(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

Deer.... I really luff out loud when I read ur posting... the part abt the books being all sold out! I believe it will really happen! hahahahaha

Jem still haven't reach that stage to cry for things he wan.. he gets distracted easily.

Hahhaha, randall must be thinking,"u not pretty as mama.. no time for u"
hahahah pretend cough?? hb was telling me jem take tissue pretend blow nose, i din believe. K, i'll go look out!
Did u say anything to me that i no reply? Nowadays i read only TO EUREKA leh....

Is ZL sick....hey hey, i order ur food liao hor, cannot say dun come.........still got more than a week to recover......

VIt c.......rich C.....broccoli!!!!!!

Hi Brenda,
Or some mums just dun want to show their not so perfect image?? Hhahahha......

I laugh n drop dead on ur comment........

Hi Deer,
No no........those incidents that u relate were during ur maternity, post natal blues n hormones not balance mah....

Ayah, we are still wondermama lah.....
Rae still say 'mummy, i 'loft' u!'
WHen hazey asked abt how come u must be armoured, u shd tell her that's the theme for Elyse's bd mah.......then she n tyra come in warrior's suit....hahaahah.....

Going to get report card of Rae liao.......tata......
Where?? Where did Deer mentioned abt books sold out ah????????? Wat's so funni, i want to read leh......later tonite lah..........

Shook ah.......
Frm morning till late morning still at home issit, n those irritating pestering phone call....ah duh.........familiar mannnnn..........hahahhaha
Randall will blow nose. So, I think Jem is really doing it.

Count Randall n me in for next sat event. I hope everyone is fit n well so we can go to ur place n tear down ur house. LOL. Most imptly, get ur hb to take nice nice pics of our bbs. Of cos, if can include the mummies then, merrier lah :p
Randall take medicine quite steady one. I mean general speaking lah. Not much hazzel. Unless, the medicine really v jia lat. Otherwise, ask him open his mouth. He will juz open n take.
In fact my mum said, if feed him solid is as ez as feeding medicine, how nice will tat be?!?! haha... Choy choy choy!!!!!!!
<font color="ff0000">TO SAHM!</font>

No, deer say, after B2 mention abt the books, then sekali they will all disappear off the shelves... like the Gerber Puffs!
Viv..hahahhaa! Yes! But it's nice rite, that we are getting so much information from this forum? Otherwise dun even noe wat to feed bb...I will prob just give her porridge everyday!
viv n hazey,
TODS having sale ah??? wow! luckliy didn't buy last Friday. The sales lady some more tell me they don join the great singapore sale. Heng!!! Otherwise um thuin!!! But hee, hee... ended buying a ferragamo tote bag. u know those kind where i can dump everything inside.
not crazy over Prada lah. feel that they r over rated. Gucci a bit many pple using leh...
Haizzz... dilemma.
Hey!! Thanks for letting me know!

yah. mum said not good for BB to cut cake so many times. so the one with FIL will have no cake

all mummies,
dun panic over the book lah... i will try to share as much as possible here when i'm home with the book. then u all decide whether to get the book or not.
wat book is it? I missed the posting abt tis bk leh...

RE: Kids pretending
Kieran is only 9 mths but he sure knows how to 'kay kay'. For instance, when he doesn't wanna eat smthg anymore, he'll cough n cough n cough. COs he knows last time whenever he coughs, we get real gan cheong, scare he'll puke (puking is his fav past time). So he's using tis trick to stop us from feeding him. At 1st we really thot he had a cough but each time, when we remove him from high chair, he stops coughing liao.
Just now was a bit rush for me, need to attend a briefing, just want to share this with u:
what u mentioned is very true, i find tt if i walk away and come back later, i can deal with the matter better. There was this time YH refused to eat his porridge after 2-3 mouthfuls, i was very frustrated with him, i spent so much time preparing the porridge for him and yet he refused to eat after 2 mouthfuls! I kept trying to put the spoon into his mouth, he just refused to open his mouth, after a few times, he started to scream and push the spoon out with his tongue if i managed to put the spoon inside his mouth. He screamed until so loud tt my part-time helper who was with us during then and my hb had to come out and see what happened. My part-time helper advised me to pour the porridge back into the slow cooker and feed him later. Hubby carried YH away fr me and played with him. After tt, i really feel very bad, how can i force him to eat?!?!? Like what u said, some of these things r common sense, but when i was directly involved in the situation, i just cldnt see tt i shld stop feeding him.
While hubby was playing the keyboard with YH, he was in a very good mood, so i took the opportunity to feed him the porridge again, and this time he finished up the whole bowl! I was really delighted, coz i had already lowered my expectation to half a bowl, as long as he can finish half the bowl of porridge i would be very satisfied, and the bonus was, he was even willing to drink water after the porridge!
After this incident, i kept reminding myself if YH fussed a lot over his feed, i will stop and come back later.
Thanks for sharing the part on flaring up in front of the kid, so far i hv not flared up in front of YH yet, and i hope i wont, it will break my heart to know tt YH will want to avoid me if i do.
I really apprec ur sharing very much, do share with us more. Thanks
My goodness! Now everyone is talking abt the book, Hazey even reminded us abt the 20% coupon .... most likely the book will be gone by tonite ... heheh ....

The author shld pay u comissions for the sales of this book ;)
hahahahaha, kieran pretending to cough, so cute hor....

hopefully to see zl no more flu when i picked him up later...

i believe ur incident happened to many mummies here... maybe in different case. like u said, said easily than done. i am thinking hard how to solve this, after listening to b2, i have a solution.... i.e. before i lose my cool... i will quickly go to toilet and concentrate on my bowel movement....
Wat u described abt feeding YH was exactly wat i went thru. I got so MAD each time i fed him. N i hated it when hubby came n 'rescued' Kieran. I felt so so lousy, machaim i'm the step mum. It was so bad until it was like going to a battle when it's feeding time. I really dreaded feeding Kieran. At least u'll calm enuf to walk away. Stupid me kept on persisting to feed him until i couldn't tahan, i screamed at him. Nearly slapped him on the face.
skyblue and deer,
err, not sure if you would like to adapt this method. I always tell Gareth, if you don't want to eat, forget it. and then I will just go and let him be hungry. Then when he's very hungry he will come and ask for food by crying. Think by now i can differential the different kind of cry liao.

By doing this, I don't lose my cool infront of my boy. That's what my grandma did to me last time. haha
All along Kieran has feeding pblms, as in he'd a twilight drinker (drinks when zzzz). Some more he so small size, i scare he'll become even tinier if i dun persist. I can't bring myself to starve him. Always try my very best n lose my cool lor...
Chen Chen slept then woke up to eat porridge then wento kai kai. U din tell me u cook porridge leh. So I cooked n fed Chen Chen b4 go kai kai. He ate porridge, drank milk. Can't even stomach the puff. He held the puff for fun

Deer, Brenda
Yeah, Brenda n me hv the thot of letting our bb b superbb n fly b4 they learn to roll over

Pong u there u go agn if ZL sick. Lyn will say choy hor Lyn
ZL v si wen, bring u the bag or tupperwear to open for him. Chen Chen opens container cover himself or pulls our hand to feed him the food he wants
I collect $5 fm all at Eureka's hse

May b u put a box @ your dr, all come in muz tong $5 then I dun need to go round collect $

U plan ahead for Jana's b'dy celebration already.
Chen Chen also same same huh? Yeah, maybe YH also likes crowd, maybe he likes the warmth of pple surrounding him, even when they r not paying their attendion on him???
I apologise to YH also whenever i hv nasty thots or when my tone was too harsh .... same as u, they r so helpless, how can we be so nasty right? But on the other hand, i m also afraid tt this kind of "they r so innocent/helpless" thinking will make me spoil him .... i must really read up and see how i shld teach/discipline him .... sometimes i really cant differentiate whether this is a case tt i shld put my foot down, or i shld just let go ... or whether they know i mean business since they r so young????
U woke up for so many hrs last nite? Must be very tired today. Did u hv a nap during lunch? Most prob not, coz u were bz posting, try to sleep early tonite if possible .... hope Chen Chen can be guai guai tonite.

I think Guardian still hving 20% discount on most health product, u can get the delrosa syrup at $6.80 with the 20% discount.

Brenda, Val, Eureka,
U sure their meat will taste good with curry? Think i will still prefer chicken or stingray with curry ....hahah ....

Thanks for telling me tt i m not the only one with tt terrible thot

I dont use bb detergent anymore after i finsihed the 1st box. Must let YH get used to the adult detergent mah, then can throw all his cloths, towels, handkerchief into the washing machine. Me lazy also, cant wash every items by hand ... can kill ....
Hubby usueally played with YH 1 hr b4 his sleeping time .... so if this is not the cause, then dunno why he wake up and cry at nite .... never know tt bringing up a kid is like solving mystery, one after another .... last time our grandmothers had so many kids, dunno how they handle????

Brenda, Jo, Val,
Jem, ZL and Randall likes pretty girls huh? Then i must make sure my no.2 is a pretty girl hor? Otherwise Jem and ZL bo heel my no.2 leh ....
Val, can i chope ur Randall for my no.2 also? He so active and so cute, i like also .... ;)
Absolut is going to roll her eyes when she see this post ... hahah ...

Thanks for telling me tt the incidents happened during my hormones unbalanced period ...during then, my hubby said whenever YH cranky i was even more cranky, poor hubby, had to face a cranky bb and a cranky wife during then ....
Rae is really sweet, he actually tell u he loves u .... warm ur heart right? Did it bring happy tears to ur eyes?
I went thru exactly wat u r gg thru and share same sentiments with you. So now, when he screams I juz smile n say "wow...Randall so loud ah?" Distract him a bit like pointing to the tv programme or books. Seems to work and most imptly, Randall is "seeing" a happy smily mummy n not mummy who always frown at him.
But I always wonder, how long do I have to continue doing tat? Y cant he be like other bbs? be more tam jiak then I wont hv such prob.
huh? choy hor lyn? very chim.........

thanks for your info!
hahahahaha maybe now towards end of the day, so everybody packing and getting ready to go...
as for feeding, really must be patience... seems like all mummies will go thru this stage that spending lots of effort to prepare porridge and bb rejected. sama sama...
U r really funny leh ... concentrate in ur bowel movement ... u mean feeding ZL actually made u want to poo ... hahah ...
Think B2 wanna collect tution fees fr us liao ;)

We same same, scared our son skinny skinny, so must feed them no matter what, we too kiasu liao, so more diff to feed.
I was not calm enuff to walk away, it was my part-time helper who asked me to feed later. I was really glad tt it happened to be the day my part-time helper came, she taught me an invaluable lesson. Otherwise i will still be tt 'step mum' who forced YH to eat. I guess if i have done the fedding with my mum around, i would hv learnt the lesson fr her, but it was always my mum feed YH when i m working, and when it comes Sat and Sun, my mum is not around, she hasnt seen how i feed YH b4, otherwise i would hv kena scolding fr her for forcing YH to eat.
U shld try out what B2 'teach', think it will work. Try what i did, ask ur hubby to play with him, and u feed him at the same time.
Actually i m not in favour of this method, coz i feel tt eating shld be just eating, shldnt play, or watch tv at the same time. But since YH so diff to feed, i give in liao, if he can eat better with playing and without me loosing my sanity, i will just let him play. But i wont let him eat and run around when he can walk or run. Hope i can really enforce this.

Ur method is good also, but hor, when YH really hungry, feeding porridge to him become impossible, coz it's too slow to fill up his stomach, he will cry and kick and arch his body, diff to feed porridge in this manner. So must feed milk liao when he is too hungry.
San lao jin hor ....
viv, that aggressive dirve pix sure left deep impression in you hor

brenda, boss left for the day already mah...

qsg, sahm ....next time when instructors ask, dun gana ans uturn is uturn lor...sure gana left n rite!!

jo, milk with barley??? 1st time for me.

sorry mummies, thread moving too fast.

not sure if any of you i've bn mia since morning post...office underwent minor reno, we fixed in new filing cabinets and some minor capentary. NOW MY DESK IS FACING DIRECTLY AT MY BOSS....actually that's now the issue....problem is now....I GANA STABBED DIE LIAO...ALSO BLUR BLUR!!! some pple spend time chit chat also fine fine, me gana stabbed cos i'm online whole day (we r on cable..does it make any difference)...anyway now, STERN WARNING TO EVERYONE...limit ur surfing time.. so doubt i can come in as n when i like esp now my pc face directly my boss....no matter how fat i am also cant block.
Hi mommies,

Lyn, I think I know how you feel. My boss also think I am very eng... everytime surf net that he has got me involved in his 2 other businesses. So more work liao. In addition, he hinted to me that the staff are surfing the net all day and clogging the server. Then he removed everyone's access. So, I reminded him that he remove my access I cannot check exchange rates for him. He immediately turned my access on again. hehheehe.. :p

eureka, think you may have to put one special room as "photgraphy" room for your hb to spend time with the subject (i.e. our bbs) and then he'll be able to photograph for us.
Hey! Must remember to take group photo. I think I may just drop by for a while to pay shook and get some pics of ethan taken by your hb. eheheehee... :p Will have to check with the bride 1st. <soooo...>

viv, when will u be holding the celebrations for Jana? Remember to take pic hor... Then we can see how grand it is and learn from there.

Oh viv, I am also preparing some activities for the little ones. Have bought t-shirts for them and also fabric markers so that they can draw and create their own shirts. Am going to get Ethan to do one too so that he'll be able to see how 'well' he can draw at age one. heheee.... :p

Another idea... for future parties.... you can also buy the white mugs and special markers from www.plumandpeaches.com.sg if you need. This idea maybe used when the kids are older... or they may break the mugs.

I am still having a headache about the birthday cake... don't know where to order... can someone plssss... give some advice?

B2B3M4, thanks for your timely advice. I actually think I don't have to get the book lah... coz, you are sure to update us on anything interesting and also, with all the talk going around and with about 30 families here teaching and advising live, I think I am quite covered.
Am so glad we have found each other. :p
<font color="aa00aa">mommies</font>
<font color="aa00aa">sorry no time to read post. I will leave France tomorrow. No internet access in Sin. If need to reach me hor, 98488281.</font>

<font color="119911">Eureka. hmmm... how come no invite me to Elyse's bday
Yap, we dunno when to put dwn our foot n mean business to our bb. Sometimes they seems to understand, sometimes they dun. I juz follow my mum's q since she is n experienced bbsitter. She said when Chen Chen is older, she will cane or use cane to threaten if he is noti.
Once I met a mum of 2. She taught me to let toddler face the wall as punishment. She said max 15min. But Eureka said not workable leh
Chen Chen wakes up @ least once @ 9 for feeding. Usually twice. Normally both of us zz after feeding. But tis morning he refused to sleep. My mum said he slept till 10am after I left the hse. Normally he sleeps till 9am.
BB during our grandma's time seems more guai

I meant Lyn will say choy choy choy when u said skarly ZL sxxk.... then can't go eureka's hse

Yeah, I wz wondering how come u so quiet today. Thot u on 1/2 leave or wat

Eureka invites every1. U come lar
When u touch Singapore?
eureka invited u!!!

donno leh... everytime like that one leh....

donno... infant care teacher taught me one... heehee... as for honey, coz i tot bb under certain age cannot take honey.
So what's written on Rae rae's report card?? No kitty hair clip please?

think when bbs grow up.. their dreams become more vivid... (they start to dream when in our tummy leh) I guess if it really escalate to a point like rae's one.. then mebbe got to be concern n make sure they dun hurt themselves while dreaming.. if not, usual time Jem will also suddenly shout/cry in his sleep but he will fall asleep again on his own or look for his teddy for comfort.

aiyah.. gonna miss u leh if u dun come in often..

i think i remember mom2nat mentioned reaching SIN on Saturday..

HI mummies,
can share share something with me?
I'll like to know what will the concerns be to considerate having a no. 2?
<font color="aa00aa">MUM2NAT
I have many witnesses here hor,invited u!!! When are u back?? Come la.....c who fat???</font>

Hey mummies,
U all dun like tat hor, come with hidden agenda, want my hb to take foto for u all....ah bish! So if hb last minutes not ard, all of u wont turn out ISSIT...............u all better come armoured liao lah!!!!!!

Hey mums, u all tried b4 Minute Maid Lime or Lemonade can drink? NICE!

REally hate Pigeon Jojoba's shampoo......smell like some kind of petrol smell........

Hey mummies, HMMMMMMMM, kill me to cook curry, i have lots of delicious flesh! I want to say hor..........how come u all so early have those devil thoughts towards our little ones?? They are plain innocent n so helpless! So cute leh, cant bear n nvr really lose my cool over my kids' bb stage yet.

But just now, rae kena 4 strokes frm me.......contrast hor?? 1st time though.

Books, wat books u all want, i got handbooks n borrowed many books on toddlers frm library b4.....still like tat leh.........

Hi Brenda,
Hahhaha...u still remember kitty clips??

Both english n chinese teachers started off by saying VERY ACTIVE boy, gets along well with peers! Hmmm..generally, say he luv music n movement alot. Impressed that he can count rather well n attention span very short! 1 weak point is dun know how to hold pencil to write. Hb n i was like huh...supposed to know ah??? hhahahaha..really see no hurry leh. Then...proceed to say he is handsome n cute.....guess nothing much to say liao, so say this??????!!!!!!!

AY, can u narrow down wat r the concerns u have for #2 that we can address to? Or which aspect u are wondering having #2??

I burst into laughter.........choy!!!! elyse's bd u know, want me to put a box aside to collect $$$$!!!
AY paisay.....help me to refresh my memory can....shook! Giggler!!!?????

Chinese bd, items to choose, issit? -

- measuring tape (engineer)
- ruler (teacher)
- book (scholar)
- drumstick (loads to eat)
- calculator (accountant)
- red packet (banker or ah long?)
U v lucky leh. Jem wakes up middle of the 9 then sleeps on his own or look for teddy for comfort. Last 9 Chen Chen slept @ 9+, I thot I can hv early sleep. Who knows he woke up 10:30 to play. Can't let him play alone coz he pressed cd player buttons, played wif wire/fan. Put him on the mattress on the flr, he pushed my hubby to wake my hubby up or crawlled to the fan n power socket.

Hmm.... I dun c the link b/w putting a box to collect $ n Elyse b'dy leh

Anyway sorry lar if I offended u
Hey dun say teacher nothing to say then say Rae cute n handsome
. Rae is indeed cute n handsome
Measuring tape n ruler the same mah
Book = teacher
Drumstick = chef (all the items signify a career)
calculator = businessman (I mentioned wrongly in the postings when I said Chen Chen picked calculator n the posting addressed to Mom2Nat. The traditional 1 is abacus but calculator easier to find nowadays)
the rest r correct
remember to use same color for all items. Tell us wat Elyse picks on Sun ya
jo, if ZL not s**k but yet u keep on mention...no gd leh...touchwood (choy)

emily,brenda,shook....me not on half day lah...but hlf dead after being stabbed by duno who in the back!!! my table n sitting position used to face north, boss on the east so he cant really c what i do on the pc. and between me n main office, there's a walk way leading to the main door, so who ever stabbed me ...i really duno?? anyway after the installation of new filing cabinet my table n sitting possition is facing the west...thus my back is directed at my boss...

hey, will find time to read the postings...but dun think will find time to post.....

brenda, u miss my long posting??? i missed everybody leh....

dun worry, will keep in touch with pigletz with the gerber puffs.

will try to loggin at home.
I din ask for fotos.. can i wear less :p

Wah... 4 strokes. I 'ouch' for rae rae.

Hmmm, mebbe they gonna incorporate modelling into the edu syllabus. If not, put handsome for what?

HB felt its abt time we try for our girl. I also start to do the necesary stuff for TTC few weeks back. But dun noe why at times when i see Jerome, I'll start to think whether is it the 'right time'. Some feels tat its better to hv the bb before the firstborn turns terrible 2. Some feels that wider age gap will not strain the mummy so much etc. HAIZ~~

Think most mummies here not going thru this yet.. but can share share what's ur thots abt having no.2?

So far, most of the time jem wakes up at nite for very short while only (mostly due to dreaming) if he cries for too long.. i'll stuff his teddy into his arms, then he goes back to sleep. If not, he'll look for it on his own or the most, stars flipping his books.. Only once he woke up to play, hb closes all doors n we continue to Zzz.. he got sian i think n fell asleep at my feet. Chen Chen got any comfort toys/blankets etc?
re: honey in barley


cut cake: why cannot cut cake several times?? got cake but didnt cut counted or not??

shook, will go bjg 2morrow directly to meet up with you. must we wear sock?? can u sms me?? dun think will hv the chance to come in till later evening

K, better go as they r strolling in one by one...talk later.
Sheesh!! Now i understand what is meant by never speak of the Devil. Here we are making comments of chopping up hbs n making 'curry' etc, today's newspaper show news of one female body found chopped nicely from the river, being the third chopped victim in Singapore (first is the 'curried' guy)
sorry, no time to reply posts now... will do it later...

zl has bad running nose and coughing last night. not sure the cough is because he choked by his own mucus.

i am on standby to take half day leave to bring him to see PD.

very tempted to bring zl to see ur friend's chinese physician but afraid that he is too young to take chinese medicine

ok will be back again
i v blur this morning! woke up tired and sleep then went to take shower ...came out of shower, change into my clothes and realised tat i forgot to wash my hair ...then back into the shower again! blurrr.....

the celebration's tomorrow. the t-shirt is a great idea!!! i'm too lazy liao to plan activities so i just rent toys and they can self-entertain.

haha...not only the pics okie ..its the pic plus the way u describe how he'll react

have been drooling over TODS and intially i din know abt the brand at all, saw some1 carrying and pointed out to my hubby that its a nice bag, surprisingly he could tell me the brand of the bag! i was so shocked ...my hubby more "in" than me leh
but will continue to drool over it lah ...so ex ....
Minute Maid very ex leh ... hmmm...heard before that the the orange juice serve at Macdonal's minute maid

u need anything from concourse for the party? i'll b going down later.
Nurturing Good children Now

Defn: Second family- all the influences that children in this generation r exposed to and inevitability will be affected like commercials, internet etc...

Primary goal of this book - parenting skills to strengthen your child's core n make him aware and able to combat the -ve aspects of the second family.

Basic skills
1. mood mastery : teach your kids to soothe himself in healthy ways that match his temperament

2. respect : encourage kids to lsiten and be comfortable with adults

3. expressiveness : promote your kid's unique style of talking what really matters

4. passion : promote your kid's ethusiasim and love for life

5. peers smart : guide your child in her relationships with frens and playmates

6. focus : help your child to pay attention n love learning

7. body comfort : help your child to accept his phy appearance n be comfortable in his body

8. caution : enocurage your child to think ahead and weigh the impact of his actions on self n others

9. team intelligence : inspire your kid to dev the capability to be part of the grp nw/o losing her individuality

10. gratitude : expect your child to be grateful n therby nurture his faith n spirituality

examples of problems we r facing now

1. relatively few kids have attention deficit. but given the variety of competing media n other distractions. many kids have diff focusing

2. small number of children r clinically depressed but if kids are overscheduled, many of them have trouble developing meaningful interest that sustain them - n make them happy

3. minority of children r actually hyperactive. but in our frenetic, supercharged culture. many children r impulsive n sometimes dangerously so.

4. very few children have true anxiety disorders. but bcos culture puts a premium on appearance, many children r unhealthily preoccupied with their bodies

5. most children don have learning disabilities. but bcos they r overexposed to xssive vidoes n TV at early ages. their imaginations r dulled n many find it difficult to xpress themselves verbally or on paper.

but childhood diff r often re-inforced- therefore pervasive- n bcos parents r swimming in the same seas. it's easy to accept certain problems as normal.
Tried Minute Maid Lemonade surprising at a malay nasi padang store. Thot sure very ex one then in the end, only $1 per can. My colleague paid $1.20 for his yeo's can. haha! Yah... quite nice and refreshing.

Been feeling very rejected by Ally. Now that hubby is on hols, it seems that she prefers my maid then sometimes hubby before me since I spend the least time with her now. boo hoo hoo! So it's not true when they say children will know who's their parents are. Two nites back, I decided to seat in the back and carry her while we return home from in laws and I think Ally spotted my maid sitting in front and she was practically bawling to get her to carry. cry til no voice also continue crying and in the end, threw up her milk in the car. Feeling a bit upset now... do so much for her and in the end also like that.

Lyn / Eureka
Is Jerald and Elyse closer to yr mom and ILs since they are there 5 days a week? Dunno what to do and so tempted to just quit my job now but have to at least wait til no.2 pops out otherwise lugi the 3 months maternity leave. Already lugi the first time round right?
I noticed u disappear for the almost the whole of yesterday also, thot u were bz mah ... u poor thing, kena backstabbed by someone? Tt person so bad .... actually as long as we do our work, meet the deadline, i dont see why we can surf and post. If u really cant do it in the office, then come here at nite lor, i noticed Shook and Giggler posted at nite also.

Ur boss asked u to check exchange rates for him huh? Is it his job to know exchange rates? Otherwise he is doing personal thing also, then he is not setting good example!

Since now u know u r invited, come, come to Elyse's party and let's meet up!

YH cries already ... got to go, me on leave today!
val, skyblue,
i undstd how u feel. there was 1 tx i lost my cool over ashrel. not over eating issue cos he loves to eat n i nvr hav prob. but u all noe he loves to 'cry' n scream n tat was for mths n mths, for no reason, not sick or anythg, jus bored i tink. so tat tx i so angry, threw him down on the master bed, real hard. he got a big shock. i was v v guilty. hubby reminded me he is a blessing, we wanted to hav a bb n ask God for him. fr then on, no more. i agree w eureka, they ar jus so innocent, how can i bear to do tat. now i walk away too. put him in his cot n let him cry if he too 'demanding'.

sure, love to mt up w u n jerald agn
they 2 like the same toy n a bit more 'ku pi' than other bb.

no honey for bb under 1 yr of age. in fact they dun nid such form of 'sugar' at all. me ks mum, strict abt giving bb n kids food w refined sugar n too much salt.

hello mummies,
yesdy i try to measure how tall is ashrel. my ikea table leg is 76cm. ashrel is taller than it. so while he hold unto the table stding straight, i measure his ht, he is abt 80cm tall. is he tall for his age?? i tink so ah..
