(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

Know how u feel abt weekday at parents place and weekend at inlaws place. That's why I so happy that I got my own place now. Even if it means that I gotta wake up earlier or sleep later. Doesn't matter. haha...

Where is old airport road? Near Kallang?
U r not the only one lah ... my sis's hse will only be ready in 2007/8, she and her hb also staying with my parents during wkday and stay with her in-laws during wkend. Think this is quite common considering tt HDB and private contractors r selling their flats/properties b4 they r being built.
Looking at Nat's bb photos really make me think of how time flies .... make me wonder how diff will YH look like when he reaches 1 yr old.
Sis's new hse will be at Bungkok. Also at NEL, next time she visit my parents and me very conventient

I didnt say catoon lah .... where got .... but cartoon nice leh ... perfect eyes, perfect smiles, perfect face shape
Is Coris and Aspella condo? No lah, her new hse is a HDB flat. But nowadays i think HDB flat also got names .... dunno whether her new flat got names or not.
U stay near Bungkok station?
nope, that's their estate name, not condo. If I'm not wrong, hers is BTO flat, mine also, but the very 1st batch.
YH will look more handsome!!

Nat looked like a boy last time.
Hey, sorry, I may have missed tat post. Your flight landed??
What is estate name? Is Boon Keng an estate name? Why ur estate name so "high class", sounds like a condo name.

Pigletz, Jas,
Actually i didnt stay with hb immediately after we got married, but at least we got an "old" hse to go to .... we bought an en-bloc flat, becoz its en-bloc we didnt renovate, didnt buy furnitures for the flat, so we only stay there during wkends, wkdays hb and i stay with our own respective parents.
Mother need to sign on the notification card if other ppl accompany bb to collect passport

gd to take a break b4 starting on a new job
The immigration staff needs to c bb's birth cert wif mother's name n match agst mother's IC when collecting passport.

Mother needs to authorise on the notification card if other ppl collect passport wif bb

QSG, Pigletz
Chen Chen's passport is for 10 yrs. Heard dat going to reduce to 5yrs but dunno when implement
My hubby paid $60 for Chen Chen's passport

U gave Ashley chicken nuggets, sundae n fries when she has fever, running nose n cough!? pong u! Even adults shouldn't take fried stuff when having fever, sundae when having running nose n cough. How is her condition today?
U n your hubby had argument over Ashley is it? Both of u hv different views on taking care of Ashley? I remembered last time u oso had arguement wif your hubby when Ashley slept in the day n cling on to u @ 9

Your gal's features still look the same but she looks like a toddler. No bb look @ all. Her lips is as red as her dress. Did u apply lip stick on her?
If u apply passport electronically, the system will not allow u to proceed if the photo u submitted does not meet their requirement

Oh dear Jem popped the whole Rocher wif the wrapper. Boi, rocher is so big. It's dangerous

The gas doesn't relief my pain @ all

Mom2Nat, Brenda
I already fed Chen Chen nuts mths ago coz there is no family history of allergy
mine one no name one. haha...pilot BTO. Subsequently, they gives names to different BTO that was build. After mine, the next one is Coris, Coris got phase one and phase two. I suspect your sis on is Coris 2.

So where u staying now? still at the en-bloc or what?
U very lucky, manage to get the 10 yrs passport for Chen Chen @ $60. The new 5 yrs passport implemented liao ... it's more exp now. Think i will only apply passport for YH when i m very sure i want to bring him travelling, otherwise it's a waste of money to just do a 5 yrs passport.
actually mine too, i put alot of toys ard her tat she has no place to move, and yet, she keeps moving her head...

i've been missing in this thread earlier on, now wld like to join in again, so show u gals my gal foto lor...at least u all know who is this mummy...hee.

my gal 12mths old...born 8 june. she looks big in pic, but actually she's quite petite and slim. her lips red hot!!! my mil always says she is heaty, so sometimes i also dun know she is heaty or its natural. Wow, nat is only few weeks old then and is going overseas???
Forget to complete my story :p I moved in to the new flat 2 yrs liao, the old flat already torn down long long time ago ...
Now i guess i know what u mean by estate name ... tonite i will ask my sis what is her flat's estate name, but i suspect she wont know also ... my sis blur as sotong like me ;P
haha, at least she willing to play with toys. Gareth dunno how to play with toys. haha...my auntie blame me for not buying toys for him when he is young.

ok. haha, but i'm not very good with your area.
What do u mean by dunno how to play with toys? I thot all kids like toys .... YH also very few toys, i think can count with 10 fingers ...
haha, means he won't sit down and play with toys. He's not very interested in toys. more interested in playing pots and pans, boxes, my wallets, remote control and handphones. The only toys that I have see him play is balls that's all.. hhahahha
It's near kallang. You know where is the big outlet of KFC and McDonalds near to the Tennis centre? Old Airport Rd is near there. My ILs place is diagonally opp.

Your sis's situation is slightly much better than mine. Coz her's is only temporary, but mine is permanent. I am not waiting for any flat to be ready. In future if my mum is not looking after my boy anymore, it means I will be staying at ILs place everyday.

you used to say with ILs? Good to have your own place, at least you can do what you like. I always envy people with their own place.

so you got to endure the pain till bb pop out or you opt for epi?

sorry but I still don't know the mummy coz never met you before and I am also new in this thread.
I used to be like u, weekday mum's place and weekend inlaw's place. Then every monday, will be very messy, either forget this or forget that. hahaha
Hahaha ... now i know what u mean, for a sec i was thinking Gareth is staring at the toys and dunno what to do with them, make me wonder whether i shld buy more toys for YH ... now i know what u mean, me not scared liao. As long as anything he is curious with, it becomes his toys, isnt it better? Dun need to spend money on toys
Me really like a toad underneath the well, dunno where is Tennis ctr, dunno there's a big outlet of KFC and Mac :p
Ur mum's place and ur MIL's place is near each other? U mean ur mum not going to look after ur son soon? Why?

Last time when i stayed at my old hse also the same, wkend stayed there, then Monday very shiong, got to bring the bag with my clothings to office, coz Monday stayed with my parents, bring clothing wore over the wkend back to wash. Look as if i came to office fr chalet.
QSG / Mom2nat: did u go to the FP warehouse sale?
I did, and i came back all battered and bruised.
the sale was sheer madness, and i won't wanna go back ever again!
agree, now my boy also like to play with 'real' stuff as in pots and pans, chairs, iron etc. He is not interested in those toys anymore.

I got sufficient clothings and necessary stuffs at both my parent's and IL's place, so not need to carry to and fro on weekdays and weekends.

my parent's place and IL's place are a distance away although they are in the easten region. I mean in future, I also don't know when. Now my mum will continues to look after my boy.
huh... you seldom move out of Boon Keng estate is it? You know where is the national stadium and the badminton hall/fatty weng restaurant? It's between them nearby.
Bathing Chen Chen in a pail is an innovative idea
He must find it extremely fun! But can he squat down in it?

I have to tell Alicia to look up, or ask her where's the light, then when she turns to look up i quickly wash her hair:p But it really makes it easier for me now since i don't have to worry about leaving her outside alone when i shower.Previously, i let her watch vcd when i bathe.Also trying to train her so that when we go holiday next time,she can accept the shower.

Must be real tiring and hot for u carrying Nat when she's clingy now. Me and Alicia take 2 baths a day!!In France u only had to bathe Nat once a day i suppose?

Gareth looks like he went for makeover..heheh...totally different now.

Suddenly u appear on thread again and your gal is simply lovely!! Her hair is growing out so nicely!Why was ur trip cancelled?

seems like quite a no. of the bbs here fell ill on their bdays. Is Ash better?

Oh no....poor Ethan had a fall again....thk God he's fine, that's the most impt thing at the end of the day

I've sold off Alicia's high chair coz she no longer uses it and it really occupies alot of space.Its in gd condition but not same height as our dining table. So thats why decided to sell it while its still quite new.
Still contemplating whether to get her a simpler one that's same level as our dining table. Currently, she's always walking about and on the move....asked around and quite a no. of moms tell me the high chairs become white elephant. Sigh.....still thinkin whether to get or not. Any suggestions?
O now passport 5 yr @ $50. Wa x leh. I made Chen Chen's passport in Mar. Phew!

U dun intend to stay on your own?
I din opt for epidural. Endured pain till bb popped. Luckily I had swift delivery
Wow, old airport rd. There is 1 big hawker centre. The food there finger linking gd

Thx for the feedback on FP warehse sales. My colleague went. I din. She bot jeans for her son

Chen Chen sometimes stands sometimes squat dwn in the pail depending on his mood. I blow bubble while bathing him. V enjoyable bathing time
To train Alicia to bathe wif shower. 1st of all pour water over her head let her get used to water flowing dwn her face. Do it slowly. Start wif squeeing water fm towel then slowly wif a cup then scoop then can graduate to shower. Dat's wat I did to Chen Chen. I shower him when bathing in the pail
We put Chen Chen in high chair when feeding him. My mum said muz teach him to sit dwn n eat fm young. She said it is v tiring for parents to follow a child who walks abt while feeding
Heee... in france, I bathe Nat alternate days!!! Cos too drying for her skin. BUt for me, I still bathe 1 or 2 times a day.
High chair become white elephant meh?? I think v useful leh. I dun want Nat to be walking ard while I am feeding her. Sometimes after her meal, I will push the chair in front of the TV... Then I chop chop do other things.
When i squeeze water using a small towel over Alicia's head, she reacts very quickly by rubbing her eyes when water gets in them and she doesn't like it. Does Chen Chen react this way?

I do agree its really tiring for parent to feed a child who's moving abt, but usually when that happens, i stop feeding coz it means she's not hungry enuf to stay still. I think i will def still get a high chair. But i hope that by allowing her to sit at the same height as us, where she can peer at our food, it'll help to sustain her longer. Sometimes I hold her on my chair when i eat and she loves to eat wat im eating too!

I guess nat is quite different frm Alicia. My gal will never wanna be confined to her high chair to watch her vcd. She's very active practising and perfecting her new found walking skills:p Always standing/shaking to the music/walking everywhere wif her toys etc.Unless she's very tired then she sits still on the mattress to watch. Treasure these times b4 Nat gets up to walk. Coz when she starts walking, she prob WILL detest being belted in the chair for long periods.
Yup, I heard abt it, Tat when they learn to walk, they will refuse to sit and eat quietly... Well, pray hard.
Even now, she removes the seatbelts of the high chair and the car seat. V dangerous.
But why din you keep it for #2?? I felt the chair such a saviour for me. Cos I put here there since err... 4th or 5th month.
Coz i wanna get a simple high chair. Mine has other functions i do not need, eg it can recline and rock as a bed. Paid a hefty sum for it so thot of retrieving enuf frm selling it and used the $ to buy a cheaper one
Buy an economical but easy to maintain high chair if u really thinking of 1. not too bad, u still have #2 to go........

Mine, my 2 kids just refused to sit....typical white elephant!

Read ur post.........ur heart must have missed many beat seeing ethan fall! N @#@@#@ when hb asked y u walked off? NOw ethan fine n u have cooled down, think must drill this pt into hb....when u really walked off, it really mean u nowhere at sight to jaga ethan! It is norm lah, hb n wife communication breakdown, esp with fatigue!

Tks for enlightening the NFP thingy....so Val n I so called expert are wrong, GIGGLER is rite! ahahahha........

Think ur lao er coming liao......keep us posted,k?
U macham night owl and me early bird... me hungry lah...hehe...

I understand what u were saying: yeung um sook!!! (read in cantonese)
jesse's wifey.. up to him lor, whether he picks 'good' or 'bad' wife, he will have to face the consequences but we pray that he will pick the 'right' one...hehe...

It's not that I rejoice he just packs and leaves my parents house, I guess it makes things pleasant instead of him bawling every evening.

I didn't know the passport thingy has changed...jesse's is for ten years..

jas has her this issue (housing) for a long time already.
V strange for me, now I find it weird to stay at my parents if I have to, nothing beats my own place leh....

jesse has quite a lot of toys which he does not play for long, he likes my real bowls which he has already broken three... thus my latest purchse is the WTP mini fridge, at least he played for hours..hehe.. last nite he walked around with a plastic bag of dvds...
Hi morning mummies!
Bright and early... went to the market then went to work! :p Really have energy hor... but no choice lah... am having a small family party for Ethan tomorrow. Hope everything will turn oout fine. Will try to post the pics when they are ready.

eureka, I also dunno have lao er or not. Will test on Ethan's birthday.

Giggler, where are u?

deer, I went into preterm labour when I was 32weeks. At that time, 2.5cm. Then they stopped the labour. Finally, couldn't take it... have to induce Ethan at 40weeks. Dilation from 0cm. Can you imagine... the pain I had to endure at pre-term labour which lasted for about 11 hours came to nott!

B2B3M4, take care. Hope Ashley is better now.

Pigletz, thanks for having me around last night. Your hb very quiet and tall. I also shy to talk to him. ekkeeke... :p Gareth very good boy and korean look... very easy to take care.
Wish Ethan can walk soon. He seems more interested to talk though. But never mind, am not very worried yet... will start panicking if he doesn't walk by 19mths. That should give him enough time hor...

re: Ethan's fall
Am not angry with hb lah! I believe he turned the tables and try to disorientate me by asking me a question like that coz he doesn't want me to scold him. Just fed up that's all. Never imagined he'll give me an answer like that.
Re: Mattel Sales
I didnt get anything for Vane leh. Guess I was too late cos most of the nice things were gone.

Val, Randall really 'active' hor??? Bet your mom and yourself have a hard time looking after him. I think withdrawal method very dangerous one leh.

Viv, you very creative leh. I like your bday greetings to Elyse and Ashley. I think I saw u at the sales.

deer, my sil gave birth on Thu nite to a bb gal. In the end, she went thru c-section cos after 12hrs she only 5cm dilated. My bro quite disappointed cos he cant see his wife giving birth. I get depressed quite often recently, guess it's just part of the phases and really hope we get over it soon.

shook, she glue to me once I reach home for abt 2-3hrs. Then she ok liao.

Mummies, who has the excel spreadsht that contain our data? I want it leh.... And also the new mummies can update in the file too?

Jas, I dun like the new range of barbie dolls this yr leh.

<font color="ff0000">stylobb</font>, must show teacher the work mah. If not, how to pass exam???
Me too, I'll bring Vane home from my parent's place every nite w/o fail. Think that's why though my mom is the main caregiver, she still very close to me.

brenda, ya ya.. one of my frens also got Lucky Bb and it's spoilt within 1yr of extensive use.

Ruffy, both of them doesnt really seem they enjoy leh. Maybe Ryan will enjoy more with Vane? LOL!!!

skyblue, I also virgo leh... Think there's promo from Star Cruise that Virgo doesnt need to pay leh. You may want to check it out?

pringles, where did u get the big non-slip mat? I thot of getting one cos I've been showering Vane with her in the bathtub.

hong, you going to see Bill Gate??? Vane nearly swallow a coin recently too, luckily I saw it fast. Phew...

eureka, dun worry, I heavily reliance on rubber one. Your hubby also seeing Bill Gate? Where is our white house? Vane will show off her things in her mouth when she knows we notice... But she'll close her mouth very tightly once she sees my hand going in her mouth. Like you, I'll just withdraw whatever inside lah.

Mom2Nat, we also sleep quite late at abt 1am. Last nite, Vane slept at 3am, luckily hubby was ard to play with her. I knocked out at 1+ liao.

Emily, take classes for NFP??? Where to take? Me took half day leave to take care of Vane as my mom got to see bb lah.

pigletz, hahaha... Gareth and Vane can hold hands liao. Vane also like to mum mum and only knows how to say that so far. Gareth's passport phot is nice.

B2, Ashley got an eventful bday similar as Jana hor? So is she ok now?

Kis, the passport photo of Elyse looks so grown up leh. Pretty gal!!! I like the series of photos for her passport leh. All very nice.
Giggler, my church gives free classes for NFP. You wanna go? There will not be any talks on church stuff. This is purely NFP run by volunteers. Where are you located? I'll check which church or hospital you can go to for the classes if you are interested. They will teach you on how to chart. How to check and know when are the good and bad times for xxx.
thanks brenda &amp; eureka &amp; others? (hope i didn't miss out any) for remembering me....

i was down with sore throat and flu last wednesday. took one day MC... all my colleagues teased me coz i hardly take MC except maternity leave hahaha... one jap mgr even asked my colleague whether i pregnant again.

many new names here leh... tot i went in to the wrong thread hahaha

really quite impossible for me to read all past postings... will read it when i am free!

thanks to all mummies foryour concern.
Ashley is more or less back to her self. cough didn't go away.when she try to cough to hard, she still throw out her food.
sigh....here i am worried abt her weight, now she has lost even more. now can see her ribs. almost totally not on solids. only willing to eat her gerber puffs. drinking 4oz of milk 4 times a day plus 5-6 pieces of puffs twice a day. i was teliing hb, if this continues, she's going to be light enough to fly.
shall not yak anymore. going back to ashley.

Ashley sick? Many days?
If my Janelle is sick, she is on total FM till she recover.

When she throw out, is the phlegm out as well? If so then its ok...
Dun worry they build back the fats when they recovered.

u so healthy! never MC before..

did i mention that i dun do programming. i am pretty hopeless in logic, so u wld get to see me in Java seminar.

I went to collect Janelle's passport this morning. Waited for nearly 30 mins and i wondering why those number after mine were called and not mine.
I asked the staffs and she came back telling me i missed my number. I told her i walk in to wait once i got the Q number and i never walk away...
She said my no was called but i never approach them...

Yah i went, then i left after bill gates finished althot there are 2 more speakers. Nothing much, talking abt future IT trends, of course how MS is going to help Spore and why MS is better that Linux lor.
