(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

Hi Jul
Wat a relief Ian is better now!

Looking forward to see ur 2 kids in person

Aunty Lyn and Jerald
I also got 2 new puppies, siberian husky and chihuahua:p

Me and stuffed toy cow

Happy weekend mums!

Alicia looks like she grows so much overnite! Smhow, she looks different here! Other mummies, u all feel so??

Hi Mummies,
HEre it goes...Elyse's 'career destiny' for fun.....if u can decode..........

Hello.......my 1st ang bao n i am chinese lunar 2yrs old today!


My greedy kor kor, targetting at my red eggs n got his face stained!


My 1st taste of drumstick,


My 1st pick


My 2nd Pick


Looks like elyse wont follow the footstep of Aunty Shook or AUnty JO! She maybe in the same line as AUnty Hazel...oh no........'labourer' by 2nd nature????? Nvm, fall back as boring engineer then (measuring tape)
Thks for BJG's contact no. How was the trial?

Aiyooo, so cham, to be stabbed by dunno who. Must be careful leh cos got xiao ren ard in ur office.

Gd to know dat Ian is recovering

In all the pics, Ryan always seems to be a sunshine boy
wow! yummy drumstick. wonder whether elyse or u wld like ashrel's yummy, bak bak drumstick(thighs), hehee..
i like elyse hair now, af combing, so neat n sweet

yup, somtx i oso so tired. ashrel has endless energy, i dun. i 'surrender'!

we went for hotel stay at marriot to celebrate our 3rd wedding anniversary. not 'bb friendly' hotel, no bb pool, n look at the cold metal cot, like a 'cage'. in the end, he slept w us on the big bed.
pic 1: free me!
pic 2: else i will climb out n escape
pic 3: hehee... i m free

Hello all,
miss out a lot of things, only quickly reply to those I remember...hope I didn't left out anyone.

Who is collecting money for Jaz's gift? Can count me in?

Forever friends,
Hey, I signed up for one term at BJG and they ask for the friend's name. Think u will get discount. You will to PM your real name or something. Did u sign up? Anyone sign up?

think u ask for tristan's pic....been trying to reduce the size..I try again..

gotto go bath tristan...father and son impatient...
Hi ALL!!! Deer esp..

so sorry haven't been in. Matt's sitter touring Japan with family so I'm stuck looking after him since Thursday

He's been very good except for a bit of teething episodes...

I've found out that I take 1hr to prepare his lunch!! and dinner!!

Tomorrow last day..phew!!

I managaed to sneak in some time to say hello and that i'm ok... morning sickness gone (or too distracted with Matt n 2 other kids to occur)

Oh FIL took a fall friday morning EARLY!! MIL saw his pillow bloody..so sent him to A & E..

... had a stitch and now at home recuperating...

luckily no concussion etc..

The friend in last stage of cancer I mentined is now in CCU. I'm also ferrying her kids to n from school... school's in Shenton Way near hubby's office. I don't think she has long but still praying hard..

Now I understand what it's like having 3 kids under one roof!!! Headache!! Touch everything...

Got to go...KK, FIL n MIL struggling with the kids...Luckily.. the kids not sticky with anyone.

Take care and will pop in Tuesday...
yah...agree with eureka, alicia look quite different. her features getting sharper ....

nice pics! how come elyse dress so long? that's a HUGE drumstick leh ...

mummies ..okie here's some photos from yesterday's party to share

party venue decor

play area

party favors

birthday cake

and finally the birthday girl !
those fotos ar v nice. jana is so sweet. i like d colours, pastel n v pleasant. was the venue a condo club hse? those toys (at play area) are jana's?

wat tx is the gathering on sat?

2mrow is monday agn
tink i wont hav much tx to cum in to chat.
2 fotos to share. 1) ashrel loves to eat 2) his favourite 'car ride'

Jana's bday deco is simply sooo beautiful!! Nice deco, nice color theme and gorgeous looking cake too! Where did u get the cake? Jana sure looks like she enjoyed everything mummy prepared for her

Hahaa....the drumstick looked even bigger than Elyse!

Gd that u, hubby and. Ashrel had a break. Ashrel looks totally a big boy now!

Today hubby and I brought Alicia to town to do some shopping. As usual, after walking alot, we wanted to sit and drink. We thot we'd probably never find the perfect eat out place that is baby friendly ever until we stumbled upon this cafe in OG called 'Hemispheres'. After we were showed to our seats, i instantly sensed that Alicia was gonna love this place alot! Not that it was exactly baby friendly literally, but its an interesting place to begin with - there were pebbles used for camouflage/deco along the pavements and round our table, the chairs were plush and comfy, next to the pebbly floor was the full length glass windows where she simply enjoyed looking down at the world go by below. I mean, she spent the whole time there picking pebbles and passing them to us, exploring the floor textures, peeking out of the window and enjoying the soothing jazzy music, it felt like we were at a beach within a building - wat else could a bb ask for??hahaaaa......we finally found Alicia's favourite cafe! Cool place to chill out for bbs who won't put pebbles into their mouths:p
I suddenly think of another remedy for sore throat. Gargle salt water. The more concentrate the salt water. The faster it heals. Gargle only dun drink

Wen xin gor gor n mei mei pic
Elyse oso picked 2 items. sama sama Chen Chen

Bravo to Ian. He fought the bugs

BJG trial wz gd. I wanna register for Chen Chen. I highly recommend. Do u wanna join?

I negotiated wif the boss if I get 4 bb, she give all 4 bb further discount. Hv u pd deposit? U register for which day wat time?
Tristan v chubby n cute

V sweet b'dy deco

Nice wedding anniversary celebration. Your hubby's idea to celebrate in hotel?
I have the same sentiments, one hour plus for lunch and dinner each. wah man, whole day busy with baby stuff...a bit thank god don't have to do everyday....

so sad to hear about your friend. How is the family taking?....since have baby, I have been thinking how pitiful for the baby if anything happen to us....touch wood..and after hearing about things that happen around....so much unexpected events....so now conscientiously go and talk to insurance agent...

yes, I have paid deposit. I register for sat, 415 slot for crawlers...have u registered?
VEry nice well co-ordinated deco! The butterfly on the wall blends well with the one on the bd cakes!

Think u made the wall deco urself?? I went down to concourse but didnt like the deco stuffs there, didnt get any at all! I have no time n resources to self made too..........hahahahah, cracking my head!

Jana is a pretty bd girl........these are very nice n sweet memory for her......mama did a fantastic job!

The cake frm where?

Hi sanrio,
ASh looks much better looking with hair, very big boy now but he does not appear huge to me!
Hey Viv,
Most of Jana's attire are sleeveless n her arms still looks right size.

Tried a few dresses on Elyse. I luv 1 of the wrap ard sleeveless dress v much but she kind of look so undersized in it despite it is size 1!

No dress for her yet............any suggestion?
So wat must be laid out for them to choose? Must it be done on lunar b'day? Sorry huh, cos i missed out the earlier posts on these. Tink Shook posted. The drumstick looks so yummy. N ur fotos r always so heartwarming. Machiam telling us to quickly have No 2 :p

I wanna go for trial 1st b4 commiting. Btw, where exactly is it? After posting on fri asking u for the contact, i went down to raki the place but can't find! It's at the HDB area office blk rite? 2nd flr is area office, 3rd flr is Nissi childcare. Then where is BJG?

The bday bash venue looks so cool. Jana must have enjoyed herself greatly.

Same here, i always wonder where Kieran gets his energy from. Hubby always refers him as energizer rabbit. Must totally exhaust every ounce of energy then willing to zzz. After a short while of rest, fully recharged n the cycle begins again. Marriot is such a grand hotel, y the cot so ko yak one? Speaking of Marriot Hotel, it always reminds me of the birth of Kieran cos my water bag burst there, n gotta rush to hospital! Ashrel still looks pretty much the same, wif the bah bah thighs :p

Tristan is so bah bah

When i was reading ur description of the perfect bb cafe, I was tinking sure not perfect for me (cos haven read the part where u mentioned it's a cool pl to chill out for bbies who won't put pebbles into their mouths). Kieran's new chewing toy is that 'plastic' which is supposedly to be placed at corners of tables to prevent them from knocking there (wat do we call dat???). Lyn, u're rite...dat thing is useless!!!!
I hv not registered yet. Thot of getting more bb n get further discount
I intend to register for Sat 4:15 class
I read your posting agn. U mean u provided my name to bjg n they said they will gimme discount?

Pick the items on lunar b'dy coz tis is a chinese tradition
drumstick = chef
ruler = engineer
book = teacher
calculator = businessman
$ = banker
BJG is tog wif Nissi childcare
U stayed in Marriot when your waterbag burst?

Do u wanna register wif bjg @ Pasir Ris?

Feel so sorry for your friend. Hope the miracle dat happened to Brenda happens to your friend
So cute, this weekend's photos... got cheena birthday celebration vs western kind. Both done so nicely!! Bravo to the mummies.

Was elyse allowed to finish that yummy chicken drumstick?

Sweet sweet Jana as usual...

Tristan looks like daddy?

Hb actually wrote to Tiger in Japan for the english cookbook and we received it via registered post over the weekend!! Thanks for your offer anyway. Hmm... but i think the other mummies will still be keen to see it at Elyse's party.
Morning mummies,
Whao..Jana had such a cool party with those party favours..can really bake their own birthday cake

so you will e-mail us your addy ? Will bring along a packet of balloons to make doggies at the party
U have ballon pump right?
pringles, try the whole wkend to no success!!! he will wake up middle of nite n cry!!! like hving nitemare...loud wailing!!! give tutu also dun wan, give new doggies also dun wan!!! must carry and craddle/saiyang him like newborn.

got a husky (like alicia's), chihuahua n bulldog for him to choose....but he will snif snif abt...found no familiar smell, he will just flank it aside!!

sahm, u mean to reverse to reposition car will get -2pts?? stress lah...

very nice pixs u got there.....kor kor n mei mei.

skyblue....issue was of last wk...hopfully this wk will be better.

viv, so ev jana got such nice/organised party. i like the venue.

shook, didnt let jerald pick items on his lunar b'day leh?? tot to do it this friday since i'm on hlf day....not so rush.
thanks for all the compliments!

yes its a club hse at my sis's place. No lah...those toys will cost me a bomb! rented them from the balloon man. but i trying real hard to pyscho her daddy to buy the kitchen set for her

pringles, eureka
cake's from cedele depot...turn out a little dry ...and the decor on cake not exactly what i hv in mind ...baker din really get the idea of what i wanted.

yup, made the wall deco myself...quite easy lah ...just get the color paper and cut cut cut

i altered the length of the shoulder strap for Jana else the dress too big also...hmm...u check out chateau de sable yet?
Viv, WONDERFUL JOB!!!! I am giving you a standing ovation now! Such pretty decors! And Jana is so sweet in her dress! Sure is wonderful memories for her!
Hi, so eureka, what's elyse's 1st choice? I don't know whether to prepare the items for Ethan to choose or not leh... headache.

Sanrio, Wow! bet you enjoyed yourself at Marriot... at least can relax!

This weekend (Sunday) am bringing Ethan to Sentosa - underwater world... then to my friend's wedding dinner there. We'll staying the night there. Hope Ethan will enjoy. Can't wait!

Viv, the party deco looks so sweet and nice.
Where did you get the butterfly and wordings? Did Jana enjoy herself? How many guests did you have?
Alicia looks so sweet, agree with Eureka, she looks like a big girl.

Elyse looked blur blur with her 1st ang bao leh, maybe she's wondering whether she can bite on the red ang bao ;)
U let Elyse try on the drumstick ... wish her yi shi wu you with the drumstick and beautiful dress

Rae looked so cute with the red mustache ;)

Yeah, yeah, i asked to see ur Tristan in swim suit ;) Tristan looked like a big boss in this photo: chubby face, white shirt and black pants, a towkay look! ;)
I think Shook is collecting the money for Jaz's gift, but she has already calculated each person's share. U can chk with her whether she still can count u in.

U very bz huh? Glad to know tt ur FIL is ok. My grandfather fell down 2 weeks ago also, and he was warded to ICU for a while. and he is now recuperating at my uncle's hse.
Feel so sad for ur friend, it must be tough for her family and relatives. R u helping ur friend to take care of her kids also? U take care of urself too.

Jana must hv a wonderful time for her bday celebration, the deco looked so sweet, the cake looked so yummy. And the bday girl looked so happy

Ashrel another big fan of Sesame Street?

Thanks for still thinking abt my sore throat ;) It is killing me now!!! I hv gargled with salt water since Friday, this is always the first thing i will do when i hv sore throat, but it is still not getting any better leh ... i dont see anything wrong with my throat, except for some redness, dunno why it's still not cured after i hv drank so much honey water (with lemon as suggested by QSG) and i hv eaten so much bittergourd liao. Dun wanna see doc just for sore throat leh, i know i will not take the medicine and i guess no MC for just sore throat ... i will see how ... maybe i will try the coke with salt method tonite.

Jerald so poor thing, he missed his chow chow doggie? hope he will be acquainted with the new doggies soon.

Dun say i didnt update u with YH's development hor ... this weekend i brought YH to my PIL's hse, when my BIL carried him, he looked at me, and looked at my BIL again, then looked at me again, then started to cry out loud! My FIL laughed and carried YH over, YH stopped crying the min he was carried away, but when he saw it was my FIL carrying him, he cried again! So i took him back. My MIL came over and tried her luck, but no luck for her either. I think YH had started to recognise faces, he cried when unfamiliar faces touched or carried him. He only allowed me or my hubby to carry him. But the strange thing is i see my PIL almost every weekends, last weekend he allowed my MIL to carry him, but not this week ... very strange, i dun understand why.
I got a "love bite" fr YH on Fri, while i was feeding him, he pulled out the bottle teat, turned his head to bite my arm and started sucking! U can imagine how painful it is, it still leave a mark on my arm. Lucky he didnt aim at my neck, otherwise it will be most embarassing! :p
What did u and Jem did during the weekend? Experiment ur magic pot with ur hubby??
I burst out lauf'g when i read of ur love bite from YH! hahaha...
Teach ur In Laws to play distract games w YH when carrying.. soon, he'll get over his separation anxiety.
We went 'CC shopping' and did mid-year Spring Cleaning over the weekend...hahhah. Brought Jem to Hard Rock tho. We were like,"Wah.. time flies! One year back Jem was still in the tummy. Now, he's snatching our food!" Yupz, this week we used the magic pot to boil Lau Huang Gua Soup...
eureka, Vane can be very scheming but cute at the same time.
hahaha. Your day really eventful with Rae leh. I also feel that Im useless when Vane started her wayang to demand for things. Most of the time, I give in to her cos cant stand her cryings. After that, I'll feel very lousy that I'm not a good mother cos I not effective in teaching her the right things. Sigh.... So qiao, I just tried the Minute Maid limeade over the weekends. I like it too. I didnt let Vane choose red pkts or measuring tape. I haven vanished into thin air yet.... Attended courses last week and busy bringing Vane to trial class over the weekends so didnt come in. Very happy that I dun feel as depressed as prev mths when my yi-ma came visiting this week. Sori, what did Elyse choose first? I cant really tell from the pix.

skyblue, Kieran didnt change his looks much hor?

shook, I cant deprive my parents for watching TV too. But I'm lucky that my mom doesnt watch too much TV at home. Maybe I shouldn't mind so much abt the childcare if they only let the kids watch half an hour TV hor? Your mil a bit too much to feed Chen Chen fm without your knowledge leh. I'm torn bet GUG & BJG now leh... GUG got more exposure and nearer to my place but feel that can start later for Vane. BJG very far from my place but I believe in Glenn Doman's method. HOW???

jul, aiyo hope Ian is better now with his hand foot mouth disease. Ya lor, Vane's cake very ex hor, that's why I'm not going to have any more parties for the next few yrs.

QSG, how many balloons do u need? Once you go in to Carpe Diem, you'll see the toilets liao. And the toilets only have low walls but no doors leh.

deer, aiyo YH only bully you and hubby? Vane is a great actress nowadays. I really dun know how to control her at times. You're rite that I posted at nite nowadays. No choice cos busy at work lah.

brenda, I think Learning Seeds has toilet inside. Have u decide on any cc? I visited Tree House last Fri, quite like their environment but they only willing to accept Vane when she;s at least 20-22 mths. I cant afford to wait till that long. Hahaha me same same, always have missed calls end of the day. You must not under-estimate our bb's capabilities leh. Vane was so quiet when she was newborn and she really caught me off-guard by being a good actress now. Which cc did u visit over the weekends?

absolut, after I brought Vane to Hadyai, I told myself that I'm not bringing for trip anymore till she's older. I find that all of us cant enjoy at all leh. How come Ally so attached to your maid nowadays? You no time for her cos you tired with No.2?

jo, what's the lowest ratio and which center? Did Elleana from the other thread shared with you which center she's from? I very headache with cc now leh. Do u know that papaya is rich in Vit C? It's even better than oranges.

pringles, Vane's nap and sleeping times all haywired too. She didnt really have fix timing esp during weekends. Cos me bad mommy, I'll just bring her out irregardless of her nap time. Alicia looks different in these pix leh.

Val, my hubby also sama sama. Told him to look after Vane while I bathed yday. When I came out of the toilet, Vane was not in the bedroom anymore. And my hubby still grabbed his bolster and sleep so soundly. Nearly feel like chopping him at that moment too.

Viv, when will GUCCI sales end? Thot of getting a handbag from there. Hahaha I like it that both u and hubby have planned out how you want to celebrate Jana's bday. I like your deco for Jana's party leh. And the bday girl looks so sweet and pretty.

Ruffy, wow can see potential of being hunk man from Ryan's photos leh.
I'll bring along my pump but dun think I have enough balloons leh.

PVL, why is Sarah afraid of the flame?

sanrio, it's Mission Impossible for all the bb to sit side by side to take grp photos now. Hahaah. I had good laughs seeing Ashrel's pix.

pigletz, my addy: [email protected]. If not, you can post them in Yahoo grp?

cFaith, which center u sign up with at BJG? Me still considering and in a dilemma now bet BJG and GUG. Anyone can help me out??? Tristan is one handsome boi leh.
Mummies, me not in very good mood. hb started having toothache and fever yesterday, bad mood and i kena from him many times felt so hurt
Requires root canal surgery but dunno when then have appointment. Can only rely on pandol meanwhile.

Eureka, i bought the car seat from Robs already over the weekend. No stock but i paid first they will deliver. Won't be going to your place this sat (i felt i would miss out so much fun)as we need to be at home from 9 to 1pm waiting for magic pot and stuff from Robs. Too rush.

While shopping i went CS to buy a drink happened to see Minute Maid and bought the lemonade to try, nice. You tried the lime one also? nice?

Viv, i wanted to buy the kitchen set for Dana yesterday but hb said too early to buy. I was talking to the SA at Robs she said the fisherprice foldable type not as solid as another brand she recommended (can't remember the brand)slightly more ex then fisherprice. When do you intend to let Jana play with the kitchen set? I like your decor too for her birthday.

Pringles, i agree with eureka Alicia does look different now.

Giggler, maybe you just keep 5? are you selling the pump to your colleague as well? How did you learn to fold the balloon into animals? got instruction manual? Where is tee house?

Brenda, your hb very on , write to Tiger in Japan
But they are very nice to send you the cookbook so soon. Old cumumber cook with what?

Deer, is your sorethroat very bad? if really that bad maybe go see doc? i started the honey with lemon right from the start of a slight sorethroat and i was okay in about 3 days. Sometimes i do gargle with salt water also and even drink abit.
Do u add a lot a lot of salt in the water to gargle? The salt water has to b v concentrated 1.
Chen Chen bites too. He seems to bite me more than other ppl. He likes to bite my shoulder n my leg ouch!

@ least your mum doesn't watch TV too much. My mum switches on cartoon early in the morning to let Chen Chen watch. Then 3 or 4 +pm she watches TV till 10pm
No My MIL din get the chance to feed Chen Chen. We dun stay @ her plc. N she won't hv the chance to feed Chen Chen coz Chen Chen screams n cries when my MIL carries him
I made up my mind. I m going to sign CHen Chen for BJG coz I think right brain training has to start as young as possible. I will look into GUG later when Chen Chen can converse well
If I were u, I wld send Vane to BJG. Bsides starting early on right brain training, my friend told me BJG teaches Chinese which is not taught in GUG. Go OCC nearer to your plc but April not teaching there rite

Your hubby feels v painful n gets irritated easily. No choice juz try not to talk to him. How come dunno when can make appt wif dentist?

I missed out your note on joining in the gift for Jaz. So sweet of u to join in tho u dunno her.

Contribution for gift to Jaz
1. Brenda
2. Shook
3. Hazey
4. Pigletz
5. Eureka
6. Giggler
7. Absolut
8. Val
9. Emily
10 Sanrio
11 Priviledged
12 B2B3M4
13 Natallie
14 Lyn
15 Jul
16 Deer
17 Pringles
18 Skyblue
19 QSG
20 Jo
21 Viv
22 Cfaith
$104 divided among 22 ppl. Ea 1 contributes $4.75. Those not going to Eureka's hse tis Sat pls email me at [email protected]. I email Jul's bank details to u.
For a moment, I didnt know u r the one that post here, u hardly have long post, addressing to so many pple

Ok....will post bd foto to let u see?

WAt brand is the car seat? Think my prudential car seat is gone by now.....motherhood's fair ended so long already, cant reserved for so long i think.

Minute maid mummies,
Nice rite? Lime, havent tried yet
.......this forum so cute, any tiny weeny mundane we can try n share!

HI Lyn,
ok lah.......-2pts, better than -10pts hitting kerb rite? 1st tx re-position, it is ok. 2nd time re-position then -2pts.

HEy, look forward to seeing JErald n u ah....elyse does not like mee sua! Jerlad dun like oso rite??

Hi Giggler,
THink the 2 of us TAT timing the same leh
We can get cranky n moody together....hahahhaha......

Childcare.......indeed headache. I think heng suay oso...we can never gauge frm superficial visiting n also to expect teachers n their handling to our expectation. haiz......I usually hear frm older kids (those after school care kids) their disclosure abt the school. U will shiver n freak out!

TOilets, open concept cos teachers may find it easier to monitor n thus safer?

Hi Ruffy,
PUMP? issit those yellow rubber type? I bot one for the swimming float, can it be used for ballons as well? I very 'toad' hor, paisay!

HI Skyblue,
Heartwarming? YEs, they are! Also have displeasure moment lah, just that not shown here. Ups n Downs lah but still sweet to have the 2 of them.......u hear the saying '2days gd, 3 days notti?' can't be more real n true!

Hi Emily,
Elyse chose ang bao.......banker or ah long lao, or maybe cashier at 7-11? ahhahahhaa....for fun lah

Hi Brenda/Emily,
I think the cheena celebration is cool n fun. HAhahhah, preparing those ang kong kong eggs, buy drumstick, prepare mee sua........preparing those items, so fun. WHen u see the kids so curious, lagi more fun!

Hi Deer,
How r u! Think u too heaty liao lah. ayoh, u got drink orleadea water anot? she chao shui.....drink while u at work lor....take it as water....but 1-2 botttles will do lah

U r rite, elyse finally bite the ang bao!

Yuan yuan YH, i waiting to see this sat!
oh no, sori to hear that ur hubby isnt feeling well....can imagine how much the pain and irritation is getting into him and u have to bear with it too....hang in there...hope u'll find some way not to let him affect u too much
Take care!

Jerald still misses his old toy ah?So cute...but tiring for u. Hope he'll get over it soon.

You are not a bad mummy!Pls don't say that.Sometimes we have to run our errands and have no choice but bring bb along.

So Kieran would put pebbles into his mouth??LOL....i ever did consider buying those table corners too but never did eventually...in the end just folded up my wooden coffee table and kept in the storeroom for time being. Removed most of my kitchen drawer handles too coz Alicia luvs to pull open and dig out everything she finds in there:p

Have u tried drinking ENO or gargling with listerine? It doesnt really work on me but does on some people i know.Starfruit juice is also gd.....hope u recover soon.

Ashrel is another sesame street fan?Seems alot of our bbs here can join the fan club alredi..LOL
sahm, sure will meet up with you this sat....but i hope i can be in time as "the other side" is holding a wedding recep at lor ah soo ....anyway...i think most mummies here knows i dun "give a damm" abt "the other side"....hope i'll be at ur plc abt 1.30+++ 2pm...KEEP SOME FOOD FOR ME HOR!

yep jerald hate mee sua...keeps hving the merlion look...i think he finds it too fine for swallowing???

pringles....my mum's bn bugging me the whole wkend to call the CS at carrefour to to if they found his comfort pet....but....i think it's all god's will...otherwise duno how/when i can wean him off. i v.heartless

shook...still no chance to talk to woodblock abt bjg....so vexed....sorry cant give u definate ans.
Shook, hb said his case will need 6 visits. Root canal plus crowning. Will cost at least $1300. He said want to let student dentist at NUH do it at half the price but i find it quite risky. I asked him to go poly to get referral letter to NDC but poly full house no time slot left for him when he reached there. He took leave today and at home said fever shot up to 39deg. Dunno how long he can tahan and his plan next. Seems that regardless of where he goes cannot get it done so quickly since require so many visits. He felt irriatable i also gek sim now have to handle 2 babies.

Eureka, i got the nania one but not the one on sale previously. Its another range they just imported.$239 before discount. Got the red one match with our milano red jazz.
forum cute hor? this is what i like sharing about about anything under the sun no matter how small

Eureka & lyn, nowadays when i am at the driving centre waiting for my session, i felt very glad that i got my licence already when the instructors there kept asking "anybody here for test warm up"...imagine the anxiety the candidates are feeling
i got 1 more lesson but i booked in in july since car coming only in july. The instructor said best is wait till my car comes then i can learn parking using jazz (i go driving centre drive their car to my place then switch car)as the current honda city measurements are very different from jazz so i learn already end up dunno how to park jazz. I learnt vertical parking abit last thu but the instructor not very patient with me lei. Btw, can enlighten me again what is 3 point turn?
QSG, got to 'ren' your hubby now since he's in pain lah. No, I'm keeping the pump as it's really good. I learnt the balloon sculpturing in office. No instruction manual leh, but quite easy to learn lah. Tree House is bungalow near the police station.

shook, my fren told me to go GUG cos she feels that we can flash cards on our own. But it's different the way she flash hor? I'm really in dilemma now. I also think that right brain training got to start young leh. Also, it's not good to let Vane go thru 2 lessons over the weekends. Aiya, I really luan now.

eureka, but I afraid that the toilets so open that you can have dirty old man to peep in leh. Moreover, Vane is gal gal mah so I dun feel good abt it. Maybe I think too much and over-protective? Your yi-ma also come this week? Think we can make effort not to let our yi-ma affect our mood leh. At least, it helps this mth...

pringles, heehee guess I'm those mummies who would sacrifice my gal's feeding and sleeping time for convenience sake. I can wake Vane up if it's time to go out leh, I wont use her as excuse to be late lah. Heehee
QSG....making me nervous and testing my v.limited knowledge again....

3point turn, turn, reverse, acc....go, 3point turn lor!! (DUN PONG PONG ME)

3point turn is done when there's insufficient space for u to do a full u-turn. so u turn, position ur car, then reserve, then fwd again to complete the turn.

giggler, shook, the way april flashes those cards...really amazed me!! went home n fan xing fan xing...at the rate i flash those cards....no wonder jerald not interested.
the party is from what time to what time? I also have a gd friends wedding party to attend in the afternoon that day so may either come earlier or a bit later..btw what time you are cutting cake?
giggler, don't know why Sarah is afraid of the flame. I reckon because it moves by itself.

viv, wow, Jana looks like she had a really fun birthday celebration. Very well thought out decor, and the cake looks really yummy and very sweetly decorated.

eureka, oh, now I see how you do the choosing items thing. The drumstick really is big. Does it signify something? Pardon my ignorance.
I'm curious... what's ryan sitting on?

Hubby and I walk to Nanyang on Saturday and visit all the CCs along the way. Din noe there's so many!!! But conclusion is.. all look same same leh. But i do like their open windows/fans concept in comparison to Learning Seed all air-con. Anyway, i still have plenty of time cos my infant centre says they wanna keep Jerome till end of his 18th month. Relax abit leh... ur anxiety over Vane's cc and weekend classes making me a bit gan cheong too..Hahahah

u din do anything special for hb yesterday issit?? My hb also sulk when i insisted that he greet me Happy Father's Day early in the morning. Why panadol only? can't get anything stronger?
Hb very onz cos its food related?? furthermore, he was playing w his Mac program... actually typed in English while the program convert it to jap before he send.

Guess what... after talking to hb my concerns on bb2, he told me the same things as u did. That the more i think abt it, the more i'll hesitate and there'll never be a right time. So it's a matter of adjusting to the 'growth' in the family. Hahaha... now i'm very assured to take it easy.

u still ill meh?

mummies... u gals making me very gan cheong leh!! with all the nice nice bdae pics and discussions on right brain developments, flash cards, classes etc.. Me still haven't do anything at all. Eureka! ur drumstick pic makes me realise i dun even noe Jem's lunar birthdate.. and Jana's mummy, (was it u that say hi to me at kfc just now?) ur wonderful effort in decorating the place up make me so ashamed that i have yet to even think of where to get the cake. Aiyoh, think must tell jem dun play for a few evenings liao
It's his granny's OTO massage chair..she covered it to prevent it from being dusty.. she is currently in Japan will come back tonight

cannot guess what it was right
Y u all ALL comment the drumstick is huge?? It is bcos elyse is very petite mah. If I am eating, u all will comment the drumstcik too small for me!

party is frm 12-3pm....cutting cake ah, i will see the number of guest n adjust lor.



brought fwd my rascal's b'day celebration as his actual day falls on a friday....

no posh venue, nor pretty decor....just at my mum's plc. full details found in his webby.

brenda...soyabean hasnt bn coming in often...but she hv bn updating her journal...go read.
Lyn, thanks for enlightening, i haven't tried 3 point yet.

Brenda, bought something for hb lai. Yesterday he toothache and fever, vent his anger on me yet insisted on bringing his family out for dinner when he is feeling so unwell can postpone if really unwell mah unless his parents are so unreasonable and not understanding. Felt hurt and unjustified.Everytime if something to do with his parents like going their place for dinner, kept chasing me when i am feeding dana...how to rush when dealing with bb, can shove everything in the bowl in her mouth one shot?Think so easy to feed bb
as if his parents cannot wait 5 or 10 mins. Along the way to have dinner yesterday, he still bully me, when i saw his mum, i told her i can't go for dinner anymore and try to push the pram with me yet hb stopped my pram ask me to leave without dana. His parents must be thinking i troublemaker or what..i really "ren" hb the whole day till i cannot pretend nothing happen fighting tears and hav the dinner. I explained to his dad why i can't stay for dinner but he bo chap me so unreasonable. Felt like XXYYZ@@##Z him.I really wish i can nothing to do with his family.

Aiyah, just got caught by boss when typing this, he is back from his leave.
Being laid back mum is gd oso, u dun stress jem or urself mah. then u only shower him with ur love, full attention n he is the more secured n will progress well too!

I also have ur kind of feeling b4 but i learn to manage lor. As i talk to more mums, i start to wonder if i am not doing enuff for my kids n got pent up. SHichida, lorna whiston, Julia gabriel, glenn domain flashcards etc......Shd i send....then talked to hb n he asked me wat's our kids' utmost needs NOW? SO i learn to manage n be less kiasu or affected. I tot if i give him my luv, attention, give him confidence n security, lots of happiness, joy, next time he can cope with life issues better! MAybe i am wrong??

#2, AH BISH u, i shared so much, u dun digest. THen hb talked to u then u orr orr, agree.......tsk tsk........
tks v much for all the lovely comments.

dunno whether Jana will remember it or not leh ... but mummy definitely had lots of fun!

i made the butterfly n wordings from normal color paper u can get from shop selling art paper...those that they sell by pieces.

i love ryan's float!

not sure how long the gucci sale will last leh... and not all items r not sale only specific designs only. i also just bring Jana around regardless of her sleeping time ...anyway its difficult to put her to nap during weekends. that's y she's super tired during weekends and come monday, my mum always hv an easier time cos she'll sleep almost the whole day

hmmm...if Jana does get the kitchen set from her daddy then probably will let her start playing now cos it helps her to practise how to pull up to stand and also cruising around. Jana loves to play cooking! ... she'll take a spook/fock and then put some stuff into plates/pans and start stirring them around.

Jana's opposite...she wanted to reach out and touch the flame!

yes, it is mua who said hello to u ... next time u lunch at bm can jeo me ...me also same same, after seeing eureka's pic last nite i went to check Jana's lunar birthday and realise it's over already! dun gan joing..u still hv 3 wks mah ..
sahm...well at least u got chance to talk to ur hubby....i just cant be bothered anymore.

sent jerald for trial class....my hp was ringing n ringingn..."done yet?" " i at car park" " u coming down now?"....etc non stop leh!! ring 2xs and sms abt 3-4 times!!! so frustrated!!! and when i urge him to come up....he's up but he refuse to come in and stood outside the sch!!!

when i ask him shd our son go for such lessons...he said...u went for trial rite...u decide lor....DONE. PERIOD. SLIENCE...CHAPTER CLOSED.

qsg....now i now why u said no2 must wait....wait for relationship to be more stablise.....now i know.

3point turn: i learner only leh...yet u still chk with me n sahm...i felt so flatter leh.
lyn, I talked to April and she told me that Vane not interested cos I flashed too slow. But she assured me that practice will make things perfect. I thot u going for meals at hotels to celebrate Jerald's bday? It's your hubby who kept calling on Sat? Maybe he missed you that's why kept urging u to go down? hahaha.... At least, your hubby bothers to pick you up after the session leh. My hubby no where to be seen and I still got to take mrt all the way back to Boon Lay myself hor.

brenda, heehee maybe I'm those impatient type? Guess once I set on doing something, I want to accomplish it asap. Do u find those at void deck better than learning seeds? Did u visit Carpe Diem at Blk 739?

eureka, u say until like I'm so kiasu and didnt give Vane my attention and love leh. Actually for me, I want Vane to go for classes cos I find that I spent most of my weekends doing nothing with her. Also, she's having fun and enjoying during the lessons. So why not let her have the right environment to enjoy herself???

Viv, heehee. At least there's one mom like me who doesnt really bother abt our bb's nap times. I've a friend who got to work ard her bb's schedule like feeding or sleeping time. She really made me wonder if I'm doing the right thing cos all these never comes to my mind. Also, I cant understand when mummies say that they may not be able to make it to certain place cos it's their bb's nap times.
Ayoh Giggler,
U dun say until like tat lah! I think it is the mindset n objective of ours to send our kids to program n activities tat matter. If u r those succumb to peer pressure, or other kids go, i want my kids to go, then it is not so gd lor. But if u think the program helps n ur kids luv it, it is entirely different story liao. U get wat i mean?? Still dun get it ah, come on sat, we go 1 corner, we talk it out..........AHahahahhaahahaah.........

Hi lyn,
I know wat u mean......ur hb n my hb same same! c/c issues, kids' issues, all rely on me. Smtx, i console myself tat he leaves it to me cos he trust me n knows i can handle well. Smtx it eats me up n i boil, nag.....'can u PLS participate, more involved anot!!!!'........hahahha....familiar?

I dun know how to 3pt turn liao now.......hhaahahah!

<font color="ff0000">AYOh Giggler</font>,
I very scared leh, did i offend u ah? But every1 entitled to their own opinions n tots lah.....
