(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

if u have excess ebm for the day it is better to freeze it for later use rather than keep it for too long. if the fridge is not cold ebm can spoil if put longer than 24hrs.
will use hot water from thermo flask to warm up ebm. warm for ard 5min. dun warm until too hot as nutrients mayb lost n also too hot for bb to drink.

dunno y cant get let-down leh. i m not stress. dunno is it have to change the white valves of the pump as it is getting abit loose. sometimes can get letdown sometimes cant. seem like my ss affected again. sometimes hope can bf beyond 6mths (say 8mths) but if still like tat most prob have to stop soon. telling myself look to the positive side that i managed to tbf my boy for 23wks liao. i should feel happy if he can tbf till he is 6mths old since this is my initial target.

oh hope the maternity benefits will apply to all bb pop this yr.

regarding ur qns,
everytime i will pour ebm from 2 bottles into 1 storage bottle.
i combine ebm expressed from different sessions together. if not where to get enough storage bottles.
think better to use ziplock bag to store the bottle coz not easy to find such big box. i am using a mini cooler to store ebm. it is a gift from friend. so dun have to worry abt issues regarding putting in common fridge.

Hi mon, I saw those cooler bags liao. So cheap leh, some only selling at $2. I think over-heating may destroy some of the nutrients leh. I warm bm using warmer from Philips.

Hi lyn, is that so? I nearly got Enfalac for my gal leh. So Friso more like our bm?

Hi Nat, wow your Matt's hair can stand!

Hi B2B3M4, we very lugi hor? If they can fixed everything on Mar the other time, then we got to enjoy liao.

I like the pix with both Chen and Matt.

Hi shook, I latch Vane on both brsts.She latches on for abt 10-15min each brst. I don't turn on the cycle at all. You try without that and see how? I pour each bottle of EBM in diff storage bags.

Hi val, congrats!
hui32, mini, dun think the privilege applies to ALL WOMEN WHO GIVE BIRTH THIS YR otherwise the govt is the one who lugi - guess it applies only to those WHO GAVE BIRTH AFTER the announcement

hui32, my ss decreasing duno why?? I drink soup, hot milo, massage...etc still the color come out not as same as when i first started?? Instead of the full cream white milky color in the beginning, now it is thin...cloudy color??? Guess 'my well is drying up'...Anyway, how's renee?? Got some more nice pixs to share??

shook, i meant that i let jerald latch on, but each time only 15mins on each breast - total feeding time is abt 30-40mins. even if i try to let him latch on more than tat he'll 'push' out my nipple??? i'm using avent manual since i started, so cldnt be the 'pump losing its power'????

btw, i do store bottles of ebm into 1 big 8oz bottle (save space) n can mix both session of ebm 2gether as long as it's within 12hrs. but unlike mini, i guess got to use the office fridge cos dun hv personal cooler. but mmy colleagues all v.nice ladies with kids n young children so - they got habit to label their bottles in case of 'wrong identity'
shook thanks for replying, so its normal lor..i no need to worry...
but anyway...juz onli she poo abit already...wow i finally can put my whole heart down..

hi all
now let's hope that the government really is fair and we all gave birth in this year even before the new maternity privelege commence

i tink my milk supply is the same as ur, now color abit change....and i tink my well oso drying up!
but i don wan it to dry up so fast...
can i drink ovaltine instead of milo?
hehe coz since i give birth till now, i had been drinking milo omost everyday..
im drinking oso the frisomum or enfamum milk (for pregnant women, but stated on the can, lactating women oso can consume)

lyn_tan, renee is fine...how about ur jerald?
i tink renee is getting constipation leh..she seldom shit...

but as what shook say, its normal..
Hi B2B3M4,

I read from your above posting that your family have a strong history of Asthma.

My company has a service that helps to clean and sanitise that mattress. I don't know if it will be useful for your family. Do you mind that I email you a brochure for your reference?
Looks like Aelwen is also having constipation. MIL said she has not poo poo for the last 2 days...only a little bit of poo poo on her diapers at times. Is this a phase that all bb have to go thru. Since most of our bb are about same age....seems like most of the bb here suffer from constipation at the same time.

Hi Shook,
No lah, lucky she didn't discard, if not I would be terribly stress. She just told me to give bb the freshest EBM possible. Sometimes I can get more than what I want for next day but sometimes I can't, esp when I'm very stress in the office. So if I get excess I told her to keep for another day, if not she'll feed to bb also. Then if next day I can't get enough, wah....even more stress.

I bring my biggest Avent bottle, the 330ml, to work. So whatever i pump today, I will put them all into this bottle. Sometimes, I have to leave the last pump in my pump bottle cos total for the day is more than 330ml. I just leave the bottle in the fridge without any bags cos I'm the only one using the fridge most of the time. I pour them into separate bottles with the req. amt upon reaching home.

Initially, I bring 3 bottles to work and try to pump the one feed per session. Then I realised there are times, I can pump more than one feed and there are times it's less. And also feel a bit stupid to carry 3 half-filled bottles to and fro. So finally decide to carry the biggest bottle.

I also have the same problem with warming up the EBM. I warm up using water from hot flask...sometimes it gets too hot as well. Aelwen also can really scream....worried people thought I torture her

Hi Mimi,
Think my fridge is very cold cos there was once I brought out the milk which is store in the lower compartment and and a portion of the milk looks frozen...'icy icy' one. When I bring food down from the freezer to thaw overnight, the food still looks frozen with the ice still not melted. Thanks for the adv.

I have my way of letting down....found out by accident.If I can't let down, I will do some arm raising and I will definitely let down...milk start to drip and can also feel some pain. Let down always happens when I take a shower before pumping....I raise my arm to towel dry my hair and it happens.

Hi Giggler,
yeah....not too exp. I didn't want to spend too much money on items that I won't be using for long. in fact, a lot of the baby items on the auction site are pretty new.

Hi Lyn,
Do you have engorgement? I once has major engorgement but can only get the very dilute liquid - foremilk. Let bb suckle engorgement still didn't go away. Went to the LC at TMC and realised I have blocked ducts and didn't empty my breast with every pump so milk stuck there. I was also using Avent manual pump. The LC told me Avent manuel usually have this problem.

If this is not the case for you, you can try taking supplements. I am on Fenugreek from GNC. Not sure if it helps cos i very kiasu one...also take lots of milo and soup
So maybe all combine efforts.

Hi Modi,
Thanks, looks like Lyn has order so i'm going to call them today.

I now doing confinement @ my mum's place and using my bro stupid mac pc. Dunno how to upload duh~ :p Can onli do tat when I go back hm.


Wow...really feel comfort after reading ur case. Hehe... Suffered so much and yet went thru c section.
I discard the milk cos even I put into the freezeer, can tahan for onli 2 wks. Which I dun think I will intro bottle in 2 wks time. Tats y lor.


Confinement really sicko. My mum dun allow me to wash my hair everyday. Juz feel so unhygenic. Then with all the red dates drinks & lack of sleep, my body gets very heaty. Then she started her grandmother stories by saying during her time confinement not scare of heaty one...blah blah blah THEN she said "must be becos I washed my hair!!!" Arrghhh... I was so angry and told her if I dun wash my hair, she is driving me to hv post natal blues. Hehe....

When did u start expressing bm w/o latching ur bb? Apparently wat I learned is tat, bm onli established after 1 mth. If u onli express and nv latch, ur ss will drop day by day. I verified this statement with my gynae as I was complaining very tired gotta total bf and told him the idea of expressing so others can bottle feed Randall. He told me it cant work out tat way.

Hi ladies,

May I know how long does ur each bf session takes? Randall takes 15-20 mins for each session then he doze off already. Is he getting enff?

My flow like a bit too fast, when he suckle seems not enff time for him to swallow then start leaking onto his shirt. Very messy. Gotta clean him after each feed as afraid might get rashes.
Hi all, Introducing Shook's Little Chen Chen *Clap Clap Clap*

Doesn't he looks like a smart darling?

HI Shook, thinking why u say the pic is still too big so i try posting it up

hi nat n brenda,
i'll like to post Ashrel's fotos here too but dun noe how to downsize, can help me?
matt's pic are really nice!

hello all mummies,
Ashrel is a chubby boy now. he's 5.1kg at 4wks 3days (me carry until hand, shoulder n back all ache, as thou i m doing wt training..) we brought him for his 2nd hep b jab on wed, taking the 5 in 1 when he's 3mths old. din choose 6 in 1 cos he oreadi had his 1st hep b jab at kkh at birth so 6 in 1 is only 1 jab lesser than 5 in 1, the rest all the same.

wah..it seems like most of us here finally given birth..n fin cf.. many going back to work. me oso vy stressed cos wonder whether i can cope being a full-tx mum. the cf lady still w me, going back next wed. wen i tink of her going back..a bit scared.. i tried bathing Ashrel for few days oreadi. ai yo.. xiong (plus his wt), somtx he dun like will cry n i panic. af 1 bathe session, i like ran a marathon..tired..

but like most of u..bb care is lots of 'tears' n 'sweat' but certainly a joy to c him growing each day.. esp now he smiles n responds more..
giggler, i v.curious abt the taste of bb's FM so i taste them - tat's how i found out Friso is nicer compare to Enfalac. I've use Enfalac cos tat's wat KK gave Jerald...so tot better to continue...but later found out he actually prefered Friso...so now hv to give him alternate FM to finish the Enfalac....

hui32, when Jerald is on total EBM, he poos v.frequently abt 3/4 times a day. But after i start to supplement FM his poo lesser...at first i oso panic...now i know its ok he poos 1 or 2 times a day. We breastfeeding bb since beginning therefore want the best for them, i oso wan to continue Breastfeeding even i go back to work...but ss really pathetic...getting worse each day...sometimes go shopping 5/6hrs oso dun feel engorement, jus leaking??? but if i'm @hme....sure stick to my routine to express every 3/4hrs!!

mon_mon, in order to establish my ss again, me already prepare to take more fish soup instead of once a wk maybe 2x a wks. on top of tat i've milk/cheese for b'fast, milo...etc...if all this failed...dan tat be it...my breastfeeding days r coming to end soon....

Yep, i've placed my Friso order y'day. Delivery 2moro. They accept COD or personal cash chq.

Valencia...confinement woes...every mum here has gone thru liao.... actually ur mum stories r for ur own good...dun like ...dun get angry...no gd for you. Maybe strike a deal wif her...say wash hair once a wk???? At first like you i give Jerald totally breastmilk (latch on) even at nite...but b'cos of the fish soup..etc my breasts gets full within 3/4 hrs so must express. Now i still continue to let jerald latch on 2x in the day n at nite give him ebm.

Dun worry at bb not getting enough. He jus taking his own sweet time. Jerald's total feeding time abt 30 mins (max 40min after tat he automatically push me away) each breast abt 15mins. if he falls asleep jus gently touch his cheek or chin. N dun think our BM flows fast...the suckling is control by the bb themselves...unlike bottle feeding where the hole on the nipple is punctured by the manufacturers.

Wash once a wk?? Hehe... So far the worst I tahan was 2 days.

Sometimes, after 10-15 mins no matter how I irritates him, he juz sleep like a log. I find tat Randall very kek kiang. Hehe.... his hands always come in, trying to hold my breast. But he is too young for tat. When he dun get to suckle, then he starts crying. Does Jerald do tat?

There r times when he sucks a few sec and he push me away (maybe nv latch properly), my bm will "spray" at his face then I quickly latch him again then I started seeing all the milk flowing out fm his mouth fm the edge of his mouth though he sucks and swallow very fast. Tats y I hv the impression of BM flows too fast.
Hi Val, poor u... sayang sayang, one month pass extremely fast w the li'l one by ur side. The nightmares of confinement is still fresh in my mind too tho i get to sneak out for shopping ;p

hey, if u wan, i can help resize n post ur pic for u too.

hi all mummies, feel free to send me ur precious little ones photos for resizing if you hv prob uploading. Dun worry, i'm not some psycho pinning up bb photos to throw darts, just simply loves babies and kids that's all ;)

More photos anyone??
Congrats Val! Finally Randall is out!!! Wah..your supply very powerful leh...can spray oredy when he is jus a few days old....I think he is wat is termed a "snacker" baby. They would drink for 10 - 15 mins, then fall asleep at the breast. And no matter how u try to irritate them, they won't wake up.

Haha! I told my mum the same thing. I said, now I understand why new mothers suffer from post natal blues! Then she let me bathe...

Sanrio, Ashrel caught up a lot of his weight! He is so heavy now! I remember that at birth, he is less than 3.5kg rite? N he is now already 5.1kg! My girl was abt 3.5kg at birth, but she is only abt 4.5kg when she had her Hep B injection a few days ago. Oh, I didn't know the difference between the 5-in-1 and 6-in-1 is only one injection. But after hearing her cry after the 2nd dose of Hep B injection, we just decided to let her have the 6-in-1. Do you have any idea what is the price difference?

Thanks for ur offer. First of all, I need to get it uploaded to the pc first. Dun hv the usb cable with me now oso. At my hm. Onli brought the camera & charger when I pack my hospital bag.


Snacker? U mean he will juz snack all the way? He sucks 15 mins and wake up every 2 hrs now. Is it normal? Ya lor. A bit kua zhang hor on the flow? The first time when it happened. I so scared!!!! Was screaming for my mum. hehe.....I think its due to the over action of the muscle wall of the duct. I read it somewhere. BB tyra is soooo lovely!!!!! Hehe..... Quite chubby hor?

Sanrio & Hazey,

I got the 6 in 1 jab oso. My pd adv me to take the 6 in 1.
Hi gals; been too busy with my boy to come in....all the babies are soooo cute!! Matthew is so handsome in that first picture.. looks like an adult!Chen Chen slightly bigger than his parents' soft toys har? Hehehe...

Wanted to ask: what's green papaya? Is it unripe papaya?

Valencia, congrats!

Where do we surf to see the cheap cooler bags? Someone enlighten please. The Ameda tote bag's cooler compartment seems quite small.
shook, my baby was premature, so I want to bf as long as possible after I return to work. I use water from airpot to warm EBM; takes abt 10 mmins to thaw the ice block; I usually plan which feed I waNT to give EBM and my boy wakes up quite predictably so I can warm it up beforehand and give it to him before he screams the whole house down. But now he's too used to lAtching cos I only give EBM like once a fortnight and he seems to have forgotten how to use the bottle so he gets rather frustrated... gotta try abt 15 mins before he starts to drink properly.

The green papaya izzit to increase milk ss? If so, yes its referring to the unripe papaya. To increase ss apart fm papaya & fish. U may oso try having black fugus.
val, can tahan best tahan...for ur own gd...compare to few of us doing confinement during the hot weathers of jun/jul...do consider urself lucky liao....

wow, ur flow of milk really good leh..establish in jus a few days only. For my milk to spray out ...in think it occurs only when Jerald was abt 3/4wks old...

I think bb all the same..when times come for suckle ... they jus cant wait...n scream the whole block down!!!If the dun wan...no matter how u sitmulate him oso no use.

sanrio, cant wait to c Ashrel's pix...wow big boi oready!! Jerald was 2.354kg at birth now at 7wks coming to 8wks he's only 4kg
hi hazey,
bb Tyra is so adorable w rosy cheeks
Ashrel is 3.19kg at birth. yup he is chubby now n quite tall. his daddy is tall but both me n hubby quite skinny leh. keke.. me now 48kg (havnt back to original) carry until really 'bo lak' at tx, hands can even shiver..cf lady told me eat more rice!
oh shd thank my cf lady who 'train' him in sleeping. she said bb must sleep enough then can grow (their old traditional theory..)
the diff btw the 5 in 1 n 6 in 1 is the hep b jab. the 6 in 1 actually combine the hep b into the jab. since ur bb has taken hep b 1st n 2nd dose separately, then 6 in 1 may make no diff.
the price diff (depend on clinic) can b > $100.
i got the doctor n nurse (at my workplace, i'm in healthcare) to clearly explain the vaccines to me b4 we decide.
if u want to find out more, ask for the brochure produced by GSK (the mft'er of the vaccines).

hi brenda,
can i have ur email so that i cld send the photos to u for resizing. what software to use? my hp pc (quite new) has quite a no. of 'photos softwares' but me blur n dun noe how to use to downsize.

i oso cant tahan not washing hair. so during cf, i alternate day wash hair (din let mil or mum noe)! cf lady told me mayb wash once a wk but i cant take it. i wash w hot water n use hair dryer to thoroughly dry it loh..

i think chen chen looks like u more, he's so adorable. keke..u took pic of him w ur best frd (foreverfriend)..

i saw ur bb girl foto. she's like a doll! hey, quite chubby too
Hi Sanrio, my email address is [email protected] . For your HP photo programs, u might wan to try looking for the function for adjusting image size, change the width/height (whichever longer) to 300pixels n below for uploading n sending via email and SAVE A COPY. Do remember to save as a copy n keep original for printing cos once image size is changed is irreversible.

Hi Giggler, see see! isn't ur van simply adorable?!?! i said she looked like those china doll, someone earlier says she looks like a jap doll, now sanrio thinks so too... heheh

Hi all, got a very discouraging experience w a babysitter yesterday
Talked to her over the phone and she sounds quite nice saying things like she's very flexible n pick bb up anytime in the evenings n when its time for bb to hv solid food, porridge will be included in the package etc. So decide to go n visit her last nite to see her place. Its kept very clean esp they just moved in recently. However, her daughter which is like 18yrs old is retarded. The moment we step into the house she starts shouting "baby arh, baby!" And did that throughout the whole conversation w her mum. I saw my hb hugged Jerome protectively w/o realising i think. But the saddest things came when the babysitter insisted that bb should take gripewater and suggested to switch Jerome frm BM to FM. Today, she even called up to tell me dun pump BM out to feed cos nutrients will be lost.

Haiz, to think i tried so hard to juggle confinement, taking care of Jerome and breastfeeding on my own, only to face the possibility of a babysitter dumping away my precious milk. Think its gonna be tough for me to find one good babysitter since arnd my neighbourhood r those aunties kind but my cardio doc insist that i should bf him for at least 4 mths cos i hv heart probs. Headache
hi brenda,
tks so much. i tried using photo impression fr hp to downsize. c whether it works..
hi evyone,
this is Ashrel, photo taken when he is 4wks.
tks so much agn, i got it. shall post more of his photos later.
Ashrel is an alert boy and loves to turn his head around to look at things.
Hi sanrio, yah lor yah lor... ur ashrel looks so active! unlike my jerome... only cares abt sleeping n milk. till now he's 6wks old still can't be bothered to play w me

Izzit u or ur hubby pattern? The simpily bo chap kind. hehe.... Cos both my hubby and myself very talkative. Though Randall is a wk old onli, he started making noise already when we tok to him. And he made many facial expressions which I classified them as bad habits tat my hubby has.
I m v stressful when come to warming ebm. Chen Chen's feeding interval wz 3 hrs v v accurate like Switzealand's railway sys. It gone haywire since I started office pumping schedule. Most of the time use boiling hot water to thaw ebm. Will tis spoil the nutrient of bm?

I m on a mth leave after my maternity leave, so still @ home. If the new benefits r applicable to all mum deliver tis yr, hope my co allow me to enjoy 4 mths maternity leave, then I can stay @ home for another 2 mths, Yipee

I wish to bf beyond 6 mths too.

Where do u find cooler bag @ $2?
I tried w/o turning on cycle last 9. V slow till I zz. After I sterlize the pump, my bm drips, gotta pump agn. I try agn 29

My Chen Chen irregular one, sometimes suckle both breasts 15-20 min, sometimes >1hr, avg 30-40 min v tiring sitting there doing nothing.
Perhaps u call breastfeeding support gp to check wat is your problem tel : 6339 3558
How nice u hv bf kaki in your co. No one bf in my co. Wat I worried is my co has a thief who steals ppl's food plc in the fridge. Mine wz stolen once even the container oso gone. Till now we dunno who is the culprit. I worried those nosy parker might c c check check my bm. My hubby said lable Shook's bm. V pai say leh
U store bm in 8 oz bottle, how u thaw them n put into each serving size?

Ovaltine oso can

My Chen Chen either doesn't poo @ all or poo a mt
V envy u can pump >330ml in the office. How many time u pump in the office?
U v lucky leh, my office fridge is heavily used. My colleague store drinks, milk, food, fruits in the fridge. They will re-pack the fridge if they can't find space. I quite worried where they put my ebm if they re-pack the consumables
Warming ebm is a stressful thing. Sometimes too hot, I use ice to cool dwn
My milk drips a lot after I bathed during confinement but not now. Thx for sharing your let dwn tips. I try if it works on me

Frozen bm can last for 2-3 mths if your fridge is 2 door
Chen Chen suckle on avg 30-40 min. If efficient 15-20 min, if lazy n zz most of the time 1hr 15min
My mum let me wash hair only when I hv massage session. Told her massage lady said muz wash hair n bathe b4 she comes

Thx a zillion. Nat tried to post Chen Chen's photo for me but size still too big. I received fm u Chen Chen's solo n the one wif Matt which Nat posted. Wanna save them but only in html n txt form?? Dunno how to save as jpg, wanna ask my hubby but keep forgetting.
Your babysitter so ba tao. where do u stay?

Ashrel v big. Chen Chen 4.9kg @ wk 7. I project dat Chen Chen is 5.5kg now. I find it tiring to carry him. U so skinny, even more tiring. Find myself muscular now
How can I forget my darling foreverfriend. He carried Chen Chen every 9 in 3rd tri when Chen Chen wz in my tummy hehehe
Ashrel v stouky. Chen Chen oso hv the pc of clothing Ashrel wears
Hi Val, So Good!! your Randall try to talk to u... Jerome only make two kind of noises; those screaming for milk kind and those satisfied "hmmm" before he goes to sleep. Actually both his parents also very bo chup :p

Hi Shook, The file i sent is the same as the one i posted it up. As for saving the pics, u just need to open the email... select the attached file (dun open) and right click your mouse. There will be a choice to "Save As" and it will automatic be in Jpeg.

That's not my babysitter... was interviewing her to be one but obviously we'll drop the choice. I stay in Toa Payoh.
hi brenda,
i suppose all bb hav vy diff character, but they will change as they grow. we brought Ashrel to kk paed when he abt 3wks old. while sitting at the waiting area, 1 lady unzipped her bag, Ashrel immediately turned to look at her, she was so 'amused' by him. then another person handphone rang n agn Ashrel turned his head to the sound.

Ashrel grows vy fast n a lot of clothes cant wear liao..some even brand new. the 1 he is wearing is a bb shower gift, like a bit small oreadi..ya i becoming more muscular too!
i drink ovaltine, my nose bled leh..
so pitiful..

lyn_tan, my baby only 3.75kg leh..lighter than urs...

valencia congratz on ur newborn...
wow ur baby's weight n height is wat my baby's weight n height now

when i gave birth, she's weighing 2.61kg @ 47cm
now she's 3.75kg @ 53cm


mon_mon, how big is ur baby?

Hi Mummies,

All the babies are all so cute and adorable!!!
One qn, does any of your babies ever throw up milk with some milk coming out from the nose? BB Tyra does that, sometimes I wonder if it is because she treats my breast as a pacifier, and continue to suck n suck without swallowing. Then she suddenly wakes up and kenna choked...very heartpain... n she got a lot of rashes on the face these days...no matter how we try to keep her face clean, she still gets them..very sad..

Val, yes, snacker babies will eat for a while and then wake up in very short time. No choice, cos with direct latch on, there is no way to tell how much bb is eating. So really have to feed on demand.

Sanrio, I oso "secretly" bathed....cannot tahan..the weather so hot! After a bf session, I oredy perspire like mad...feel so dirty n lousy if I dun bathe! Thanks for the info on the vaccination!

Soya, where's edison's pic???
dun wori abt the rashes on Tyra face. Ashrel has bad rashes on his face when he's 3wk old. ai yo.. i see oreadi so heartpain. we even brought him to paeds. paeds told us it's common n normal. she gave a cream, got slight improvement af applying but new ones will appear. so in the end, i stopped applying the cream for my boy as such cream contains mild steroid, no gd for bb delicate skin if too much. the rashes slowly disappear n Ashrel's face is much beta n 'smoother' now. just keep ur bb clean n cool. use cooled boiled water (slightly warm as too cold they dun like) n cotton ball (i ks, use sterile cotton balls) to clean bb face regularly.
yes, my bb got choked n threw up milk b4 too. burping them will help, somtx if they cry (esp if b4 drking or half way drking), may swallow some wind n feel discomfort.
shook, i label my bottles b'cos there'll b at least quite a number of EBM in the office including mine so nothing to pai say abt since they also label theirs - why ur colleagues so inconsiderate??? Steal food - consider us unlucky but WAT THE HELL HE/SHE WANTS WITH OUR EBM??? He/She no $$ buy fresh milk???

I stored my milk in 8oz bottle cos office fridge v.small, must save space for other mums n office goceries.... So during feeding time - i pour out wat is required into a smaller bottle (4oz bottle), warm up n gave it to Jerald. Must replace the 8oz bottle in the fridge immediately after pouring out wat is required.
hui32, ur nose bled due to ovaltine?? I dun think so...must be all the confinement food, sesame oil, wine the caused. I oso v.heaty during my confinement, but once over drink more water will do the trick.

how to compare gal to boi??? But if u compare my Jerald to the other bb boys here, my boy still v.small lah.

Renee look v.different compare to the time she newborn. Her eyes v.nice.

2moro Jerald would b 2mths old..took some pixs for him jus now - will try to post when my hubby got them ready.
Hi Sanrio,
Ashrel looks very alert! Like something really interesting caught his attention.

Hi Shook,
Aelwen didn't poo poo for 3 days and we got worried. Call PD and he said if she doesn't poo poo for another day gotta bring her over to check...maybe constipation. My MIL told me to stop FM and go full BM to see how. And she finally poo poo on Sat....and a LOT man! But not so watery like last time. Think maybe constipation. She didn't poo poo again yesterday. Think gotta put her on more feeds of BM for a while...very stress...like whole day is either pumping or latching her on.

I usually pump 3 times, morning, afternoon and before I leave the office. 330ml is on good days. Must drink lots of water. If I'm too busy and didn't really drink much water, I realised my BM will also decrease....won't get much EBM.

hi Breanda,
The babysitter so scary! You very patient hor...still talk to her for some time. I would have leave the place immediately.

Hi Hui,
Aelwen is already 6.4kg when we brought her for her regular check-up 2 weeks ago...now maybe even heavier. She's 11wks old. I'm getting muscles already
Was at my sis's full mth celebration yesterday....feel good to carry her baby....after carrying Aelwen (so heavy) her bb feels so light. Aelwen has my hubby's family's genes....all big bones and tall. Looks like Aelwen is the heaviest bb here
Hi all,

This is Gareth when he's 8 weeks old.


He is now 14 weeks old liao.
Don't have his recent pic with me.

Have being very busy since going back to work. Hope that you all have not forgotten me.
Good morning all mummies !!!!!
Bet everybody muz have watch the national day rally. I wonder if we will benefit from the extension of maternity leave. 4 MORE WEEKS !!!! Arrgghhh.... i can't take it, esp since i need to go back to work this week.
Also i wonder we will get the 1st child bonus too?

Maybe u can consider putting your baby in an infant care now since the subsidy has increase from the previous $150 to $400.
Hi all,
wow, so many cute baby fotos...they are all so adorable. I was 4ever so forgetful, always forget to bring my bb fotos to office to download here, hee...

Hi Hazey, my fren bb also throws out some milk thr. nose, but for him, its sort of inherit from his daddy. so dun worry too much, some bb dos.

Hi b2b3m4, pigletz,
wat is the 1st child bonus har?

hehe, don't know yet. Details will be out this wednesday I think.
Only know that Baby bonus extended to 1st child and 4th child.
Yah, dunno the details yet. However, what the 2nd n 3rd child are enjoying now is that the govt will give them a sum of money every year.

U r on maternity leave or back at work now?
B2B3M4, if I am right about the bb bonus, currently, 2nd and 3rd childs get $500 cash a year for us to buy anything we want. But if we put $ in the bb account the govt will match $ for $. That is however only for bb's education use.. and must use giro to pay (eg, childcare edu fees etc).

hi all, long time no see... all bb so cute. Have been so busy. Ethan has been keeping me busy. Am starting work on 1st sept. hopefully, govt will let moms on mat leave now extend their mat leave to 12 weeks. Am going to write petition in... have to see who I can send it to. Hmmm....

Oh, am going to try attaching Ethan's photo. Hopefully it will work. He is 5.65kg now at 6 weeks... was 3.85kg at birth.
hi all mummies..

really disappointed the announcement of 12wks maternity leave came late....me already gave birth (like many of you here) so we v.lugi - must wait for bb no 2!!

2day 1st day back at work..so tired, so stress, so sleepy!!! didnt even realise i missing my schedule for expressing milk during lunch - lucky wearing nursing pads - otherwise sure stain my blouse.

Jus finish expressing during tea-break - only managed to get 3oz??? must be work stress
Hi Lyn

Must be tough trying to get used to work and missing bb at the same time right? I'm still trying to get used to the routine of working but it's tough esp since I'm also trying to pump twice a day. Quite interruptive to my workflow but will try to continue as long as I possibly can. today also missed my afternoon expressing time. Suppose to pump at 4pm but only managed to pump at 530. Hope bb will still have enough milk to drink for her last feed when I direct latch her. Otherwise may have to wake up more than once tonight for her feed
I followed your instruction, got the massage save target as but only html is available

Chen Chen oso had dat clothing as shower gift. Ya Chen Chen can't wear many clothings liao, but he can still wear dat clothing dat Ashrel wore in the picture

How abt milo n Holic?
Your gal has beautiful big round eye

My Chen Chen split out milk thru nose occassionally. Then scary rite.
I apply hazeline snow for the rashes on Chen Chen's face it works.

Nice to hv bf kaki in the office. My office nobody bf.
I dunno whether dat thief will steal my bb's food or not. I will label my milk bottle as "Baby's food, not for adult"
Do u freeze your em or u leave in chiller n feed Jerald the next day?

Is Aelwen's poo soft? If soft not constipation. I give Chen Chen fm once a day, the rest of the feeds r latch on or ebm

I v pek chek wif the national day rally. Initially said will annouce some bb incentives during budget time in May, then say details in Aug, then now drag agn. I m oso v interested in knowing it is applicable to mummies deliver when. Hear say the incentives applicable to mummies deliver in yr 2004. If dat is true I dun need to return to work next Mon. Make us sum c c, drool like dog. Then suay

Mum who xpressed milk in the office
Where do u prepare pump n bottles n pour xpressed milk for storage? @ your work station or ??
Welcome to the 'working' club
Yeah....very tired hor....I hate to attend meetings cos i'm afraid I might doze off

Try to drink more water at work....when you are too busy, you can forget to do that. It helps to increase ss.

I'm training Aelwen to sleep through the night. 2 nights ago, she only woke up at 5am for feed...I was pretty amazed. But I still gotta wake up in the middle of the night to pump, if not will have engorgement.

Hi Shook,
Yes, Aelwen's poo poo is soft but not as watery like before. Now we cut down the FM to 1-2 times a day. My MIL says she's not feeding well...esp the evening feeds. She say maybe Aelwen is teething...she starts to salivate quite a bit already.

My office has our own toilet and has this basin area outside the toilet where there is a door to lock off. I pump and prepare my stuff there. But have to carry my EBM out to the other side of the office to pour into the 330ml milk bottle for storage in the fridge. My colleagues have already gotten used to my routine. Initially, they are quite amused and also awkward about it. Most of my colleagues are very young...early to mid 20s so not used to this

Hi Pigletz,
Gareth is so adorable! Feel like giving him a big hug!

Anyone using NUK teats here? Saw from the website that there are different teats... is there a significant difference between the normal teat and the one for thick feeds or thin fluids?

I think even ripe papaya helps milk production... took it for 2 days and supply increased!
