(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

If i remember correctly, they will send u a letter or email to u for the collection of passport.
Why u keep thinking Gareth fall off the bed???
I got similar fear also, not YH fall off the bed but roll off his mattress and hit his head ... so i bought the playpen, but he doesnt like to be inside it. I hv to put him in sarong 1st, rock him to sleep, then transfer him to the playpen, what a waste of money!

Were u induced with cervix not open yet? Mine was 1-2cm dilated liao b4 the induction.
Poor Ethan, sayang sayang.
Dunno why man r like that ... my hb also the same, talk to him, he nod nod his head, and yet not listening most of the time.

I dont like to use macromedia flash, anything tt is macromedia gives me headache .... so many features .... i think photoshop is still simpler.

haha, Gareth also like that. But we will just ignore him and he will stop eventually. haha...that is if we let him sleep inbetween us lah.

Okay, then I wait for the letter/email lor. I scare they reject my pic cos i did a super impose on the background. And we need the passport by next week as we want to bintan next weekend.

Haha, cos Gareth too active liao, and everytime after shower, he will like to play catching with me on the bed when I'm trying to dress him up.

YH sleep habit will change as time passes by, nowadays i can't rock Gareth to sleep liao, I will just put him on the bed, switch off all light and tab him to sleep. After that, put him in his cot.
<font size="+2"><font color="0000ff">c</font><font color="ff0000">o</font><font color="ffff00">l</font><font color="119911">o</font><font color="aa00aa">u</font><font color="ff6000">r</font></font> for YOU!!! Haha..now I got finger cramp... !!

Colours everywhere, I see until <font color="0000ff">yian hua hua!!!!!!!</font> Haaaaaaaaa......!

My boi with my parents but we bring him back every nite eversince he was born.. my hb v adamant about it... says is our own kid, we gotta look after ourselves... last time v siong man.. but to this day no regret... jesse v close to us... v happy to go home every evening...stimes I say 'jesse, time to go home!' He will take his slippers, take my shoes and attempt to grab his stroller as well. But it helps that we live near our parents...

The phase ah? Change everytime one...what I mean by abandon is that tell your mum dun run away if he wants her, reassure him... that day he will feel secure... or distract him with some toys.

Stimes we talk to our men at the wrong time so they aint listening cos they can only focus on one thing at a time... unlike us women...hehe...

Swallow plastic film? Gosh, sounds so scary, imagine the film's edge is quite sharp right? Thankfully she is ok. My boi, only /hum/ the thing in his mouth, but now no fear, he knows beta what is edible and what is not.

The mini fridge so cute hor...jesse likes the ice cubes and the two eggs .....haha... but must make sure one of us with him when he is playing with the cubes cos so small....hmmmm... I feel like buying the cooking counter too... hehe.... then last nite after he slept, I played with it...heheh...

I bot the American Greetings too but Hallmark is still nicer...now where got time to make cards??? Sigh..... Photoshop is another type of software? Got graphics too???

jesse fell down twice from bed... first time landed on bible and cushioned fall, second time landed on exercise mat... but quite a bad one, hb saw him fall.. After that, no more on bed unless one of us is around.. but nowadays the way he sleeps at nite is so scary, rolled from left to right and then till the edge.... usually once he is in deep sleep we put him onto his mattress....
third time he sorta rolled off the bed in his slumber, also never cry, I just picked him up and he continued to sleep...
Dun be angry with ur hb lah.. all of us make mistakes from time to time........
U need the passpart by next wkend??? When did u submit the application? If i remember correctly it took 2-4 weeks for the processing. U might want to call them up and chk with them today (today Friday liao), see whether they can expedite the processing of ur passport, if they hvnt done so.
U play catching with Gareth and u got nightmares ... hahah ... i thot it shld be the other way round ... maybe next time when Gareth has nitemares, he might be dreaming u falling off the bed? ;P

U like to show off ur coloring skill hor? ;P Hahaha ... u said ur fingers cramp very funni ...
Since ur parents take care of Jesse, he must be very close to ur parents. When he was YH's age, does he cry when ur PIL carried him? YH is close to my parents and my family, even my bro and his wife comes to my hse only once a week, they can carry him without him crying. But we go to my PIL's hse every weeks also, YH cries when my PIL carry him .... san lao jin... dunno how to solve this problem also. Lucky my MIL very patient, she will try all means, including using toys to distract him when she carries him ... hopefully he wont cry this wkend ... now a bit stress thinking YH might cry again ...
Hahaha ... agree with u, only woman can multi-task, man cannot! Or they too lazy to multi-task?
Last nite, out of boredom, i went to view the videocam for last sat.....fot the 1st time.

Caught u in it n was kind of especially glad that u look so warm n approachable in there....hahahahaah........talk as if u ever scare me to dun know wat extent hor?

U were smiling widely, waving very friendily (got such word) in there!
Stylobb, i kinda like the whole range but hb said dun buy so many first, trying hard not to open the fridge to play

Brenda, pai seh typo i meant dana doesn't do the action.
U only apply yesterday?? I didnt know tt now they r so efficient, 3 days can liao? I did an online renewal abt 2 yrs back(??) when they first started the online thingee, very conventient, but i think it took me 2-4 weeks to receive their letter/email (cant remember where letter alone, or email alone or both). I think they mention on the website right, when u hv successfully submitted and paid for the application, what did the webpage displayy? Reply to u in emal or letter, how many days to process?? U didnt read huh?
i can't wait...so i give them a call just now. They say have received my application, but not yet process and the pic looks okay. Think can collect on 6 July but gotta wait for email.
BTW, i dotted my photo also, my fringe to messy liao, i erased some of them :p ... So i guess if ur super impose is nicely done, they wont reject ur photo
Nat so funny!! wan to go bathroom to pong pong, so smart! Other than meals, Jem dun seems to request for anything one leh.

So ethan okay? think its inevitable to have bb's fall off the bed accidents.
Hahah, ur hb sounds like typical daddy.

wahahah... u so funny!! miss hb that much last nite till can't sleep har?
I'm lazy to talk n socialise... but very very playful nature
U go and trim Gareth's pineapple-leaves-hair huh? Or u put hair gel to mellow it?
He look so happy in the photo, can see his gigi, so cute
Eyes mi mi yen ... aunty deer loves it! ;)
Ur super impose skill very good leh, i cant even detect the background is super imposed ;)
haha, this pic taken after his haircut in May. And the hair stylist put gel on his hair. and Yes, i cut his hair virtually too. haha. Not my skill good lah, I get my friend to do it for me. hahahahah
Gareth is 1 yrs old? He looks mature...

I mean u dun seem to nid to play wif him etc n he'll come to u, play on his own etc etc. Got pple in fd court gave jem rocher u dunno?

Dat plastic film incident very scary leh. Where did nat get dat plastic film in the 1st pl?

Kieran very rarely guai guai sit on my lap in cars. When he fusses n refuses to be in car seat, it means he wants to get off the car seat n stand on my lap, stand n hold the back of the car, bang on car windows, touch the handle etc. Everything n anything except sit down! He'll only be guai guai when he's sleeping in car. Many a time, he'll stomp on my tummy so actually oso very dangerous for me to have no 2 now.
Happy Belated Birthday to Elyse &amp; Ashley!!

Emily, hope Ethan is okay. Tristan fell once from the bed too, his face was scratched. Otherwise, nothing serious. NOw, he is still sleeping in our bed, he doesn't want to go back...also dunno what to do.....

JUst to let you know again I will try to contact you again to collect the puffs. So sorry, very busy these few weeks. Maybe I transfer money to you first. Maybe u could email me your bank account.

I receive your email. Will transfer to you this weekend. so sorry, I in ulu pandan Tuas. So, difficult to access ATM.

Dear mummies,
I really find it very amazing. Even though some of you working or at home, this forum is still very active. Me have been trying to juggle work, family and personnel life for the past few months, without great success....
Actually i find quite a few similarities in YH and Kieran ... YH got colic and refluz problems b4, and now both of them like to stomp their feet when being carried upright, is it the same for all bbs or only ours???

Dun be disheartened, me also hving a hard time juggling between work, family an personal life, in fact, sometimes i feel very depressed ... once i even closed the door of my office and cried inside during lunch .... really very tough and very depressing sometime ... u r not the only one, let's cheer each other on! Jia

How's ur handsome Triston doing?
Tks Cfaith for the bd greeting.......

Hmmm, shocking to hear ur shutting door n weep part! Think it is really tough to be FTWM n those tough moment when our kids let us put up with....take heart.....perhaps experience downs then we will cherish UPs more?
Funny right, he is close to us!!! Bo hiew my parents when we are around.. my mum always teases him saying 'No loyalty ah!!' When I go fetch him, always ready to go home liao!!! Stand by the door even!!! Bring my shoes to me signalling time to go home!
Upon reaching home, he is every happy cos got a lot of places for him to play and explore!! Haha...
I think bbs got their mood, stimes want this, stimes want that..... jesse is at his worst when sick... otherwise he is fine and happy. When he was YH's age, he never cried when ppl carried him cos he loved being carried! So much that we could not even sit down!! Hahaha....
For mil, he is ok with her cos she spends time with him. For fil, he rejects him completely becos fil never spends time with him. He will push him away, make noise or shake his head.

U live in Boon Keng? Me at TPY.. eureka likes to go to my 'territory'...hehe...got 2 big NTUCs...

Wah u close door and cry ah! So poor thing.... I dun think I ever cried leh, the most I can't tahan I tell hb pls take over, I walk out of room to take a breather.... but that was when jesse was younger, now he is ok leh...

Stimes got to kan kai, dun take things too hard lah, we ain't gonna be perfect anyway... if your hb can take over, ask him to while u do something like lie down to rest... a short while on our own can work wonders..

I active cos I speed-read and speed-type...hehe..
Thanks for ur concern ... tt was the only time i felt most depressing ... actually i seldom stress over work until after i came back fr maternity leave ... the lack of sleep, frequent headaches and short span of memory r really weighing me down ... sometimes i feel very depressed over what has become of me ... still working very hard to be the old self again ...

U very stylo huh, speed read and speed type ;)
R u the one who is a cantonese also? There is a saying in cantonese yang bu shu (read in madarin, dunno how to pin in cantonese), meaning rear no ripe ... meaning no loyalty lah ... me so lor sor, dunno u understand or not ;P
If i were u, i will feel very proud of Jesse also, so tie xin to parents, dun need to worry next time after he married, he will listen to wife only ;P

TPY is ur teritary huh? Hehehe ... i go there quite often also ... maybe i hv bum into Eureka or u b4 ....

If u r talking abt me crying at home, i cried upteem times liao!!! YH was very colicky last time, i cried together with him sometimes ... he cried non-stop for HOURS, dunno what to do with him, so cried together with him lor ;P
U hv gd memory man. Remember it is Zach who bathe her son in pail. Thx

How nice who family going Bintan
Passport is ready for collection 3 working days after application thru the web. Mother of the bb has to bring bb to collect passport. Deer is right. Immigration will post u a notification when passport is ready for collection.
When u submit the photo electronically, u will b prompt whether the photo meets their requirement or not
U lucky. So easy to make Gareth sleep

Thot u ok wif Jem eating cho like Lyn ok wif Jerald
Chen Chen doesn't rub ear on shoulder

Guess dat feels too warm in Singapore n love to bathe

Chen Chen fell last 9. Silly me. He knows how to get dwn bed. I presumed 100% safe. I clipped my nail. Guess he wondered wat I wz doing. Bent his head dwn till kong on the flr. Like a slow motion fell. Not v hard tho, he cried loudly. Pong myself

Hi5. I oso stop CHen Chen's monkey act wif bf
Jerome boi but he v guai
U poor thing so stressed till cry in the office. (((Hug)))

U go home hv a gd sleep
I bathe wif Chen Chen. Wash his hair like the way we wash our hair

<font color="0000ff">t</font><font color="ffff00">h</font><font color="aa00aa">x</font>
Agree 100% man can't milt-itask

StyloBB, Deer
When I wz young, both my parents were working. Both my brother n I were look after by nanny. We missed our parents v v much. We look forward to the time our parents come to fetch us. No matter wat Blood is thicker than water.

Dun set high expectation dat u can't reach. Talk to someone if not share your problem here. U feel better after pouring out
Alot of pple tot Gareth is 2 year old liao. Cos he's big and tall.

You give me a call when you can collect it lah. Pass me the $$ when you collect it.

Most prob leaving on the 9 July and coming back on the 11 July. Will be going to Bintan Nirvana.

haha, all thanks to Brenda. She promoted Bintan to my hubby when she's at my place the other time. So hubby wanted to bring Gareth there. And beside hubby will start his new job in 18 July, so wanted to go for a short trip b4 starting work.
Pigletz, we also planning to go but in sept during our wedding anniversary. How much did you pay for 3 persons? Wah, brenda went to your housewarming? din invite us ah?
the quote i got is $191 per pax for 3D2N which includes half an hour massage. As for the baby, just need to pay the ferry fare that's all.

Haha, no lah, not housewarming lah. I got her to test out if my place is baby friendly anot. haha, will open up my house soon.
You must come if i open house okay?
pigletz, which tour agency you go to? What type of room? Good lei got massage, full body?
let me know when you open your house then.

shook, can the father bring the bb to collect passport instead?how much is the passport for bb? for how many years?
err, i didn't ask leh. haha..silly me. But I haven't book yet, will book once i got a confirm date on when to collect the passport. I check liao then let you know.

Open house ah? maybe in August lor, cos july also very tight for me.

The passport cost $50 if apply online, $60 if you go down to book. Think it's for 5 years only. Err, if the parent NRIC you put during the application is the daddy one, then daddy can bring bb to go collect passport. I think so lah. hehe
Hi eureka,
Happy Belated birthday to Elyse!!!!
did anything special?

Thanks for the birthday wishes for Ashley. Has been a really eventful day (sigh.. in a bad way)Hb n i took leave, borrowed a car from a relative, all planning to bring Ash to the zoo to celebrate her birthday. exactly at the time she was born 2+am, she ran a fever. Hb attempted to feed her paracetamol. Next thing we knew, threw up everything. Ash herself was shocked!(she just sat there blankly). subsequently everyone was kept awake, bcos fever can't come down, she had blocked, running nose n cough. at 6am, try to feed her again n threw up again. by 10am, hb returned with car n we took ashley to see a dr. fever running at 38.5!!!!! dr gave her motilium suppository to prevent vomiting. took her home n was allowed to give ibuprofen syrup half n hour later. 3hourly, she alternate between paracetamol n ibuprofen syrup. she oso refuse to eat. no food since last meal at 9pm. in the end, brought her to compass mall for macs. its her birthday after all. she ate a bit of chicken nuggets, sundae n fries.
Then of all things. guess everyone was drained by no sleep n all the washing n cleaning of the puke. Hb n i got to get into a quarrel. when everything cool, we rushed down to Giant Hypermart at 9.30pm to let her sit in the car cum trolley. guess that was the best thing i can think of at that hour. Ashley didn't smile but we knew she still loved it. reached home at 11pm, put ashley to sleep n cooked instant noodles for hb n myself. its dinner. just when i tot i could eat, ashley woke up again with a terrible blocked nose n mummy to carry.....

kaolin mixture is something similar to charcoal. its for food poisoning. kaolin will adsorb all the toxins in the gut. therefore never administer kaolin with other medications or they too wld be adsorbn therefore render useless.

i was scrolling thru the thread. did u post the link to why fresh milk is notgood for babies?? i bought marigold fresh milk n now i dare not give. awaiting to see your reply.

mummies going for Fisher Price sales,
seen any good stuff? if u guys are in interested in the blue hippo walker cum rider, Kiddy palace selling at $49.90 for members now. more than willing to loan my card to anyone who is interested.
now that our kids are past one. i'm not as crazy for F&amp;P toys as b4. think their stuff for past 1 can't really capture their attention, even though they come with lots of sounds n musice. they lose interest in it after a while. n find them kind of costly too compared to other brands.

stupid keyboard at home. the spacebar not working well.
so how's Ashley now? Better? You must take good care of yourself okay, think Ashley will be sticky to you now becos she's not feeling well.
Hi pigletz, so qiao. I also just submit my ger's application for the passport yesterday. But dun know the photo will approve anot, cos background not totally white.

<font color="aa00aa">OH DEAR B2</font>
Really so sad to read abt ur day n ashley's bd!!! HOw is she now??

HB n u quarrel, think all arised frm the pent up frustration over the hectic day, untimely sickness of ashley n lack of sleep.....

Just hope all is well n everyday is bd for ashley with papa n mama happily with her, can always go for those ride, the zoo again when she is in the pink.

PANTANG, just dun tell her wat's lined up for her!
Eureka, ya, she changed alot...now changing still. Your gal also as pretty.

Pigletz, think mine will have to wait till next week leh. Did they call u when to collect? So, is your photo acceptable?

b2b3m4, hope Ashley recovers well. Mine too fell sick on her bday, so totally no celebration and stay at home all day. So Ashley is more fortunate, still can go out.
I call them up, they say most prob can collect on 6th July. They say wait for email. The lady who answer my call say the pic looks okay.
<font color="ff0000">brenda</font>
Aiyo, dun angry lah, I prob missed your post. Cos I sms Eureka earlier when I needed to buy another brand of milk powder for Nat. So I reply her on tat lor.
Faint... then you dig until mushy mushy... Eeeekkksss.... YOu give him choc and nuts? I dun leh... scared allergy, cos she used to have eczema mah.

<font color="ff0000">B2B3M4</font>
Poor Ashley. Such a way to spend bday. But hor, you 2 love her v much, still try to bring her out. Nvm, make it up another day, buy her more toys!!! Hee...

How is Ashley now?

<font color="ff0000">Kis</font>
Your girl oso called Elyse? I was wondering how come Eureka say her own daughter pretty so loudly, though I know deep down inside she wants to say oso!! Haha...
Your girl v pretty, huge eyes.

Who, who ... open house for us??!!
hi pigletz,
just called them, the lady says can collect on the 5th!!! u send in later then me?? But me most prob can only go down during weekends leh.
U mean keep him occupied har?? Hahha... i play w him every evening cos i playful.. sort of 'force' him to play w me. so once he's free.. he'll rather go for his toys n books. But he's been quiet since young.
Erm.. i noe they gave him a rocher to play.

I'm okay if he removes the gold wrapper first!! hahahah .. thot he playing w it cos its quite big size leh. din expect him to squeeze whole thing into mouth..

I din promote hor... ur hubby loves u, wan to en ai a bit before moving on to that time consuming job mah. Hahha, but mebbe in the pics, my family very en ai that's why he also want!

yah.. she makes me go bump arnd the house to test for sharp corners!! She very 'nice' to u mummies hor!

Hi Kis,
ur gal very pretty leh. can pigletz invite u and elyse when she open hse in august??

no lah... i give him chocs only.. no nuts. cos nuts choke hazard
hi mom2nat,
ya, my gal also called Elyse, same as Eureka's gal. No lah, her girl is as pretty...hor Eureka

i sent mine yesterday at 12.58pm...luckily the foto is accepted, orelse waste my time n effort.
I was abt to book flight yesterday noon, and so quickly apply passport for her too...who knows, my trip cancel...sian.

i took alot of pics for her passport fotos, here are some of the pics....

After we stop bfg our boys, we will hv to think of new tricks to stop their monkey act :p
Thanks for the hug

How's Ashley doing now? Must be really tiring for u and ur hb yesterday. Hope Ashley has recovered fully now.

Elyse is a beautiful girl, eyes big big, fair complexion and a nice smile ... the shape of her mouth looks lke D when she smiles, very nice ... reminds me of those little girls tt i used to draw
Only will not feel the pain when I inhale the gas, when off the gas I feel the pain. True too much makes me drowsy.

you gals are night owl? So so so... early in the morning start posting...

Immgration will sent email to you to inform you of the collection date and in addition they also sent out a collection card by post as well.

Gareth don't look just a year old boy. He's so happy.

Actually I don't have my own hse, weekdays my parents place, weekends my ILs place. See cham or not? Staying under person's roof....
Aiyo, you didn't manage to bingo any, at Old Airport Road lah...

I was very small size when young, but how I have grown up BIG now. If you see me, then you will know what I mean.

first time saw Elyse, so sweet and love her eyes, so BIG... The photo should be fine coz the pic for my boy's passport is also with not totally white background, something like yours and is okay.

How's Ashley? She feeling better? Poor girl...

Nuts highly allergic hor. So better not oso.

How old is your girl? She looks quite big and mature. Her lips are so red hot!

My poor Nat's passport photo not nice one. Cos tat time rush and she was only a few weeks old... so anyhow take. Oso have a hard time trying to make her smile. Either her passport photo is this or one of this series.
