(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

How you feeling already?

Did Vane got a bad fright on Thursday? She will be very sticky to you for now till she recover, but you must tahan okay.

Btw, the mooncake taste okay, but my mum say that the yolk is abit salty, means not too fresh.

lyn, you better sms me or email me cos I may go mia from this forum anytime. Busy with work lah.

Viv, congrats!!! So this is 'accident' one huh?

brenda, waiting for your HK pix leh.

shook, how's BJG lesson on Sat? Think Vane missed quite a lot of lessons liao. Sigh....

eureka, thanks... really appreciate.
Giggler, how is vane today? sent you sms last week not sure if you received. Did you bring her to see Dr Heng? What did he say?
wonder if all of you interested to meet up again?

Venue: My place at Sengkang
Date: 10 Sept

If yes, can please response so that we all can start making arrangement?
pigletz, me still having running nose but feel alot better liao. But Vane's fever still up & down. High of 40.8 degrees on Sat morning, scared the hell out of me. So you finished all 3 boxes of mooncakes?
QSG, yup brought her to Dr Heng on Wed nite. He suspected that she got false measles cos he saw one red rash on her back. But in the end, nothing lah. Still prefer Dr Tay leh. At least, the 3rd doc said the same thing as Dr Tay which is throat infection. But her infection got worse and spread to her chest that's why her fever couldn't come down.
Did the doc say anything abt the fever??

Almost, my auntie finish the box of mooncake within 2 days, then another box is share among my mum and grandma. I share mine with my inlaws. Haha, job done for this year.
giggler, which third doc did you bring vane to?

Pigletz, sept- mid oct sats are out for me, attending a course.
U gave out mooncakes so quickly? I wanted to pick up the mooncakes also leh but my mom just told me that nobody will give mooncakes to pple during 7th month. Thot of buying 1 box of mooncakes for my in-laws. If that's the case, must either buy 2 times or wait for another 2 weeks to eat my marriot durian mooncake. sigh!
Viv, congrats! Take care and rest well.

Eureka, today Sarah ate a thin strip of wholemeal bread with some chesdale cheese spread on top. Like shook says, very tiny pieces at a time, with water. And I also reward her with some muruku (!!!) Hopefully this is a breakthrough, and she can get used to it. I still top up with cereal. You give Elyse Post corn flakes? Personally, I have no problem with Sarah eating adult food these days. I wish she would do more of that so that I don't keep having to think of what to prepare for her, esp when we go out to eat. I grind our Post Honey Bunches of Oats and mix it with ground plain Cheerios for Sarah's breakfast cereal. I also vary the mixtures with Heinz muesli for babies.

I have a hand-held grinder which I sometimes bring out with us when we eat out, so that Sarah can eat our food and I don't have to prepare her porridge, put into a flask, mess about with bowls etc etc etc.

Yeah, she also likes to carry things. Sometimes she tries to carry bags that are taller than her! But she's quite cute, must carry something when we go out.

As for sucking her face towel, she has stopped doing that now. But these days, she will 'pick' some of her bathwater to drink and then she'll signal "good".

Pringles, I've only tried wholemeal bread for Sarah so far cos that's what we have at home. We seldom buy any other types of bread. She loves chocolate muffins though. She also had some yesterday and said 'good' repeatedly.
absolut, when I was preg and in the US, I had hoped that I could deliver squatting, or even in the tub (cos our delivery room was equipped for all this). But alas.... as things turned out, I couldn't. But it's true they say that when mum is more vertical, it's easier. When I pushed Sarah out, I was sort of doing a sit up, grabbing the handlebars on the delivery bed. The delivery bed even has a squat bar if you want to deliver squatting.

pigletz, I don't mind meeting again. haven't seen you guys for so long.

avocado, welcome back!

giggler, take care of yourself. Hope Vane is feeling better today.

Mummies, I'll be off-line again from tomorrow. Got to go over to my MIL's to house-sit cos she and my SIL are going on holiday for 9 days. Leaving 2 maids and my bedridden FIL, + my other SIL's 2 kids and maid who come after school. Haiz. Hope I can manage the household. Hope Sarah doesn't fall down all those stairs or break all those antiques and crystals. Aiyoh. No internet for 10 days, how to survive? Wonder if Sarah will be able to sleep there or not.
Can't resist liao..

U MIA arh?
U har... kids being kids will definitely scream n stomp their feets at times.. better to prepare ourselves than to be in denial.

I also think it's better to get new books than borrow from lib now for our bb.. cos u'll never noe when they decide to take a bite of the book or their hands after touching.

hahhaha... can feel some gan jiong'ness from u rgdg jerald since u become sahm yah... relax! u coping fine from what we can see. Just need more time to do adjustment before graduate into 'full fledge qualified SAHM'

BB cot can be requested during checking in. They will provide as long as they have. We did so in HK.

Nat still cranky mood?

Yeah... i agree w u on the 'forbidden' food part.

hahhaa, think Pigletz will luv to have tyra in her house... i'll buy new hankie for her!

a way to intro new food if the child dun take the new ones readily is to alternate it with the old.. so like one spoon of cereal, one bite of bread. Jem starts taking bread by soaking into milk (by the infant centre teachers).

RE : bb reject food
Think our tods r establishing their preferences now n also using all their senses to experience new stuff so will reject food/ask for new ones. Erm.. jem's still eating his bb porridge as well as my food leh, so its really their preferences. Furthermore, i think sometimes their act of rejecting is only to test test authorities. Nevermind lah, soon we'll noe our tods well enuf to please their tummies..
If you want to come, maybe can get someone to fetch you there, and we will help to take care of Vane.

so bad timing ah? can skip class for one day? hehe

err, haha, i never think of the 7th month thingie. Mum n auntie like to eat, so i just buy and let them eat b4 everyone starts giving.

Sure, have not seen Sarah since the last time at shook's place.
Will keep you inform if there's really a gathering. Must make sure the rest of the mummies interested 1st.

Mummies joining the gathering in sept:
1) pigletz
2) brenda
3) priviledged
4) Val

Who else?
Dun say Gareth silly. He is very daring
Never mind, I miss out some mum's question @ times. Well I guess my post is always very long, people tend to skip it.
Wat time is the gathering? Chen Chen has lesson to attend on Sat

weclome back. Pigletz v loney during your absence

I thot u need to provide passport when u sign up for tour package? U r going to sign up tour package 2 wks b4 u travel?

Water birth is not allowed in Singapore. I dunno if stand or squat is allowed or not

Dat's more horrible than a horror show. Y your friend gave the car key to her daughter in the 1st plc?
Ethan n Nicole so cute. Qin mei zu ma.

Is Vane's fever dwn completely? How's her cough n flu?
Gd dat u r better. Take care
Poor u so helpless being alone. Your mum busy taking care of the new bb?
U only brot Vane to BJG twice. April wz asking abt u. Last Sat's class wz small only 3 tod. Alyssa, Chen Chen n 1 tod who went for trial. Did u miss many GUG classes?

Oh no antique, crystal n a little tod. I oso worry if I were u. Our tod like to touch things which we forbid them to touch

Do your tod stuff a lot of garber puff into the mouth @ 1 time? Chen Chen does dat. I wonder if he doesn't like the puff n wanna finish it quickly n done wif. He always pour the puff out fm the plate to play then stuff a lot into his mouth. Sometimes he spit out after dat
Hi Pigletz, am all for the gathering... now our todds easier to manage... just on the Hi-5 vcd for them and watch them dance away... ehehehe... but maybe not also, coz some mothrs here don't let their little ones watch tv...
btw, what's the occassion?
hmm...most prob in the afternoon. Time not fixed yet. What time is Chen chen's class?

I usually give Gareth the puff one by one, so he got no change to stuff alot into his mouth. Anyway, I have not given the puff to him for a long long time liao. haha, too lazy to feed him the puff one by one.
haha, we see how it goes for the gathering lor. If some mummies don't like it, then we just let the kids mingle around and play with the toys.

No occasion lah, just tot that we have not meet up for long time liao. Miss the fellowship and miss the little ones.
Pigletz, cannot skip class lah...3 hours per class will miss alot if din go. Dun need passport to book the bintan trip right?

Shook, not signing up tour package...at most going bintan only.
yes, you need to passport to book even for bintan trip. Unless you decided to book for the ferry at the later stage.
pigletz, guess I got to find someone free to fetch me first.

shook, Vane got no fever since this morning hope that this is good news. My mom got to take care of new bb and also dun want to spread the germs to my mom. Maybe yi-ma came over the weekends too so feel very down. We miss quite a few GUG lessons too. How come only 3 tod? All sick? Vane eats one thing at a time.

emily, Ethan likes Hi-5? One of my col was telling us that her daughter loves Hi-5 a lot.

QSG, what course you taking now?

hong, ya both of us sick since last week but on the road to recovery now.
giggler, hope vane and yourself get better soon. Take care... yeah, like what shook says, we can help you take care of vane... you don't have to carry vane. She can walk already, right? So, just hold her hands can already.

shook, sometimes, we mommies can be very careless... that's what my friend did that time. :p So, mommies with cars... be careful. Let's not underestimate our bbs.

PV, don't stress out... take care and keep your eyes glued on Sarah!
Ai yeah, the most, carry her all the time or put her in a pram.

QSG, if they don't have bb cot, you can request for an extra bed. Rasa Sentosa gave it to me for free. I push bb's bed to a corner against the wall and then push the other two beds against it (vertically and horizontally - surrounding it)
Ur little pianist...hahahha, looks so pro!

Jem used to sleep thru the nites but for the past 3 weeks, he'll wake up to ask for milk. Think it could be teething. Have u tried a more 'solid' dinner? Cos i realise Jem will wake up twice if i just give cereal w veg but once only if its rice w soup.

I'm curious... the toy fish in the bath tub is left there strategically or superimposed?

ur pics really warmth up hearts...

heheheh, yah! i start chatting up some little girls n boys too... n realised they do the same as well!! hahahah, especially girls that r gets very excited w their stories.. they can speaks in sentences that doesn't link! hahahah

hahha... elyse so cute! so r u gonna stock up on disney clothing for her?

U take care leh. really wish u can go for Piglet's gathering but i guess resting its more important

U har... teach ppl to pontang... tsk tsk.

hahha... yah, pigletz another crappy mom so miss my craps

Jem doesn't stuff the puff, but he always stuff fruits or cakes that i let him eat w the satay stick. he'll poke more than one at a time n put into his mouth n continue stuffing.. yah, at txs he'll realise too much liao n spits all out. Think they testing how big their mouth is..hahahah
Pigletz, previous trips i booked, i remembered dun need to provide passport lei...looks like have to try to take dana's photos by this weekend.

Giggler, taking a marriage enrichment course with hb.
Emily, ya she can walk liao. I'll see how lah but of course I'll try my best to attend the gathering.

brenda, I agree eureka's pix alway warm our hearts hor? How's your HK trip? Tired, fun?

QSG, how did you manage to convince hubby to take such course with you?
Chen Chen's class is 4:15 to 5:30pm leh. I wish to go but dun think can make it
OIC, I pour a few puff into a plate for chen chen.

Passport if apply on line 3 days can collect, over counter a wk. If u wanna apply on line, oso better to apply early. My hubby said not easy to get the correct measurement photo for on line application.
Y u dun do it now instead of waiting till Sep?

Who looks after Vane now?
Dunno wat happen to the other tod. Triston din attend for 2 wks liao. Did April call u?
GUG no make up class if sick rite
Vane v easy to take care. She is v independent. N she any1 oso ok. But Sat got BJG class. U going to skip the class n go Piglet'z hse?

Emily, Giggler
Chen Chen loves to watch Hi-5

I dun understand y your friend settle her daughter give the key to her then she gets into the car. Aren't she going to drive car st away after she settled her daughter into the car?

Hahaha your analogy so cute
. Stuff a lot of food to show how big is their mouth
U use satay stick to poke food. Not sharp meh?
RE : Hong Kong

For the mummies thinking of travelling with ur little ones.. yeah, we survived the trip! And jem was the one who enjoyed most.

Nah, not that the trip was tedious.. but rather the destination. Hubby n I no shopping lovers so got pretty bored w the rows of shops after shops.

On the flight...
Jem was okay w the taking off/landing part tho its a bit loud n we make it a point to get him to munch n drink water. Then rest of the time he was Zzzing or playing w his book/ppl on board/window. 3hrs flight was easy to manage. We flew on Jetstar Asia n paid 20bucks for him. but since the flight wasn't full.. we were given a seat for him tho the buckle up time, he'll hv to be on our laps cos of the bb buckle.

Trip :
We were extremely thankful to our pram!! yes, in the so called pram unfriendly Hong Kong. Raining every day, we managed to travel around with Jem dry n warm in the pram covered w the rain cover.. tho i think the ppl there were very amuse by the sight. As for stairs, think we only need to tackle the ones leading to MTR.

Jem luvs the Goldfish market..hahaha, keep pointing out at the fishes. Jump up n down in the cable car at Ocean park. Keep 'there' in the ferry. Lauf at his raincoat flapping in the wind at the peak... happily receive all the 'lang zai', 'cute bb' and candies from the shopkeepers at fa yuen st, ladies st etc etc. Other than that, were normal shoppng at langham, habour city sama sama in singapore.

erm... Hongkong food too salty for our liking. on the 2nd day, we start to get heinz bottled food for him.

So, when r u mommies gonna packed ur bags?
Oh that is a gd news. Both of u must take care.

Janelle love Hi5 show too and she learn quite a lot of action from the show. However, i didnt get her anymore Hi5 VCD cos i think Kids central are showing everyday? so enough for her. I still prefer her to watch Sesame street. We find the songs are funny and nicer, some are catchy too. We love the "Elmo's songs", " Wheels on the bus", " Ernie's rubber duckie song" and many many more.

Eureka, u took those pix or ur hubby? So nice.. always pix of lots of actions.. hhhaa..
oops, hope u n vane are both beta now. tat tx (1st tx) ash got so sick, terrible cough n on off high fever. me so scared, brought him to 3 pds n d sickness seem to get 'worst' each tx.. but all 3 pds assured me it's sore throat/throat infection. in bb/kids, d symptoms will seem quite/very bad compared to adults. jus hav to make sure it dun lead to lung infection. so d 3rd pd gave him antibiotics cos his fever started late n was quite high. ya no matter how much i sponge him, lowest was 38.3 n af a while, wen up agn. i was worried too n cried esp wen i saw ashrel got breathing diff (cos it affected his voice box). u take care, dun wori, i m sure vane will b well v v soon. it took ashrel 1wk++ to fully recover. for tat whole wk. he cant even eat or drk. now he eats n drks so much agn.

10 sep shd b fine for me, hubby n ashrel. we like ur place, keke..
oh u hav spare gerber puff? if emily din take all, can i buy 1 bot of banana?

dear mummies,
tks for ur compliments. now ashrel insists 2 play d piano evyday but 4 v short while only, will wan jump down fr d chair. his new liking is stand on d piano chair instd of sit while playing..

oh, me a bit lost touch w shopping, can d shopperholic mummies kindly inform me wen robinsons or fox bb next got disct. i nid 2 get somthg. tks
Giggler, i din really convince him. He agreed willingly when someone we know recommended this course.

Shook, hb too "busy" with his PC,etc to take the shots..i can't really take good pictures so have to leave it to him.
oh yah, Hong kong pics... hb borrowed a faulty CF card. Having some prob retrieving the pics now so gotta wait yah.. actually nothing much too cos mostly rain! hahaha... I think i shoot more of the pandas then jem !

let me check out our car tonite.. we getting it later. We got a small car but i think shouldn't be a prob to pick u gals up. If u dun mind, i can help u w Vane as well... but hor, gotta go early cos i promise Pigletz to babyproof her showflat again leh.

Initially i felt the satay stick dangerous also but after trying out that n the fork, i felt that jem manage it much better w the stick. I din get the long long one.. gotten one that's around the length of our palm. And anyway, I dun let him eat fruits w/o me being close.. hahaha, i always chicken when it comes to posible choking stuff.
Brenda, what car you got? kia picanto? Didn't hear you talking about it..only remembered you mentioned you felt not really necessary at this point in time.
u noe i really 'gong gong' go look for hello kitty mooncakes in HK!! only manage to find a sanrio shop but no mooncakes. And its actually quite hard to find mooncake there..hahhah
shook, think my friend gave bb the key to entice her to sit the carseat, then forgot to take it away... after all, raining so heavily.

Giggler, Ethan loves H1-5 too!!!
keke...agree w foreverfrd, 'girl is girl', like to pan4 mei3 mei3. ash is opp. evytx go out, he jus wish i can leave him alone wearing his hm clothes. cant b bothered to get changed n can get real impatient, haiz...
same here! ash has been slping tru d nites. but 4 past 2wks, he wake up, cry n ask for milk. cld b teething.. agree if i din give him a 'solid' n big bowl of brown rice porridge (wkend somtx i din cook), he will wake up twice, if eat until full full, will wake up once or not at all. but he does drk 210ml milk b4 bedtx leh..
Congrats! Think when things starts to roll in, the check-ups and all, you will probably feel the little one in you and start to get excited.

Aelwen not very feminine one. She not only takes big feed but also very fast....she can finish her bottle in 5mins!!

Not sure about the shoulder massage at Wan Yang but my friend swear by their reflexology.

Aiyo...not she's starting to develop her own thinking....can see she's very stubborn...just like me...hahaha. I really can't imagine her at her terrible two...i'll probably die.

Aiyo...gotta come back later....boss barking at me liao
yeah.. QSG,
we gotten a Blue Diamond Pica

Decided to get it in the end cos after adding in the expenses + the extra travel allowances hb can get from co., it adds up to be pretty close. So decides to get the picanto since it wun burn into our monthly saving.

Furthermore, both my MIL n Gran not too well n frequently go hosp. so easier for us to spend more time w them. What to do? They complain Jurong inconvenient...hahhahaha
HK food really very salty? Was thinking of ordering century egg or fish porridge for Ally when I'm there. Hubby doesn't want me to prepare food for her coz she's so fussy and wants our food anyway. She rejects bottled food.

Pack what bags??

Will check with hubby abt Sept 10 ok?

Glad Vanessa's fever is down. U take care also. Must recover fast so you won't feel so chiak lat after your procedure.

Re: Hi-5
Haven't tried it but think Ally will prob like it. She loves Barney now. Requests to watch it daily. Dun really like Hi-5 coz some of their clothes super sexy. Maybe will intro her to sesame street first. Wanna expose her to Disney pooh and friends but dun think they have those programmes with lots of songs.

How come you didn't manage to use the bathtub etc?

Dunno why they dun allow bathtub leh. Think I'll try not to go into the hospital too early this time although it's quite shiok to lie there and get breakfast esp since I wasn't having any pain til my gynae broke my waterbag. At least I can stand and move around at home. Hopefully can tahan the pain at home. Only thing that worries me is whether the labour process will be much faster this time and whether I'll make it to the hospital in time.
Brenda, if your hb can get travel allowances then should be quite okay. Hb said that he felt the pinch now bec its like very month throwing a new hp/palm away. How much you paying monthly for the instalment?7 or 10 year loan? But hor, i heard the FC for kia is quite high that's why we din get kia had wanted to also bec its very cute.
brendali, why need to babyproof pigletz house? I find it very gd already!!!

Ruffybear, gathering at pigletz house on 10th Sept... time not confirmed yet.

Pigletz, think maybe better to tell us the time... then can confirm attendence better.

Mummies joining the gathering in sept:
1) pigletz
2) brenda
3) priviledged
4) Val
5) Emily
6) Giggler (maybe)
7) Sanrio
8) Ruffybear
u not coming for the gathering???

got jazz now hard to be excused leh..


I believe u gonna join us for the gathering n dress Aelwen up in jeans/pants this time rite??

wanna run away this time again?

let kieran meet the other bb who spoil market also leh.


noe u on bed rest... join us if u r well k

Princess Tyra's mummy,
May i have the honour to extend our invitation to your Highness so that your family can grace this humble occasion?

ur phantom edi can make special appearances already anot?

haven't been hearing from u but do join us if u can.

Who else have i miss out?
shook, my mom looking after Vane now. Told my sil not to bring her bb over lah. No lah, thot of gg to Pigletz's house after the class mah.

brenda, so happy for you that Jem enjoyed his maiden trip!
Thanks for offering the free ride. What car you getting?

hong, thanks Jan still enjoying BJG class?

sanrio, same things happened to Vane lor. So it's really throat infection, the GP also told me to take care tat it wont affect lung cos even her chest got liao. Guess she needs longer time to recover. Very heartache cos she doesnt really eat or drink at all. And she really wobbled ard the house cos no strength to walk.

QSG, share with me after u attend the course.

absolut, have not been feeling gd these few weeks, dont even dare to think of the op date. You also gg HK soon?

ashrel loves tigger. nowadays whenever he c soft toy, will 'saiyang' them.. i noe jem likes teddy n jerald like his 'wolf wolf'. tot of getting him d tigger wen robinsons next has 20%..
