(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

Hi hi Pigletz,
Is anyone writing the appeal letter? Cos I also like to add my name to it. Although my gal was born in Feb, I think 2004 babies shld also be included unless they consider our babies not part of contributing citizens... If someone could provide me with who and where I should send this letter too, perhaps I can offer my part in helping to draft the letter with help and ideas from you all. Can we email for ideas as I am not able to freuqent this site as often as I like as last time.... My email is [email protected]

Helo Sarsi,

I also ate alot of fish, even drank papaya soup, but still like that leh.. I dun even have engorge breasts. During pumping, I have to squeeze the breasts, else will be even less than 20ml. I'm reaching end of first month soon (29 August), so may stop bf after that.

The benefits are for babies born on or after 1 Aug, so not entitled lor...quite disappointed. moreover, my baby premature, need more time to take care of him, plus his stay in NICU not cheap leh....

Hi lyn, yar, I have submitted feedback to www.family.gov.sg. However, may not be that impactful as compared to a mass appeal letter. what u think ?
u still bf baby? wah so persistent...I really admire ur endurance....but for me, it's very depressing to always pump out only 20-30 ml...
I'm sure sure I saw it lah. It says if you can get your doc to show your EDD in Sept then you will be entitled to it. Go and try. You will get it. I go in the web find again.
HI aurora,

I hv also read that those w EDD date after August are able to write in to request for the cash gift if their baby came early. Write in to where i'm not too sure tho.
Go to this link here: http://www.babybonus.gov.sg/bbss/html/menu/bb1.html
"If the child is a Singapore Citizen of the first birth order and was born before 1 August 2004 but whose estimated date of delivery (EDD) was on or after 1 August 2004, parents may write in to MCDS to check his or her eligibility for the Baby Bonus. They should include the doctor's certification on the EDD and copies of the following documents:
- birth certificates of all children;
- citizenship certificate of all children (if applicable);
- marriage certificate; and
- NRICs or passports of both parents
The address is: Ministry of Community Development and Sports, #08-00, Baby Bonus Branch, 512 Thomson Road, Singapore 298136.".

This is for the bb bonus. On the extended mat leave will depend on your employer I guess.
Hi Hi all,

Any mummy starts to bring their baby out for shopping already? My family have been going out every weekend since the 3rd week of confinement. But thinking of going out on my own w bb soon. Wondering whether i can cope. Do you are suggest using carrier or pram? I'm a little afraid that Jerome (now 6 weeks) still not ready for the carrier leh... carry all the way w/0 it very siong hor
AURORA, tks. Actually my ss dipping everyday - used to get 4/5oz in 20-30mins - but since started work only 2/3oz in 40 mins!!! but even i got only 10ml oso must feed my bb!!

BRENDA, we start to bring bb out after my confinment (excluding bb's chk-up, travelling to n fro parents hse). Max hrs my boy can tahan being outside is 2hrs otherwise he'll either fall asleep or start being cranky!! so far nvr bring him out alone cos i doubt i can managed one hand carry the other carry pram!! but somehow intend to bring him out this Sat using a sling.
Hi All,

Linda is starting a new thread for the appealing, you may like to give your ideas there.

"Appeal for bb benefits to those born before August 2004"
Hi Sarsi,

a million thanks !!!! Wow...at last a ray of hope ! I'll write in and see whether I can get the baby bonus...will keep you gals informed.

Hi brenda, maybe can start bringing baby out for short walks downstairs...I can't wait for confinement to be over so that I can bring him to the park downstairs..

Hi Lyn, that's why I said I pei fu you...

r u using manual or electric pump ? 40 mins, very tiring if using a manual pump. i'm using avent manual pump, so tires easily.

when my nephew was around 3 months, my brother and sis-in-law like to bring him for walks to tire him out...haha...so that he will fall asleep sooner...
Hi brenda,
have brought bb out shopping twice but with hubby. The first time, she slept throughout the trip cos we put her in the pram...think too comfortable. The 2nd time, I carry her and she was wide awake and excited as she can look around. But like Lyn's baby, she gets cranky after about an hour.

I'm also looking forward to bringing her out by myself. Think have to use the carrier....can't cope with the pram...esp when need to travel up and down the escalator.
Hi mummies,
for those mummies who r back at work n unable to express in time. Maybe u can consider expressing by hand.
i was made to attend a 4h Foreign Domestic worker orientation program yesterday. 1 1/2h into the course, i was totally engorged. During the breaks, i express by hand BM into a milk bottle i brought along. Not too bad a volume. After 5h, i managed to collect close to 4oz in the bottle. So, its not such a bad idea to sneak a small bottle into the cubicle everytime u have a toilet break. hopefully by expressing more frequently, we can maintain our ss.
But reminder, do standby collecting shell or breast pad. When expressing one breast, i was caught off guard n the other breast leaked non stop. (otherwise, could have collected more)
aurora, tks...me oso using avent manual!! but on good days i finish quite soon - but since i started work v.tired .... so tot of giving up lor..

mon_mon, i think all bb r the same - rite now their attn span v.short. They'll look ard - turn here n there but after 30min max 1hr they will become restless n eventually fall sleep :p

all moms...HOPEFULLY ALL OF U WILL SUPPORT THE NEW THREAD FOR THE APPEAL!!! otherwise our jun/jul bbs v.lugi
Chen Chen oso salivates a lot. I wonder if he is teething too early tho but it happened twice when he unlatched it wz v painful.
Normal for bf bb not to poo. Chen Chen hit a record of 6 days. Is Aelwen's poo soft? If hard dat is constipation

My office fridge overloaded so I can only put milk bottle in, not cooler bag.
xian looks like I can only pour milk in pantry.
How u go to Yahoo auction? R the things 2nd hand?

Chen Chen chokes easily when drinking water but not milk. He choked once while latch on. My milk shot out like water hydrent

Where do u pour the expressed milk, in pantry or your work station?
The food r stolen when left over9. Hope the thief won't steal my bb's food in the day
Jerald has a Jap look

Ya my boi loose on waiste n tight on thigh when wearing diapers, so wear it loose for him like hipsters

Aiyo, milo n ovaltine not suitable for u. How abt Holic?
My breasts don't leak as much like b4 too. Find it nuisence in the past but welcome it now

Is it messy when u hand express? Find my milk sticky leh

I m going back to work tml. Super duper xian
Negotiated wif my mgr to break my 12:30 1 hr lunch to 30min each at 11:00pm n 2:30pm he asked me whether I can go back to office in time. Kan na sai. I told him I do it in toilet (wanna blurt out wat u expect). V worried ppl gossip or my mgr not happy when c me preparing bottles, run hot water over pump, etc, etc. Think he will spot check me during 12:30 lunch to ensure I work. Can't come into forum during office hr liao
Hi Shook,
In fact if u can solve the leaky problem of the other breast, shldn't be touching BM at all. Juz squueeze the area around the aerola, not the nipples. Then juz direct the nipples into the bottle. Clean n hygienic. But muz still remember to wash hands b4 expressing.
shook, tks!! u mean u leave ur bm over9 in ur office?? i express in toilet directly into the milk bottle so dun nd to pour frm bottle to bottle.

b2b3m4, u oso use hand express?? why u didnt use pump??

i use hand express while i'm in office nowsday cos the pump will b sticky if i didnt sterlise immediately after use - so use hand. Find tat use faster to use hand.
Hi mon, I got the same ice pack as u
I using Tollyjoy disposable breast pads, cheaper than Pigeon and equally good.

Seems like a lot of you stock up diapers also leh. Heehehe

Hi pigletz, are u sure he's teething? So fast meh? I want to join to write in to appeal too. But how shd we go abt doing it?

Hi hui32, I've tried Enfamama during my preg days, quite like it. But never try Frisomum before.

Hi sarsi, so sad that we didn't enjoy the bb bonus hor? Find we very lugi.

Hi brenda, I brought bb out on my own during my confinement.

Hi aurora, you want to help to draft the letter and we'll put our names in your letter? I think it's be more impactful if its an appeal by so many of us.

Hi shook, the things in Yahoo are 2nd hand. You can go to Yahoo website and look for auction.

Yup, that's according to the PD. He is starting early, but might drag alittle bit b4 we can see his tiny little tooth. Poor baby, gotta suffer so early. *sigh*

Regarding the appeal, guess we need to gather pple 1st, which Linda is doing now in the other thread.
Still planning to express with a pump when i go back to work. But cannot pump so frequently at work n yet don wan ss to decrease. So, intend to express by hand every time i go for toilet break n use pump to do a more "thorough" job during lunch time. Also when out shopping, don think i wan to bring the whole pump along, a empty bottle will do n can still relieve engorgement.
lyn, im workin under customer service section, saturday not supose to off work...
we stil ve 1/2 day, see tml boss meeting say wat...

aurora, u gave birth july when?
mine oso july...on the 10th...

actually im using pigeon manual pump, always pump until hand damn pain, then last week juz go n buy tollyjoy batteries operated pump, then after that so sway can only pump 2 or 3 oz..sometime as lyn mentioned...1 oz oso must feed to baby..coz i haven start work, i onli feed baby ebm in the nite time when im slping, mother wake up n heat the milk n feed renee..then in the day time, i will feed her directly..

im using disposable breast pad-tollyjoy
also bough a washable breastpad frm kiddy palace..but still haven use yet, intend to use it when i get back to work..but dono whether i still will be need it anot..

shook, so far i haven tried holick leh...dono will be more heaty anot..

giggler, i still drinkin the milk be it friso or enfa, coz i read the can it say breastfeeding moms oso can drink...sometime i happy i drink friso sometime i happy i drink enfa...

anyway hope we all can succeed frm the appeal..

who's going to draft the letter?
i no good in english leh..
must ask some1 ang mo chim chim 1 to write, if not the letter will be bounced back ar...
Hi Shook,
Aelwen's poo is very sticky these days....only poo poo every 3 days. Does bb's poo changes from watery to sticky texture?

You can go to this link: http://list.auctions.shopping.yahoo.com/sg/24202-category-leaf.html?alocale=0sg
to Yahoo auction for bb items. Some of the things are 2nd hand but there are also new items which was received as gift. I bought my Medela electric pump from the auction site and it's brand new. Owner got it as a gift during her full month and she already has one similar pump so decide to sell it.

Hi Giggler,
I've also jus switch to trollyjoy nursing pad. The icepack is very useful hor? Initially, I have to make ice everyday...very troublesome.

Linda started a new tread
Appeal for bb benefits to those born before August 2004
You can check it out.

Hi Pigletz,
How old is your bb? Mine also seems like teething but she's only 11 weeks old.

Hi Absolut,
I change twice a day cos change when I bath in the morning and at night. So I use 4 disposables in one day....usuage very high. After much thought maybe I should stick to the disposables...not enough time to do the washing
Hi aurora, glad to see another "mummy of premature baby" here. Thought I was the only one. Hehehe. My baby was born at 36 weeks. Not too premature... almost went to Special Care Nursery but didn't in the end, but sorta struggled in the normal nursery cos everything was too big for him, even the sunshades for phototherapy. My baby is 4.66kg now. At the same rate of 20-30g per day, he should reach 5kg in 2 weeks' time when he is 3 months old. Yippee! Still using S size diapers cos he's not extremely chubby, which is characteristic of premmies. Anyway, don't worry, like lyn said, they catch up very fast! Press on with the breastfeeding... your premmie needs it all the more! Just keep pumping and the supply will naturally improve. Drink lots of fluids and try to relax as much as possible. I had a very stressful time during confinement cos of problems with my MIL but I tried to relax when BF-ing or expressing... supply improved... now very stable. But fluctuates with my fluid intake. Your baby put on 400g in 3 weeks? That's on target. Did he have any specific problems associated with prematurity? I had 2 injections at 34 weeks to speed up lung maturity... damn painful!

Hi all, I am using Mothercare's breastpads... rather cheap but not extremely good... the edges are papery and irritate my skin. Haven't tried any other brands cos I bot a box of 100 and still have more than half left... not exactly the very leaky type. Hee...

Oh, my 10-week-old is showing his lower incisor already! He's salivating a lot. We were shocked intially but I guess he's just a bit early. Will see how long the whole tooth takes to come out.

I haven't brought my boy out alone; only with hubby twice (excluding visits to doctors)... may do that after my exams next month.
Hi pigletz, you mean your bb feels the pain of teeth growing out now?

Hi B2B3M4, so you are mastering the skill of hand expressing now? At least, you only need to bring a milk bottle along with u to toilet hor?

Hi hui32, it could be your Tollyjoy pump not very good that's why you didn't manage to pump enough leh. You drink powdered milk everyday? I only drink on and off.

Hi mon, the ice-pack very useful and like its flexibility too. Can cut into smaller piece to fix into my cooler bag.
The Tollyjoy disp nursing pad is cheaper mah.

Hi jul, yours even earlier leh, can see the lower incision??? You must have taken a lot of calcium.
jul, ur boy @10wks got teeth liao??? so soon

mon_mon, ur gal's teeth on the way oso??

of late jerald like to put his mouth on my arm n chew like a drumstick....he only 8wks....too early hor.. But it can be quite painful when i latch him on!!

b2b3m4..tried to hand express solely this morning...not bad leh..its faster compare to pump..not so tired and best of all..managed to get 4/5oz!!! think wld dump the pump@ hme n use hand express while in office. Everyday carry the pump to n fro v.heavy leh - not to mention i cant sterlise it after use.
brenda i'll bring my baby out whenever i free..but now mum said 7th lunar canot bring baby out till too late, then mite as well i don bring..but juz brought her to mt a n jurong point yesterday coz i went for checkup n shopping..

my baby also very lazy type, shopping awhile she fall aslp le..

giggler, i don drink everyday, i drink mayb 2 days once. the tollyjoy 1 not bad, but dono y i dnt feel my breast hard leh..tink mayb my milk reli going to stp..

My baby is abt 14/15 weeks old now.


Ya, that's why he keep on crying initially. My boy don't usually cry unless he's not feeling well. That's why I brought him to the doc and confirm that he's teething.

Btw, I bring him to have his 1st hair cut today. Haha, he looks like a little monk now. Sooooo Cute. hehe...gonna take pic of him when I go home tonight.
So envy you gals here all still got so much bm to express.

Wah Lyn, u use hand still can get so much. Very good huh.

BTW gals, Taka got bb fair. Today until 8 Sept. Dunno got the time to go there or not. Now wif bb life is really different, not like last time wanna go where can go where. Go one outing gotta prepare so many things. And oso scared he gets cranky then very mah fan.
Hi lyn,my gal also likes to put her fist into her mouth recently. So cute leh cos she really like eating drumsticks with all the sound.
Wow sounds like hand express also very effective leh.

Hi hui32, you stay near Jurong Pt? I stay near there leh. Maybe we can meet one of these days to go shopping together.
My breasts used to feel engorge after 4hrs, now 6hrs also not that painful anymore. I think my milk really decr.

Hi pigletz, you didnt cut his hair during 1st mth?

nope, cos his great grand mother don't allow us to cut his hair.
This time round I bring him go cut without letting them know. Later go home sure get scolded one.
sarsi, giggler actually i used hand express b4 to get rid of my engorement - once my breasts b'come soft again i pump out my milk. but now in office v.troublesome cos cant sterlise the pump - so when b2b3m4 said she actually use hand express tot of giving it a try lor - and it's way faster than using a manual pump.

sarsi, any idea wat's on the fair?? maybe hv to tag hubby along this sunday - cos talk to my mum abt bringing Jerald out alone - but she doubt i can handle him??!!!
Giggler, some babies are even born with teeth, I read from babycentre.co.uk. 3 months is still a bit early I guess, but it may take a long time for the whole tooth to come out!
My boy is also eating his fist these days... gets quite irritated when he can't aim properly towards his mouth... we gotta "assist" him in finding his drumstick. He doesn't want pacifier.

Didn't see any advert about the Taka baby fair... don't think I have much to buy anyway, may give it a miss. The stuff in Taka is rather pricey.

Brought baby out twice with hubby... may try to go out alone next month when I have cleared my exams. Last Saturday, my boy started screaming after we stepped into Crystal Jade in Suntec. Could hear him even when hubby brought him to walk around the fountain! In the end, I breastfed him in the restaurant. Think the staff were quite shocked, but they were very nice about it and kept smiling at us after that. Hehehee..
!! JUL, u dare to b'f in public!!! sure to invite stares!!! I didnt even dare to do that!!! Even once when Jerald was waiting for his turn to c his pd @ KKH, i didnt dare to latch him on - jus hurried him off to the nearest toilet!!!

dun wan end up like the 'esplanade doc' later gana chase out!!
im stayin @ boonlay(mum's plc)...u leh?
ur baby how big le?

during my girl 1st mth....we did cut abit of hair for her...
im goin to make her botak in her 4th mth...(tinkin to make chinese paintbrush for her)


its true that its troublesome to bring baby along...but joy leh...
whenever my girl's hungry, i faster go in the car to bf her...
aiyo, i so paisey to let others see leh...my frds see nevermind but strangers see....i canot take it ar!
Hi Jul & Giggler,
Aelwen also gets irritated when she can't aim her fist to her mouth
Sometimes it really amused me to watch her doing "tricks" like that. The way she sucks her fist, seems like she's going to put her whole fist into her mouth anytime.
Hi jul, today very busy, din get a chance to access the forum till now.
I share your sentiments about premies, seems that they dun appear to be chubby. Everything is real big. got a headache buying full-month clothes for him...heehee...now he is still wearing NB size diapers.

Thankfully, my boy does not have problems related to prematurity, only the weight part, so he was rather skinny at birth. Similar to you, I got 2 shots to mature his lungs at 33 weeks, just 1 week before I delivered. real painful, but for the sake of baby, I endure lor...

Regarding bf, my boy doesn't know how to latch on till recently, hence my ss is mainly dependent on expressing. Are u giving ur baby total BM or supplementing w FM ?

tomorrow's my boy's full month celebration, may not have time to visit the forum...see you gals
soon !
Aurora, congrats, you made it to the first month! Hehehe... I guess only I will understand what it feels like to be a mum of a premmie.
My hubby and I are obssessed with my baby's weight gain.. hehee. we weigh him every week with the digital machine from my hubby's company. My boy was wearing NB PP till we finished it... then he was using Fitti Premium. PP cutting is big and loose, so can use till the thighs get more fleshy! We just bought another pack of S PP yesterday since we don't expect him to grow out of it so soon...

I'm doing total breastfeeding - everyone in KKH says it's all the more important to BF if your baby is prem, and I agree. We bought a tin of Enfalac to standby but haven't touched it yet. Initially, hubby was worried about my supply cos baby seemed to be nursing so often. Hehehe... but now I have enough stock in the fridge to last one week if I am not around. Just keep at it... baby small, mummy will produce less milk... cannot compare between mothers. I was pumping 30mls, 40mls, 60mls initially... now it's increased to 100mls after feeding. My problem now is that baby refuses bottle. We have tried different teats and he absolutely hates them... it's as if he can SEE the bottle coming and he just screams his head off. We've been trying everyday for the last week... very distressing. Hey, u know there's actually a website to buy clothes for premmies? I saw the link after my boy's full month so I didn't check it out. Hehehe... I agree everything is too big for them.... even the mittens keep falling out. My hubby and I just gave up trying to keep them on and let him scratch himself; anyway they heal so well and so fast.. hehehe.. now the mittens just fit nicely... in fact, he's going to outgrow one pair of booties already! My boy is still wearing newborn rompers from Mothercare. Those 3 to 6 months rompers I bought are still a tad big for him. His hat keeps falling off too... my hubby says we wear it just for show.

My boy had quite a few problems at birth and it was very distressing for me and hubby. And he stayed for 10 days in the nursery. Now he is still being monitored for a hole in his heart. I assume u delivered in KKH? Who was your obstetrician?
jul, pardon if i said someting wrong hor.

u mention ur boy has a hole in his heart. did his pd said tat he/she heard a murmur while examining him?? did he/she oso mention that bb will outgrow this prob??

Did his cardio mention tat we must look out for breathlessness...etc

i gave birth in kkh, gynae Dr C C Khong, bb's pd is Dr Anu, cardio is Dr Tan (can remember his name but he's a bit chubby, quite friendly. he's @ Clinic M, Rm 8)
Wow....the forum moves so fast.

I m really vexed!!!! When I on the air con, Randall's nose seems cannot take it and when I on the fan, he is sweating like a pig. Heat rash appearing. Then he got blocked nose two days ago so brought him to c a PD. He got sensitive nose due to the fact tat both my hubby and myself got sensitive nose. BUT, seems tat everyone in the world r pointing finger at me saying I dunno how to take care of my son. Arrghhh..... Telling me bb not scare of heat n I shouldnt on the air con. Got such thing meh? The onli way to overcome this problem is to bf him longer. Hmm....I must really determine to bf him as long as I can.

After seeing the PD, went centrept and do some shopping and had a glass of COKE. The feeling damn shiok. Hv not had something COLD for 2 WEEKS liao. Hehe....

Does anyone hv any idea wats the expected weight gain for bb? Like a chart tat we can find fm the net for fetal weight @ wk XX?? Hehe... At 2 wks old, Randall weighs 4.52kg. Wonder how he is doing. Now, whenever he cries I juz latch him even its not time for him to drink yet (of cos I checked the diaper first). Then after drinking, he juz doze off. Wonder wat happen if I express bm to feed him in future. My breasts now not onli feed him oso like a pacifier for him.
Hey...u all appealing for bbies b4 Aug ah? Tell u all wat...though I gave birth in Aug, I checked with my co's HR and they told me maybe my co not gg to give me the additional 4 wks. I lagi angry!!!!!!
super duper sway if they I dun get it. Now gotta wait for their mgmt meeting to give me an ans.
Hate this kinda suspense feeling.
valencia, as u mentioned "bb not scare of heat" this wat my parents said also..when im doing confinement, im not suppose to on the fan and anything, same for my baby, the fan that i on canot blow him directly, i oso did notice that my girl also sweat..
sometimes she cried, i tink it's becoz of hottness..
juz turn on the fan, but don blow directly to ur baby lor..
my baby oso tot that my breasts is her pacifier, sometimes she suck, sometimes she pauses...later she suck back again, machiam sucking on the pacifier..
then i put her down to slp, she crys again...i must then hug n carry her till she reli very deep slp..
val, Randall weighs 4.52kg @ only 2wks????? Jerald weights only 4kg @ 8wks!!!!

anyway "re.bb not afraid of heat" NONSENSE!! since the day i bought Jerald hme, the fan is on almost the whole day, @ nite he sleeps in aircon wif with the nanny.

after confinment, me n bb stay @ mum's plc - same thing: fan on whole day - @ nite sleep in aircon room!!

if the fan n aircon r absent - he can b cranky - refusing sleep/bottle!! Dan u'll notice his back v.wet due to sweat!!

n all bf bb r v.yang o...dun worry abt offering him bottle...otherwise u can try to rotate breast n bottle at each meal to let him get used to it. Now on wkends when i bring him hme - if i cant pacify him - i'll offer my breast to quiet him otherwise he'll scream down the whole block!!

hui32...now mi trying to let Jerald sleep on him own - cant oways carry cos when i bring him hme on wkend - his dady wan him to b independant so he dun carry Jerald often unless he's really screaming - i c liao v.heart ache but i cant oways still him on my chest mah - so for past 1wk tried at my mum's plc - abit difficult @ 1st cos my dad v.sayang him oways carry/coo him...but so far so gd... at least now when he fall a sleep can put him in sarong immediately liao.

I think Randall behaves exactly like ur girl. I so "evil" today. He kept screaming till I put my hand over his mouth and ask him to shut up. Hehe.....


Yeah. Randall very yang o. U know he actully peep when he is abt to wake up. If no one ard, he will SCREAM. I think most of the time he scream and not really cry. Throwing tantrum. Onli my mum can tahan him and coo him. I caught him this morning peeping when he is abt to wake up. So I told him "U naughy boy!! see got ppl ard or not ah?" He actually smile at me and went back to sleep. Hai~ look like as if he knows wat is gg on. But I feel he is too YOUNG to know anything now.
Lyn, Giggler,
My boy oso likes to put his fists into his mouth. His mittens will then get wet and damp wif his saliva.

One question, r you gals still wearing mittens n botties for your bb? I tried cutting his nails but still find tat its sharp and he may scratch his face. But alot of those mittens are botties are too small. Only find those from BenBeni (dunno i tat's the correct spelling) are big enuf, though the rubber band part gotta cut away some to loosen it. U gals got the same prob?

I went Taka BB fair yest. Got some good buys. If u r using Avent, the bottles are quite cheap. 2 125ml bottles for $9. 3 260ml for $15. 330ml bottle selling at $12.90 comes free with magic trainer bottle. The Avent diaper bag is selling at $75.

I bought the diaper bag after hessitating very long. Had long wanted to get tat but original selling $122. Now $75 so hubby say buy.

Nowadays, when I go shopping I head on down to bb section immediately. Spent mostly on bb items. Dun dare to spend much on myself. Can spend a long time in tat section browsing. My own things oso not interested liao.

Val, my co. oso most likely wont be giving the extra 4 weeks mat leave to those who give birth fm 1 Aug- 31 Sept. Very bad lor I feel, anyway how many pregnant ladies r there in the co. tat would give birth during tat period. Cant they just be more family friendly and just give them. Not much oso wat.
valencia - guess u r not alone with a v.yang o boi - Jerald oso like tat leh.

agree he still young lah so hv to b v.patient. i've dare to do anything 'evil' to him yet but sometimes i really lose my cool - boh bian i leave him in his cot n scream his lungs out while i cool down.

sarsi, jerald oso has the habit of sucking his fists!! nowsaday when his pacificer drops out during his sleep - he will automatically put in his fists!!!

if u remove his mittens - he'll not suckle. duno why?? but cannot dun put on mittens - cos he'll scratch his face as u said.

most of my mittens n booties r hand-me-down so some r quite loose no prob - but those new ones r getting small so my mum said tat dun nd to put on till he outgrown them.
Lyn, I tried to give him pacifier but he spits it out. Tried many times, seems like he dun like it. So I didnt give him.
?? i intro him to the pacifier since he's a newborn. but only untill recently he must hv njoy his fists so much he 'dump' his pacificer :p
hi sarsi n lyn,
ashrel oso like to put his fist (w mitten) into his mouth, pacifier only once a while he sucks. wen asleep, will puke it out. i suppose all bb are 'yang o'. sometx he cries n refuses milk, i must keep saying 'sai yang sai yang' n hold him close then he ok.
i still use mitten for him as he loves to rub n scratch his face.
i on fan for him day tx n nite tx is aircon. he hates the heat n will get heat rash n cranky if too hot. yup he perspires quite a bit too. no more nice nice newborn bb smell but somtx sweaty smell. i bathe him once in morning n once at evening.

dear mummies,
how is evyone? cant chat for long here n often at least for a while. looking af ashrel alone. v. tough..
does anyone let bb sleep stomach/face down (prone position)? any comments? i realise my boy can sleep beta n longer in this position. if face up, will once a while 'jump up' n cry. use the bean pillow oso no use.

the health booklet has a chart on bb wt.
Lyn, he must have loved his new found 'food' tat he dumped his pacifier....hahaha....

Sanrio, same here. I use fan day time and at nite on aircon. Sometimes, he gets so cranky at feed times tat we have to sayang him until he calms down. He loves us to carry him on our shoulders. Carry him on our arms he dun like. So its really a strain carrying him. My arms get so tired after a while.

In the afternoons when he refuses to sleep, we will let him sleep face down. He can sleep very long in tis position. If sleep face up, he always jerks when there is a loud sound. So we have to watch our movements when he sleep otherwise will startle him. Bean pillow oso no use. But it provides some comfort for him cos like got someone holding him.
sanrio, must b tough to jaga bb alone - n u still taking ur 1-yr unpaid leave to be wif ashrel??

sanrio, i dare not let jerald sleep face down, cos my mum cant jaga him all the time. so he sleeps in the sarong. he still 'jerk' sometimes but not as often compare when he's a newborn.

sanrio, sarsi, now jerald's fav position is to carry him uprite with his head resting on our shoulder. (hv to b careful of his head n neck!!) he dun sweat as much compare to the cradle position.

lyn, u tink they can slp longer in sarong ar?
my girl slping in cot..but the slping time is very little..
she always wake up in the middle of the nite, these few nite, she always scream out loud suddenly..
dono y..
my mum told mi its due to lunar 7th mth, therefore don bring the baby out..

any1 belve this?

sarsi, im still wearing the mitten n bootie for my girl, but my mum said can remove away for her already, coz her palm will tend to sweat then very smelly, my mum said only need to put back for her when slp time..her nails are still very long, even thou' they'r trimmed, they stil seems to be long n sharp..
she always scratch her face a few times at bath..
but the wound heal quit fast..
