(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

<font color="aa00aa">HI Pringles...mummies</font>
Have we become 'ah soh' liao? I grinned alot at ur post on bu our body, tou liang etc. I swear by it now. Perhaps age is catching up, n i am more conscious of all these bu.....i mean, if we r not healthy enuff, our kids n family ultimately affected......really got to pay more attention. Think give me more years, I will be at the stadium doing qi kong liao....more conscious then!
Ironically, we see more elderly exercise in the morning than the younger ones rite? Some men only exercise when their IPPT ard the corner....some1 in my hse is doing it now...hahahahah

For decades, I shunned vitamins, artifical pills. Even at my 1st confinement, I shook head at wat brand chicken essence, dom, tonic soup....AVOID at all cost. Then I fell sick rather often after tat. So i started popping some healthfood n I really think my current body is much more stronger than during my 1st afterbirth n i am handling 2 kids currently!

So bu bu bu, take more fruits, drink more homecook boiled soup, take vits necessarily.

Very aunty liao me.........cham lah!

<font color="aa00aa">HI Emily/PVL</font>
This evening at ur place, there is going to be some parade of floats etc, rite? Rae is all excited abt it. Wat abt Ethan n sarah?? THose lights, they sure love?

<font color="aa00aa">Emily</font>
ARe u expecting?

hi jaz,
i agree w d mummies. at tis stage, our bb need at least 2 solid meals a day. wat ashrel eats:
-150 to 180ml milk at 6 or 7am
- half slice wholemeal bread (if hse got bread) w cheese, 5 scoops organic multigrain cereal w steam mashed apple, or banana. some cheerios or gerber puff
- organic abc pasta in soup, w fish/chicken n vege added
- 180ml millk at 2pm
- (fruits or gerber puff or cheerios abt 3-4pm, but not evyday, depends on his nap tx)
- 1 big bowl brown rice porridge w fish/chicken n vege added
- 120ml milk at 7pm (i m trying to wean tis milk feed away)
Before bed:
- 180ml of milk at abt 8.30-9pm

generally ashrel is quite a big eater n big size so perhaps the other mummies can share on wat n how much their bb eat.

usually brkfast i mus 'pian' him. other meals dun need. i on vcd, 1st give him 1 cheerio or puff then tell him, u eat 3 scoops of cereals, mummy give u biscuit okie. if he refuse, i'll throw some cheerios into his cereal n show 2 him then feed him. i let him self-feed few spoonfuls at tx n he enjoys tat.

sori i so lou so...
dear mummies
ashrel is big (11kg++ at 1yr old) n i was a bit paranoid, got worried cos many mummies here all said their bb of average size n next tx he will b obese. gd tat there's tis pd church frd who alwy assure me, he is of gd size, why i wori. many mummies came to her 'sigh n sigh' cos their bb dun eat well, i shd b happy. n oso he is d super active type, of course he needs more food to sustain his high energy level.
n of course eureka alwy tell me, ashrel 'where got' big! keke..
Yup, Ashrel is big and eats quite a lot.

Today I met another mommy and bb. The boy is 9 months old, 10kg... when they saw Nat... they say she is so petite!!!
U also bring ur kids to Dr Ong EK? Me too!!
Alicia has been seen by him since she was born in tmc. Hmmmm.....since u've checked with him, now i'm thinkin of switchin to full cream milk powder for her, any brands he recommended? If not, i'll ask him next month during her chicken pox vacc.

I agree with u on the "bu" and "tou liang" knowledge.....i was never into it all along no matter how much my mom used to persuade me to drink. Now, some senses finally knock into my head:p We women are loosing blood every month, of course it makes sense to bu or else we tend to be slightly anaemic....unlike men.They can afford to donate blood more frequent..heehee.
No la....don't put it that way...don't say ah sor leh....last time we were simply innocent young girls who know nothing about taking care of the body..now, we are experienced mothers!
Nat put the pump of the moisturiser into her mouth, then i took it out from her. And it scratched her gums, somewhere where her molar is, saw it bleeding slightly, dunno if tat piece of flesh came off or not!!
Hi Sanrio,
Tks for getting back to me regarding the brown rice. I will try 1 more time n see how...maybe the brand tat i buy is not so gd?? I dun remember during Rae's time, there is such grainy output problem?!

HEY.......Ashrel diet is almost same as Elyse except she does not have breakfast n those snack....gerber or cheerio. She has those only during outing to keep her occupied while we eat! Then her milk feed is 240ml n almost 500ml of water per day. But her size is nowhere in comparison to Ashrel! Wonder y?? Besides, she still extort our adult food very occasionally!

Ashrel is proportional to me, big size but nothing to overly bak bak type

Hi Mum2nat,
ayoh....i know u sure panic when u saw her putting that into her mouth n took it swiftly frm nat? then the scratch came along.....I tsk u leh. This always happen to my hb n i always nag at him. u r little situational mishandling but my hb is really rough. Elyse always kena slammed by him real hard, letting go her b4 she stablises!

No worry lah, just monitor n watch out if she is uncomfortable due to missing or ruptured skin!

Hi Pringles,
Ayoh, we no more innocent young girls ah? hahahhahah..........So well said! Perhaps now our family n kids need us, we need to take care of ourselves more cautiously, that's why more health conscious liao. But the best is like SHook, exercise......

I quote fernleaf to Dr Ong n asked if it is full cream milk. HE said yes n added Nestlac or Nespray to the list. I saw the new packaging of 'Dulgrow' (cant remember the spelling) n may try that for rae.....

Weekdays, i will have not much posting again.....u all have nice week ahead!
U all realise we sahms post more over the wkends.....as depict here......??...
.....in sequence here.....
U try to prepare porridge wif stock, Hope Aloy likes the porridge cook wif stock
Agree wif Mom2Nat, juz a meal of porridge a day for tod is not enuff. When bb reach 1 yr old, milk is not the main food. U try to give Aloy snacks like biscuit, cheese, yoghurt, bread n fruits in b/w meals. Bsides porridge, u can give vege like potato, sweet potato n pumpkin. Can mix 2 or more types of vege. Can oso give pasta
Gives Aloy a variety of food, he gets sick if u give him the same thing all the time
Dun need to feel sad dat Aloy's wt is under low percentile. Dat is a ref to tell dat your child belongs to the minority wif dat wt range. As long as Aloy is happy n active. Dun worry unnecessarily

I wz referring to dried scallop
O deer, Nat put pump of moisturiser into her mouth, did she swallow the moisturiser?
Do u keep long nails?

Elyse is not the san po type. Dun hv to worry abt her wt. Perhaps she has light bone? My mum (agn) said gal r usually lighter. <font color="119911">Mom2Nat</font> dun use Ash's wt as a yardstick
Talking abt Dr ONg....hahhahha.....elyse gave him a fright during the consutation!

While talking to dr Ong, Elyse crawled underneath the table n meddle with his pc! Dr Ong was taken aback...hahhhaha....just like here!


IN action here, daily routine....


I didn't use Ash's weight as a yardstick. I think you misunderstood wat I meant. I am saying there is this bb, 9 months old already 10kg... and when his family saw Nat, they all went "She is so petite!!"... So I am starting to wonder Nat really small ah... If compare Nat and Ash... not tat big diff leh.. Nat is 10+kg, Ash is 11+... and he is a boy. I think maybe tat bb is big! Hee...
No she din swallow the moisturiser. She put the pump.. you know some big bottle of mositurisers got pump, she put tat part in then I pull out lor.. must be painful. And yes, my nails not short.
Haha... just read abt the "pian" Ash during breakfast. Same leh, I have probs feeding her breakfast... Esp cereal. 3 tbs oso difficult. Dunno isit like my hubby, got attitude prob in the morning one!

I spent $110 in Fox on Fri. Faint right? But 1/2 are gifts lah. Cos Nat has a lot of clothes, only need more bottoms.

Elyse is really cute and pretty lah, I can't imagine you say she was ugly leh. There is something abt Elyse tat makes her v cute, maybe the way she sees things and explores ard. Such a darling. Where did you get her 3/4s from? I am looking for something like tat for Nat.

Nat just woke up, cry non stop for 15 min or so, refuse to let us carry her. I think I caused her gums to swell, can see, look like a piece gana scraped, then still there, so swollen. She cry and cry, dunno isit pain pain...
Hi mommies!

Eureka, have float at my place? Hmmmm... I am at the office the whole day so didn't know. btw, am still here...

Rae excited? Hmmm... so how did it go? Was it good? Poor Ethan has to sleep without mommy tonight.
No lah... you never read posts... my yi ma came already. Now gotta work hard hard to lose the weight... but knowing me so lazy... sure dun care to do that one.. :p

Shook, was nice metting you at the pool. I went to office this morning... then met my hb and maid at suntec for Ethan's swimming lesson, then went to my mom's place for dinner and then back to office. A little tired now. But other than that, fine. So, did you enjoy the lesson? Will you be joining?
Tsk tsk....poor nat,ayoh, heartpain. Cannot scold u but still tsk tsk, must be real pain. Dun think it's ur nails that caused the scratch, rite? It must be the pump that u have pulled away suddenly.........got to b more careful next time.
In the end, how did u pacify her?? Cried till tired n slept?

The bottom, think i bot frm some JL warehse sale...$1.90 or $3.90......me very cheapo mum, always hunt for such buy. Kids' clothing, i wont invest, esp me not going to have #3 n they really outgrow very fast!

$110......wow........that's alot! Standby gifts ah?

OEI......lopsided ah, still at office! HOW CAN! SUNDAY n working at that wee hour!

Float, i will ask Rae abt it today. Probably he will tell some alien topic to his teachers/schoolmates again today that make them no head no tail, like wat he uttered to Brenda...hahahah.......brenda freaked out then.

Lose weight....So long as my BMI does not reflect obesity, i also doing nothing....oooops....very unhealthy lah....

yi ma came ah.....also gd news lah....
Tsk tsk....poor nat,ayoh, heartpain. Cannot scold u but still tsk tsk, must be real pain. Dun think it's ur nails that caused the scratch, rite? It must be the pump that u have pulled away suddenly.........got to b more careful next time.
In the end, how did u pacify her?? Cried till tired n slept?

The bottom, think i bot frm JL or robinson...
$110 on foxbb......wow........that's alot! Standby gifts ah?

OEI......lopsided ah, still at office! HOW CAN! SUNDAY/monday n working at that wee hour! U ALONE?

Float, i will ask Rae abt it today. Probably he will relate as some alien topic to his teachers/schoolmates again today that make them no head no tail, like wat he uttered to Brenda...hahahah.......brenda freaked out then.

Lose weight....So long as my BMI does not reflect severe obesity, i also doing nothing....oooops....very unhealthy lah....

yi ma came ah.....also gd news lah....

Our bbs really very cute nowadays hor? PILs brought elyse to harbourfront n according to them, there are many kiddies rides there. SO each one they will load her on it n take foto. For the 3rd 1 in the row, it was occupied n PILs thus gave it a miss. Then they proceed n later realised elyse talking or negotiating with the kids on the kiddie ride! Pointing n blabbling away. Probably negotiating with them to get down or u she goes up? Very comical n cute, rite?
I thot u even got the Xian qin of taking pic of Elyse touching PD's CPU
Chen Chen loves to ransack cabinets n drawers. In the past, he stood in front of the dr of the cabinet so dat his body blocked the dr n he cldn't open it. Now, he stands aside n open the dr then ransack the things inside
Elyse is so sweet n pretty in dat attire in the kitchen ransacking your kitchen drawers. Gd buy nice n cheap. Next time sms me when u c such lobang leh
Elyse the borned negotiator

Dat 9 mth old bb muz b a gaint! He is bigger than our giant Ash here
Is it n empty moisturiser bottle?
B more careful next time wif your long nails when handling Nat. But then when in emergency like dat, we never think of our nails. I scratched Chen Chen b4 wif my long nails. Luckily no scratch on him
Do u apply bonjala (dunno the spelling) on Nat's gum? The swelling part muz b painful

R u a workolic or your boss is a slave driver? Working till 3am on Sun!!
Chen Chen enjoyed the swim. Won't b joining the swimming lesson. I juz wanna c how to teach bb to swim n teach Chen Chen myself. Muz make full use of the facility mah then the maintenance fees I pd won't go to waste.

Absolut, Eureka, Brenda
Went to Fox @ Suntec, nothing much for boi. Fox bb r cute. Dun like Fox kids. The material either no gd or too thick
MOrning mommies..

yah, 'ze ge ze ge' is jem's consistent words nowaday. I guess he picks it up from the centre since we dun speak much chinese. Cute initially but irritating now..hahha
So any purchase made in Fox?

It's okay if Aloy is not ready for the minced meat et.. It's more for flavour actually. But compare to whole lean meat, u can try every now n then to see if he's ready for it. I agree w Shook, porridge cooked w stock is much more yummy. Jem's eating 3 meals, 4 x 180ml milk + 2 teabreaks per day. Slowly introduce Aloy to more meals alas it might cause indigestions.

yeah! i was intending to move jem into neslac next mth... u ease my mind!
Yeah eureka! me still reading toddlers' book top see if they speaks in such a way?? hahha, wan to prep myself alas jem's turn i push him away saying,"eee.. y u crap like dat?" But seems like most books dun mention.. but my aunt says quite norm.
Oh yah, been wanting to ell u.. jem received the Wheels on the Bus vcd on his bdae n he luvs it too.. should hv get it when u recommended..hahah

Moms, some news..
hehhe.. jem starts to stand on his own on saturday for a while.. too bad sin record. caught us off guard totally.

One bad news.. me been bleeding since saturday. when to kkh n doc says bb might not be growing well. Only will now result tomm...haiz
Wat you say is true, the material at Fox not tat good leh. Esp the tshirts. Then the long pants oso quite thick. You have to dig and find then maybe can find one good one. Tats why I ended spending 1 hr there.
Not my nails scratch Nat, it is the moisturiser bottle pump.

Nat was crying and crying lor, then dun let us carry, kept crying on the bed... I tired to look into her mouth, can see the flesh swollen, and got blood. so end up we brought in some toys into the room, then she play play... Then I gave her a bit of milk, then she lie in her bed suck her finger then slept liao lor... Must be painful.
shook, what type of dried scallops should be buy if want to give bb? i saw many different types ranging from $17 to $24 per 100g. Small are very small and round compared to the rest.

Eureka, i brought Dana to see 2 different PDs last week when she was sick. At near 1 year old, she is only about 8.1Kg. Her weight only increase by about 500g since 9th month. PD was saying probably due to genes bec daddy is skinny so dun have to worry. Nevertheless i asked if there is any supplements to take so he gave vitamin B12 to improve appetite. Think for elyse case she is eating quite alot already so could be due to genes or her high activities? How is daddy's size like? Wow, elyse can drink 500ml of water, really a water lover, i can barely make Dana drink 100ml of water per day.

Brenda, pls rest as much as you can, keep us updated. Hope your bb is okay.

Mummies, any of you know what is the difference between peach and nectarine?
Hi Pringles,
Wow, thanks for sharing ur xin1 de2 with me/us
U sound like an expert in bu3 and tou4 liang2 ... btw, what do u eat to bu3? And what is tou4 liang2?? Drink more liang2 cha2? Care to share with me what r the tou4 liang2 methods? Thanks
Think Shook mentioned b4 sleeping is a luxury .... YH cries at around 3-4 am every nites for the past 2 weeks or so, think he is hungry in the middle of the nite, i got to get up and bf him, and i cant get back to sleep again. The only way for me to yang3 shen2 is to take a nap during lunch time.

so our boys sama sama, wake up in the middle of the nite .... sigh ....
U very health conscious, make time to do exercise, really pei fu u. I stayed above 20 storeys, dun think i got the stamina to climb all the way up.

Initially i thot u were Jas, another mummy who posted here .... then i realised u r Jaz, Aloy's mummy. I guess u must be much better now, glad to see u here

Think i long time didnt see Elyse's photos liao .... i always like to see her "Elyse in action" photos, she really looks like a curious little kitty ;)
Mummy has a good dress sense, Elyse looks good in her white singlet and colorful pants.

Nat so poor thing ... dun feel too guilty, think bb heal very fast, most likely by afternoon he gum will be ok liao. Hopefully next time u will be more zai, dun feel too panicky and remove stuff more gently ... i know it's easier to say than done.

U and hb must be very excited to see Jem standing up on his own!
Dun worry, u will hv more chances to record him on doing so in the next few weeks ;)
R u still bleeding today? Do u want recommendation on seeing a private gynae instead of going to KKH? Take good care of urself.

After skimming thru the posts on how much bb eat, i nearly fainted, wondered whether i can ever get YH to eat tt much. YH is actually quite skinny, can see his ribs when i change him. I m still giving him 1 meal of porrige, abt 1/3 of the adult bowl in the afternoon. The rest of the time he is on FM or breast milk. 150 ml FM each feed. He is 8 mths old now, u think i m feeding him too little?
Peach the skin a bit furry and flesh softer, nectarine is smooth skin, more reddish colour, and flesh crunchier.

Thanks. I saw her gums just now. Looks like the flesh gana scraped out, but still partially attached there.
I am not sure which one is sweeter. Cos depends on the season and blah blah.. Dana is 1 already, can let her try a lot of things...
Deer, you ask those mums that I IM, me oso sick on mthly basis since march this year.... everytime tyra is sick, i will fall sick too.. dunno whether i pass the virus to her, or she to me....

Mom2Nat, dun feel too bad, it's an accident, and accidents do happen... now jus do wat you can to make her feel better....

Pringles, really lots to learn from you regarding all the traditional and natural foods to take to bu and tao liang....

Brenda, why are u still sitting at the PC? Can you go n rest?

SAHM, elyse so well dressed at home ah? like going "Gai gai" like tat! She is really a darling....
U must be very bo eng wif Elyse rummaging thru ur drawers. Kieran is learning to open my bedside drawers too. Haiz...

Nope, I stopped giving Kieran the reflux FM ever since he started solids. When i 1st tried the barney vcd, kieran was not interested too. Then i persisted by sitting wif him n singing along, so now he's okie wif barney. U only give ALoy 1 solid feed a day? Kieran is now on 3-4 solid feeds each day cos it's so difficult to feed FM. He's only on abt 2-3 FM feeds now, n same as nat, each day like drink less than 600ml of milk.

Rest in bed as much as u can. Dun move abt to much. Dun carry heavy things. Eh, i thot i oredi saw Jem standing up at sahm's pl dat time?
hi mummies...
morning... wat a sunday for me... edi knocked his face agst my mil's bed yest while trying to pull himself up and bled... cried so badly... but oni a bit of blood... was ok after we took out some toys.

then nite time... during his usual washup, he pee-ed halfway thru and wet my whole bed. even wif plastic sheet and using a cloth to cover his "precious" oso no use!

then during his bedtime feed, i felt a rush of warmth while he was drinking milk, dunno why his pee jus shot sideways and wet his pants! so after his milk, had to change his diapers and pants. (he's wearing PP somemore)...

THEN... tried to put him to sleep but he kept turning and turning in bed... then he suddenly sat up and face became all red! urgh! nw it's poo! so i rush to get the potty for him... sigh... he oni managed to sleep at 10pm...

oh dear... bleeding as in alot of blood? or spotting... take care okie? are u at work??? u shld be resting at home leh!

wow... ashrel reali has a big appetite. up to nw, i still dun feed edi much bfast cos he wld wan milk again for his morning nap. his schedule is like dat: 7am - 180ml milk, 8am-some bread and fruit puffs or biscuits, 10am- 195ml milk, 1230pm-lunch, 3pm-210ml milk, 630pm-dinner, 9pm-195ml milk.

nice seeing u here in forum... i was more active here last week, but didnt see u online much.

oh dear... dun wori... little ones' wounds heal much faster than us adults... hope nat gets beta soon.

need rush off for an audit nw... i come back later!
soyabean n eureka,
looks like ashrel is no longer d champion milk drinker here. previously 210ml n 6 feeds a day now cut down to abt 4 feeds n each feed is 150-180ml. he eats a lot of solids (in qty), me d mummy dun even eat tat much. at tx, he can fin 1.5 full bowl (western soup bowl size) of pasta!

wah! elyse drks a lot of water. how i wish ashrel loves water
if put anythg other than milk (even juice) in his bottle, he will throw the bottle at me. agn hav to 'pian' n spoonfeed him water. use cup, a few sips dun wan liao. so his water intake is fr milk, soup n water in cereal/porridge.

soyabean n mom2nat,
sori to hear tat edi n nat injured themselves. dun feel bad, mummy. bb's skin heals real fast. tat tx ashrel hit his lips at swensens (bled quite a lot n i can c d big crack line), v fast his lips was okie completely.

10.5kg at 4.5mth, wah tat's v heavy. fat fat ashrel (then his cheeks n thighs so chubby, my bro gave him tis nick) was abt 9kg at 6mths.

u take care n mus rest more
evythg will b fine

peach softer than nectarine wen both are ripe. nectarine flesh is firmer. ashrel likes peach.
tink if i hav a girl, will evyday dress her up so nicely like elyse too. yup i saw many such nice pants/tights 4 girls n they are not ex. somtx at isetan scotts, they will brg in d 'made in jap' tights/shorts/pants 4 girls, v sweet n nice n of gd qlty. less than $10 or $5 per pc.
is ok. tks

me 1st tx gonna introd white rice/porridge 2 ashrel. can i noe wat is calrose rice? it's stated 'zhen zhu mi'. i not sure but jus buy. is it 'new rice' n more suitable for bb/kids??
seems like it's not a good weekend for some babies here.

Gareth knocked himself into the corner of the wall, and a line of blueblack on his face now. after knocking himself on the wall, he fall back and knock on the back of his head. *sigh*

This happen on sat night just after he finish his shower. So Sat and Sun night, he have being having nightmare and didn't really sleep well, and also, started to have running nose too.

Auntie saw him and ask, is he okay cos he look so restless today. So me just hope that he can rest well at my auntie's place today.

Soya and Mom2Nat,
Hope that our boys and girl will be fine after today.
not dat "new rice" is better for kids... jus dat it cooks easier i.e. turn nua faster, so some pple use new rice to cook prridge for their kids.

edi doesnt eat anything much besides his 2 meals... but he's still putting on weight... he's 10.5kg nw... i think cld be the milk.

hv u switched ashrel to enfagrow?

aiyoh... poor gareth... but i think he will rest well today, after such a hectic weekend.
elyse is such a darling!!

Gd to see that ur on the road to recovery! dunno if you rememeber me cos we only spoke briefly here ..my girl also reject milk like aloy? please take care and just rest well and dun think too much about work for the moment.

its a great decision! and the timing's great cos our kids are learning lots of things now and its wonderful that you'll be taking care of him yourself.

u take care too ...take plenty of rest and i hope everything will be fine for u!

Jana also has record breaking 3 knocks on her head yesterday ... guess its inevitable now that they are more mobile and exploring the world more
Last week I realise Jana's right toe bigger that her left toe. Brought her to PD and he said she probably sprained it, me n mum really puzzled how she sprained it!

calrose rice is just a differnt type of grain from the normal Jasmine rice we eat. Jasmine is long soft grain, while calrose is short soft grain, and most short soft grain has sticky texture e.g. Japanese rice also belongs to the short soft grain catergory. I bought brown calrose rice for Jana.

ouch! poor poor nat! anyway to relieve her pain ? else just give her more TLC these 2 days yah ....

ur rite abt fox's clothings, not all r gd, really hv to dig thru to find the gd ones. but this is a gd season to buy, the subsequent new batches will be for fall and they r not suitable for Singapore weather, that's y i dun mind buying more now. I managed to find 2 pieces at fox raffles city last Fri

eureka, pringles
i heard that dr ong ek is one of the top pd? wanted to switch to him but already sign a package with my current pd for all of Jana's jabs.
Thanks mommies. Just now I saw tat piece of flesh dangling on her gums...
Feel so bad I hurt her...

Jana sprained her toe? Then doesn't she feel painful?? Still as active... so cute one
hi mummies
so sorry that i have no time to reply u one by one...

yes, please take care! are u resting at home now? my colleague also bleed alot during her initial stage... she was given 1 or 2 weeks MC to rest at home. now she is ok liao... 3 more months will be her EDD. please rest more....

i told my hubby about rae complained there was ta bien in his milk bottle when u added ling yang... so cute.

elyse so adorable!!!!

oh no.... piece of flesh dangling on her gums????!!!!
poor bb.... hope she is ok...

sorry mummies... got to go back to work... tata....
I really laugh when u said Jem really said "ze ke ze ke" n u get irritated as it became his favorite words. Well, we celebrate n get to the top when our bb starts saying words. When they r proficient in talking, we find them irritating n nosy.
contradictory but normal
Din buy anthing fm Fox. I like the Fox bb which r too small for Chen Chen. Dun like Fox kid. Either material no gd or too thick or ugly
. Really nothing much for boi. Gals 1 a lot a lot
Chen Chen cld stand too n been praticising his new found skill agn n agn w/o support. He loves to do it on the ned n in the pool
O deer, u better rest more, dun rush here n there n stop doing hse work.

I browsed for abt 15 min then walked out liao. U mean dig in the "box"? @ least u got $110 worth of stuff. I went out empty handed
Dun feel bad. Give Nat 3 more - more saiyang, more endurance of her fuss, more kai kai

I got big n small scallop. Find dat small scallop is better for cooking porridge. It gets soft faster (juz soak over 9 or 2 days will do) Big 1 soak 1 wk then soft.

Is YH teething?
U dun hv to walk all the way fm level 1 to your hse. U can walk as many levels as u can then take the lift to your hse. Can oso alight a bus stop or a mrt station b4 your hse or office so u get to walk more
Food is impt yes exercise is equally impt. Some thing like HDL can only increase by exercising
My hubby tries many times to record Chen Chen standing but to no avail
I introduced porridge n cereal to Chen Chen on the 8th mth. He had vege or cereal for breakfast n porridge for lunch. Drinks 2x milk when I m in the office. Latch on 4 or 5 times when I m home. Abt the same as wat YH eats

Poor poor Gareth, Jana n Edi. Aunty give n angel
Mom2nat, Eureka, Sanrio, Shook, Brenda, Skyblue
I dun noe how to increase aloy's intake of porridge leh? tat's y now he's still having 1 meal per day only. Sometimes, even lunch time he also dun want porridge. Yes, i did give him snacks in between his milk feeds like bread, biscuits, banana. Sometimes, we did give him the food tat we eat but he dun take much either. He's now taking 210ml of milk per feed &amp; one day he will have at least 4 milk feeds. i am still giving aloy canton style of porridge, dun noe is it bcos the porridge is tasteless, tat's y he dun like? mayb i shud try using stock to prepare his porridge, but usually i dun boil soup for lunch leh &amp; boiling a bit juz to prepare his porridge is very cumbersome leh. me bad mummy hor.

u mean blending the porridge into smooth paste as in cooking it in the slow cooker until like those canton style porridge rite?
My boy also take very little solid.. so normally will add some bovril inside or give him other stuff rather then porridge. Sometimes give him rice, pasta, or add yoghurt/ice-cream to the meal and he will eat "faster".
ashrel really can eat alot but dun think he's big size leh.
maybe i will use ur 'pian' method one of these days. hehe

got to go, aloy crying now, others reply later
Shook, soak overnite then the water pour away or can use to cook the porridge? If pour away water and cook with porridge not sure if the taste can come out bec i grind the rice for dana and takes only 10-15 min to cook.

Still feeling down today, went raffles city for some retail therapy during lunch. Went fox, in such a big mess, i just grab a few to make my trip worth. Those who are still keen on the natural flavor cheerios, saw a few at marketplace.
The kind of scallops to get it really depends on ur family. Like bird nest's, its differentiated into grades.
I agree w Mom2nat, Dana old enuf to eat both kinds.. mebbe let her try n see which one she likes.

Hahah Deer,
u also worry abt YH's diet too? cannot ask cos u din come leh us see ur genes to decide if he's supposed to be small size anot :p
mebbe u increase the milk intake by another scoop.. if he's taking in more then it means he's ready to take in more milk...

he stand w support for some tx already.. this tx round stand up on his own.

try intro trainer cup again? jem doesn't drink other 'drinks' in his milk bottle too. but when drinking water from his sippy.. he can take a lot of plain water.

yah.. it really gets super irritating when they starts to blabber their new found vocab.
Hahah.. guess what? u suddenly reminded me that i should no longer think of Foxbb cos jem 1yr old liao..hahaha
Yeah! Chen Chen also same same w jem now?

think we r all moving into the 'knock knock here, knock knock there' phase! Sayang to all bbs who got knock knock last week! hope this week can be more 'zai' yah!
Elyse so sweet &amp; pretty with tat white &amp; colourful attire, how i wish i have a girl now so tat i can dress her up everyday.
I sometimes steam her porridge, with chicken and veg, then lazy to mash so blend. Cos I dunno why ALoy dun like porridge, isit the texture, taste or?? So try every way lor. If taste, then try more sweet potatoes and pumpkin... meaning porridge is only 50% of the bowl or lesser, the rest are other stuff. If texture then blend it. They have to learn to chew, but if Aloy dun even want to eat, how to learn to chew?? Since you give biscuits, i guess he knows how to chew. Cos for Nat, she likes the slow cooker texture... prob v soft.
You give porridge or cereal for his dinner, maybe today or tmrw. Abt 2 hours b4 tat dun give him snacks or else will spoil his appetite for dinner.

Take care leh... stop reading and typing... go and rest~

Sorry ah, not much time to read thru all msg, need to cook for Nat again. I am wondering, does any mommy here cook porridge in the slow cooker for their bb for 2 meals?? Or cook both meals separately? Do you all still blend or steam or cook in the pot liao?
how r u now? r u working today?

mom2nat, soya, pigletz
hope ur kids r ok now.

hi deer
u noe me &amp; aloy, we din chat b4 leh.
yap, me feeling better now, tks.

of course i remember u &amp; jana.
jana still reject milk now?
tks for your concern.
how's jana toe now?
we can give our kids full cream milk now?
how to intro to them as they have been taking FM all the while? won't they reject it as the taste will be different rite?

i use the slow cooker to jus cook the porridge, and steam the stuff.

shook, jaz, brenda...
edi is fine nw... guess they reali forget pain very fast...
