(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

hi brenda,
ya, i am back! now finally settle in my new job.

how many mths oredi of ur preggie? hmm..wonder what is best age gap for having the 2nd child..4yrs or 5yrs? My hb sil just gave birth to her 2nd child after 7yrs...yup,her elder son is 7yr old. Though he nid lesser attn, but i notice it is difficult fr her to juggle a 7yr & a baby.

for instance, her baby cries when she was teaching her elder son.

the advantage is her elder son oredi can sleep/eat on his own...

hi QSG,
can i hv the contact of ur PT maid?

ya, i am back..will be leaving for biz trip. This is the 1st time i'll leave my boy for two nights...think i'll miss him terribly but no choice,the trip cannot be avoided.

hi mom2nat,
i wish i can put on weight.Ever since i gave birth to lionel,my wt nvr exceeds 48kg.
hi brenda,
poor Nat...

actually,i love babies..but think abt the whole process from preggie-->give birth-->confinement-->recovery-->take care of baby-->sleepless nights

beta think thrice~~~!!!! my hubby even more scare than me...He swears he'll not ever think abt having the 2nd child..unless "accident"
so where's ur new job now? hahha, then the mummies noes when/where to jio u for lunch.

I've already got 'enlighten' there's no right time to hv baby. cos at all time the first one will definitely needs attention at least until he/she finds a gf/bf..hahahah.

hhmmm... mebbe Jem is an easy bb so i dun feel as much as u for the taking care/sleepless nite part. But like u say... we love bbs n its my dream to hv two by age 30. Hopefully this time round a girl

actually its my hb who initiate having no. 2. i was filled w concerns too but he felt that he would wan to hv another kid already.

Where u going for ur trip?? bring his photo w u in a frame n put it at the bedside in the hotel. ME too din exceed 48
The other day I was still thinking abt u and today u appear. I tot u was so afraid tat ppl in the thread ask u to do staff purchase till u disappear. Haha.... So how's Lionel doing? Got pic or not? I dun remember seeing him leh.
Randall looks thinner? Hmm...r u comparing he 3mths old n now? Haha.... If so then YES. Otherwise, I tot he put on a bit recently.
thinking abt me?why??

haha...u still rememb my previous co...anyway,it was a terrible experience & i won't wanna go back to that co. again...really terrible..

hmm..mayb i try to post his photo tonight if i've time...i hardly hv time...really..

everyday after work,i rush hme, keep the clothes,wash his milk bottles,bath,boil water..etc..then hv dinner,pick him back..I always feel that i've million of things to do..

over wkend,i've to mop the floor,wash toilet,laundry...i really feel like getting a maid..But wonder if i can get a reliable maid.I oso cherish our privacy.

i've tried to engage PT maid in the past.But their services deteriorated:come late/nvr come..etc...

After a while, i told my hb,i rather do it myself even very tiring.I envy those who hv mother or mil stay wf them...Unfortunately,both my mum/mil hv possesive elder DILs...what to do?

Ya, Randall looks very very different.He was very chubby.I nearly couldn't recognise him.

Hi brenda,
lucky u..Jeremy is easy bb....hmm..is Jem a yr elder than his bro/sis? R u thinking of having a maid?
hazey, oic so I got to go to Tangs to check for the demo liao.

absolut, can Ally take the cold weather?

soya, oic so it's Renee. Think her gal joining some competition rite? My fren's mil didnt allow her to celebrate her gal's bday at her mom's place. So how's your mil's reaction?

brenda, I thot you've cravings liao.
Didnt know the magic clean paper can be used on other surfaces leh, good idea.

skyblue, but flashcard got to start young leh. If older, then shd try other class liao. If you want Kieran to have fun, then you shd go to those gym gp like JWT, MyGym.

avocado, long long time didnt see you. How have u been? You get new set of problems when Lionel starts walking leh. I'm lucky that my sil helps me with housework every week. But think she got more OT recently, she only comes once a week unlike last time she comes abt thrice a week. So now, I thot of getting the roman mop so that I can do housework myself during weekdays lah.

Mom2Nat, think you miss S'pore food too much liao. LOL. I shd have stayed at the pool for a while for Vane to settle down the other time.

soya/Mom2Nat, could it be tat both of you preggie huh??? Cos I remembered someone mentioned that she discovered her waist enlarged before she realised that she's preggie leh.
Ohh...So u changed job already? Working where now? Hmm..juz post his pics whenever u got time. Bet everyone here wanna c oso. Hehe..
Million of things to do? Dun worry, u r not alone. I guess almost everyone here oso like tat. Wat make u thinks tat having mother or mil to stay will make life better? My mum stays with me but when I got home, I m on duty. I mean gotta be fair to her oso since she has been taking care of Randall for the whole day. Maybe I m slightly better than u as I dun hv to mop the floor, wash toilet n do laundry. My mum will do laundry n mop the floor. Washing toilet, chaning of bedsheet, etc done by PT maid. Though she din do a gd job, but juz close one eye lor. If not, I gotta do. U know my toilet wall still got mould when she claims she got scrub. I juz tell my mum to show her the mould n ask her to clean it off. Actually I got a maid and now waiting for the maid to be here. I think we(hb & me) came to this decision more for the reason tat we want our life back. I had lost my privacy since I gotten my mum to stay with me already. So, not much diff of having a maid now.
hi giggler,
wat's so good abt the Roman mop leh?Can do sweeping & mopping 2gether??I vacuum & mop the floor once a wk. I hate vacuum..coz my vacuum cleaner is big & heavy...

Envy u..ur sil so good.Sometimes,i envy those ppl who can get along wf their sils so well.

of coz it is good to hv our mother/mil at hme.I don't hv to send lionel to my mum/mil hme simply i wanna go out for a while if I forgot to buy something.And there is someone always available to look after my boy for a while if i nid to hv toilet break or go off a while.

can i hv ur PT maid contact? Which agency did u get ur maid from?

U knew the case abt the maid killed the woman at sembawang? We saw the photo of this maid b4(can't rememb which agency) when we planned to engage a maid couple of mths ago. Sounds scary...

i agree wf u tat we shld take over our babies once we reach hme. Taking care of the baby whole day is tiring esp. at their age. So I very much appreciate my mil.
I got vcd for Chen Chen
Hmm... wat bb contest is dat? U send Vane for the contest?

We always tell bb van kiss, when I c u gals said Fren kiss, I thot wat I heard is our parents' generation English so shld b Fren kiss

Brenda, Skyblue
Puo cai has 3 types - red color leaf, round leaf and long pointed leaf. The seller in the mkt told me red is the best, high in iron. Dunno abt the other 2 types. In Hokken the abv 3 is call heng cai, whereas the Eng spinach is call pua leng

I dun feed Chen Chen fresh tofu coz wk day I dun go mkt. Buy wk n, can't keep till wk day. So I bot tao hua to feed Chen Chen. Tell the seller no syrup

The decor is v sweet n girlish
Poor Tyra having fever. She cranky? R u on leave to look after her?

U find BJG stressful. The flash card part is it? U dun find dancing, singing, gym and water play relaxing? Classes soley on Gym n music will b more relaxing. Hv u tried Growing up Gifted? The program focus on learning through touches or rather senses

Need travelling as well in your new job. Frequent?
I wish I loose wt. U r the only woman I come across who wanna put on wt
hi Shook,
how r u? I still rememb the photo of ChenChen standing besides the window.

no,my job doesn't require frequent travel.

I wanna put on a bit of wt..my frds say i look beta if i can be a bit more chubby..
but think it is difficult for me put on wt..I realise no matter how much i eat,if i don't hv enough rest,i'll nvr put on wt...Maybe i am too busy until i don't hv time to eat.

tao hua got shi kao...it is a type of chemical stuff to used to make the beancurb become solid..beta don't feed chenchen too much..but i think it is a good idea to ask for tao hua w/o syrup.
yeah.. its gonna be a year difference. Never thot of having a maid unless i really gets to work from home cos i'm not comforable to leave them unsupervised. Presently i'm still comfortable cos Jem dun really disturb me n let me do hsework. But thinking of getting a PT to do those more tedious stuff like cleaning toilet n ironing etc later on when its less convenient for me to do.

dun have cravings leh.. hahah, starting to worry a bit cos ppl say girl n boy will hv very different reactions.. but mine so far quite similiar to the last preg leh ...hahhaha, i think too much.
See! we exchange hsehold tips now.. dun u love oour thread?!?!
what abt the shape of ur tummy? rounder or sharper?

actually,when i was preggie, a lot of ppl said muz b girl coz my tummy was huge & round.But end up i've boy.

aiya,boy or girl same..they r all our fresh & blood.But i do hope to hv a baby girl..girl more guai..unlike lionel..hyperactive!
My current PT maid not tat gd u still wan ah? hehe... I wont recomend her lah. Dun think u r tired of living n wanna vomit blood rite? Sanrio trying out pringles' PT maid. U get feedback fm Sanrio lah. If gd then maybe u can try out. My ex PT maid really gd. Think she coming back soon. If she is back, I can recomend her to you.
avocado, from the reviews here, the roman mop seems good lah. My hubby got 6 sis and all of them dote on him so I guess "ai wo ji wo" lah. They care abt me & Vane a lot too.
Aiya, I'm sure you wont treat the maid so bad like the employer who got killed mah. So happy for you that you solved your work issue. Do u need to compensate them in the end?

shook, it's the link that Ruffy sent. I thot maybe I can send Vane for the sunshine bb contest since she likes to smile a lot recently. In fact, she smiled to all my col very sweetly when we attended a bday party on Sat.
Very angry when you hear pple wanting to gain more wt when you have a hard time losing them hor?

skyblue, ya ya you can try growing up gifted cos there's much more exposure. I thot Kieran enjoyed himself cos he giggled a lot during the trial.

brenda, think Jem and his sibling are going to be 2 yrs diff leh. Jem borned in 2004 and your bb will be due next yr, 2006 rite? Aiya dun worry abt the gender lah. Must be happy and positive so that your bb will be a cheerful bb mah. Cheers!!!

Val, you getting maid soon? Quite a few pple told me to get maid to help my mom out but I really dislike the idea leh. I'd rather send Vane to cc leh.
Ally seemed fine with the cold weather. She enjoyed it quite a bit but her skin got really dry and itchy so she was scratching quite a bit. That's after using almost a whole tube of $25 moisturiser on her. Anyway, her skin is much better ever since we got back on Fri evening. She slept a bit more when we were there... prob coz it was cold enough for her. She seems to hate the heat... just like her parents. hee hee!
absolut, I really envy you that u managed to enjoy yourself at Perth leh. Reminded me of my Hatyai trip with Vane. I didnt really enjoy myself that time.
U so lucky, dun put on wt easily. No matter how sleep deprived I m. I still put on wt. The only time I loose wt easily wz when I had morning sickness. U hv kou fu. Can eat eat eat.
I feed Chen Chen tao hua once in a blue moon
Your MIL takes care of Lionel for u? Did your SIL still makes life difficult for u?

The bb contest in the link Ruffy sent r held on wk n. U gonna skip Vane's classes?
I m not annoyed by ppl who wanna gain wt. I envy them.

I wish to hv a gal too. If your no 2 turns out to b boi, r u going for no 3?
Betta be careful leh, dun play play cos u now preggie. Try not to let Jem step on ur tummy.

Yar, i read dat flashcard must start young but then...hehehe, seems stressful for my darling's little brain :p Anyway, i've been to a few places for their gym classes. Dun have gd review of JWT. So far, i'm only impressed wif kindermusik. Hehehe, Kieran is a gigglish bb

Hehehe, 1 last clarification abt heng cai, puay leng etc etc b4 u pong me for being stupid
Ang mo spinach (puay leng) cannot go together wif tofu, am i rite? Heng cai (chinese spinach) wif tofu is okie?
Yar, i find the flashcard part stressful. Then hor, the dancing part is like done in a chop chop manner (maybe cos i compare wif kindermusik). Gym part i hiam the rm is so small n not many equipmt. Water part is fun for Kieran though. Aiya, actually the program is okie, tchr is great. It's me looking for bone in an egg. Hehehe... I'll be trying out GUG. Haven call them yet.
Wah, yours so cheap. I tot mine quite cheap liao, it is Winnie the Pooh one, but no diff from other sets lah.
I am a cantonese. My hubby is a Teochew. Frankly, I dun like porridge. Dunno why go to France, I end up cooking porridge quite often.

I went to find swimming costume today, dun have my size.
Nvm, we can go when you return from HK... let Ryan recupurate at home this week. Or else can't enjoy HK trip.

Thanks. Hey, Kieran can stand up unsupported liao? Tats v good. See him small small yet so strong hor!

Lucky you, not easy to put on weight. How I wish I am like tat leh.
Hi Avocado
Long time no see.....busy adapting to new job? Gd to see u here. Post some pictures of Lionel

I use magic mop too. On days when the floor isn't really that dirty, i simply use the magic mop to wipe thru. It picks up all the fine dust or hair lying around and its not noisy, doesn't use electricity and not tedious to use unlike vacuum cleaner. My mom uses it to clean her floor of all the dog's fur and she finds it very effective too. But for larger specs of dirt etc, still got to use vacuum cleaner.

SOunds like u really enjoyed your bonding time with Ally in Perth. Can't wait to see ur photos! Did Ally adapt to the place easily? How was she on the flight?

Ya...im really enjoying every moment with Alicia especially now....they get more and more cute frm ard 1 year old onwards i feel:p Don't u agree?

Hey, u sure seem to be enjoying ur 2nd preg very well...keep it up!
RE: Toddler books
I've been using the "What to Expect" series for "the first year" and now "The Toddler Years" and i find it gd so far.It always answers all my questions.

Alicia also does the flying kiss and waves only when she likes:p Sometimes have to probe her so much b4 she decides to do it. Think they got moods one....one week she's into flying kisses, next wk she's into tapping her foot etc. Haha
Hi sanrio,

the cake you had bought for your child's birthday is very cute and interesting. May I know what is the contact number of the bakery shop you had ordered it? If possible, can you also share with me where is the location of the shop too?

Thanks and hope to receive the info soon cos my babe's birthday is coming soon.
So sorry, was scanning through the post, saw your message. Trust me, before I saw the post, I was trying to do it throught the internet, but dunno have to add new payee.....think tommorrow, I go atm to transfer to you.

Sorry mummies, was MIA for so long...weekends full of activities, bird park, swimming, gym, all for Tristan......looking at insurance policies,(any good policies to recommend for babies?) and basic driving lesson this coming wednesday...gonna fail again.....wah gosh...hubby calling for help again...okay...try to catch up again..
u can check out tis website: www.ecreative.com.sg. u can do online oredering or contact them. their biz add is at woodlands but they do free delivery if u order above a certain amt.

tink i paid $3988 for my wedding package. the studio is julia wedding.

hi avocado,
welcome back. yes, do post lionel fotos
me like u, cant put on wt no matter how much fattening food (like cakes n ice-cream) i eat leh. i tink is 'stress'. being a sahm is really stressful but rewarding loh.
Yes, the spinage in the article refers to puay leng. U r not stupid. I wasn't clear. I presume every1 thinks of puay leng when I mentioned spinage
I like JWT but I dun like Kindermusik. Well different ppl hv different preference n dd

U hv many lobang on bb contest. Thx for sharing. R u signing Ryan for the contests?
Ryan is in a different stage for BJG class. So the program is different. I agree wif your hubby the plc is not impressive
Morning mummies,
No..won't sign him up...cannot bear to part with the fee for registration
.. also don't like the hustle and crowd.
Ryan's CC also has water play once a week..and cooking class on friday.. cook chapati etc.. so quite good mixture..not just the normal type of lessons. They also have playground inside and outside the place.
How much is the registration fee?
Cooking??!! Wow dat is gd but how to teach toddler to cook? Muz b messy. U took Ryan to the CC to look @ wat activities they hv?
HI Ruffy,

Wow....us sure keep track of all the baby contest

Hi mommies,
Anyone need any forms for the baby contest at United Square? it's very near my office, I can pick up the forms and mail to you.

We had a chalet for Aelwen's bd and invited quite a few friends. Cake was a present from my SIL...think about 2kg. It was a surprise design. Aelwen likes to watch Barney so she decided to give her a Barney cake.

I try to drop in now and then but postings moving too fast, can't catch up
I dunno how much but the channel 8 is $10 and those at CC is also abt $10..I find it not worth leh..coz they do give door gift but may not be suitable for ur bb.
Yeah.. they do kneeding..stirring etc.. definately messy..lucky that not messing up within ur house..
. They also teach them to make sandwich etc different stuff each term. Have been to the cc a few times..he will start school next mth. Must see if activity/place is suitable for him so each time I will bring him there also to see the places I scouted out for him.
haha...u r right.Think babies hv moods.Lionel sometx wave bye bye,sometx don't...

hmm..think it is time to buy what to expect for the toddler...lionel is turning 1yr exactly 2molo.

i am working in a German co.Tink german co. is much much beta than US MNC.They r more organized & humble...

what abt u? any plan to work?

hi sanrio,
ok ok...will try to download lionel pic once i developed his recent foto. He doesn't change a lot except gets taller.

can i hv the contact of ur PT maid?I've been looking for one who can does cleaning on every sat/sun...

hi giggler,
how much is the Roman mop & where can I get it?Maybe we can meet up & buy 2gether.

R u taking care of Vane or leave her wf infant care?

Hi Shook,
Actually, ur figure is just nice..i don't think u r overwt.

For me, sometx i eat a lot,sometx eat little.I always run around,either in work or at hme.

ya, talking abt his problematic SIL,she just gave birth last wk. My MIL is overjoyed.It really makes me feel sad coz my mil was emotionless when i gave birth.She didn't even volunter to see lionel in hospital.
Moreover,she was praising non stop abt how handsome her baby is.She criticized lionel a lot when he 1st borned.For all these unhappiness,i don't dare to tell my hb,he'll take it defensively.
Besides, his sil made things difficult to us when my mil came over to help out.My confinement was a disaster. Think that is one of the reasons why my hb decides not to hv the 2nd one.I feel very upset whenever he makes decision w/o considering my feelings.
Actually i feel terribly upset & just feel like sending lionel to infant care,at least,i don't hv face all these problems.
hahha.. few weeks only leh, no tummy yet.
erm... me can't really remember Lional.. post his pic, k.
Dun be too bothered by ur sil n mil...

u r rite!...hahahha, two years different.
btw, have u decided on ur CC? you sending Vane for one soon rite? Me now gotta sudden change of plans .. might look for one near alexandra instead.

Hahahha... dun think i'll go for no. 3 if really boy. Will be eyeing e bb girls here for goddaughters instead...

Thanks Pringles!
Hazey was telling me that series too. Think i'll go pick it up this weekend!
Teach Alicia to pucker her lips and kiss! Jem learned it n now going round to plant kisses everywhere..hahah!

wah.. busy mummy, busy baby..

How's the trip?

Mommies... when ur bb turn 1 do they get more affectionate? i think yes rite.. like randall will get possessive over mummy. My Jem has been coming to hb n me more often now w kisses n hugs and wants to sleep real close to us at nite. Wonder if this is gonna be a phase or here to stay?

Anyone can help me on the PT maid? First time thinking of engaging so not too sure what to expect. Can we ask them to do ironing? Usually give them a time frame to finish the cleaning or let them clean n pay according to the time spent?Do u all try to be around or its okay to leave the house to them while we go for some grocery?
shook, we need to go every weekends for the contest? I thot only one day, that's it. I jealous of pple who eat & eat but dun gain wt.

skyblue, I also quite like Kindermusik but find ex compared to GUG. Think you really shd go for trial at GUG leh.

Ruffy, think ours is the crawler class so diff. So will u be signing Ryan up for those bb contests? The cc that Ryan going to attend sounds interesting with their activities leh.

pringles, you find magic mop good? I seldom use it cos I find it diff to clean corners leh. I also find Vane very sweet and cute these days. Really love her and wish to be with her all the time.
Where do u get the "What to Expect" series?

cFaith, you also taking driving test? When is your test date? How do u find BJG? Sorry, I think I called Tristan the wrong name. hahaha.

sanrio, ya heard of Julia wedding, it's at Tg Pagar area rite?

mon, you signing Aelwen up for the contest at United Sq? What's the criteria?

avo, think the Roman mop is abt $30+ and can only get from Tangs. Not sure if there's any other place selling. I haven got it too maybe we can meet at Orchard to get it together. My mom taking care of Vane now cos my sil has confinement lady to help at the moment lah. Also my mom feels that she can look after 2bbs so I'll let her try out for a while. Hopefully she can tahan till Vane turns 18mths so that I can send her to cc. Your mil gg to look after Lionel and your nephew?
brenda, hahaha so qiao leh. Me too, I may find one near my workplace instead. My 1st choice is Learning Seeds, 2nd choice is Carpe Diem. If cant get into both of them, I'm considering Learning Vision opp my office bldg. Which cc you looking at ard Alexandra area? You still continue working? thot you want to quit earlier. Vane always open her mouth wide when she kisses us. I agree they're more affectionate now. Vane likes to give me hugs and kisses before she sleeps every nite. Also she'll kiss her daddy once she sees him.
Hi Sanrio,

Actually I went to their Website b4 but didnt c the Almo design. Maybe they didnt post up, will check it out with the staff. Thks a lot for the info. I like tat cake design very much.
Disney contest criteria..found it in another thread..anyway thanksMon for the effort to get forms for others.
Disney Baby Contest 2005 @ United Square
(Limited to the 1st 100 participants ?All forms are to be submitted by Aug 10)

Terms and Condition:
1. Open to all babies who are residents and permanent residents in Spore aged 6-18mths as of Aug 2005
2. Original form found in Young Parent magazine (Aug issue) or at information counter (L1) of United Square Shopping Mall is accepted
3. All contestants must attend the qualifying rounds and finals and all other rehearsal(s) prior to the finals.
Qualifying rounds: 19,20 Aug @12pm
Finals: 4 Sept @ 2pm
4. Contestants will need to do a candid photo shot at United Square Atrium, B1 as part of the qualifying rounds.
The picture of the contestants will be placed in a mock Young Parents Magazine and will be judge on the following criteria:
Cuteness and Photogenic Quality: 60%
Shoppers Vote: 40%
5. Contestants are not allowed to pick their photography dates and timings.
In the event of unavailability, they must inform United Sq A&P Dept 3 days prior to audition.
6. All contestants must wear their own clothes for the photography.
Clothes must either be Disney-related theme or must not be in conflict with Disney brand (eg Barbie outfit, Warner Brothers)

<font color="0000ff"> So mah fan..I feel that Ryan and I will skip this as 1st - he doesn't have disney related clothes.2nd- don't see the point to get this type of clothes for him. 3rd- if timing no good for bb it is disadvantage for him</font>
Back from Bintan already.
Have a nice time relaxing down there. Gareth enjoy the trip (I think) haha, with swimming everyday. Will try to upload some pics asap.

Gerber puff mummies,
I just realise that there is 2 containers in one pack, means 20 packs got 40 containers.

So to be fair to every mummies, here's the arrangement, for those who bought:
1 to 3 bottles: 1 container
4 to 6 bottles: 2 containers
7 to 9 bottles: 3 containers

Shook, Lyn and me will get one extra containers each for helping out with the distribution and ordering.

In total, we have 38 containers now and 2 extra.

Hope this arrangement is fine with all of you.

You are entitled to 3 containers, I can pass you one extra one if you need more.

Sorry, but didn't receive your email. And hor, only receive your msg when I got back yesterday. Think we might have to re-arrange again.

The containers are air tight and can keep the puff inside.

ya lor, I super unfriendly kind of pple. hahaha, can anot?? You can go complain abt me. ahhahahahah
Hehehe, no nid to wait till after 1 yrs old. I beginning to find Kieran cuter n cuter oso
I hate the initial few mths.

When Ryan attended the BJG, wat did he do there? Cos i want to know more since i most prob will only consider BJG at a later stage.

He only did it once on sun nite. Hubby n I were taken by surprise cos he was playing on our living rm platform then he suddenly stood up n managed to walk 1 step b4 he dropped to his knees again. I can't wait for him to walk leh...
Dat time during the gathering i saw most of the bbies walking, so cute

Kindermusik is more ex compared to GUG? I thot it's the other way round.
can ask u if there's anything nice in Shenzhen anot? i got a free one day tour there... wondering whether to go for it?

nothing really nice - my opinion.. if really want to shop will need to go up to Guangzhou. V.crowded..things there not really upmarket..lots of repetition shops, trailing u around beggars, more choice in HK..can skip it.
