun allow water birth
I never watch Hi-5 myself coz still in office
U went to hospital early when u delivered Ally? Got false alarm? U had short labor?

brenda, Absolut
Ya HK food super salty n oily for my std

By the time finish BJG, reach Pigletz's hse abt 6pm. Guess most of them saiyo nara liao
When Vane recovers fully, her appetite will b back

Ash love soft toys. Chen Chen bites soft toys. I wonder if dat is his way of kissing n showing love since he bites me too. Juz when I told Absolut Chen Chen no longer bites, he bitten me twice last wk. OUCH!
sanrio, maybe I sick also lah so feel really down that Vane is like that. Where's raffles d plaza?

brenda, hahaha... too many postings liao lah.
if the rest is okay, then we have it abt 12 to 1pm lor. Then you all can go for your class after that.

Where's the class huh? hehe
shook, I thot Pasir Ris and SK quite near? We still need half an hour to reach there? Vane bites me only, not sure if it's her way of showing affection towards me or not? heehee...
U gotten comments like korean car heavy consumption etc issit? we heard that too but after chatting with a colleague driving that car n some fellow drivers in the forum, we were told otherwise.

Me driving??? hahahha, its enuf to have Lyn on the road.. Two reckless driver on a small island like Singapore may be too much.

Oh, we have 2 diamond blue (3 after tonite), 1 green and 1 orange.

We ordered the car before leaving for HK..hahahha, they happened to hv 2 blue left so we gotten one.

QSG says u have VIOS already so no excuse!!

sorrie lah... anxious to mt ur nat and both u n eureka alway mia one..
Ai yoh sanrio... whenever Ash eats... can you eat also? You very skinny leh!

Pigletz, you have spokesman! Very good very good.
heheheee... brendali, I've called Nat... she doesn't know if she can make it. Will let us know later... her hb not in town, so, she's alone with Matt and two helpers (in the evening).

Hi mommies, update the list leh! Mom2Nat! hehee... finally can get to see your Nat personally!

Mummies joining the gathering in sept:
1) pigletz
2) brenda
3) priviledged
4) Val
5) Emily
6) Giggler (maybe)
7) Sanrio
8) Ruffybear
9) Mom2Nat
dear mummies
thanks for all the well wishes. hopefully can come in more often but these days i'm battling with ms nearly the whole day ...

u said it all... life was going great n suddenly this bomb fell on me... and yes ..my only consolation is that the close age gap means i just go thru it once n for all...

i was hoping to stop at 1...was trying hard to convince my hubby. my mum also keep telling me that its great for Jana to hv a sibling for company.

gd to hear that chen chen is walking too. yup ...every1 also tell me bb who walk later hao ming ..i told them of cos lah ... they r being carried around all the time mah..that's y hao ming.

i'm abt 8 weeks now.

aiyo ..if Jana walk at 2 yrs 2 mths ...i'll faint ah !!!!


no lah ! those r Jana's bath toys... its a fishing set, comes with a net n 3 fishes, she usually plays with them when she takes her bath.

Mummies joining the gathering in sept:
1) pigletz
2) brenda
3) priviledged
4) Val
5) Emily
6) Giggler (maybe)
7) Sanrio
8) Ruffybear
9) Viv
think $20 is one way.. me $70 for one way.

I let jem tried w bb fork too leh, he has difficulty piercing into the apples/pears on his own whereas the staty stick ok. N he tends to bite the fork n spoon. hahhaha, he weirdo

Jem bite his teddy too.. once he goes into the room (which i usually dun allow till its sleeping time) he'll crawl to his teddy n chomp down onto his nose.. then hug n kiss it. Then he'll bite the hand n crawl around like cat carry kitten.. thinks it their way of showing affection.. that's why should get those that can wash frequently
Wahahha Viv,
U still around to read anot??

U look at the first pic again... one of the fish nicely cover Jana's modesty...hehehe, i thot u so nice did it on purpose
ya lor. I got a good spokeman. My tango partners.

If require, can state your prefer time for the gathering so that we have meet as many mummies & toddlers as possible. We will try to accomodate to all the timing if possible.

And of cos, if require, I can prepare porridge for the kids. Just let me know can liao.
Pigletz, I can only come after work... about 2-3pm. You gals can start 1st... I'll come later. Just make sure that you people are still around hor! :p
Class in Pasir Ris
Chen Chen nap after lunch b4 going for class leh

Door to door u need 30min

Chen Chen crawls n cruises most of the time. Sometimes entice him to walk, he crawls instead if he wanna get the bait fast
MS yucks dat's wat I hate abt pregnancy.
Hao ming dat tod slow in walking n being carried all the time. ha ha ha

How u book the tic back? How much is the tic for the way back?
OIC, I poke for Chen Chen. Din let him poke the food himself
Ya, think most of the will still be around lah.

hmm, you decide if you wanna join us anot lor. Though alot of us would want you and chen chen and of cos lee to join us.
Brendali, okay okay.... rephrase..
brendali, you so nice... be spokesman for pigletz...
Next time must also be my spokesman okay... if ever I open house.
How can you let Jen use satay stick??
Very dangerous leh!!! We eat oso must be careful liao. Cos can prick easily. I tot fork was not tat good liao. YOu gung ho!! Cannot ah, next time.

Would love to meet you too leh... make sure you go ah...

Vane ill for how long liao? Then you take leave or not? I am worried if I go to work then need to take leave damn very chia lat one.

I feel tat night feeds at this age usually is a habit. And it seems more apparent with breastfed babies... I mean to me lah. But I think Alicia will stop night feeds soon liao, so no worries.

Love the photos of your chilli padi. And those wen sing photos of your 2 kids. OK ok... wont go on abt wanting 2 kids... Hee...

CONGRATS... v happy for you... I would love to have more kids, but dunno will I go mad or not! Hee...
Ay, you update the list then minus me again leh!

Mummies joining the gathering in sept:
1) pigletz
2) brenda
3) priviledged
4) Val
5) Emily
6) Giggler (maybe)
7) Sanrio
8) Ruffybear
9) Viv
10) Mom2nat

So sorry, actually everytime after I read, I tell myself, ok, gotta post this and tat, to who and who... but hor, by the time a few days later, I totally forget wat I wanted to say!!!

Well, Nat's flu seems to be better... after I slowly stopped the med. Took for 2 wks. I hope she is getting better, and no night terror kind...
Viv, you shd be happy mah... shd put more

pigletz, I can make it 1-3pm if I can walk at that time.

shook, ok... and sometimes April will stretch the class hor?
Of coz I wish to attend.
Sat Lee does hse chore n wash car. He usually finish by 1+pm. He takes lunch then gotta make Chen Chen nap latest 2:30pm. 3:50pm latest gotta go for class liao. Timing not favorable leh. Unless I go 12pm leave 2pm
Mom2Nat, Vane sick since last Mon. I didnt take leave cos I also sick so I took mc. But of course, boss not happy lah. Nat also sick for quite some time liao hor?
we try to plan the timing lor....and if some of the mummies can come early and stay late..that will be good.
Think we can try to arrange something for everyone of us.
I fly on Jetstar asia leh. Their usual tix for HK is $88/way so x2 for two ways lor. All booked online right from the beginning. I got mine during a promo

Hahhaha, I usually let Jem DIY. No pigletz's patience leh.. what to do?

got chance i show u how jem use the satay stick to eat.. very siwen one..hahahha. Aiyah, if he dun get careless w the satay stick, he might also get his fingers pinched or fall from the sofa. We can only minimise the chance for them to injure themselves by supervising. K, i promise to get less distracted by the book/mag..wahahha
your Jerome so siwen, so no prob in DIY. You see my Gareth so rough, if DIY hor, I will have to clean the house 2 to 3 times a day liao. hahahha, and u will see a mad woman soon.
All of a sudden. Feel like seeing how many bbs we have here and of which gender. Let me see... mommies who have girls/boys are:

1) Mon Mon
2) Viv
3) Mom2Nat
4) Absolut
5) PV
6) Eureka
7) Giggler
8) B2B3M4
9) Hazey

1) Brendali
2) Nat
3) Shook
4) Emily
5) Val
6) Sanrio
7) Ruffybear
8) Jo
9) Pigletz

Did I miss anyone else? So, looks like there are more boys here?? HHhmmmmm...
Mom2Nat, Ethan has the same potty but blue in colour lah! Yesterday, we brought Ethan to Giant and Carrefour and we saw "his" potty... we pointed it to him... he smiled and insisted on taking it and putting it in the trolley. :p ehehehe... so funny!
Pigletz, wanna join the gathering lei but earliest to reach your place probably 6+pm since gonna rush to MIL place to get dana first.

Brenda, which forum your hb go to? my hb also visits car forum.So nice you can get your car so soon, that time they told us our color got stock end up have to wait more than 1 month to do up the car...when initially told us 2 weeks.
oPPS! Yeah... okay... so, it's

11/27 = 40.70% girls
16/27 = 59.30& boys

Yeah brendali, everyone now needs to aim for girls so that our boys got hope! ehehheee....
pai seh! ohh...i'll definitely go mad + my mum n dad n my sis. after the excitement dieded off, they start to worry how we r all gonna cope

oh yah! din realise that..ur like eureka leh ...v sharp
Congrats to u
Wah, u expose Jana's naked pics :p U must take care leh, bleeding no joke. When i was expecting Kieran, i was oso put on bed rest for 2 wks.

It's indeed very heartwarming to see Rae n Elyse playing together leh. Elyse looks simply adorable in dat huge T

U training Ash to be pianist ah?

My heart nearly stopped when i read ur posting abt the lift incident...Gosh...can't imagine if gareth actually went into the lift w/o u.

pigletz's lift incident is oredi very scary, urs is worse!!! So sad....u miss out YH n Kieran

Same here...i oso admire bbies wif huge appetite for milk cos Kieran is drinking lesser n lesser milk.

I agree wif u... Children will walk sooner or later. It's no big deal...

*sayang u n Vane* If Kieran cries like dat, i sure panick. Hope u n Vane r feeling betta.

My gerber puffs lao4 hong1 after some time. I left them in the original container. So wasted cos still got abt 1/3 left.
I sama sama u. If I let Chen Chen DIY, the food will b all over the plc n a mad shook will bark like a mad dog over Chen Chen
Chen Chen uses the conventional red potty. He rejects his colorful musical potty. White elephant

U missed out Kris n Berry. They hv gal gal

My gerber puffs lao hong too. I put the lao hong puffs in the freezer. But u won't like dat
qsg, giggler,
raffles d plaza, at raffles city tower, side by side w westin. raffles d plaza: citibank 20%. raffles hotel: uob 20%. i not too sure whether d snowskin champange w truffle mooncake is d same 4 both hotels but d 'name of the mooncake' ar d same.

ai yo.. i cant eat as much as ash leh. my stomach ltd capacity n even i eat fattening food, oso no effect. plus evydy chasing af him, even got minimal fats oso all burn up liao.

brenda n foreverfrd,
ash will kiss, hug, saiyang then bite my soft toy nose n leg. ya probably ta's their way of showing affection. somtx he plays until 'kan cheong' (like hide n seek w daddy), will throw himself towards me n bite me, ouch!

ya bb sick, mummy v xiong. n if sick at d same tx, sure feel a bit depressed. can undstd. i fell sick wen ash recovered, i so depressed n sian n told hubby i m quitting 2 b a sahm then. u dun wori too much over vane, v v fast she will b fully well
