(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

yes, hubby n me like bb/ashrel to wear white. ash has been wearing lots of white since birth. if he eats, we let him put on bib. no matter wat color he wears, alwy 'stained' by his saliva. at days wen he drools a lot, i will let him wear bib.

for tpy
4rm: 75 to 100sqm, price: $216K to $319K
5rm: 110 to 115sqm, price: $352K - $411K
i cant imagine 75sqm!! mus b real small. we're applying for d 5rm but not many units are available compared to 4rm.
hush hush suntec near to which area??

ash enjoys walking more wen he is outside. at hm, he is still into his crawling! he tinks tat's easier n faster. i ask himt o stand up n walk, he walk few steps, sit down then start his crawling agn..
yup now i can c both video clips. can teach me how to upload fr youtube to d blog? which link to paste, how to paste n paste to where? tks
so cute, chen chen can speak well! ash is still v v much into his motor skills. he can climb up a v steep spiral slide at my mum's place playground tat some mummies there saw n were quite surprised tat he is 13mths+. i din brg camera then, ai ya...
my hubby was so worried tat he might fall. me not worried thou cos i noe he is a super climber
Mummies going for the gathering,

Sorry that I'm not able to email out the details till Wed. These 2 days super busy and don't think I got the time to sit down and consolidate the email address and send it to you all. Bear with me for a while okay. I will make sure all of you get the details by Wed.

Super stress out with work now. *sigh*
pringles, did u suspect the ice cream cake??? i love ice cream but ice cream + cake!!!! no way for me.

viv, pls take care!! rest plenty. ever tot of trying message for preg women??
u r scaring me off - cos of my back prob, got worse after that fall at the stair cases!!

mon2nat, i dun tie up my hair after i left sch...often left me with headache!! now i tie them up when i nd to do hsework. but hor...
nat really look v.pretty leh. dun force her if she dun wans....perhaps it's to uncomfortable for her.

sahm, eat within an hr is only applicable to lunch time 60mins.
i love top 1st, bottom row 1st n 2nd!!! v. nice. i also love to go hush hush at sunctec. they got this dancing dog at the window that amuse my rascal!!
acutally hor, that was my 1st trip to orchard after several mths!! the last time i went i;m still at work, but i pontang n took jerald to gymboree.
u dun get pong by shook for posting that pix of elyse eating yew tiao!!!
2nd pix: i tot elyse recovered liao...how come the redness on her chest??? too much crying?
donuts: berry version~ doesnt you end up with a bigger hole?? weird/worth thinking. best brenda ans give "C"!!!

skyblue, there's a hush hush at seiyu, orchard taka n suntec.
dun worry too much lah, take it one step at a time lor...must try. can go for short trip to m'ysia/bintan for a start.

brenda, u finally said it all!! my active rascal can really drive me crazy!! ur posting that jem sit n play by himself in a corner, helping himself to puff n water occassionaly while you read.....seems like a dream for me leh.
JEM ATE SUSHI?? u mean the rice only?? n other COOOKED STUFF?
u managed to get hold of him b4 the lift door close?? jem such a charmer....can attract mei mei to offer things.

pvl, how's ur trip?? pixs when free, pls.

qsg, u must gan gan liao. bumps/knocks cant be avoided for "new" drivers. MY TURN COMING SOON.

sanrio, now that ash is running ard....u must eat more!! so envy you...so slim...i sahm for almost a mth liao....instead of getting slimmer...duno why suddenly ballooned so much more???
hush hush suntec, opp renoma boutique, same row as g2000 n daniel yan boutique.

pigletz, cheer up!! need any secretrial help, do call....otherwise my skills getting rusty.
I like bb to wear white. Even I myself like to wear white. But Chen Chen's top always get stained. Sigh....
U paste the 2nd link on utube to the link prompt below the title in blog. But hor there is tis msg of the link which I dunno how to remove
How u add music in2 Ash's blog?

Take your time. Dun stress out.
BTW I will bring my own invented recipe for pot luck. I name it golden cup

Eureka din feed Elyse you tiao. Elyse took it herself n Eureka took it back. Eureka is a guai guai mum ok
will let u know how to back up blog when I learn how to do so.. no problem.
actually my favourite type of teddy bear is those EWOKs in Star wars..those that can walk and talk teddy bear. Hubby says that now my wish has come true have a walking and taking bear (Ryan)
ash not born v big either. he was 3.18kg at birth. but big big bm drinker so 1 mth old wt was 5.2kg liao.
ya he pui pui now cos can eat n drk a lot! he super active so alwy hungry n has gd appetite.

tis is fr ruffy:
To add sound in blogger, go to edit template and add this piece of code right
below <head>
<bgsound src="http://www.geocities.com/file/tune.mid"
loop=infinite hidden="true">
you have to specify the url where your music is stored.
You can download the midi from this website
The tune will play continuously
What I did is to open a geocities account with Yahoo..then upload the midi to the file manager there..then paste the file/URL into the template then u can hear the music when u press preview.

hmm..i dun get u. wat u mean by 'link prompt below d title in blog'? is it under new post or under template?
<font color="0000ff">Hi Ruffy,</font>
Can advise how u maintain ur bear collection?? How to clean them clean enough???

<font color="0000ff">Hi Brenda,</font>
I know u have misread my earlier post but tot it is ok not to clarify
. Hb will be away long stretch only in Sept n Oct. He is still ard, fighting hard against the virus in the hse
.....leaving soon, wish me gd luck!

Childhood dream.....tot my kids are very fortunate, they get to sit those kiddie rides time after times. I NVR sat on one ever in my life, I dream of sitting on one now when no one peeping!!!!!
Scared kena handcuffed! Majestic merry go round????? wat is that?

I not into those thrill rides, sure sacrifice for those more kiddie event since it is for Rae Rae.......

<font color="0000ff">Hi Emily,</font>
Elyse just out frm her shower.....lion hair!
Tks for ur hugz.........U also deserve more hugs, working so hard n so late!!!!!

<font color="0000ff">HI Shook,</font>
I converse/communicate with my kids alot but not reading habitually to them enough at all. To me, i find communicating n talking is easy but very take effort to read/teach words to my kids. I dun literally ask them to look at my lip, teach them see my lip movement, pronounce etc.

Personally, I really find speech development needs more effort than motor effect lor.

Crying foto captured by hb while I dressing my gal up. WE wanted to capture her bad rashes for her blog. Camera oreadi started snapping, u wont simply stop at her body rite?

<font color="0000ff">Avocado, Sanrio, Lyn</font>
Hahahahah, too speedy reading ah! Me mentioned all over the thread that elyse has very high fever followed by the outbreak of rashes - roseola. U gals missed out lah, I get shook to bong u!

<font color="0000ff">Hi Sanrio</font>
Ur effort will pay off one day. Who knows ash is storing up his words/vocab reservoir now. 1 fine day, he will just give u surprise!
My own opinion n observation is just general one. Ash maybe exceptional?

<font color="0000ff">Hi stylobb,</font>
U fussy? No lah, u still young at heart. Me age is catching up, I start to allow cartoony thingy but not overly gaudy stuffs for my kids. I go with my kids' likes too.....I always remind myself their likes not my own preferences.

Muji, many many yrs back, they were ard n I patronize them alot. Then there was a time they simply vanished n then made appearance again. Frm then, I dun shop there much liao. Their stuffs are cool!

<font color="0000ff">HI Mum2nat,</font>
I shop away frm Orchard does not mean I dun shop rite? heheheheh.....

U came back in June rite? GSS period issit?? U mean ALL items 50% or selected items?? Ytd, the 50% for ALL items started frm 3-7pm only. Anyway, singapore has sales thru out the yr

<font color="0000ff">Hi Lyn,</font>
Was away frm thread whole afternoon. Went to food fair at suntec n when back, I dun know wat u talking abt.....1st row, 2nd row...hahahahhaha.
Ur taste same as my hb. He said those #8 Ts not nice but I like leh, not so cartoony

Yah, I loitered at shopping malls alot when I was working. Can take cab with colleague cheong during lunchtime, then continue after work!
Now with 2 kids, hb n I shop away frm Orchard. Too congested n very pek chek to shop with impatient pushing hb n active toddlers!
Ay POK POK/Absolut,
Since u all already scanned for bbs' sex liao, can I share something 'absurb' to u? I did this absurb thing though
......u decide if u all want to believe n follow, k?? I mean very fast u all will be ooh ah ooh ah in the labour ward liao

Have u heard of buying gift for #1 frm #2??? As in upon 1st meeting in the hospital, give #1 a gift on behalf of #2, say didi/mei mei buy for korkor/jiejie? Hahahha, i did this cos I tot no harm lah.....which kids dun like toys n furthermore wow, gift frm new arrival, new playmate...sure xiang qin xiang ai for days ahead! haahahahaha, cute hor??

Then hor, very very important......must warn ah gong ah ma, sibling frm both sides. DUN EVER just focus on the newborn n neglect #1. I feel that this will lead to #1 feeling of neglect n the attention snatcher is the new arrival, detrimental leh!!

Just sharing..........given a choice, I will do anything just to play safe, who dun want own kids to xiang qin xiang ai???
...even if inevitable to fight, fight to the minimal level lor....
I like the blouse you bought. Oh, I tot the sale was the partial one. Din know there is a 50% storewide. Anyway, isit only for 1 day? Cos tmrw I gg Bugis, can go and look see... Hee... I bought a few pieces for Nat tat day at Hush Hush oso.
Wah, Elyse's rashes looks terrible!!! Aiyo... must be awful. You said you had too, was it so bad? Isit itchy?

Shook / Skyblue
Then dun wait liao.. quick have a girl girl...
I think boys' clothes v boring and quite expensive leh. Pay for top and bottom, quite exp. I think pretty dresses more worth it. Hee...

DId you see my message to you regarding the scallops? The small ones.
Nat hates to be touched. I carry her, hold her arms oso cannot. She dun let me tie lah. I had to take it off 5 min after tat.

Hope everything goes smoothly for you. Must be v hectic.

Hope your surgery is smooth and you recover fast fast.

Ah yes, tying up makes me have headache too. BUt now I oso tie, cos too warm liao leh. And so much hair!

HOw's your trip? I oso tot of gg somewhere...

NOt much time to post, if I miss anyone out, can PM me. Now Nat refuse to sleep in the play pen
Gone are those days when I put her there nite nite, she sleeps... how?? I bought her a mattress today. But took her 1 hour to sleep, cos she was walking here and there jumping climbing... faint leh... we all peng san leh. Ore energy really draining off liao...
U tink i dun wan gal gal ah? The thot of having a gal makes me drool liao leh. If u got a way to guarantee i sure get gal for No 2, i sure quick quick have one :p

Went to see the shoes at RSH today. Didn't manage to get any for Kieran. Haiz..until today still haven got a pair of walking shoes for him.

Ash likes to walk outside? Kieran is the direct opposite. When he's at home, he walks everywhere. When we're outside, he'll want to wriggle out from our arms to get down. BUT, after a few steps, he starts to crawl. Wah piangzzzzzzzzzzzz...

Watch same vcd to pick yp lang? Eh, kieran nvr leh. He watches the same barney vcd all the time, but nvr pick up any of the words they use. Only pick up their dancing :p

I like Edi's giraffe
U have any idea where i can get it?

Rashes still there today but can see dat they're decreasing. Eh, nanny told me shd avoid contact wif water cos will worsen situation. But how to? He perspires like nobody's biz.


It'll take me alot of courage to bring Kieran overseas. But nvm lah, i oredi tink i'm quite brave cos i dare to bring kieran out alone to orchard :p
Hi mum2nat,
I really hope ur tough days over fast fast....everything of nat now is a phase only! VEry tiring n energy zapping.....how u still remain so sane?? REtail therapy for nat issit???

Wat did u buy frm HH, nothing similar to my purchase ah?? I saw 2 bags which i like alot but dun know buy for wat?
U saw one orangy checked blouse at original price of $39?? Was pondering if to get.....hb was pestering me to just get n go off. The more I didnt want to buy then..........

Many pple dun know abt the allocated time of 50% sales. I very kpo, a few shoppers n I chatted n I told them abt making payment frm 3pm onwards would be 50% n they were like ISSIT???? hahahahah, u go lor, go check with counter cashier 1st lor..........
if not, u 'arm tui'!

Me got rashes? No lah....bad flu n now bad cough only.

DUn give up lah.....u give up now, likelihood u will give up forever liao.....so sayang. If hb ever out of town, the car park there so sayang n u need to ferry Dana ard leh????
Hi Skyblue,
AYOH, Kieran is so cute!!! HIs smile melts n really wind me down for my beauty sleep soon! He looks chubby too! I luv his Santa Fe too....so cool...the driver so suave! hehehehehhe...

Barney vcd is more towards musical rite?? Watch so much of barney, no nitemare ah....hahahahah....kids just like barney hor?? Hb wanted to get barney stuffs for rae so many times but I buay tahan the sight of it leh....me still got to remind myself.....my kids like or I like??? very jialat hor me? So far, I only give in to him having barney story books n laptop frm my bro....

Water will worsen the situation?? Ay...solly, i dun buy that leh. Nothing got to do with it leh. GP mentioned it is the very high fever thingy then affect the vessel or something like tat. Then in tat case, surely water helps rite??

Elyse's rash took 4 days to totally disappear. Chen chen also....u do ur counting down lor
Wah, thks for ur generous compliments. Will take Kieran tomolo dat auntie sahm is full of praises for him
Barney vcds have alot of songs but in between oso tch kids smthg. U tink i like barney ah? I used to complain to my colleagues/frens abt tis horrible looking purple dino. (A dino purple in colour leh! wah piang!!!) Now, i bo bian, got to sit wif kieran to listen to tis ugly dino. U got it boh, i say 'listen' hor, not 'watch'. Cos i use barney vcd to distract Kieran when he's having his meals. So his eyes will be glued to the tv while i'm busy scooping his porridge n 'throwing' it into his mouth. Mummies pls dun pong me. I know it's not gd to allow kids to watch tv progs when eating but to me, having a kid who guai guai sits down is betta than having to chase him everywhere. Very chuan one leh. Anyway, i tink it's a phase they'll outgrow. Sahm, i not so siao abt barney, thus so far, i only got a barney stuff toy for kieran :p I oso dunno abt the water thingy. Today is 4th day liao, haven totally disappear!!!
Hi Skyblue,
U see!!! I dun even pay much attention to the content of those barney vcds hanging ard the hse....very bad mama lah. I am ok with the song tho 'I luv U, U luv me, we r 1 big family...' hehehhehe...WE are not the only parents that find barney ugly or eyesore. My friends also but really bo bian, some kids just love!

Think as parents, we always have our own parenting manual, steps to do n not to do. AS time goes by, only left with few steps can be followed. haahahhaha cos ultimately, we will modify till suits our kids' kwan. My rae no TV all the way till go to c/c. Now elyse watches vcd everyday n yalor, like u n kieran oso, watch during mealtime or when I need relief to do smthing (packing to go out etc). Hb shake head but I really dun know how to leave her alone for 20min, thru out the day at home. WE get bonged together lah

Now issit left with the thigh???
Hahaha, Ryan is a bear, no wonder u call him Astrobear Chen in his blog.

Ash's NB photo looks pui pui. Chen Chen wz 2.74kg. He has a small stomach. He won't take a bite once he is full. He gained 2 kg ea mth tho, still belongs to 25 percentile
Thx for extracting the steps on how to create music in blog fm Ruffy 4 me.
For every new post u create, there is a "Link :" prompt under title of the post. There r 2 links after u uploaded the video clip in utube. Copy the bottom link n paste on the "Link :" prompt in the blogger

Can satisfy your dream of ridding on kiddy rides in Disney land.
I wanted to read to Chen Chen but unsuccessful. He always snatch the book in my hand. He is interested only in n animal story book 2 wks ago. I juz updated tis in Chen Chen's blog last 9. Chen Chen looked @ the lips of whoever talking to him since he wz v v young, few mths old. He looked n tried to produce sound. I guess dat's y he cld signal very distinctively when he 1 milk since he wz v v young
I guess Avocado, Sanrio n Lyn din read all the posts dat they missed your msg on Elyse suffered fm Rosealla.
How u know those sales lobang b4 u go to the shopping mall har

Eureka, Skyblue
I can't stand the sight of Barney too. Then ugly. Yucks!

Can't agree more. I c those boi's clothing in Fox, then ugly
V tiring to entertain a tod who doesn't wanna nap or sleep. Nat is probably not used to the mattress. She will get used to it after a while

Kieran chubby tho he wz sick
I sponge Chen Chen v v often when he had high fever. Bathed him as normal when he had those rashes
I off TV when Chen Chen is eating. Otherwise, he won't open his mouth n eat
Morning mummies,
<font color="0000ff">Rectifying your problems</font>
1. Having funny message underneath your utube picture.
Reason: must be copy and paste the wrong URL under it.
It should be the 3rd one Copy and paste video player.
I tried it and look okay leh..no weird stuff under the video clip.

2.saving the blog.
you can only save 1 full page of the blog in MS word each time..but the aligment will be out (photo + words are still there)
How to do it?
- Go to File athe top of the page then
- go to Edit with Microsoft Word
- a new window will pop up and import from your blog to MS Word..then u save as normal in MS Word.
That is the easiest way I have found so far.

But must do often lor.
You understand what I say??
Mom2Nat,saw your post regarding the scallops thanks for checking. I think the small ones can also be used for cooking porridge some mummies here are using. Btw, until now i haven't tried cooking porridge for Dana cause i forgot about the scallops i bought....until last weekend then i recalled,

Eureka, hope i won't give up also but hb dun have much patience for me in this aspect so it stresses me when i drive.

Lyn, you haven't fully recovered from your back injury after the fall?

yah I heard abt that buying things for #1 saying it is from #2. We will be going to buy something for Ethel.


me now feel so bloated although this #2 I only gained 8kg now......
Hi mommies.. Good morning

bb arrive already?? how's ur gramp?

Did u bring Ruffy to you to the labour ward? I brought mine leh..hahhaha.

Mommies w blogs,
can keep the link in the yahoo group? cos very hard for me to keep searching for the link leh. Or we dun use that group thingy anymore?

Ash looks good in white

hahhaa... so big reaction. yah, he eat the rice n cooked stuff for sushi. Also chawanmushi and udon. btw, chawanmushi uses sake for preparation.. y no mommy react to it har?

Yah, managed to catch hold of him before he went into the lift.. haiz, that's one place that all of us mommies should hold their hands real tight.

He LOOK charming only.. i told the mei mei "u so guai.." HE ! stand next to me, shake head vigorously! If i'm that mei mei, i'll kick him..

good luck!

ever thot of getting a p/t maid for a saturday to do major cleaning like changing all linens, disinfect the floor etc? hmm... dunnoe, if the virus is recurrent, mebbe its still lingering.

Majestic merry go round arh? hahhaha, the one in those movies w horses n carriages going round one? think it has a proper name that starts w 'C'

The give prezzie to 1st child thingy, its actually encourages in child psychology books. So no worries, u r not absurb.. just plain SUper Mom!

Actually hor, i think the speech/motor development both impromptu one.. the one u meant have to put in effort is the vocab buildup? the effort to 'input/expose' as much words as possible into their tiny brains so that they hv more words to express themselves?

where u see the scallops har? i've gotta top up mine soon.

kieran another happy boy.
Young at heart? Then shud be buying cartoony stuff right....???? But I dun leh.... jesse looks v washed out in pastel colours.........
Guess I'll let them choose when they know but for now, mama still chooses, mama's taste is not bad.... hahaha....

I buy their stationery too (Muji). They have this magnetic container that u can stick on the fridge and u can put pens inside... v cool....

Tonite going to Millenia to get the Ritz mooncakes..... paktor a short while with hb then go fetch jesse.... actually we are both v busy at work this week............

Buying pressie - I read about it, esp for arrival of twins, the book said that we have to buy a pressie for the first child cos he will be wondering how come suddenly all the attention on the other two... so I already told hb about it. I learnt a lot about twins pregnancy thru the reading I did....

U back at work? Hope all is fine.

U ok too??

Why dun u buy those books which have something for chen chen to do... ie like have fabrics for him to touch, or some sliding parts for his hands to slide...etc.. then maybe can capture his attention more....

Hb/I also dun like Barney, we always joke that after seeing him sure get nitemare...hehe... I think jesse prefers HI-5......

Fox - sama sama.

Hb was asking me about cake shop last nite and suddenly Wong's Cakeshop in TPY many years ago came to my mind.... u all remember or not, I still remember their cake boxes are with yellow chrysanthemum and tied with yellow ribbons..... used to have my b/day cakes from there too.

I opened the toy, easy assembly but a bit complicated for jesse to play, he was only interested in slotting in the coins...hahaha

Thanx for the info on floor area of flats, they really dun make them the way they used too.... ok, at least 5-rm has up to 115sqm. Bu 75sqm??? Wow... cannot imagine, if u are going to expand your family (which I assume u will), then beta get the 5 room............ who knows, we might be neighbours....haha....
The kids needs space to run about in the flat.......... U presently in 5 room flat???

Gtg.... talk later........
Nope..brought Happy instead.. Hubby hates Ruffy coz he occupies too much space in bed..also even though he is put in Ryan's room he frequently "walks back" into the room like Ryan
Often "threaten" to throw Ruffy away.. If he dares to throw him away. If he dares to do that I will throw away his Footy bear and his piggy(which has already been taken over by Ryan)
Hi mummies,
It has been a long time, long time since i last log in. How's everybody?? (pai seh :p, really no time to read all the past postings)

Eureka n Pringles,
Nice to catch up with u guys. Hope both your little darlings are better now.

Lots of things happening at home n work. Now trying to sort things out slowly. Maid decided to quit n we r wondering whether we shld send Ashley to infant care since she's eligible for CC in a few months time. But she still refuse solids till now n only eat small mouthfuls of selected food like yogurt, ban mian n chicken. Sigh....Think she will be starve to death if we were to leave her at CC.

How r u now??? Looking at the mess now, i really wonder what will it be like if there is a number 2. Ha, ha... but funnily, AShley is showing interests in caring for little ones (indication for No 2??!!!) She watches intensily when there's TV programmes on babies n she will sayang her teddy bear n try to bottle feed the bear.

I am fine, thanks. Thats good. Ashley is showing interest in small ones.... hmm... time to buck up, you and hubby. Ashley hinting now.... hahhaha.

me also preparing Ethel for the #2. she know mei mei in my stomach. sometimes she will sayang and last night, she repeated mei mei after me..... so sweet.....
Ohh.. hb dun like my teddy normally too.. but he's the one who brought him to hosp. hahhaha, but then again, mine not as big as urs.

I poor thing.. no one buy me bday cakes when young leh. My first cake gotta bake myself at 11yrs old
so dunnoe the cake shop u mention

hmmm ever thot Ashley might starts to eat when she sees other kids doing so in the centre?
2nd preg tummy usu shows faster. Maybe you too slim already so tummy got no space to hide.

Any bbs who have been sleeping fine in their cots and now insist on co-sleeping? Ally has been sleeping thru in her cot for the longest time but for the last month, she's been waking up in the night between 12am - 2am and insist on us carrying her to our bed. If we dun, she'll sit up and cry and move around til her head bangs against the sides of the cot. That'll leave us no choice but to carry her out and to our bed. We have been trying to move her back to her cot after she sleeps again but somehow she'll wake and object again. Sigh. In the beginning, I gave in coz she was down with the cold, but it continued even though she was better. And now she's started with running nose again.

Dunno whether Kushin-bo nice or not leh. When the discussion was on, me already preggie so no chance to try.
U go try and let me know? hee hee! Actually I also ate a little bit of raw fish when I had Ally. hee hee! This time, trying to be good but have already succumbed to eating vinegared fish at Sakae Sushi. Dunno can or not lah ... but buay tahan already.

Mooncake was good but made by my mom. Bought ingredients to make this sat already. Hopefully successful otherwise will have to come empty handed leh. Got white lotus paste and pandan paste. see how successful I become ok? But now worried that I may not be able to come coz Ally started with runny nose again. Hope shell get well by then otherwise I make and eat mooncakes myself. haha!
My teddy bears go for the occasional dry clean at the cleaners or else dump in the washing machine to wash. Not that difficult to maintain.
I did away with the cot when Ryan was 6mths. Now he sleeps on a matteress in his own room by himself. This morning came knocking on the door at 7.30am to call us to wake up. HE used to want to co-sleep but each time after he is asleep will push him back down to his matteress( when he was sleeping in the same room).. also try to minimise him sleeping between us coz end up both of us cannot sleep well with his headbutting/leg kicking etc.
remember my sis-in-law did that when no.2 was born. Not sure if I'll do it... maybe lah. But my bro was saying whether the kid can really remember that the bb gave her a pressie. Whatever it takes to ensure that positive feelings are developed between the 2 kids, I guess.

Will have to watch and see if the grandparents will sayang no. 2 more. think my in laws will still sayang no. 1 more for a while coz they're a bit lost with newborns. Think they enjoy playing with Ally now coz she can respond.

Ally is one big Barney fan. She watched it once and she was hooked. Now she insists on watching barney vcd everyday and she has the full set of big soft toys. Barney, BJ and Baby Bop. Think she's now into bb Bop. Also hated the characters before but no choice coz she likes the songs in there. Dun really wanna introduce Hi 5 yet coz dun really like the way they dress and sometimes the way they dance. Dun want my little girl to grow up too soon.

Cake shop? Cant remember name but think remember seeing the yellow ribbon with flower box. haha!

Hope you're recovering well. Pop in when you can ok?
What mattress do you use for Ryan? Is it the same one in the cot? Do you find it a bit small coz Ally will toss her and there all the time. Toying with the idea of getting a mattress also. Either that or a bed. Anyway, she'll need to leave her cot for no.2 by end Dec.
Sayang, sayang, next time if we ever get to meet, I buy u choc muffins ok???

Kushin-bo is ok, but if u keep ordering all sorts of stuff, the bill adds up. I kinda don't like sushi/sashimi anymore eversince I came back from tokyo... I ate quite a bit that first week or so there cos pregnancy was not confirmed at that time.......v fresh sushi from the fish market... yummy.....

The cakes quite nice one...

jesse exhibited the same behaviour when he was around Ally's age... firstly I think the cot is getting a bit cramped for them (unless ur cot is big)....secondly they are becoming more aware of their surroundings when they get up. We had to be 'hard-hearted', we just put him back to sleep and told him to sleep, we refused to carry him to the bed... of course he bawled till macham his lungs came out... but after a while he was ok.... it will take some nites of u or hb getting up from bed to reassure her but got to bring the msg that NO WAY is she going to co-sleep, can say nice things to her like 'Ally, mummy and daddy love u, but u need to stay and sleep in your cot. Be a good girl ok.' something like that, dun attempt to carry her.... dun give in. In fact I think u shud upgrade her to sleep on mattress or bed and not back to the bed with the two of you.
I use a normal adults single pocketed spring matteress for Ryan. The one in the cot is put at the side of that matteress incase he falls off the matteress
Eureka, Shook, StyloBB, Mom2Nat, Brenda,
I come back to work today, just away for 1 day, so many emails and missed calls, so sianz

Thanks for asking abt my sis and my grandfather.
My sis had decided to induce her bb, admitted to hospital last nite, last call fr her was 11 plus. But up till now still no news fr her or her hb. I sms her and my BIL at 7am, but no sms fr them leh .... i m still waiting anxiously for their calls. I hope my sis will hv a smooth delivery.
Tell u smthg very funni .... yesterday YH was smiling most of the time! We wondered is it becoz he knows he cousin is arriving soon

Dunno why he was so excited yesterday, keep kicking his legs when i hold him, by evening time, i got to paste koyok on my left shoulder blade and my left arm, and one on my forehead. But the headache was really killing me, so i took a panodol eventually.
My grandfather .... he got a growth on the left side of his neck, after seeing doc and some scan, it was discovered tt he got 3 growth in the nose (i told Eureka and Stylobb, one growth in the nose, but it was 3! my sis told me after she saw the report). My grandfather was supposed to be admitted end of this month, but after seeing the doc again last Fri, he has to be admitted earlier. BUT becoz he had stayed in SGH abt 2 mths ago due to a fall, TTSH doesnt want to ward him, instead, he got to travel to TTSH on separate days for the blood test, sampling of the growth in the nose (dunno the actual medical term) and the scan and seeing the doc for the report. The reason TTSH gave was, there was these stomach virus spreading in SGH during then, so to protect the TTSH patients, my grandfather cannot be warded. So my mum, my aunt and my uncles have to take turns to bring my grandfather for all the above activities on last Sat, yesterday, today and Thurs! The doc will decide the course of treatment for him when the report is out on thurs .... so for now, we wait.

I wont be going to ur hse this coming wkend. Since my sis is givng birth today, i would like to spend time with her and her newborn this Sat. Sunday is my niece's 1st b'day, my SIL is throwing a party for her, so my Sunday gone, left only Sat for me to cuddle my nephew. Thanks for the invitation, i will meet u and Gareth some other time.

Sorry, i will meet u and Jem some other time.

How's Kieran doing? Has he recovered fully liao? I didnt read the posts, just answered those tt addr to me. I hope Kieran has fully recovered.
I think Kieran has really put on weight. He is a very charming boy

My wedding photo, i didnt really show it to them lah, Hong found it by chance, and i mistook it was Stylobb who saw it b4, and she requested for it after i mentioned, so i showed it to her lor. R u bringing Kieran to Sentosa this Friday?? U dun mind the crowd? It might be crowded since it is sch holiday.

I really got no mood to work, waiting anxiously for my sis and her hb's call, dunno why her hb didnt reply my sms ... i dun wish to call him and disturb them if he is besides my sis, but i feel very unsettled, i just hope my sis will hv a safe delivery and my little nephew is safe and healthy, tt's all i ask for.
Ok thanks. Will prob upgrade her to mattress then and hope for the best. At least she won't knock her head everywhere. Only forsee her walking to our bed all the time.

Stylo, let's see how hardhearted I can get after upgrading her. Sigh.
Deer, don't worry too much lah.. maybe ur sister still in the labour ward...or maybe they too overwhelmed oredy, forgot to call
Looking at all your postings, I must be the most hardhearted mummy.... kkekekek

Ethel had been sleeping alone since she was born. Since she was 4 months old, she had been sleeping alone in her room on a sofa bed I bought at Seahorse......

She has a safety gate at her door. so if she wakes up, either she call for us on her bed or she will walk to the gate and call us.

It cant be too overwhelmed to call right?? I remembered i immediately call my parents when i was wheeled back to normal ward. both my father and my mum also didnt receive call fr them leh ....

My sis was only 1 cm dilated, the success rate for normal delivery with induction is 70% at 1 cm dilation. Actually she wanted to wait longer, with 3cm dilation, the success rate for normal delivery would hv increased to 90%, but the gynae said it might compromise the safety of the bb .... so we all encouraged her to be induced last nite. I really hope she will hv a smooth delivery, me very anxious now ....
How long was ur labour last time? Mine was abt 12 hrs. I was also induced, started fr 2cm.

I didnt call my BIL, i only sms him once this morn, but he didnt reply. I know what u mean, i hv gone thru it b4, i wont disturb him.
I think was 14 hours.. I can't rembr now, so slow to dilate... also induced... hb said he said until his bum became square!!
Hehe... we wait to hear good news soon....
Ur bil is probably together with ur sis, hp have to be off........

No worry

As 1 age, dun know abt u, some may switch to like red/pink bright colour leh. Lao hero/lao heow....me is one u know!

When I was younger, i luv blue, green. Then gets older, i luv earth tone. Then now, pink n all bright colours!!!!!! No time liao, if dun heow...........hehhehehe

Mummies, will get back.

I think my sis will try not to use epi, she is hving the same gynae as me, my gynae doesnt encourage epi. But my sis very scared of pain, think her threshold for pain is even lower than mine, last evening she kept asking me whether induction is painful. I hv to console her tt when she is inside the delivery ward, she will only be concerned with bb's arrival, and forget everything ....

Hahaha .... ur hb so funni, bum can turn square meh?!?!?!
14 hrs is really long, but i think time pass quite fast right?? I remembered i slept thru most of the time, woke up when contraction came on, then fell back to sleep again ....


I didnt know tt we hv to switch off hp in the delivery ward. Yeah, shld be, since there r so many equipments inside ... shld hv thot of tt. Me too anxious liao, my BRAIN not working today heheh ...

What is ur topic with StyloBB?? Colors of ur clothes?? U wear bright colors? Next time i must look out for bright color clothing when i m at my market/eatery places ;) When i was younger i wear paster color (mainly blue and pink) and white, then earth color and pink until now. all the while, white is my fav color for clothes.
I m in jeans and blouse/t-shirts most of the time now.
